Water Sports Retailer, March 2012

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MARCH 2012

Connelly/CWB President & CEO

Gordy Holmes Shop of the Month

Tommy’s Manufacturer Profile

MasterCraft Featured Conversation:

Jim Emmons Retail Spotlight

Chessie Marine Sales +INDUSTRY NEWS +MEMBER DIRECTORY Published by the


LETTER FROM HEADQUARTERS From WSIA Executive Director Larry Meddock (pictured right)

he 2011 year for the

downs. So you can

WSIA was the best on

only imagine the chord

record. Memberships

that was struck with

and revenue are up. When you

everyone in the room

are running a not-for-profit

when Bill told his story

organization, it does not get any

of how many times he

better than that. How did we do

had been struck down

it? Well, the reasons are many.

in his career to build

We would have to look back to

himself back and to be

February of 2011 to see how we

knocked down again.

got the momentum.

Everyone got their

The 2011 Summit in the Snow was without question the start. We were able to bring a speaker

money’s worth that morning and the bar was set high for 2012.

lineup that was nothing short of

The 2012 Summit in

extraordinary. The last speaker of

the Snow is poised to

marketing minds in the US today.

the Summit was Bill Walton. The

top that bar. Our speakers will

Them being together in one place

NBA All-Star was a slam dunk

again speak to the innovative and

will make the 2012 Summit in the

with his message of never giving

entrepreneurial spirit of those in

Snow a must-attend to all within

up. The WSIA is mostly a group

attendance. Among this year’s

the water sports industry.

of passionate entrepreneurs

speakers: The CEO of the largest

that have had their own ups and

mountain owner/operator in the snow ski industry, the VP of Marketing for Vans, the President of the Snow Ski Industry Association, the leader in Risk Management Defense work, A leading crisis communication and PR firm, and one of the most dynamic

If that was not enough, add the first-ever Cable Park best practices meeting and the continuation of the efforts of the USCG and ASTM International’s development of a National Parasailing Safety Standard and you have a full plate of industry leaders and stakeholders gathering in Crested Butte, Colorado February 27-29 for the most comprehensive meetings in the WSIA’s 34 year history. That is what you call a strong start for 2012 and that is what is needed to

Basketball legend Bill Walton at Summit in the Snow 2011


keep the “mojo.”

People noticed the work of the WSIA and membership started to rise. The WSIA launched

WSIA President, Jim Emmons

the Water Sports Alert

We traveled to states that wanted

Network (WSAN). This

to abolish wakesurfing and

two-part program was

wakeboarding. We were able to

created as a means

show them that wakesurfing was

to communicate

safe (and fun) behind a direct

messages to both

drive or v-drive boat. The State

consumers as well

of Indiana was the first state that

as Law Enforcement

officially ruled that wakesurfing

officers in the US.

was legal behind a Direct Drive

We found that law

or V-drive boat and was not legal

enforcement needed

behind an outboard or I/O. Other

to be educated for

states are now following suit.

the new sports they

Manufacturers and wake surf

Next up for 2011 was the work of

were seeing on the water, and

WSIA President Jim Emmons as

consumers needed to know what

grant writer for the educational

was going on behind legislative

arm of the WSIA known as

doors regarding pending laws

the Water Sports Foundation

that could hurt them. The WSAN

The WSIA strives to support

(WSF). The WSF received a

functions to keep both those

and help grow the water sports

$637,000 grant from the USCG

audiences well-informed about

industry as its lead advocate, on a

our industry.

local, state and national level.

More people saw the work of the

With the support of our active

WSIA and membership started

members, the WSIA has steadily

to rise.

grown and evolved into the main

Throughout the year, our team traveled to boat manufacturer/

enthusiasts recognized the of the work of the WSIA and membership started to rise.

resource for educating, protecting and supporting water sports.

dealer meetings where we could

If you have not submitted your

to spearhead a national outreach

explain the work if the WSIA, and

membership for 2012, we hope

effort to improve recreational

our goal of protecting the water

you will do so soon. With your

boating safety by trying to

ways in their state.

support we will continue to grow.

change behavior regarding BUI, life jacket wear rates, and

Dealers recognized the work

navigational rules of the road.

of the WSIA and membership started to rise.



8 12 14 20 22 28 4

Shop of the Month

Tommy’s Manufacturer Profile

MasterCraft Employee of the Month

Gordy Holmes Retail Spotlight

Chessie Marine Feature

Jim Emmons Directory

Active Members

INDUSTRY NEWS Tigé Boats annouced the Tigé

This year, the action sports and

winner to create the rail of their

MyWake Global Challenge, which

music festival is host to the IWWF

dreams and have it installed at

offers competitors the opportuni-

Pan Am Wakeboard Champi-

KC Watersports in Kansas City.

ty to qualify by

onships, which will bring the

Entries are submitted through the

submitting their

best wakeboarders from all the

KC Watersports facebook page,

own videos

Americas. The event is free to the

and the finalist designs will be

from anywhere

general public, and includes pro

judged by how many “likes” they

in the world.

wakeboarding, swimsuit fashion

get. The winning rail designer will

Selected riders will compete in

shows, action sports demos and

be flown to KC Watersports to

a two-day live pro-am style final

live music. www.boardup.net

unveil the rail at a private session

at Buena Vista Watersports in

with top Liquid Force riders. The

Orlando, FL. The virtual qualifier


winner also gets a GoPro Hero 2,

format includes wakeboarding,

the title

a setup of their choice from Liquid

wakeskating and wakesurfing

sponsor of

Force and a year subscription to

and will have monthly winners,

the 2012 Wake Games, has upped

Alliance Wakeboard Magazine.

as picked by WWA judges. Other

the ante at this year’s contest by


trips and prizes are included for

sponsoring two new pro events

contest finalists. MyWake.com

with cash prizes totalling $11,000.

The WWA is here

Tigé Boats also announced a

The new events are a traditional

to support your

partnership agreement with the

double-up contest and an innova-

next wakeboard-

Northwest Riders crew to put

tive expression session challenge.

ing, wakeskating

them in a

The top three performers in the

or wakesurfing event by provid-


double up contest will split that

ing sanctioning and insurance

RZ2 boat for the 2012 season.

$6,000 purse, and the winner-

for all types of wake sports, as

Working with local dealer Lyn-

take-all format of the expression

well as promotions through their

nwood Motoplex to promote

session will award $5,000 to the

website, newsletter and social

the full like of Tigé boats, the

rider who lands the most innova-

media. Simply fill out some basic

Nortwest Riders will put the RZ2

tive trick never before landed in a

forms to get started planning your

through its paces at their long-

contest. Both events will be held

WWA-sanctioned event. With 27

standing wakeboard school and

on April 14, 2012 at the conclu-

affiliate countries, the WWA can

contest series. The crew is work-

sion of the Pro Men finals of Wake

help support your event no matter

ing to get their new water ride all

Games at the Orlando Waters-

where it is on the globe.

stickered up and ready to hit Lake

ports Complex.


