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Grades 9‐12
Physical Education is an integral part of the total education of every child from kindergarten through grade 12. Therefore, every student in
grades 9‐12 should have the opportunity to participate in a quality physical education program. It is the role of quality physical education
programs to help students develop health‐related fitness, physical competence in movement activities, cognitive understanding, and positive
attitudes toward physical activity so that they can adopt healthy and physically active lifestyles. Quality programs are also important because
they provide learning experiences that meet a student’s developmental needs, which in turn helps to improve the mental alertness, academic
performance, readiness, and enthusiasm for learning. The WHS PE Curriculum will provide a quality physical education program for all ninth and
tenth grade students to satisfy the WHS graduation requirement, while offering electives for our upper class students.
Waterford High School Physical Education Eligibility
GRADE 9 Physical Education 9
GRADE 10 Physical Education 10 Recreational Sports and Activities Boot Camp Lifesaving (at least 15 years old) GRADE 11 Team Sports Recreational Sports and Activities Boot Camp Lifesaving (and at least 15 years old) CPR, First Aid and Athletic Training
GRADE 12 Team Sports Recreational Sports and Activities Boot Camp Lifesaving (and at least 15 years old) CPR, First Aid and Athletic Training Athletic Experience