Watermark Issue 24.06: Love Bites

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watermark Your LGBTQ Life.

Love Bites ISSUE 24.06 • MARCH 23 - APRIL 5, 2017 • WATERMARKONLINE.COM

Many big restaurant chains give dirty money to right-wing, reactionary causes

We show you the places to eat hate-free! daytOna beaCh • OrlandO • tamPa • st. Petersburg • Clearwater • sarasOta


watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Ma rch 2 3 - A pr il 5 , 2017 // Issue 24 .0 6








Join Cohen and Cooper for an unscripted, uncensored and unforgettable night of conversation


Ma rch 2 3 - A pr il 5 , 2017 // Issue 24 .0 6


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watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Ma rch 2 3 - a pr il 5 , 2017 // issue 24 .0 6

departments 6 // mail 7 // editors desk 11 // orlando news 13 // tampa bay news 17 // state news 19 // nation & world news 25 // talking points 45 // community calendar 47 // tampa bay out+about 49 // orlando out+about 50 // tampa bay marketplace 51 // wedding bells announcements 52 // orlando marketplace



I think nationally the hate has come out very aggressively. We just can’t let that settle into the state of Florida. i hope the people here are better than that.

— state sen. linda stewart on trying to get eQual pay passed at the state level

on tHe cover





YOU!: With numerous

chain restaurants making political noise of the right-wing variety, we look into some more palatable spots to cure your hunger and stop the hate. This delicious Barbara-q Bacon Cheeseburger from Hamburger Mary’s Orlando always comes hate-free!

girls Just wanna: Ann Paula Bautista

and her fellow cast members bring truth to the stories of Mulan, Snow White, Cinderella and more Disney princesses in the show Disenchanted!.

watermark i ssue 24 .06 //marcH 23 - apri l 5, 2017

get oFF tHe bus

convert me not

How old are we now? gays on Film

PAGE Polk County investigates bus driver over anti-LGBT comments after mother faces school board.

PAGE State Representative David Richardson declares victory against conversion therapy in South Florida House district.

Columnist Scottie Campbell ponders the question of ageism after the Oscar snafu heard around the world.

Photo by Jake Stevens

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read it Online! In addition to a Web site with daily LGBTQ updates, a digital version of each issue of the publication is made available on WatermarkOnline.com






The 19th annual Sarasota Film Festival brings new collaborations and newer films in April.


CliCk On watermarkOnline.COm tO vOte fOr the best lgbtQ anthems ever in Our Online POll! yOu will survive.

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Ma rch 2 3 - a pr il 5 , 2017 // issue 24 .0 6


top web comments “If one truly loves another person, all kinds of people will be welcomed into his or her heart.” — Judy Boerner

WatermarkOnline.com On Polk County investigating a bus driver over anti-LGBT comments made:

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watermark Your LGBTQ life.

“If I’m not mistaken, a public school bus driver is paid with tax dollars. Wouldn’t Violeta Jacobo technically be an “agent for the State” and as such, didn’t she violate the establishment clause of the first amendment to the Constitution? It would seem that way to me. I would also classify her “actions” as “child abuse” but that’s my personal opinion.” —Greg Highfill

On gay “conversion therapy” being investigated on ABC’s 20/20:

“How awful! I have a gay cousin whom I love to pieces. The family accepts and loves him as he is. God made all people, not just straight people. If one truly loves another person, all kinds of people will be welcomed into his or her heart. God is love, as is taught in the bible as well in the seminaries. My son was studying psychology and he learned about so-called homosexuals. It is not a condition. It is something to which people are disposed to. It is not something they choose, just as heterosexuality. When will people come to terms with reality? Please! Stop the insanity! I was so glad to hear in an earlier story that the pastor in this story got sentenced to

many years in prison. No one has the right to punish another person for what they were intrinsically born with and practice. What has happened to this world?” —Judy Boerner

Watermark’s Facebook: On an Oklahoma lawmaker being found with an underage male prostitute:

“Oh how they mighty GOP falls... hypocrites.” —Elizabeth Nicole

“Every day it’s more sick news from the 45 camp.” —Marie Wankowski Corbett

On Polk County investigating a bus driver over anti-LGBT comments made:

“Call a lawyer, sue the school and the Jehovah’s Witnesses since the driver acted as their representative.” —Hen Ry Mays

On the GOP health plan’s devastating impact on those living with HIV:

“It’s an easy way for them to wipe out the poor and sick in America, with only the rich and healthy left.” —Lee Evans

On DianE Rehm’s successor taking over on NPR:

“This long-time Diane Rehm fan thinks he’s been

Ma rch 2 3 - A pr il 5 , 2017 // Issue 24 .0 6

doing great work so far!” —Matt Tabakman

On N.C. ex-governor saying he feels the backlash to HB2 has hurt is job hunt:

“Well, I guess this asshole finally got the memo!” —Allison Wright

On the Justice Department adding a additional $8.5 million to Orlando to aid Pulse victims:

“Well let’s hope Pam Bondi gets the money where it belongs and not in her pocket.” —Michael Wilson

On American Idol contestant claiming she chose to be straight:

“Looking for attention in the wrong way. You are don’t just wake up and say today I’m gay then the next day straight. The word is “bi,” and that’s great. But don’t toss the gay card to promote a record. It’s better to honest with yourself and to be an LGBTQ ally then a poser.” —Elizabeth Nicole

On planners of Boston’s St. Patrick’s Day parade turning away, then reconsidering gay veterans from marching:

“Another reason why Gay Pride Parades are relevant.” —Mitchell McNelly


Billy Manes EDITOR




at the rich” is the common

parlance for societal injustice mostly attributed to 18th Century philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau;

“Let them eat cake!” is but another foodie rallying call through political revolution that has often been (falsely) assigned to Marie Antoinette in a French Revolution fit – though it, too, has its roots in Rousseau’s philosophically hyperbolic oeuvre. At any rate, the message is clear: When we’re not voting with our ballots or simply our wallets, we are voting with our stomachs. In this issue, Watermark takes on the daunting task of breaking down the politics of eating. Before you even flip to our cover story, “Love Bites,” please understand that we know that it is impossible for us to be absolute and comprehensive when there are

watermark staff

restaurants, food joints – some even on wheels! – and means of masticating in nearly every urban peripheral glance. I’m sure we’ll catch hell for some exclusions, but let’s just consider this a starting point. For me, the starting point came with Chik-Fil-A, which – while not operating on Sundays – has been strong in its support of socially conservative causes. It causes quite a conundrum in the big picture, though. As a franchise, the purveyor of chicken in bread has many faces, several of which in the Central Florida area are recognized as LGBTQ allies or, indeed, identifiers. Some people who shall not be named, but work at the Watermark HQ,

really miss their Chik-Fil-A kick, even if to some people (me) it’s never tasted that good, and the experience of dining there generally feels like a Methodist summer camp mess hall full of vacant stares. More than the chest-beating hangry battle of polemics I’m implying here, our story focuses on celebrating some of the better eateries tickling our palates in Tampa Bay and Orlando (and beyond). Something to the tune of: If you love Jimmy John’s and all of its caged-hunting ways, but aren’t comfortable with the pictures of millionaires with dead endangered animals, you might want to try another food emporium with more local ties and far better ethics. We also realize that there are economic issues at stake, everything from minimum wage to family planning for long nights that require easy dinners. However, if the alternatives are just as easy – and more sustainable for communities – consideration of the alternatives is at least fair. Speaking of fair, there remains a cornucopia of other issues rattling about Watermark’s collective brain this week. In Polk County, there is an investigation into whether a school bus driver was out of line when throwing quasi-Biblical shade at a child with two mothers. In Orlando, activists and politicians are trying to push through what should be obvious to everyone by now: equal pay for equal work. Also, the tides are turning as lawyers get involved with helping our transgender population get their proper documentation through the haze of governmental bureaucracies. Our Viewpoint columnists tackle issues of ageism in the wake of Oscar-gate and conservatism in the face of a fumbling Trump presidency. We’re also wringing our hands

Some people who shall not be named, but work at the Watermark HQ, really miss their Chik-Fil-A kick, even if to some people (me) it’s never tasted that good, and the experience of dining there generally feels like a Methodist summer camp mess hall full of vacant stares.

while gazing over to the Sarasota Film Festival for its LGBTQ offerings headed our way at this year’s event. With Pride season tiptoeing up to our door in the coming months – along with Orlando Fringe and everything else fabulous – we’re keeping our shared eye on the issues, but not letting ourselves get too bogged down by the noise machine coming out of Tallahassee and, indeed, Washington D.C. Anyway, it’s time to go out and get some food served with a side of love. What’s on your menu?

Orlando Office

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over state policy on conversion therapy hitting a more local stride down south and in Tampa Bay. It doesn’t seem like anyone in power wants to say the word “gay” this session, according to State Rep. David Richardson, so tainted are our times. On our more aesthetic side, we look at the nascent lesbianism in the Disney princess canon by way of Mulan from Disenchanted!

Ext. 105 • Dalton@WatermarkOnline.com Nat’l Ad Representative: Rivendell Media Inc. • 212-242-6863

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contributors Jason Leclerc

is a near lifelong resident of the I-4 corridor, currently in South Tampa. He publishes poetry online at PoetEconomist. blogspot.com. His first book, Momentitiousness, was published in 2014. His new book, Black Kettle, will be published in 2016. Page 21

Scottie Campbell

is a longtime community activist and a friend to the LGBT community. His work has resulted in a thriving community in the Lake Ivanhoe region and his wit has melted at least a few Orlando candles. He’s a great guy. He’s backing Bernie. Page 23

Samantha Rosenthal

attended University of Central Florida and is a former Watermark editorial assistant. She is currently a freelance writer and regularly covers Wedding Bells. Page 51

Aaron Alper, Scottie Campbell, Susan Clary, Krista DiTucci, Kirk Hartlage, Joseph Kissel, Jason Leclerc, Mary Meeks, Stephen Miller, David Moran, Gregg Shipiro, Greg Stemm, Dr. Steve yacovelli, , Michael wanzie

photography Brian Becnel, Nick Cardello, Angie Folks, Bruce Hardin, Julie Milford, Travis Moore, Chris Stephenson, Lee Vandergrift, Tinkerfluff

distribution LVNLIF2 Distributing, Lisa Jordan, Jill Bates, Ken Carraway CONTENTS of WATERMARK are protected by federal copyright law and may not be reproduced in whole or part without the permission of the publisher. Unsolicited article submissions will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Although WATERMARK is supported by many fine advertisers, we cannot accept responsibility for claims made by advertisers. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles, advertising, or listing in WATERMARK is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of such persons or members of such organizations. WATERMARK is published every second Thursday. Subscription rate is $55 (1st class) and $26 (standard mail). The official views of WATERMARK are expressed only in editorials. Opinions offered in signed columns, letters and articles are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the newspaper’s owner or management. We reserve the right to edit or reject any material submitted for publication. WATERMARK is not responsible for damages due to typographical errors, except for the cost of replacing ads created by WATERMARK that have such errors.

Watermark Publishing Group Inc.

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Ma rch 2 3 - A pr il 5 , 2017 // Issue 24 .0 6


What is TRUVADA for PrEP (Pre-exposure Prophylaxis)?

u You may be more likely to get lactic acidosis or serious liver

TRUVADA is a prescription medicine that can be used for PrEP to help reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 infection when used together with safer sex practices. This use is only for adults who are at high risk of getting HIV-1 through sex. This includes HIV-negative men who have sex with men and who are at high risk of getting infected with HIV-1 through sex, and male-female sex partners when one partner has HIV-1 infection and the other does not. Ask your healthcare provider if you have questions about how to prevent getting HIV-1. Always practice safer sex and use condoms to lower the chance of sexual contact with body fluids. Never reuse or share needles or other items that have body fluids on them.

Who should not take TRUVADA for PrEP?

IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION What is the most important information I should know about TRUVADA for PrEP? Before taking TRUVADA for PrEP to reduce your risk of getting HIV-1 infection: u You must be HIV-negative. You must get tested to make sure that you do not already have HIV-1 infection. Do not take TRUVADA for PrEP to reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 unless you are confirmed to be HIV-negative. u Many HIV-1 tests can miss HIV-1 infection in a person who has recently become infected. If you have flu-like symptoms, you could have recently become infected with HIV-1. Tell your healthcare provider if you had a flu-like illness within the last month before starting TRUVADA for PrEP or at any time while taking TRUVADA for PrEP. Symptoms of new HIV-1 infection include tiredness, fever, joint or muscle aches, headache, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, night sweats, and/or enlarged lymph nodes in the neck or groin. While taking TRUVADA for PrEP to reduce your risk of getting HIV-1 infection: u You must continue using safer sex practices. Just taking TRUVADA for PrEP may not keep you from getting HIV-1. u You must stay HIV-negative to keep taking TRUVADA for PrEP. u To further help reduce your risk of getting HIV-1: • Know your HIV-1 status and the HIV-1 status of your partners. • Get tested for HIV-1 at least every 3 months or when your healthcare provider tells you. • Get tested for other sexually transmitted infections. Other infections make it easier for HIV-1 to infect you. • Get information and support to help reduce risky sexual behavior. • Have fewer sex partners. • Do not miss any doses of TRUVADA. Missing doses may increase your risk of getting HIV-1 infection. • If you think you were exposed to HIV-1, tell your healthcare provider right away. u If you do become HIV-1 positive, you need more medicine than TRUVADA alone to treat HIV-1. TRUVADA by itself is not a complete treatment for HIV-1. If you have HIV-1 and take only TRUVADA, your HIV-1 may become harder to treat over time. TRUVADA can cause serious side effects: u Too much lactic acid in your blood (lactic acidosis), which is a serious medical emergency. Symptoms of lactic acidosis include weakness or being more tired than usual, unusual muscle pain, being short of breath or fast breathing, nausea, vomiting, stomach-area pain, cold or blue hands and feet, feeling dizzy or lightheaded, and/or fast or abnormal heartbeats. uSerious liver problems. Your liver may become large and tender, and you may develop fat in your liver. Symptoms of liver problems include your skin or the white part of your eyes turns yellow, dark “tea-colored” urine, light-colored stools, loss of appetite for several days or longer, nausea, and/or stomach-area pain.

problems if you are female, very overweight (obese), or have been taking TRUVADA for a long time. In some cases, these serious conditions have led to death. Call your healthcare provider right away if you have any symptoms of these conditions. u Worsening of hepatitis B (HBV) infection. If you also have HBV and take TRUVADA, your hepatitis may become worse if you stop taking TRUVADA. Do not stop taking TRUVADA without first talking to your healthcare provider. If your healthcare provider tells you to stop taking TRUVADA, they will need to watch you closely for several months to monitor your health. TRUVADA is not approved for the treatment of HBV. Do not take TRUVADA for PrEP if you already have HIV-1 infection or if you do not know your HIV-1 status. If you are HIV-1 positive, you need to take other medicines with TRUVADA to treat HIV-1. TRUVADA by itself is not a complete treatment for HIV-1. If you have HIV-1 and take only TRUVADA, your HIV-1 may become harder to treat over time. Do not take TRUVADA for PrEP if you also take lamivudine (Epivir-HBV) or adefovir (HEPSERA).

What are the other possible side effects of TRUVADA for PrEP?

Serious side effects of TRUVADA may also include: u Kidney problems, including kidney failure. Your healthcare provider may do blood tests to check your kidneys before and during treatment with TRUVADA for PrEP. If you develop kidney problems, your healthcare provider may tell you to stop taking TRUVADA for PrEP. u Bone problems, including bone pain or bones getting soft or thin, may lead to fractures. Your healthcare provider may do tests to check your bones. u Changes in body fat, which can happen in people taking TRUVADA or medicines like TRUVADA. Common side effects in people taking TRUVADA for PrEP are stomacharea (abdomen) pain, headache, and decreased weight. Tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effects that bother you or do not go away.

What should I tell my healthcare provider before taking TRUVADA for PrEP?

u All your health problems. Be sure to tell your healthcare provider if you

have or have had any kidney, bone, or liver problems, including hepatitis virus infection. u If you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if TRUVADA can harm your unborn baby. If you become pregnant while taking TRUVADA for PrEP, talk to your healthcare provider to decide if you should keep taking TRUVADA for PrEP. Pregnancy Registry: A pregnancy registry collects information about your health and the health of your baby. There is a pregnancy registry for women who take medicines to prevent HIV-1 during pregnancy. For more information about the registry and how it works, talk to your healthcare provider. u If you are breastfeeding (nursing) or plan to breastfeed. Do not breastfeed. The medicines in TRUVADA can pass to your baby in breast milk. If you become HIV-1 positive, HIV-1 can be passed to the baby in breast milk. u All the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. TRUVADA may interact with other medicines. Keep a list of all your medicines and show it to your healthcare provider and pharmacist when you get a new medicine. u If you take certain other medicines with TRUVADA for PrEP, your healthcare provider may need to check you more often or change your dose. These medicines include ledipasvir with sofosbuvir (HARVONI). You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.FDA.gov/medwatch, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

Please see Important Facts about TRUVADA for PrEP including important warnings on the following page.

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watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Ma rch 2 3 - A pr il 5 , 2017 // Issue 24 .0 6

Have you heard about

TRUVADA for PrEP™? The once-daily prescription medicine that can help reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 when used with safer sex practices. • TRUVADA for PrEP is only for adults who are at high risk of getting HIV through sex. • You must be HIV-negative before you start taking TRUVADA for PrEP. Ask your doctor about your risk of getting HIV-1 infection and if TRUVADA for PrEP may be right for you.

visit start.truvada.com

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

3/21/17 1:34 PM

Ma rch 2 3 - A pr il 5 , 2017 // Issue 24 .0 6



This is only a brief summary of important information about taking TRUVADA for PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) to help reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 infection. This does not replace talking to your healthcare provider about your medicine.



Before starting TRUVADA for PrEP to help reduce your risk of getting HIV-1 infection: • You must be HIV-1 negative. You must get tested to make sure that you do not already have HIV-1 infection. Do not take TRUVADA for PrEP to reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 unless you are confirmed to be HIV-1 negative. • Many HIV-1 tests can miss HIV-1 infection in a person who has recently become infected. Symptoms of new HIV-1 infection include flu-like symptoms, tiredness, fever, joint or muscle aches, headache, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, night sweats, and/or enlarged lymph nodes in the neck or groin. Tell your healthcare provider if you have had a flu-like illness within the last month before starting TRUVADA for PrEP. While taking TRUVADA for PrEP to help reduce your risk of getting HIV-1 infection: • You must continue using safer sex practices. Just taking TRUVADA for PrEP may not keep you from getting HIV-1. • You must stay HIV-1 negative to keep taking TRUVADA for PrEP. • Tell your healthcare provider if you have a flu-like illness while taking TRUVADA for PrEP. • If you think you were exposed to HIV-1, tell your healthcare provider right away. • If you do become HIV-1 positive, you need more medicine than TRUVADA alone to treat HIV-1. If you have HIV-1 and take only TRUVADA, your HIV-1 may become harder to treat over time. • See the “How to Further Reduce Your Risk” section for more information. TRUVADA may cause serious side effects, including: • Buildup of lactic acid in your blood (lactic acidosis), which is a serious medical emergency that can lead to death. Call your healthcare provider right away if you have any of these symptoms: weakness or being more tired than usual, unusual muscle pain, being short of breath or fast breathing, nausea, vomiting, stomach-area pain, cold or blue hands and feet, feeling dizzy or lightheaded, and/or fast or abnormal heartbeats. • Severe liver problems, which in some cases can lead to death. Call your healthcare provider right away if you have any of these symptoms: your skin or the white part of your eyes turns yellow, dark “tea-colored” urine, light-colored stools, loss of appetite for several days or longer, nausea, and/or stomach-area pain. • Worsening of hepatitis B (HBV) infection. If you have HBV and take TRUVADA, your hepatitis may become worse if you stop taking TRUVADA. Do not stop taking TRUVADA without first talking to your healthcare provider, as they will need to check your health regularly for several months. You may be more likely to get lactic acidosis or severe liver problems if you are female, very overweight, or have been taking TRUVADA for a long time.

TRUVADA can cause serious side effects, including: • Those in the “Most Important Information About TRUVADA for PrEP" section. • New or worse kidney problems, including kidney failure. • Bone problems. • Changes in body fat. Common side effects in people taking TRUVADA for PrEP include stomacharea (abdomen) pain, headache, and decreased weight. These are not all the possible side effects of TRUVADA. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have any new symptoms while taking TRUVADA for PrEP. Your healthcare provider will need to do tests to monitor your health before and during treatment with TRUVADA for PrEP.

• Take 1 tablet once a day, every day, not just when you think you have been exposed to HIV-1. • Do not miss any doses. Missing doses may increase your risk of getting HIV-1 infection. • You must practice safer sex by using condoms and you must stay HIV-1 negative.



TRUVADA is a prescription medicine used with safer sex practices for PrEP to help reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 infection in adults at high risk: • HIV-1 negative men who have sex with men and who are at high risk of getting infected with HIV-1 through sex. • Male-female sex partners when one partner has HIV-1 infection and the other does not. To help determine your risk, talk openly with your doctor about your sexual health. Do NOT take TRUVADA for PrEP if you: • Already have HIV-1 infection or if you do not know your HIV-1 status. • Take lamivudine (Epivir-HBV) or adefovir (HEPSERA).

• Know your HIV-1 status and the HIV-1 status of your partners. • Get tested for HIV-1 at least every 3 months or when your healthcare provider tells you. • Get tested for other sexually transmitted infections. Other infections make it easier for HIV-1 to infect you. • Get information and support to help reduce risky sexual behavior. • Have fewer sex partners. • Do not share needles or personal items that can have blood or body fluids on them.

TRUVADA, the TRUVADA Logo, TRUVADA FOR PREP, GILEAD, the GILEAD Logo, and HEPSERA are trademarks of Gilead Sciences, Inc., or its related companies. All other marks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners. Version date: April 2016 © 2017 Gilead Sciences, Inc. All rights reserved. TVDC0083 03/17

BEFORE TAKING TRUVADA FOR PrEP Tell your healthcare provider if you: • Have or have had any kidney, bone, or liver problems, including hepatitis infection. • Have any other medical conditions. • Are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. • Are breastfeeding (nursing) or plan to breastfeed. Do not breastfeed if you become HIV-1 positive because of the risk of passing HIV-1 to your baby. Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take: • Keep a list that includes all prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements, and show it to your healthcare provider and pharmacist. • Ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist about medicines that should not be taken with TRUVADA for PrEP.


GET MORE INFORMATION • This is only a brief summary of important information about TRUVADA for PrEP to reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 infection. Talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacist to learn more, including how to prevent HIV-1 infection. • Go to start.truvada.com or call 1-800-GILEAD-5 • If you need help paying for your medicine, visit start.truvada.com for program information.

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3/21/17 1:34 PM

watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Ma rch 2 3 - A pr il 5 , 2017 // Issue 24 .0 6

central florida news

Free Transgender Documents Workshop in Downtown Orlando Anna M. Johnson

Fair is fair:

Advocates for equal pay take to City Hall on March 14. Photo by Billy Manes

Equality for all Representatives from the Florida Democratic Party and area progressive groups try again for an equal pay act. Billy Manes


rlando | Following an extensive history of refusal by several states, including Florida, to pass the historic federal Equal Rights Amendment insuring fair pay for women in the workplace, this year several state legislators are moving forward – as they have been for the better part of this decade – to push it through on a state level. On March 14, outside Orlando City Hall, representatives from the LGBTA Democratic Caucus, the American Civil Liberties Union of Central Florida, the League of Women Voters of Central Florida, Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida and Greater Orlando Now gathered in support of Florida Senate Bill 410 and House Bill 319. Congressman Darren Soto (D-Kissimmee) was also in attendance as he was snowed out of Washington during the recent blizzard. Coined the Helen Gordon Davis Fair Pay Protection Act – named after the firebrand pro-women legislator who died in 2015 – the bill, if considered or passed, could have far reaching implications. “An employer may not provide less

favorable employment opportunities based on their sex or gender identity,” the bill reads in part. Though there are some exceptions listed – seniority and merit among them – the bill takes a strong stand in the wake of the recent women’s march on Washington. Employers in the state would be required to provide one year of back pay if an unfair inconsistency is discovered in wages. Employers could also be fined between $2,500 and $5,000 depending on the frequency of violations. The senate bill was filed by State Sen. Linda Stewart (D-Orlando) on January 20, just one day before the Washington March. At the Orlando event on March 14, symbolic pink hats were worn by some assembled protesters, and the dog-eared cardboard signs of a movement still moving were present as well. It’s not just an issue for heterosexual women, Planned Parenthood’s Anna Eskamani says. “The layers of oppression that we face are tied together,” she says. “First of all, LGBTQ people are absolutely impacted by unequal pay, especially if you identify as female – no matter what your sexuality is, you’re going to be impacted by this. Imagine if

you’re a lesbian couple, you’re going to have a dual-income that is lower than the income of two gay men. So even looking at that type of relational dynamic, you’re going to be in a more dire and unfair situation, not only because of how you identify in your gender but also who you decide to love and marry.” “So that makes it even more worrisome for an LGBTQ individual,” she adds. “I also wonder if you’re someone living the dynamic of someone who’s transitioning in gender, if you’re going from male to female, would you experience that type of gender cut with your income. Again, this is so intersectional and it impacts every person; it impacts your family, and if you are straight, it impacts your LGBTQ brothers and sisters. It is very much a united effort to make sure more people and every person is taken care of.” Stewart, who filed the bill this time around, sees a glimmer of hope for its prospects, but isn’t, by any means, confident in its passage in the 2017 legislative session. “I see only benefit to having that bill heard in at least one committee,” she says. “The biggest excuse I have heard is ‘I don’t know if we’ll have time to hear that.’ I don’t know why there is reluctance. The only people that I can see that might be saying something, but won’t say it outright publicly, is the businesses.” But Stewart, and Florida, won’t be deterred, she says: “I think nationally the hate has come out very aggressively. We just can’t let that settle into the state of Florida. I hope the people here are better than that.”

