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Athletic Experience
Unit Description:
This practicum experience will educate the student in the field of physical education, athletic coaching, sport administration and classroom management. Students will learn through engaging themselves in a 9th or 10th grade physical education class. Another aspect of the practicum experience will include volunteer after school hours. Students will be required to complete four hours of an athletic experience outside of the classroom which must be pre‐approved by instructor. All student assessment will be under the supervision of a specific physical education teacher. Selection in this course is limited and a lottery system may be used to select enrollment.
The student will use their experience with the Sports Education Model (PE‐10) to assist the physical education staff in instruction, class design, demonstration, class management, administration of fitness testing and class evaluation. Students will be actively engaged in the principles and methods of teaching.
Course Objectives
Students will demonstrate an understanding of a wide variety of physical activities which are utilized in the PE 9 & PE 10 curriculum. Students will have the opportunity to improve speaking, listening and group skills in small or large group settings. Students will have the opportunity to increase their understanding of the concepts of group dynamics. Students will have the opportunity to gain an understanding of various problem‐solving techniques. Students will have the opportunity to increase their skills in areas of assertiveness, risk‐taking, conflict resolution.
Students have the opportunity to increase their awareness of good sportsmanship and the ways it can be generated.
Students will increase their understanding of athletic management through service and observation.
CT Standards Instructional Strategies
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Skill Drills Teacher Led Activities Student Led Activities
4 Small Groups
Small Group Large Group
Small Group
3, 4, 5 Student led activities
Teacher led activities Student led activities Small Group Large Group Four hours of volunteer service in athletics TBD through instructor
Evidence of Learning
On‐going feedback Self‐Assessments Regular evaluation of individual class participation according to rubric criteria Personal journal