COMMUNITY TEAM WERK: Members of 26 Health attend Zebra Coalition's 5K Drag Race in Baldwin Park during Come Out With Pride. PHOTO BY JEREMY WILLIAMS
2 6 H E A LT H 801 N. Magno lia Ave ., Suite 402, Orlan d o, Flo rid a 32803 | 321-800-2922 | 26Healt h .o rg 26 Health pr ovid es compr ehensive phys ic a l and mental health ser vices, r eg ar dl e s s of ability to pay, to the C ity of Or l a n do ' s LGBT Q commu nity and allies. T hey pro v ide med ical car e; mental health car e; a do pt io n
Community Care Central Florida Organizations offer their support
cou nseling and home stu d ies; r apid HIV , Hepatitis C and ST I testing and care ; a n d a med ical spa.
T H E B RO S I N CO N V O I N I T I AT I V E 711 Se mino le Ave ., Orland o, Flo rid a 3280 4 | 407532-0070 | Bro sI nCo nvo.o rg T he Br os in C onvo Initiative is a commu nity-based and -led or g an iza t io n d ed icated to the ad vancement and empow er ment of C entr al Flor id a’s B l a c k and Br ow n you ng g ay, bisexu al, qu e e r a n d same g end er loving (GBQ/SGL) com m un it y. T he or g anization w as fou nd ed in 20 17 , and thr ou g h capacity bu ild ing tr ai n in g, commu nity ed u cation pr og r ams an d lo c a l ad vocacy w or k, T he Br os in C onvo I n it ia t iv e
aims to bu ild commu nity, elevate B la c k and Br ow n voices and pr omote/pr o t e c t t he
entral Florida is home to a large,
w ellbeing of you ng men of color .
eclectic group of LGBTQ nonprofits and
organizations whose mission it is to make
4122 Me t ric Drive , #800, Winte r Park, Flo rid a
this area one of the most open, accepting and inclusive in the world. Central Florida's LGBTQ organizations range
32792 | 407-645 -2577 | Ho pe And He lp.o rg Hope & Help beg an in 1988 as a sm a l l su ppor t g r ou p of a few fr iend s w ho c a re d for a close fr iend w ho w as exper ie n c in g of AIDS-r elated complications. Sin c e
from large coalitions with wide-ranging missions
then, Hope & Help has g r ow n into o n e o f
to smaller groups with more focused goals.
or g anizations in Flor id a, w ith a full
They provide health-related services, education
ed u cation, pr evention, case manage m e n t ,
assistance and youth programs. Some have been in the area for decades and some were formed in the wake of one of the worst gun violence tragedies in the country. But the one thing they all have in common is they were all formed because the care
the most compr ehensive HIV/ST I s e rv ic e med ical clinic, in ad d ition to testi n g, su ppor t g r ou p ser vices and a syr in ge ser vice pr og r am.
T H E LG BT+ C E N T E R O R L A N D O AND KISSIMMEE Orland o : 946 N. Mills Ave ., Orland o, Flo rid a 32803 | 407-228-8272 | The Ce nte rOrlan d o.o rg For over 40 year s, the LGBT + C ente r ha s
about Central Florida's LGBTQ community.
pr ovid ed pr og r ams and ser vices to Ce n t ra l
Read on and learn more about some of Central
offer s health-r elated ser vices includi n g
Florida's most influential and important LGBTQ organizations.
Flor id a's LGBT Q commu nity. T he Ce n t e r HIV, Hepatitis C and ST I testing , fre e online mental health cou nseling , HIV c a s e