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ransgender people in Central Florida have advocates that not only stand in solidarity with them, but that offer legal assistance to help with some of the more bureaucratic facets of transitioning. On March 25, the Legal Aid Society of the Orange County Bar Association will host a free transgender identification workshop and legal clinic at the Orlando Red Cross. The event focuses on making legal services accessible for transgender individuals who may be seeking name changes. The issues that follow name changes can be widespread. Many transgender people seek out name changes so they will not be immediately “outed” when their birth certificate or driver’s license lists their birth name instead of their new gender-aligned name. On March 15 in Indiana, a federal judge threw out a transgender man’s lawsuit that challenged the constitutionality of providing citizenship for a name change. In Florida, name change applicants must submit a petition to the circuit court for their county, pay filing fees and set a hearing date. The National Center for Lesbian Rights’ website says that the process could take up to three months and potentially result in the change not be approved. The Legal Aid Society’s workshop includes an educational presentation and distribution of free legal forms. The legal clinic consists of pro bono attorneys from the Legal Aid Society ready to consult anyone about name changes or any other legal issues that are related to being transgender. The Legal Aid Society is a branch of the Orange County Bar Association that provides civil legal services to people who may not otherwise be able to access to such services. The society provides intake and consultation sessions for anyone that needs legal aid but does not have the money or other resources for it. Larri Thatcher, intake, outreach and community education coordinator for the society organized the event. Regional communications and marketing director of the American Red Cross of Central Florida Rachel Nelson said in an email that the Orlando office was chosen because of its location and reputation. “The Legal Aid Society was seeking a convenient location with access to public transportation where all would feel welcome,” Nelson said. They have also taken other steps to make sure that everyone will feel welcome. The Metropolitan Business Association, The GLBT Center of Orlando, the Central Florida LGBTQ+ Alliance, Southern Legal Counsel and the Central Florida Gay and Lesbian Law Association are all associated with the event. The event is limited to 50 attendees. All participants must register by calling the Legal Aid Society at 407-841-8310.

Ma rch 2 3 - A pr il 5 , 2017 // Issue 24 .0 6


tampa bay news

Tampa Bay Diversity Chamber among final four choices to host 2018 NGLCC Convention Alexis Vilaboy


AMPA | The Tampa Bay Diversity Chamber of Commerce will know by mid-April if Tampa will play host to the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce’s 2018 convention. The annual gathering, which (if chosen) would take place Aug. 7-10, 2018, in Tampa, is the world’s largest LGBTQ business development event and brings thousands of visitors and millions of dollars to the host city. “We are excited to be a finalist for the 2018 Nationalist Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce Convention,” said Santiago Corrada, president and CEO of Visit Tampa Bay, in a press release. “Hosting this event will elevate the entire Tampa Bay community in the eyes of the world as a major LGBTQ destination capable of putting on a significant, high-quality national event.” The conference has the support of both the Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhornand St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Kriseman. “This national conference will put Tampa Bay on the map with LGBTQ conventions and the more than 200 major corporate partners of the NGLCC,” says Ashley Brundage, who co-chairs the event’s local organizing committee with her wife, Whitney. “Each of these corporations strive to showcase their equality and diversity in their daily activities. Our rich, culturally diverse community will provide a positive impact on the conference attendees.” The 2017 convention, which takes place in Las Vegas Aug. 1-4, anticipates nearly 1,200 visitors and, as the event has grown in size each year, the amount for Tampa would likely exceed that. The estimated financial impact would be more than $2.1 million of added revenue to the Bay area based on hotel bookings alone – 2,000 rooms are expected to be needed. “As we all know, our community tends to come early, stay late and spend often, so I think that number would be higher,” Brundage says. Brundage also says she believes the strength of the city’s bid to host the event comes mostly from the more than 30 members of the committee and the dedication they bring to the table. The committee is made up of people like former Tampa Police Chief Jane Castor, manager at Ballard Partner’s Tampa office Ana Cruz and Hillsborough County’s first openly gay commissioner Kevin Beckner. The local organizing committee would also be in charge of planning a kickoff party the night before the conference. “Part of the bid was the fact that the chamber would be the official host of the conference welcome kickoff reception, which would happen on the Tuesday night before the conference starts on Wednesday,” Brundage says. “We’re bouncing around a couple of ideas on where we would host that event, but we are thinking maybe the aquarium, history center or possibly even Amalie Arena.” Tampa is in the running against Philadelphia, New Orleans and Austin. Christina Diaz contributed to this story.



Polk County school bus driver Violeta Jacobo is on paid administrative leave until the investigation into her anti-LGBTQ comments is complete.

The Tragic School Bus Polk County investigates bus driver over anti-LGBT comments after mother faces school board Jeremy Williams


AINES CITY | The Polk County School Board is investigating a bus driver who is accused of making inappropriate comments and distributing religious material to an elementary school student who has same-sex parents. Nathaly Encarnacion says that her son, a second-grader at Alta Vista Elementary, was told that his mothers would go to hell because they are gay by school bus driver Violeta Jacobo on Feb. 8. “When he was getting off the bus, it came up in conversation that he has two moms,” Encarnacion says. “Then she told him that God does not like that.” Jacobo referenced the Bible and then gave Encarnacion’s son a Jehovah’s Witness business card that directed him to a website which Jacobo said had videos that he should watch. When he got home he gave Encarnacion the card. When Encarnacion’s partner got home they spoke with their son.

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That’s when they got the full story of what Jacobo had said. “He told me and my partner that we shouldn’t be together, that it isn’t right. He didn’t have all the information correct when we got together. He thought that this was OK, but now he doesn’t want to be left out of heaven just because of us. He said we need to break up, pack up our stuff and move,” Encarnacion says. “That whole night, we were devastated. We cried ourselves to sleep. It was a rough night for us.” Encarnacion contacted the school the next day and told them what happened, but was told to leave her information and someone would call her back. No one ever did. “I called back and left messages. We went around and around for about a week,” Encarnacion says. “I was so furious and I started calling the media.” Even after the media started to report on it, Encarnacion says nothing was done until she decided to put herself on the agenda for the next school board meeting for March 14, more than a month after the incident.

Ma rch 2 3 - A pr il 5 , 2017 // Issue 24 .0 6

Members of the Polk Pride board, including Kerri McCoy, attended the meeting. McCoy is also president of PFLAG of Polk County. “During the meeting,[board member Billy Townsend] asked to make a motion to issue an apology to the LGBT community,” McCoy says. “[School board chair Kay Fields] went on to say that everyone gets discriminated against. It’s just a part of life that everyone has to deal with,” McCoy says. “I couldn’t take it anymore. I was sitting in the auditorium, and apparently you’re not supposed to speak out of turn, but I said, ‘Are you serious? That’s all you can say to this family?’ All they wanted was a simple apology and that’s all she could say to them?’” Watermark reached out to the Polk County School Board. “We are aware of the serious allegations against bus driver Violeta Jacobo, and currently an internal investigation is taking place,” said Jason Geary, senior coordinator of media relations for Polk County Public Schools. “As part of this inquiry, we will be speaking with the student’s mother... We will not be providing interviews or further comments at this time due to the pending nature of our internal investigation.” No time frame has been given has to how long the investigation will take, but in the end, Encarnacion says she is not looking for Jacobo to be fired. “I’m not out to get this woman personally, but she works for a government agency,” Encarnacion says.”I feel that when things like this happen, somebody should be held responsible.”

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Ma rch 2 3 - A pr il 5 , 2017 // Issue 24 .0 6

state news

state representative david ricHardson declares victory against conversion tHerapy in soutH Florida House district Billy Manes


allahassee | Gay state Rep. David Richardson took a stance early in this legislative session against so-called conversion therapy, the anti-LGBTQ means of “correcting” behaviors of the gay community. House Bill 273 presents a strong statement against the psychological manipulation of LGBTQ youth by therapists, arguing that conversion therapy – which can often include electric-shock therapy – must not be used on minors. In 2015, President Barack Obama made it clear that the nation, under his administration, would not accept “reparative” therapy, due to its destructive effects on patients. “We share your concern about its potentially devastating

effects on the lives of transgender as well as gay, lesbian, bisexual and queer youth,” his department said in a statement. “As part of our dedication to protecting America’s youth, this administration supports efforts to ban the use of conversion therapy for minors.” But that message hasn’t been heard by all states, and, according to Richardson, it will likely gain no traction in Florida. Most of Florida, that is. Richardson took to Facebook in early March to celebrate the victory, if only on a small level, of anti-conversion therapy ordinances in municipalities. Richardson took his seemingly wasted effort to Miami Beach last March having found no traction in the halls of the Tallahassee capitol. The city of Miami Beach took to banning the process

and was followed by the city of Miami. North Bay Village just recently followed suit. He says “six or seven” different cities from Miami-Dade County have been pressing the issue, as it isn’t moving anywhere in the Tallahassee legislature. “Conversion therapy is now banned in the entirety of House District 113,” he proclaimed online. It’s just a glimmer of hope for advocates that are fighting the routinely disgraced methods of praying away the gay. Wilton Manors has followed suit; Tampa is on the cusp. The notion of utilizing counties and cities to alter state politics is nothing new, just as it’s nothing that has not been cracked down upon. Efforts to secure earned sick time in Orange County were shot down in Orange County – and in

Tallahassee – after the notorious fumble known as “textgate” in 2012. After commissioners were accused of using private devices for communications during public meetings, the dais was fined and the county paid up $90,000 after a contentious legal battle. That battle led to the legislature ruling that municipalities had no ability to make regional rulings on matters of private business, a measure that passed on party lines. And it doesn’t look like a statewide ban on conversion therapy is anywhere in the script for right now, Richardson says. Efforts to even strike the marriage ban from Florida’s state constitution have been met with shrugs. “[House Speaker] Richard Corcoran doesn’t have any interest in even uttering the word

‘gay’ right now,” Richardson says. “We can’t even clean up a statute that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled against. And all he says is, ‘Sorry, Dave. I just can’t help you right now.’” Small victories are still victories, Richardson says. In terms of the Competitive Workforce Act, presented again this year as a means of bringing equality to the state’s LGBTQ residents, he thinks there may be some wiggle room. Though some advocacy groups have said that pulling the whole bill down and breaking it into three more palatable parts is ill-advised, Richardson believes in incremental gains. “I don’t think there will be any [progressive] bill that will move through the House,” he says, adding that breaking them up into more palatable pieces could help. “We’re not getting anywhere. It’s been the same fight for 10 years. I’m a person who is willing to take something over nothing as long as it doesn’t go against my core values.”

