Watermark Issue 2201: The Longest Aisle

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Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01

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10 // orlanDo neWS 12 // tamPa bay neWS

some may believe this is a step forward, but in reality, requiring celibacy for a year is a de facto lifetime ban. —gay men’s healTh crisis cenTer

16 // State 19 // nation & WorlD neWS 35 // community calenDar 40 // tamPa bay marketPlace 41 // tranSitionS 42 // orlanDo marketPlace 46 // SPortS

on the cover



It’s been a long, rough road for same-sex couples hoping to marry in Florida. And while marriage equality looks like an inevitability in 2015, we’re still waiting for our chance to say “I Do.”



Divine neW year: Bette Midler released a new album in 2014 and has scheduled a tour in 2015 that brings her to

Tampa’s Amalie arena in May. Midler talks about her new album dedicated to girl groups and her long-time bond with her gay fans.

Watermark i SSue 22.01 //J anuary 1 - J anuary 14 , 2015

orlanDo neWS

tamPa bay

State neWS


PAGE FMI, the company that

PAGE St. Pete Pride has a



Illustration by Jake Stevens

Scan qr coDe for


read it online! In addition to a Web site with daily LGBT updates, a digital version of each issue of the publication is made available on WatermarkOnline.com


owns Funky Monkey files bankruptcy; Central Florida counties and Orlando plan same-sex weddings despite legal concerns; man found guilty of trans murder sentenced to 30 years; more.


new strategy and new events scheduled to accompany the 2015 festival; a new logo represents St. Pete Pride’s bond with the city, organizers say; Lakeland-based Publix finally extends same-sex benefits to its employees; more.

The Tampa Bay Times names Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi as its Loser of 2014; gay divorce cases granted, denied in Florida; south Florida Judge Zabel seeks clarification on the distribution of marriage licenses in the state; more.


Michael Sam tells Oprah Winfrey that he’s out of the NFL because of his sexuality, not his talent; New York sports bar claims it was hacked after its Twitter account attacks the mayor; results are in and Cleveland’s economy got a huge boost from the Gay Games.


aS Watermark Went to PreSS, the marriaGe equality Debate WaS Still raGinG on. Get your uPDateD information at Watermarkonline.com.

watermark Your lgbt life.

Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01


top web comments Perfect content for December




he Dec. 18 issue of Watermark is the best edition for this time of year [Issue 21.26]. I loved reading about the 14 most remarkable people and I am so grateful for each and every one of them. Great story on Joan Rodriguez also! The ABC’s of 2014 was very cool and the Editor’s Desk is always so thoughtprovoking and wonderful. Sasha Citino

St. Petersburg

Grateful, but keep helping people


am sincerely grateful to Steve Blanchard and Watermark for the wonderful article [Issue 21.26] But remember, the whole mission of Suncoast AIDS Theatre Project is to raise awareness among the community and to give support to offer hope to those who suffer or feel forgotten due to HIV/AIDS. Garry Allan Bruel Bradenton

TOP WEB COMMENTS On the confusion surrounding Judge Robert Hinkle’s


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“Please remember, the whole mission of Suncoast AIDS Theatre Project is to give support to those suffering due to HIV/AIDS.” —Garry Allan Breul

ruling that a samesex marriage ban is unconstitutional:

“Judge Hinkle’s clarification will probably need to be simplified for some people, perhaps down to the Dr Seuss level: I said what I meant And I meant what I said Two men or two women Can legally wed” — Harshan

The fact that the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit denied the State of Florida’s motion for an extension of the stay of execution of Judge Hinkle’s ruling and the fact that the Supreme Court of the United States did so too tell us that both courts will eventually rule in favor of marriage equality. What is needed now— before 5 January 2015—is a ruling nunc pro tunc by Judge Hinkle that the state law barring Florida’s clerks of court from issuing marriage licenses to same-gender couples and

Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01

registering their marriages violates the Constitution of the United States.” —Aron Sasportas

On Jewish congregations moving to include gays:

“Congratulations to the Jewish Congregations decision to be inclusive of LGBTs, hopefully it will influence other religions to change their views.” —GayEGO

On the Supreme Court’s decision to consider a Louisiana marriage equality case:

“It’s interesting that the first same-sex marriage case SCOTUS will consider hearing is the only ruling (so far) that upheld a samesex marriage ban. They’ve refused to even consider (and implicitly upheld) all of the cases where state marriage bans were ruled unconstitutional.” —EDinMCO


Steve Blanchard EDITOR




n Christmas morning I found

myself wrapped in my brand new robe and glued to a documentary on the gay rights movement.

Seriously—my life is just that gay. Stonewall Uprising was one of the Christmas gifts I gave to my partner, who had requested it a month or two earlier. After all of the gifts were opened, we popped in the DVD and watched the beginning of the modern LGBT civil rights movement unfold on our television screen. The documentary was powerful. It showed patrons of New York’s Stonewall Inn refusing to be led to paddy wagons as they launched a three-day riot demanding equal treatment. What was also powerful— if not disturbing—were the historic news clips and recorded

speeches against LGBT people that were featured in the 2010 film. Homosexuals (not yet called gays, mind you) were social pariahs and were ready to recruit children into a dark lifestyle as fast as heterosexuals could produce them. One man, shown in an old news reel, tried to explain to the reporter why rights for gay people were so important. But he was quick to add that gay people weren’t looking for the right to marry each other or adopt children, adding there was “nothing ridiculous as that” in his motives. It renewed my appreciation for how far we’ve come in less

watermark staff Founder and Senior Contributor: Tom Dyer • Ext. 305 • Tom@WatermarkOnline.com Publisher: Rick Claggett • Ext. 108 • Rick@WatermarkOnline.com Admin. Assistant: Kathleen Harper • Ext. 100 • Kathleen@WatermarkOnline.com Editor-in-Chief: Steve Blanchard • 813-470-0899 • SteveB@WatermarkOnline.com Reporter: Samantha Rosenthal • 104 • Samantha@WatermarkOnline.com Online Media Director: Jamie Hyman • Ext. 106 • Jamie@WatermarkOnline.com Proofreading: Ed Blaisdell Art Director: Jake Stevens • Ext. 109 • Jake@WatermarkOnline.com Creative Assistant: Patrick O’Connor • Ext. 109 • AdProduction@WatermarkOnline.com Sales Manager: Mark Cady • Ext. 102 • Mark@WatermarkOnline.com

than 50 years. It also boosted my already soaring respect for the brave men and women who finally told authorities, “enough is enough.” Several of those who rioted featured prominently in the film, as did a former member of the New York Police Department. His job at the time was to round up gay people—simply because we were perceived as different. Each person’s recollection of the weekend of riots was emotional. But it was this former police officer’s tale that left the biggest impression on me. His 1960s perspective seemed to mirror those still fighting against equality today. He is a less powerful Pam Bondi of 1960s New York. Florida’s Attorney General repeated throughout 2014 that she was “just doing her job” as she fought marriage equality from becoming a reality here. This retired police officer said he was doing the same thing. He says in the film that he didn’t question the reasons or motivations behind the bullying of gay people because that was simply the way things were done at that time in history. One big difference between him and Bondi is that he showed remorse. As I’m writing this, we’re two days away from a brand new year. The year that was 2014 was all about marriage equality thanks to the rush of states that legalized same-sex marriages. Before that, 2013’s Supreme Court decision invalidating the Defense of Marriage Act was the act that paved the way for bans to fall like dominoes. The year that will be 2015 will surely be all about samesex weddings across the country. We’ve finally reached a point

in history where those who see LGBT people as less than or unequal are a fringe minority, even though some of those people still find ways into elected offices or onto news programs. It is those same people who inspire our community to continue fighting for equality and to ensure that the next generation of LGBTs won’t have to start at a disadvantage, like so many of those before us. I’d like to imagine that as we soar through this exciting time in history, news clips and personal cell phone videos of equality marches and Pride parades will make their way into another documentary to air publicly on some futuristic screen some 40-

We’ve finally reached a point in history where those who see LGBT people as less than or unequal are a fringe minority.

plus years in the future. I hope I and many of those who have pushed so hard for equality in the first part of this century are still around to offer perspective on a fight that will seem outdated and inconceivable in the 2060s. And I hope that by then, those who oppose equality today will finally show the same remorse—and maybe a little embarrassment—for their role as a villain in the course of human history that the police officer appearing in Stonewall Uprising did when I watched it on Christmas morning 2014. Happy New Year!

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Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01

contributors Michael Wanzie is an

Orlando-based playwright, actor and ordained minister. He is most recognized for his direction of productions at the Footlight Theatre at the Parliament House. Page 21

Chris Azzopardi

is the editor of Q Syndicate, the international LGBT wire service and has interviewed a wide range of celebrities, including Cher and Lady Gaga. He lives in Canton, Mich., and can be reached via his website at Chris-Azzopardi.com. Page 31 Greg Burton, Scottie Campbell, Zach Caruso, Susan Clary, Kirk Hartlage, Joseph Kissel, Ken Kundis, Mary Meeks, Stephen Miller, David Moran, Gregg Shipiro, Greg Stemm, Brett Stout, Dr. Steve yacovelli, Jim Walker, Michael wanzie

photography Mark Bias & Carrie West

own MC Film Festival in Ybor City and write “Dishing with Mark and Carrie.” They are constantly roaming Tampa with their cameras in tow. Page 37 Nick Cardello, Angie Folks, Tom Eckert, Julie Milford, Travis Moore, Chris Stephenson, Lee Vandergrift, Tinkerfluff, Lonnie Thompson

distribution RJ Publishing, Lisa Jordan, Ken Caraway, David Krauss CONTENTS of WATERMARK are protected by federal copyright law and may not be reproduced in whole or part without the permission of the publisher. Unsolicited article submissions will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Although WATERMARK is supported by many fine advertisers, we cannot accept responsibility for claims made by advertisers. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles, advertising, or listing in WATERMARK is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of such persons or members of such organizations. WATERMARK is published every second Thursday. Subscription rate is $55 (1st class) and $26 (standard mail). The official views of WATERMARK are expressed only in editorials. Opinions offered in signed columns, letters and articles are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the newspaper’s owner or management. We reserve the right to edit or reject any material submitted for publication. WATERMARK is not responsible for damages due to typographical errors, except for the cost of replacing ads created by WATERMARK that have such errors.

Watermark Media Inc. est. 1994


orlando news

aWaiTing more info:

Tiffany Moore Russell, Orange County Clerk of Courts, campaigned on a message of LGBT equality, but remains uncomfortable with issuing same-sex couples marriage licenses until she gets more instruction from attorneys.

in a name: (L-R) Daniel and Scott Wall-DeSousa sued the DMV after the agency threatened to invalidate their drivers licenses. PHOTO COuRTESy SCOTT WALL-DESOuSA

couPle SueS floriDa Dmv Samantha Rosenthal


elbourne | The same-sex couple whose licenses were cancelled for having their hyphenated married names are suing the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles. Scott and Daniel Wall-DeSousa, represented by William Sheppard of Sheppard, White, Kachergus & DeMaggio in Jacksonville, filed a lawsuit the last week of November with the U.S. District Court Middle District of Florida Orlando Division. The lawsuit states the DMV failed in substantive due process, equal protection, freedom of speech, First Amendment retaliation, and full faith and credit. The couple was legally married in New York City in December 2013. Upon returning to Florida, they proceeded to change their licenses and other important documents to reflect their married name. Daniel was able to change his at one office in Brevard County, but Scott had difficulty when he tried to change his at another office. Scott said a woman told him his marriage certificate wasn’t considered a legal document in the State of Florida and refused to change it. In July, he was told there was a new form in the DMV’s system that he could fill out to have the changes made. He went to a DMV location in Orlando, followed the guidelines stated to fill out the form and presented his documentation to have it changed. However, the Wall-DeSousas said they then received a letter from the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles Nov. 8, about a week after WFTV ran a story on the couple changing their driver’s license last name, notifying them of the indefinite cancellation of their licenses. The deadline the DMV gave was Nov. 25. Daniel told Watermark in an email that Scott changed his name back to make sure their family was able to survive and function, but Daniel refused to change his back so he returned his license as instructed. The lawsuit asks for a trial by jury.


a Tale of Two Clerks

Osceola and Orange County Clerks of Court take different approaches when it comes to marriage license tangle Jamie Hyman


s of the evening of Dec. 30, when this issue of Watermark went to press, Florida’s Clerks of Court were still awaiting judicial clarification on whether to issue marriage licenses when a hold is lifted on the federal court ruling that declares Florida’s ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional. For one Central Florida Clerk, this isn’t a problem. Osceola County Clerk of Courts Armando Ramirez says he has “never felt so sure in [his] life” that he’s making the right decision to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples immediately after a hold on

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same-sex marriage is lifted at end of day Jan. 5. “When [Federal Judge Robert] Hinkle made that decision, he declared the law that is banning same-sex marriage or marriage equality unconstitutional,” Ramirez said. “In good conscience I cannot support a state law that has been declared unconstitutional by a federal court.” In contrast, Orange County’s Clerk of Courts, Tiffany Moore Russell, is taking a more cautious approach. She said personally, she still supports marriage equality and would “love” to issue licenses to same-sex couples Jan. 6, but she has to “make sure I have direction so I don’t do something that would be considered invalid later.”

Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01

The two clerks are being compared because they both fall under the authority of state attorney Jeff Ashton, who announced Dec. 23 that his office would not prosecute clerks in Osceola or Orange counties for issuing marriage licenses to samesex couples Jan. 6. “I’m asking people for patience and understanding,” Moore Russell said, adding that she’s waiting for judicial clarification on the issues. “Jeff Ashton is not saying [issuing the licenses is] not a violation, he’s saying he won’t prosecute. I don’t get to choose whether I do or don’t want to. I don’t get to play policy as a clerk.” Moore Russell said the state attorney’s statement has not changed the opinion of Greenberg Traurig, the attorneys who advise Florida Clerks and Comptrollers Association. That group has advised Florida Clerks of Court (outside of Washington County) twice now that issuing the licenses Jan. 6 would be illegal. “What we should all want is consistency and uniformity throughout state of Florida,” Moore Russell said. “That’s what clerks want. We don’t want piecemeal. We receive our orders from judges or courts. Clerks are duty-bound to follow instructions.” Continued on pG. 10 | uu |

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Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01


orlando news

man SentenceD to 30 yearS for killinG local tranSGenDer Woman Staff Report

O reorganizing: FMI Restaurant Group owners Nick Olivieri and Eddie Nickell filed for Chapter 11 Bankrkuptcy. PHOTO By JAKE STEvENS

funky monkey reStaurant GrouP fileS for bankruPtcy Jamie Hyman


rlanDo | FMI Restaurant Group, the company that owns Funky Monkey Wine Company and the not-yetopen Divas Dinner Theatre, is filing for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. According to FMI co-owner Eddie Nickell, the financial issues can be traced to two things: a wall that was built around their Pointe Orlando Funky Monkey location, and the legal troubles of Orlando businessman Nik Patel. Patel was arrested Sept. 30 for allegedly fraudulently selling $150 million in loans, and he faces a $72 million civil suit. Nickell said Patel was a partner in Mingo’s, a now-closed restaurant that was located in The Sanctuary downtown, and Nickell and his partner Nick Olivieri held the lease for the Mingo’s space. He said FMI were the guarantors of the space, and once Patel was arrested, their legal counsel advised them to file for bankruptcy and reorganize. “We have no intention of going back in those spaces, but we still have 18 months on the lease, and the lease is $20,000 a month,” Nickell said, plus Patel’s company “owed some back rent.” Previously, FMI owned and operated Nick’s Italian Kitchen and Prickly Pear restaurants out of the Sanctuary, but both of those restaurants are now shuttered. Additionally, Nickell said Pointe Orlando built a wall around their Funky Monkey Pointe Orlando location which severely cut into their business this year. He said the wall is gone now and things are back to normal. FMI’s shuttered ventures also include retail shop Funky Monkey Vault and the Mills Brewpub. The Brewpub is being reopened as Divas Dinner Theatre. Along with the two Funky Monkey locations – Mills downtown and Pointe Orlando – Nickell said those three businesses will be all that FMI operates in 2015. “We’re gearing up for a very busy season,” Nickell said. “We look to come out of this bankruptcy intact and hopefully everybody will be paid.” He said Divas is on track to open its doors Jan. 8, 2015.


rlanDo | The man who murdered an Orlando transgender woman will spend 30 years in prison. Kent Louis, the man responsible for the murder of Ashley Sinclair, was sentenced Dec. 18 to 30 years without parole. A jury found Louis

| uu | Tale of Two Clerks from pG.8

Ramirez does not share Moore Russell’s concern over the interpretation of the ruling. “I am an elected public official,” Ramirez said. “My discretion is to follow the statutes. I cannot impose my religious beliefs on people. I believe in the separation of church and state.” Moore Russell added that the clerks’ forms come directly from the state, and she does not “have the authority” to change the marriage license application, which currently reads “man” and “woman.” She said if her office did receive direction from the state to issue licenses to same-sex couples, “We would be ready the day we were told to do it.” However, the Osceola County Clerk’s office is already working on revising the marriage forms, changing “Bride” and “Groom” to “Spouse 1” and “Spouse 2,” Ramirez said. When asked about Moore Russell’s claim that those changes can only come from the state, Ramirez replied, ““That’s her opinion. I respect that, but my obligation is to the people of Osceola County.” In her campaign for the Clerk of Courts position, Moore Russell ran on a pro-equality platform and scooped up several highprofile LGBT supporters along the way. Watermark asked how she responds to LGBT voters who view it as a betrayal, that she won’t say she’ll issue the licenses Jan. 6. “My support has not wavered,” Moore Russell said. “I still

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guilty of manslaughter Dec. 12. Sinclair, who was also known as Mohagany Shylanda Singleton, was shot and killed in April 2013.The search for the killer of the 30-yearold woman lasted about eight months until Louis, 22, was arrested on a first-degree murder charge. The motive for the shooting is still unknown and police never determined if Sinclair was murdered

because she was transgender. Sinclair’s mother, another family member, and local drag performer Darcel Stevens were allowed to speak in court Dec. 18. Stevens wrote on Facebook that Sinclair’s mother’s “words to the convicted were powerful and heartbreaking, knowing that there sat before her was the man who took away her only child.”

support marriage equality. We’re continuing to look at this. We have not said, ‘No,’ and then sat down. We’re making sure we’re doing it correctly so it protects the families that come before us. I haven’t changed but I do know what role that I serve. I ask for their patience and understanding and knowing that their clerk is really working hard to resolve this issue for

have announced plans to lead same-sex marriage ceremonies on that date. “FFAI respectfully petitions this Court to issue an alternative writ of mandamus prior to January 6, 2015, commanding the Osceola Clerk to perform his ministerial duty to deny any application for a marriage license by a samesex couple, unless and until he

“In good conscience I cannot support a state law that has been declared unconstitutional by a federal court.” —armanDo ramirez, osceola co. clerk of courT

their sakes.” Ramirez said he is receiving “subtle” pushback from people who don’t want him to issue the licenses. “Of course they want to persuade me not to do it,” he said. When asked who is attempting to talk him out of issuing the licenses, Ramirez would only say, “Lawyers, people involved with other clerks.” On Dec. 30, the Liberty Counsel—representing the Florida Family Association—filed preemptive lawsuits against Ramirez, Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and Orange County Circuit Judge Robert Leblanc. Florida Family Association is the anti-gay group helmed by local attorney John Stemberger. The suits are in response to the news that Ramirez plans to issue samesex marriage licenses Jan. 6, and Mayor Dyer and Judge Leblanc

Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01

appears before this Court on a day certain and obtains modification or nullification of such writ, together with such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper,” the lawsuit states, adding that the case should be expedited. The suit against Mayor Dyer and Judge Leblanc makes essentially the same request. This might all be moot. Currently, the state and proequality legal teams are awaiting clarification from Judge Hinkle regarding the scope of his ruling. He asked the parties involved to issue statements and the deadline was Dec. 29—a ruling could come at any time. Additionally, a Miami Dade judge has set a hearing for 11 a.m. Jan. 5 to address the Miami Clerk’s motion for a clarification about the stay on same-sex marriage. It’s possible Hinkle could rule on filings before then.

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watermark Your lgbt life.

Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01


tampa bay news

neW year, neW TraDiTion:

Members of the Righteously Outrageous Twirling Corps participate in 2014’s St. Pete Pride night parade, which brought out more than 200,000 revelers. St. Pete Pride plans to kick off the 2015 parade at sundown Saturday, June 27.

neW look: St. Pete Pride’s new logo contains two

interlocking, teal hexagons, representing the shape of pavers found throughout St. Petersburg and the color represents the surrounding water. IMAGE COuRTESy DASH CREATIvE GROuP

St. Pete PriDe unveilS itS neW loGo Steve Blanchard



T. peTersburg | St. Pete Pride launched its new logo in December, and so far there hasn’t been much reaction from the community. That could speak to the cleanliness of the new look, according to executive director Eric Skains. The new logo appeared at St. Pete Pride’s Red & Green Party in early December and even appeared on invitations. The old logo, with the bold, black type and the colorful palm tree and beach scene, were still on the website at the end of 2014. “The old logo was a bit outdated and void of meaning,” Skains said. “Our logo should guide us as an organization in the same manner as our mission and vision statements. We asked our creative team (Dash Creative) to develop a new image for the organization that shows our commitment to the community, celebrates diversity, and gives us ongoing direction. It does just that.” St. Pete Pride Board President Scion Provenzano explained that the hexagon shapes in the new logo are the same shape as pavers used throughout St. Petersburg’s historic neighborhoods. And Skains said the teal color is representative of the water on nearby beaches. Another very noticeable change is the font of the organization’s name. “Everything is lowercase to represent equality,” Skains said. There’s also a reason why the two hexagons are linked. “The two hexagons form rings that are linked together to represent the foundation of Pride: bringing our community together,” Skains added. “No matter who you are or where you’re from: gay or straight, Christian or Muslim, black or white, east of the bay or west of the bay— we’re all one community.” Provenzano hopes that the hexagons will eventually come to symbolize Florida’s largest LGBT Pride event. “People will start to realize that this is who we’re becoming and that it represents the path we’re headed down,” Provenzano said. Eventually, the words “St. Pete Pride” could drop off of the logo completely, Provenzano added, with just the interlocking hexagons representing the festival and the organization.


new year, new attitude St. Pete Pride announces big plans for 2015 Steve Blanchard


T. peTersburg | As with tradition, many take the opportunity of a new year to reinvent themselves, whether through resolutions, makeovers or new attitudes. St. Pete Pride is taking the dawn of 2015 to do all of those things, and it promises to be a year of change and growth for the 14-year-old organization. “Every year that we host our event we want it to be bigger and better,” said Scion Provenzano, president of the St. Pete Pride Board. “Sometimes it’s hard to outdo ourselves but it’s always a challenge we like to put up.” This year marks the beginning of Provenzano’s first term as president, but she has been a volunteer for more than three years. Her election last fall makes her the first heterosexual person to hold a top leadership position in St. Pete Pride. “I know it’s very concerning for some to have a straight person running this,” Provenzano said. “I know there is a stigma having

