Homes Issue | Waterways Magazine | April 2022

Page 14


Waterways publisher Jackie McGrath sat down with Jaime Carson, founder of Carson Skin Rejuvenation, and asked her for spring skincare tips.

Spring Skincare Tips

and pollutants from the pores, which can easily build up in humid conditions.

What changes should I make to my daily skincare regimen as we move from winter to spring?

If you can only afford to invest in one premium skincare product, in what category would that be and why?

Here in Greater Austin, where we experience generally cold winters leading into a warm, humid spring, there are simple adjustments that can be made. If you’ve been running indoor heat during the winter, chances are your skin dried out during that time, so your daily skincare routine needs to be more hydrating and moisturizing. Active products such as retinol and alpha and beta hydroxy acids don’t always play well in dry climates and can cause a lot of irritation. The opposite is true when the climate becomes more humid. Skin tends to do wonderfully with active ingredients when humidity is in the air. I call humidity “nature’s moisturizer.” As the weather becomes warmer and more humid in the spring, you can lighten up on your use of moisturizer and increase exfoliation to brighten your skin after the long, dry winter. For some of us, springtime humidity brings increased breakouts, so adding an AHA/BHA exfoliating pad into your evening routine can keep your pores clear and prevent those breakouts. Detoxifying clay masques are nice to use in the spring, too, because they also pull excess oils

The old adage “you get what you pay for” is not always true when it comes to skincare. When you see A-List celebrities advertising skincare brands in magazines and on TV, remember that you as the consumer are paying for that marketing budget. Sometimes, companies put more money into their marketing than they put into the ingredients in their products. When it comes to choosing which skincare products to invest in, you first need to take into account your unique concerns and prioritize results-oriented products that will improve your skin’s condition. Are breakouts your main concern? If so, you’ll want to invest in pore de-cloggers such as AHA/BHA pads or serums. If hyperpigmentation is your concern, you’ll first want to identify if the problem pigmentation is sun damage, melasma or hereditary age spots. Once you’ve determined this, you can invest in a serum containing the correct blend of pigment regulators for your condition. If you are blessed with “normal” balanced, healthy skin, invest in a topical Vitamin A formula to maintain the cellular

12 WATERWAYS | April 2022


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