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Ma rch 2 3 - A pr il 5 , 2017 // Issue 24 .0 6

nation+world news

Rainbow flag stomped outside congressman’s office repeatedly stomp on it,” the statement says. “Other visitors in the hallway verbally reprimanded him and after he left, replaced the flag,” it says. courtesy of the National “They then notified the Gay Media Association Congressman’s staff, who caught up to the man, verified he was the one who had stomped on the ASHINGTON | U.S. Capitol flag before escorting him into the Police are investigating an custody of Capitol Police officers,” the incident on March 15, in statement states. which a visitor to a congressional Eva Malecki, a spokesperson office building in Washington for the Capitol Police, told the removed a rainbow flag hanging from Washington Blade the matter was the wall beside the door to the office under investigation. She said Capitol of Rep. Alan Lowenthal (D-Calif.) and Police have a policy of not releasing repeatedly stepped on the flag. additional details about ongoing The unidentified male visitor investigations, including the name of acted on his displeasure with an individual being investigated. the flag minutes after he entered Keith Higginbotham, Lowenthal’s Lowenthal’s office and “angrily communications director, said the exclaimed his belief that the Pride flag sympathetic visitors who witnessed outside the office was inappropriate the incident at the Cannon House alongside the American flag,” Office Building told Lowenthal staff according to a statement released by members that the attacker was Lowenthal’s office. visiting from North Carolina and was “The man left the Congressman’s with his family members when the office, removed the Congressman’s incident unfolded. Pride Flag from its holder, threw LHVH_Wave Ad 9.25" x 4.95"_Press.pdf 1 3/6/17 10:01 PM Higginbotham noted that the it to the ground, and proceeded to

Lou Chibbaro Jr. of The Washington Blade


rainbow flag, which his office refers to as the “Pride Flag,” has been displayed outside Lowenthal’s Capitol Hill office since 2013 along with an American flag and a California state flag. Lowenthal represents California’s 47th congressional district. He is a longtime LGBTQ rights supporter and has marched in LGBTQ Pride parades in his district beginning when he served previously as a state senator and assemblyman and as a Long Beach City Council member. “This shocking demonstration of hate is just another example of the shadows of intolerance that have grown longer in recent days,” Lowenthal said in a statement. “Bomb threats called into Jewish community centers, desecrations of Jewish cemeteries, hate crimes against minorities and the transgender community, and horrifically racist statements from a member of Congress,” he said in the statement. “To all our brothers and sisters who endure through these hateful acts: we stand with you, and we will continue to fight for you.”

in other news N.Y. man charged with hate crime attack on transgender women Police say Patrick O’Meara hurled slurs and blows at two transgender women on a New York City street, sending one to a hospital in what authorities are calling a hate crime. O’Meara was being held on $5,000 bond after being arraigned March 18 on hate-crime assault and other charges. The encounter happened March 17 in the Jackson Heights neighborhood. Police say the 38-year-old O’Meara yelled anti-gay and anti-women epithets at the victims, then punched one of them and hit the other with a cane and a plastic object.

Prominent LGBTQ activist to run for Chile congress A prominent LGBTQ rights advocate in Chile has announced he is running for a seat in the country’s congress. Luis Larraín, who is the co-founder and former president of Fundación Iguales, declared his candidacy for the Chilean House of Deputies in an interview that La Tercera, a Chilean newspaper, published on March 12. Larraín, 36, is a member of Ciudadanos, a centrist party that former Finance Minister Andrés Velasco founded in 2013. Larraín would represent the Providencia, Ñuñoa, Macul, San Joaquín and La Granja areas of the Chilean capital of Santiago if he is elected.

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Ma rch 2 3 - A pr il 5 , 2017 // Issue 24 .0 6


Jason Leclerc

The other side

of life Totem polls


ho might have

imagined that the irrelevance of Hollywood would become a totem to the nation writ large in the age of Trump? When I say totem, of course, I intend to conjure images of poles: the biggest poles, polls that now accurately misstate everything from presidential popularity to Academy Award winners.

We are pole-driven, metaphor-driven partisans who have bought into cults of personality if only for the fleeting moments needed to crush other cults. In 2017, we pit irrelevant reality stars against their replacements as if one were the President of the United States and the other were the former governor of California. Reagan turns in his grave, contented (at least) that Nancy is again nearby. Historians and culture warriors needn’t look far to see the hollow cynicism of the left-coast encapsulated in that totem: the golden statuette snatched from one group of woe-is-me elites and handed over to the pandered-to hyper-entitled identity group du jour. If the bestowal and confiscation of the coveted prize doesn’t strike us a revenge-fan-fiction-short of the Democrat nominating process, then the value of activist twenty-first century art is lost on us. People in the cities cheered as the wrongs of last year were righted, and dramatically so. Two auditors

were fired, after all, and the midnight shenanigans on awards shows mattered again. None of this, to be clear, changes the fact that the rigged Democrat nominating process helped put Trump in office. None of this, to be clear, changes the fact that La La Land was thoroughly endearing to old-school gays whose hearts are buoyed by a traditional, romping musical featuring Disneyesque sequences and former Disney stars. If it weren’t so Orwellian, perhaps we’d call it Dickensian. Frankly, Animal Farm is better than 1984. Both, in 2017, are more relevant than Oliver Twist. Clinton Democrats of 1996 are the Ryan Republicans of 2017. Old school, musical-loving gays are like today’s closeted Republicans who haven’t changed a bit even as the world changed around them. If it weren’t so sad, it’d be comical. Ruling in 140-character increments, the inarticulate POTUS reduces our attention span to weird abbreviations and condensed post-punctuation spacing. And, yet, Republicans follow the promises of glitter in the form of tax cuts and stimulus as a justification to look the other way on those tweets: odd personal attacks on everybody from Rosie O to Barry O. So, here’s Republicans’ best kept secret: They are only successful in bringing about prosperity and optimism is when they have a worthy foil in the form of Democrats. Republicans need Democrats to keep them honest, to raise up the issues that need solving so they can solve them: healthcare, unfair brown incarceration, the chasm between the top and bottom one-percents. And yet, the Democrats have reached deep into academia to reinvent the issues that they wish to solve with the same failed policies that have dragged America into a cynical malaise. Like most things academic, they look good on paper and sound good in echo chambers. To the rest of America, outside of Hollywood, Cambridge,

Castro, and Orlando – in the great flyover underbelly of heretofore forgotten America – the moving goalposts around race, sexual identity, and gender have rendered rational discourse untenable. We are forced into ridiculous arguments about Oxford commas and urinals. And we wonder why we have Trump? We wonder

brow-beaten into submission by a POTUS who disarmingly claims genealogy from Teddy R and Reagan. One hundred forty gosh darn characters at a time! The failure of Democrats is not merely in corrupted ideology – putting stock, panderously doubling down, in bankrupted unions’ unvested funds – but in their

beyond the boundaries of the insulated university and into the opium-riddled, gun-toting, healthcare-deprived, hard-working, Hanes underwear-wearing, politically deprived-now-empowered assholes of America. Democrats, go back to your roots! The enemy of good is perfect. Democrats have

why we can’t have a rational discussion about anything. We wonder why we are reduced to hysterical reactions against an inarticulate, petty, obtuse, rabble-rousing, constitutionally illiterate demagogue. The Democrats haven’t merely failed America. Democrats have failed Republicans who would be far better-serving if they weren’t

inability to connect with a group of voters whose demands are few: “Hear us, see us, treat us as equals.” Democrats: Instead of ridiculing-as-ignorant, patiently educate. Instead of dismissing-as-inhuman, lovingly embrace. Instead of cornering a debate between La La Land and Moonlight, articulate an artistic, sustainable vision that reaches

become their own enemy: our own enemy. Republicans are forced to wander, unleashed. What America needs is a party to inhabit and champion a radical center, a series of increasingly sustainable options. And the polls foretold it all. And, in the old-school announcement, the winner is: bigly winners and small-trigger-fingeredtotemly poles. Sad.

We wonder why we are reduced to hysterical reactions against an inarticulate, petty, obtuse, rabble-rousing, Constitutionally illiterate demagogue.

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Photo by Jess regan

Scottie Campbell

The Tender

activist We’re not getting any younger


arren Beatty and

Faye Dunaway announced the wrong movie for Best Picture at this year’s Oscars. If you didn’t watch the broadcast, you probably watched the video of the moment, gone viral and only recently unseated by a couple of precocious kiddies strolling in their dad’s office during a BBC broadcast. At the very least you may have heard about award ceremony snafu around the watercooler, and goodness knows we no longer need to have witnessed something to have an opinion about it.

The immediate assumption heard ‘round the world: Bonnie and Clyde screwed up because they’re old. Beatty turns 80 this month and Dunaway is 76. Hate gets an express pass in the day and age of social media and the assumption was given Herme’s speed. “HOLY SHIT!” tweeted a Hollywood writer friend of mine. “This is what you get when you let two ancient vampires awakened before their time present an award.” We would soon learn the error – and, indeed, there was an error – didn’t belong to the two aging stars; they were handed the wrong envelope. Heads are now rolling to ensure the mistake never happens again, because this is serious stuff, of course. Too late for the explanation though; the assumption was out there, nearly 33 million watched Beatty and Dunaway’s awkward moment. I

use my friend’s tweet as an example of the social media jokes that riddled the internet, but even with this information his tweet remains in Twitterdom as of this writing. It’s fair enough to note that I turned 50 in January, a marker that would find even the shallowest musing about growing older, but it’s something I’ve always thought about. Of all the hates we humans infect ourselves with – homophobia, misandry, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, etc. – ageism is the one I find strangest. In the other cases, there is the fear of those that aren’t like you, inexcusable but still understandable; but in the case of age, unless you have plans to fall asleep in your garage with the engine running, we’re all going there. It’s happened to me while I’ve been writing this, it’s happening to you as you read this. When I was in high school in the early ‘80s, one of the teachers asked a Pakistani friend of hers to come speak to us and answer questions. Interesting man, but the thing that stuck with me the most had to do with age. In Pakistan, at least at that time, there was a prevailing thought that the ultimate would be to grow up in the west and grow old in the east. The teenagers long for the freedoms American kids have, particularly with regard to dating, but there is much more respect for the elderly. The gentleman described his mother whose memory was failing and perhaps was beginning to slide into dementia, but her word was still “the Word.” It struck a chord with me because my own Nana was showing signs of Alzheimers. As true Americans, we greeted these early signs by poking fun of her, laughing along with her. If I’m honest, even as she digressed and slips of memory morphed into full-blown hallucinations, we handled it poorly. I personally was terrified of being alone with her, though that was unavoidable. I remember vividly hearing her exclaim from her room as I was in the kitchen, I went to ask her if

she was alright. “As alright as you can be, suddenly realizing you’re on the other side of the world,” she said, still stunned. She had come to live with us in Germany where Dad was stationed, she woke thinking she was back in Largo until our dog Heidi went in to greet her. My heart still breaks thinking about that moment

fuck’s sake, where senior citizens will party to trop rock instead of trundling down to the multi-purpose room to hear a disinterested school chorus because Matlock doesn’t come on for another hour. Former news guys Marc Middleton and Bill Schaffer’s media efforts for Growing Bolder now include

concept of retirement meaning “doing nothing” is making less and less to us. Have you paid attention to the so-called blue zones, places in which people are living longest? Among the common key traits is these are people who don’t stop. We look at Warren Beatty fumbling with an envelope and Faye Dunaway confidently

and wishing I had handled it differently somehow, some way, instead of silently wishing it would be over. Soon it was; she was only with us a few weeks when she passed. I think I was most disappointed in the Beatty/ Dunaway reaction because I like to think America’s attitude toward aging is changing. Jimmy Buffett is building retirement communities for

radio, television, a magazine and documentary films on a mission to, as their slogan states, rebrand aging. It could just be my inner Pollyanna with a dash of wishful thinking, but I feel like I hear fewer people saying things like, “Well, it’s too late for that now.” Over 50 and thinking of going to college or back to college? Why the hell not? It also seems like the

announcing the wrong film and fear that will one day be us. We laugh and joke to avoid reality and their celebrity makes that easier for us. But the march of time is our global cadence, our combined inevitability, and it seems like it would be beneficial to spend those years resonating respect and kindness for each other, and ourselves.

Of all the hates we humans infect ourselves with – homophobia, misandry, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, etc. – ageism is the one I find strangest.

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Ma rch 2 3 - A pr il 5 , 2017 // Issue 24 .0 6


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Ma rch 2 3 - a pr il 5 , 2017 // issue 24 .0 6

talking points I have got to get this off my chest:

althOugh disCredited by every majOr mediCal assOCiatiOn,

I f***ing hate Melania Trump.



is ONLY banned in

i’m not alone in loathing Donald Trump’s third wife – she’s married to a misogynist after all. Odds are good her husband hates her too... she’s brought ruinous lawsuits against journalists and bloggers accusing them of among other things, potentially interfering with her ability to profit off her role as First Lady. —dan savage, listing the reasons why he hates the First lady during his “savage love” podcast.

