Issue 23
The newsletter of South and North & East London Branches
Spring 2020
It is with deep regret we report the passing of Alan Cheal. Alan was editor of the branch magazine circa 2010 and a boater with the St Pancras Cruising Club. He was always an avid supporter of our waterways.
On Tuesday 17th March 2020 the London N &E branch AGM will be held. Two of the current officer team will be standing down at this meeting. The posts of Branch Secretary and Membership Secretary will both need new people to fill them. Please consider standing for one of these essential posts. A nomination form can be found on page 20. Any member of the committee will be glad to hear from you.
In this issue: This year the Waterways Recovery Group family camp is set to assist in work to restore the canals at the Royal Gunpowder Mills, Waltham Abbey. Details of the site can be found at We are indebted to the Mills and in particular the author of The Canals of The Royal Gunpowder Mills, Richard Thomas, for allowing us to produce the history overleaf. On other pages Chairman's reports Canalway Cavalcade Future events AGMs Committee members and contact details. Cover photo (Chris Bushill) Having just sold Swan Ganz after 15 years of happy boating I couldn’t resist indulging myself with a picture of my former boat on the River Wey. See back cover for my last lock on Swan Ganz (Named after a heart catheter by the previous owner, a surgeon!) 2
Though legend has it that Alfred the Great had channels dug to thwart the Danes in 895 and millstreams at Waltham Abbey are recorded in the Domesday Book in 1085 the earliest surviving map of the area is held in the archives of the Marquess of Salisbury at Hatfield House. This map shows the waterways at Waltham Abbey in 1590. A Fulling Mill is marked where Powder Mills are shown on Powder Mill River on the 1767 map. It was on this site that the present Gunpowder Mills started. In the early 17th century this Fulling Mill was converted to an oil mill. Then a deed of 1669 tells us that the “Oyle Mill… now lately converted into two powder mills...for the grindinge, boylinge, corninge and drying of powder”. In 1735 Mr J. Farmer produced a detailed view of the Powder Mills and in 1770, Peter Muilman wrote of “several curious gunpowder mills, on a new design, worked by water (the old ones having been worked by horses)”. The Mills were described in 1735 as “The largest and compleatest works in Great Britain”. Yet at the heart of this was a profoundly simple element – water. The Mills were reliant on the most complex and intensive use of waterways ever seen at a single British location. The system of canals, locks and aqueducts permitted not only an efficient internal conveyor system for raw materials and finished product – and a link to the ports, via the River Lea – but also segmented the site into separate zones to minimise casualties in the event of the inevitable unexpected detonation, exclusively utilising wooden barges to maximise levels of safety in the explosive atmosphere. When canals were first built in England the use of puddling clay to line and waterproof the channel was almost universal. A cross-section of a typical canal showed a flat bottom which sloped up at either side to the banks. When the canals in the Mills were dredged during the decontamination process in the early 1990s, it was revealed that the early channels, at least, were built with timber reinforced vertical sides. Vertical edge of the early
There were only two canals initially canal. (Richard Thomas) and both were in place by 1806. They gave access from the Millhead Stream, and thus the mills lining that waterway, to corning mills both built close to the River Lea. The Lea was six feet lower than the Millhead, which provided the head necessary to drive the waterwheels. Thus, some of the canals within the site were dual purpose; using the water flow to drive the machinery and the surface to move the purpose built boats which carried the gunpowder ingredients and compounds as they proceeded along the manufacturing flow line. Continued Overleaf 3
The third channel, built in 1806, was the Powdermill Stream which provided a connection between the Millhead Stream and the relatively new Lee Navigation. This had been built in 1770 and gave a wide modern pound-locked channel directly to the Thames, without the shallows, bends, mills, weirs and flashlocks of the old Barge River. The Navigation was 2 foot 6 inches lower than the Millhead so it was necessary to build Edmonsey Lock to overcome the difference. There was now a direct waterway connection between the Grand Magazine holding the finished gunpowder and the magazines at Purfleet, without passing through the Mills. By 1806 there were already at least five barges carrying gunpowder between Waltham and Purfleet. One of the gunpowder sailing barges, Lady of the Lea built in 1933, still survives.