Washington by early June. Liquid Force,

Centurion Boats has announced

Board Up has

KC Waters-

that Mark Michelini is their new


ports, GoPro


some details

and Alliance


for this year’s event, scheduled for

Wakeboard Magazine have

Rep for the Midwest, covering IL,

March 22-24, 2012 at Mills Pond

teamed up on a Design-A-Rail

IN, WI, MN, IA, OH and MI. Mark

Park in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

contest that will allow one lucky

has an established reputation as


INDUSTRY NEWS a water sports athlete, salesman

rope and Australia, the new web

and functionality. It features all-

and customer service professional

store spearheads the trek back to

new quick release handles, so it

and has experience in marketing,

their original U.S. roots.

takes just a pull of a lever to lower

promotions and event activation.

The Orlando concept store, which

the tower for storage and travel-

Mark is known in the midwest

opens March 11, 2012, will be the

ing. The ZFT 4 also brings an

region as the founding partner of

only company-owned retail loca-

update to the rotating clamping

The Midwest Militia and

tion in the U.S., and will allow Jobe

board racks, adding quick release


to market their entire product line

clamps to make it even easier to

Centurion Boats has also an-

to the American market. Located

access your boards. The ZFT 4 is

nounced the details for qualifying

in the Phillips Crossing shop-

available on any new 2012 Master-

for the premier 2012 wake surfing

ping area, the store is positioned

Craft Boat orders.

event in the world, the Centurion

between many of the hottest


World Wake Surfing Champion-

tourism spots, densely populated

ship. For the first time in history,

residential areas and the Butler

CWB Board Co. announces that

competitors will be allowed to

chain of lakes. The 4,000 sq. ft.

three-time World Champion

compete in both the Skim and

facility will offer a showroom feel

Nicola Butler

Surf divisions. All competitors in-

and will include a demo desk and

has joined

terested will need to register and

repair counter.

their pro team.

qualify for each style division, and


Butler is a competitve force, with

the point-value qualifications for

two Queen of Wake titles and a

participating in the event will be

KICKER, one of the leaders in the

National Championship on her

released soon.

mobile and home audio market

long list of big wins. She’ll be rid-


have intro-

ing the CWB Sapphire and is look-

duced the

ing forward to racking up more

Jobe Sports made a

SKM10 Marine Sub Box to provide

contest hardware in the coming

trio of big announce-

deep bass in your boat of choice.


ments, including their

The rugged 10-inch subwoofer

new Discount Team Card pro-

brings that legendary KICKER

Supra Boats unveiled the new

gram, a new web store, and a

thump, but still fits in tight spaces,

S-Bend wakeboard tower, offer-

one-of-a-kind concept store in

like the driver- or passenger-side

ing advantages

Orlando, Florida. The discount

toe well. The tough polyethylene

in visibility plus

cards are designed to give Ameri-

box is designed to be weather-

a disctinctive style. The S-Bend

can consumers an all-access pass

proof, and the speaker cone and

tower features a smooth low-

to the entire Jobe lineup at an

basket are UV-treated to prevent

profile folding action and a

exclusive discount price and other

any sun damage. www.kicker.com

patented CAM lock mechanism,

special promotions.


plus integrated bimini cover, racks,

The new Jobe web shop went

MasterCraft Boat Company has

speakers and lighting, all included.

live just ahead of the Miami Boat

introduced the all-new Zero Flex

The signature style and advanced

Show, offering all their 2012 prod-

Tower 4 (ZFT

functionality ad the perfect touch

ucts to the USA. As one of the

4), complete

to any boat in the 2012 Supra line.

biggest watersports brands in Eu-

with signature MasterCraft styling

The Rockstar Energy Drink WWA

Bonifay and Phil Soven, plus lots

Energy Drink

Wakeboard World Champion-

of giveaways, fun behind the Axis

has unveiled

ships, presented by Supra will

boats and a BBQ lunch.

the 2012 five-

make their debut on August 16,

city contest

2012 in Prairie Springs park in

The INT League announced a

schedule. The

Wisconsin. More than 200 pro

partnership with BoatUS Marine

season kicks off May 18, 2012 at

and amateur wakeboarders and

Insurance, making them the offi-

Dallas Landing Park in Acworth,


cial boat insur-

Georgia, ends July 28, 2012 at

from around

ance sponsor

Volunteer Landing in Knoxville,

the globe will

of the national

Tennessee and includes a new

comete in the

amateur water sports event

midwest venue in Branson, Mis-

19th annual invitation-only event

league. The partnership will allow

souri. Four-time Pro Tour Cham-

for their shot at a world title. Ath-

INT members to join the BoatUS

pion Phil Soven enters the 2012

letes in 22 divisions will compete

owner’s association at a special

season as the top-ranked rider

in heats throughout the competi-

rate, as well as access to special

after edging out fierce competitor

tion, judged by a panel of officials

on-the-water towing, roadside

Harley Clifford last year.

who will determine who has the

assistance programs, and many

best rail tricks and aerial maneu-

online boating safety courses.

Malibu Boats

vers. The event also serves as part

www.BoatUS.com and www.

unveiled a

of the Wakeboard World Series


truly extraor-

and the King of Wake series. www.KingofWake.com.

dinary boat Hyperlite Wakeboards signed

at the Calgary Boat Show—a


“Canadian Edition” VLX, complete

Liquid Force and Axis Wake

phenom Scott

with a Maple Leaf flag graphic in-

Research have announced their

Stewart to

laid into the gel coat with a metal


their team. The 25-year-old won

flake texture, plus a custom em-


the BuyWake.com Global Rider

broidery into the carpet. The spe-


Search in 2010 with a style de-

cial edition boat was presented

which makes

scribed as a fresh mix of Randall

by Malibu’s highest-volume dealer

Axis the Of-

and Lyman, full of West Coast

in the world, Wizard Lake Marine

ficial Towboat of Liquid Force’s

style and intense amplitude.

of Calmar, Alberta, Canada.

famous BROstock event, their

Stewart’s snowboard background

new BBQ BROdown series, and a

made riding with the new System

The 2011 Tigé brochure won a

strategic partner in the Free For

Binding a natural fit, and with his

prestigious award

All series. The two companies

new Hyperlite setup, he is con-

in the advertising

began the partnership at the LA

tinuing to progress the style of

industry, a local ADDY® Award.

Boat Show, and then the recent

wakeboarding as a freerider in

Next they compete for a regional

Febrary Freezeride event at the

videos and photos.

ADDY Award, and potentially at

Carlsbad Lagoon. That event fea-

the national level. To receive your

tured a day in the sun with team

The MasterCraft Pro Wakeboard

own copy of the award-winning

riders Melissa Marquardt, Shane

Tour, presented by Rockstar

brochure, email info@tige.com.




on taking it up up and

clients into new sales with cred-

away. Currently we only

ibility. We are also focusing on

operate out of Colorado.

teaming up with our local cable

How did you get started,

park as well as my personal cable

and what are some of your

How has the downturn in the

park to promote a new side of

achievements? I started the shop

economy affected your busi-

our business that has incredible

February 7th, 1981 selling out of

ness? And what do you predict

potential. Our boat lines now

my truck around the local lakes.

for water sports retailers in the

include MB with Axis and Malibu.

