Meridian Cuttings, Spring 2016, Issue 13

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Issue 13

The newsletter of South and North & East London Branches

April 2016

Cruise of the Bow Back Rivers

To celebrate the plans for re-opening the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park waterways a public cruise and evening reception will be held on 9 July 2016. The cruise is open to all boaters and organised by IWA, St Pancras Cruising Club, Canal & River Trust and the London Legacy Development Corporation. Three Mills public mooring will be available to boats participating in the cruise from 12 noon on Thursday, 7 July. At 1pm Saturday, 9 July a safety brief will be held. Cruise of the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park will take place from 2-6pm and an evening reception will be held from 7.30pm onwards. Boats will be expected to be clear of Three Mills public moorings by 12 noon of Monday, 11 July This will be the first public cruise of the Olympic Park Waterways since summer of 2014.

If you want to take part a registration form is available on the C & RT website for return to . Numbers are capped so secure your place quickly!

New Bridges for London

David Hilling of IWA Freight Group reports

A Thames Estuary Partnership meeting in March 2016 showcased 13 proposed crossings. The overview made no mention of the Thames as, to quote John Masefield, London’s ‘great street’ – a point that could well have been noted by at least one speaker.

In this issue:  New London Bridges  Chairman’s Reports  London Walks  Cavalcade  Social Reports  Local Campaigning  Future Events  London Socials  Carpenters Road Lock  Continuous Cruisers Review  The Royal Docks and the London Boat Show  Committee Members And Contact Details

Cover: not in our area but a new Thames bridge under construction at Sunbury in 2013.

In his book ‘Crossing the Thames’ John Pudney notes the “conflict between those who navigate the river and those who need to cross it”. With their bridge across the Thames the Romans introduced an engineered structure which created an obvious conflict between river and land transport. The design of the bridges, with or without a drawbridge, and the number and dimensions of arches over the centuries became a main factor influencing vessel size – hence the low-profile design of the collier ‘flat irons’ serving up-river gas and electricity plant. The later medieval London Bridge, on which were buildings, did have a drawbridge for larger ships but shooting the arches was always a hazard for barges with over 50 reportedly lost in one year. Southwark Bridge of 1819 had no drawbridge nor did the London Bridge of 1831 but the lifting Tower Bridge of 1894 gave larger sea-going craft access to the still active Upper Pool wharves. The late 18th and 19th centuries saw massive expansion of London in all directions and an ever-increasing demand for river crossings which was met, but never fully satisfied, by the building of numerous road and rail bridges and also tunnels. But Dartford Bridge apart ... Cont. next page.

there was no bridge below Tower and with London’s population forecast to rise from the present 8.6 to 10 million by 2030 and with numerous large scale developments on both sides of the river the need for further river crossings is now critical. Inland Waterways Freight Group involvement Given its function to promote waterborne freight, the IWFG has always argued against engineering structures which might reduce the navigability of waterways. The IWFG gave evidence at the East London River Crossing public enquiry arguing against the design of a new bridge just east of Woolwich with a river-centre lifting section which could have caused delays to shipping, possible one-way traffic for larger vessels and the need for lay-by moorings. The proposal was later scrapped for other, mainly environmental, reasons. Modern ferries require larger terminals that could conflict with other river traffic but given the present general inadequacy of crossings on the river below Tower the recent reprieve for the Woolwich ferry can be supported. The increasing number of passenger piers on both sides of the river and the greater size and speed of the craft serving them and often crossing the river certainly creates new problems of traffic management. Tunnels eliminate the impact of vehicles on river traffic and possibly take up less urban land for approach routes than may be needed for higher road bridges and may be more effectively integrated into the urban traffic system. It is the bridges which have the greatest potential for conflict with river traffic and the IWFG has its own default positions:1. 1. No bridges should be constructed which restrict access for barge traffic and the fullest research must be given to likely future barge sizes and the number and dimensions of bridge arches that this would require. 2. 3. 2. The continued operation of sea-transport based industrial plant (Silvertown sugar, Ford vehicle etc) must be assured. 4.

3. 3. The largest vessels moving up river beyond the Barrier are presently HMS Belfast, very occasionally, and, more frequently, courtesy calls by foreign warships, commercial vessels and regularly by smaller cruise ships, moored alongside HMS Belfast or just below Tower Bridge or Greenwich. It seems surprising that a world tourist city such as London still does not have a truly international cruise-ship terminal. This could be remedied by that proposed for Greenwich peninsula and bridge designs should allow access for cruise ships much larger than are presently possible but not necessarily the very largest. Cruise-ship companies should be consulted on future traffic plans. 5.