Edmonsey Lock
Lady of the Lea.
Lower Island was established, with its supporting waterways, to the south of Highbridge Street soon after 1806. By 1827, there were a number of small waterways serving the lower part of the Mills just to the north. A survey in 1814 included the information that there were “five barges, nine powder boats, two ballast barges and six punts”. The coming of steam power signalled the end of the Mills’ dependence on water power with, in 1857, the building of the new Group A Mills with their associated boiler house and beam engine on a site to the south of Queens Mead. together with the provision of 4 a number of “carriage only” channels.
These waterways were designed not to provide flowing water power to millwheels but solely to transport materials to and from the incorporating mills, although the northern part of the Queen Meads channel did act as a tail stream for the blank cutting house situated on a side cut from one of the original pre-1806 canals.
The Waterway Development map shows the three dates on which surveys were taken, 1806, 1820 and 1866. The application of a date to a waterway indicates only that it was in existence by that date; it is not the date the waterway was built. Waterways within the Mills which later became extinct are shown as dotted lines.
The next surge of canal building came in 1878-9. The waterways were needed for access to the new nitro-glycerine, guncotton and cordite processing buildings. This expansion provided two cast iron aqueducts where the canals crossed the River Lea and a lock which connected the upper and lower levels of the canal system, as well as over a thousand yards of waterway. The aqueducts were probably floated into position on barges on the Lea, as they are both made of two side plates, each a solid casting, bolted to the base plates on site. One survives in very good condition and can be seen just south Aqueduct near the Burning of the Burning Ground. 5 Ground (Richard Thomas)
The 1878 lock was built to link the existing channel serving the Blank Cutting House (this building has been restored) and the canal connecting with the Incorporating Mills on Queen Meads. Although the lock appears to protrude above the surrounding landscape, it must be remembered that decontamination removed about two feet of topsoil. The original water level can be easily judged by the white View of the 1878-9 lime staining on the lock chamber abutments. (Richard Thomas) The paddle and sluice gear are of particular interest. The culverts are quite small and circular in section. The sluice gates are made of cast iron and are similarly circular in shape. The paddle gear is operated by a worm drive. These features would combine to make it impossible to fill the lock quickly. There would have been virtually no turbulence to throw the powder boats about, thus minimising the risk of banging the boat against the lock-side with possible catastrophic results. It also seems that the men who built the lock did not assume that the Mills’ boatmen knew about lock operation; carved into the granite coping stones by the paddle gear at the top and bottom of the lock are the words “IN” and “OUT”. The footbridges over the canals were built to allow passage of the semi-cylindrical boats that carried the raw materials around the site. If a boat was passing through a bridge, men were forbidden to cross for fear that grit falling from their boots might contaminate the cargo.
