Watermark Issue 23.23: On the Radio

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watermark Your LGBTQ Life.



the LgbtQ community finds its voice and its musical escape on the air in Tampa Bay and Orlando

daytOna beach • OrlandO • tampa • St. peterSburg • clearwater • SaraSOta


watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2


watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2


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watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2

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Winter Park 321.203.2900

departments 6 // mail 7 // editor’s desk 8 // orlando news 10 // tampa bay news 12 // state news 14 // nation & world news 27 // arts & entertainment 33 // community calendar 35 // tampa bay out+about 37 // orlando out+about 39 // announcements/ wedding bells 40 // tampa bay marketplace 42 // orlando marketplace



I hate when people say that the Gay Pride parade should just be about families. because you know what? They’re not. The bears should have a place, the twinks have a place, the leather people have a place. That doesn’t make it weird...

That’s what makes being gay so beautiful is that there are so many different shades of it.

—miguel fulleR, host of hot 101.5’s moRning show, “the miguel show”

on the coVer



PAGE Radio gay-gay:


Don’t touch that dial, because radio in both Orlando and Tampa Bay has LGBTQ voices bringing you the best in talk, tunes and Top 40 hits. (L-R) Sabrina Ambra, Blue Star, Miguel Fuller and Sondra Rae.

double your pleasure, double your Fun: Out and proud, indie-pop twin sisters

Tegan and Sara want their music and style to blend people together.

watermark i ssue 23 .22 //noVember 3 - noVember 16, 2016

thanks obama

home For the hollander wiZard oF broadway you’Ve got more mail

PAGE President Obama paid a visit to the University of Central Florida as he campaigns for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

PAGE Tampa Bay Diversity Chamber decides to move forward with event at the Hollander Hotel among the controversy.

Photo by Jake Stevens

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read it Online! In addition to a Web site with daily LGBTQ updates, a digital version of each issue of the publication is made available on WatermarkOnline.com




The man behind such Broadway hits as Wicked, Godspell and Pippin, Stephen Schwartz brings his theatrical talents to Clermont.



This train is coming off the rails as we look at weed, solar panels, Log Cabins and Weiner. Buckle up, it’s the final week of the election!


give uS a fOllOw On twitter and inStagram at @watermarkOnline and be Sure tO like uS On facebOOk. watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2


top web comments

“Great for him. But how can he stand to work for the biggest hate group in the U.S.?” —don white

WatermarkOnline.com: On Shepard Smith of Fox News coming out as gay and defending Roger Ailes:

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“Great for him. But how can he stand to work for the biggest hate group in the U.S.? Ailes is openly homophobic, and the whole network has fought gay rights. They trash every politician that is gay-friendly or friendly to the general public. They just pander to the one percent and the uneducated republicans, Trump’s two voting blocs.” —Don White

Watermark’s Facebook: On a politically discordant couple finding humor in agreeing to disagree:

“Their home is always GORGEOUS though. It really is a treat to see their fabulous decorations every holiday.” —Robb Hudson



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watermark Your LGBTQ life.

“Guess which one wants to be married and have equal protection under the law and which one is kidding himself that he will ever have a seat at the equality table?” —David Edward

On a North Carolina official saying he hasn’t seen “one iota” of bad economic impact from LGBT law:

“This person is delusional. At least their loss is our gain for the ACC Championship, which will be beneficial to the local economy.” —Lucas Barszcz

On a Belfast bakery losing appeal over refusal of LGBT rights cake:

“They claim to make the world a better place. For whom? Those they discriminate against. False advertising if you ask me.” —Ken Cage

“Teas and buns don’t make a better place, humans do. They failed to follow their own message.” —Derek Perron

On the Log Cabin Republicans withholding an endorsement from Trump:

“Log Cabin Republicans sure knows how to pick the losers.” —Chuck Strom

On publisher Rick Claggett’s column on ‘Baskets’:

“Great column Rick and so true. Congress has been the greatest barrier to getting anything done in years.” —BJ Laurie

On Watermark endorsing Beth Tuura for Florida House District 47:

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2

“Beth Tuura and Steven Kuba - Congratulations! #TeamTuura” —Dana Rutledge

On Watermark’s 2016 Voter’s Guide:

“What about the judges? Most were appointed by [Rick] Scott or prior Republican governors.” —Hen Ry Mays

“Thank you. I just pulled out my sample ballot to research everything one last time.” —Jane Consolo

On Come Out with Pride rescheduling to Nov. 12:

“I have a feeling I will be there for over 10 hours that day.” —Lucas Barszcz

“Yay! Can’t wait! I too will be there all day.” —DeDe Wagner

On Mike Pence and Marco Rubio attending a Republican fundraiser in Tampa:

“Ignorant, unevolved, horrible people who have no right to represent voters.” —J St John

“Down with these assholes.”

—David Edward


—Victoria Euphoria



billy manes editOr




omeone found a letteR

you wrote me, on the radio. And they told the world just how you felt. It must have fallen out of a hole in your old brown overcoat. They never said your name but I knew just who they meant.”

Those were the words that flew from Donna Summer’s gorgeous mouth in 1979, back when I was five, a latchkey derivative, a mess and a superhero all rolled into one. Those words resonate with me still today, and any time Blue Star – one of our cover stars – plays them to me (she does), I cry into the wood paneling, I wish for a lit up dance floor, I break a heel, but I never fall down. There is so much going on in Florida right now that we need to keep our heads together as our feet roller-skate toward our

collective future: Hillary and equality. Nothing ever goes quite as planned, and the fact that we’re celebrating Come Out With Pride on a make-up date Nov. 12 – and pushing forward to a general election just four days before on Nov. 8 – conjures thoughts of hurricanes and distress. Both, it should be known, we mostly avoided. I’m smiling and I hope you are as well. We’ve got this. For a long time, we’ve been hoping to highlight some of our LGBTQ sisters and brothers who play their lives out on the airwaves, whether by dial or by

watermark staFF

mouse click. It’s no easy task, any one of them will tell you, but it’s an important one. In Florida, the jockeys of the discs had a rude awakening over the summer with the Pulse massacre. Having to play cheerleader in that period was no cakewalk, but all of them showed up, showed loud and showed proud. In fact, they made me feel more pride than I’ve ever felt in this community, some 20 years in. You see, it isn’t just the grand gestures that make a terror more reasonable; it’s the subtle, musical ones that sometimes lift us to our feet and bring us back to life. That’s why we thought it was important to bring Blue Star, Sondra Rae, Miguel Fuller and Sabrina Ambra to the forefront. Many of us have been coping as cope can, but having familiar voices in the background can make that journey so much more bearable. They are soundtracking our recovery. We need them. All sentimentality aside, we need you as well. We need your voices, your dances, your sparkles, your shouts and your joy to get us through, things we know we’ll see on Nov. 12 in downtown Orlando at the Pride festival. We also need you to vote by Nov. 8, as there are some around us who would like to see our rights stripped in every possible manner. EVERY POSSIBLE MANNER. If you think Mike Pence is a joke, then you are the punch line. If you think Donald Trump is funny, then you might just be the next person he bullies out of one of his rallies. If you think we are kidding about the future of this country, we are not. Be proud. Be strong. Ah, but we’re getting too serious here for the space this

page provides. This issue also includes a wonderful piece on President Barack Obama’s visit to the University of Central Florida, some new insights (and studies) of PrEP, some controversy from the Tampa Bay area regarding Planned Parenthood and all the other things that make you bite your nails and more politics. Tegan and Sara are here in fantastic clothes and fantastic flurries of mind; Stephen Schwartz, he of Wicked fame,

Having to play cheerleader in that period was no cakewalk, but all of them showed up, showed loud and showed proud.

pops in for a visit. Looks like we’ve got you covered. Even if you’re not covered in some over-objectified manner of metaphoria, just get out of the house. Vote. Go to Come Out With Pride. Experience things you’ve yet to in your lives. Love. Listen. Live proud and live strong. We have a lot of work to do in a very short amount of time. And it won’t get done by itself. Also, dance a little. It’s good for the heart. “If you think that love isn’t found on the radio. Well tune right in you made find the love you lost,” you might sing. “‘Cause now I’m sitting here with the man I sent away long ago. It sounded really loud, they said it really loud on the radio.”

orlando oFFice

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Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2

kRista ditucci

is a freelance writer and family advocate for Manatee Children’s Services. She lives in Sarasota with her husband and children. Page 10

aaRon dRake

is a freelance travel correspondent for Out Traveler among other publications. Page 17

gReg stemm

lives in Gulfport, Fla., and has worked as a freelance writer for several local publications. He is a founding member of St. Pete Pride and active politically in Tampa Bay. Page 19

aaron alper, scottie campbell, susan clary, krista ditucci, kirk hartlage, Joseph kissel, Jason leclerc, mary meeks, stephen miller, daVid moran, gregg shipiro, greg stemm, dr. steVe yacoVelli, , michael wanZie

photography brian becnel, nick cardello, angie Folks, bruce hardin, Julie milFord, traVis moore, chris stephenson, lee VandergriFt, tinkerFluFF

distribution lVnliF2 distributing, lisa Jordan, Jill bates, ken carraway CONTENTS of WATERMARK are protected by federal copyright law and may not be reproduced in whole or part without the permission of the publisher. Unsolicited article submissions will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Although WATERMARK is supported by many fine advertisers, we cannot accept responsibility for claims made by advertisers. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles, advertising, or listing in WATERMARK is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of such persons or members of such organizations. WATERMARK is published every second Thursday. Subscription rate is $55 (1st class) and $26 (standard mail). The official views of WATERMARK are expressed only in editorials. Opinions offered in signed columns, letters and articles are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the newspaper’s owner or management. We reserve the right to edit or reject any material submitted for publication. WATERMARK is not responsible for damages due to typographical errors, except for the cost of replacing ads created by WATERMARK that have such errors.

watermark publishing group inc.


central florida news

new prep test in orlando seeks to make lgbt liFe easier, saFer Billy Manes


Rlando | It wasn’t long ago that the notion of PrEP – effectively a preventative medicine involving known HIV/AIDS treatment Truvada – was a pipe dream in terms of prevention. But it’s working. In 2012, following approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, immunology doctors in Orlando started doing their own tests and research. “PrEP was approved for use in 2012,” Dr. Edwin DeJesus of the Orlando Immunology Clinic (OIC) says. “Within six months, we started to do some work here.” That work continues now with a new experimental variation, one that might decrease some of the side effects earlier iterations have produced. But PrEP, DeJesus says, isn’t just a medication or a pharmaceutical prophylactic. “PrEP is a point,” DeJesus says. “There are a lot of people think that PrEP is Truvada (an HIV treatment) or PrEP is a pill, but you have to follow up with that a bunch of things that are taken care of before or after. It is a commitment and not a pill.” As such, the nature of the treatment is being refined. This new study – one which will eventually involve 500 people in the city and 5,000 nationwide – is focusing on effects on kidney dysfunction and bone issues, both of which have been seen in patients using Truvada as a catch-all. Like most clinical tests, volunteer patients will be given multiple medications: placebos and newer derivations of older HIV prevention and treatment. “The FDA doesn’t want patients to know which pills they are taking,” DeJesus says. “In order to prevent bias, the patients will be given both pills.” It’s been a huge step forward in the fight against HIV/AIDS, DeJesus says. The advent of PrEP has seen a 99 percent decrease in infection rates. At present, OIC has welcomed 50 people to the study and expects 500 in the next six months. For more information, go to oicorlando.com or call 407-917-7370. “Considering there is no vaccine, there is no other pill that’s going to work,” he says. “Counseling, abstinence and protection are not going to work.” Science, however, just might.