Cast Of trAnsPArent releases Psa tO suPPOrt gavin grimm


he aclu and the cast oF TRANSPARENT have partnered together for a PSA in support of Gavin Grimm and for the inclusion of transgender rights in Title IX, which prohibits sex discrimination. Although Grimm’s lawsuit against Gloucester High School’s school board over their refusal to allow him to use the boys’ restroom was sent back to the federal appeals court, the ACLU is encouraging people to continue to support transgender individuals. Creator Jill Soloway, Jeffrey Tambor, Judith Light, Jay Duplass, Gaby Hoffmann, Trace Lysette and Alexandra Billings all make appearances in the video that was the idea of show producer Zachary Drucker and Chase Strangio, a staff attorney with the ACLU’s LGBT & AIDS Project. In the PSA, the cast explains that they stand with Grimm and why transgender rights are important.





frank OCean releases new single “Chanel”


rank ocean dropped his new single “Chanel,” a song some have interpreted to be about his bisexuality, on Friday. During his Beats 1 radio show Blonded Radio, the 29-year-old played the new song. The song begins with the lyrics, “My guy pretty like a girl/ And he got fight stories to tell/ I see both sides like Chanel/ See on both sides like Chanel.” Some fans feel the lyrics allude to the singer’s sexuality. Ocean came out in 2012 via a Tumblr post about his sexuality claiming that his debut album Channel Orange was about falling in love with a man.

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COltOn haynes gets engaged tO jeff leatham with helP frOm Cher


olton haynes and JeFF leatham are engaged. The Arrow star announced on Instagram that Leatham, a floral designer, proposed to him over the weekend with a little help from Cher. Leatham asked Cher to deliver a special message to Haynes on a giant screen on the beach at the Las Ventanas al Paraiso in Los Cabos, Mexico. In the special message to Haynes, Cher sings “I Got You Babe” before saying, “You know what it is, you know what you have to do now.” Cher finished the message up by asking the couple to call her. Haynes and Leatham went public with their relationship in February.

Ma rch 2 3 - a pr il 5 , 2017 // issue 24 .0 6

AmericAn idol finalist Claims she “ChOse” tO be straight


MERICAN IDOL runner-up la’porsha renae is claiming that being gay or straight is a choice because she was able to choose her sexuality. Renae began defending herself when a person tweeted that the 23-year-old singer was homophobic. Renae got personal when she revealed she made the choice to be gay for two years before she decided to be straight. Renae elaborated on her tweets in a statement to the Huf�ington Post saying in part, “Let people believe what they want to believe about themselves.” Last year Renae came under fire for saying she doesn’t “really agree” with the lifestyle of the LGBTQ community.



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Ma rch 2 3 - a pr il 5 , 2017 // issue 24 .0 6

Love Bites arts and entertainment

Many big restaurant chains give dirty money to right-wing, reactionary causes

We show you the places to eat hate-free!


holly V. Kapherr

arly last year, i Found myselF

on a yacht off the coast of Isla Mujeres with a group of older adults far beyond my own socio-economic status. The presidential primaries were ramping up and our evening was winding down – champagne had flowed freely and words came easier than they should have. One woman explained her voting strategy this way, no nuance,

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an open and shut case: “I vote with my wallet.” What she was saying, in essence, was that regardless of political leanings, she was going to vote for the person that kept her Gucci wallet fat. Fair enough. We can

Ma rch 2 3 - a pr il 5 , 2017 // issue 24 .0 6

do the same. Since the 2010 ruling in Citizens United v. FEC in which the Supreme Court deems corporations are treated as “people” under the law, more and more information has become available about which large corporations are donating to what causes. And, as we well know, they’re not always honorable. Citizens United holds that corporations have the right to spend money in candidate elections, and that some may, on

COntinued On Pg. 33 | uu |


2016 Winner Best Florida Beer Pinellas Brewery & Taproom 12707 49th Street Clearwater, FL 33762 Open 11a - 11p Daily

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Ma rch 2 3 - A pr il 5 , 2017 // Issue 24 .0 6

| uu | hate-Free eating frOm Pg.27

religious grounds, refuse to comply with federal mandates. Not good. But a happy side effect of this is that now we know which corporations are supporting hateful causes: which are anti-women’s rights, which are anti-LBGTQ, which don’t support labor unions. Corporations aren’t required to disclose who they donate money to, but some of the causes they support are more than willing to “out” them, so to speak. That means that we can vote with our wallets, too. We can choose which corporations to support and which not to, based on the money they’ve spent to support political causes we don’t. Many of these corporations are restaurants. So thousands of dollars in tax cuts aren’t on the table for us, and maybe we only spend $10-$30 per person at these places, but collectively we can make a big difference. Luckily, there are plenty of spots around Central Florida owned by women, minorities and others who support causes that engender love. Not hate. Not oppression. Not inequality. One caveat, though. It’s almost impossible to extirpate every conservative corporation from daily life. For example, Publix often wins Best Places to Work awards, offers stock options and health care to even part-time employees, actively hires disabled and elderly members of the community and also participates a lot of charitable giving. However, it buys some of its products from unethical sources – eggs from factory farms, beef from feedlots, shrimp from South Pacific slave ships. But to expect one never to buy groceries from Publix again isn’t realistic. Pick and choose which causes mean the most to you, and spearhead those.




ne oF the most well-

publicized political fights of the last 10 years was between Chick-Fil-A and its conservative company president, Dan Cathy. In 2012, Cathy said that the company was “guilty as charged” for giving money to lobbyists against same-sex marriage.

After plenty of well-deserved backlash – this country’s attitudes toward same-sex marriage have turned around faster than almost any social issue in play – Cathy said they’d reel in spending on those lobbyists and would accept any outcome, as well as extending the hand to the LGBTQ community in hiring practices. It hasn’t worked that way, according to documents obtained by ThinkProgress. In 2014, the charitable giving arm of Chick-Fil-A, called the Chick-Fil-A Foundation, distributed $4.3 million in funds to nonprofit organizations. Of that, one-quarter was given to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). The FCA imparts a strongly anti-LGBT message, forcing staff and volunteers to adhere to strict “sexual purity” standards, including the prohibition of “homosexual acts,” even for lawfully married couples. GOP Republicans just can’t get enough of those fried chicken sandwiches either. During the summer 2016 congressional session, House Republicans spent more than $30,000 on Chick-Fil-A. Speaker Paul Ryan’s tab for two months: $2,500.

LOCAL LOVE: diners

tO dive in sOuthern fried sundays

Seemingly, we’ve all been foiled by the Sunday-less hours of operation Chick-Fil-A keeps. Luckily, we’re in a town where there’s plenty of fried chicken seven days a week.



n 2016, compromising and

unsightly photos of Jimmy John Liautaud surfaced. He was shown posing with various dead “trophy” animals while on a big-game hunting safari in Africa. A leopard and elephant were among the casualties. The photos are no longer available on the Johan Calitz Safaris page on Facebook, the company Liautaud hunted with.

It was never confirmed whether the person in the photos was Jimmy John himself, but the magazine The Hunting Report, which has reported on such things for almost 40 years, recorded several outings where Liautaud hunted for animals like wolves, rhino, deer and lynx. There are also reports of Liautaud hunting for elephant, buffalo and zebra in Botswana. It’s not illegal, but it’s certainly in bad taste, especially since some of these animals are close to “threatened” status. Jimmy John, you ain’t Teddy Roosevelt and you ain’t Hemingway. Put down the gun, unless you plan to add lynx-meat sammies to the menu.

LOCAL LOVE: sweet sandwiChes No one really needs one of those eight-inch slims anyway. Here are some local spots with serious sandwich street cred – collectively, they’ve all been around for over 50 years.

gabriel’s submarine sandwicHes

Freshly sliced salamis (plural!), provolone, ham and hot capicola on the Gourmet Italian signature sub are what keep this place on the map. 2942 Curry Ford Rd., Orlando, 407-894-6244, gabrielssubs.com

tHe strand

You’ll squawk in delight over the Alabama-style fried chicken sandwich that makes an appearance on this boite’s rotating menu. 807 N. Mills Ave., Orlando, 407-920-7744, strandorlando.com

cHico’s sub sHop

yard House

kappy’s subs

art smitH’s Homecomin’ kitcHen

brocato’s sandwicH sHop

ella’s americana Folk art caFÉ

aguila sandwicH sHop

The Nashville-style hot chicken sandwich at this Darden offshoot will leave you sweating — with pleasure. 8367 International Dr., Orlando, 407-351-8220, yardhouse.com

The buttermilkbrined signature sandwich is drippy with hot sauce aioli and juices from bread and butter pickles. Dee-vine. 1602 E. Buena Vista Dr., Lake Buena Vista, 407-560-0100, homecominkitchen.com

“Soul Food Sundays” are unforgettable at this two-story jazz temple. Have some grits with your cheese and a side of red beans and rice with your biscuits and chorizo gravy. 5119 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, 813-234-1000, ellasfolkartcafe.com

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Bring your bucks because this old-school spot only takes cash. Our fave: a turkey sub with plenty of banana peppers and tomatoes. 5 Fred L. Maxwell Blvd., Orlando, 407-425-5249 This Maitland mainstay only has outdoor seating because its tiny interior couldn’t contain the awesomeness of its cheesesteaks. 501 N. Maitland Ave., Maitland, 407-647-9099, kappyssubs.com

A Tampa must-visit since 1948, this family-owned spot is infamous for its deviled crab and pastrami sandwiches, piled high. Switch out chips on the side for yellow rice and beans. 5921 E. Columbus Dr., Tampa, 813-248-9977, brocatossandwich.com This Hillborough Ave. sandwicheria is a neighborhood favorite. Come for the Cuban but stay for the roast pork on Cubano bread. 3200 W. Hillsborough Ave., Tampa, 813-876-4022, aguilasandwich.com

Ma rch 2 3 - a pr il 5 , 2017 // issue 24 .0 6


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Ma rch 2 3 - A pr il 5 , 2017 // Issue 24 .0 6

Anti-Women s Rights:


e all rememBer the ads

featuring a barely-clad, hypersexualized Paris Hilton opening her mouth as wide as possible to take in a giant, pulsating Hardee’s cheeseburger. Andy Pudzer, CEO and chairman of Hardee’s and sister Left Coast chain Carl’s Jr. loved those ads. “I like our ads. I like beautiful women eating burgers in bikinis. I think it’s very American,” he told Entrepreneur magazine.

Unsurprisingly, he’s friends with yet another misogynist who enjoys objectifying women — President Donald Trump. When Trump named Pudzer as his Labor Secretary pick, we all groaned. Because, of course. Since then, Pudzer rescinded his nomination among allegations that he employed an undocumented immigrant housekeeper and was charged with domestic abuse by his ex-wife while he served as chair of the Missouri Task Force for Mothers and Unborn Children. Oh, we didn’t mention yet the involvement in anti-abortion activism? Pudzer drafted legislation limiting access to abortion and declaring that life begins at conception. He has also represented, at no charge, anti-abortion activists who physically prevented women from entering a family-planning center. His political action committee still donates to numerous anti-choice candidates. The hate extends past women’s rights, though. According to the ACLU, Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s franchises have been repeatedly accused of discriminatory behavior by the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission and settled a lawsuit alleging that a black employee suffered retaliation for whistleblowing racist behavior by a supervisor.

LOCAL LOVE: blissful burgers

It’s surprisingly difficult to get a quality patty between two buns, but these spots manage to do it while maintaining positive business presence.

Hamburger mary’s

Whether the guac is squirting from your “BJ” burger or the Meaty Mushroom is on deck, your conscious coupling should be with Sunday’s gospel brunch.180 N. Beach St., Daytona Beach, 386-256-2564; 110 W. Church St., Orlando, 321-319-0600; 1600 E. 7th Ave., Tampa, 813-241-6279; 28910 US Highway 19 N., Clearwater; 2901 Tyrone Blvd N, St. Petersburg, 727-851-9386; hamburgermarys.com

betH’s burger bar

Of course, the uber-weird Peanut Butter Burger is the thing you should have here. It’s a sweet-salty symphony of steak sauce, PB, cheddar and grilled onions. Multiple locations, Orlando and Edgewood, bethsburgerbar.com

sHake sHack

The Fair Shake, made with fair-trade coffee, is a shoo-in for something sweet to sip with your Shack Burger and crinkle-cut fries. Multiple locations, shakeshack.com



uge shocker that this

Atlanta-based chain, which practically coined the term “greasy spoon,” is no friend to its hardest working employees. Its worker’s rights and anti-union record is scattered with controversy, covered with duplicity and topped with contempt.