The 1896 lock, which can be viewed from the north-east corner of the car park. (Christine Richardson)
In 1888, the acquisition of Quinton Hill Farm allowed the Royal Gunpowder Mills nearly to double in size. Nitro-glycerine, guncotton and cordite were all manufactured on this new South Site. There was an extensive waterway system accessing the cordite drying stoves. A lock was built at the southern end of Lower Island to allow waterway connection without using the Lee Navigation which would have attracted a toll. In 1896, the last of the four locks of the Royal Gunpowder Mills complex of waterways was built connecting the Millhead Stream to its tailstream level, six feet below. This enabled a more direct route from the South Site and Lower Island to the Grand Magazine on the North Site. By 1897, the increase in demand for cordite instigated the building of even more cordite drying stoves and the First World War created still further demand. The resultant extension of the waterways brought the canal system to its maximum extent of nearly 10 miles. The third castiron aqueduct was installed in 1904. This one was of a different design, supported on two girders and built in sections. The remains of the brackets which carried the towpath can still be seen. The bottom plate has fractured and fallen away, possibly as a result of two nearby explosions in 1940. The canals were used up to the time of the Second World War, though with decreasing frequency. The last waterway to be built at the Royal Gunpowder Mills came about as a direct result of the massive nitro-glycerine explosion in 1940. The Court of Enquiry into the explosion recommended: “Transport. Quick boat transit can be facilitated by… connecting the high level canals between No 4 Mixing House and No 6 Mixing House…” The new canal was estimated to cost £2000. The relatively high price was no doubt due to the fact that the two houses were separated by the Old River Lea and an aqueduct would be required. Nonetheless, this structure was obviously a product of the austerity years. It consisted simply of concrete pipes laid side by side in the bed of the river with a concrete channel built over the top. No cast iron and royal insignia for this one, just the date cast in the concrete! Since the Royal Gunpowder Mills closed in 1945 no use has been made of the canal system. Many of the waterways at the north end drained or choked with weed. Even where they remained, they became part of a secret nature reserve. This was rudely disturbed when the site was decontaminated in the early 1990s but it has not taken long for nature to reassert itself. The South Site has disappeared, partly under a housing estate, partly under Sainsbury's Distribution Depot and partly under the relandscaping of Gunpowder Park, managed by the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority. Parts of Lower Island are under the M25 and the Lee Flood Relief Channel. The surviving waterways and the ruins and restored buildings on their banks bear witness to a sometimes explosive but always The march of progress… the Lower Island Lock fascinating past. disappears under the embankment for the M25 7
During October last year, I met with members of the “IWA Heritage Advisory Panel” (HAP) for its inaugural meeting at IWA Chesham Head Office. During our discussions it was revealed that, nationally, only about 10 Branches currently have an active Planning Officer. As a campaigning organisation, the work of our local planning officers is an essential ingredient in constraining ambitious development projects and discourage our Waterway frontages being subjected to mediocre housing and office-blocks. It was suggested HAP should invite corresponding representatives from our Branches to its meetings and to encourage Branches to appoint a Planning or Heritage Officer if they don’t already have one. In addition, I met with members of the “IWA London Region Planning & Conservation Group” for its inaugural meeting in December. The broad objectives of the Group are: to share information and experience and bring together planning & conservation issues; improve internal IWA communication and with external specialists; allow branches to seek planning and conservation advice and raise issues; encourage coordinated regional responses to major schemes which affect London as a whole and assist in the formation of planning & conservation policy aimed at influencing the future of our London waterway system. During November I attended a South London Branch social evening and gave a presentation on “Exploring our Waterways Heritage in London Region”. This was based upon my initial fact-finding mission to identify heritage assets within our London Region. Broadly speaking, our Region comprises about 200 miles of navigable waterways, over 150 locks, around 500 bridges, over 100 principal wharves, 40 docks and around 15 principal aqueducts and 3 tunnels. The content of my presentation gave emphasis to a sample of 400 or so Historic England listed structures which I identified as waterway features or structures immediately adjacent to our waterways. Nationally, Historic England has awarded 2.5% of its listed structures as Grade 1 (Exceptional Interest); 5.8% as Grade 2* (Particularly Important) and 91.7% as Grade 2 (Special Interest). In addition to these designations are Scheduled Monuments (like Stonehenge). We should be proud of the fact that we have examples of all these categories within our Region. An example of a Grade 1 listed structure within our London Region would be (not surprisingly) The Houses of Parliament; whereas the Hanwell Flight is a Scheduled Monument. Swan Ganz in the Hanwell flight The distribution of Listed Structures & Scheduled Monuments within our London Region from my 400+ sample is: Grade 1: 3.0%; Grade 2*: 6.7%, Grade 2: 85.7% and Scheduled Monuments: 4.4%. At the December South London social evening I participated in a shared slide presentation. My topic was highlights of a Tideway Cruise by members of the St Pancras Cruising Club from Limehouse Basin to Brentford via Barking Creek which I was privileged to accompany. Among a sample of the 450 photos taken, I showed the spectacular commercial developments that now front our River Thames, many of which are high-rise. Impressive they certainly are, but there is little obvious evidence of past Heritage remaining along this busy waterway apart from the elegant large storage warehouses, now luxury apartments, fronting the old Port of London. Derek Humphries London Region Heritage Officer
February 6th Thursday
Bicentenary of the Opening Of the Regent’s Canal
March – September March 27th Friday
‘East End Canals’ & ‘Food on the East End Canals’ Exhibitions (18.00) for 19.30 Regent’s Canal Quiz Night Joint event with London Historians Association History of Regent’s Canal Special exhibition Daily
Tower Hamlet Archives London Canal Museum
April 26th
50th Anniversary & 2020 Celebration
Islington Boat Club
May 2nd
200 years of canal-side industry 10.45
May 16th Saturday
Family Day Celebrations Celebrating the Canal’s bicentenary Photographic Competition Display of entries Daily
April – August
June – August
Talk by Lester Hillman 19.30
London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
SE Region Industrial Archaeology Conference London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
June 11th
People’s History of the East End Talk by Carolyn Regent’s Canals Clark 18.30
Hackney Archives
June 27th Saturday
Regency Soiree An evening of music, song and dance from the Regency period.