stRongeR togetheR:

barack obama addresses the masses. Photo by aDam maNNo

I need you to join me President Obama makes a last pitch for Clinton, Murphy at UCF Adam Manno


Rlando | President Barack Obama pulled out all the stops at a Friday night rally for Hillary Clinton at the CFE Arena to remind Central Floridians to not just vote, but to vote to preserve his legacy. People began to wait near the arena at 1 p.m., with the line wrapping around the Tower 4 dormitory all the way back to the football stadium by 5 p.m. In the heat of the late afternoon, Lenetta Woods Starkes waited with her daughter, who was sporting a brightly colored rainbow dress. “I believe President Obama is leaving a lasting legacy for everyone in the United States,” said Starkes. “It doesn’t matter if you’re heterosexual or homosexual or what have you, I want to continue that legacy.” Florida State Attorney candidate Aramis Ayala spoke before the president about overcoming adversity, which for her meant

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

an early cancer diagnosis, and powering through obstacles. “I’m here to support Hillary Clinton because I know she would work to improve the Affordable Care Act, not destroy it,” Ayala said. “She’s not gay, but she understands that gay rights are human rights. She’s not Muslim, but she stood up to Donald Trump when he proposed a ban on America’s Muslims.” Florida House District 49 candidate Carlos Guillermo Smith also provided opening remarks as did Senator Bill Nelson. UCF student and College Democrat Devi Mody introduced President Obama with a story about her life as a second-generation immigrant and an endorsement for Clinton’s attempts at “keeping families together instead of breaking them apart.” Speaking to a full house near 6:00 p.m., President Obama reminded the crowd of the goals and achievements of his administration while offering Clinton as a worthy successor of his view of America.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2

“We’ve seen an America where in every state in this union, you can marry the person you love,” Obama said, combatting the idea that America is not already “great.” “I need you to join me, and you don’t have to wait until Nov. 8.” Early voting began Oct. 24 in Florida, but the numbers still show a close race between Clinton and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The rally came hours after the FBI called for renewed investigations on Clinton’s private e-mail server during her time at the State Department. It also comes on the heels of the Supreme Court’s decision to hear a case on transgender bathroom use. President Obama vouched for Clinton’s work ethic and political expertise amidst an election that many have said has been dominated by populism. “We have to work hard, and by the way, that’s how Hillary is,” he said. “She is a grinder, she just keeps working. I’ve seen it. I’ve benefited from it.” President Obama showed off a more relaxed and campaign-trail version of himself. The soon-to-be lame duck at one point stopped his speech and turned around. “I didn’t see the band in the back there,” he said amidst laughs from the star struck crowd. “Sorry, but I just love marching bands.” After asking them if they were from UCF or a nearby high school, the band let out answers in a series of disjointed screams. “What did they say?” he asked. “Ocoee!”

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2


tampa bay news

eQuality Florida to honor mcc reV. nancy wilson at sarasota suncoast celebration Krista Di Tucci

open dooR policy:


aRasota | Rev. Elder Dr. Nancy L. Wilson, Metropolitan Community Churches’ Global Moderator, will be presented with the 2016 Voice for Equality Award by Equality Florida at Sarasota’s Suncoast Celebration Nov. 20. Rev. Wilson was pastor of Sarasota MCC before she was elected as global moderator in 2005. However, she has been an activist and a leader in the MCC since she was 22 years old. Rev. Wilson says she came out at a young age when the MCC was in its early stages and no one could envision LGBT victories such as marriage equality. She says her work began to transform into a global issue over time. “We discovered there were LGBT communities all over the world, and many of them face much more dire straits than we do,” Rev. Wilson says. “It’s very important to be a voice to change lives and change history.” Although Rev. Wilson is retiring, she will continue being an activist and a pastor. She also says she plans to continue writing, traveling and bird watching. “She’s a big deal,” Michael Farmer, Equality Florida Statewide deputy director of development, says. “It’s a good time to honor her. She spent her whole life doing this and being the pinnacle of the church.” Jarred Wilson, 2016 Suncoast Steering Team co-chair, says the venue is a central location to the communities Equality Florida serves. “As with our previous venue (the Palm Avenue parking garage rooftop), the great thing is that they really do have a history of hosting great organizations and being friendly to really progressive causes,” Wilson says. “We like to make sure we are hosting events at places where we know the owners are supportive of the work we’re doing.” The event will be held at Michael’s on East and will begin at 5 p.m. and includes hors d’oeuvres, a full open bar, music by deejay Jamaal Day and surprise entertainment. The program will include a State of the State Address by Nadine Smith, Equality Florida CEO. Farmer says Equality Florida raised $211,000 at last year’s Suncoast Celebration. This year’s goal is to raise $225,000; the committee has raised about $180,000 to date. Presenting sponsor PNC Bank is hosting a photo booth and complimentary printouts for guests.Many other sponsors have already contributed, including Puff ‘n Stuff Catering, who is giving away pumpkin spice themed gift bags, and So Staged, who is donating over $10,000 worth of furniture and décor to transform Michael’s on East into an enchanted forest for the evening. “I think for me these events are really good moments, like a benchmark in our movement,” Farmer says. “Things are moving so fast and it’s easy to lose sight of the progress. This a fundraiser, but also a way to bring people together at our biggest event and tell them the story of what we’ve done over the last year.” Tickets are $125 in advance and $150 at the door. For event information, sponsorships, and tickets, visit EQFL.org/ SunCoastCelebration.


The Hollander Hotel insists that the Planned Parenthood event was canceled due to security concerns and not because of who the organization is.

security concerns Tampa Bay Diversity Chamber event at Hollander Hotel continues on among Planned Parenthood controversy Jeremy Williams


t. peteRsbuRg | The Tampa Bay Diversity Chamber of Commerce is moving forward with an event Nov. 15 at the Hollander Hotel in St. Petersburg, despite calls from some progressive groups to boycott the hotel after a scheduled Planned Parenthood event was cancelled. The controversy began when Planned Parenthood’s 100 year celebration was scheduled to take place at the Hollander Hotel Oct. 16. “Planned Parenthood came in and said they were having a cake cutting and coffee event for 30 to 40 people. We took the reservation just like we take everyone’s reservation,” Hollander Hotel manager Nick Herring says. Herring says that four protesters stood outside the hotel the day of the event holding up anti-abortion signs and pictures of aborted fetuses, but that the reason for the event having to be cancelled at the hotel had nothing to do with them. “Planned Parenthood is a great organization and they do a lot of good things for the community,” Herring says. “The issue is we had a

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security concern.” Herring met with the event organizers from Planned Parenthood and told them of the security concerns and, according the Herring, they agreed that the event could not continue. “The event wasn’t even cancelled,” Herring says. “They agreed to relocate the event. Planned Parenthood provided us with the address for the celebration’s new location and we provided that to the guests as they arrived at the Hollander Hotel.” News of the event’s cancellation at the Hollander spread quickly through social media saying that by cancelling the event they were giving in to the small, vocal minority pushing hate. Some, like Susan Smith of the Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus, called for a boycott of the hotel. “The professionalism of the staff to wait until the very last minute and turn people away, I thought was not a good business decision,” Smith says. “I think until they come out and apologize to Planned Parenthood, I would still call on everyone to boycott the hotel.” Susan McGrath, president of the Stonewall Democrats of Pinellas, posted on the Diversity Chamber’s Facebook event page that she is

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2

“disappointed” to see this event being held at the Hollander. “At this point in our country there are small, but very vocal minorities of hate that are having too much influence on what’s going on in our country,” McGrath says. “I believe strongly that we need to stand up to that small minority of hate.” McGrath says that this is just her personal feelings on the situation and it in no way reflects any organization’s opinion. She also went on to say while it disappoints her that the Diversity Chamber will continue on with their event at the Hollander that it is in no way a reflection on the good work the Diversity Chamber does. “I just feel we need to support all of the communities,” McGrath says. Mathis says he and the entire chamber board have looked at the information and ultimately saw no reason that they shouldn’t continue the event as scheduled. The event, which is the Diversity Chamber’s monthly networking dinner, will also include representatives from Equality Florida and Balance Tampa Bay speaking on current youth programs they are involved in. Herring welcomes the Diversity Chamber and any organizations, including Planned Parenthood, that wish to hold an event at the hotel and assures any group that he will be prepared with any security concerns. “We have reached out to the leaders of Planned Parenthood and the mayor’s office and we have talked to them about the situation that happened and given them the explanation,” Herring says.


We hope you will join us for an evening in an enchanted forest, the 2016 Equality Florida Suncoast Celebration. The evening will feature fabulous enchanted forest themed decor, delicious hors d’oeuvres, a full open bar, DJ Jamaal Day and special entertainment surprises. The program will include a State of the State address by Equality Florida’s CEO, Nadine Smith and the presentation of our 2016 Voice for Equality Award to the Reverend Dr. Nancy L. Wilson, Global Moderator, Metropolitan Community Churches.


S u n day, N ov e m b e r 20 • 5 - 8 p m at Michael’s on East


Tickets $125 in advance and $150 at the door TICKETS ARE HELD AT THE DOOR | COCKTAIL ATTIRE, PLEASE

Sunday November 20 • 5pm-8pm at Michael’s on East - 1212 South East Avenue, Sarasota 34239

Sponsorship begins at $500. Sponsorship includes a number of benefits including complimentary tickets. To RSVP and for more information on sponsorship visit eqfl.org/suncoastcelebration. For questions, call 407-462-9692. Statewide Sponsors

Equality Florida is the largest civil rights organization dedicated to securing full equality for Florida’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. A C O P Y O F T H E O F F I C I A L R E G I S T R AT I O N A N D F I N A N C I A L I N F O R M AT I O N F O R T H E E Q U A L I T Y F L O R I D A I N S T I T U T E M AY B E O B TA I N E D F R O M T H E D I V I S I O N O F C O N S U M E R S E R V I C E S B Y C A L L I N G T O L L - F R E E W I T H I N F L O R I D A ( 1 . 8 0 0 . 4 3 5 . 7 3 5 2 ) . R E G I S T R AT I O N D O E S N O T I M P LY E N D O R S E M E N T , A P P R O V A L , O R R E C O M M E N D AT I O N B Y T H E S TAT E . R E G I S T R AT I O N # C H 7 9 9 2 .