The 60-year old breakfast chain charges employees for meals, whether they eat or not, pays below minimum wage and tightly controls tips to boot. In 2014, a server was given a $1,000 tip by a generous patron. The company seized it. After the story got national attention, the customer returned and handed the server a personal check. The restaurant refuses to allow workers to organize as well, including in their employment packet a non-arbitration agreement. This contract disallows employees from taking legal action against the company in a class-action suit, traditionally the only way (other than unions) to hold companies accountable. No accountability at Waffle House. When Tom Price, who is now the Secretary of Health and Human Services — of all things — was in Congress, Waffle House gave him money to vote against an amendment to limit government contracts to companies that engage in wage theft. Sounds like human disservice.

LOCAL LOVE: diners & dive-ins

These scramble slingers love their employees and have held on to many of them for more than 10 years. Toast or biscuit? Yes, please.


Arguably the best Greek omelet in town, and we love being surprised by the rotating specials every weekend. 1815 Edgewater Dr., Orlando, 407-425-8136

daybreak diner

Regulars flock to this strip-mall spot, where biscuits and gravy are the hottest item on the menu. Get there early to score some. 3335 Curry Ford Rd., Orlando, 407-898-8338, daybreakdiner.com

Junior’s diner

You’ll wait to sit in this tiny spot, but once you’ve ordered, it’s only mere minutes until your slab of Tennessee ham appears. 2920 Corrine Dr., Orlando, 407-894-8871, facebook.com/juniorsdiner

se7en bites

From bakery source to breakfast needs to lunch, Se7en Bites serves up a variety of unexpected flavor combinations with sauces and sass that always surprise, equality included. 617 N. Primrose Drive, Orlando. 407-203-0727, facebook.com/se7enbites

burger tHeory burger monger

tHree coins diner

Four Tampa-area locations keep their griddles hot for burger patties made with Akaushi beef. Build your own burger and pair it with a hard root beer float. Multiple locations, burgermonger.com

witH Heart

Not near one of our local picks? We bet one of these chains, with excellent rights records, is right around the corner.

nicko’s Fine Foods

A hidden haunt in the Holiday Inn near Busch Gardens, it might seem like tourist fodder, but the eight signature burgers are all A+. 11310 N. 30th St., Tampa, 813-501-3426, facebook.com/burgertheorytampa

restaurant cHains

Classic counter service with even more traditional diner fare like liver and onions, pork tenderloin and “smothered chicken.” Elvis has been known to make an appearance. 4603 N. Florida Ave., Tampa, 813-234-9301, nickosfinefoods.com A 24-hour Seminole Heights sweetheart, the menu is five pages long and stacked with staples like chopped steak, open-faced grilled cheese and waffles. 7410 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, 813-774-5269, threecoinsdiner.net

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Ma rch 2 3 - a pr il 5 , 2017 // issue 24 .0 6

lgbtQ eQuality: wendy’s Since the late 1990s, when Wendy’s pulled their ads from the TV show Ellen after she came out and a boycott ensued, Wendy’s has been a major player in the fight for marriage equality. In 2006, they extended and amended their employment discrimination policy to say that no worker could be fired on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

wOrker’s rights: sOniC drive-in In the fall of 2016, Sonic announced that, regardless of the federal government’s decision, it would raise the minimum wage for its managers and hire more full-time workers (read: with benefits). Their reasoning: retaining good employees and boosting customer service. Why didn’t anyone think of that before?

wOmen’s rights: POPeye’s lOuisiana kitChen CEO of Popeye’s Cheryl Bachelder is passionate about fried chicken (she came to the company from rival KFC in 2007) and women in leadership. She’s the mother of three daughters and cites parenting as one of the most courageous undertakings. In an interview with Forbes, she encourages women to be their authentic selves and stop trying to fit in. What makes women different is what makes us great at our jobs.

animals: Panera bread In 2015, Panera Bread made the commitment to use only cage-free eggs in its recipes. This ended up being a boon for the company, as sales increased through 2016. Late last year, it extended its commitment to animal welfare by announcing that by 2024, all its chicken would come from humane livestock operations only. Additionally, in 2016, all of its poultry, beef and pork products used in sandwiches and salads was either raised without antibiotics, gestation crates, grass-fed or free-range.






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Ma rch 2 3 - a pr il 5 , 2017 // issue 24 .0 6

arts and entertainment talking truth:


Ann Paula Bautista brings a punch of truth to the Disney princesses Mulan, Pocahontas and Princess Badroulbadour in Disenchanted!.



ann paula bautista and Her Fellow cast members bring trutH to tHe stories oF mulan, snow wHite, cinderella and more disney princesses in tHe sHow disencHanted!


Jeremy Williams

hile disney princesses are

loved the world over, many people don’t know that the characters are based on real historical figures or darker fairy tales. That changed in 2011 when history teacher Dennis Giacinocreated the musical Disenchanted! Disenchanted! is a cabaret-style show that features 10 “Disney” princesses speaking out about their treatment in the House of Mouse. The show started as an Orlando Fringe show and has since gone on to sell out shows around the world and Off-Broadway. Before the show’s magnificent return to the City Beautiful, where Disenchanted! will play at The Plaza Live April 11-20, Mulan herself (as well as Pocahontas and Princess Badroulbadour) Ann Paula Bautista took a few moments to speak to us about playing some kickass women.

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Ma rch 17 - a pr il 3, 2017 // issue 24 .0 6

WAtermArK: fOr thOse whO dOn’t knOw, what is disenchAnted abOut?

ann Paula bautista: Disenchanted is basically the Disney princesses that we all know and love crossed with the historical figures that they actually were: The real women of history coming out and reacting to the way that Disney has created them and has portrayed them. It’s a cabaret-style kind of show where we all put in our two cents about how we actually feel about it. hOw lOng have yOu been with the shOw?

I’ve been with the tour since it started in April of last year, starting with our run in Chicago and I’ve just been going on and off ever since and just having a blast. It’s such a crazy, fun show. It never gets tiring.

COntinued On Pg. 39 | uu |


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Ma rch 2 3 - a pr il 5 , 2017 // issue 24 .0 6

independent women, but we are not at all exclusive. We want people to know that this is for everyone because knowledge is power at the end of the day, right?

| uu | Disenchanted! from pg.37

I know that you play multiple characters in it and they differ from the Disney versions. One of them is Mulan. How does she differ from how she’s portrayed as a Disney character?

We don’t lose any of Mulan’s spunk or any of her kickass-ery, if you will. She’s still a very strong, independent woman, but we find out something about Mulan in the show that people don’t really expect. In the movie, she finds love, but in our show she realizes something about herself that people won’t expect. She’s actually a lesbian. She comes out and she goes, ‘I might be lesbian. Yes, I love it and it’s who I am.’ She’s living her truth. She’s my main role and I have the most fun with her. Speaking of Mulan being a lesbian, there’s been a lot of chatter in the news lately about gay characters in Disney films. Speaking of the lesbian princesses, there’s been hints with Merida from Brave and Elsa from Frozen.

Indeed. You mention some of the racier jokes and songs, because it’s a little edgier than your standard Disney movie. Is this a show to leave the younger kids at home for?

SPICE GIRLS: (L-R) Miriam Drysdale, Ann Paula Bautista, Madison Hayes-Crook, Merritt Crews, Daniella Richards and Cherise Thomas turn the Disney princesses on their heads in Disenchanted! Photo by Dahlia Katz Why do you think they haven’t taken that leap to confirm that a Disney princess is an out and proud lesbian?

I think people are really starting to come around. I think now, with technology, people are able to have a wider view of each other’s differences and are more open-minded, but that hesitation to take that final leap is harder for them to do because of a belief structure people were raised with. That’s why I love this show, not

only with Mulan, but with other characters. I get to play these really strong, kickass women who live their truth and are not afraid to do that.

Disenchanted! has an all-female cast. Is it empowering working with a group of talented women every night or more intimidating?

It is one of the most empowering shows I’ve ever done. We’ve definitely built a camaraderie

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within our cast and our crew. We do have gentlemen in our crew and they keep it interesting, but we’ve become a big family. The show is not just for women; it’s to inform gentlemen too. It’s about informing everyone. Some of our largest laughs come from gentlemen who don’t expect to enjoy a princess show. Last night we had a gentleman who was just hollering because he was not expecting for us to go as far as we do with the jokes and the stories. Yes, it’s a show for

Ma rch 2 3 - A pr il 5 , 2017 // Issue 24 .0 6

Parental guidance is strongly encouraged. We do have some racier jokes that would honestly fly over their heads, but it does have a strong message of living your truth. It’s a cool way to see that princesses come in all shapes and sizes. It’s definitely a little bit racy, so if parents aren’t comfortable we understand, but we have heart and a good message.

Have you seen some younger audiences coming to the show?

We do. We have had children come in with their parents. It’s definitely one of those shows that you have conversations with your child after. We talk about body image, confidence and all of those things that are strong building blocks for children to learn about as they grow up.


The Final Frontier Saturday, April 15 at 2 & 8 p.m. BOB CARR THEATER

Jack Everly, conductor Jonathan Frakes, narrator | Kristen Plumley, soprano Michael Runyan, synthesizer University of Central Florida Chorus

A Tribute to

Marvin Hamlisch:

One Singular Sensation Saturday, April 1 at 2 & 8 p.m. BOB CARR THEATER

Larry Blank, conductor Jodi Benson, Scarlett Strallen & Doug LaBrecque, vocals University of Central Florida Chorus

Join us for an exciting voyage and experience like never before, live sci-fi and space-themed music from Wars 2001: Space Odyssey, Odyssey Star Wars, Superman E.T., Star Trek and more! Superman, Narrated by none other than Commander William T. Riker of the Starship Enterprise, Frakes. Jonathan Frakes.

The Philharmonic will honor the legacy of the late Marvin Hamlisch in this concert featuring many of his most beloved songs, such as “Through The Eyes Of Love,” “Nobody Does It Better,” “The Way We Were,” and “What I Did For Love.” Concert Sponsor

Accommodations Sponsor

Concert Sponsor

Artist Sponsor

Accommodations Sponsor

The Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra is supported by United Arts of Central Florida, host of OrlandoAtPlay.com and UAArtsEd.com. This project is funded in part by Orange County Government through the Arts & Cultural Affairs Program, and sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture.



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Ma rch 2 3 - A pr il 5 , 2017 // Issue 24 .0 6

Got Mustard? We’ve got more weiner than we can handle.


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Ma rch 2 3 - A pr il 5 , 2017 // Issue 24 .0 6


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Pot O’Gold watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Ma rch 2 3 - A pr il 5 , 2017 // Issue 24 .0 6

film This is Everything: Gigi Gorgeous

Race to the top

Sarasota Film Festival presents the 2017 LGBTQ film lineup

A documentary film by acclaimed Oscar winner Barbara Kopple in which transgender YouTube star, Gigi Lazzarato (Gigi Gorgeous), shares her life, transition, and fame. Her story includes losing her mother to cancer, coming out as gay, and living out loud to over 2.4 million YouTube subscribers.

Saturday, April 1 at 6:15 p.m., Theater 10 Sunday, April 2 at 3:45 p.m., Theater 8

In Between The lives of three contemporary Palestinian women intertwine in a Tel Aviv apartment where they struggle to break free of societal and cultural expectations while discovering unity in the process. Saturday, April 1 at 1:00 p.m., Theater 8 Thursday, April 4 at 7:45 p.m., Theater 9

The First Time Club


The male-driven, coming-of-age movie Beach Rats is a part of the LGBTQ lineup for the Sarasota Film Festival.

