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Covid Response Plan
The school is implementing the above health and safety measures to ensure the campus is as safe as possible for everyone.
Faculty and staff who are considered high risk may receive reasonable accommodations with a note from their healthcare provider. Faculty and staff should discuss options with their supervisor.
Students who are high risk should consult with their healthcare provider and Waterford’s School Nurse, and may always choose to stay home and participate in concurrent learning.
High risk individuals should seek guidance from their healthcare provider and the School Nurse to determine when it is deemed safe to return to campus.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Use of Cloth Face Coverings to Slow the Spread of COVID-19 https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/ prevent-getting-sick/diy-cloth-face-coverings. html
Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Interim Guidance for Administrators of US K-12 Schools and Child Care Programs https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/ community/schools-childcare/guidance-forschools.html
Center of Disease Control and Prevention: Considerations for Schools https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/ Center of Disease Control and Prevention: When You Can Be Around Others When You Have Had or Likely Had COVID-19: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019- ncov/if-you-are-sick/end-homeisolation.html?CDC_AA_ refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww. cdc.gov%2Fcoronavirus%2F2019- ncov%2Fprevent-getting-sick%2Fwhen-itssafe.html
Phased Guidelines for the General Public and Businesses to Maximize Public Health and Economic Reactivation https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b4POY_ tFcqQiy209qDOc_GXp_mqG9BnJ/view
CDC: Reopening Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Workplaces, Businesses, Schools, and Homes https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/ prevent-getting-sick/disinfecting-your-home. html
Illness Hotline
Children who are sick should not come to school. Parents are asked to conduct a health screen every day before school. is chart is meant to help parents quickly check for COVID-19 symptoms, but is not inteded to replace any advice from a healthcareprovider.
Fever or temperatureof 100.4º F (38º C) or higher.If you do not have a thermometer, check your child’s skin to see if it feels warm or is red, or ask if he or she has chills or is sweaty. Sore throat YES
HAS Y OUR CHILD BEEN EXPOSED T O C O VID-19 Has your child been in close contact to someone who tested positive for COVID-19, in the last 2 weeks (14 days)? is means he or she was closer than 6 feet or 2 meters (about 2 arm lengths) to the person for 15 minutes or longer. If your child came into close contact with someone at school who tested and asked that your child quarantine. Your child may need to get tested for COVID-19. Your child should not go to school until he or she has seen a contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19. Cough - if your child normally has a cough because of allergies or asthma, is this cough dierent than normal? Shortness ofbreath Muscle aches or pains
positive for COVID-19, or health department would have likely notied you
If you answered yes to any questions in both parts 1 and 2,
you should call a doctoror healthcareprovider right away. doctoror healthcareprovider because your child was in close Decrease in sense of smell or taste N O
You answered NO, your child does not have one of the 6 symptomsof COVID-19 for testing. FollowWaterford’s sick policy.Keep your child at home until he or she has been fever-free (for 24 hours without medicine) and has not had any symptomsof sickness for 24 hours. If your child does not seem to be getting better, or is getting worse, your child should see a doctor right away.
Your child has one or more symptomsof COVID-19 but was not in close contact with someone who tested positive. You should call a healthcareprovider to nd out if your child should be tested for COVID-19.
Health Pledge
R A V E N S T R O N G & H E A L T H Y P L E D G E
Given the Covid-19 global pandemic and Waterford’s core value of Caring I will respect and honor the health and well-being of everyone in our community.
I pledge:
To screen for symptoms using the Health Shield tool BEFORE I come to school.
To stay home whenever I am unwell, for any reason: sniffles, headache, etc.
To wear my mask whenever I am inside a building on campus and whenever I cannot keep a 6ft distance from others while outside.
To wash my hands frequently and use hand sanitizer as I enter each classroom.
To honor and respect adults on campus who will guide me on how to help keep our school community strong and healthy.
Student Date
Parent Date