Four square feet in the front of

next 1-2 years? The downturn has

MB offers a different look and

the truck was everything in my life

really been tough on all retailers

analog features that many of the

back then. Took a peanut butter

in our industry. We are lucky and

big boys are no longer interested

sandwich in a brown paper bag

have a very strong following in

in but many customers want

and a gallon jug that I lost the top

our area. However everything is

simple boats with versatile wakes.

to filled with tap water and held

changing. Without giving up too

Add on sales with stereo, go pro,

it between my legs as I traveled

many of my future ideas, we have

custom covers, racks are all help-

to and from one of the local

to change the marketing strategy

ing the bottom line but forcing

lakes. We have been blessed over

we have and focus on our op-

us to be more well rounded and

the years and have won either

portunities that others are not

more knowledgeable as a dealer-

retailer of the year or way back

working on. One example is our

ship. Of course being good at the

we won our region 4 times before

team. We have three very talented

internet is always on our mind too.

retailer of the year. All in all I think

watersports teachers employed

The internet has driven down mar-

it is 7 or 8 times we have been

at Tommy’s currently. When you

gins with free shipping and no tax

selected. Our sales are around 5

have the gift of teaching, you can

but smart dealers can change and

million dollars a year and we plan

also package the needs of the

take advantage of this. As a “survivor” of the big economic shifts, what are your secrets to success? The ability to anticipate changes keeps us a few steps ahead of our competitors. Being first to see a trend and first to negotiate either exclusives or semi exclusives with manufactures is key here. When times are tough, every customer is paramount to our success and you find yourself digging deeper for them and finding ways to give them more value and help them be part of our family. Just like the song from the TV series Cheers, everyone wants to


go where they know your name. This is the most overlooked part of any business I go into these days. It is so simple but so few really do care. Inventory management is a real skill that has had most of us at Tommy’s scratching our heads. Many times a good year is followed by a slow year resulting in carry over. Carry over takes months or even a season to thin out and kills margins. Manufactures expect growth every year and are unrealistic about what they expect. We provide a year long plan each fall to the manufactures and turn the mirror around to ask them how they are going to support this year long plan with their brand. They have to give us the tools early in the year and if they fail to provide us with these tools, we have plenty of leverage later in the season to negotiate. With both a brick-and-mortar shop and an online store, how do you see the internet impacting how you plan and run your store from day to day? Everything we did in the past is obsolete. You must have an engaging internet site and you must have dedicated personnel to work it and you have to be realistic about your goals. You can spend yourself into bankruptcy fast on this or you can be left in the dirt by the guys with deep pockets. Striking a balance is critical. The manufactures


SHOP OF THE MONTH have great content and

social media entirely

great people if you take

a marketing tool for

advantage of these

you? Without giving

resources. You must be

too much of my

careful how you answer

strategy away I will

your telephone. Many

say yes. Social media

many people will shop

is a way to show our

all day on the internet

customers that we are

and call the store for a

the best informed, best

price. If you do your job

connected, trail blazing

right, you will win the

innovative passionate

sale every time. If you

store in the World

just blurt out a price

period! Yes I have a

and hang up, customer

huge ego and yes I am

gone for good.

arrogant but we live it and we try to earn our

What percentage of

customers respect by

your revenue currently

listening to them and

comes from online

bringing new ideas and

sales? What do you

new products to them

predict for Tommy’s

before our friendly

online vs. in-store

competitors do. What

sales? Our internet

we are rolling out for

sales are about 1/5th of

2013 will be ground to customers and entertaining

such a strong local following we

them online. You have to be

hard to catch us from then out.

can continue to grow both our

outgoing and passionate about it

Redneck marketing combined

brick and mortar and our internet

however. People do not want the

with technology will beat

sales. What we are seeing now is

old “10% off� garbage all the time.

technology all day long. Some

people that live 100 miles away

They want you to know what your

things just can not be digital and

that came every year now are

talking about, have interesting

need to be face to face.

falling off due to the ability to buy

original content, write back

online. We are taking steps to fix

when asked, and be part of their

Of all the wake-related activities,

this now. Incentive to travel to see

community. The water is more

where do you see the most

us is the key to our success in the

than a hobby for our clients. It is

excitement, from a retail


their life and they way they spend

standpoint? The big surprise for

time with family or their buds.

all retailers is Wakesurfing. We

What other challenges and


breaking and it will be

our total sales. We have

are selling boats now on the surf

opportunities do you see with

Do you have plans to use

wake alone. People my age can

the internet? Social media is my

platforms like Facebook and

try the same tricks the hot dogs

baby at the moment. I love talking

Google+ for e-commerce, or is

try without getting worked. You

can even ride a stand up paddle

tower systems

board behind a boat with a little

and they can

wake. Everyone told me it would

be used on

not work. Well my fist trip on a

the snow

stand up behind the boat was

too making

over 1/4 mile. I was way way

it valuable

way back behind the boat and

all year long.

with two small cross steps I was

Cable brings

gaining ground and stepping

in people who

back again to tail stall and turn

are too young

up the face and do it again. Guys

for full time

that are 100 lbs overweight can

jobs that will

ride a stand up. Herb and crew

get hooked

were the first to bring a larger

and be life

wake surfer and it was our top

long customers. They will go

seller. Getting the highest amount

onto buy boats since nothing can

of participants on the water is

ever replace the boat. The ability

so important not only for our

to use Go Pro and i phones to

shop but for our industry. Getting

capture the stoke and put it on

people on two tower cable

youtube or facebook in moments

systems was a huge surprise last

is bringing our sport to the public

summer. We had slalom skiers

and stoking everyone!

that hated wakeboarding getting new boards because they could

What is it that Tommy’s does

do Raleys on the turns. Then

BEST? What do you want to be

granny started doing raleys. Then

“famous” for? Service, service,

5 year olds started barefooting

service. Innovation, passion and

on the two tower system. Small

people are what we do best! It

puddles can be used for two

is an honor to serve the public. Helping a kid get over his or her fear and teaching them that the stoke came from mom and dad will bring everyone together and the money will take

Do you have any advice for other retailers for running a successful business in 2012? Think outside the box. Work when needed not when scheduled. Forty hours a week is not going to cut it. You must stay in shape, balance your personal life, learn from the people that do it better than yourself and find and retain the best partners you can. Your employees are the key. Listen to them, lead them, make it right if you screw up. If you keep great help, you have a chance to keep good clients. Give them gratitude and respect. My middle daughter just gave it to me the other day at the boat show for not having a thank you session prior to a safety meeting. Your people and their families need to come first. Put your trust in your creator and your tough decisions will be guided. Prayer does not fail! Thanks and God bless.

care of itself.




140 450 1968 2000 $100M Started in 1968 by in an old horse barn

in Tennessee, MasterCraft was created

by aerospace engineer and waterski instructor Rob Shirley.

In their first year, Shirley’s MasterCraft

Dealers, Globally

introduced the PowerStar boat at the

National Water Skiing Championships in

Ohio, and made the first sale on the spot. That year, they built a total of 12 boats. By 1973, they were producing 52 a year.

Innovations like dual speedometers for


accuracy and the swim platform helped

generate immediate success, and in 1974 the company signed European distributors,




international company.