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

NOV EMB ER 3 - NOV EMB ER 16 , 2016 // ISSUE 2 3. 2 2


state news

pulse massacre reVerberates statewide Wire Report


allahassee | Florida’s Key West is one of the most gay-friendly places in the country. The Florida Panhandle – many locals call it the Redneck Riviera – is a different story. The massacre of 49 people in a gay nightclub happened between these extremes, forcing many Floridians to reconsider their assumptions about the state’s evolving culture. Key West has a gay police chief, a lesbian county mayor and was the nation’s first city to elect an openly gay mayor. It attracts 450,000 gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender tourists a year. Bumper stickers reading “One Human Family” appear on all city vehicles, including police cars, ambulances and fire trucks. “It’s a safe place; they know that they are free from judgment, free from hassle, free from physical violence,” said Guy Ross, who heads

two floRidas: Nadine smith addresses the crowd in front of Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center in Orlando June 13. Photo by Jake steVeNs

LGBT sales at the Monroe County Tourist Development Council. “We do not tolerate gay bashing down here. It just doesn’t happen.” Drive 780 miles north and west to the gleaming, white-sand beaches of the Panhandle, and you’ll find “family friendly” towns that aren’t known for welcoming gays. After same-sex marriage became legal in Florida in 2014, the

Santa Rosa County clerk stopped performing any wedding ceremonies – gay or straight – to avoid marrying same-sex couples. In Pensacola, a small LBGT community center called Equality House closed for lack of funds after less than three years. The attack in Central Florida on June 12 has drawn an outpouring of solidarity, but also fear, particularly among people who saw the tourist

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mecca as a refuge from hatred. The shooting also created awkward moments for some of Florida’s Republican and conservative Christian leaders, who tried to show compassion even as they defended positions gays and lesbians find hurtful. “There are two Floridas,” and between them there’s a “patchwork,” said Nadine Smith, CEO of the gay and transgender rights group Equality Florida. Only 56 percent of the people in the nation’s third-most populous state live in communities that have enacted non-discrimination protections. The state provides “no protections whatsoever,” she said. Year after year, Florida’s Republican-led Legislature has rejected legislation prohibiting discrimination for reasons of sexual orientation or gender identity. “When I drive from where I live in the Tampa Bay area to my hometown in the Panhandle, I have to weave my way through places that have full protections for me and my family and places where they’re absolutely indifferent to the discrimination my community


faces,” Smith said. Republican Attorney General Pam Bondi came to Orlando and was put on the spot by CNN’s Anderson Cooper after she vowed to prosecute anyone who attacks the LGBT community. The Florida Family Policy Council, which has campaigned against gay rights, issued a statement asking for prayers for the victim’s families after the attack. That didn’t mean much for Smith. “It’s hard to accept them praying for us in tragedy when they prey on us when it comes to equality,” she said. “It is very clear who needs protecting in Florida.” And just because they’re praying, it doesn’t mean their positions on opposing LGBT rights will change. They won’t, said the council’s president, John Stemberger. Stemberger said it’s “shameless” for the LGBT community to use the attack to “try to leverage a political agenda,” and he doesn’t think changing Florida’s laws would have helped anyway. “It wouldn’t have made a bit of difference. Pulse would still have happened,” he said.



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Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2

Rainbow Democrats of Orange County General Election Voter Guide Nov 8, 2016

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watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2


nation+world news

in other news Roommate pleads guilty to charge in Rutgers webcam case A former Rutgers University student whose roommate killed himself after being captured on a webcam kissing another man has pleaded guilty to attempted invasion of privacy. The plea from Dharun Ravi comes after an appeals court last month threw out a 15-count conviction against him in a case that stemmed from the 2010 death of 18-year-old Tyler Clementi. Clementi’s death started a national conversation about the treatment of young gays. Ravi was sentenced Oct. 27 to probation plus 30 days in jail, and won’t serve any additional jail time under the plea agreement.

Czech Republic approves gays living in partnership to adopt children of partners The Czech government has approved a plan to allow gays and lesbians living in a registered partnership to adopt the children of their partners. Human Rights Minister Jiri Dienstbier says the move is meant to ensure the rights of the children. He said Oct. 24 it is estimated that up to 1,000 children in the country live with a biological parent in a same sex partnership. Both chambers of Parliament still have to approve the plan.


Supreme Court to hear case of transgender bathroom policy Wire Report


ASHINGTON | The U.S. Supreme Court will take up transgender rights for the first time in the case of a Virginia school board that wants to prevent a transgender teenager from using the boys’ bathroom at his high school. The justices said Oct. 28 they will hear the appeal from the Gloucester County school board sometime next year. The high court’s order means that student Gavin Grimm will not be able to use the boys’ bathroom in the meantime. The court could use the case to resolve similar disputes across the country, said Shannon Minter, legal director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights. “Obviously, for transgender people, the stakes of this case are incredibly high. Whatever the court rules in Grimm may ensure that transgender people are accepted and included as equal members of our society, or it may

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

relegate them to outsiders for decades to come,” Minter said. A lower court had ordered the school board to accommodate Grimm, but the justices in August put that order on hold while they considered whether to hear the appeal. Grimm, a 17-year-old high school senior, was born female but identifies as male. He was allowed to use the boys’ restroom at his high school for several weeks in 2014. But after some parents complained, the school board adopted a policy requiring students to use either the restroom that corresponds with their biological gender or a private, single-stall restroom. Grimm is backed by the Obama administration in his argument that the policy violates Title IX, a federal law that bars sex discrimination in schools. “I never thought that my restroom use would ever turn into any kind of national debate,” Grimm said in a statement issued after the court announced it will hear his case.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2

“The only thing I ever asked for was the right to be treated like everyone else. While I’m disappointed that I will have to spend my final school year being singled out and treated differently from every other guy, I will do everything I can to make sure that other transgender students don’t have to go through the same experience.” Gloucester County school board chairman Troy Andersen praised the court for agreeing to hear what he called a difficult case. “The board looks forward to explaining to the Court that its restroom and locker room policy carefully balances the interests of all students and parents in the Gloucester County school system,” Andersen said. The Education Department says transgender students should be allowed to use restrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identities. Among the issues in the case is whether the department’s guidance should have the force of law.


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watermark Your LGBTQ life.

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watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2


around the world Election 2016 and Beyond: Where to Next?


s the 2016 election

arrives (aka Armageddon), it’s more than just the United States of America that is bracing for our election results. It’s been a busy year of European travel for me—a year of many firsts with stops in London, Paris, Rome, Venice and Barcelona among the highlights—and of course I met many curious locals in each destination. The question on everyone’s lips is, “Is Donald Trump really running for President?” This is usually followed by a gasp or a chuckle. Sadly, there’s no good answer to this question.

off the tree. WTF?)

number of tourists around the globe at any given time, actually - simply given to size of the population. So why not get a jump start and move to China? I hear the language is quite tough to learn but you’ll be steps ahead of the rest of us in the end times. Please just don’t say, ‘I told you so.’

It may be a joke, but I think our neighbors up north are a little worried that there’s some truth to hordes of Americans rushing the Canadian border depending on the outcome of the presidential election this year. It may get a little cold up there, but what can we say? Between Trudeau, poutine and the fact that it will be Trump-free (or Hillary-free, haters) might make it the most accessible place to go. But unless you’ve got in-demand job skills and are prepared to potentially pay two sets of taxes, it’s probably not gonna happen for you.

but hey, I wouldn’t complain; I don’t think it would be hard to adjust to a little more tequila, tortillas, and siestas in life.

canada (trump)

Aaron Drake

here since it’s illegal to be gay. Oh, and have you seen Kate McKinnon’s woman from a small village in Russia? Olya Palotsky would say, “In America you say ‘Go to hell,’; in Russia we say, ‘Stay put.’” Yep. Maybe skip this one.

(And I know the opponents will argue the same against that Nasty Woman. I can hear you over the ice pick I’m repeatedly jamming in my ears.) So, I thought I would share some of the realistic options for fleeing the country based on who emerges victorious. Unfortunately, the prospects are slim for places to escape to if either candidate gets elected, but here are your best options:

britain (clintOn)

Russia will probably be a much friendlier place for Americans to visit if Trump

Europe is the antithesis of American values in so many ways (think thinner, prettier and more efficient older sister), so it seems like a logical place to want to

is elected to office (which may not make any sense for Hillary supporters trying to escape, it’s an option nonetheless). Though I must add if you’re of the LGBTQ persuasion (likely everyone reading this right now), I cannot recommend a visit

go. But you better have job prospects or a European lover waiting to marry you. And we did already mention that Britain doesn’t like people from other places. Well, looks like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. (Except for Trump. That apple fell waaay

ruSSia (trump)

marS (trump Or clintOn…but mOStly trump)

Though it’s not until 2024, the planned one-way mission to Mars just might really be happening. The 100 potential seats are filled as of now, but who knows, it might become a regular thing. We hope it’s nothing like The Martian, but at least the planet where Trump is one of the most powerful men wouldn’t be

more than just a little blue speck in the distance. So there you have it, folks. Pack your bags and make your plans! Or at the very least, if you dislike all your options, get out and VOTE.

mexicO (clintOn)

It’s been the topic of conversation more than just about any other subject – even in London, where I was the morning the news of the Brexit vote rocked the European Union. Many there were more concerned with the potential of Trump running for president than the U.K. leaving the E.U.! Unfortunately, according to early polls and depending on your news source, at least half of America (or ‘Murica, if you will) isn’t as concerned. Though Trump has alienated women (already at least half of the population) and many minority populations, including LGBTs, he still has plenty of voters in his camp.

If you have a problem with the cold, Mexico might be a bit better prospect. With the most number of American expats taking up residence here, you can’t put a price on warmer weather and a cheaper cost of living. There’s just that little problem of a language barrier since just about anywhere in Mexico will require you to know some Espanol. But hey, I wouldn’t complain; I don’t think it would be hard to adjust to a little more tequila, tortillas and siestas in life. Just make sure if you choose to move here if Trump wins that you move before that wall goes up - because no doubt it will serve to keep things out on both sides.

china (trump)

It’s the country that’s taking all the jobs (Chinese steel, anyone?) and basically taking over the world anyways - with the largest

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2


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Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2


Greg stemm

positiVe liVing From Mania to Mellow Stability


t peRhaps comes as no

surprise to those of you who know me that I’m a little bit crazy.