4. Where bridge lifting is needed to ensure access for larger sea-going craft this should not cause delay to shipping or any additional charges.


5. 5. Designs for a rising bridge are presently being considered and it might well be that Rotterdam’s town-centre Erasmus Bridge with combined cable -suspended longer section for smaller craft and a much shorter bascule end section would be preferable to a single rising, river centre design. The IWFG will continue to monitor bridge proposals and oppose them when they appear to conflict with shipping interests and the future maximum use of the Thames as ‘London’s great street’.

Erasmus Bridge Rotterdam Massimo Catarinella

Region Chairpersons Column Can I start by apologising for not making it to the Meeting on the 15th March. I set off in plenty of time but my train stopped two stations down the line. After waiting for over an hour and a half I realised it would be impossible to get to meet you so reluctantly returned home. I had intended to talk about some of the work of the National Navigation Committee, sometimes referred to as Nav-com, and the campaigning they do. Perhaps the most important campaign we have run since that which resulted in the formation of Canal and River Trust (C&RT) is that to have the Environment Agency (EA) Navigations transferred to C&RT. When I have been out and about some people have questioned the need for this campaign as, at present, there is little sign of a problem except for a backlog of dredging. They also point out that the EA staff are doing a very good job keeping their navigations working. These are very good points with which I agree totally. But under the surface all is not well. On the Thames the EA recently lost a case which means they cannot charge a licence fee for boats that are kept in connected marinas. They can only charge for boats when they are on the river. I understand that they intend to appeal but in the meantime this is another blow to their already depleted budget. In East Anglia all work has stopped on the Fenland link. In my opinion we have been lucky so far, when there is a major failure such as a lock, EA will struggle to find the money to repair it and this will result in a protracted closure or even an attempt to abandon the navigation. Our campaign is proactive trying to prevent the worst happening and it will be a good foundation when we have to react to a major crises in the future. Another campaign we have been running is to look at the condition of winding points across the canal network. We have produced a “standard� design for a winding hole to be used by restoration groups or where new ones are needed. We have also carried out a survey of the condition of winding points across the country. With Ray Gill, the Middlesex branch planning officer, I recently met London C&RT to discuss the situation in our area. We quickly established that there was not a definitive list of official winding points in the London Region. IWA and C&RT sat down together to produce a list, omitting the Bow Back waters as these are still under the control of the Olympic Legacy Organisation. We used a number of sources and, where three or four of them agreed the winding point, it was added to the list. Secondly, where two sources agreed and IWA and C&RT felt a turning point would be useful at that point it was added and, finally, where there were several turning points in a short pound or close together on a longer pound we chose the best/safest one to be the official winding point. We hope to be able to publish this list in the near future so that both organisations can monitor the condition and ensure that these winding points remain available in the future. If you would like to know more about national campaigns or think you would like to get more involved please get in touch. Paul Strudwick, Chair Person, London Region, Twitter Paul@greenboater

The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of The Inland Waterways Association or of the London Region or its branches. They are, however, published as being of interest to our members and readers. The IWA accepts no liability for any matter within this publication. Editor: Chris Bushill, 52, Brycedale Crescent, Southgate, London, N14 7EU. Published by the IWA, North & East and South London Branches at: Island House, Moor Road, Chesham, Bucks, HP 1WA. Tel 01494 783453