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someone support you who is not one of your own. But I think the people who know me and know my involvement know I’m here for the right reason and I’m going to help and support and do what I can.” Provenzano is confident that those who feel it’s awkward to have a heterosexual person running the state’s largest LGBT Pride event will give her a chance to prove herself before dismissing her in the new role. She said she worked closely with outgoing board president Aaron Horcha last year, and took what he taught her to heart. “I learned a lot from him and I’ve been to Interpride conferences,” Provenzano said. “I have learned a lot from the experiences I’ve had with St. Pete Pride. I’m also involved with the Pride group at my work, so I’m exposed to a lot of facets and what we’re doing will be the best for St. Pete Pride.” Eric Skains, executive director of St. Pete Pride said he’s excited about Provenzano’s leadership and the new board. “For the two years that I’ve been here, I’ve seen the passion in our

Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01

board for St Pete Pride to be more than just an event,” Skains said. “Many told us that it was a dream, a mirage of sorts, merely because Pride has never done any of it. But all of this is changing. We have a group of people who want to continue the passion that we’ve shared, leadership who has the desire to make real change for the organization and community, and an overall attitude that is upbeat and proactive.” That means 2015 will be a very big year for St. Pete Pride. Provenzano said the popular nighttime parade will return on June 27 and the street festival will once again be held the following day, June 28, on Central Avenue. But there are other events in the works. Provenzano hinted at an art show and a 5K for that same weekend. “Not everyone may want to attend a parade,” she said. “But they may want to do an early morning 5K to show their support for the LGBT community. We want people to have options.” Eric Skains, St. Pete Pride’s executive director, was hesitant to offer too many details on a 5K, since it is still in the early planning stage. He also said many details will be released at Pride’s annual Pride kick-off party in April. “Nothing set in stone as of yet,” he said. “I can say we are for sure moving forward with a new addition to the Street Festival: The St Pete LGBTQ Art Festival. This will be a new aspect of Continued on pG. 14 | uu |



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Table Sponsors Brandon Family Law Center, LLC Out & Equal Greater Tampa Bay Affiliate PNC Bank St. Pete Pride

Tickets: $50.00 Members, $75.00 Non - Members

Order tickets at TBGLCC.org or call 813-362-6203.

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tampa bay news

Publix expands benefits to same-sex couples

| uu | St. Pete Pride 2015 from pg.12 our event in which we hope to bring together artists from all over Tampa Bay. St. Pete is known for its arts districts, so it makes sense to add this. Right now we have room for roughly 50 individual artists and hope this expands to a whole new event to be included in Tampa Bay’s LGBTQ Pride Celebration.” The art festival will run alongside the annual street festival, and artists can buy a 10x10 space for just $50. There will be several categories of artists, from mixed media and 3D pieces to metal and wood displays. Artists can register at StPetePride.com. The kick-off party Skains mentioned will also reveal the 2015 grand marshals, which Provenzano said will again be picked by the community. The Pride board will nominate several organizations, and a male-identified and female-identified individual again this year. The community can vote for whomever they would like to see as grand marshal in 2015 once the nominations are up at StPetePride.com. “What a great way to get people involved by having them vote and having them elect people,” Provenzano said. “It seemed to have worked really well and we’ve received great feedback so it’s something we’ll continue to do.” That feedback is important to St. Pete Pride’s ongoing success, Skains agrees, adding that the organization will be more proactive in 2015 in soliciting the opinions of the local LGBT community. “We’ll be holding quarterly focus group-type meetings where we’ll toss out ideas to get feedback, as well as hear from the community on what they’d like to see as part of their event,” Skains said. “We get tons of the ‘why don’t you’ emails, and now we’re making them all public in order to create more dialogue on building a successful celebration.” Not everyone embraces change, but both Provenzano and Skains hope the community will work with St. Pete Pride as it evolves this year. Skains is quick to point out that the changes coming in 2015 aren’t just changes made on a whim—they’ve been in the works for quite some time. “This has been an ongoing endeavor,” he said. “It started with our Community Grants Program, a program that has awarded over $50,000 the past two years, that has more than doubled the annual ‘give back’ to the local community. This rethinking has continued with a more community driven attitude in making the event, from the grand marshal selection to the rebranding of our identity. And now, we’ll begin to focus on our outreach programs, which is why I’m excited with the additional new board members and board leadership as they’re the perfect fit to make this possible.” The community of Tampa Bay is a big one and covers seven counties. Provenzano said that the community grants program reaches out to all of those counties throughout the year. “Our grants are paid out according to how much money we’ve raised,” she explained. “So more money means we can give more back to the community.” St. Pete Pride’s annual festival will return to the Grand Central District of St. Petersburg June 26-28, but its next big event will be held well before then. A Taste of Pride will return to the Salvador Dali Museum in Downtown St. Petersburg on March 21. To learn more about St. Pete Pride or to purchase tickets to Taste of Pride, visit StPetePride.com.


Staff Report


akeland | Publix was scheduled to extend benefits to same-sex couples starting Jan. 1, 2015. According to Equality Florida, the benefits will be available to legally married couples, regardless of where they tied the knot. Here’s a statement from Publix: “Publix is expanding spouse coverage for its health, dental and vision benefits plans to associates who are married in any state where same-sex marriages are legal, regardless of the associates’ state

of residence. Publix’s benefits plans offer coverage to legal spouses, and until recently, the states in which Publix operates did not recognize same-sex marriages as legal unions.” This is a step forward for Publix in the eyes of many who support LGBT rights. The grocery chain, founded in 1930, has been the target of several lawsuits claiming anti-LGBT discrimination. In 2013, the chain was ordered to pay $100,000 to an employee that was fired for being gay. And the grocery chain has yet to participate in the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index, resulting

in a score of zero each year. Equality Florida praised the decision through a statement on Dec. 30. “We applaud Publix for recognizing the importance of marriage equality and expanding benefits to cover same-sex spouses,” the statement read. Interestingly, the announcement came the same day that a federal judge was to clarify his ruling that the state’s ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional. The supermarket company has 756 locations in Florida and employs more than 168,500 people.

is safe and inclusive for all.” Since 2004, Embracing Our Differences’ international outdoor art exhibit celebrating the theme of “enriching lives through diversity” has showcased the work of artists and writers from all walks of life, including that of many area students. In 2014, the organization received 6,079 total artworks and statements from people representing 52 countries and 44 states. Students from 126 elementary, middle and high schools comprised 65% of the submissions. Submissions of art and quotes by 38 local students were included in the juried exhibit. According to Wertheimer, the high percentage of local students winning contributions can be attributed, in part, to the participation of area teachers in Embracing Our Differences’ teacher workshops. Presented in partnership with the curriculum and instruction department of the Sarasota County school district and nationally recognized educators, these workshops provide teachers with the skills, tools and resources they need to teach their students art appreciation, character building and diversity education. The workshops identify the relevant curriculum standards, educational objectives, instructional strategies, step-bystep lesson plans and assessment

guidelines. All workshops and related resources are linked to Florida’s newly adopted Next Generation Sunshine State Standards and Language Art Florida Standards. One hundred fifty area teachers, responsible for more than 15,000 students, are expected to participate in Embracing Our Differences educator workshops during the 2014-15 school year. “Since 2004, 847 teachers have participated in our workshops, which represent one of the most important aspects of our efforts—to positively impact the lives of regional students,” says Wertheimer. “Not only do the children explore effective ways to tap into their creativity; they also experience new ways to learn and succeed in the world.” Embracing Our Differences’ annual juried international art exhibit returns to Sarasota’s Island Park and Bradenton’s Riverwalk, March 29 through May 31, 2015. The 2015 Call to Artists and Quotation Writers is open to amateurs, professionals and students until Jan. 5, 2015. Artists and writers can submit directly online at EmbracingOurDifferences.org. For more information about Embracing Our Differences, call 941-404-5710.

Embracing Our Differences nominated for WEDU award Staff Report


ampa | A long-running program in Sarasota that encourages the local community to embrace diversity has been nominated for an award. Embracing Our Differences is a nominee for WEDU’s 2015 ‘Be More Enriched’ award. That award acknowledges cultural organizations that contribute to the spirit of adventure, exploration and education in the regional arts scene. Other finalists include Sarasota’s Florida Studio Theatre, Tampa’s Glazer Children’s Museum and Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater. The winner will be announced at a luncheon on Feb. 12 in Tampa. WEDU is West Central Florida’s leading PBS station and public media company reaching 16 counties. Embracing Our Differences is a regular participant in Sarasota Pride and has seen its programs grow significantly over the past few years. “The mission of Embracing Our Differences is to use the transformational power of the arts to educate and inspire to create a better world,” said Sarah Wertheimer, associate executive director of EOD. “We’re deeply honored that WEDU recognizes our dedication to creating a vibrant regional community that

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state news

voluSia School boarD Won’t helP tranSGenDer StuDentS

South floriDa JuDGe aSkS for marriaGe licenSe clarification

Staff Report

Jamie Hyman


elTona, fla. | The Volusia County School Board and Superintendent Margaret Smith have failed to return calls and emails from Equality Florida asking to reconvene about policies that prevent transgender students from using restrooms and facilities aligned with their gender identities. The issue surfaced when Kyle Mournian, a senior student who was born a female but is now a fully transitioned male, was told by staff at Deltona High School he couldn’t use the boy’s restroom or other facilities despite the fact that he identifies as a boy, has been taking hormones for more than a year and has a girlfriend. Mournian’s family, along with Equality Florida’s Transgender Inclusion Director Gina Duncan spoke at a September school board meeting, addressing the discrimination against the transgender student. The ACLU, PFLAG and Equality Florida presented to Superintendent Smith and the school board proposals for policy recommendations and implantation, with Duncan providing herself and Equality Florida as a go-to resource for teachers, faculty and staff to address transgender student issues better. Nothing transpired from these meetings, and Smith said in an email to Duncan she doesn’t intend to change the district’s current practices. Duncan has reached out to the school board attorney and Smith but still hasn’t heard from either. Duncan said that because of this refusal to work with Equality Florida and accommodate for the transgender students, the board is not following policies laid out by the Board of Education and the Justice Department in accordance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

JuDGe GrantS floriDa’S firSt Gay Divorce Wire report


orT lauDerDale | The first formal divorce for a gay couple in Florida has been granted by a county judge who also declared the state’s ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional. Circuit Judge Dale Cohen on Dec. 17 dissolved the marriage of Heather Brassner and Megan Lade. They were united in a 2002 civil union in Vermont. Cohen had ruled in August that Florida’s gay marriage ban is unconstitutional and that out-of-state gay marriages should be recognized. Brassner attorney Nancy Brodzki said it was Florida’s first gay divorce. On Dec. 24, a Miami-based appeals court came to a different conclusion and denied a same-sex divorce because the case didn’t challenge the state’s ban on samesex marriage.



here are currently two quests for clarification over whether same-sex marriage licenses should be issued statewide in Florida, and one of them has an official day in court. Judge Sarah Zabel set a hearing for Jan. 5 in Miami Dade Circuit Court. The topic at hand was the Miami Clerk’s motion for a clarification about the stay on same-sex marriage. Federal Judge Robert Hinkle previously declared Florida’s ban on gay marriage unconstitutional and said same-sex marriage licenses could start being issued in the state Jan. 6.