Photo courtesy of SarasotaFilm Festival.com


A local film directed by KT Curran and produced by Planned Parenthood’s “The Source,” four teenagers on the brink of adolescence embark on midnight adventures and unknowingly venture into the world of sex, drugs, and HIV. The film showcases difficulties teens face in today’s America and the unexpected consequences of their actions. Sunday, April 2 at 2:30 pm., Theater 10 Tuesday, April 4 at 1:45 p.m., Theater 10

Krista Di Tucci

his year’s LGBTQ film series at

the 19th annual Sarasota Film Festival, March 31 - April 9, will consist of five feature films, six short films and an LGBTQ panel. “I’m most excited about the collaboration between the Harvey Milk Festival and the Fabulous Independent Film Festival, as well as the strengthening of our relationship between them,” SFF Director of Education and Community Outreach Shakira Refos says. “We are keeping these relationships going and building on them as a result of the LGBTQ programming.” Refos also says Jason Benjamin, director of last year’s SFF film Suited, will be playing a large role in this year’s festival through his work with the Veterans Filmmaking Academy, a free program for local veterans to create documentaries and learn essential film production skills. The discussion panel, “LGBTQ and Black Identities in Media,” is a free conversation and brunch at The Starlite Room on April 9 at noon. The panel is sponsored by Our Sarasota Fund, with donations to benefit ALSO Youth. Celebrity panelists include Tiq

Milan, trans-activist and spokesperson for GLAAD; and Andrew Hevia, co-producer of Moonlight. Community panelists include Patrick Jackson, Florida Studio Theater Community Outreach and Education; and Mecca Zabriskie, Assistant Professor of Sociology. Co-moderators include Miles Iton, New College of Florida student body co-president; and Zara Barrie, senior writer at Elite Daily. “I think it’s really important and relevant that stories are told that aren’t about the stereotypical black experience,” Refos says. “The panel will look into an average life of a person dealing with the repercussions of being in two marginalized groups. We want to show that there is room in Hollywood for everyday stories to be told and that black people won’t always be seen as the maid or the nurse or the judge.” All feature and short films in the LGBTQ film series will be shown at the Hollywood 20 Theater. Feature films are as follows:

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Beach Rats Frankie, a Brooklyn teen caught in between his cancer-ridden father and his mother’s pressure to get a girlfriend, resorts to causing trouble with delinquent friends and flirting with older men online. When his webcamming intensifies, Frankie must balance his increasing amount of hookups, a potential new girlfriend, and closeted sexuality. Friday, April 7 at 6:30 p.m., Theater 12 Sunday, April 9 at 11:00 a.m., Theater 7

The Wound Xolani, a lonely factory worker, joins the men of his community in a remote mountain camp to initiate a group of teenage boys during Ukwaluka, an age old rite of passage into manhood. Tasked with mentoring Kwanda, a semi-westernized, defiant initiate, Xolani’s life begins to unravel as the observant boy discovers his best-kept secret when he tries to reignite relations with a fellow mentor. In a conflict of sexuality and masculinity, he must choose between his passionate love for his childhood friend or heed Kwanda’s exhortations to face an uncertain future.

Thursday, April 6 at 1:45 p.m., Theater 12 Sunday, April 9 at 12:45 p.m., Theater 11

Ma rch 2 3 - A pr il 5 , 2017 // Issue 24 .0 6

Short films ranging from 6 to 16 minutes include:

Game A new kid makes a big impression at the high school boys’ basketball tryouts.

Friday, April 7 at 3:45 p.m., Theater 7 Saturday, April 8 at 3:45 p.m., Theater 12

The Mess He Made A man’s journey as he waits for the results of his 15-minute Rapid HIV Test in a small town strip mall.

Friday, April 7 at 2:30 p.m., Theater 9 Sunday, April 9 at 1:45 p.m., Theater 8

It Was Yesterday 13-year-old girl Gio is the head of a boys’ gang and gets ready to compete with the boys to win the heart of her crush.

Friday, April 7 at 2:30 p.m., Theater 9 Sunday, April 9 at 1:45 p.m., Theater 8

Little Potato An autobiographical tale of growing up gay in Soviet Union Russia, escaping, and finding a new form of oppression in America.

Friday, April 7 at 5:00 p.m., Theater 9 Sunday, April 9 at 4:00 p.m., Theater 7

Bayard & Me Walter Naegle remembers Bayard Rustin, the March on Washington organizer, a civil rights movement leader, and his longtime partner.

Saturday, April 1 at 11:00 a.m., Theater 12 Sunday, April 2 at 7:15 p.m., Theater 12 Additionally, Sarasota’s monthly “Gay Guy Happy Hour” will highlight the LGBTQ film series on April 6 at 5:30 p.m., location TBA. Entry fee is $10 and will include appetizers, drink specials, and networking. Josh Beadle, director of Sarasota OUT and Gay Guy Happy Hour, says the event will help raise money for LGBTQ programming. He says he is working vigilantly with Refos to encourage the LGBTQ community to view the films, which will help increase next year’s filming. “I really related to Gigi Gorgeous’s story, so I’ve really been pushing that one as a feature to the transgender community in Sarasota,” Beadle says. “It really made me reflect on my life as an LGBT youth and made me wish I wouldn’t have hidden as much.” Ticket prices for the films vary; for more information, visit sarasotafilmfestival.com and sarasotaout.com/sff.html.


Thursday April 27, 2017 All proceeds benefit the programs and services of:


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Ma rch 2 3 - a pr il 5 , 2017 // issue 24 .0 6

community calendar

event Planner




pride & allies Meeting: Joe saunders, hrc

The Color Run 5k Orlando, March 25, Osceola Heritage Park, Kissimmee. 321-697-3333; TheColorRun.com leroy Jones Quintet at uCfOrlando Jazz festival, March 25, University of Central Florida, Orlando. 407-823-2000; Music. CAH.UCF.edu Meet the Artist: Doug Bloodworth, March 25, pOp GaLLery, Orlando. 407-827-8200; PopGalleryOrlando.com yoga @ City Arts factory 2017, March 25, CityArts Factory, Orlando. 407-648-7060; CityArtsFactory.com Women in the Arts Awards Reception, March 25, Orange County Library System, Orlando. 407-835-7323; OCLS.info Erotica, March 25-26, Parliament House, Orlando. 407-425-7571; ParliamentHouse.com Orlando Ballet: Masterworks, March 25-26, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, Orlando. 407-893-0119; DrPhillipsCenter.org Runway to Haiti: The night fashion Meets Impact, March 30, Country Club of Orlando, Orlando. 407-425-2319; CountryClubofOrlando.com Transgender Day of visibility, March 31, The Hammered Lamb, Orlando. 407-704-3200; HammeredLamb.com Steve Miller Band, March 31, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, Orlando. 407-893-0119; DrPhillipsCenter.org Shaabi funk Workshop with Andrus Ramir!, March 31, Orlando Bellydance, Orlando. 407-579-9765; OrlandoBellydance.com The Price is Right Live!, April 2, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, Orlando. 407-893-0119; DrPhillipsCenter.org

wednesday, march 29, 11:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. 201 s rosalind ave, orlando


tOnight Jimmy fallon brings The Tonight Show to the Sunshine State for a week of shows at Universal Resort in Orlando April 3-6. PHOTO COuRTESy Of nBC.COM

The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, April 3-6, Universal Resort, Orlando. 407-363-8000; UniversalOrlando.com

St. Pete Pride Benefit and Review Show, March 26, Enigma, St. Petersburg. 727-235-0867; EnigmaStPete.com

Hive Orlando: SDG 4 - Quality Education, April 5, East End Market, Orlando. 321-236-3316; domuFL.com

Balance Tampa Bay’s March Social, March 30, Eddie V’s, Tampa. 727-512-1304; BalanceTampaBay.org

tamPa bay

La Cage aux Folles, March 30-April 21, Carrollwood Players Theatre, Tampa, 813-265-4000; CarrollwoodPlayers.org

fourth friday, March 24, Tampa Theatre, Tampa. 813-274-8286, TampaTheatre.org The Ten Tenors, March 24, Ruth Eckerd Hall, Clearwater, 727-791-7400; RuthEckerdHall.com A night at the Opera - The florida Orchestra, March 24, Straz Center for the Performing Arts, Tampa. 813-229-7827; StrazCenter.org Opera Tampa Gala, March 25, Straz Center for the Performing Arts, Tampa. 813-229-7827; StrazCenter.org

Blast friday: Billy Joel legends, March 31, Ruth Eckerd Hall, Clearwater. 727-791-7400; RuthEckerdHall.com lick Me friday’s, March 31, Club Viva, Tampa. 813-872-1555; Straz Center for the Performing Arts, Tampa. 813-229-7827; StrazCenter.org neiBEARhood Weekend, March 31-April 2, Sawmill, Dade City. 352-583-0664; FLSawmill.com An Evening of Dueling Pianos, April 1, METRO Health, Wellness & Community, St. Petersburg. 727-321-3854; MetroTampaBay.org

Crafty fest, April 1-2, ARTpool Gallery, St. Petersburg. 727-324-3878; ArtPoolRules.com Steve Miller Band, April 1, Ruth Eckerd Hall, Clearwater. 727-791-7400; RuthEckerdHall.com The Price is Right live, April 3-4, Ruth Eckerd Hall, Clearwater. 727-791-7400; RuthEckerdHall.com Masterworks #4: Tea and Symphony, April 4, Lake Hunter Room, Lakeland. 863-688-3743; ImperialSymphony.org


Joe Saunders, Southern Regional Field Director for the Human Rights Campaign, will be updating the community on important issues that the HRC is working on and how people can get involved. The event is hosted by the LGBTQ Pride & Allies, a group formed to create advocacy and volunteer opportunities and provide information and education about LGBTQ groups and activities in Orange County. For more information, call 407-836-3111.

hope & help Bingo Night thursday, march 30, 7-10 p.m. hamBurger mary’s, orlando Eat, laugh, and be entertained while supporting a good cause! Hamburger Mary’s Orlando presents Hope & Help Bingo Night, where all proceeds benefit Hope & Help’s fight against HIV/AIDS in Orlando. Come see Miss Sammy and Carol Lee call the balls, sing, and joke until you can’t take it anymore. Reserve your seats now by calling 321-319-0600.

tamPa bay

It Gets Better Friday, march 24, 7:30-10p.m. straZ center For the perForming arts, tampa What started off as a viral video created by author Dan Savage and his partner Terry Miller to give hope to LGBTQ teens transformed into the “It Gets Better” movement. The tour performs a musical production that will feature artists and young people, some from the Tampa Bay region. Head to StrazCenter.org more tickets and more details.

Chicago, March 24-26, Van Wezel, Sarasota. 941-953-3368; VanWezel.org

Tampa pride 2017 parade & Festival

Footloose, March 26-April 2, The Players Centre for Performing Arts, Sarasota. 941-365-2494; theplayers.org

saturday, march 25, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. yBor city historic district, tampa

Sarasota OrchestraMasterworks: Magnificent Seven, April 1-2, Van Wezel, Sarasota. 941-953-3368; vanwezel.org

Get your Pride on in Tampa with tens of thousands of your closest friends for the third annual Tampa Pride Parade and Festival. The parade starts at 1 p.m. and the street festival begins at 10 a.m. in Ybor. It’s going to be the celebration of a lifetime! For more information, head over to tampapride.org.

to submit your upcoming event, concert, performance, or fundraiser visit watermarkonline.com.

event planner and community calendar is brougHt to you by curtis protective services • 1-800-551-8368 • curtissecurity.com watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Ma rch 2 3 - a pr il 5 , 2017 // issue 24 .0 6


2016 Winner Best Florida Beer Pinellas Brewery & Taproom 12707 49th Street Clearwater, FL 33762 Open 11a - 11p Daily

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watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Ma rch 2 3 - A pr il 5 , 2017 // Issue 24 .0 6


tamPa bay Out+abOut

in the heat Of the night


he yBor resort & spa in tampa has had a rough time lately. The private men’s club and bathhouse was closed down earlier this year after being sold by owner Vincent R. Pawlowski Esq. Pawlowski wrote in an email that he sold the property due to “tremendous heat from the city” and that they could have “stayed open another four to five years,” but he had an “opportunity to sell the property for a nice profit.” Bathhouses were a popular hotspot back in the day, but today, with everybody online, they just aren’t the hangouts they once were. “Why pay money to hang out at a place when you can dial up a menu on your computer and have sex delivered via social media? In short, Tampa didn’t want the drugs and sex associated with this type of business. Tampa gets what Tampa wants,” Pawlowski wrote. On top of Ybor Resort & Spa’s financial woes, the hotel was set ablaze in the early morning of March 11. Initially thought to have been started by piles of garbage left in the courtyard, by the afternoon Tampa Fire Rescue ruled it an arson. The perpetrators entered the building illegally and set several fires throughout. No one was injured as the building was empty at the time but the fire is said to have caused $100,000 in damages. A week later, Tampa Fire Rescue was called back out to Ybor Resort & Spa for yet another fire. Firefighters were able to get that fire under control without any injuries, although adjoining buildings reported that they experienced smoke damage. Both fires are still under investigation.