London Canal Museum
July 5th
Open Day & Heritage event
July 26th -29th
Voices from Islington
August 1st Saturday
East End Canal Festival Promoted by Regent’s Canal Heritage Procession of Historic Narrowboats Kings Cross – Mile End Canal Building Bonanza Days of family fun, activities & boat trips Guided Tow Path Walk Highlight the Canal‘s original features still visible today.
August 4th - 7th
August 6th Thursday
Laburnum Boat Club Exhibition Islington Museum All day Promoted by Regent’s Mile End Canalside Canal Heritage All day
London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
Fuller details and booking arrangements will become available nearer the time on the London Canal Museum (or organiser) website.
Date 2 Feb Sunday
Route Regent’s Canal: King’s Cross - Granary Square – Camden 16 Feb Sunday Regent’s Canal: Mile End – Limehouse 1 Mar Sunday Regent’s Canal: King’s Cross - Granary Square – Camden 15 Mar Sunday Regent’s Canal: Mile End – Haggerston 28 Mar Sat 1045 Regent’s Canal: Little Venice – Camden
Start (Tube Stn.) King’s Cross (meet by taxi queue) Mile End King’s Cross (meet by taxi queue) Mile End Warwick Avenue
5 Apr Sunday
Surrey Quays
12 Apr Sunday 19 Apr Sunday 25 Apr Sat 1045
Grand Surrey Canal, Royal Navy Victualling Yard, Greenland Dock Regent’s Canal: Little Venice – Camden Limehouse – Thames – Docklands
3 May Sunday
Regent’s Canal: King’s Cross - Granary Square – Camden Regent’s Canal: River Tyburn – Little Venice
17 May Sunday
Regents Canal: Kings Cross– Hitchcock’s Hackney
24 May Sunday
Secrets of the northern Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park
7 June Sunday 21 June Sunday 5 Jul Sunday
Regent’s Canal: Mile End – Limehouse Regent’s Canal: Little Venice – Camden Regent’s C: King’s Cross - Granary Square Camden Grand Surrey Canal: Rotherhithe, Mayflower, Surrey Water, Greenland Dock Regent’s Canal: 200th Anniversary Walk King's Cross - Waterpoint - Camden Regent’s Canal: Little Venice – Camden Regent’s Canal: King’s Cross - Granary Square – Camden Regent’s Canal: Little Venice – Camden Limehouse – Thames – Docklands
19 Jul Sunday 1 Aug Sat 1045 2 Aug Sunday 16 Aug Sunday 6 Sep Sunday 20 Sep Sunday 4 Oct Sunday 18 Oct Sunday 1 Nov Sunday 15 Nov Sunday
Grand Surrey Canal, Royal Navy Victualling Yard, Greenland Dock Regent’s Canal: Mile End – Limehouse Regent’s C: R.Tyburn – Little Venice Regent’s C: King’s Cross - Granary Square – Camden
Warwick Avenue Westferry (DLR)(by Cycle Hire Point) King’s Cross (meet by taxi queue) Baker St (Baker St north/Lords exit) Kings Cross (meet by taxi queue) Stratford, by “Newham London” sign Mile End Warwick Avenue King’s Cross (meet by taxi queue) Rotherhithe King’s Cross (meet by taxi queue) Warwick Avenue King’s Cross (meet by taxi queue) Warwick Avenue Westferry (DLR)(by Cycle Hire Point) Surrey Quays Mile End Baker St (Baker St north/Lords exit) King’s Cross (meet by taxi queue)
Roger Wilkinson writes: Naturally, our Walks are concentrating on the Regent's Canal, including a 200th Anniversary Walk on 1st August. We are also including Rotherhithe in the month of the 400th anniversary of the sailing of the "Mayflower". ● To go on a Towpath Walk, simply turn up. No advance booking is needed. Unless otherwise indicated the Walks start at 2.30 pm. ● Regular charge is £10; concessionary rate is £8. ● For further details, look on the IWA website, or contact Roger Wilkinson at 020 3612 9624.