However the Florida Association of Court Clerks and Comptrollers attorneys have twice warned that Hinkle’s ruling only applies in Washington County, and clerks in other counties could face criminal charges if they issue licenses. Since then, clerks in most Florida counties have either stated that they’ll hold off on issuing licenses until the Association updates their recommendation or a court order clarifies the issue, with exception of Osceola County. On Dec. 22, Miami Dade Clerk Harvey Ruvin filed a motion requesting the 11th judicial circuit court clarify and expedite the details of the stay’s expiration. The Jan. 5 hearing aims to provide

that clarification. Ruvin is the defendant in a lawsuit by the Equality Florida Institute and six same-sex couples fighting for marriage equality. This hearing is separate from another push for clarification on the hearing, stemming from Hinkle himself. On Dec. 24, he filed an order asking the parties involved state their positions on whether marriage licenses should be issued Jan. 6. The deadline for those statements is midnight Dec. 29. Hinkle could make a final ruling any time after that. As of press time on the evening of Dec. 30, no further information was made available concerning Zabel’s request. Visit WatermarkOnline.com for up-todate information.

skills and relentless defense of Florida’s gay marriage ban have made her a modern-day Anita Bryant.” Bryant, of course, was the 1970s beauty queen who rallied against gays and lesbians adopting and was famously struck with a pie during a press event. The column continues with, “Antagonizing Florida’s gay voters over same-sex marriage and Hispanic voters over immigration reform ensures Bondi has a bright political future ahead of her — if she moves to Mississippi.” Also listed as a Loser of 2014 is Orlando attorney John Morgan,

who spearheaded the 2014 medical marijuana initiative that failed to pass with 60% of the vote. That and the support he gave former Governor Charlie Crist’s failed gubernatorial campaign were both cited as reasons behind the selection. The Winners of 2014, incidentally, were former governor Jeb Bush, who has recently discussed a possibility of a 2016 presidential campaign. The Times named Rick Scott as runnerup in this category for turning Crist into a three-time statewide election loser.

Appeal ruled Dec. 24 that a lower court was correct in 2012 when it dismissed the divorce petition filed by Sarah Oliver and Heather Stufflebeam because Florida does not recognize their marriage. The appeals court pointed out that neither woman sought to challenge the ban. They claimed only that the ban didn’t apply

to divorces. Several federal and state judges have ruled this year that the Florida gay marriage ban is unconstitutional, which the state is appealing. A Broward County judge granted the state’s first gay divorce Dec. 17 using the same reasoning.

‘tamPa bay timeS’ nameS bonDi ‘loSer of 2014’ Staff Report

Despite winning a re-election campaign by an incredibly large margin in November, Pam Bondi is still the Loser of 2014, according to the political blog “The Buzz,” published by the Tampa Bay Times. In its Dec. 28 edition, the column offered up its weekly winners and losers selections— but this time it went with a year-end theme. “Put aside the unseemly junkets funded by groups seeking to influence her,” the column reads. “Bondi’s clumsy communication

miami court refuSeS to Grant Divorce for Same-Sex couPle Wire Report miami | A Miami-based appeals court has ruled that a same-sex couple married in Iowa cannot get a divorce in Florida in a case that did not challenge the state’s ban on gay marriage. The 3rd District Court of

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Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01

nation+world news

FDA calls for end of ban on blood donations by gays Wire Report


ashington | Federal health officials are recommending an end to the nation’s lifetime ban on blood donations from gay and bisexual men, a 31-year-old policy that many medical groups and gay activists say is no longer justified. The Food and Drug Administration said Dec. 23 it favors replacing the blanket ban with a new policy barring donations from men who have had sex with other men in the previous year. FDA officials said that policy is supported by research and would put the U.S. in-line with other countries including Australia, Japan and the U.K. The lifetime ban dates from the early years of the AIDS crisis and was intended to protect the blood supply from what was a then little-understood disease. But many medical groups, including the American Medical Association, say the policy is no longer supported by science, given advances in HIV testing. Gay activists say the lifetime ban is discriminatory and perpetuates negative stereotypes of homosexual men. The agency will recommend the switch in draft guidelines early next year and move to finalize them after taking comments from the public, say FDA officials. FDA Deputy Director

Dr. Peter Parks declined to give a timeframe for completing the process but said, “we commit to working as quickly as possible on this issue.” All blood donations are screened for HIV; however, the test only detects the virus after it’s been in the bloodstream about 10 days. That allows a brief window when the virus that causes AIDS can go undetected. According to government figures, men who have had sex with other men represent about 2 percent of the U.S. population, yet account for at least 62 percent of all new HIV infections in the U.S. Tuesday’s announcement is the culmination of years of government discussions re-examining the ban. Last month a panel of blood safety experts convened by Department of Health and Human Services voted 16-2 in favor of doing away with the lifetime ban. The panel recommended moving to a one-year ban, which bars donors who have had male-on-male sex during the previous 12 months. Some gay activists said Tuesday that policy remains unrealistic and will still stigmatize gay and bisexual men. “Some may believe this is a step forward, but in reality, requiring celibacy for a year is a de facto lifetime ban,” the organization Gay Men’s Health Crisis, a New Yorkbased nonprofit that supports AIDS prevention and care, said after the announcement.

The FDA implemented the ban in 1983, when health officials were first recognizing the risk of contracting AIDS via blood transfusions. Under the current policy, blood donations are barred from any man who has had sex with another man at any time since 1977—the start of the AIDS epidemic in the U.S. The push for a new policy gained momentum in 2006, when the Red Cross, the American Association of Blood Banks, and America’s Blood Centers called the ban “medically and scientifically unwarranted.” Last year the American Medical Association voted to oppose the policy. Patient groups that rely on a safe blood supply, including the National Hemophilia Foundation, have also voiced support for dropping the ban. However, the ACLU said the year waiting period essentially means the ban is still in place. “The FDA’s proposal must be seen as part of an ongoing process and not an end point,” said ACLU Legislative Representative Ian Thompson in a media release. “The reality for most gay and bisexual men—including those in committed, monogamous relationships—is that this proposal will continue to function as a de facto lifetime ban. Criteria for determining blood donor eligibility should be based on science, not outdated, discriminatory stereotypes and assumptions.”

similar but separate case that justices heard last month. ``Had they done so, their guidance would have been helpful,’’ McDaniel said in a statement. A Pulaski County judge voided Arkansas’ bans in May, triggering 541 same-sex marriages—the first in the Deep South. Justices imposed a stay a week later, pending their own review. McDaniel has said he personally supports same-sex marriages but that his job is to serve as the state’s chief lawyer. ``I believe it is necessary to file this notice, in keeping with my obligation to oppose all challenges to our state constitution,’’ McDaniel said. The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis hears federal court challenges from Arkansas.

Arkansas voters passed the gay marriage ban in 2004 by a 3-to-1 margin. Baker said that while it’s proper for voters to make laws, they could not impose unconstitutional ones. During the week when gay marriages were allowed in Arkansas, 69 of the state’s 75 counties refused to grant any, saying they wanted the state Supreme Court to weigh in first. In separate hearings, Baker and the justices heard appeals in the gay marriage cases. Baker ruled within a week. The state Supreme Court has not said when it would rule, but the makeup of the court changes Jan. 1, with two new justices joining the court.

Arkansas to appeal federal gay marriage ruling Wire Report Little Rock, Ark. | Arkansas’ attorney general filed a notice in federal court Dec. 23 that he will appeal a judge’s ruling that said voters were wrong to ban gay marriage during a referendum 10 years ago. U.S. District Judge Kristine Baker had ruled Nov. 25 that Arkansas’ gay-marriage ban and separate law restricting marriages to one man and one woman were unconstitutional. She delayed enforcement of her order and gave the state until Friday to appeal. Attorney General Dustin McDaniel said in a statement Tuesday that he had hoped the Arkansas Supreme Court would have ruled by now in a

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in other news U.S. removes Gambia from trade agreement Activists have praised the U.S. government’s decision to remove Gambia from a trade agreement in response to human rights abuses, including a law signed in October that imposes life imprisonment for some homosexual acts. A spokesman for the U.S. Trade Representative said Wednesday that the decision was made in response to general concerns about human rights in the West African nation, including the anti-gay law.

Former Tucson mayor George Miller dies Former Tucson, Ariz., Mayor George Miller, who helped the city become the first in Arizona to adopt a hate-crimes law, died Christmas night. He was 92. A Democrat, Miller served as Tucson mayor from 1991 until 1999. Miller was especially sensitive to the gay and transgender community and led efforts to pass a hate-crimes law in 1995.

ACLU sues to allow gay club in Indiana school The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a lawsuit against a western Indiana school district seeking to force it to recognize a club for LGBT students and those who support them. The lawsuit filed Dec. 23 in U.S. District Court in Terre Haute contends the North Putnam Community School Corp. in Bainbridge, 35 miles west of Indianapolis, is violating the First Amendment rights of the Gay-Straight Alliance and the three students who are now members.

N.J. lawmaker wants to ban ‘gay panic’ defense New Jersey Assemblyman Tim Eustace (D-Bergen) has introduced a bill to prohibiting defendants from claiming the so-called “gay panic” defense. The defense has been used in varying degrees of success following attacks on LGBT people where the defendant claims he or she became enraged by sexual advances of a person of the same sex. Eustace, who is the assembly’s second openly gay member, hopes the state will follow California’s stance, which banned the defense in 2014.

Cairo bathhouse raid spreads fear in Egypt’s gay community A December police raid of a public bathhouse in Cairo led to the arrest of at least two dozen men who were paraded half-naked in front of television cameras before heading to prison. It was the latest in a series of police busts at suspected meeting places of gays across Egypt. Arrests of gays has been on the rise since President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi seized power in a military coup in 2013.

Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01


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Michael Wanzie



The importance of the Chicken & Biscuit

was discussing New

Years plans with George Wallace, the Executive Director of the Orlando International Fringe Theatre Festival, who shared that his mother, “a hot mess in the kitchen” cooked only one dish that anyone thought to be of any quality. That dish was a secret recipe meat pie which he intended to make for his own New Year’s celebration this year.

This topic brought to mind a story from my youth, which revolves around a chicken potpie of sorts and its part in a New Year’s gathering hosted by Katherine Hepburn. After regaling George with this tale, he insisted people would be willing to buy a book of my short stories. Of that, I am surely not convinced. But since I was just about to sit down to write this column with nothing in mind as a topic, I decided to relate the incident herein to the readers of Watermark to test viability of short story-telling skills. Growing up in rural Connecticut, most of my family was employed at one time or another by an incredibly popular colonial bakery and gift shop managed by my dear late Aunt Trudy Cranson. Oronoque Orchards sat proudly atop a picturesque grassy hill surrounded by laurel, elms, birch and oak trees overlooking the Housatonic River in Stratford. Due to its close proximity to New York City, Southern Connecticut was home to many a celebrity. Regular customers at “the pie shop” included Kate God Bless America Smith, Margaret The Wizard of O” Hamilton, Joanne Woodworth (always driven there by hubby Paul Newman who never got out of the car) and Hepburn, who stopped in twice a year. Kate Smith would plow her way into the bakery

with full-on bouffant hairdo, face fully made up and donning a mink stole. She and Hamilton loved to be recognized and would gladly sign autographs. Joanne Woodworth was generally unassuming but was kind to people if recognized. But Hepburn took great pains to conceal her identity when out in public and could manage to accomplish her shopping with a stealth like approach that left fellow costumers completely unaware they were sampling Toll House and Applesauce Cookies alongside an Academy Award- and Tony Awardwinning theatrical legend. One day during the Christmas rush, Hepburn summoned Aunt Trudy to the sales room. Most uncharacteristically, Hepburn untied her threadbare scarf from beneath her chin and removed it from her head along with the large sunglasses she was wearing in mid-December. She hoisted herself up and sat atop the sales counter over which 45 varieties of pies were passed to waiting costumers. She said, “Trudy, we have a terrible dilemma here, and I need your help.” I know this because I was hiding down on my hunches behind the counter eavesdropping. I was so thrilled the great Hepburn was exposing herself and talking to my aunt. The “dilemma” it seemed, was that my aunt had recently discontinued making a product know as “Oronoque Orchards Old Fashioned Chicken & Biscuit.” This one and only savory product the bakery had ever made was a family-sized spin-off of a traditional potpie consisting of all farm-fresh vegetables and including a whole chicken that was carved up and steamed on the premises. The milky thick concoction was poured into a disposable tin cake pan with no bottom crust, but topped with a thick dinner-plate sized homemade biscuit that was unparalleled in taste and texture. Sold as a frozen item to thaw and reheat, it was

unique to this business and was uncommonly good. Aunt Trudy explained to the actress that the process of making the Chicken & Biscuit with only fresh quality ingredients was so labor-intensive that the product had simply become too expensive to produce. Hepburn literally begged my aunt to make her a dozen or so this one last time.

order comes in. I’ll put on an apron and go back into the kitchen and make them myself if you’ll just show me what to do. But I have to have those Chicken & Biscuits this one last time.” When Aunt Trudy pressed her as to why it was so important she acquire this product, the great Hepburn confessed, “Trudy, it’s no secret I don’t like many

Katherine Hepburn can make. So you see, you have to help me make it, Trudy, or I’ll be exposed as a liar.” Aunt Trudy ordered the ingredients and had the kitchen staff whip up a batch of Chicken & Biscuit especially for the desperate actress just in time for her New Year’s soiree. I will never forget that conversation, and I have never forgiven Aunt

“I’ll pay any price,” she pleaded. Trudy explained that the ingredients needed to make the dish were no longer kept in stock. Hepburn, now becoming visibly anxious, offered she would write my aunt a check on the spot if Trudy would order the ingredients, further asserting, “Call me when the

people. I rarely entertain. But for more than10 years now it has been my tradition to have an important group of fuddy duddies over to my house for News Year’s Day dinner. Now they’ve already been invited for this year and as tradition dictates, they were promised I would be serving my famous secret recipe, Chicken & Biscuit, that only

Trudy (may she rest in peace) for not allowing Katherine Hepburn to put on an apron and join us in the kitchen.

