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2023-2024INSTRUCTIONALSUPPLIES WaterfordPublicSchools
Fuel Oil
• For Fiscal Year 2024, the Waterford Board of Education will only be using fuel oil for generator use at four of our schools. Clark Lane Middle School does not have a generator. The estimated price for fuel oil for 2023-2024 is $4.00 per gallon.
• For Fiscal Year 2023, Electrical Generation is 0.0919. During the Fiscal Year 2022, an energy efficiency project was completed. It is expected to reduce usage by 26.5%, but is accompanied by costs of $241,536 per year for the next 4 years to pay off the equipment costs. The increased request is based on increasing transmission costs from the utility provider.
Natural Gas
• Clark Lane Middle School has been using natural gas as ofwinter 2018.
• The high school will continue to heat the pool area, auditorium, and gymnasium with natural gas.
• Quaker Hill Elementary School uses natural gas primarily in the cafeteria.
• Propane is used in all cafeterias to heat hot water and in the front office at Great Neck and Oswegatchie Elementary Schools.
• The cost of water is based on usage and a fee that is based on the size (diameter) of the pipe.
• The cost of sewer is based on a fixed monthly fee as well as a fee for water consumption and usage.
Maintenance and Repair
• There are several accounts in this category, all pertaining to the cost of contracting maintenance services such as security monitoring, alarm system (burglary, refrigerators, sewer, boiler) specialized electrical, heating and plumbing, roof repairs, floor machines, inspections, service contracts, snow removal, vehicle maintenance, and fire extinguishers.
Maintenance Equipment
• Tools and equipment with a unit cost excess of $500 and having a life expectancy of more than one year will be charged to this account to allow for better tracking of expenses.
Maintenance Supplies
• In order to monitor and track maintenance expenses more closely, this account has been subdivided into several specific accounts. The new account structure includes individual accounts for electrical supplies, air filters, and plumbing supplies. These are in addition to vehicle, custodial, paint, pool, and general supply accounts. The budgets for these categories cover the costs of cleaning, preventive maintenance, and repairs for the district. Supplies for cleaning are consumables products. Supplies for maintenance are used for preventive maintenance and repairs which are done by Waterford Public School’s personnel labor. Supplies for the pool include special cleaning products for the pool deck, pool chemicals, and maintenance of the chemical controller.