Now, I’m not talking about let’s-go-have-a-blow out-evening crazy, I’m talking about an actual clinical diagnosis of mental health issues. Gentle reader, we’ve shared some pretty intimate details of my life together so it is important for me to be forthright with you about these issues. It’s why I’m urging you from a very personal perspective to vote “yes” on Amendment 2 on November 8. After several years of wondering, “What the heck is wrong with me?” I managed to get into some professional counseling through the Pinellas Care Clinic and then, most importantly, through AIDS Service Association Pinellas (ASAP). These dedicated mental health professionals identified two major clinical diagnoses: General Anxiety Disorder and a highly unusual form of bipolarism (actually some call it “unipolarism”) which is marked by extreme manic episodes without any corresponding depression. Most bipolar cases include wild swings between depression and mania, and in most cases, the depression is the most serious part of the disease. With me, I don’t “swing.” I move in only one direction: Wild uncontrolled mania that can have serious life consequences if left untreated. Many of us have had some experience with insomnia. Usually it’s only one or two nights. In a manic episode, it just goes on and on and on. My record was an almost incomprehensible 170 continuous waking hours. Let me spell out what happens with that length

of sleep deprivation. At about 48 hours, you begin to lose track of day and night. Dusk and dawn are the worst. In fact, as the scenario unfolds, the only way if you can tell if its 7 a.m. or 7 p.m. is to go outside and see if the sun is in the east or the west. At 72 hours is when the hallucinations begin. In my case, it wasn’t just visuals, but auditory ones as well. At one point I would have tried to convince you there was an entire marching band outside my apartment at 4 am. At about the 150-hour mark, I was clinically insane. I don’t remember much about that time, but I started making horrible decisions. I just wanted it to stop, and apparently my alcoholic brain decided that maybe a bottle of vodka would help. I have no recollection of buying the first bottle, but many more came after it. Finally I did drink enough to pass out, but it took me four months to stop drinking again. For a recovering alcoholic like me, that was disastrous and could have been fatal. It wasn’t that I didn’t try and get help. I found myself in two different emergency rooms begging them to give me something to crash me. I was told those kinds of drugs were inappropriate for an emergency room to administer. The emergency room at Palms of Pasadena even offered the ridiculous advice that “you need to go home and go to bed.” I learned later that my other diagnosis of generalized anxiety was a separate but compounding issue to the mania. I had a therapist once ask me to rank my anxiety level on a scale of 1 to 10 and without hesitation I said, “45.” Once we identified what the issues really were, then I began a 10-year long saga of well meaning health care professionals trying to find some medication or combination

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

of medications to help me. That was very frustrating and the results ranged from totally ineffective to more radical side effects, like putting me in a permanent state of panic or making me suicidal. Most of the medications used to treat bipolar conditions today are strongly indicated to fight

decade long medicine merry-go-round that I discovered that marijuana, a drug I had tried over the years, really helped alleviate these mental health issues. A responsible use of cannabis lowered my anxiety levels from that 45 down to a more manageable 7 or 8, and the relief came

side effect of the disease. To my amazement and delight, marinol turned out to be a wonder drug to stop manic episodes dead in their tracks. After six years of use I’m happy to say I’m stable and don’t suffer from these episodes any more. Today I use both marinol, which is legal,

depression. But giving me an antidepressant is like throwing wood on the fire: It makes both the mania and the anxiety much, much worse. Virtually all the medications they tried made it almost impossible for me to orgasm. For someone with anxiety issues let’s just say, “That’s not helping.” It was after this

at once after just one joint or a couple of pipe bowls. In consultation with my HIV specialist/general practitioneer, we decided also to try a prescription for marinol. For those of you who don’t know, marinol is a legal form of synthetic THC that was approved in the earlier years of the AIDS epidemic as a treatment for wasting, a then-common

and cannabis, which is not (which is absurd in itself). Legal medical marijuana would guarantee that the supply is safe, regulated and not supporting criminal elements. That’s why I’m asking you once again from a very personal perspective to please vote yes on Amendment 2 on November 8.

With me, I don’t “swing.” I move in only one direction: Wild uncontrolled mania that can have serious life consequences if left untreated.


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Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2


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watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2

talking points



When it comes to nights like tonight and honors like this, I’m consumed with what I didn’t do.

I know I should’ve come out sooner and I’m sorry for that. Especially when I think about the possibility that I might have made a difference in someone’s life. I would probably be able to sleep a lot better than I do if I had acted sooner, but such is life. We learn our lessons only when we are ready.

Of Self-identified





OF STRAIGHT PEOPLE. lgb’S alSO lead StraightS in

ALCOHOL (63.6% vS. 56.2%)

AND CIGARETTE (32.2% vS. 20.6%) uSe. —Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration survey

—WILL & GRACE actoR sean hayes on wishing he’d come out sooneR while being honoRed at outfest’s legacy awaRds

Shepard Smith Of fOx newS cOmeS Out aS gay, defendS rOger aileS


oX news anchoR shepaRd smith came out while discussing the recently ousted Roger Ailes from the conservative news network in a Huffington Post article Oct. 17. In the article, Smith is asked about Ailes using homophobic slurs around him. “He treated me with respect, just respect,” he said. “It was a very warm and loving and comfortable place.” Ailes left Fox News over the summer amid allegations of sexual harassment made by former Fox News host Gretchen Carlson. Smith defended the ex-Fox News CEO against allegations that he prevented Smith from coming out publicly during his time there. “That’s not true,” Smith said. “He was as nice as he could be to me. I loved him like a father. I trusted him with my career and with ― I trusted him and trusts were betrayed.”

a-liSt celebS dOnate itemS fOr auctiOn tO raiSe mOney fOr StOnewall inn


gbt celebRities and icons have donated items to be auctioned off that will benefit the newly designated Stonewall National Park. The auction, which is online at CharityBuzz.com/Stonewall, began Oct. 25 and will run until the second week of November. Among the confirmed items available to bid on are: a Glady Tamez hat with hatbox signed by Cher, an autographed tambourine from Stevie Nicks, a tour of CNN with Anderson Cooper, and a signed pair of Prada high heels from Madonna. Stonewall National Park became the first LGBTQ historic site in the National Park System.

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

new yOrk cOmmiSSiOn SeekS artiStS tO create lgbt memOrial


new yoRk commission is seaRching for artists to design an LGBT memorial honoring victims of hate, intolerance and violence. Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced the memorial and established a commission to create it in the wake of the Pulse shooting. The Democratic governor says New York has a long history of being at the forefront of the fight for equal rights. He says the monument will serve as a symbol of the sacrifice New Yorkers have made in building a more just world. The monument will be in a waterfront park at the edge of New York City’s Greenwich Village. Artists must submit proposals online by Nov. 21.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2

fOrmer red SOx pitcher jOining cOnServative breitbart newS


oRmeR majoR league pitcheR cuRt schilling is joining the Breitbart News Network as host of the conservative organization’s first online radio show. The former Boston Red Sox World Series hero, who has said he’s considering a challenge to Democratic U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, started his two-hour call-in show Nov. 1. Schilling called Breitbart “the last bastion of actual journalism.” In April, Schilling was fired as an analyst by ESPN for his Facebook comments about transgender people. Schilling starred for the Philadelphia Phillies, Arizona Diamondbacks and Red Sox.



watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2

in-depth: lgbtq radiO


Photo by Jake steVeNs

Miguel Fuller Sondra Rae

Sabrina Ambra


the lgbtQ community Finds its Voice and its musical escape on the air in tampa bay and orlando


Billy Manes

ecause you can’t see tits on

the radio, I’ll give you five fingers for a one man show,” the Scissor Sisters belted out more than a decade ago. Well, some things have changed. For one, the industry that has typically been haunted by dusty faces that were, as they say, “made for radio,” have evolved into a different beast, for better and for worse. watermark Your LGBTQ life.

On the one hand, the medium has been revitalized by the presence of satellite and internet stations. On the other, there are clouds from both sides now, wherein mainstream industry force presses up against a personality-driven culture, one perfectly suited for the huskiness of a DJ’s voice. More importantly, niche radio stations and mainstream ones alike have opened the door for LGBTQ culture to dance and be heard. In Orlando, the recently launched Pride Radio Orlando network – a limb

of the I Heart Radio tree – has thrown local luminaries like Orlando Venue Burlesque Queen Blue Star, XL 106.7’s Rae, and News Junkie (WTKS 104.1 FM) Sabrina Ambra into the daily mix; and in Tampa Bay, Miguel Fuller is out loud and proud for Cox radio. All of them converged in a Radio Gay-Gay mix for us to give us the story of pushing the envelope when that envelope is your ears – and the ears of the corporate honchos.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2

cOntinued On pg. 25 | uu |


| uu | on the radio frOm pg.23

blue star

Watermark: SO, yOu have a lOt On yOur plate with the venue and all Of the blue yOu can imagine. hOw did yOu get intO pride radiO? blue: Rae basically sent me a message saying, “Hey, can you come to the radio station? We’ve got something going on.” I thought it was going to be about GayDays, especially because I’ve been doing the radio broadcast [on XL 106.7 FM] for Tweeka since he passed. So I couldn’t do it last year, and I thought, “This is awesome. Can’t wait for it to come back.” Then I ended up in a meeting and they said this is Pride Radio, and I had no idea what was going on. hOw much freedOm were yOu given? cOuld yOu thrOw a track On yOur Own termS, Or did yOu have tO tOe the line?

When they asked me to be a host on this station, a face on this station, I said, “First of all, you know what I do primarily. You know what I’ve been doing. Is that going to be a problem?” Because of it being more digital media, we have a lot more leeway. “Penis” is not something we normally say. You can kind of get away with whatever you want, though. Of course, we have our bullet points we have to talk about, but for the most part, they’ve just kind of given us a little bit of freedom to be who we are and present our style. well, yOu’re knOwn tO puSh bOundarieS. iS it a Struggle tO pull Off authenticity On cOmmercial radiO, even if it’S Only Online nOw?

Photo by Jake steVeNs

want to. I can put music in that I want. If I feel like Flock of Seagulls today, then I’m going to play Flock of Seagulls. I take out all of the Katy Perry and Britney Spears – sorry, gays – and I put in songs that were important to me when I came out in ’94. I like to take it back to a little Duran Duran “Save a Prayer,” Cranberries “Linger.”

the Buckethead show. Then I went downstairs and interned at XL 106.7 FM with Johnny and Jayde. And then a position opened for board operating on the weekends. I did overnights, weekends and then I worked my way up in to Johnny’s House.

That was my first date! I have just been streaming along my gay journey and just remembering. Our music is a lot of dance mixes, and I try to take those out when I have time. I try to kick it off with a little Bill Withers’ “A Lovely Day.”

At first, I was kind of nervous, because being out and open on the air; you don’t know how people are going to react. You don’t want to hurt ratings. You don’t want to steer an audience in a different direction if they don’t approve. So I sat with Johnny. He said, “If that’s who you are, that’s fine. There are people who are going to reach out to you, you’re going to relate to people, you’re going to make people want to come out and be comfortable with themselves.” So it’s good. They’ve accepted me and it’s been great.

