Oswegatchie Elementary School Newsletter - June 8, 2018

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June 8, 2018

Oswegat ch i e Sch ool Newsl et t er Ph on e: 860-442-4331 Office Fax: 860-447-6261 470 Boston Post Road, Water for d, CT 06385

Christopher Ozmun Principal

Ph on e: 860-442-4331 Office Fax: 860-447-6261

Website: waterfordschools.org/ osw Email: Cozmun@Waterfordschools.org Follow us on Twitter @OzmunChr is

Message f r om t h e Pr i n c i pal

Dear Oswegatchie School Community, Yesterday we had an awesome Field Day! The weather could not have been better and the children had so much fun. It was great to see so many parents come out to be part of this special day with their children. Thanks to our P.E. Teacher M attie Brett and all of the staff who worked to make it such a fun filled day. I was so thankful to the OSO for their gift to the school in my honor! I’ m sure the gathering drum will be used in the future for Town Meetings and other whole school functions for many years to come. I was especially moved as all the children sang to me under the direction and guitar playing of M r. Schaedler . It touched my heart. I will truly miss them all. We held our third annual Oswegatchie 5K this past Sunday, and again had great weather. We had over 160 participants who walked and ran the course. We raised a great deal of money for the OSO and Robyn M cK enney Scholar ship Fund. I’ d like to thank teacher Jessica Fedor for her hard work to organize the race, all the staff who came out and helped and participated in the race, and Allie Gallis and M attie Brett for their dedication and hard work with our Running Club this year. Our last Town Meeting will be a whole school Town Meeting on Monday, June 11th @ 1:45 in the gym.

Br eak fast / Lu n ch M en u J un e 1 1 -15 , 2 0 18 Br eak fast i n Cafet er i a at 8 :2 0 am $ 2 .00 Lu n ch ch oi ces i n cl u de san dwi ch or sal ad $ 3 .0 0 M en u s su bj ect t o ch an ge

M on day


Br eak fast : Cer eal , m u ffi n , fr esh or an ge, M i l k Lu n ch : M i n i cor n dogs, oven fr i es, veggi e st i ck s, fr u i t cup, M i l k

Tu esday


Br eak fast : Ci n n am on t oast , sau sage l i n k s, appl esauce cup, M i l k Lu n ch : Nach os wi t h m eat , ch eese, Span i sh r i ce, cor n , appl esau ce, M i l k

Wedn esday


Br eak fast : Appl e fr u del , m el on sl i ces,, M i l k Lu n ch : Past a wi t h m eat sau ce, gar l i c, br ead, gar den sal ad, di ced pear s, Milk

Th u r sday


Br eak fast : Ci n n am on t oast , ban an a, gr ah am cr ack er s, M i l k Lu n ch ; Di ced ch i ck en & gr avy , m ash ed pot at oes, gr een bean s, wh eat br ead, fr esh or an ge, M i l k

Fr i day Br eak fast : War m bl u eber r y m u ffi n , di ced peach es, M i l k Lu n ch ; Pi zza, gar den sal ad wi t h dr essi n g, appl esau ce cup, M i l k


Pr i n ci pal ’s Message Con t i n u ed

The last OSO meeting of the year will be June 12th @ 6:30 in the OSW Library, please come and join us and meet our new board members and what exciting events are being planned for next year. On Wednesday, June 20th, students will have chance to “Slime” me from 11:00 -12:00 as they exceeded our goal in the Annual Jump Rope For Hear t campaign. Congratulations students, I can’t wait!

Oswegat ch i e Sch ool Even t s

June 11 June 12 June 13 June 14 June 15 June 17 June 20 June 21

Town M eeting 1:45 Gr ade 5 Pr omotion 5:30 Jr . Gir l Scout M eeting 5:00-6:00 in Ar t Room Gr ade 4 Egg Dr op 11:15 Rain Date June 13 OSO M eeting 6:30 M r s. Radack’ s class Field Tr ip 9:30-1:00 Flag Day Gr ade 5 Field Tr ip 9:00-2:00 Father ’ s Day 11:00-12:00 Slime M r . Ozmun Ear ly Dismissal 12:25 No L unch Ser ved Ear ly Dismissal 12:25 No Lunch Ser ved L ast Day of School Fir st Day of Summer

Sincerely, Mr. Ozmun Principal

Osw ega t ch i e R u n n i n g Cl u b

St udent s and St af f who Ran and Complet ed t he Oswegat chie 5K on Sunday, J une 3, 2018

Lily Emma Olivia Adam Gr if f in Ava Zoe Emma Tessa Haley Bella Car lie Nina J ayden Skyla Tor i J or dyn Elle Connor Mason Benj amin Alexander Max Abigail J ulia Aver y Nola Madison

Adams Annibalini Baker Balf our Ber gamo Besade-Hume Blat nik Bock Bock Bouges Br ought on Bur ke But ler Campisi Campisi Campisi Cr aig DiBuono Dube Dubicki Dubicki Dyj ak Eber sole Faulkner Gat hy Gelinas Gessner Goldst ein

Finbar Cait lynn Capr ice Alexis Sydney Kat ie Aleia Ellie J ennif er Mia Ava Addison Camer on Colt on Andr ew Br odie Colby Cooper Layla Audr ey Connor Sophia Wynonna Gabr iel Lucas Et han J ust in Alber t Adyson Chellsea

Har low Har t ung Heikkinen Hullivan Hur r ell J amr oga Lamot t e Lemmon Macca-Bar nes Maj eski Maj eski Mobley Mur ch Mur ch Palmier i Scot t Sheehan Sheehan St at on-Mur iel St ewar d St r avinsky Ter r acciano Tuang VanOver loop Vincent i Wang Wang Wilson Wiseman Wyat t

Mr . Chr is Ozmun Miss Mat t ie Br et t Mr s. Lynn Cast elpoggi Mr s. Alison Gallis Mr . Scot t J ohnson Ms. Kar en O’Lear y Mr s. I sabella Podeszwa Mr s. J anice Yanni

Reminder from the Kitchen W e only have 7 more days left to purchase lunch this year. However we are still serving breakfast on the two last half-days. If you child has money left in their account, it will either roll over to the next year or if you are transferring to Clark Lane, the remaining balance will follow them there. Please remember to pay any negative balances to the cafeteria prior to school ending. If you have any questions, you can email at Lkuhn@waterfordschools.org. Thank you. Lisa Kuhn

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