From North & East London Chairman, Tim Lewis Your Branch officers continue to work on your behalf in all matters regarding the waterways within out branch area. Two of our main areas of work are monitoring Planning Applications and matters affecting navigation. We are continuing to comment on a large number of planning applications although the number of major schemes seems to be reducing in number. Many of the applications are amendments or clarifications to existing schemes. A particular concern was the reluctance of a developer of a scheme on the Isle of Dogs to use water transport to move materials which was a condition in the original planning permission. We provided evidence that the developer’s objections were not relevant. Proposals affecting the River Thames have recently featured heavily. Articles in the press suggest there is growing support for up to seven new lift bridges across the Thames below Tower Bridge. PLA have not turned these down out of hand, but have indicated that current gauge limits must be followed and the lifting process should be available without charge 24/7 so that navigation of larger craft can remain unhindered. We have also made our comments on the PLA ‘Thames Vision’ consultation concerning the future management of the tideway. Another proposal discussed was one to move small packages in pneumatic tubes laid under the towpath! Our major navigation matter is the reopening of the Bow Back Rivers. I am sure you will be excited to know that this is now happening and that a cruise to celebrate the official re-opening of public access is planned for the afternoon of 9th July. The hope is that many boats and crews will join the activities on that day. CRT and the London Legacy Development Corporation, who are sponsoring the day, have it billed as a ‘mass participation' event . Although moorings at Bow are limited, CRT have identified moorings for the event from Three Mills southwards , including the Waterbus pontoon, as far down as Bow Locks. Please register an expression of interest, by email, to Also affecting the Olympic Park waterways is the announcement that funding is now in place, including a donation of £4,500 from IWA's London Region, for the restoration of Carpenters Road Lock which connects the Bow Back River to the Waterworks River and hence to the Thames via Three Mills Lock. The £1.75 million project, which includes £680,000 funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, will see new radial lock gates installed at Carpenters Road Lock. Built in the 1930s, this lock had the only ‘double radial lock gates’ in the country. The new gates will be automated to enable flood water to be distributed to channels within the Bow Back Rivers. As reported in the last Meridian, London IWA Walks had their 15,000 walker recently. This is an amazing achievement by the group of volunteers who organise the venture. It is good public relations for the IWA and these volunteers must be thanked for all the work they do in running their public walks schedule. The income from these walks is distributed to IWA branches in proportion to number of walks led by branch members and we were extremely pleased to receive a cheque for £1880.14p. Which will be used to fund branch activities. Some of this money has already been used as part of the IWA contribution to the restoration of Carpenters Road Lock. We held our Branch AGM recently where we thanked retiring committee member Sally Naylor for her hard work and we all wish her well in her new life in the Midlands. A reminder that IWA has a runner in the 2016 London Marathon. Please do support him as all the monies raised go directly to IWA. David Edwards-May is hoping to raise £5,000 so please do help him in his fundraising efforts. If you have any questions about this fundraising activity contact IWA's Funding Officer, Sarah Frayne, on 01494 783453 ext 611. At a National level the IWA campaigns include many items that affect our Branch waterways. Included within these is a survey of winding holes, the annual invasive species campaign and the movement of CRT workboats by volunteers. The Branch work is presently carried out by a small but hardworking group of volunteers but we could do much more if we had more. Should you wish to assist we can always get you involved in a manner to suit your expertise and availability. Wishing all our members a good summer and hopefully we will see you at our next big London event, IWA Canalway Cavalcade, being held over the early Spring Bank Holiday at Little Venice.

Come and see us at IWA Canalway Cavalcade

30th April - 2nd May 2016 Little Venice, London W2

Keeping our waterways alive

South London Chairman’s report by Libby Bradshaw , for AGM March 9TH 2016 As we reflect on the past year of South London Branch we note the Branch has undergone some significant changes in key personnel. After Peter Gregory stood down as Treasurer last year we were unable to recruit for some time and Allan Scott kindly stepped in as acting Treasurer for the rest of the year. We are grateful for his help which he has provided in addition to his role as Minutes Secretary. I am pleased to say Dorothy Robbie has kindly offered to take back the role of Treasurer which she held up till 3 years ago. Dorothy has been co-opted onto the committee and stands for election tonight. Alan and Christine Smith indicated they were planning to move out of London and, in January this year, they moved to Evesham. Alan has been organising our social meetings, dinners and outings since 2009 and Christine has undertaken all our publicity including producing ‘Southside News’ and, later, ‘Meridian Cuttings’ a joint newsletter between South London Branch and North and East London Branch. In addition they have given talks themselves and we have enjoyed hearing of the purchase of Tickety Boo and her travels around the country, more recently joined by four legged crew member, Cameo. We are greatly indebted to them for all they have done for the Branch and for their friendship and support. They will be greatly missed in London IWA but still intend to be involved in Canalway Cavalcade in May. Shea Richardson has kindly taken on the role of organising our social meetings and has an interesting programme of speakers for us this term. We are also grateful to her and to Lesley Pryde for organising the refreshments for meetings. Judith Hunter kindly agreed to organise the January branch dinner at Caprini restaurant which was well attended and a good time was had by all. We thank you Judith. We have not yet managed to recruit a new publicity officer so any offers or possible contacts for this would be very welcome*. Chris Bushill, a North and East London member has kindly agreed to take on Meridian Cuttings for the two branches and we are grateful to him for this. So, on to what we have been doing: taking the branch stand to events, looking at planning matters that affect waterways in London and keeping up with what is happening with the tidal Thames and the small waterways that come within our branch boundaries. Branch Stand and Events George and Sandy Goodwin have very kindly continued to allow us to store equipment and stock for the branch stand and waterways game at their home. We had planned to go to more events in 2015 but unfortunately some of these did not happen. However, we were at the Angel Festival in September and the Brixton Windmill day which moved from June to September. The waterway game is going to Canalway Cavalcade at Little Venice in May organised by Eric Garland, who I am sure would be grateful for some extra help. Several branch members are involved in the organisation of Canalway Cavalcade, also in activities for children, information stands and collecting donations. More help always welcome. Planning and Navigation Our branch area covers the tidal River Thames and the various rivers and creeks leading in to it, notably the River Wandle and Deptford Creek. ‘Panacea’ with members of South London branch took a further trip to Gravesend Town Pier’s new moorings in May with a visit to the Gravesend Lifeboat station. In August we went down to Woolwich and round the Isle of Dogs to see the Tall Ships. In January, as in the previous year, we went down river to the Royal Docks for the first weekend of the London boat show. Plans this year include a visit to the River Medway in May and June and we hope to link in with Kent and East Sussex branch on this. The main planning consultation in which we have been involved is the Thames Vision Goals and Priorities for the next 20 years. A response has been put together for the IWA by Paul Strudwick, our region chairman, and me with contributions from some of you, the other London branches and from Kent and East Sussex branch. Copies of that response are available (and printed in this issue). I would like to thank all the rest of the committee and others who have worked hard with me all year to keep things going: We continue to look for new committee and non-committee members to share the load and welcome any offers! Lastly I ask you to join me in wishing our branch secretary, Lesley Pryde, and her fiancé Gerard Coales every blessing and much happiness for their wedding in May and future life together. Libby Bradshaw, Branch Chairman *I am pleased that, since the AGM, we have appointed Allan Scott as branch Secretary as Lesley Pryde wished to stand down from that role and take on the role of branch Publicity Officer. Our thanks to them both.