PsyChOlOgiCal tOrture


Ban on the archaic practice of gay conversion therapy, especially on minors, seems like a no brainer, but for some reason this practice appears to be sound medical advice to the conservative Christian club. Only six states in the U.S. ban this form of abuse, and, surprise, Florida isn’t one of them. Since they can’t get the state to pass a common-sense law like banning torture against children, groups across the state are pushing for a ban city by city. Outside of the six states, 14 cities also ban the practice, including 10 in Florida. Now Tampa is on the cusp of joining that list. Tampa Councilman Guido Maniscalco passed the first step of clearance earlier this month when the city council unanimously approved a measure that would punish mental health professionals who offer the therapy to minors with a fine up to $1,000 for the first offense and fines up to $5,000 for repeat offenders. At the first reading, speakers, organizations and allies showed up to the Old Tampa City Hall wearing purple to show their support. The second reading will be April 6. If passed, Tampa will be the only non-South Florida city to have such a ban.


2 3


handy men: Jeremy Wade neiman (front) and Anthony Citrola painting their house in Tampa Bay March 19. PHOTO COuRTESy



dance party: nakovy Boom Boom (L) and Chhoy Sutimek party at Southern Nights in Tampa for Fuego Friday South Beach Invasion March 17. PHOTO By CHHOy SuTIMEK




night on the town: Kori Stevens (L) and Jamie lawry get a drink in Ybor March 14. PHOTO By JAMIE lAWRy


yas kween: General manager Chris Hannay (L) and drag superstar Detox get ready for the Queens for the Cure at Southern Nights in Tampa March 16. PHOTO



Be our guest: (L-R) larry Reed, larissa Mcnab and Mark West Bias enjoy some cocktails before seeing Beauty and the Beast in Ybor March 17. PHOTO By lARRy REED


high kicks: Jaeda fuentes (L) kicks her leg up high on Jon Jusino as she performs at Manatee Pride in Bradenton March 18. PHOTO By DAnny GARCIA



mommie dearest: Tampa Bay’s mother/ son cabaret duo Scott & Patti hosted the Bay area’s Watermark WAVE Awards at the Flamingo Resort in St. Petersburg March 9.



dancing Queens: (L-R) Tiffany T. McCray, Dena Cass and lexx De la Mer put on a show for the Sunday Night Dance Party at Hamburger Mary’s in St. Petersburg March 19. PHOTO COuRTESy



7 watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Ma rch 2 3 - a pr il 5 , 2017 // issue 24 .0 6



watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Ma rch 2 3 - a pr il 5 , 2017 // issue 24 .0 6


OrlandO Out+abOut

rPdr’s trinity attaCked!


n “trump’s america,” it’s always a tough call when there’s an assault on anyone in the LGBTQ community to not assume it’s a hate crime, but this time in L.A., the hate seems pretty clear. The incident was reported as a late night attack on March 16 in West Hollywood. The victims of this crime included photographer Jason King and RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 9 cast members Valentina and Orlando’s very own Trinity Taylor. The reportedly unprovoked attack started with the stranger walking behind the trio, making them feel uncomfortable as the stranger followed at a close pace, Jason King posted on his Facebook page. They asked the man to walk ahead of them, and that gesture resulted with Jason King suffering the brunt of the attack with a broken nose that landed him an approximate nine hours in the E.R. Luckily, some local authorities were in close proximity and were able to make an arrest. According to CBS Los Angeles, the authorities do not believe this was a hate crime.






OrlandO fringe welCOmes alauna


n march 6, the orlando Fringe announced the name of the new executive Director and that is Alauna Friskics. Alauna will be replacing George Wallace who announced late last year he accepted a position with Indiana’s Fringe. Alauna is no Fringe neophyte; she worked with the festival as far back in the late ‘90s as a volunteer coordinator. In a recent press release Alauna said, “I love Fringe because it fosters accessibility to a wide range of artistic experiences in a low-risk environment for the artist, producer and the audience. This is the perfect recipe for creativity to flourish,” “Building on the success of George Wallace’s tenure,” Alauna said, “I am committed to using my nonprofit management experience to take Fringe to the next level.” It obvious Alauna loves Orlando Fringe and Orlando Fringe – both participants and patrons – will love Alauna.

wild nights were Calling!


nd the call was answered on March 19 with the Zebra Coalition’s annual Wild Nights fundraiser, this time themed “Old Hollywood” and hosted by Blue Star. The evening featured a red carpet entrance with paparazzi, celebrity impersonators from Lucy, Humphrey Bogart and what’s a Hollywood party without Marilyn Monroe. Many of the 200+ guests were dressed in their best Hollywood attire as they danced to the music of Michael Andrew and Swinger Head, all while sipping on specialty cocktails from Michael J. Ring with Breakthrough Beverages. According to Zebra Coalition director Heather Wilkie, the night was a huge success, raising $20,000 for the Zebra Coalition.



From rome with love: Orlando photographer and MBA board member JD Castro (center) with the Roma Rainbow Choir sending love to the City Beautiful all the way from Rome, Italy, March 15. PHOTO COuRTESy Of THE



grand dame: Oscar-winning actress Reese Witherspoon (L) and Mickey Mouse cut the ribbon at the grand opening of Disney Spring’s Planet Hollywood Observatory March 17. PHOTO By



glamourous: Bobby Hermida (L) and Jenny leavitt-Celestin get fancy at the Shakespeare Theatre in Orlando for the Zebra Coalition’s Old Hollywood Gala March 19. PHOTO By JEREMy WIllIAMS


luck oF the irish: Adult film star Ian Greene gave a St. Patty’s striptease at Parliament House in Orlando fro Flesh Friday. PHOTO COuRTESy



art-astic: The Zebra Coalition’s Art with a Purpose group takes a field trip to the First Congregational Church of Winter Park to learn how to make digital art and clay bowl pottery March 16. PHOTO



going green: Keith Demontré Bracks (L) and Joshua Ross celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at Southern Nights in Orlando for Flex Friday March 17. PHOTO COuRTESy Of SOuTHERn




giving hope: Hope & Help receives a contribution in the amount of $2,500 from Synchrony Financial in Orlando to benefit families affected by HIV March 10. PHOTO



hostests with the mostest: Jorge Estevez (L) and Miss Sammy host Orlando’s Watermark WAVE Awards at the Parliament House March 10. PHOTO By


8 watermark Your LGBTQ life.

Ma rch 2 3 - a pr il 5 , 2017 // issue 24 .0 6





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Ma rch 2 3 - A pr il 5 , 2017 // Issue 24 .0 6


wedding bells

Glenn Chesbrough and ricardo Dixon from Sarasota, Florida

years togetHer:

12 years

engagement date:

December 24, 2013

wedding date:

February 25, 2017

wedding venue:

On the pathway to Hard rock Hotel just outside of Universal Orlando® resort

interesting Fact:

They wore kilts and sweaters for the wedding ceremony, and changed into matching custom T-shirts afterward.


here was a part oF me

that felt that ‘happily ever after’ was never in the cards for me, so that is the best thing that he’s ever given to me,” Ricardo says about Glenn. “It’s something that a lot of people would disregard, but to me it’s the biggest thing because he actually gave me strength.” Glenn Chesborough, who works in the healing arts field, and Ricardo Dixon, who is a licensed massage therapist and paramedical esthetician, met 12 years ago in 2004 online through a local chat group. Glenn was in Florida to help his mom rebuild her house after Hurricane Charlie. “One thing led to another. We were both planning on heading back up north – him back to New York, myself back to Massachusetts because I had a massage therapy business up there – but as the summer progressed, we started spending more and more time together,” Glenn says. As the summer ended, Ricardo

asked Glenn, “Aren’t you supposed to be leaving?” Glenn said he wanted to see where this was going. Ricardo agreed and says he realized they were at that point in dating. In the middle of 2013, Glenn figured it was time for moving toward marriage. He had saved up money from his previous job at Macy’s to buy the ring he wanted for Ricardo. Ricardo surprised Glenn with a trip to Disney one weekend, which was actually their first trip together as a couple. Glenn thought that would be the perfect time to propose. At just before midnight on Christmas Eve 2013, in front of the

Christmas tree in then-Downtown Disney, Glenn kept calling out to Ricardo to turn around. He also at the same time tried to record the moment on his phone and hold the ring and attempt to get down on one knee, all while trying to get his attention. Glenn recalls it as a funny moment, and he says Ricardo was so surprised when he finally turned around – and of course, he said yes. “He kept calling me, and I wouldn’t turn around. He then said ‘Rikki, there’s something I want to ask you.’ It was just the way he said it, I knew exactly what it was,” Ricardo recalls. “It was to me one of the most special moments because it wasn’t any big show for anyone else – it was just a moment just for us, and we’ll always have that.” The couple considers Orlando their personal playground; they will take a weekend and just have fun. It is where they bond the most and get to spend a lot of time together, so they consider it very special. That’s where the idea of getting married at Universal Orlando Resorts came from. They wanted their wedding to be very unique to them, yet they still wanted it to be engaging for their guests so they didn’t get bored. They also had the attire be casual with the exception of no flip flops, Ricardo jokes. “It was a whirlwind,” Glenn says about the wedding day. “There was a lot of emotion between the two of us and everybody that was there.” The couple says the wedding day happened without any hiccups. The ceremony was held on the pathway to Hard Rock Hotel just outside of Universal Orlando. Ricardo’s favorite thing about their wedding day was Glenn’s vows to him, which he based off a phrase they always use with each other. Ricardo recalls his wedding day as “the most special day in the most special place with the most special person.”


On March 15, award-winning producer, artistic director and skilled writer Jennifer foster celebrated 18 years in the business of IDEAS and everything else with her Foster Productions! In her down time she has co-founded the LGBTQ Alliance and, when she isn’t too busy accepting awards like the Businesswoman of the Year from the Metropolitan Business Association, she’s basically doing everything that we should all be doing for LGBTQ rights.

local birtHdays

Fratboy Adam Conrad, St. Petersburg-based Righteously Outrageous Twirling Corps board member Eric Peak, Bowled Over Promotions star lisa Brown (March 24); plant whisperer Jennifer Parrish, Tampa’s Todd Brown (March 25); Tampa photographer John Kantor, former St. Pete Pride board member Delores Ringgold, St. Petersburg nurse and former Gazette publisher Brian feist (March 26); Orlando’s former LAVA Lounge bartender and current realtor at Olde Town Brokers Jay Wood, St. Petersburg chef Domenica Macchia, Naked Eye Studio’s John Caroll, Tampa karaoke jockey extraordinaire and straight ally normie Dunn (March 27); Tampa softballer Randal Spiller, Sarasota equality advocate Jen Drake, New Church Family Inc. of Daytona Beach administrative assistant Jerry Corlis (March 28); local actor Jon Jiminez, former Watermark editor and current Moffitt Cancer Center media relations coordinator Steve Blanchard (March 29); XL 106.7 FM and Pride Radio diva Rae, Orlando trivia host and WAVE-winning actor Doug Ba’aser (March 31); DJ lindsey leigh, DJ Twisted Dee, former St. Petersburg resident and Equality Florida supporter Elizabeth Albelo (April 1); former cover model Aaron Sanford, Orlando-based flight attendant James Sparkman, former Watermark graphics artist Catherine Thompson, Tampa Bay-based Concept Bait’s frank Clemente, Palm Beach County Human Rights Council founder and president Rand Hoch (April 2); Bridgette Galore (or Darren Charles), Bowled Over Promotions’ Karyn Bell, Orlando’s Didi Panache, AKA Douglas McGeough (April 3); genius playwright and local hero David lee, Dawn Kallio of Bowled Over Promotions (April 4); sexy Tampa banker Jeff Baker, St. Pete nurse and former editor of The Gazette, Brian feist, Orlando Front Runner Scott feneck, St. Petersburg entertainer Meagan Towers (Michael Jones), Anthony “Bearonce” Chiocchi and Tampa MCC go-to-man activist Mac McGowan (April 5).

do you Have an announcement? Having a birtHday or anniversary? did you get a new Job or promotion? See your news in Watermark! Send your announcement to Editor@WatermarkOnline.com or go to WatermarkOnline.com/Submit-a-Transition.

it’s tHat easy!

—Samantha Rosenthal

Do you have an interesting wedding or engagement story you’d like to share with Watermark readers? If so, email the details to Editor@WatermarkOnline.com for consideration as a future feature on this page.

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Ma rch 2 3 - a pr il 5 , 2017 // issue 24 .0 6


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