Mr. Thomas W. Giard III Superintendent of Schools Mr. Craig C. Powers Assistant Superintendent
June 4, 2021 Dear Parents/Guardians and Staff: Since out last community communication, our school district was notified of one (1) individual connected with Waterford Public Schools who tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. SCHOOL OSW
All Waterford Public Schools will remain in their current school learning model. While we are unable to identify the individual due to the confidential nature of the medical information, we are sending this letter to you so that you receive the correct information about the situation. At the direction of Ledge Light Health District (LLHD), the individual who tested positive has been advised to isolate at home following public health guidelines. Anyone who is considered a “close contact” * with this case has been or will be contacted by school or local health officials and provided with instructions on the appropriate steps to take. Secondary contacts, others who may have had contact with the primary contacts but not the individual, are not considered to be at risk in this current situation. *The CDC defines a close contact (primary contact) as someone who has been within 6 feet of a person confirmed with COVID-19 for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period. Please remember, we have put many mitigating factors in place to keep our students and staff safe. Face masks, hand washing, hand sanitizing and social distancing are among the many steps we have taken to decrease the chances of exposure. Please continue to utilize these mitigating features to decrease risk. Remember to stay home if you/your child is ill especially if you/ your child is presenting with: cough, shortness of breath, fever or chills, sore throat, muscle or body aches, vomiting or diarrhea, loss of taste or smell. Please know that we are closely monitoring these situations and we will continue working closely with LLHD and state public health officials to optimize school conditions and to isolate these positive cases. We will continue our enhanced cleaning protocols of our schools and will continue to follow all guidance provided by LLHD and our medical advisor. As this time may be concerning for students and parents, the CDC has provided wonderful resources (Talking with Children about COVID-19) for staff and parents to use to help minimize anxiety during these situations. Thank you for your continued support and patience as we work together to promote the health and safety of our team and community. Sincerely, Thomas W. Giard III Superintendent of Schools
15 Rope Ferry Road • P.O. Box 284 • Waterford, CT 06385 Phone: 860-444-5801 • Fax: 860-444-5870 •