Future Events April Thursday 7th Monday 11th Tuesday 12th Wednesday 13th Thursday 14th Tuesday 19th Wednesday 27th

Clive Henderson, ‘Stratford Canal’ Noggin and Natter, Lee & Stort Branch Andrew Taylor, ‘Role of a Waterways Chaplain’ Nick Catford ‘Underground London’, South London Branch Michael Taverner ‘National Coastwatch Southend Station’ Steven Wilding, ‘Olympic Legacy’ Clive & Gill Field, ‘Narrow Boats to Norway’

London Canal Museum The New Inn, Royden Hillingdon Canal Club United Reformed Church, Croydon Moulsham Mill, Chelmsford Paddington Central Little Chalfont Village Hall

May & June Thursday 5th Monday 9th Tuesday 10th Wednesday 11th Thursday 12th Tuesday 17th Wednesday 25th Wednesday 8thJune

Robert Philpotts, The Lancaster Canal Noggin and Natter, Lee & Stort Branch Tony Brooks, ‘Getting the Boat Ready for the Season’

London Canal Museum The New Inn, Royden Hillingdon Canal Club Russell Miller,‘From Land to Live Aboard’, S. London Br URC, Croydon Mike Petty, ‘The Fenlands Waterways’ Moulsham Mill, Chelmsford Charles Brock, 'Pirates 50 Years On' Paddington Central Chiltern Branch Little Chalfont Village Hall Charlie Forman,‘Celebrating 200 yrs of Regents Canal’ URC, Croydon

For more information contact

London Socials In January we met for a discussion on the Thames Vision consultation document for the River Thames. This was in order to contribute to the IWA response which is published in full in this issue of Meridian. In February Roger Squires gave an excellent talk on Walking the River Stort, which encouraged those who had been before to venture there again and others to make a first visit. North and East London branch held their AGM at the start of the March meeting which was due to be followed by Paul Strudwick talking on National Navigation matters. Unfortunately he was held up due to an incident on a train but fortunately Libby had the information from the similar talk he had done for the South London AGM the previous week and made a marvellous job of presenting this to members along with a brief but informative discussion on the Thames Vision submission. The next meeting is on Tuesday April 19th where we will hear about the Olympic Legacy Waterways Framework including the plans to restore Carpenters Road Lock. This talk will be by Steven Wilding who is the project manager and who was one of the Libby’s ‘boating buddies’ on Panacea for the Boat Show cruise (see in this issue). Further talks will be: Tuesday May 17th - Pirates 50 years on! Celebrating getting kids afloat in and around Camden at the Pirate Castle since 1966 – talk by Charles Brock, Chairman of trustees. Tuesday June 21st - The River Lea and the Lee Navigation – from Luton to Leyton (Old Ford) by Richard Thomas We have a break in July and August and then Tuesday September 20th – The Stover Canal and Haytor Granite Tramway by Chris Bushill