I think it’s smart. Orlando is a perfect opportunity. In hindsight, how would we even know that we would have this major tragedy that would affect our community and give us an even bigger voice? We were already a place before this tragedy, and I think if there’s a town that can get through it, it’s Orlando. To me it doesn’t seem like a risk; it was just something that needed to be done. I think it was just meant to be.

Watermark: SO where dOeS yOur StOry begin?

On the interior side, as far as our show goes, I can take all of the Katy Perry out of my four hours that I

rae: I started out when I was 18 years old as an intern. I interned at Real Radio 104.1 FM, where Sabrina works now. I started on

Ok, SO hOw dO yOu chOOSe yOur SOngS?


they Opened fOr duran duran!

sondra rae

are yOu cOmfOrtable being an Out wOman On radiO? it’S typically a difficult gig.

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

and then SOmething extremely hurtful like the pulSe ShOOting happenS.

When the incident happened, we rushed to the station and we broadcasted for 12 hours straight. Ever since that day, I feel like there are so many people in Central Florida, even people who listen to us on the podcast across the nation, that have opened up. I’ve received text messages from across the nation, emails, phone calls saying, “Ever since Pulse happened, ever since I heard you and what it meant to you on the air, I’ve opened up to it. There were people that were against [LGBTQs]; there were people that were just like, “No, no, no. Shame on you.” But they changed and said, “You love whomever you love, and it doesn’t matter.” So you have those text messages from people saying, “Thank you. I’m a die-hard Christian. I’m very religious. This is an eye-opener and it changed my mind.”

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2

what SOng made yOu feel better?

Justin Timberlake’s “Can’t Stop the Feeling.” Honestly, we were open up for everything, just because people react differently and everybody goes through different stages – the emotional stage, the confused stage, the angry stage – it was weird. I think the hardest thing was, I screen all the phone calls. So that morning, because we were just an outlet to express their feelings, people were just wondering where their friends were, and who they could contact to try to get money. All these people confused and lost, I think that was the hardest part.

sabrina Ambra

Watermark: it muSt cOme up nOw and then abOut the iSSue Of yOur Sexuality. haS it been difficult getting tO thiS pOint, even given real radiO 104.1’S typically gay-friendly vOice? ambra: Yeah. It’s been a weird ride so far. When I interned, I had just

come out, kind of – my parents had just found out – so I was very nervous about the whole thing. The guy that I interned for, he outed me. I played some song and he said something about me being a lesbian. I was just mortified, because I wasn’t ready. But I started my new show, and I told everybody what’s going on, and I got to do it at my own pace. In the beginning, it was strange, because, “Why doesn’t she talk about being gay all the time?” I mean, it’s talk radio. Now, it’s lovely. I have support from everybody. And it’s strange, because when I started writing for Watermark, for example, when that was shared, people thought I was coming out again. I thought, no, I’ve been doing this for years, but I appreciate you’re concern. I’m still the same old Sabrina. Now more than ever, I think that after Pulse was the first time that I said it out loud that I’m gay. I’m proud to be part of this community. I’m so moved and touched, and I feel strong with my brothers and my sisters in the LGBTQ community. It’s been an interesting ride. waS there any preSSure frOm the higher-upS On that level?

Never from higher up. I got more pressure from friends of mine, I’d say, or people whom I’ve known in circles who feel the need to say stuff about it. I’ve always thought, “Is this who I am?” And when you listen to my show and it comes time to say anything, I do it with no problem. And that’s the nice thing with being on talk radio. I get to be me. And being me means loving the same sex. SO it’S a Service tO thiS cOmmunity, indeed. hOw dOeS that feel?

It was nerve-wracking and, at first, and looking back to what it was then, it’s incredible. I feel smart and knowledgeable, and people are actually listening and learning things. Granted, you’ll always have your trolls, but beyond that, being in radio in Orlando – in this city, especially the gay community – everyone is so tight and warm, and I am with ease able to talk about people and talk to people and learn. And be weird and make awful jokes!

miguel Fuller Watermark: Ok, what’S

yOur StOry?

fuller: From the very beginning, I was always very interested in radio – even in middle school, when I was a stuttering little kid, and everyone thought this kid will never be able to do any entertainment and public speaking. But I just kept working on

it, with a little low-power frequency in our middle school. I would read the lunch menu and stutter my way through it. I finally got better, and did a little bit of radio at our radio station. In college I was working part time at this classic rock station in south Georgia. I used to run the NASCAR races. Then I went to Georgia Southern for my bachelor’s degree, and I started working at the college station there, doing the morning show and working the station in Savannah. Two months before graduation, I thought, “Oh my God, am I going to have to work at Publix?” There was a full-time radio position for me in Savannah. So I worked in Savannah for a year where I was the producer and traffic guy on a conservative news talk network. That was not fun, but it taught me a lot about researching your beliefs, because you’re hearing the opposite every day. After a year of that, I was hired to do a morning show in Panama City. That’s where I met my current co-host Holly.

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that’S a lOt Of SOuthern cOmfOrt. waS it hard tO be gay On the radiO?

I think from the listeners’ perspective, in my career, it’s been fine. As long as you don’t present yourself as a caricature of a gay person – if you’re just a human being who happens to be gay, who happens to be black, who happens to deal with weight issues, all of these things that human beings deal with – I think that when you present yourself as a character, that’s when people are like, “I don’t understand you. Who are you?” To me the problem has come down to advertisers. As a gay black man, my life has always been, “Let me teach you that I am normal.” when did yOu knOw yOu were making a difference?

To me, the moment we realized that was when Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” came out. How the bit was supposed to play – there was no talk – but we’d play the song and as soon as it was over, I would be asked, “Miguel, what do you think of this?” And I would be like, “Ooh, girl! Yes! I can’t wait to hear it out in the club” But I was like, “This is such a wonderful message for young kids in middle school or high school to let them know that it’s OK to be yourself.” We did this whole passionate thing, and right after the segment, the music started playing, the mics went off, and the host was like, “What was that? That’s not your character.” And I was like, “Ooh, girl, two snaps up.” But it’s more than that. And that’s when we started understanding that it’s more than that.

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2


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Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2

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artS and entertainment

Photos by Pamela littky



Indie-pop duo Tegan and Sara don’t mind if you want to be like them, walk like them or talk like them


Jeremy Williams

he canadian indie-pop twins

Tegan and Sara have maintained one constant their 20-year career together: being true to who they are. That is what has kept them unapologetically honest with themselves, their music and their fans. The twin sisters are both out and proud lesbians, write all of their own music and play dozens of different instruments. They

are also as much known for their look and style as they are for their unique sound that began in 1997 with their first band, Plunk.

Now, nearly two decades later, Tegan and Sara have released eight studio albums. The most recent one, Love You to Death, was released this past summer and has them on a worldwide tour which brings them to The Beacham in Orlando Nov. 14 and The Ritz Ybor in Tampa Nov. 15. Before heading to the I-4 corridor, Tegan took a few minutes to chat via phone with Watermark about the duo’s latest pop sound, being gay women in the music industry and what it was like to sing for Meryl Streep and Oprah.

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Watermark: many timeS when an artiSt iS well knOwn fOr their Style, they try tO alwayS keep the tOpic On the muSic. dO yOu wiSh that mOre attentiOn waS placed On the muSic aS OppOSed tO yOur Style, Or iS it a tOtal package fOr yOu? tegan: From day one we’ve said we feel this really deep connection with our community. Our audience is super awesome and that’s a big part of our career being reflected back to us. A lot of young people, college age people, a lot of girls, LGBTQ people, they found our style cool and wanted

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2

to emulate that; plus we were looking at them for [style] ideas too, and I think we accepted long, long ago that our music is great, but this is bigger than that. This is about personality, about the community around us. The people aren’t just there for the music, for the most part. People constantly talk about the banter and the stories and the haircuts and the clothes, or how they met their best friend or their girlfriend, or they come to a Tegan and Sara show because it’s a safe space, so we’ve accepted

cOntinued On pg. 29 | uu |


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watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2

| uu | Tegan and Sara from pg.27

all of those things. I mean, I totally understand bands that are like, “It’s about the music; I don’t want to talk about myself.” I totally get that. I just think, for us, we are bubbling over with a million other things, so we just don’t limit it.

You and Sara write your own music as well as perform. How is the writing process with your albums? Do you each write and then compare notes or do you get together over some drinks in a jam session and then bang the songs out that way?

It’s a little bit of everything. Early in our career, with our first couple of records, we wrote very much alone. By the time we got to the studio, the songs were pretty much already developed. As we have gotten into the second half of our career, I think we both make a big effort to try and collaborate. Even if it is just Sara making suggestions about lyrics or tempo or key changes, we both have recognized that the songs we wrote together turn out to be huge fan favorites and really successful. Writing is a very cathartic experience, so I find that I at least like to start the song on my own, but I can see that I really benefit from collaborating with Sara because she is a great editor and a really strong lyricist. So she helps me to get my thoughts out in a more articulate and poetic way. Your 2013 album, Heartthrob, and your most recent album, Love You to Death, have a more mainstream pop sound to them than your previous albums, which were known for their punk-rock style. What made you take your sound in that direction?

We grew up in the ‘80s and ‘90s, and we have always cited those decades as being an influence, but the sounds of the 2000s were just much more guitar-driven, and I think we were making an indie version of that. As the late 2000s hit and EDM and hip hop started to influence popular, mainstream music, it made “pop music” a much more broad term. I think that umbrella became what pop is now and it fit us. It was less of, “We are going to make a pop record,” and more of, “We’re going to take the record and the songs that we made and turn it up a bit,” and to turn it up in our world just meant to make it more palatable for the mainstream. With that said, I don’t necessarily


Tegan and Sara’s fans are as much about the duo’s fashion as they are about their music, which is just fine with the twins. Photos by Pamela Littky

I think we accepted long, long ago that our music is great, but this is bigger than that. This is about personality, about the community around us. — Tegan think Love You to Death sounds like anything on the radio right now. We made a record that continued in the same vein of Heartthrob that we felt really attached to, but mainstream is much more dance and hip-hop sounding to me right now. It’s very different than what we currently sound like. We are just kind of out there pushing our creative mandate and if it fits with the mainstream it’s really exciting, but if it doesn’t then it doesn’t really matter because it ultimately comes down to what the songs are. We’ve always said that Bruce Springsteen is our career model, and every Springsteen record is different. You can’t really compare Born in the USA to Nebraska but when you strip away the production the songs are there. It is undeniable it is Bruce Springsteen. I think when Sara and I get to the end of our career, I would hope that no matter what record you compare to another record, when you strip away the production that it will undeniably be Tegan and Sara.

