1 minute read
Slalom skier of the month Stephen Neveu
WJ - How old were you when you started skiing?
SN - I think I was 5 when I first got up on skis
WJ - Where do you ski now?
SN - Since moving to Houston I now do most of my skiing at Lakes of Katy.
WJ - How many set per week?
SN - I try to ski 2-3 sets a week. If things aren’t too crazy at work, I’ll sneak a set mid week and then usually ski once or twice over the weekend.
WJ - Do you have a favorite course?
SN - Radar Lake: One of the OG ski lakes, big beautiful PNW trees/ views, the home of Radar Skis and it’s also where I asked my fiancé to marry me!
WJ - Best waterski memory?
SN - Winning the U21 World Championship. This was my first time winning an event at pretty much the premier level. Most of the guys in the finals are now on the Pro Tour. It was a pretty competitive event and to win it got me hungry for more!
WJ - Favorite tournament ?
SN - The ones I ski well at! ��
WJ - Worst memory? You can choose, funny or serious hah!
SN - That might have to be the 2019 World Championship I felt that I prepared really well for the event and, I was in a really good place physically and mentally Unfortunately things didn’t go my way Missing the finals and letting down my Canadian teammates really bummed me out. Luckily they didn’t need my help and we still pulled out the Gold in the team event… not a bad way to end that trip!
WJ - Favorite training partner?
SN - My dad
WJ - Your ultimate goal?
SN - Become World champion
WJ - Best set up? (lake, time of the day, boat, driver, ski)
SN - An early Saturday morning at my families lake cabin in Alberta. My Dad behind the wheel of our MC ProStar with our ski buddies in the boat still a little groggy from a late night. Floating course with water that has a decent roll to it from all the wake boats from the day before. Of course riding the latest Radar Vapor. Maybe not the “best technical set up ever”, but by far my most favorite haha!
WJ - What is your objective for this season ?
SN - Main goal for this season is to be competitive at each event, put up some big scores and hopefully beat everyone else at the same time!