Towpath Walks These Walks have been taking place twice a month, since 1977, when Dr. Michael Essex-Lopresti started them. As well as introducing many people to the world of waterways, they have raised over £39,000 towards the IWA’s work. The money has been put to good use by branches of the IWA, in supporting projects like the Wendover Arm, the Wey and Arun Canal and local projects by the Laburnum Boat Club and others. It’s hard to imagine that in the 1950s the towpath was private, and one had to obtain permission to walk on it. The IWA campaigned to get it opened and the last section of the Regent’s Canal towpath IWA North and East London Chairman Tim Lewis was finally opened to the public in 1982. Now, the accepting a cheque from Roger Wilkinson of Towpath is widely regarded as one of London’s most London Walks at the branch AGM. popular open spaces. . The variety of Walks has increased. Originally, the Little Venice to Camden route was the only one possible. Now, the routes include visits to Docklands and the Olympics site among others. The walks do not stick to the canal towpath but highlight notable local features and especially emphasise the role of the waterway in influencing history. For example the recent walk from Bromley by Bow to the Olympic site included a walk across Bazalgette’s Victorian sewer main with fascinating details of its history and of the latest construction of new sewers for London. It also included a walk past the tidal mills at Three Mills with a talk on their history and the role of canal and river transport in their development. The walk culminated at the Olympic site where knowledgeable guide Charlie Forman described the waterways works before, during and after the Olympics. Towpath Walks have been nominated for an award in the Canal & River Trust ‘Living Waterways Awards 2016’. To go on a Towpath Walk, simply turn up. No advance booking is needed. The Walks are normally on Sundays, starting at 2.30 pm. Regular charge is £10; concessionary rate is £8. For further details, look on the IWA website , or contact Roger Wilkinson at 020 3612 9624. See below for a list of all the walks planned to November this year. Fascinated audience of February walkers as Charlie Forman explains the details of Bazelgettes Victorian sewage system whilst they stand on one its main tunnels

IWA TOWPATH WALKS SOCIETY, London Programme of Towpath Walks up to November 2016



Start (Tube Station)

27 March Sunday 3 April Sunday 17 April Sunday 1 May Sunday 15 May Sunday 29 May Sunday 5 June Sunday 19 June Sunday 03 July Sunday 17 July Sunday 7 August Sunday 21 August Sunday 4 September Sunday 18 September Sunday 2 October Sunday 16 October Sunday 6 November Sunday 20 November Sunday

Regent’s Canal: King’s Cross to Granary Square, Camden Regent’s Canal: Little Venice to Camden Regents Canal Kings Cross to Hitchcock’s Hackney Regent’s Canal: Regent’s Park & River Tyburn to Little Venice Regent’s Canal: Little Venice to Camden

King’s Cross (taxi rank) Warwick Avenue King’s Cross (taxi rank) Baker St (Baker St North /Lords exit) Warwick Avenue

Regent’s Canal: King’s Cross – Granary Square Camden Grand Junction & Regent’s Canals: Little Venice & Paddington Limehouse – Thames – Docklands Regent’s Canal: Mile End - Limehouse

King’s Cross (taxi rank) Paddington (Platform 16, H&C line exit) Westferry DLR, by Cycle Hire Point Mile End

The Olympics, Three Mills & Bow Back Rivers


Regent’s Canal: Little Venice– Camden

Warwick Avenue

Regent’s Canal: Regent’s Park & River Tyburn to Little Venice Regent’s Canal: King’s Cross – Granary Square Camden Grand Junction & Regent’s Canals: Little Venice & Paddington Regent’s Canal: Mile End - Limehouse

Baker St (Baker St North /Lords exit) King’s Cross (taxi rank) Paddington (Plat 16: H&C exit) Mile End

Regents Canal Kings Cross to Hitchcock’s Hackney Limehouse – Thames – Docklands

King’s Cross (taxi rank) Westferry DLR, by Cycle Hire Point Paddington (Platform 16, H&C line exit)