You and Sara have many videos out now for the album Love

You to Death, and I read that you are planning to release a music video for every song on the album. What made you both decide you wanted to make this a visual album?

We feel like we are living in a “singles” world right now, and it feels like people focus on songs more so than albums, and we put so much into this one that we felt like we wanted the entire album to get attention. We made a record, 10 songs, that tells a story and we wanted to create visual pieces to compliment that story. I think with Love You to Death there is some pretty deep, amazing music - “100x” and “Hang on to the Night” – songs that are obviously not going to be released as singles and yet we thought they deserved to be heard. We also loved the idea of finding 10 artists to collaborate with and we wanted that list of directors to be so diverse. We did not want to reach out to the typical music video director who traditionally tends to be white, heterosexual male. We have worked with a lot of them, but we got excited about reaching out to artists from all

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

different places and backgrounds. We have two videos left and they should be out by the end of the year. You mentioned that the typical music video director tends to be a white, heterosexual male. That made me think of a quote of yours from another interview where you said, “Our industry is still male dominated and heteronormative in general.” Which avenue has been the most difficult to maneuver, being you two are not male and not heterosexual, in keeping yourselves and your music authentically you?

We have been really lucky, Sara and I, like with our management. We have been working with them for 13 years and they are wonderful men, but they are white heterosexual dudes. We spend a lot of time explaining things to them, educating them about what we need, what’s happening in the world and they are amazing. They are constantly learning and constantly checking their language, pushing other people in the industry to check

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2

their language. They have been front line supporters of ours as we work with the LGBTQ community. They consider themselves activists as well. We get a lot of support from our label as well, and that allows us to push on some of these prejudices still in the industry. The truth is, the more we keep pushing, the less resistance there is. I think often times people just don’t know. We are living in an age where we are all having to check our language and check our privilege. I’m resistant to say we have met much resistance; I’m sure we have. You can look back at how sexist and homophobic our press has been over the last 17 years, but from an industry standpoint, I feel like we have had a lot of support. Ultimately we all want this industry to be better and stronger. There has been an incredible movement just in the time we have been in the industry to do that, and I hope we are doing our part. you and Sara collaborate with other artists on many TV and movie soundtracks, one of which earned you a trip to the 2015 Oscars where you performed “Everything is Awesome” from The Lego Movie. Were you nervous about performing on that stage

Oh God, yeah I was. You know I wasn’t nervous about performing for the television cameras. I was nervous about performing in front of Oprah and Meryl Streep in the first row [laughs]. First of all, that auditorium is tiny. When we were finishing the song, and on TV it makes it seem so huge, I could see Meryl Streep’s pupil dilate. It was terrifying. you and Sara have opened or performed with some big names in the music world lately – Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift. of all the moments in the last few years, have any of them made been so mindblowing that you had to turn to Sara and say, “Can you believe this is our life?”

I have those moments all the time. The Lady Gaga show was in Quebec City and there were 86,000 people there. I don’t want this to sound cynical, but 86,000 people are not going to come together in Quebec City for a Tegan and Sara concert, so in that moment I just say, “Holy shit, 86,000 people, take it in brain.” I mean, there was a time when we drove around in a car from club to club to play for 30 people, and even then that felt cool.



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Playwright Stephen Schwartz brings his impressive theatrical history to Clermont 2009, and has a biographical book called Defying Gravity: The Creative Career of Stephen Schwartz, from Godspell to Wicked. His most notable work is Wicked, which has been running on Broadway since 2003. Wicked won three Tony awards in 2004 and has continued to receive acclaim over the span of its run. It has been translated into many different languages and currently has six professional productions running all over the world. The touring production in United States is coming to the Dr. Phillips Center in Orlando in January. Schwartz has won Oscar awards for his work on Disney’s Pocahontas in 1996 and for The Prince of Egypt in 1999, and has won Grammy awards for Pocahontas, Pippin, Godspell and Wicked. He also won the Isabelle Stevenson Tony award in 2015 for his work as a humanitarian. The Tony Awards website says the award was given “for his commitment to serving artists and fostering new talent through his work.” Schwartz talks below via email about his show, what he is currently working on and shares advice for our readers in the theater world.


wicked awesome:

Stephen Schwartz brings his craft to Clermont.

Photo by Ralf Rühmeier



The title of the concert is Defying Gravity: Stephen Schwartz and Friends. Who are these mysterious friends? Will there be any surprise appearances by Broadway stars?

Anna M. Johnson

here are some things you just

intrinsically know: You live “Day by Day,” you “Let it Go.” Have you heard of the Tony-award winning musical Wicked? How about Pippin or Godspell? The man behind all of these musicals is award-winning composer Stephen Schwartz, of course. Schwartz is bringing his music to the Clermont Performing Arts Center on Nov. 13 with his show Defying Gravity: Stephen Schwartz and Friends.

Schwartz has been active as a composer, lyricist and director since before 1970. His work spans many platforms, from stage to screen to page. He graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh in 1968 and

wrote Godspell just two years later in 1971. He has contributed to Disney musical movies and has two of his own solo albums. He was inducted into the American Theatre Hall of Fame and into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

I​ actually have three friends, and luckily, they are all joining me to participate in the concert! Seriously, they are three terrific singers, all of whom have in fact appeared on Broadway. One is, while we’re on the subject, a Tony Award winner. But I prefer to remain mysterious beyond that.​ Tell me a little bit about what you will doing at the concert. How did you choose what pieces to perform? Are some pieces more “popular” than others?

​ e have put together a program W combining better known songs with some less familiar ones. We try to put a bit of a new spin on the better known ones, sometimes by creating medleys and mash-ups. There’ll be solos from

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2

myself, as well as the other singers, plus duets, trios, etc. We always have a lot of fun putting these concerts together, and in our experience the audience usually does too (or at least so they tell us)​.

Are you currently working on anything?

​ s always! I just premiered a new show A in Vienna last month about the creation of the opera The Magic Flute, and next year should see the first full production of the stage adaptation of Prince of Egypt. Plus Alan Menken and I are starting on a new movie for Disney. So yes, I have a few balls in the air.​ I saw you’re also going to Jupiter, Florida, which is another off-the-beaten-path location. Why Florida specifically?

​ ecause it’s November, and thus it’s B always an attractive destination for us Northeasterners (though if the state winds up voting inexplicably stupidly on Nov. 8, it will be a less attractive destination).​

Most of our readership at Watermark is comprised of LGBTQ+ individuals, many of whom have grown up listening to your work. Who do you have in mind as your audience when you write? Or do you have anyone in mind?

I​ don’t really have an audience in mind when I write. I’m trying to tell a story and get inside the character and the emotional situation. Essentially, it’s writing via method acting. (Although you’d never want to see me try to act; that’s why I do it in private!) By the way, I like the “+” in “LGBTQ+” I haven’t seen that before! Did the Pulse tragedy affect your choice to share your music in Orlando at all?

I’d love to say it did, because it was an event that had such huge emotional impact on me and so many of my friends. But the show had been booked well before. It so happens that the night after the Pulse tragedy, I was part of a benefit concert in New York to raise money to fight North Carolina’s anti-gay law HB2​, and we were told the sponsors would be sharing some of the money raised with Pulse-related organizations as well. Can you offer any tips for aspiring actors/composers/ directors/theatre people?

​ ou have to show up. Easy to say; not Y always easy to do. But perseverance can be the most important talent of all.

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Our America: The Latino Presence in American Art is organized by the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Generous support for the exhibition has been provided by Altria Group, the Honorable Aida M. Alvarez, Judah Best, The James F. Dicke Family Endowment, Sheila Duignan and Mike Wilkins, Tania and Tom Evans, Friends of the National Museum of the American Latino, The Michael A. and the Honorable Marilyn Logsdon Mennello Endowment, Henry R. Muñoz III, Wells Fargo, and Zions Bank. Additional significant support was provided by The Latino Initiatives Pool, administered by the Smithsonian Latino Center. Support for Treasures to Go, the Museum’s traveling exhibition program, comes from The C.F. Foundation, Atlanta, Georgia.

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Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2

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Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2

community calendar

event planner




Gala at the orlando museum of Art

equality florida Gala, Nov. 4, Orlando Museum of Art, Orlando. 407-896-4231; eqfl.org

fRiday, nov. 4, 8:00 p.m. oRlando museum of aRt, oRlando

November movie Night, Nov. 4, Harry P. Leu Gardens, Orlando. 407-246-2620; LeuGardens.org eDC orlando, Nov. 4-5, Tinker Field, Orlando. 407-440-7000; ElectricDaisyCarnival.com the animatronicans, Nov. 4-19, Footlight Theatre, Orlando. 407-425-7571; ParliamentHouse.com fiesta in the Park, Nov. 5-6, Lake Eola, Orlando. 407-855-0606; FiestaInThePark.com heart of florida Pageant, Nov. 6, Hamburger Mary’s, Daytona Beach. 386-256-2564; HamburgerMarys.com election-Night bash with Randy Rainbow, Nov. 8, Footlight Theatre, Orlando. 407-425-7571; ParliamentHouse.com Daughter, Nov. 9, the Beacham, Orlando. 407-648-8363; theBeacham.com Pride block Party, Nov. 13, Georgia Ave., DeLand. 386-873-7760; DelandPride.com an evening with Neil deGrasse Tyson, Nov. 15, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, Orlando. 407-839-0119; DrPhillipsCenter.org tRoN: blacklight “lights” Party, Nov. 17, Southern Nights, Orlando. 407-412-5039; SouthernNightsOrl.com

tampa bay line Dance Classic, Nov. 3–6, Doubletree, Tampa. 813-562-9599; DoubletreeTampa Westshore.com

reading rainbOw

Dress in your snazziest cocktail attire and join Equality Florida for a wonderful evening of live entertainment, silent art auctions and mingling as it pays tribute to the Orlando community. Enjoy a delicious drink from the open bar and hors d’oeuvres, while EQFL presents the Service and Leadership Award to Orlando’s LGBTQ and Latino second responders, Orlando Health and the Greater Orlando Community. Tickets are $100 or $50 with valid student ID. For more information visit OMArt.org

Come out with Pride satuRday, nov. 12, 12:00-10:00 p.m. lake eola paRk, oRlando After being postponed by Hurricane Matthew, Come Out with Pride will kick off Nov. 12 with the festival and parade presented by Macy’s at Lake Eola. The night finishes up with dinner and fireworks followed by an after party at the Abbey. For more information, go to ComeOutWithPride.com.

