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Courtney Woodie

I have been clogging for six years. I started clogging when Steppin Out Studio �irst opened and have been there ever since. I have competed with clogging for two years. Clogging was never something I thought I would do competitively but it taught me the value of hard work and being part of a team. I’m happy to have met some amazing team members while I’ve been competing. I would speci�ically like to thank one of my team members for always being helpful and supportive over the past three years. Thank you, Shana for always laughing at my bad jokes and helping me when I needed it. Whether we were laughing at costumes that didn’t �it or working together to perfect a clogging step we always had fun. I’m going to miss you but I hope you continue to clog and brighten up the atmosphere of the competitive team. For my parents, thank you for driving me to every competition, putting up with how rude I could be, and telling me I did great even if I messed up. I know you never thought you would have a kid in dance but thank you for putting up with it and supporting me. Even when I was irritable or rude you still made sure I had what I needed. Thank you for always supporting me in everything I do. To Mrs. Melonie, thank you for always pushing me to do my best. You always told me what to work and even thought I couldn’t do something you gave me the con�idence to do it anyway. The past six years you’ve really taught me to work hard and do the best I can. Thank you for everything. Lastly, to my SOS family, the last six years have been amazing because of all of you. Everyone has an amazing talent for dance and genuinely loves to dance. Seeing everyone always trying their best and enjoying dancing has been the best part of dance for me. Keep dancing and being yourself.

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