Grand Junction & Regent’s Canals: Little Venice & Paddington

£1.75million rejuvenation for Carpenters Road Lock Carpenters Road Lock, in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, is due to be transformed after years of planning. Florence Salberter, heritage advisor for C&RT London, reports that the £1.75 million pound project is the outcome of almost ten years of work. The Trust was successful in obtaining £680,000 of WORK STARTS AT THAMES TIDEWAY funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund. This along TUNNEL, CHAMBERS WHARF SITE. with £100,000 from the London Legacy Development Corporation and £4,500 from the The first barge has arrived to take Inland Waterways Association will enable spoil way from the Chambers restoration of the Lock. The 2012 Olympics marked Wharf site of the Thames Tideway the beginning of restoration of the Bow Back Rivers. Tunnel. Chambers Wharf is one of Florence was particularly keen to see two structures the three main drive sites for the restored. The ‘lattice bridge’ that stands at the north Thames Tideway Tunnel . It is entrance to City Mill River, although threatened with near to this point that the sub strata demolition at one stage, was eventually refurbished changes from Chalk to Clay, and is now reopened to the public. The other was which requires the tunnel boring Carpenters Road Lock, which she describes as a head to be fitted with a different unique lock on the network. It was built in the 1930s cutting device. Currently by Ransomes & Rapier of Ipswich with two rising preparatory work is being radial gates designed to deal with flood waters and a undertaken on the site in readiness reversible head of water. Although Carpenters Road for the main drive shaft to be sunk. Lock isn’t listed C&RT recognised its heritage The main tunnelling work is importance. This led to a design competition that expected to commence later this resulted in the construction of the amazing zig-zag year. bridge clad in a reflective cladding material. It was accompanied by the creation of a landscaped area set like an amphitheatre around the lock. The only piece missing was the lock, the old gantries and gates having been dismantled. Now, with the new funding the restoration of Carpenters Road Lock can finally be completed. Carpenters Road Lock The new steel gates, weighing approximately 8 tonnes each will be manufactured in Sheffield,. The design will replicate, as far as practical, the original design with similar fenders and lifting mechanism. The new gantries will be built of weathering steel with the salvaged weights visible behind a glass door. Construction will take place in the second half of 2016 for an opening early 2017. A big celebratory festival is planned for spring 2017.

C&RT Continuous Cruisers Review Canal & River Trust have carried out a ‘Monitoring review – March 2016’ of Boaters without a home mooring They provided the following headline facts: 

   

During the first year just over 5600 licences for boats without a declared home mooring became due for renewal. In line with the new process their movement patterns were reviewed. Just under 40% were subject to a more detailed review, of which 1130 were offered a restricted licence. 652 boats have so far taken out restricted licences as a result of this process 220 are still within that restricted licence period 432 have reached the end of their restricted licence. Of these: - 268 showed improvement and were allowed a further licence - 96 sold their boat or obtained a home mooring or moved away from C&RT waters - 68 were refused a further continuous cruising licence, of which 45 remain in the enforcement process -

C& RT report that 1049 of the restricted licences were due to renew on or before 1 March 2016. Of these the following results were reported: Restriction removed (offered 12 months) - Restricted licence purchased - Home mooring declaration made - Boat has changed ownership - Subject to ongoing enforcement action - Boat removed from network by owner - Still unlicensed

- 25 - 652 - 131 - 98 - 56 - 40 - 47 -

The process is to be updated from May 2016 and the option of a three month restricted licence for those boats who have hardly moved is no longer available. We are pleased that C&RT are attempting to tackle this problem but note that, of the 652 restricted licences offered, 401 are in London and the South East. We also feel that the definition of a continuous cruise should require far greater annual mileage.

Thames Vision Consultations The Port of London Authority recently published for consultation their ‘Thames Vision Consultations on Goals and Priority Actions’. The IWA London Region’s response is printed in full below. We welcome the opportunity to respond to the consultation on the Thames Vision Consultations on Goals and Priority Actions. The Inland Waterways Association (IWA) is a registered charity, founded in 1946, which advocates the conservation, use, maintenance, restoration and development of the inland waterways for public benefit. We have 16,000 members including 400 corporate members with a combined membership representing a voice of well over 50,000 people supporting and involved with the inland waterways. IWA supports The Port of London Authorities vision and development framework for the river over the next 20 years. IWA would like to make the following observations on the specific goals and priorities: 2.1 Port of London – More trade, more jobs The proposed increase in freight and passenger movements, especially by the use of RHIB’s, should not have a detrimental effect on the ability of small recreational craft to passage from East London (Dockland, Barking, Limehouse) to Brentford and Teddington and vice versa by changing the section from a class C Waterway to a Class D Waterway. We believe this can be achieved by improved vessel design and operating practices. 2.2 Inland freight – More goods off roads onto the river IWA strongly supports the use of the river for trade and, to enable that to occur, would support any proposals to protect and reactivate wharves along the river. We support the creation of the Skills Academy as we believe the training of more people is the key to achieving the rest of the goals and priorities. Consideration should be given to the creation of bursaries to encourage young people to take the opportunities on offer. We note that the PLA run apprenticeship is only available to your own boats and would suggest that ways of extending it to other operators should be explored. 2.3 Passenger transport – More journeys: We strongly support the proposals to spread the peak hours of use and to provide new piers at Thamesmead, Erith, Greenhythe, Swanscombe (for the Paramount development), Grays and Tilbury. We believe that there is a need to enlarge the existing central London piers to enable more landings during the peak hours. We recommend that the fare structure should be reviewed to encourage people to travel outside peak hours. We would expect the existing Gravesend to Tilbury Ferry be kept and that some of the pressure for additional crossings across the river would be met by the provision of additional ferries. 2.4 Sport and recreation – More participants We strongly support the proposals to create more visitor moorings but would suggest that these should not be confined to the central area but spread along the north and south banks at locations that give access to historic attraction, facilities and transport links. Cont. Next page