By the mid-1980s, they were averaging


20 boats built per week.

In 1983 MasterCraft founded the Coors

Light International Water Ski Pro Tour, which has evolved into today’s Pro Tour.

Many innovations, awards and world records later, MasterCraft is now the

Boats Built This Year

official towboat for the XGames, Amp’d Mobile SuperCross, The Dew Action Sports Tour and the Pro Tour.

The 2011 WSIA Manufacturer of the Year is again focusing on innovation and craftsmanship as they push to

Annual Revenue 12

widen their market share lead for a third consecutive year.


Jason Boertje Director of Marketing MasterCraft Boats

What gives MasterCraft an edge

How has the economic downturn

over other boat companies?

changed the MasterCraft

Our 150 years of collective experi-

business strategy? It made us

ence in the engineering depart-

smarter - plain and simple. We

ment, which gives us an edge on

have learned to do more with

innovation and design. This expe-

less and we run the business

rience allows us to consistently

much leaner. We have not walked

which in general means the need

refresh or create new products.

away from the drive to introduce

to adjust to lower volume. In

new innovative product but we

some cases, volume has been cut

Describe your dealer network,

build it, market it and sell it with

by 60-70% and that is tough to

and the organizational strategy

a much smarter, leaner team. So

adjust to and takes time. How-

to best utilize and support that

while we did not enjoy going

ever, our dealers are making this

network. The MasterCraft dealer

through the downturn, we are

adjustment better than anyone

network is by far one of the best

grateful as it has made us a better

else with a multitude of strategies.

in the industry. They effectively manage inventory and provide the best customer service. As an organization, we try to support our dealer network by providing the best, most desired product. We provide premier IT services allowing our dealers to better manage orders and inventory. We provide award winning

8x 5x

business and more

As a result, we have the healthi-


est dealer network and they are

As for dealers, our

poised to help continue to grow

strategy is to simply

the MasterCraft business.

Boat of the Year

support the dealers

WakeWorld.com Rider’s Choice Awards

as we always have

As the 2011 WSIA Manufacturer

but specifically in

of the Year, what will Master-

the area of making

Craft do to continue its success?

sure they can move

We will continue to do what we

through their inven-

have always done—continue to

tory. We are looking

lead the industry with innovative

for turns and so we

product, award winning quality,

work hand-in-hand

best practices and premier sup-

NMMA CSA Awards Inboard Watersports Boat Category

with our dealers to

port through sales, marketing and

drive the right customer to the

make sure we do not repeat the

IT. Because MasterCraft treats the

doors of boat shows and dealer-

error of 2008 where there was

business holistically, we work hard

ships. And we provide world class

simply too much inventory in the

to excel in multiple areas other

post-purchase service both with

field. Our dealers are running very

than product, and these things

items in- and out of warranty.

low on inventory and that is great

work together to better support

In addition, we incentivize dealers

for business.

the dealer and consumer.

marketing that helps

with programs that reward a culture of world class sales, market-

What are the biggest challenges

ing and service. This way even

you see for today’s MasterCraft

the low volume dealers receive

dealers? What are they doing

reward for their hard work in es-

better than anyone else?

tablishing the MasterCraft experi-

The biggest challenge is of course

ence with its customers.

dealing with the current economy,



Gordy Holmes President, Connelly/CWB Now president of Connelly after

very active in snow skiing and did

1973 I left my job to work for Con-

being there for 38 years, how

some snow ski racing. When I was

nelly when there were only about

did you first get started in water

in high school I started working

six employees. But they didn’t

sports? I’ve always liked water

at a place called the Alpine Hut,

have much being done in the way

sports. Growing up in the Pa-

which was a local retailer that

of sales or reps or business out-

cific Northwest, my parents had

sold both snow skis in the winter

side the Northwest. So my goal

a summer home here on Puget

and water skis in the summer. So

and focus on being hired was to

Sound, so I did a lot of water

from a retail standpoint, that’s

establish that sales force.

sports activities myself. I was also

when I first got into it. But then I met some people

You have witnessed a lot of

that were inter-

changes in your career. What

ested in starting

are the technology shifts that

a water ski com-

stand out as the biggest to

pany. At that time

you? Wow! There are a lot!

they asked me to

The earliest was prob-

help them design

ably in the days of the

the skis. That was

exotic hardwood skis.

about the time I

Those products were a

was getting out of

work of art. Back then,

college. I was with

it was usually just basic

that company, Torq

spray-painted wood skis

Waterskis, for a few

with a decal on it. That

years. Then there

was the standard in the

was a big transition

industry, and might have

and growth period

sold for $75 a ski. Very

in water sports in

low-cost, but that was it.

Washington that

Along came the exotic

resulted in a boom

hardwood skis, and they

in water ski com-

all got much more expen-

panies in the area. I

sive. It became $129 for

was excited to be a

this beautiful work of art.

part of that, and in

People would say, “Gosh

Gordy is an avid wakesurfer, snowboarder and paddleboarder An example exotic wood competition ski 14

that’s expensive,” but they flew off the shelves! That became a huge shift because of the quality and the value the consumer paid. They not only got something that looked absolutely gorgeous, but they felt they were getting a one-of-a-kind product. They also got something that performed better too. That was the first real “technology” shift if you will. Along that same timeframe, the emergence of boating was taking place in the United States. People could afford to buy boats. (They were a lot less expensive then!) So you had a huge growth in

Gordy and his wife Eva celebrated the weddings of both of their daughters in 2011.

the marine industry as a whole and you had these beautiful

much stronger and you can make

snowboard industry at the time.

new skis. It was a major shift in

them more consistent and better

We actually made snowboards

performance and quality and it

performing. So that was a big

for some of these other brands

raised the bar in terms of what

jump that allowed us to drop the

to help them get started because

product can be sold for. Labor

old wood skis in the early 1980s.

we could produce them more

costs of course were a lot lower

And in those years, boating was

effectively and with so much less

back them, and it was a very long

still very popular and strong as a

overhead than they could. That

process to make those skis.

sport and “family values” activity,

introduction of wakeboards was

But then Carter was President

similar to today.

probably the third major change I

and inflation went rampant. When

Then of course in the 1990s,

have seen.

we stopped making the exotic

wakeboarding was introduced,

There was one other thing that

hardwood skis in 1982, they were

not too long after the time that

happened, and I’d have to give

$250. So they more than doubled

snowboarding was introduced to

Connelly credit for this. By the

in cost in that 10-year period of

the snow industry. Connelly made

mid-90s, the baby boomers

time. It was largely because of all

some of the early snowboards for

started to get a bit older, and they

the labor costs.