I was so thrilled the great Katherine Hepburn was exposing herself and talking to my aunt.

watermark Your lgbt life.

Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01

Michael Wanzie is a playwright and theatrical producer residing in Orlando. You may subscribe to his weekly WANZeGRAM performing arts & cultural e-newsletter by logging onto WANZIE.com



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talking points


If Harry Potter taught us anything it’s that no one should live in a closet.



of Same-Sex CoupleS who


their relationShipS are female



of SameSex CoupleS diSSolve their relationShipS eaCh year —Williams Institute

—J.k. roWling’s TWeeT When a fan askeD if any lgbT sTuDenTs aTTenDeD hogWarTs

lanCe loveS miChael


n Dec. 20, lance bass finally TieD The knoT WiTh michael Turchin. The celebrity-packed event was held at the Park Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles and fellow former ‘NSYNC-ers were in attendance along with friends and family of both men. Details were fairly limited and cameras weren’t allowed in the ceremony or at the reception because, of course, it will all be revealed on E! Television in a special called Lance Loves Michael: The Lance Bass Wedding. The few pre-ceremony pics showed an ecstatic couple, but no word on how Turchin feels about the title of that special, which seems to gloss over his participation.

not Gay, JuSt... mormon


Sir elton John marrieS david furniSh

he channel ThaT useD To be abouT eDucaTion, Tlc, has yet another ridiculous reality show planned for the new year, and this one follows Mormon men who are attracted to men, yet say they aren’t gay. Oh, and their wives are a part of the show too. In My Husband’s Not Gay, airing Jan. 10, four men discuss their Mormon faith, their attraction to the same sex and, according to previews, protest too much that they aren’t gay. Even their wives chirp in to “confirm” that the same-sex attraction of the young men doesn’t mean they have married gay guys.

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ine years afTer They enTereD inTo a civil union, Sir Elton John and long-time partner David Furnish were married on Dec. 21. The men, who have two sons, shared most of the day on Instagram. Photos of the menu, the grooms and even the bellringers (their children) popped up throughout the day for adoring fans to see. The big day was held at the couple’s home in Windsor and celebrities in attendance included David and Victoria Beckham, Elizabeth Hurley and Hugh Grant.

Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01

Blunt’S reSolution: BeCome a Gay iCon


hen emily blunT Won us over in THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA, it was clear she’d made a mark in LGBT pop culture. But she wants more, and now, with a role in the newly released Into The Woods, Blunt told The Advocate it’s all part of her master plan to become a gay icon. “I know that’s my demographic,” the 31-year-old said. “That’s been made clear to me by my fans. I love it. I think it’s so cool, because one day I hope to be a gay icon.” Girl, you are well on your way, especially if you keep hanging with Meryl Streep.


Illustration by Patrick O’Connor

W 24

watermark Your lgbt life.

Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01

in-depth: marriaGe equality

g n i t i a W

e l s i A

e h ta t

the lonG roaD to marriaGe equality haS been bumPy, uP to the bitter enD Editor’s Note: As this issue of Watermark went to press, Judge Robert Hinkle had not yet clarified his ruling concerning the unconstitutionality of Florida’s ban on same-sex marriage. For up-to-date information, visit WatermarkOnline.com.

Jamie Hyman, Steve Blanchard and Samantha Rosenthal


ail foreman anD paT cummins

have waited nearly a quarter-century for 2015. This is the year the Sarasota couple may actually get legally married in their home state. But their plans for a Jan. 6 wedding on Sarasota County’s courthouse steps skidded to a halt over the holidays when confusion arose over which counties could and couldn’t issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. watermark Your lgbt life.

“We have our ducks in a row and we’re ready,” Foreman says. “We did our online premarital test already to avoid the three-day waiting period for a license.” That test, she admits, was comical and geared toward young, heterosexual couples just starting on their journey. Not for a lesbian couple celebrating 24 years together. “It instructed us on how to resolve conflicts, how to budget and what

Continued on pG. 28 | uu |

Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01


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| uu | Marriage Equality from pg.25

to do with religious differences,” Forman laughs. “We got a chuckle of the whole thing. It’s so antiquated.” But even with some slight comic relief, the couple has difficulty hiding their frustration. After more than two decades together, the two have no doubt that they want to be married. The reason they haven’t traveled to one of 35 states that do recognize marriage equality is simple. “We had a civil union in Key West a few years ago, but we said we’re not leaving Florida to get married legally now that we’re here and part of the community,” Foreman said. “It just isn’t worth it. We wanted to wait and do it here. We absolutely knew we were going to do this once it was legal.” Foreman, a school teacher, said marriage will afford her the chance to protect Cummins with her pensions and benefits. There are also benefits Foreman could receive through Cummins’ employer, FedEx. The two women moved to Florida eight years ago and planned to get married on the Sarasota County Courthouse steps on Jan. 6. Now, like every other same-sex couple outside of Washington and Osceola counties—the only two counties that at press time were prepared to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples—Foreman and Cummings have put their wedding plans on hiatus. “I was frustrated and angry,” Foreman says, adding that her soon-to-be-spouse felt the same way. “I couldn’t believe that all of the legal minds involved in this didn’t catch the wording before it got to the point of announcing that everyone can get married.” The couple purchased plane tickets for friends to come celebrate their nuptials—but now those friends are just coming to enjoy some time away from cold weather. “But who knows, maybe we’ll have time to sneak a wedding in there,” Foreman says. “Because the minute it’s clarified and it’s legal, we’re getting married.”

Wedding confusion

The current confusion began as joy in August for those who support marriage equality in Florida. That’s when Judge Robert Hinkle ruled that Florida’s ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. He placed a stay on his decision so


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Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01

the state could appeal, which it did, but he refused to extend it past its original Jan. 5 deadline. In December, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to step in and grant an extension. That same month, Florida’s County Clerks of Court received conflicting information as to what is legal and proper come Jan. 6. As of press time, most clerks say they won’t issue licenses after the Florida Clerks and Comptrollers Association has advised twice that clerks outside of Washington County—where Hinkle made his ruling—can face criminal prosecution if they issue licenses Jan. 6. Equality Florida, which successfully sued the state last year for marriage recognition in South Florida, responded to the organization’s advice, saying that it is incorrect. That memo says that clerks across Florida have a legal obligation to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples or risk expensive litigation, including liability for damages and attorney fees. “Clerks can stand in the doorway and try to block equality or they can welcome gay couples who have waited for decades for this moment,” Nadine Smith says in a prepared statement. “We expect every Clerk to uphold their oath and protect the constitutional rights of gay couples seeking marriage licenses. No legal firm’s memo overrides their clear legal obligation.” Tampa Bay and other Central Florida counties are awaiting more instruction. “At this time, there’s an uncertainty,” says one spokesperson for the Clerk of the Court for Pinellas County. “We haven’t been given a yes or no.” The similar stance was shared in neighboring Hillsborough County. “Originally we were told Jan. 6 [was the date to issue same-sex couples marriage licenses], but now we are waiting on a legal opinion to come back,” a spokesperson from the Hillsborough Clerk of Court told Watermark. Central Florida clerks have different opinions on the order related to legal threats, which are detailed in Orlando News (Page 10). The threat of legal action directed at those clerks who do issue licenses—ranging from fines to time in jail—has kept even those who support marriage equality from saying if they will issue licenses come Jan. 6.

Hinkle has filed an order so he can clarify the ruling before Jan. 5.

movinG forward with marriaGe

Even with clarification out of reach, the City of Orlando will move forward with plans to celebrate marriage equality with a mass wedding on Jan. 6. On Dec. 22, MBA Orlando announced a ceremony for samesex couples at City Hall with Mayor Buddy Dyer presiding over the ceremony. “MBA Orlando is delighted to be partnering with the City of Orlando,” says Andrea Hayes, director of diversity and inclusion for MBA Orlando. “We have a longstanding, strong relationship with the City of Orlando, and actually we’ve been in conversation for the past year and a half to two years regarding marriage equality... Mayor Dyer made it well-known to us that his intentions, for the past couple of years, that he has wanted to preside over the first—if not one of the first—same-sex marriage in Central Florida. As we’ve seen the movement progress the past

“The Center, with its mission to bring the community together, on Jan. 6 will be one of the first in Central Florida to hold a mass wedding ceremony here at The Center,” says The Center’s Executive Director Terry DeCarlo. “We already have about 25 couples signed up to get married on that day.” DeCarlo was confident in December that clerks across the state would recognize full marriage equality by issuing same-sex couples licenses on Jan. 6.

the waShinGton option Since the case Judge Hinkle ruled on was filed in Washington County, some are concerned that his ruling declaring the state’s ban on same-sex marriages unconstitutional only impact the small, panhandle county just north of Panama City. Some couples considered traveling to Washington County to get their licenses and then return to their home counties to wed. Others may travel to the county and get married. Foreman and Cummins of Sarasota considered both options,

25-pluS amiCuS BriefS urGe Ban’S end According to Equality Florida, more than 25 unique amicus briefs were submitted to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit encouraging the state move forward with marriage equality. Groups include law enforcement officials—including Tampa Police Chief Jane Castor—faith leaders and city and county municipalities from across the Sunshine State. The briefs ask the court to end the ban once and for all, and business community leaders stress the importance of marriage equality to the state’s economy. “State laws and constitutions denying marriage to gay and lesbian citizens are bad for our businesses,” one brief representing the business community reads. “Amici are forced to bear unnecessary costs, complexity, and risk in managing our companies, and we are hampered in our efforts to recruit and retain the most talented workforce possible—all of which places us at a competitive disadvantage. Our success depends upon the welfare and morale of all

I couldn’t believe that all of the legal minds involved in this didn’t catch the wording before it got to the point of announcing that everyone can get married. —gail foreman

couple months, our conversation started back up again to discuss the logistics and ceremony.” The ceremony is planned for 9 a.m. in the Rotunda at City Hall with an anticipated 10 to 30 couples participating in the ceremony. Vendors will be present to make sure that the day is just as special, and photographers will be on-hand to capture this special moment. Commissioner Patty Sheehan and staff from the City of Orlando will be at the event. MBA Orlando reached out to Orange County but have yet to confirm a representative in attendance. “MBA Orlando is also working closely with Equality Florida, Human Rights Campaign and The Center to ensure this is a collaborative event for the LGBT community and that there are other events happening throughout the day,” Hayes says. The GLBT Community Center of Central Florida will also host a mass wedding the same day.

but were unsure if the seven-hour drive would have been worth it. “We’re afraid that we’d get to Washington County and learn that we had to be residents there to get a license,” Foreman explains. “It’s all so convoluted and confusing right now. We’re just waiting for more clarity before we do anything.” Washington County, she says, is missing out on an amazing economic opportunity if it doesn’t grant licenses to other same-sex couples, she says. “Think of the tourism,” she says. “Not only the licensing fees, but the hotel stays, dining establishments and attractions. I read that Washington County is the poorest county in the state. This is an economic opportunity for them up there. They should snatch it up.” According to USA Today, Washington County ranks 59th out of the 67 Florida counties when it comes to average household income.

employees, without distinction.” Equality Florida hailed the briefs and focused on the diversity of the support coming from all corners of the state. “The breadth and depth of these amici briefs demonstrate the groundswell of support for the freedom to marry,” says Smith. “A Federal district court in Florida has now joined the 60 other state and federal courts—including four federal appellate courts—who over the past year have affirmed the freedom to marry and held the denial of marriage to be unconstitutional. We believe when the 11th Circuit justices consider this case and make note of the diversity of support, they, too, will affirm the right of everyone to marry the person they love.” Florida is now just one of 15 states that do not recognize marriage equality.

watermark Your lgbt life.

out-of-State marriaGeS Will be recoGniZeD Jan. 6


Jamie Hyman

eT’s face iT—The Whole

idea of marriage equality is a mess in Florida right now. Despite the U.S. Supreme Court paving the way for legal same-sex marriage to come to the Sunshine State Jan. 6, clerks are saying they won’t issue licenses because they fear prosecution and many couples happy plans are now fraught with uncertainty.