We would expect that any charges made for the use of these facilities should be affordably priced. We would hope to this end that the PLA would support the restoration of Northfleet Harbour, Dartford and Crayford Creeks as navigable recreational destinations. We would look for the navigational creeks under PLA control, such as Broadness Creek and Dartford Creek, to be properly maintained and dredged to sufficient depth to improve accessibility for recreational craft and they would be provided with buoys at their entrance for vessels to use whilst waiting for the tide. We are also concerned at the deterioration in the Waterman steps in central London and believe there is a need for safe steps to allow emergency access and exit from the river. There are few viable slipways on the river to allow recreational boats to enter the river, we believe that additional provision should be a priority. IWA does not support the encouragement of swimming in the river and considers there are too many potential risk factors. 2.5 Environment and heritage –Improved tidal Thames environment We welcome the proposal for a joined-up Thames Path running from Teddington to the sea. However we would warn that, if this path is to be along the south bank, that urgent action is required to protect the route from Swanscombe Peninsula to Gravesend. The area is being developed, by Paramount and Ebsfleet Development Corporation, and we believe it is crucial that a riverside path be incorporated in the development works. Crest Nicholson’s proposed development at the Pier at Ingress Park will place housing blocks between the re-routed Thames Path and the River, destroying the views. If the path or part of the path is routed along the north (Essex) bank the developments in the Tilbury and Grays areas could cause significant difficulty unless urgent action to protect the route is taken now The Environment Agency policy of conducting a ‘managed retreat’ of the flood bank (for example alongside Shorne Marshes between Denton and Shornemead Fort), has rendered impassable the riparian public footpaths on both sides of the river at many states of tide. This could thwart the ambition of creating a path running from Teddington to the sea that can be used by all at any time. 2.6 Community and culture – More people coming to enjoy the Thames and its banks IWA has long recognised that in London there is a large demand for affordable residential moorings and we welcome the proposal to establishing new residential moorings in appropriate locations on PLA waters. We would expect that all such moorings would include all facilities and designed so that boats can be easily moved clear in an emergency.

Paul Strudwick Chair Person London Region The Inland Waterways Association

The Royal Docks and the London Boat Show This year’s London Boat show took place between Friday 8th January and Sunday 17th January at the Excel Exhibition Centre in the Royal Docks. As usual IWA had their sales stand there. Once again a group of narrow boats, mainly from St Pancras Cruising Club braved the winter elements and set off to be in the docks for the first weekend of the show. Assembling at Limehouse Basin on the Wednesday evening we had a detailed briefing from Andrew Phasey followed by an excellent supper in the Cruising Association. This year we were joined by 12 C&RT employees as ‘Boating Buddies’; also Janet Richardson, editor of Towpath Talk and Jon Beckett PLA Harbour Master (Recreational). Nodumo Mayo from C&RT Little Venice office and Steven Wilding from Olympic Park were with me and my crew on board ‘Panacea’. The planned number of narrow boats was one down as, sadly, Andy Spring was unable to start ‘Arthur Dent’ in Limehouse. Lenny, the lock keeper, had got City Mill Lock level so we all went straight through with both sets of gates open and joined ‘Ketura’ at Three Mills Lock. After waiting there for enough water in Bow Creek, we punched the tide down to the mouth where we gathered up our final boat, ‘Artlenburg’, who had come out of West India Dock. We crossed the fairway, turning down river towards the Barrier. As the journey downstream continued the weather deteriorated with strong winds, heavy rain and poor visibility – navigation lights were required. The temperature was dropping and it was difficult to find enough layers to keep warm! Although the rain eased off when we entered the ship lock at King George V dock, the winds became much worse as we left the lock with significant waves. As Simon Judge, who was crewing on ‘Libelula’, said - we had to ‘bash our way along the Royal Docks’. One of my ‘boating buddies’, Steven, was having a great time whilst steering ‘Panacea’ and Janet Richardson captured the scene below: A traditional ‘drop of something’ was then shared, on this occasion a bottle of Lamb's Navy Rum and another of William Grant's Family Reserve Whisky which had belonged to Steve Collinson. Steve was and is a much missed member of SPCC and former dry dock manager who passed away in 2015. Andrew had told Steve's family these bottles would be kept for this occasion. As we gathered together the first toast was to ‘Absent Friends’. Some people dispersed to work and others, including Panacea’s crew and guests, went to warm up in nearby hotels and restaurants. Visits to the show could take place from the following day and I wasstand working following day and I was working on the IWA stand throughout the weekend, almost the only withon the IWA stand throughout the anything to do with inland waters. weekend, almost the only stand with For this year’s trip an overnight stop off in West India Dock had been anything arranged to bydo Ollie Galatea for withBrown inlandon waters. the return journey. We set off from the Royals at Monday lunchtime and entered West India Dock an hour or so later, mooring up at Dollar Bay with excellent facilities provided by C&RT. After checking out the Gun, we later enjoyed a meal at a Turkish restaurant which got nicknamed the ‘Survivors Supper’. Andy Spring, who had had to stay behind at Limehouse, joined us having sent an amusing message: “I'll join you all for the survivors meal if I may, since the casualties meal would be a bit lonely”. Cont. Next Page

