5 minute read
Advanced Photography
This course is designed for students who have a serious interest in pursuing photography as a life‐long hobby or career. Students
will perfect their picture taking skills using a professional quality DSLR camera, and enhance the images using Photoshop and enter
the solution to an assigned weekly photo challenge in a friendly competition with their classmates to determine the photo of the
Prerequisite: Photography
Credit: 0.5
Students will understand how to properly adjust a DSLR camera to achieve desired results. Students will produce professional quality photos. Students will be knowledgeable of career opportunities in the field of photography.
Essential Questions
What camera adjusts can be made to achieve desired results? What is the technology systems model and how does it work to solve problems? What are the only two reasons for failure? What is Photoshop and what is it used for?
Knowledge and Skills
It takes extensive training and a lot of practice to take professional quality photographs. Taking professional quality photographs combines picture taking skills with advanced digital enhancement techniques, marrying photography with art. Practice makes perfect.
Instructional Strategies
Students will enhance their skills by using a variety of Photoshop techniques to alter their digital images on the computer using Photoshop software and produce a photographic print that will be submitted into a competition to determine the photo of the week.
Evidence of Learning
Appropriate performance on assigned photo challenges.
Students will utilize several different methods to create a selection in order to create a layer using Photoshop. Students will modify and arrange the layers to enhance the image. Students will create layer masks to embellish the image. Students will use advanced Photoshop techniques to create digitally enhanced the image.
Essential Questions
What are the different ways of getting a good selection using Photoshop? What Photoshop tools are most the useful? What are layers and how are they used in Photoshop to enhance a digital image? What is a layer mask and how are they used in Photoshop to embellish a digital image?
Knowledge and Skills
Photoshop is a professional quality digital enhancement software program that is used to create digitally enhanced images. State of the art digital photography combines picture taking skills with digital enhancement techniques, thus marrying photography to art It takes extensive training and years of practice to become a Photoshop technician. It takes extensive training and years of practice to become a professional Photographer.
Instructional Strategies
Students will digital alter their image using a variety of Photoshop techniques and then create a photographic print and submit it into a competition with their classmates.
Evidence of Learning
Appropriate performance on student evaluation and/or classroom participation.
Communicate in Standard English
Read and understand a variety of materials
Evaluate information to interpret events and make informed responses
Apply scientific principles to solve problems
Utilize technology to organize and solve problems
95 Exceptional
Student accurately completed the photo project worksheet using proper spelling and English grammar. Student has mostly completed the photo project worksheet and/or has made some spelling and grammar mistakes.
Student has partially completed the photo project worksheet and/or has made many spelling and grammar mistakes.
Student has either made a poor attempt at completing the photo worksheet or has utilized unacceptable spelling and grammar.
Deduct 5 points for each class assignment is late.
Student has searched the internet and has recorded four websites on the worksheet as benchmarks to challenge and test their abilities prior to planning their picture solution.
Student has searched the internet and has recorded three websites as benchmark sources prior to planning their picture solution. Student has searched the internet, and has recorded only two websites, or has done the research after the photo was taken. Student has searched the internet, but has recorded only one website. Research not done.
Student has evaluated his/her photo project solution and has an excellent idea of what could have been done differently to get better results next time, and has accurately assessed his/her own performance within 10 points. Student has a good understanding of what could have been done differently to get better results, but no a total understanding, and has assessed his/her own performance within 11‐20 points.
Student has a partial understanding of what could have been done differently to get better results, and/or has assessed his/her own performance within 21‐30 points. Student has little understanding of what could have been done differently to get better results, and/or has assessed his/her own performance more than 31 points different from the teacher’s grade. Evaluation not done.
Student fully understands and utilizes the Technology Systems Model to solve assigned problems, and applies the proper scientific principles.
Student has a good understanding of the Technology Systems Model, has adequately followed the process in completing the assigned problem, and mostly applies the proper scientific principles.
Student has a partial understanding of the Technology Systems Model, and has only partially completed the problem worksheet, and understands basic scientific principles.
Student has little or no understanding of the Technology Systems Model, has done little to complete the problem worksheet, and does not understand how to apply basic scientific principles. Technology Systems Model worksheet not completed.
Student shows exceptional skills in utilizing all photography equipment and technologies, and has produced an exceptional photograph.
Student shows exceptional skills in utilizing all photography equipment and technologies, and has produced a good photograph. Student shows partial skills in utilizing all photography equipment and technologies and/or has produced a fair photograph.
Student shows little skill utilizing all photography equipment and technologies, and/or has produced a poor photograph. Student has not produced a photo.
85 Proficient
75 Minimal
65 Inadequate
55 – 0 Student Evaluation
Total Score Score/5 = Grade %
Teacher Evaluation
Photoshop CS Down and Dirty Tricks, Scott Kelby, New Riders Publishing, 2004.
Unit 1: How to Take Professional Quality Photographs Unit 2: Advanced Photoshop Skills
Quarter 1 Quarter 2