K2 and a few other companies

couldn’t waterski as easily as be-

What took their place was the

that were just getting into the

fore. So we developed the shaped

next technology shift in the 1970s. Many of us were using fiberglass snow skis, and had come to appreciate the benefits of that over wood. They were structurally


EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH love your job! That’s what I like is that I’ve really enjoyed being a part of the industry. We talk about it here, we sell “fun.” It’s not the product, it’s the image and the excitement it creates. The people we’re involved with, like waterski, which was huge be-

How has the promotion to

our dealers that we work with all

cause it made waterskiing acces-

President & CEO changed your

the time, and other suppliers and

sible and easier for everyone. That

day-to-day work/lifestyle? It

even our competitors—they’re all

created a big shift in our industry.

definitely changes my focus, since

great people. We have a unique

You could get up on them easier,

I’m not in charge of sales now.

set of circumstances because we

you could use a less powerful

But I still continue to work on the

love the sport and this part of our

boat, there was less body strain.

international sales, and I enjoy the


We then created a whole line

direct contact with those custom-

That whole thing of passion for a

of recreational skis, and it took

ers. I’ve been here long enough

sport makes a lot of sense to me.

everyone by surprise and was a

that I know all the people, and I

I think that just helps you get by

dominant factor in the industry

trust their judgement. I know their

in those tough times because you

in that period. If you look around,

strengths and I’ve said it before

really like what you’re doing. So

most of the waterskis produced

that we have a great group of

I hope that the retailers that sell

now are shaped.

employees. They really deserve

our products also like what they

If you think about it, it probably

all the credit for our long-term

do for that same reason.

saved waterskiing in many re-

success as a company. Just great

spects. Because even the average

people here.

how you run your business?

recreational skier was getting older and couldn’t do it any more.

What is an average day for you?

Underlying everything is the

Everybody wanted to continue

Is there an “average” day? No,

weather. And right now, there

to waterski, but simply lacked

no set criteria for any one day for

isn’t much snow. Weather has

the strength with the old heavier

me. In any given week, we focus

a huge impact on our business,

straight skis. For many dads then,

on a lot of different parts of the

just like it is for the snow ski and

it allowed them to get out and

business, from manufacturing

snowboard guys right now. But

waterski with the kids, and that

issues to delivery concerns, or

thinking about it more, with the

was huge for our sport.

product safety. But that’s part of

poor snow year out west, it does

And finally, in the last 10 years or

what’s appealing to the job—the

two things: 1. Any of our retailers

so, the changes in waterski and

variety of things that come up

that are also snowboard/ski ac-

wakeboard boot design. That has

and challenge you.

counts in the winter, are left with

really helped our industry, both


How does the weather affect

inventory and may not be able

in terms of comfort and perfor-

What do you think are the keys

to pay for the inventory that they

mance. They really today dictate a

to success in this industry, from

would buy in the summer. Or they

lot of what the consumer buys.

both a manufacturer and retailer

may cut back on what they would

standpoint? I think you have to

buy, due to the slow cashflow.

And 2., If they are in an area that

provement, in terms of the US

I’m enthusiastic about cable park

requires water from the moun-

market. As we look at 2012, we’re

businesses and the fact that they

tains where there is a runoff, like

forcasting an increase again. We

are growing and being added

Sacramento or The Delta, and the

had nice growth in 2011. As a

around the US. If we can’t get

snowfall is 25% of normal, then

company, much of that growth

people on wakeboards, waterskis,

some of the lakes end up where

came on an international basis.

kneeboards and tubes behind a

you can’t even get into the water

So we are forecasting another

boat, maybe we can get them try-

because the ramps don’t go down

increase, but I have to say that the

ing it at a cable park.

far enough. And of course if you

increases are going to be conser-

So cable parks I see as a big plus

can’t get into the lake, you can’t

vative—they aren’t going to be

that will help our industry as a

use your equipment.


whole. I’m a little worried about

We still have yet to see what

One thing is we have to get the

our friends in Europe and the fi-

impact the bad snow year will

boating market back again. I see

nancial conditions there. That may

actually have, but it is a concern

signs of improvement in boat

dampen our business in that part

in parts of the country.

sales and the boating side of our

of the world. We’re hopeful that

business. You have to get people

they can find solutions that won’t

What do you foresee for the wa-

to buy the boats. More boats sell

sink them into a more negative

ter sports industry for 2012?

more watersports products, so

area. It really is a world economy,

I think there is some slight im-

that’s a key part of it.

and it all impacts our business.

Fellow long-term Connelly/CWB employee Larry Bozarth, CWB Team rider Zane Schwenk and Gordy Holmes at the Pro Tour stop in Monroe, Washington.





Chessie Marine Sales Started in 1992, Chessie Marine Sales began with only one boat line,

ditional profit center for the busi-

but by 2001 they purchased their current location in Elkton, Maryland.

ness. Most of our guys “talk the

They have an approximate annual revenue of $4 million, seven

wakeboard talk” and Bryan is an

employees and have sold over a thousand boats in twenty years.

ex-competitive slalom skier who also wakeboards, barefoots and

Describe your primary business.

their needs and budget. All of

skis, so we pretty much have it

Our primary business is the sales

the lines are terrific to work with,

covered when it comes to advis-

and service of new and used

and they are all committed to

ing customers about equipment.

boats. We also do a large busi-

standing behind their products.

We also carry Indo Boards, which

ness with Hobie kayaks, and we’re

By positioning ourselves as a

are fun to bring to the boat shows

an HO/Hyperlite dealer as well as

“one-stop-shop” we make the

for the pro wakeboarders (and

Sky Ski, Indo Board and Oakley.

buying process easy for potential

wannabe pros) to play with.

customers who are looking for an Describe the challenges or

inboard. Our customers have the

What are the hottest products

opportunities created by being

ability to demo different lines/

(or services) for you right now?

a seller of multiple boat brands

models on the same day with the

Because of the economy, many

Malibu, Axis and Nautique. We

same water conditions, making

people are choosing to upgrade

believe that we’re a niche market

comparisons easier.

their existing boats instead of

and have chosen to go deeply


purchasing a new boat. So we are

into that niche rather than carry

Stand-Up Padle (SUP) is featured

selling a lot of accessories such

many different categories of

on your website, among other

as towers, new sound systems,

boats. We consider ourselves

products. How has SUP impacted

tower speakers, etc. Along these

to be experts in waterski and

your sales? We’re actually just

lines, detailing and compound-

wakeboard boats, and many

getting into the SUP market, so

ing to make their older boat look

people consider us the “go-to

we don’t have any data on them

newer is on the rise. In terms of

people” in the Mid-Atlantic region

yet, but they seem to be the next

products, kayaks are extremely

when it comes to inboards, due

“wave.” We have lots of rivers

popular, due to fitness awareness

to the variety of boats we offer.

and lakes in our area, and we felt

and gas prices.