The Flotilla moored up in Dollar Bay, West India dock. Picture by Andrew Phasey On Tuesday lunchtime we said goodbye to ‘Artlenburg’ who returned to her mooring in Blackwall dock. The remaining eight boats left West India Dock for the return to Bow Creek. Fortunately we were given permission to stay close to the north shore for the short downstream journey to the mouth of the Creek rather than having to cross the fairway and back again. After returning up Bow Creek and through Bow lock we left ‘Ketura’ and set off towards Old Ford Lock. Two of the boats then stayed on the Lee, whilst the rest of us returned to SPCC in the rain and the cold. Despite the conditions a good time was had by all, new people were introduced to boating on the tidal Thames and new friendships were made. Thank you to Andrew Phasey who organised the trip and liaised on our behalf with C&RT and the Royal Docks. Libby Bradshaw

IWA Canalway Cavalcade 30th April - 2nd May 2016

London’s Biggest Waterways Festival The Inland Waterways Association’s Canalway Cavalcade is returning to Little Venice, at the junction of the Regent’s and Grand Union canals, near Paddington, for all three days of the May Day Bank holiday. The festival has been offering lots of fun activities for everyone for the last 30 years, organised entirely by the charity’s volunteers. Come and see the boats, proudly decorated with their colourful bunting flying, pageants and processions, music, competitions, trade stalls and old favourites like Punch & Judy, Teddy Bears’ Picnic and a funfair for the children. There’ll be a real ale bar, a wide variety of delicious snacks and food for you to enjoy - and much, much more. Saturday 30th April 10am - 6pm Sunday 1st May 10am - 6pm plus music on the bandstand and a procession of illuminated boats at 9pm Monday 2nd May - 10am - 5pm Boat entry form and volunteering form:

BRANCH Committee Members Role

North & East London

South London


Tim Lewis Tel: 020 8530 0425/07802518094

Libby Bradshaw Tel: 020 8874 2787


Roger Squires Tel: 020 7232 0987

Allan Scott Tel: 020 8642 8104 / 07985 728844

Minutes Secretary Treasurer

Social Secretary

Newsletter Editor Membership Secretary

Vacancy Ian Israel Tel: 020 84461823 Vacancy

Vacancy Dorothy Robbie Tel: 020 8857 6367 Shea Richardson, Tel: 020 8677 0196 / 07803 904 803

Chris Bushill Tel: 020 8245 7063; Liz Rayner

Publicity Officer


Lesley Pryde Tel: 020 8679 9866 / 07787 372408

Sales Officer



Events Officer



Planning Officer Work Party Officer

Committee Members

Ex-Officio as Region Chairman South London Representatives

Rod Gray Vacancy

Vacancy Vacancy

Roger Wilkinson – London Walks Rep. Tel: 020 3612 9624 / 07896 801930 Paul Strudwick Tel: 01245 358342 / 07885 240291; Email: Planning & Navigation Committee:Eric Garland Wandle Valley developments: Shea Richardson Deptford Creek developments: Eric Garland

Meeting Locations

IWA South London Branch, United Reformed Church, Croydon

** Paddington Station Hammersmith & City Line exit

IWA North & East London Branch, London Central, Paddington

Waterway Recovery Group in Action on the Cotswold Canals

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