Welcome to members who have joined us recently. The new GDPR now stops us from naming you individually. However we would like to extend you a warm welcome to the branches and their activities. We hope to see you at some of our social meetings and to meet you at IWA events later in the year, where new volunteers are also always welcome. Whatever your interest in the waterways we hope that you will find something here for you and new friends to meet. If I, or any of the branch officers, can assist with any questions you may have please do not fail to get in contact with us. Our details can be found at the back of this newsletter. Liz Rayner
The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of The Inland Waterways Association or of the London Region or its branches. They are, however, published as being of interest to our members and readers. The IWA accepts no liability for any matter within this publication. Editor: Chris Bushill, 52, Brycedale Crescent, Southgate, London, N14 7EU. E-mail Published by the IWA, North & East and South London Branches at: Island House, Moor Road, Chesham, Bucks, HP 1WA. Tel 01494 783453 11
I hope that you have all had a good Christmas and New Year . With winter being a quiet time for the waterways there is not much to report about rallies etc but that does not mean that your branch has been quiet! We have a new Region Planning & Conservation Group which has a wide ranging remit. With our Brach planning officer, Rod Gray on this committee we now have a wider range of expertise to review planning applications and proposed developments such as Regents Wharf, the Former Caird & Rayner premises on Limehouse Cut, the Travis Perkins site at Kingsland Basin, Orsman Road, Bethnal Green Gas Works and warehouses in Paddington. We not only monitor waterside developments but also the mooring and facilities situation which is probably more problematic in our Branch area than any other. On the Navigation front the planned winter closure of Islington tunnel to carry out major repairs was postponed for financial reasons, we haven’t heard when these works have been rescheduled for. This year is the 200th Anniversary of the completion of the Regents Canal and we are assisting bodies such as the London Canal Museum and CRT in organising events celebrating this. The Museum is currently preparing a major exhibition about the canal which will be unveiled in May. I was pleased to be invited on the St Pancras Cruising Club Caribbean Cruise in January, so called as it goes to the West India Docks! It is amazing to see the rate of development on the Isle Of Dogs which has now spread well south of the original development of Canary Wharf. On the two legs we went through City Mill, Three Mills and Bow Lock as well as cruising the Bow Back River, none of which is very much used. A number of these locations are included in the IWA Silver Propeller Challenge which encourages people to visit 20 or more lesser used waterways so that we can better protect them. While none of the waterways that fall into the ‘cruise it or lose it’ category are under threat at the moment, your use of these navigations will help to support our case if they are threatened by a major development, such as a new motorway. We have heard that the GLA has at this stage provisionally approved the full funding of £390,000 for the Islington ECO moorings which should hopefully help to solve the conflict between boaters and residents in Islington
We were extremely sad to hear that Beryl Windsor, for many years the driving force behind the Angel Canal Festival, has passed away. The branch has agreed to make a £500 donation to the Lichfield and Hatherton Canal Trust towards their Tunnel vision appeal. We are happy to receive suggestions as to worthy waterways causes that would appreciate such donations. I would make my regular appeal for anyone interested in the work of the Branch to consider joining the committee to assist in its work. This year we are losing our membership secretary who is moving away from London and our Branch secretary wishes to stand down from the job at the AGM but will still stay on the committee. Should you wish to know what the work entails please feel free to contact me to discuss. There are also a couple of videos on the volunteering section of the IWA web site where you can also find the new WRG canal camp 2020 schedule of week long working holidays. Tim