By staying focused on inboard

that SUPs would go well here.

boats we are able to offer a

Hopefully we’ll be proven to be

Describe selling used vs. new

greater selection to customers,

correct on that! We feel that since

boats for you. Is it a better

using the limited floor plans that

we represent ski and wakeboard

market for the buyer or seller

are available in today’s business

boats we should carry the acces-

right now? With the repo boats

environment. The three lines

sories our customers want/need,

being flushed through the

mesh nicely with one another,

and that is why we have our Pro

system, people have turned to

and by carrying them all we can

Shop, which is fully stocked with

pre-owned boats for good deals.

work with the customer to help

the newest HO and Hyperlite

However, since fewer new boats

them find the boat that best fits

equipment. It also provides an ad-

have been produced over the last

three years (and new boat sales

that we previously

are down) there are also fewer

didn’t have, since

trades available. Since the supply

people from all over

of trade-in boats is lower, we

the country and

have recently begun to purchase

world can access

boats outright in order to have

information about

an inventory of pre-owned boats

our inventory.

to offer. Marketing a used boat is

Internet forums are

different than a new one since the

also great places for

customer’s concern is focused on

potential customers

the mechanical condition of the

to check up on a

boat. To address these concerns,

dealership in terms of customer

What other principles or philoso-

we do a complete check-out,

service, and people utilize them

phies do you apply to how you

including a compression check,

to see what other customers have

run your business? We believe

and we provide this information

to say. An internet presence also

very strongly in building relation-

to the customer. We don’t

adds a comfort level to people

ships, and highly value our close

differentiate between our used

who are purchasing a boat from

ties with our customers. In addi-

and new boat customers, since

across the country, since they can

tion to the normal boat shows,

many customers trade-in for new

go online and see what your shop

wakeboard clinics, demo days,

boats down the road.

and your personnel look like, not

open houses, etc, we also spon-

just the boats.

sor events such as Water-Skiing

You show all your boats for sale

Santa done on Christmas Eve Day

on the website. How important

How do you approach boat

in the National Harbor in Wash-

is your internet presence to

services like winterizing and

ington, DC. We also are a spon-

your business? The Internet has

tune-ups as part of your

sor of On The Edge Foundation.

revolutionized all aspects of

revenue? During winterization

which teaches adaptive skiing to

commerce, and things are very

we try to have our technicians

handicapped individuals.

different than when we started

look for potential problems that

almost twenty years ago. Most

may affect the performance of

The products we sell are “fun”

people are very knowledegable

the boat in the upcoming season,

products, so our emphasis is

about our boats before they

thereby preventing issues before

on providing customers with a

even contact us, due to research

they have a chance to happen.

stress-free, pleasant purchasing

they’ve done online. Boat shows

This not only provides additional

and ownership experience. We

and brochures used to be the

revenue for the dealership, but

love referrals, and we offer our

primary method of dispersing

it also averts problems before

customers referral fees in the

information, but now people

they occur which increases time

form of shop credit if a friend they

come to the shows to see and

on the water for our customers

send us purchases a boat. This

sit in the boats, but they get

and lowers their stress level. Our

way all our customers become

most of their information via the

customers rely on us to be their

salespeople for us, and many of

internet. Of course the internet

consultants and keep them on the

our customers have also become

has also opened doors for us


close, personal friends.



Jim Emmons WSIA President

fills that role? I like to say, “WSIA,

What are the most recent big

has spent more than five years

and then pushing that common

successes for the WSIA? I’ve

making sure that he’s met every

message. The obvious answer to

been with the WSIA since the mid

state boating law administrator

this question is found in the hard

90s and I can unequivocally say

to assure them that recreational

work that WSIA does to keep wa-

that the single biggest reason for

watersports activities are fun and

terways open for watersports.

the recent successes we’ve had

more importantly safe. He has

Also, it was the WSIA and the

was bringing Larry Meddock in as

also worked tirelessly to get the

hard work from board member

executive director. Once Larry got

WSIA introduced to other agen-

Gordy Holmes that we were able

started the association began to

cies partnered with the U.S. Coast

to create uniform warning labels

flourish. His unending passion for

Guard as an ally for them. And

for our industry. These labels have

this industry combined with his

lastly, Larry has helped get the

helped countless manufacturers

credibility led by his vast experi-

WSIA recognized as an associa-

successfully defend their products

ence has opened doors and eyes

tion that gets things done.

in the courtroom and this monu-

us can alone,” so I think that it is WSIA’s ability to discover common messages for our members

mental effort would have never

of governing agencies seeking a partner in their efforts to make

How has the WSIA changed in

been possible if it were not for the

boating safer. It didn’t take long

the last year? In the past year the

hard work of the WSIA.

for Larry to be congressionally

WSIA has gained the attention of

appointed to the Boating Safety

the larger boating market as well

Summit in the Snow has become

Advisory Council (BSAC) an act

as governing authorities due to

the signature event for the WSIA.

which propelled the tiny WSIA to

the increased work in the area of

Talk about the evolution of that

the forefront of boating legisla-

waterways rights and the promo-

event, and where you see it go-

tion signifying us a leader. Along

tion of boating safety. For exam-

ing. I watched other industries

the way there have been many

ple, in April 2011 the WSF, WSIA’s

produce similar events like this

successes from Maine to Oregon

educational arm was awarded the

back in the 80s and early 90s and

in the battle for waterways rights,

second largest federal non-profit

when I became a board member,

and the WSIA has put forth great

grant by the U.S. Coast Guard.

I started discussions to move

effort to minimize potential chal-

Just winning the award put the

into this area. In 2006, the WSIA

lenges to our industry’s ability

WSIA (and WSF) on the map

successfully launched this event

to prosper. Through this process

with other well-known agencies

as an extension of the winter

we learned that you can “fight

such as the National Safe Boating

board of directors meeting. The

city hall” but you must have the

Council and NMMA for example.

idea was to create an educational networking environment where

proper allies. Larry, through his U.S. Coast Guard committee work


together we can do what none of

The often-used slogan for the

the industry would gather during

WSIA is “The Voice of the Water

an off-season time to discuss and

Sports Industry.” What is the

improve the watersports industry.

most important way the WSIA

Individually, our members have a

premiums revenue. As a result, many operators, especially the ones with fewer resources, would have been forced out of business. With safety practices standardized and strictly adhered to, the activity will be safer and therefore a better risk for insurance companies. The Water Sports Alert Network was designed to help spread the word about various legislative and law-enforcement happenWSIA Executive Director Larry Meddock with President Jim Emmons lot of marketing muscle, but no

the USCG’s request that ASTM

one was pulling them together to

International be tasked with

work for common causes. Since

developing safety standards for

then, the WSIA has produced six

the industry, and through its legal

successful events, but the atten-

counsel Peter Rietz, was able to

dance is still short of what our

help organize this process. The

goals are. We want to produce an

action was not a minute too soon,

event where dealers, reps, sup-

as insurance underwriters were

pliers, operators, camps, schools

prepared to back out of parasail-

and manufacturers are anxious

ing completely. Now that WSIA

and eager to support and attend

is helping, the insurance un-

with their entire executive staff.

derwriters have remained in the

ings in the industry. How does that program work? The WSAN produces short instructional video vignettes for law enforcement officers. These video pieces have featured a respectable member of law enforcement (a past president of the National Association of State Boating

market and are willing recognize Parasail is a new category of

operators that follow the new

water sports that has now come

safety practices. This was another

under the WSIA’s governance.

huge accomplishment of the

What are the challenges and

WSIA that few members know

opportunities in that industry,

about. Without the WSIA’s help

and where do you see Para-

the parasail industry most assur-

sail headed with WSIA’s help?

edly would have been regulated

Parasail operators were looking

by the U.S. Coast Guard and

for an association that could help

operators would have had to

bring them structure in the form

become self-insured as insurance

of standardizing practices and

companies exited the market due

insurance. The WSIA supported

to high claims expenses and low

Law Administrators) explaining to other law enforcement officers what watersports activity is safe and legal. You can imagine the instant credibility that this gives the WSIA and when this is coupled with the endorsement from NASBLA, it’s a powerful piece that has elevated WSIA to become a recognized advocate of boating safety. Additionally, WSAN


