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Mobile Computer Science
In this course, the high school student will learn computer science principles by building socially useful mobile apps. In addition to
programming and computer science principles, this project‐based course emphasizes writing, collaboration, communication, and
creativity. Students will also learn to analyze the target audience and user profile, so important when designing a new app.
Exposure to the mobile app industry, career possibilities, and discussion of ethical issues relating to computers will also be important
threads in this course.
Credit: 0.5
Students will be able to discuss the advantages of mobile apps over programs on home computers. Students will be able to describe careers and opportunities in the field of mobile app development. Students will be able to differentiate between various mobile platforms. Students will be able to differentiate between the two major operating systems, Android OS and Apple iOS, then explain their advantages and disadvantages. Students will be able to describe the history of Android and Opensource. Students will be able to describe the attributes of a successful app.
Essential Questions
How important are mobile apps on the current and future social, economic, and recreational needs of people? How are mobile apps similar? What are inherent differences among them? What traits make an app successful?
Knowledge and Skills
The creation of mobile apps is a burgeoning career which is only restrained by the inventor’s imagination. While there are several operating systems running today’s mobile devices, two are the most popular: Android OS and Apple iOS. All good apps have several inherent characteristics: Connectivity, convenience, localization, reachability, security, and personalization.
Instructional Strategies
Students will be taught using several methodologies. Direct instruction, student‐created Power Point presentations, and group‐led practice will be used.
Evidence of Learning
Students will present assigned research to the class. Examples will include “most useful app”, “traits of a quality app”, and others. Students will then develop an idea for an app, then present it to the class.
Students will be able to explain how basic computer programming relates to mobile app development. Students will explain why android‐based apps use Java. Students will be able to demonstrate how to create a basic computer program including variables, methods, control structures, data support, and user input. Students will explain what is meant by debugging, and how to apply it within a mobile app program. Students will create a text‐based mobile game app.
Essential Questions
How will a basic understanding of computer programming help a mobile app developer become successful? Why is Java the preferred programming language for the Android mobile app? Is a basic mobile app hard to develop? A complex one?
Knowledge and Skills
A mobile app is nothing more than a basic, or even complex, computer program which is specifically made for download to a mobile device. Java is the preferred programming language for use on Android apps because it is a known language, less prone to error, works with all mobile device platforms, and it is able to read native codes. Complex mobile apps are nothing more than several basic programs running as one.
Instructional Strategies
Students will be exposed to both direct instruction, as well as performance‐based learning. Students will be exposed to Java, Eclipse, and JDK.
Evidence of Learning
Students will develop a functional text‐based mobile app.
Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of Android operation. Students will explore different software packages such as SDK, SDK Eclipse, and SQLite, which will aid in the creation of more complex mobile apps. Students will explore advanced app development features such as buttons, refactoring, graphics, debugging, and values. Students will create various useful mobile apps which will include advanced operations. Students will explore the development mobile app games.
Essential Questions
How can different software development programs aid in developing an individual app? Once a basic understanding of mobile app development is achieved, is a programmer able to create useful mobile app for profit? What is the career outlook for a mobile app developer?
Knowledge and Skills
The use of various program development software programs may be necessary to the creation of a final product. Once basic skills are learned and then compiled, very complex mobile apps can be developed. The continuation of new and creative mobile applications will evolve in the future, and will utilize new technologies to make them even more useful, fast, and suitable to human needs.
Instructional Strategies
Students will be exploring the creation of mobile app development utilizing different software packages. Students will be performing both hands‐on programming, as well as online research of mobile applications.
Evidence of Learning
Students will begin by creating simple, functional mobile apps, then will evolve into creating several apps which will require different graphical and user interfaces . By the end of this unit, the student will be able to independently develop most apps.
Unit Quarter 1 Quarter 2
Unit 1: Introduction to Mobile App Development X Unit 2: Mobile App Programming Basics X Unit 3: Android Applications X