There is, however, some good news—couples legally married out of state will have their marriages recognized at the end of the day Jan. 5, when the stay on Judge Hinkle’s ruling that Florida’s same-sex marriage ban is unconstitutional expires. Additionally, couples who travel to the Panhandle and marry in Washington County will also be legally married with full, statewide recognition. That’s because Hinkle’s ruling definitely applies to Washington County—the uncertainty stems from whether it applies across the state. “Our legal team firmly believes that the answers to those questions are yes and yes,” said Orlando attorney and LGBT activist Mary Meeks, when asked about couples already legally married and couples who marry in Washington County. “Of course we can’t predict what Pam Bondi’s position will be, but we sincerely hope that she will not continue to engage in baseless litigation in futile attempts to deny Florida’s same-sex couples their constitutional rights.” Meeks is part of the legal team behind the lawsuit filed back in January on behalf of Equality Florida Institute Inc. and six gay couples in Miami-Dade. The lawsuit claims that the state’s same-sex marriage ban violates the U.S. Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection. Nadine Smith, CEO of Equality Florida, legally married her wife, Andrea, in 2009 in Vermont. “It’s huge, obviously, for those who get married in January when that window opens,” Smith said. “But it’s also incredibly huge for those of us legally married elsewhere but denied hundreds of rights here and at the federal level.”

Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01



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Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01


arts and entertainment

Intervention Bette Midler talks early LGBT support, ‘diva’ degradation, twerking and equal wig rights


Chris Azzopardi

efore the whole world knew her

as “The Divine Miss M,” Bette Milder was ours. In the early ’70s, bawdy, belt-y Bette was performing for the NYC bathhouse boys, and don’t think she’s forgotten it, either. “I mean, if I had a nickel for everybody that said they saw me at the baths,” says Midler in our recent interview, “I would be Joe Billionaire by now!”

Midler would go on to global fame, reaching beyond music to become a celebrated name in film, television and on the stage, winning Grammys, Golden Globes, Emmys and a special Tony Award. And in fall 2015, the eagerly awaited return of one of show business’ most versatile performers arrived with the release of her first album in eight years, It’s the Girls!, a tribute to some of the greatest female harmonies in history. Midler talked about the 2015 tour— which stops at Tampa’s Amalie Arena May 11—and the truck full of hairpieces she’s schlepping along (“Cher has 55 wigs, why can’t I?”). She also touched

watermark Your lgbt life.

Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01

on her early support of the LGBT community, the degradation of the word “diva” and her plan to avenge Mae West for sending her a cease and desist.

WATERMARK: You know how much we gays love our girls. How much do you keep your gay following in mind when you make music, particularly with It’s the Girls!?

BETTE MIDLER: To tell you the truth, it really didn’t cross my mind. The music I chose is music I had a lot of affection for. Some of these songs I’ve known since I

Continued on pg. 32 | uu |


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watermark Your lgbt life.

| uu | Bette Midler from pG.31

was a little girl. I feel like if I have a strong feeling for this music, people will also have a strong feeling for it. The truth is, you cannot pander. You have to go with your gut and your heart and be true to yourself, and hope that people like it. They generally do. when you look BaCk at your early Support for the lGBt Community, what do you reCall aS BeinG the moment that GalvaniZed you to Stand up aS an ally?

I had been in the theater for a long time, from the time I was a young person, and I’d always known gay people—and they were just, like, gay people! Just ordinary friends. People that you knew, and that you never thought twice about. You didn’t think of them as being different, although looking back on my high school years, I think there were a lot of people in my high school—this is so many years ago; this is 50 years ago—who probably were gay and didn’t ever talk about it. As a matter of fact, one of the kids that I went to school with, an enormously popular guy—really funny, really wonderful—who was in my Latin class, wrote me before he passed away from AIDS to tell me that he had been gay and that he had contracted AIDS. So, I mean, what was the moment when I said that it was time to stand up? Oh my god—it never occurred to me not to. These were friends of mine—people that I had worked with, people that I had danced with, people I had broken bread with my whole life—so it never occurred to me not to. You do what you do because there’s nothing else to do. There’s no other option. did you experienCe any BaCklaSh for

SupportinG Gay people at the time?

You know, I might have, but I was very wellprotected in those days. I actually did not feel it. I remember the first big benefit that anyone had done for gay rights (“A Star Spangled Night for Rights” in 1977). I remember the poster, and it was at the Hollywood Bowl. Lily (Tomlin), Richard Pryor and Tom Waits were on the program, but nobody ever said LGBT then. That didn’t exist. So that night, Tom Waits sang “Standin’ on the Corner” and then Richard Pryor came out and [he] started off great. I don’t even know if this is in your history books or anything, but he started off great and then worked himself up into a real frenzy as only he could. He said that the gay community had never supported civil rights and, “Where were you when we were riding and they were kicking us to the curb and we were being fire-hosed?” Then he said, “You all can kiss my rich, black ass!” and he stomped off the stage. And I had to follow him! I mean, I’m just stripping it bare, but imagine what happened. So I went out and said, “You all can kiss my rich, white ass,” and of course then everything was much better, but it was such a curious evening. I think Stonewall, in’60s, was the first time [the gay community] fought back, but, you know, in history everyone says “I was there.” I mean, if I had a nickel for everybody that said they saw me at the baths, I would be Joe Billionaire by now! I would be playing at Madison Square Garden instead of a ricketytickety little bathhouse on 73rd Street! I really do think that this big fundraiser in the late ’70s was a little shot across the bow too, and then not long after that, in the middle ’80s, AIDS came down and it was so

Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01

horrible and, even though he knew so many gay people, Ronald Reagan did nothing. Nothing!

if a Gay fan approaCheS you, whiCh of your proJeCtS would they moSt LIKELY MENTION?

You wanna know the truth? Hocus Pocus. Honestly, I cannot believe what happened with Hocus Pocus. I’m just dumbfounded by the number of people who mention Hocus Pocus— and they’re young people! waS your 2015 halloween CoStume— when you went aS your hOCUS POCUS CharaCter, winifred SanderSon—the CloSeSt we’ll ever Get to a Sequel?

I tell them all you must write the Walt Disney Company because I don’t have anything to say about it—but they do! But you’d Be up for it?

Oh yeah. The girls and I

mother who can’t do anything, who’s completely helpless in the face of this. I felt that, and that’s the way I wanted to interpret it. I think it worked out wonderfully.

you’ve Been a Self-proClaimed diva and have Said you were the “people’S diva.” at thiS point, haS the meaninG of the word “diva” ChanGed So muCh that you no lonGer identify with it?

It’s a word that is just so overused that it’s really lost all currency. It no longer has any meaning at all. Any old slob on the Internet can say, “Well, I’m a ‘diva,’” and have some people believing it, but not me. In the old, old, old, old days— you know, during the Civil War when I was just a child—it meant “the star.” It was an opera term, and it meant a female opera singer who really could carry the whole opera, and it has been so degraded now. It’s a shame because it really was a wonderful word. when you hit the road for your firSt tour in 10 yearS, how many wiGS are you BRINGING ALONG WITH YOU?

sTill Divine: The Divine Bette Midler is back with a successful album and a 2015 tour that brings her to Tampa, and she expects to see plenty of gay fans in the seats when she arrives.

have talked about it, and we all laugh and say, “Yeah, we’ll wait for that phone call.” But sure, we would all do it. We had a wonderful time.

IT’S ThE GIRlS! CeleBrateS and honorS female performerS who Branded a very partiCular imaGe. i mean, they definitely were not twerkinG.

Ugh. I don’t know what to tell you. I just saw that Jennifer Lopez video with Iggy Azalea—“Booty booty booty...”—and oh, girls, please! What can you say? Girls... please.

how do you Compare the Girl GroupS from the era you’re ChannelinG to what you’re SeeinG now?

It was a really wholesome era in retrospect. It was sexy, but it was not blatant. It was intriguing and it was mysterious because it wasn’t flat out in your face. It was also supremely elegant. You know, I talk about this with my girlfriend Toni Basil, another gay icon: Those voices, the black voices, were not familiar to white ears. They simply never heard

those voices singing harmony before. You never really heard those really strong, vibrant black girls singing until The Shirelles, The Crystals, The Chiffons, and then the Motown girls, and the girls who came after: Sister Sledge, The Emotions and down the line. The Honeycombs? Is there a

seemed like such an important song. To me, it was one of the saddest songs I’d ever heard on pop radio. So, I wanted to do a stripped-down version of it because I really wanted the story to be clear. I had thought about it for a long time, and when I first heard it, I was so moved by it. I shed a tear myself, and

group called The Honeycombs? I personally wanted to cover [The Weather Girls’] “Two Tons o’ Fun” but everyone said, “No, no, you can’t cut that,” so I didn’t.

I always use that as a kind of litmus test. If it really moves me, I can bring something to it; I can make it my own.

Oh my god—I have a truck! I have a whole truck. Well, Cher always does. Cher has 55 wigs, why can’t I? To tell you the truth, I have been wearing wigs since, let’s see, the very, very old days. Since I first started making motion pictures— movies! I’ve always worn wigs. Always, always, always. It really does spare you. It really is a timesaver, and I really enjoy them. And I love makeup and hair. I just love it, love it, love it! I love becoming somebody that I’m not. As they used to say about Mae

I mean, if I had a nickel for everybody that said they saw me at the baths, I would be —beTTe miDler Joe Billionaire by now!

you Cover tlC’S ’90S pop hit “waterfallS” whiCh famouSly dealt with hiv/ aidS and Safe Sex. what SiGnifiCanCe doeS that SonG have for you?

The first time I heard it I was really struck by it because it

what aBout the SonG in partiCular hit you? did you know the oriGinal SonG waS inSpired By the aidS-StriCken AND PROMOTED SAFE SEX?

I do remember that, but it was a dance song. It was for the dance halls. It was for the discos, and yet it really is a song about the

watermark Your lgbt life.

West: “A little old lady used to come in onto the set and go into the trailer, and four hours later Mae West would come out.” It’s really kind of like that.

a lot of draG queenS would aGree with you and mae. what adviCe do you have for a Guy who wantS to dreSS in Bette draG?