Internet sensation Randy Rainbow will host an Election Night Bash Watch Party at the Footlight Theatre at the Parliament House Tuesday, November 8.

trans Pride 2016, Nov. 5, St. Pete Community Center, Saint Petersburg. 727-321-3854; MetroTampaBay.org

tampa bay Veg fest, Nov. 12, Cotanchobee Fort Brooke Park, Tampa. 813-274-8615; TampaBayVegFest.org

straz live! in the Park, Nov. 6, Curtis Hixon Park, Tampa. 813-229-7827; StrazCenter.org

second saturday art Walk, Nov. 12, City of St. Petersburg, Saint Petersburg. 727-518-5142; StPeteArtsAlliance.org

magic men live!, Nov. 8, Tampa Theatre, Tampa. 813-274-8981; TampaTheatre.org CigarbQue, Nov. 10, J.C. Newman Cigar Company, Tampa. 813-248-2124; JCNewman.com brews and bites, Nov. 11, The Sail Pavilion, Tampa. 813-274-7778; TampaConventionCenter.com tampa allstars music fest, Nov. 11, The Orpheum, Tampa. 813-248-9500; The Orpheum.com

Cranksgiving, Nov. 12, New World Brewery, Tampa. 813-248-4969; NewWorldBrewery.net thievery Corporation, Nov. 14, The RITZ Ybor, Tampa. 813-248-4050; TheRitzYbor.com Pet shop boys, Nov. 15, Mahaffey Theater, Saint Petersburg. 727-892-5767; TheMahaffey.com Neil deGrasse tyson, Nov. 17, Straz Center for the Performing Arts, Tampa. 813-229-7827; StrazCenter.org

tampa bay

New Tampa Players: Into the Woods

SaraSOta Young Frankenstein, Nov. 2–20, The Players Centre for Performing Arts, Sarasota. 941-365-2494; ThePlayers.org medieval fair, Nov. 5-20, Ringling Woods, Sarasota. 888-303-3247; SarasotaMedievalFair.com emerald City ball, Nov. 10, West Coast Black Theatre Troupe, Sarasota. 941-366-1505; WestCoastBlackTheatre.org sarasota moD Weekend, Nov. 11-13, Ringling College of Art and Design, Sarasota. 941-351-5100; SarasotaMOD.com suncoast food and Wine Fest, Nov. 12, Sarasota Polo Club, Sarasota. 941-870-0002; SuncoastFood AndWineFest.com

to submit your upcoming event, concert, performance, or fundraiser visit watermarkonline.com.

fRiday, nov. 4-sunday, nov. 13, times vaRy new tampa playeRs, tampa New Tampa Players and University Area Cultural Development Center work together to bring James Lapine’s and Stephen Sondheim’s Tony Award-winning book and score to Tampa. Tickets are $20 for adults, $17 for students and seniors and $15 for pre-sale and groups of 10 or more. For more information visit NewTampaPlayers.org.


Inspiresarasota! Festival satuRday nov. 5, 9:30 a.m. five points paRk, saRasota Arts and Cultural Alliance of Sarasota County is the only organization in Sarasota County working daily to promote every discipline in the arts. Come join them and get crafty as you explore and shop your way through a variety of exhibits and vendors downtown. Enjoy live performances by youth and cultural groups, booths with information from organizations on their upcoming seasons and activities for all ages. For more information visit InspireSarasota.net.

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watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2


tampa bay Out+abOut

funny lady


ctor and comedian Amy Schumer seems to have a love/hate relationship with the city of Tampa. She wrote about the city in her recently released book, The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo, where she called Tampa “horrendous” and wrote that she wasn’t scared about criticizing the people of Tampa Bay because, “I know for a fact that no one who lives there has ever read a book. JKJKJKJKJK, but kind of not K.” Schumer came to Tampa Oct. 16 where she held a concert at the Amalie Arena for the first time since her book came out. During the show Schumer took her act political and brought a Trump supporter on stage to ask him why he supported Trump. “ I’m not voting for Trump, I’m voting against Hillary,” the Tampa man said. Schumer thanked him and expressed that she didn’t understand how anyone could vote for an “ orange, sexual-assaulting, fakecollege-starting monster.” This comment brought on a few boos from the audience. Schumer asked for the house lights to be brought up and asked anyone who was a victim of sexual assault to stand. She thanked those who stood and then said anyone booing and being disruptive were free to go. About 200 people walked out of the show.

On gOlden frameS


fter running a successful frame and mirror shop for more than 10 years and keeping the political pot stirring in St. Petersburg this election season, Dan Fiorini is looking to retire. Fiorini took to Facebook on Halloween to announce that the shop is up for sale. “Friends, It’s getting to that time of life to retire,” Fiorini wrote. “So, I’m putting my beloved store on the market.” Fiorini goes on in the post to say that Tyrone Frames & Mirrors is up for sale for about $130,000 and the price includes all equipment necessary to operate this business. Have you ever wanted to be a professional framer with a shop nested right between a TJ Maxx and a Ross? If so, here’s your chance. Could this be a full retirement or is this just freeing up time for the very political Fiorini to try his hand at running for office again in the next few years? We’ll just have to wait and see.

happy birthday madam preSident


emocratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton celebrated her 69th birthday Oct. 24, and do you know how she choose to spend it? Well with the people of Tampa Bay of course. Clinton came to Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park in downtown with more than 4,000 Tampanians to talk about the importance of Florida, and especially the Central part of the state, in this election. “What a great way to celebrate my birthday, being here in Tampa,” Clinton said to the crowd before telling them that the perfect gift for her from them would be a vote for her on election day. At 69, Clinton would be the second oldest person elected president, behind Ronald Regan by eight months. On the opposite side of that statistic, Clinton’s husband Bill was the third youngest president in American history behind JFK and Teddy Roosevelt.


2 3


halloweentown: (L-R) mathieu stanoch, the Pumpkin king and Diogo Monteiro at the March of the Pumpkin King parade in Ybor City Oct. 29. Photo

CoURtesy of DioGo moNteiRo


eaRly voteRs: Susan Smith (L) and Sandy Murray getting the early vote out at Jimmie B. Keel Library in Tampa Oct. 31. Photo CoURtesy of sUsaN smith


nikko’s playhouse: Hamburger Mary’s Nikko Panagos goes on a big adventure as Pee-Wee Herman in St. Petersburg Oct. 30. Photo



CoURtesy of heatheR haRloW


those theateR dudes: David Walker (L) as “White Dude” and Kristofer Geddie as “Black Dude” at the Venice Theatre production of The Toxic Avenger in Venice. Photo

CoURtesy of DaViD WalkeR


the monsteR sQuad: A group of who’s who of Tampa Bay ready for the Hot Haunted Yacht at the Yacht StarShip Dining Cruises in Tampa Oct. 30. Photo PRoViDeD by miGUel fUlleR


stRong cRowd: Presidential hopeful hillary Clinton visits with supporters at Curtis Hixon Park in downtown Tampa Oct. 25. Photo by NiCk CaRDello



latin nights: (L-R) Cristian Niko Rosado, Roberto orozco and Chhoy sutimek at Southern Nights in Tampa for Fuego Friday Oct. 21. Photo CoURtesy of Chhoy sUtimek


shine bRight like a diamond: Largo Commissioner michael smith (L) and former U.S. Senator Bob Graham a fundraising reception benefiting Ben Diamond for Florida House Parkshore Grill in St. Petersburg Oct. 26. Photo


CoURtesy of miChael smith

7 watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2




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watermark Your LGBTQ life.



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OrlandO Out+abOut

billbOard Of lOve


ased on a RumoR that a North Carolina “Gays for Trump” group was looking to purchase billboard space near/around Pulse, organizer Michael Vacirca created a gofundme account hoping to raise $15,000 to buy the Clear Channel space before the group was able to do so. Although the pro-Trump group didn’t succeed in buying the ad space, the Billboards for Love group has been able to use nearly $12k raised to buy this space. Bringing back memories of so many businesses like Clear Channel that had “Orlando Strong” rainbow colored ads on their digital billboard soon after the Pulse attack, some of which still remain. The gofundme page promises to distribute any remaining funds to the onePULSE Foundation and Pulse of Orlando fund. The monies raised are being processed through the LGBT Center’s account.






Out’S 100


Rlando’s own weRe featuRed as Heroes and Survivors in the magazine OUT’s 100. In the feature, they discuss their day to day. The photos will show survivors, volunteers and local politicians. The portraits of their faces were photographed by Gavin Bond. The Orlando Heroes and Survivors join other featured LGBT influencers, entertainers and allies.




special event by the global citizen gRoup will be held this Thursday, November 3, at Lake Eola, featuring Ani DiFranco and Talib Kweli. The Global Citizen is an international advocacy organization fighting to eradicate extreme poverty and solve of the world’s biggest challenges. According to the Global Citizen, the purpose for this concert is to make a big effort to get out the vote in Orlando, being this is one of the most crucial elections.

pepe Slam dunkS!


ba fans aRe going to be in stoRe for a little more Magic than they anticipated on November 19th’s game. Fringe Festival favorite Pepe (Rob Ward) from Pepe’s Truth or Dare will present Pepe’s Big Chance – Pregame Improv Show. The pregame entertainment will benefit the Zebra Coalition with a purchased ticket from the link provided on the event’s Facebook page. Promising ridiculous scenes like Grindr Chat, The Blind Makeover and the Lip-synch for Your Life challenge, this is a preshow that will go down in the history books.


goosebumps: (L-R) sara Costello, leyla lawrence, liz langley and Wil fields tell some scary tales at a production of Phantasmagoria’s VII “The Cards are Dealt” at the Shakes Theatre in Orlando Oct. 30. Photo by DaNNy GaRCia


living single: Miss Sammy (L) and Bartender Daniel Brigano at Stonewall Bar for their Thursday night STAG PARTY in Orlando Oct. 27. Photo by DaNNy GaRCia


the zookeepeRs: The Orlando Gay Parents group and The Family Equality Council hosted the Zoo Boo Bash at the Central Florida Zoo in Orlando for LGBT parents and their kids Oct. 30. Photo CoURtesy of JeN West


winning basket: The Parliament House costume contest winner as a “basket of deplorables” in Orlando Oct. 29. Photo CoURtesy of


macho men: mark Cady (second from right) with the Village People at the Aspire Health Partners Gala in Orlando Oct. 29. Photo CoURtesy of maRk CaDy


the monsteR mash: (L-R) Paul Sisemore, Sam Singhaus and iris Cruz at the Orlando Ballet’s production of Dracula at the Dr. Phillips Center in Orlando Oct. 29.


Photo by DaNNy GaRCia


he’s with heR: President barack obama makes a stop at the University of Central Florida in Orlando Oct. 28 to campaign for Hillary Clinton.