Various articles in this edition of Meridian Cuttings refer to the fact this year marks the 200th anniversary of the completion of the Regent’s Canal. This canal starts at Little Venice where IWA Canalway Cavalcade takes place and so this year we are taking the theme ‘Celebrating the Regent’s Canal’. The 2020 event will be held over 2 days, Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd May due to the change in the bank holiday to the following Friday. Boaters will be able to stay on until the Monday. IWA Canalway Cavalcade was started by London IWA in 1983 and is organised by a core team of enthusiastic, dedicated volunteers, each of whom has responsibility for a specific area in the setting up of the event. We were greatly saddened to hear of the death of one of those dedicated volunteers, Pat Barton last October, a stalwart supporter of Canalway Cavalcade for over 30 years. Pat was our boat entries officer and managed the Waterspace Office for many years. A full tribute may be found on the Lichfield Branch pages: At this year’s Canalway Cavalcade we need volunteers to assist during the weekend itself e.g. on Information stands, meeting & greeting entertainers & traders & helping them set up, Children’s activities, collecting donations & distributing programmes, Waterspace and PA announcements. Please consider offering some time to help. The volunteer registration form provides further information and can be downloaded or completed on-line: Thank you. Libby. 13
Our social meetings are on the third Tuesday evening of each month except in July and August. Refreshments are available from 7pm and the talks start at 7.30pm. All are welcome whether IWA members or not. We have people attending from across most of the London Region Branches Last summer 11 narrowboats, including mine, took a trip up to Lincolnshire and across the Wash. Our October meeting was a presentation on that adventure and its preparation by Simon Judge. Our traditional annual round-up of London WRG activities throughout the year was in November, led by Tim Lewis. In December we had our equally traditional quiz and auction accompanied by mulled wine and mince pies. By the time this edition of Meridian Cuttings is circulated we will have had our January meeting at which various planning officers are leading an interactive evening: Developments and plans on our Waterways. In the following edition I will include a write-up of some of the information from that evening Dates for the next few months: Tuesday 18th February 2020: ‘The Regent’s Canal at 200’ Lester Hillman. The completed Regent's Canal opened in 1820 and the colourful festivities set off from today's York Way (Maiden Lane) Camden. George IV came to the throne 29th January 1820. At the bicentenary of the King (who put 'Regent' in the Canal and 'King' in King's Cross) Lester Hillman will give an illustrated historical talk.
Camden Lock on the Regent’s Canal
Tuesday 17th March 2020: North and East London Branch will have their AGM from 7.30 – 8pm during which those from other branches can enjoy their refreshments for longer! After the AGM Derek Humphries, our London Region Heritage officer will give a talk: `Exploring our Waterways heritage in London Region’ Derek has researched listed buildings and structures in each branch area throughout our region and will present information on all of these. Tuesday 21st April 2020: A liveaboard’s story – 4 years continuously cruising the cut’ Steve Haywood, well-known former contributor to Canal Boat magazine and author of several waterways books, shares the joys and challenges of 4 years living on the cut. 14
Tuesday 19th May 2020: Community Boating in London. Contributions from various community boat projects in the London area. The National Community Boats Association was founded in 1985. Community boating organisations provide access to services on the UK’s waterways for the benefit of their local community, including those with special needs. Tuesday 16th June 2020: ‘The Thames from Source to Sea’ Dr Roger Squires. The navigable River Thames is said to be from Lechlade, although, many of us have been further than that in our narrowboats! Dr Roger will take us from the true source of the river, down the nontidal Thames to Teddington, onwards on the tidal Thames through London and on towards the sea.