FEATURE blended into the general coffers of the federal government and was used on projects such as building highways! The bill called for a portion of the tax revenue to be used for boating safety. I knew that WSIA could develop a program that would meet the USCG’s objectives, so we wrote a grant request in the early 2000s but we were not awarded. It was then that Larry Meddock realized he needed to be more recognized as a concerned safety advocate and he began working to help the U.S. Coast Guard by volunteering for their committee work. It was through this that we were introduced to Coast Guard’s director of public safety in 2010 and in a Jim Emmons gets stylish on his wakeboard.

scheduled meeting that included our media partner we presented

also distributes alerts to potential

and how that money gets spent

threats and upcoming local legis-

on behalf of the industry. The

lation by email and social media.

grant project was one that I iden-

The messages go out encourag-

tified about ten years ago when

ing the recipient to assist in the

we learned that the U.S. Coast

delivery by forwarding to dealers,

Guard was the recipient of funds

reps and their other constituents.

from the Wallop-Breaux

We have seen the results of these

bill. That legisla-

announcements when the WSIA

tion carved

gets calls from local dealers or

out funds from

concerned citizens after receiving

marine gasoline

an alert.

tax to be used for boating safety


Another arm of the WSIA, the

measures. The bill designated

WSF, was recently awarded

the Coast Guard as the agency

an historic grant of more than

to govern the use of these funds.

$637,000. Explain how the WSF

Before this bill became law, gaso-

was able to secure that grant,

line sales tax from marinas was

our ideas. He liked them so much that he said, “Write the grant!” In April 2011, the WSIA’s nonprofit educational arm, The Water Sports Foundation, Inc. (WSF) was awarded the second largest grant for that year to develop and conduct a national outreach campaign to increase the awareness of boating safety with the public. The campaign called for a wide variety of media to deliver safe boating messages to the public at large. The first messages were published in December 2011

when the Safe Boating website

cable park operators and assem-

rectors meeting at Summit in the

went live. The unfortunate part

bled a meeting at Surf Expo to

Snow in Crested Butte, Colorado

of all this is that these funds are

discuss the plans to organize and

in February.

designated for a specific purpose

develop uniform warning labels

and are not to be used at the

& signage and safety standards.

In what way does the WSIA help

WSIA’s discretion. Each element

This work is underway and soon

water sports retailers/dealers?

of the grant must be approved

we hope to roll out a universal

We have done more to keep

by the Grant Technical Manager

program that all parks will adopt

dealers in business in certain

who makes sure that the funds

and use. There will be another

geographic areas by thwarting

are being used only for the Coast

meeting at Surf Expo in Septem-

local threats to ban watersports.

Guard’s objectives. This news

ber for all stakeholders. In this

However, the WSIA can and

was a slight disappointment to

process, the WSIA has identified

should do more for our industry’s

some of our board members

another new area to serve: Camps

dealers. In my earliest days with

who originally saw this award as

and Schools. This group has the

WSIA, Guy Filip as WSIA Presi-

the “jackpot” that would reduce

same needs as parasail and cable

dent designed and produced a

membership dues and dramati-

park operators. They need to

WSIA dealer handbook called the

cally increase WSIA services. We

standardize their safety practices

“Combat Manual” that provided a

had to quickly explain that these

and develop risk management

variety of resources for dealers to

funds were pass-through only.

just like the others. Recently, we

perform even better. These were

Nonetheless, the award and the

held an organizational meeting

given to dealers when they joined

subsequent ongoing campaign

with several key stakeholders to

the WSIA and it was a tangible

have elevated the WSIA to levels

address this concern. WSIA was

membership benefit but did little

of heightened respect amongst

granted an overwhelming vote of

to lift retail memberships. But this

the industry.

support and we have established

should not hold us back from do-

a proposed committee and com-

ing everything we can to over-

Cable Parks are an area of

mittee chairman but the plan is

come the apathy that our industry

growth in the industry. How is

to include a

the WSIA working with those

wide variety

manufacturers and operators?

of stake-

The WSIA saw a need to help

holders to

cable parks with similar services

help make

provided to other members. That

sure that all

was first identified through a


need to develop safety programs

are ad-

that insurance underwriters were

dressed ac-

seeking. First, the WSIA invited

curately. We

two premier cable park operators

will address

to join the board of directors so

this subject

the group had a voice in the as-

in more

sociation’s management. Second,

detail at the

WSIA created a committee of

board of di-

From board to bike: Jim and his Harley-Davidson.


FEATURE endures by continuing to improve

in Chicago as our primary

endorse having more dealer

our services for members. Every

annual trade show. The show was

attendance. The idea also gar-

dealer needs to realize that WSIA

enormous and filled with every-

nered further support because of

is their advocate and here to help

thing “marine” and then some. It

show timing. Our industry always

their business. A low $100 mem-

was sprawling and manufactur-

held trade events in the fall and

bership fee is small price to pay

ers were dispersed randomly

Surf Expo had plenty of space

when compared to the enormous

throughout the show’s halls with

available as their fall show was

industry losses that WSIA averted

no rhyme or reason. We arranged

the smaller of their two annual

over the past few years.

a meeting with the management

shows. In 1993 we launched the

of Surf Expo to discuss the pos-

Wakeboard and Waterski Show

How does the WSIA work with

sibility of creating a watersports

in a room that was adjacent to

Surf Expo and other organiza-

show as a sub-segment of their

Surf Expo but was partitioned off

tions to make that show success-

very successful Surf Expo show.

and required traffic to use one

ful and worthwhile for exhibitors

We had research that proved

small, limited access doorway. I

and attendees? This is another

many of the dealers selling wa-

remember that year Scott Daley

tremendous benefit that WSIA

tersports equipment were also

from Body Glove exclaimed, “This

brought to watersports. In the

selling the surf brands that also

is a great idea but why do they

early 90s our industry used the

exhibited at Surf Expo. Obviously,

have that ridiculous wall up? Take

International Marine Trades Exhib-

those exhibitors would

it and Conference (IMTEC) show

Entering the green room with Jim Emmons near Teahupoo, Tahiti.


the wall down.” And the rest is

What are the biggest headwinds

So, I would like to encourage

history. Surf Expo, over the past

the water sports industry is

everyone reading this to go to

fifteen years, with their can-do

facing? Without a doubt, it’s the

www.wsia.net and join the WSIA.

attitude, has responded “Yes” to

threat to ban watersports on our

Membership dues are nominal,

every request. Surf Expo is WSIA’s

public waterways. That includes

especially when weighted against

largest supporter and WSIA

everything from the dangers of

the significant efforts WSIA puts

receives a portion of booth sales

invasive species to rogue wa-

forth to protect and ensure our

in exchange for an official show

terfront owners. Just imagine if

industry’s existence.

endorsement. The WSIA would

your local waterway was sud-

be a shell of itself if it were not for

denly banned. What would do?