Photo by aDam maNNo


netwoRking aRtists: (L-R) margo Dixon, Jack Dixon and tom young at Watermark’s Third Thursday hosted by Artegon Markplace in Orlando Oct. 20. Photo by kathleeN haRPeR

PaRliameNt hoUse

8 watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2


2016 Winner Best Florida Beer Pinellas Brewery & Taproom 12707 49th Street Clearwater, FL 33762 Open 11a - 11p Daily

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watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2


wedding bellS

Nathan Shifflett, 40, and ronnie Long, 41 from Wekiva Springs, Florida

mojoman swimwear & Clothing open a second location at Artegon Market Place on International Drive in Orlando Nov. 4.

years together:

9 years

local birthdays

engagement date:

June 2016

wedding date:

September 3, 2016

wedding Venue:

The Grand Canyon

wedding planner:

Jenny Crossling, who is a close friend from las Vegas

wedding caterer:

The Bellagio (las Vegas)

wedding theme/colors:

Old West Country theme

First song:

“love Me Tender” by elvis Presley and sung by their minister

interesting Fact:

Their honeymoon was a road trip of more than 4,000 miles throughout the western region of the U.S. visiting national Parks.



heRe’s so many things

that are great about Ronnie – his personality, mostly,” Nathan says. “He’s a calm, easy-going, level-headed person and he’s really fun at the same time. He’s a beautiful person mentally and physically. We’re just so compatible together and I’ve never really been around anybody like that before that can understand me and I can understand him.”

Nathan Shifflett, who is a chef and director of dining services for Brookdale Senior Living, and Ronnie Long, an environmental scientist, met years ago through mutual friends. They both have had the same group of friends for about 15 years, but they didn’t meet each other until one night of going out and doing karaoke with friends. “I was singing karaoke that night with a group of our friends, and we were just all there together, and one of his friends who is a close friend of mine too said ‘Oh, you’ve got to meet my friend Ronnie!’” Nathan says. “I saw him out on the dance floor, dancing around, and I just

thought he was the cutest thing in the world and he has really fun punkie-style hair and stuff, so I run up and introduce myself to him and we hit it off right away.” Ronnie’s first impression of Nathan was that he was hilarious, full of life and quite the entertainer type. As their relationship grew over the years and they became closer, they both have learned things from each other. Nathan says he would joke with Ronnie, before same-sex marriage became legal in the U.S., that they would have to get married when it finally became legal. When it finally passed, he made the same comment and

they both laughed it off until they started planning a trip out west using their tax return money to travel and see National Parks. Once they started planning the trip, they talked about since they were going to be in Las Vegas anyway to get married there. It was a mutual agreement, and they decided it would be a private affair and they’d go to one of the wedding chapels on the strip. Eventually one of their friends, Jenny, helped them plan a wedding where they could fly on a helicopter into the Grand Canyon, tie the knot in the Grand Canyon and have a small catered reception at the Bellagio afterward. Ronnie says that the beauty of the place was overwhelming on its own, and the fact they both had their brothers there with them celebrating the joyous occasion was great and a lot more than he ever expected. “The thing about Nate is you’re always guaranteed that life is going to be fun,” Ronnie says. “We get along and we can just make the most and best of anything we come across.”

Gulfport everyman Daniel hodge, massage therapist and framer at Framing of Central Florida kirk Johnston, St. Pete Pride volunteer Rich Runyan, St. Petersburg cowboy Winston haws (Nov. 4); Orlando realtor Cindy Gregory, Orlando Verizon Wireless employee and super dad Ryan lopez, Randall lambright (Nov. 5); Tampa signing interpreter steve Hammond, St. Pete Bears founder Grahame Harte, former TIGLFF programming director Kelly Fry, Equality Florida’s michael farmer, Women In Film & Television Florida President Robin Wright, TIGLFF supporter Timothy Thomas, Pinellas Park massage Therapist John Waldorf (Nov. 6); Park Avenue salon owner Gary lambert (Nov. 10); Margate, Fla. video gamer scott keener, Tampa leather bear brooks Davis, (Nov. 11); Orlando writer liz langley, St. Petersburg ASAP star Jonathan Aller, Sarasota opera singer Ron Rispoli, Tampa networking guru Vincent Papaleo, Orlando performer miss aiysia black, DJ Joanie stanco (Nov. 13); handsome Orlando bear-bartender and animal lover Christopher Torge, Ritz Ybor Marketing Director okie tilo, paper bag mushroom artist Doug Rhodehamel, Tampa-based but world-renowned flutist Joseph Rose, Disney application developer Dan Peters (Nov. 14); Sarasota activist and GAIN member bart Coyle, Tampa-based Serious Satellite’s Out Q news freelancer mike Wells (Nov. 15); The Closing Agent main man, Orlando Youth Alliance supporter and godfather of the Orlando International Fringe Festival Barry Miller (Nov. 16); Ray sickles, AKA Sarasota diva Angelique Monet (Nov. 17).

do you haVe an announcement? haVing a birthday or anniVersary? did you get a new Job or promotion? see your news in Watermark! send your announcement to editor@Watermarkonline.com or go to Watermarkonline.com/submit-a-transition.

it’s that easy!

—Samantha Rosenthal

Do you have an interesting wedding or engagement story you’d like to share with Watermark readers? if so, email the details to editor@Watermarkonline.com for consideration as a future feature on this page.

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2




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watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2


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watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2


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Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2




watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2



withOut a dOubt

This candidate calls on us to turn against each other, to build walls, to be afraid. And then there’s Hillary’s vision for this country – a vision of a nation that is powerful and vibrant and strong, big enough to have a place for all of us. A nation where we each have something very special to contribute and where we are always stronger together. —michelle obama

the Sun ain’t gOnna Shine anymOre


he sunshine state is well awaRe of its brightness, so it became abundantly clear this week that the clouds surrounding Amendment 1 were absolutely real and terrible. How so? Utility companies stepped up their donations in a political maneuver that shows their fear of solar power. Of course, solar energy – and the “grid” per se – have been an issue for years. Amendment 1, to be clear, is the utilites’ attempt to cut back on the solar-power freedoms democratically voted upon during the August primaries. The term “solar scam” has come up in recent days, generally as a means of supporting Amendment 1. “Our data shows that the more the public knows about the possible consequences of Amendment 1, the less they like it,” political scientist and director of the Saint Leo University Polling Institute Frank Orlando told website Politico.com. Utility companies have opened their purses to the tune of $20.2 million for their deceitful cause, making them the largest donors imaginable (the amendment has $25.7 million in its political backwinds). Amendment 1 is a sham.



pOiSOn pill

t must feel teRRible to be a Log Cabin Republican in the age of Donald Trump – believe us; we know a few – but even after the gay conservative group took to the national stage to renounce its support of Trump, its Miami chapter seemingly didn’t get the call. On Oct. 26, the Miami chapter decided to support Trump, devil may care. “It’s huge,” Miami chapter president Vincent Foster told the Miami Herald. “A lot of our membership was upset. We were ready to risk everything and go our separate way to support our most supportive Republican presidential candidate for the LGBT community.” Somebody somewhere is calling Mike Pence. He’s not answering.


i want candy?

h, halloween, how we miss you. Whether you’re engaging in slut shaming (hello, sexy nurse) or Satan (eek!), you never fail to amuse in your autumnal embrace. If you thought that razor blades in candied apples were bad, just wait until you wake up to a world full of marijuana-filled candies. If it sounds absurd, that is because it is absurd. Opponents of medical marijuana, which is Amendment 2, fact friends, overstretched reality in the build up to the horror holiday by suggesting that there might be weed in your Twix. “This is a farce,” National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws Central Florida director said, according to floridapolitics.com. “This is totally unfounded, and it is an absolute lie.” That didn’t stop Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings from echoing the sentiment. He said edibles (as we call them) were “clearly attractive to children.” “They may have warning labels, but does a 6-year-old [child] really know the difference or read a label before grabbing and eating a product which is attractively marketed the same as consumables for their young age group?” he asked. It’s called parenting. Maybe get a label for that.

watermark Your LGBTQ life.


Billy Manes

heRe have always been ridiculous references to “October Surprises” and their political import, but never, at least in my history, have they involved a Weiner. Last week, as everyone knows, Federal Bureau of Investigation director James B. Comey unleashed the political hounds and stated that he was re-opening his case against Hillary Clinton based on emails she didn’t even write. Comey, he of the Bush administration, saw fit to pull a stunt like this just a week before the presidential election. What does it all mean? We will not know, possibly ever. The Friday news dump issuance of his concerns is, well, concerning. The FBI is clearly playing politics. And Wiener’s dick pics remain unimpressive. “While I disagree with those who suggest you should have kept the FBI’s discovery secret until after the election, I agree that your disclosure did not go far enough,” Iowa Republican Senator Chuck Grassley wrote to Comey on Oct. 28, according to The New York Times. “Unfortunately, your letter failed to give Congress and the American people enough context to evaluate the significance or full meaning of this development. Without additional context, your disclosure is not fair to Congress, the American people, or Secretary Clinton.” Seriously. To reiterate, we have one presidential candidate who is up to the top of her pantsuit in political experience and popular discord (because she’s a woman). We have another, Donald Trump, who is a reality television star with alleged rape on his sleeve and plenty of people to prove it. Let’s not parse the details here. There is a difference. So now the heat is on, even after grope-gate, for the government as it stands to make sense of this kerfuffle. Is Trump worse, or is Hillary gaming the system. Did I mention that the whole new FBI scandal involves failed politician Anthony Wiener’s wiener? This is so absurd, and so beneath a woman deserving the presidency along with a splash of decency. Tellingly, and smirkingly, even the president is standing on the sidelines in a daze of confusion. “The president doesn’t believe that Director Comey is intentionally trying to influence the outcome of an election,” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said, according to the Times. “The president doesn’t believe that he’s secretly strategizing to benefit one candidate or one political party. He’s in a tough spot. And he’s the one who will be in a position to defend his actions.” In an election season that has seen Benghazi trotted out time and time again, a former secretary of state having to sit before idiots for 11 hours and racism pulled out of its dirty corners for public display, it’s not OK. It just isn’t. “I am sure they will reach the same conclusion they did when they looked at my emails for the last year,” Clinton said, according to the Times. “There is no case here. And they said it wasn’t even a close call, and I think most people have decided a long time ago what they think about all of this.” We have. We’re with her.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2

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Your table is ready! Start your evening with dinner at Sixty South Restaurant and Bar, on the main floor of the DoubleTree by Hilton™ Orlando Downtown. You'll find the same attention to detail and caring service that DoubleTree is known for, along with fresh ingredients and inventive dishes served in an inviting, modern setting. Our hotel is TAG Approved, a supporter of the LGBT community and known for our welcoming ambiance. DoubleTree by Hilton. Where the little things mean everything.™

60 South Ivanhoe Boulevard, Orlando, FL 32804 T (407) 425 4455 F (407) 425 7440

DoubleTreeOrlandoDowntown.com Hilton HHonors™ membership, earning of Points & Miles™ and redemption of points are subject to HHonors Terms and Conditions. ©2016 Hilton Worldwide

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Nov emb er 3 - Nov emb er 16 , 2016 // Issue 2 3. 2 2


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