5 minute read

Core Strategy

signage and reminders from teachers will help students remember and comply with our goals of physical distancing and mask wearing.

Are teachers preparing for the possibility of online school/distance learning in the fall?

Yes, all Waterford School teachers engaged in a four-week intensive professional development course that will make them stronger teachers both in on-campus instruction and online. The training focused on ways to support student engagement in an online environment, different assessment strategies, and intentional course design to support online learning.

How are you planning for back-up scenarios with special consideration as it relates to substitute teachers in the event of teacher illnesses?

We have added to our pool of substitute teachers to ensure that we have coverage in the event of teacher illness. We will continue to build our substitute teacher pool throughout the year. We have also hired additional full-time teaching assistants to facilitate delivery of our program in a variety of ways.

Will tutoring continue and will tutors practice physical distancing and wear masks?

Yes, tutoring will continue. Based on the success of online tutoring over the spring and summer, we plan to continue the majority of tutoring sessions in a similar format beginning in the fall. The majority of MS/US tutoring will be done via Zoom to make the tutoring experience consistent as students will be rotating off campus on a regular basis. A small number of tutors will be working on campus wearing masks at a 6 foot distance from the student.

MASKS & OTHER SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: Will masks be required?

Yes, anyone on campus will be required to wear a mask inside any school building. Please refer to our Face Covering Guidelines (see pg 7). We are working out exceptions and protocols for specific classes (world languages, choir, theater, etc) that may need visibility of the students’ and teachers’ mouths. In cases where masks are exceptions, physical distancing will be required, and groups may be smaller. Parents/guardians are asked to supply masks for their child that are well-fitting and comfortable. We encourage younger children to practice wearing their masks before our return to school.

Will there be a uniform mask option and will it be sold at the store?

There will not be a uniform mask requirement—we leave the selection of color and style of mask to families, students and members of our community, however, masks should be free of writing or slogans. We will have masks available for purchase at our school store, the RavenZone, in both youth and adult sizes. If you would like to purchase a mask or any other items from the school store, please reach out to camihaderlie@ waterfordschool.org.

Will there be additional cleaning and disinfecting of desks and table tops?

Yes. In LS, teachers will be provided with cleaning supplies to wipe down surfaces frequently. In MS/US, teachers will wipe down the desks during the extended passing time and prior to the next class arriving. We have built in longer passing periods to make sure teachers have ample time to do this effectively.

HEALTH PROTOCOLS: Will Waterford conduct regular health screens and temperature checks?

Yes. Prior to arrival on campus, students, faculty/staff, and visitors will be required to complete a health screening each that will be tracked by our school nurse. Please refer to our Please refer to our COVID-19 Response Plan: Health and Safety Measures (see pg 12). Any community member who has a tempteratue should remain at home. Should the School deem it necessary, a child may be screened during the school day if they present symptoms, and in the presence of a temperature and/or symptoms, we will ask the parent/guardian to pick the child up from school.

What is the policy when a student or teacher tests positive for Covid-19 within the community?

Please refer to our COVID-19 Response Plan: Health and Safety Measures (see pg 12).

What is the policy if there is a positive Covid test result in the household of a student or teacher?

Please refer to our COVID-19 Response Plan: Health and Safety Measures (see pg 12).

If a student is physically unwell at school, is there a place that the student will be able to isolate? What are the protocols around student illness developing on campus?

Please refer to our COVID-19 Response Plan: Health and Safety Measures (see pg 12).

What protocols will be in place for student’s mental health and wellbeing?

It is as important that children feel emotionally safe as well as physically safe. Each day, LS teachers will hold morning meetings and closing circles that focus on building a community of trust and support, while developing social-emotional skills. Similarly, the MS/US will also begin each day in a Morning Meeting with the goal of starting each day in a calm and caring environment. Morning Meeting cohorts represent a small and informal community of support for each student and are led by faculty mentors.

Dr. Boller, LS Counselor and Dr. Johnson, MS/ US Counselor, will be meeting with each grade level to focus on emotional well being. They are also available to meet individually with students or parents. Please refer to our Social and Emotional website page.

What will visitor access look like during the school year? Will parents or other visitors be allowed in the building, and under what protocols?

During a time when we are collectively striving for our students to be on campus, additional adults in buildings increase risk for our student and faculty community. We ask that parents do not enter buildings and remain outside if they must be on campus. If you need an exception, please reach out to nancydurrant@waterfordschool.orgin the LS and bethhamideh@waterfordschool.org in MS/US.

How will the school preserve medical privacy and at the same time share information about COVID positive cases in families and classrooms?

Please refer to our Please refer to our COVID-19 Response Plan: Health and Safety Measures (see pg 12).

If a parent has a higher risk job—either working on the frontlines with COVID patients, traveling frequently, or high

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