What is the best way for a new

the incredible support and vision

Who would you call? Your shop

manufacturer or retailer to get

that Surf Expo has provided. As

could be forced to close if this

involved with the WSIA and

you walk the aisles of Surf Expo

happened. And don’t be naïve to

the overall industry? Become a

this fall please know that without

think that it won’t. A large por-

member and attend the board of

this show’s success the WSIA

tion of the Williamette River near

directors meetings as a guest. By

would not have been able to fight

Portland was shut down even

attending the meetings, you will

the local waterways battle in your

after WSIA put up a huge fight.

learn what the focus of the asso-


Countless people lost their liveli-

ciation is and with this knowledge

hoods overnight.

we’ve found that people are more able to contribute.



Zup Board Company

Inland Surfer

Skiers Choice

Williamsburg, VA

Bellevue, WA

Maryville, TN




Jet Pilot

Slingshot Sports

Vista, CA

Hood River, OR





Bonnier/Transworld Wakeboarding

Kent Sporting Goods

Sport Dimension

Winter Park, FL

New London, OH

Carson, CA


888-661-2263 www.acmemarine.com

Boaters Insurance Marine AM Skis Orlando, FL 407-412-5971

Argotrak Naples, FL





Kwik Tek


Denver, CO


Boatfun Sports, Inc

Connelly Skis


Tige Boats

Lynnwood, WA


Abilene, TX


325-676-7777 www.tige.com

Liberty Township, OH


513-379-0506 www.boatfunsports.com


Correct Craft

White Salmon, WA

Orlando, FL


ZF Marine LLC



Dartmouth, MA


401-261-1964 www.zf-marine.com

Ft. Lauderdale, FL


954-536-3660 www.marineflooring.net

Custom Chutes, Inc.

Little Mountain, SC

Bradenton, FL




Pacific Watercraft Roswell Wake-Air

Redmond, WA 206-257-2301

Fineline Industries

Cocoa, FL


Merced, CA





American Marine & Motor Sports Shawano, WI 715-526-4300 www.americanmarina.com

Rixen Cableways GmGh Sanger Boats

Deachau, Germany 498737-54700

HO Sports

Fresno, CA


Redmond, WA






Barefoot Central Katy, TX 281-395-9751 www.barefootcentral.com

Bart’s Water Sports

Gull Lake Marine

Marine Sales Group

Missouri River Marine

North Webster, IN

Richland, MI

Charlotte, NC

Great Falls, MI






MP Marine Products BoardCo. Inc

Salt Lake City, UT

Springville, UT

Gunnells Marine

MarineMax, Inc.



Greenwood, SC

Clearwater, FL







Nautiqueparts.com Boulder Boats

Elizabethtown, NC

Boulder City, NV

Idaho Water Sports

MasterCraft Rep



Burley, ID

Vonore, TN







Nautiques of Orlando Central Valley Marine

Orlando, FL

Campbell, CA

Island City Watersports


Cumberland, WI

Mattos Marine Diesel Services



Fort Myers, FL


239-332-2515 www.mattosmarine.com

Conneaut Lake Navigation

JC Sports

Conneaut Lake, PA

Seneca, SC

MC Boats of Arkansas



Conway, AR




407-425-2678 www.orlandonautiques.com

Omaha Marine Center Omaha, NE 402-339-9600



Overton’s Greenville, NC

East Coast Flightcraft, Inc. Middleton, MA

Lauderdale Lakes Marina

Memphis Boat Center


Elkhorn, WI

Memphis, TN







Parker Business Planning Orlando, FL

Fort Fremont Marine


Fremont, WI

Liquid Sports Marine

Midwest MasterCraft


Orlando, FL

Crystal, MN






Pellaton Enterprises Brentwood, CA 209-815-2013 www.sbcglobal.net


MEMBER DIRECTORY Performance Ski & Surf

VS Marine

Orlando, FL

Atascadero, CA






Estero Island Parasail Ft. Myers Beach, FL 239-440-2270

UFO Parasail Lahaina, HI

Just Chute Me

SD Watersports



Destin, FL

Lake Buena Vista, FL

Crystal, MN








Watersports4U Bayamon, Puerto Rico

Marco Island Water Sports

Sebago Watersports

Watercraft Sales

Raymond, ME

Three Lakes, WI

Marco Island, FL







Xtreme Parasail, Inc.


Honolulu, HI 808-737-3577

Silver Lake Marine


Silver Springs, NY

Crystal, MN





Smooth Water Sports

White Lake Marine

Ganesvoort, NY

White Lake, NC





The Twister Ski Shop

Wilson Watersports

Blair Athol Adelaide, SA

Edmond, OK






Nutin Fancy Fishin, Inc Dunedin, FL

YOLO Watersports, Inc. Captiva, FL

OBX Parasail, LLC


Manteo, NC



Aquatic Adventures

Paradise Parasail

Panama City, FL

Ft. Myers, FL




Pinky’s Parasail Atlantic Watersports

Gloversville, NY

N. Myrtle Beach, SC



The Wakeshop DHL & SKI Nashville


Quepos Parasail

Old Hickory, TN 615-330-0655 www.thewakeshop.net

Marco Island, FL

Daytona Beach Parasail Daytona Beach, FL 386-547-6067 www.daytonaparasailing.com



Sage Sailing Surfside Beach, SC 843-232-8383

Brownstone Exploration & Discovery Park

Wake Park Project

Portland, CT


Orlando, FL 407-353-4286



SD Watersports


International Tournament Skiing

Lake Buena Vista, FL 407-939-0754 www.sammyduvall.com

Jibtopia Wake Park


Chapel Hill, NC

Groveland, FL 352-429-9027 www.jacktravers.com


Siesta Key Watersports


Mt. Pleasant, SC

Sarasota, FL


(727)642-2876 siestakeywatersports.com

Indexic, Inc

Orlando Water Sports



AWSEF Polk City, FL 863-324-2472 www.waterskihalloffame.com

Orlando, FL

Skys The Limit Watersports, Inc.


Label Industries


Knoxville, TN 865-691-5141

Dunedin, FL



Wake Nation

St. Augustine, FL



Belter Insurance


Willows, CA 1-800-540-2258




Kitty Hawk, NC 252-261-1903 x230

Fairfield, OH

Smile High Parasail

First Flight Insurance Group

Mission Bay Aquatic Ctr (SDSU)

CajunXcables Lafayette, LA

Top of the Line Parasail


Tulsa, OK

Dunedin, FL


727-403-8807 www.clearwaterparasail.com

FW Murphy

KC Watersports


USA Water Ski Polk City, FL 863-324-4341

Paola, KS 913-783-4300 www.kcwatersports.com

Swimline Edgewood, NY


631-254-2155 x145

Texas Ski Ranch


Wakescout San Juan Capistrano, CA 949-496-2178 www.wakescout.com

New Braunfels, TX 830-627-2843

Action Sports Parks


Tearepair, Inc.

Chester Springs, PA

Land o Lakes, FL






Bottoms Up

Don’t Let Boating Under the Influence Turn Your Life Upside-Down 19% of all recreational fatalities are alcohol related.

The U.S. Coast Guard asks all boaters to take a safe boating course and always Boat Responsibly!


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