A good pair of shoes—a really good pair of shoes—because you’ll really hurt yourself. You’ll

Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01

one of The girls: Bette Midler’s tribute to girl groups, “It’s the Girls!” immediately put her back on the Billboard Top 100 in 2014. hurt your joints. And a serious undergarment. And if your panties fall down all around your feet, step out of them and keep on singing.

that’S Good adviCe even if you’re not a draG queen.

(Laughs) Well, I’ve been accused of [being a drag queen] many times! But I take it with a grain of salt. To me, it’s a supreme compliment.

you mentioned mae weSt, and it waS announCed in late 2013 that you were CaSt aS mae in an upCominG hBo BiopiC. how’S that proJeCt CominG alonG?

I’ll tell you something: The script just came in, but I haven’t seen it. I’m waiting for the director, Billy Friedkin (director of The Exorcist), to make his notes, and then he’s gonna hand it off to me and we’ll see what happens. I’m really looking forward to it because I’ve been reading and doing my due diligence. She’s such a fabulous—she’s so fucking nuts! I mean, she was so insane. And you know, when I started my career all those many moons ago, I used to do an impersonation of Mae West, and I did it on The Johnny Carson Show—my very first Johnny Carson Show—and she sent me a letter telling me to cease and desist, which I swear to God I still have. I didn’t understand it at the time. I thought, “What’s wrong with her?” Now that I’ve done all the reading and am of a certain age, I totally get it. She was protecting what she had made. She was protecting her creation. That was practically a trademark and she didn’t want anyone to mishandle her creation. Ultimately, she was right. So I bowed to her wishes; I ceased and desisted. And I think it’s so amusing. (Laughs) After all that, if the script actually comes to the point of doing it, it certainly would be revenge. Take that, Mae!


On view now through January 18, 2015

Jamie Wyeth, Nureyev – Don Quixote (detail), 2001, combined mediums, Collection Brandywine River Museum of Art. Purchase made possible by the Robert J. Kleberg, Jr. and Helen C. Kleberg Foundation, the Roemer Foundation, the Margaret Dorrance Strawbridge Foundation of PA I, Inc., and an anonymous donor, 2006 Work by Jamie Wyeth copyright © Jamie Wyeth

On view now through January 11, 2015

James Rosenquist (American, born 1933), Welcome to the Water Planet, 1987, Aquatint on paper. Gift of Iris and E. Stan Salzer, Published by GraphicStudio, University of South Florida, Tampa


Kidding Around Yoga – 10:00-11:00 a.m. Make & Take Paint a Piggy Bank – 11:00 a.m.to 2:00 p.m.

Thursday, January 8

Drumming at the MFA – 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Saturday, January 10

Gallery Talk on Jamie Wyeth’s Portraits of Rudolf Nureyev by Hazel and William Hough Chief Curator Jennifer Hardin – 3:00 p.m.

Saturday, January 10

Take a Chance Dance Workshop – 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.



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Sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture.


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Events, days, dates, times, performers and prices are subject to change without notice. Handling fees will apply.

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community calenDar


St. peterSBurG

Dancing with the Stars Live!, Jan. 2, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, Orlando. 844-513-2014; DrPhillipsCenter.org

First Friday friDay, Jan. 2, 5:30 p.m. Keep the holiday spirit going into the new year with First Friday, the monthly gathering in downtown St. Petersburg between 2nd and 3rd Streets South, featuring great music, awesome food and a lively crowd. Remember, no pets are allowed at this monthly event, so leave the four-legged kids at home. Organizers suggest arriving early to find decent parking spaces.

Fringe year Round: Martin Dockery’s Wanderlust, Jan. 2, The Goldman Theater at the Lowndes Shakespeare Center, Orlando. 407-648-0077; OrlandoFringe.org Fringe year Round: Martin Dockery’s The Surprise, Jan. 3, The Goldman Theater at the Lowndes Shakespeare Center, Orlando. 407-648-0077; OrlandoFringe.org Fringe year Round: Martin Dockery’s The Holy Land Experience, Jan. 4, The Goldman Theater at the Lowndes Shakespeare Center, Orlando. 407-648-0077; OrlandoFringe.org The Book of Mormon, through Jan. 4, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, Orlando. 844-513-2014; DrPhillipsCenter.org Forever Badd Pageant, Jan. 5, Parliament House, Orlando. 407-425-7571; ParliamentHouse.com Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey present Circus xtreme, Jan. 8-Jan. 11, Amway Center, Orlando. 407-440-7000; AmwayCenter.com Orlando Philharmonic: Scheherazade, Jan. 10, Bob Carr Performing Arts Center, Orlando. 407-246-4262; Orlando-Theatre.com Purple, Jan. 10, Parliament House, Orlando. 407-425-7571; ParliamentHouse.com Orlando Ballet: Uncorked, Jan. 13, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, Orlando. 844-513-2014; Drphillipscenter.org


Martin Dockery: The Holyland Experience



sunDay, Jan. 4, 3 p.m. loWnDes shakespeare cenTer As part of Fringe Year Round, the festival presents the film Martin Dockery: The Holy Land Experience, where the filmmaker comically travels through the land of the uberfaithful right here in Orlando. Expect to be entertained and suprisingly enlightened after seeing this hit film. Tickets are $16 and are available at OrlandoFringe.org

The Book of Mormon is back in Florida and runs through Jan. 4 at the brand new Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts in Orlando. Then, beginning Jan. 20, it arrives at the Straz Center in Tampa. Get tickets at DrPhillipsCenter.org and StrazCenter.org.

tampa The State Ballet Theatre of Russia presents Swan Lake, Jan. 3, The Mahaffey Theater, St. Petersburg. 727-893-7832; TheMahaffey.com The Phantom of the Opera, through Jan. 4, Carol Morsani Hall, Straz Center, Tampa. 813-228-7827; StrazCenter.org Twelfth Night, Jan. 7-Feb. 1, Shimberg Playhouse, Straz Center, Tampa. 813-228-7827; StrazCenter.org

New Year’s from Vienna to New York presented by The Florida Orchestra, Jan. 9, Carl Morsani Hall, Straz Center, Tampa. 813-228-7827; StrazCenter.org Stars of Today Meet the Stars of Tomorrow Gala 2015, Jan. 10, Carol Morsani Hall, Straz Center, Tampa. 813-228-7827; StrazCenter.org Jeffery Foucault, Jan. 12, Jaeb Theater, Straz Center, Tampa. 813-228-7827; StrazCenter.org

SaraSota Buddy—The Buddy Holly Story, Jan. 6- Jan. 25, Venice Theatre, Venice. 941-488-1115; VeniceStage.com The Matchmaker, Jan. 6-April 11, Asolo Rep Theatre, Sarasota. 941-351-8000; AsoloRep.org Knock Me a Kiss, Jan. 7-Feb. 8, Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe, Sarasota. 941-366-1505; WBTTSRQ.org Good People, Jan, 14-March 1, Asolo Rep Theatre, Sarasota. 941-351-8000; AsoloRep.org

Mindfulness Course The cenTer Jan. 6-feb. 10, 6-9 p.m. The Center will be home to a six-week Mindfulness Course that assists participants in learning mindfulness-based strategies for their everyday lives. Each week will take a different theme. For details and to register, visit TheCenterOrlando.org.


Miss asaP 2015 sunDay, Jan. 11, 8 p.m. blur nighTclub, DuneDin The AIDS Service Association of Pinellas will again find a representative for its organization at its annual Miss ASAP Pageant on Jan. 11. This year, the pageant is at Blur Nightclub in Dunedin and reigning Miss ASAP Monica Moore will say her farewells, but not before she emcees the night of pageantry. Get details on the pageant’s Facebook page.

To submit your upcoming event, concert, performance, or fundraiser visit watermarkonline.com.

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Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01

ShotonSite 4


Tampa Bay 1- On the prowl: Bears and cubs alike were out for the holiday Neigh-Bear-Hood Takeover event held at The Social in Ybor City on Dec. 20. Photo courtesy Carrie West 2- Living legends: Stevie Nicks and Mick Fleetwood take the stage of the Amelie Arena in downtown Tampa on Dec. 20. Photo courtesy Todd Fixler 3- Ho Ho Ho: (L-R) Brian Longstreth and Mike Bell get into the spirit of the season during the HO3 Gay St. Pete House holiday party on Dec. 18. Photo courtesy Steven Rodriguez




4- Digging history: (L-R) Watermark editor Steve Blanchard and his partner, Steve Smith, enjoy an outing at Plant City’s Dinosaur World the weekend before Christmas. Photo by Steve Blanchard 5- All-star birthday: (L-R) Star Hayes, Stephanie Stuart, Cecil Allen and Beverly Baltimore helped celebrate Stuart’s birthday at Blue Krush Nightclub in New Port Richey on Dec. 28. Photo courtesy Aaron Phoenix 6- Christmas chit chat: (L-R) Joey Brooks chats with Kurt King at the GaYbor Holiday Party held at the Honey Pot on Dec. 12. Photo courtesy Carrie West 7- Sexy elves: The cast at Steam Fridays truly got into the holiday mood on Dec. 19. Photo courtesy Carrie West




8- Holiday pride: (L-R) St. Pete Pride’s Eric Skains and Robert Shaffer celebrate the holidays at the HO3 party at Gay St. Pete House on Dec. 18. Photo courtesy Steven Rodriguez

Overheard Miss ASAP is Dunedin bound


he AIDS Service Association of Pinellas is shaking things up a bit this year with its annual Miss ASAP Pageant. The organization is taking the pageant north—to Blur Nightclub in Dunedin, to be exact. The annual pageant features female impersonators vying for the coveted title to represent ASAP for a full year. The move north pulls the annual contest out of St. Petersburg and stretches into the northern part of the county, where ASAP services many clients. Outgoing Miss ASAP Monica Moore will

help organize and host the pageant and will also step down at the end of the night before crowning the next queen in the dynasty. For details or to enter, visit the Miss ASAP 2015 Facebook page.

Girls night at the Hideaway Cafe


hat better way to start the new year (other than having a crazy New Year’s Eve, of course) than celebrating the music of Joni Mitchell with well known local female musicians? On Jan. 9, join Chasing Jonah, Iris Calling Band, Sandi Grecco and DeLaran Withers for Girls

Music Night at the Hideaway Cafe. This music venue, at 1756 Central Ave., is LGBT friendly and is set up specifically for live music. Things get rolling around 8 p.m. There may be a small cover charge at the door. For more information, find the Girls Music Night Facebook page.

Baxter’s gets an update


or 30 years, Baxter’s Lounge has served the LGBT community of Tampa Bay. The popular neighborhood night spot has hosted pageants, dancers and karaoke throughout most of its life. Now, the South Dale Mabry

watermark Your lgbt life.

bar is getting an upgrade, according to our friends Mark Bias and Carrie West of MC Film Festival. The pair posted that the Lounge is undergoing some renovations and remodeling since it is now under new ownership and management. Details are still tightly wrapped, but we can expect anyone who celebrated New Year’s Eve there got a preview of what’s to come in 2015.

Quench Lounge: The new Bear Cave


he Tampa Bay Bears finally have a home again! The social club for the hirsute and their

Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01

admirers will meet every Friday at Quench Lounge in Largo for drinks and camaraderie. Bears president Mike Tobias told Watermark that he hopes the club will not only attract new members by having a new home, but that the group can schedule more outings and dinners throughout 2015 by having a common meeting place. The first official gathering of bears is Friday, Jan. 2, at 7 p.m. If you missed it, don’t worry, they’ll be back next Friday. The bears will also be the benefiting organization of January’s Watermark Wednesday event, held at Quench Lounge, at 6 p.m. Jan. 21.







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1- I WANNA BE THE ANGEL: Michael Wanzie, flanked in by Mary and Jospeh, kicks up his heels at the end of Wanzie’s Living Nativity at Footlight Theatre at the Parliament House on Dec. 22. Photo by Jamie Hyman

2- HAPPY HOLIDAYS: Commissioner Patty Sheehan makes the rounds as Santa on Christmas Day, stopping by her friends’ homes to spread some holiday cheer. Photo courtesy Mindy Livingston 3- NEW BUSINESS VENTURES: Kim Sweeting, left, and Gary Lambert work the grand opening of Gary Lambert Salon & Spa on Dec. 16. Sweeting is the owner of Smart Coffee HD, which just next door to the newly opened up spa, and she catered the grand opening event. Photo by Sam Rennels


4- CHRISTMAS AROUND THE WORLD: The GLBT Center’s executive director Terry DeCarlo, right, his partner William Huelsman, left, and his mom Anne Fabrikant visit Epcot on Christmas Day.

Photo courtesy of TerryDeCarlo’s Facebook

5- AT THE BALLET: Orlando Ballet dancers and local children dazzle the audience at Dr. Phillip’s Center for the Performing Arts on the Dec. 19 opening night of its production of The Nutcracker. Photo by Jamie Hyman


6- FIRST CHRISTMAS: David, left, and Robert Baker-Hargrove hold their daughter Whitney next to their Christmas tree. Photo

from Dr. Dave Baker-Hargrove’s Facebook

7- BIRTHDAY FUN: Friends packed The Abbey Dec. 27 to celebrate Sue-Bee Laginess’s (second from left) fabulous 50th birthday. Photo by Sasha Marrero




8- CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES: Scott Penyak, left, and David Dorman hang out at Sue-Bee Laginess’ Fabulous 50 birthday party at The Abbey Dec. 27. Photo courtesy Johnny Jack

Overheard Donahoo plans to go elbow deep


ast year Watermark’s guide to everything Fringe was our “Oh My Gay” cover—featuring Logan Donahoo, who’s 2013 Field Guide to the Gays sold out nearly every single show. This year, Logan dives back into the lavender pool in Field Guide to the Gays 2! The original show touched on gay history, gay stigmas and even instructional ways to, well, receive. With a little bit of lube and a lot of laughter, Logan promises to

delve deep into what he just touched on in the first show, but this time he plans to go in elbow deep.

Sue-Bee turns 50 in style


hish Phest Phounder Sue-Bee Lagniness celebrated her Phabulous Phifty in true style! The Abbey played host to the Dec. 27 bash The big bash and the marquee wished her a Happy Birthday. It also announced a special performance by Silkee Smooth! Watermark was informed the party didn’t stop and we’re

confident it’s still going as you read this.

Fringe parodies


t this year’s Fringe, expect a Wanzie revival with the Lion Queen and the naked go-go cub. The first incarnation appeared eight years ago and borrowed music from Lion King (with one-time-run permission from Disney). According to Wanzie, the new version of the show will have a new sound-alike composition by Broadway’s Michael Moritz, which is a great way to perform

watermark Your lgbt life.

this larger than life parody and avoid a law suit from the Mouse! Also expect a take on Les Miserables—Lay Ms.—which is re-imagined as a musical comedy set at the Stonewall Riots. Other shows will feature the return of a Scottish Drag Queen and Judy Garland. With nearly 17 LGBT theme shows, are they fringing on being too gay? Nah!

Peace, Love & Parking


he first weekend of 2015 could be a big one for the new Full Moon Lounge—or at least

Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01

the property it sits on, which is called Woodstock. But there could be some issues with parking, according to owners. Woodstock told Watermark it had an agreement with Parliament House to use a parking lot that’s slated for the future use of The Gardens, a timeshare hotel. But Woodstock says that agreement has changed. We asked P-house owner Don Granatstein for an explanation and he said no such agreement ever existed. Granatstein was clear that he and the P-house welcome new LGBT businesses, but was very clear that the lot is for the resort.



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Community Announcements

Dogs anD Drinks: Bill Stevens, left, and his partner Robert Brains sit with the new star of My Best Friend “Rescue Red Wine’s” label—Nemo. Quantum Leap Winery will be selling bottles of My Best Friend at $18 each as a part of a fundraiser. Half of the money raised by each bottle will go to the Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando. PHOTO COuRTESy OF JOANNE GRANT

local birthDayS St Pete business analyst Jason Bracewell (Jan. 2); Watermark Tampa Bay sales master Bill Jeffries, Sarasota graphic designer and friend of many non-profits Tim Cameresi, Tampa photographer Charles Allen (Jan. 3); veteran and die-hard Pittsburgh fan Bill Stiller, St. Pete realtor and St. Pete Pride co-founder Brian Longstreth (Jan. 4); Orlando psychologist and athlete Guillermo Navarro (Jan. 5); Tampa activist, mortgage broker and phlebotomist Bill Polley, former Partners Bar and Grill co-owner and St. Pete resident Emmi Grainger (Jan. 6); St. Petersburg performer Madisyn Michaels (Jan. 8); founder of women’s web site ProSuzy.com Suzanne Noe, Meagan “Mistress Mayhem” Miles, Orlando Fringe performer Logan Donahoo, St. Petersburg florist and local “Cher” Bobby york (Jan. 10); St. Petersburg instructor and massage therapist Jeremy Couture, Lakeland massage therapist David Lesnett, Gulfport retired Birkenstock USA specialist Danny Hughes turns 50 (Jan. 11); Watermark Orlando and Bismarck, N.D. sales guru Jeremy Williams, Sarasota real-life cowboy Bill Flynn, Sarasota actress and improv genius Christine Alexander (Jan. 12); Watermark publisher and society maven Rick Claggett, former St. Pete Pride board member and marketing guru Nick Capezza (Jan 13); Tampa’s former Chelsea Nightclub owner Nikki Turnon, Orlando Se7en Bites’ creator Trina Gregory (Jan 14).

a frienD To many: We share our

condolences with the family and friends of Tim Nunnery. Nunnery passed away on Dec. 17 from injuries sustained from a space heater fire. Nunnery was the owner of Orange Antiques. Nunnery celebrated his 64th birthday on Dec. 13, earlier that week. He will be greatly missed for his gentleness and kindness to all.

birThDay greeTings: Happy birthday to Fringe Festival performer and former Watermark cover model Logan Donahoo, who celebrates his entrance into this world on Jan. 10. PHOTO By JAKE STEvENS

Are you making a Transition? Having a birthday or anniversary? Did you get a new job or promotion? See your news in Watermark! Send your Transition to Editor@WatermarkOnline.com or go to WatermarkOnline.com/Submit-a-Transition - it’s that easy!

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• Bold Heading • Photo


sports Gay Games bring economic boon to Ohio

Sam: I’m not in the NFL because I’m gay

Staff Report

Staff Report



leveland, Ohio | The 2014 Gay Games brought quite the economic boost to Ohio’s economy—more than $52 million to be exact. According to the 2014 Gay Games Economic Impact Study, released in December by two Kent State University professors, the Aug. 9-16 Gay Games were even more impactful than previous games held in the area.. “There could be several reasons for the larger result from the Gay Games,” explained Shawn Rohlin, one of the professors. “The Gay Games held people in town longer with their opening and closing ceremonies, the athletes were younger and there were people in town from other countries, unlike the National Senior Games.” The Games attracted roughly 20,000 people from around the world, with about 7,000 being competing athletes. Approximately 75% of those who participated or attended were from outside of the Cleveland/Akron area. By comparison, the National Senior Games held in 2013 drew about 25,000 athletes and spectators and brought an economic impact of $36 million. Cleveland’s next big event is the 2016 Republican National Convention.

os Angeles | Michael Sam is convinced he has the skills to play in the NFL. But the fact that he’s openly gay killed his chances, he told TMZ in early December. Smith made history early in 2014 when he was drafted by the St. Louis Rams, making him the first out football player to make the

draft. When he received word of the draft, he kissed his boyfriend on national television, sparking outrage and celebration. Sam failed to make the team after tryouts and was eventually traded to the Dallas Cowboys, where he played on the practice squad before being let go. He is currently unsigned. “I was the SEC Defensive Player of the Year last year,” the University of Missouri alum told TMZ. “So I don’t think it had to do with talent.”

In an interview with Oprah Winfrey that aired over the holidays, Sam told the host that several gay players within the NFL reached out to him and thanked him for being out of the closet. When Sam was first drafted, there were talks of a reality show about his experience to air on the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN). Those plans were originally halted so Sam could focus on playing football. It’s unclear if OWN will resurrect the idea of a documentary-style show on Sam as he continues to pursue a career in the NFL.

Gay sports bar says its Twitter account hacked in wake of Sharpton criticism Staff Report New York | On Dec. 21, the gay sports bar chain Boxers appeared to have a few choice words for Rev. Al Sharpton and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio after the murder of two NYC police officers. Regarding Sharpton, the chain’s

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Twitter page said, “There is not a place in hell dark enough for you. You are the most disgusting human on this planet.” A second tweet accused the de Blasio of using the deaths for political purposes. It read, “How are you going to turn your disgusting mouth into political gain using cops death? Resign loser.”

The bar said on Twitter that it wasn’t aware of the tweets until nearly a day later. It also said that the account was hacked. “We would like to apologize to our followers and the LGBT community,” Boxers tweeted. “The previous tweets do not reflect our view as our account was compromised.”

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1295 S. Orlando Avenue, Suite 103 Maitland, FL 32751

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Male Menopause, while not really a well-known term, is nonetheless real, and it’s called Andropause, which literally means “male-stop”. The midlife retreat of the androgens DHEA and in particular, testosterone - the key player in male hormonal health, affects men in various ways. Deficiency symptoms come on gradually and unlike the roller coaster ride that midlife women may experience, men don't always know what's hit them. The first thing a man usually notices as his hormones taper off is a subtle downward shift in strength and energy. He may lose his enthusiasm for the things he used to enjoy, the challenge of work, competition, and exercise. If fatigue sets in more quickly and the only desirable bedroom activity is a good night's sleep, chances are, you are entering The Andropause Zone. Many men have become discouraged by the thought that aging must bring with it a host of ailments and an overall downward spiral. They have also become quite frustrated with conventional medicine practices that dismiss their symptoms as “normal” or even worse, treat them as psychological illness. The most potent force underlying mental and physical energy in men, testosterone, takes a major blow with age. In his prime, 95% of a man's testosterone is made by the testicles in response to signals from the brain. Over time, this signal to “make more testosterone” gets weaker and aging testes are less likely to respond. Over time, total hormone supply slides, so that by the time the average man rolls into his mid to late 40's, testosterone is down about 40% from peak levels.

Ja nua ry 1 - J a nua ry 14 , 2015 // Issue 2 2.01

The growing shortage strikes at the core of a man’s virility, brain power, stamina and drive. If you feel fatigue or a decreased mental sharpness or are losing muscle mass and gaining weight then it is very likely that Low Testosterone is the culprit. If you struggle with a lack of motivation, low sex drive or lower self-esteem then addressing your hormone balance could be the missing key. Most healthcare professionals have not had the additional medical training necessary to effectively evaluate, diagnose or offer real solutions to correct your hormone deficiency. They do not understand the various bio-feedback mechanisms and imbalances that produce the problematic symptoms that you are feeling. It is imperative that you seek out the services of a qualified medical professional to address your need for Hormone Replacement Therapy and Testosterone Management. The powerful truth that all people should take to heart is that we age because our hormones decline, our hormones don’t decline because we age. When done properly, testosterone replacement therapy is safe and can provide dramatic benefits. Furthermore, by using bioidentical hormones, your body receives precisely what it needs to function effectively; hormones that are molecule-by-molecule, exactly the same as the hormones present in the human body. John Ripley is the Business Director at Hyperion Centers in Maitland, Florida and can be reached at 321-710-4095.


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