Swan Ganz (who else!) Heading Upstream on The Thames
Details of each talk will be sent out in advance by email and also can be found following the link The venue is Ground Floor Auditorium, 2 Kingdom Street, Paddington Central W2 6BD. The map on page 23 shows the route from Paddington Station. Follow the path round between the lift and the top of the Amphitheatre to Kingdom Street. Please ask at the security desk for directions from there if you are new. This link may also help
I Iook forward to seeing many of you in the coming months Libby Further details from Libby Bradshaw 07956 655037
Little Venice (Near our Paddington Meeting Place)
Happy New Year to you all! I hope 2020 will be a good year for us all and that South London members will be able to enjoy a varied programme of activities and talks with plenty of fundraising as well. In order to find out more about how our members would like to be involved we are putting together a survey which will be coming out to you all shortly. Our social meetings at East Croydon started again in September with an evening entitled “How well do you know our Waterways?" where we explored the Waterways of South London branch in a quiz type format. This included the Tidal River Thames, some creeks and disused canals. In October Roger Squires gave a talk on the Suez Canal and in November Derek Humphries gave a talk to the branch in November about `Exploring our Waterways heritage in London Region’. He will be presenting the same talk at the Region Social on March 17th (see his article on page 8 and the region socials programme on page 15). Some of you may remember the Region Navigation and Planning group which met very regularly until about 2012. I am pleased to say we have re-formed this group with a different title – London Region Planning and Conservation Group. This, by its title, has an emphasis on conservation and heritage and is made up of representatives of all branches, including Derek Humphries, our Region Heritage Officer. Early days yet but more in the next edition.
One of our members; Eric Garland celebrating his Birthday at the South London Branch social meeting on 8th January 2020
On Sunday October 6th Roger Wilkinson led a walk in our South London area: ‘Grand Surrey Canal, Royal Navy Victualling Yard and Greenland Dock. This walk will be taking place again on Sunday April 5th at 2.30pm (see page 10 for further details of this and other London Walks). On 13th October some branch members went to the ‘Secret Rivers’ exhibition at the Museum of Docklands which others of us also attended at a later date. It was an excellent exhibition and we hope to explore more about the routes of the rivers in our area that we don’t currently follow. I am pleased to say we have Tom Bolton, author of the two volumes ‘London’s Lost Rivers, a walkers guide’, coming to speak at our April social meeting. 16
Three of the branch committee attended the volunteers’ day on 19th October, Lesley Pryde-Coales, Derek Humphries and me. It was a useful day although some of the presentations were a bit rushed which was a shame. Information about the new website was presented, some discussion on what is unique about IWA and about liaising with local authorities and members of parliament was included. IWA is holding a parliamentary reception at the House of Commons on 27th January to which I have been invited. Several of us were busy with the branch stand last summer, fundraising with the Waterways Game and selling waterway books that have been donated to the branch. It’s now the time of year when we start preparing for this year’s events and we have several lined up for which we are looking for help. Please get in touch with me if you can help for a couple of hours or more with any of the following events: IWA Canalway Cavalcade 2nd and 3rd May, Streatham Kite day Sunday 10th May and Rickmansworth Festival 16th and Branch Stand in Action 17th May. No previous knowledge required! The IWA National Trailboat festival is to be held at Loxwood on the Wey and Arun canal over the bank holiday weekend 23rd – 25th May. It is hoped South London Branch members will be able to attend this event. We have recently decided to donate £500 to the Birtley Bridge appeal on the Wey and Arun and subsequently realised it was a WRG dig at this project Chris Bushill was writing about in the last edition of Meridian Cuttings. We are hoping also to have a branch boat trip on the Wey and Arun later in the year. Back to the Thames, we continue to liaise with the clean-up team at Thames 21 who will be giving us a talk later in the year. A further clean-up and survey is taking place at Battersea on Saturday 25th April to which all are welcome. There continue to be monthly clean-ups on the River Wandle which joins the Thames at Wandsworth. If anyone is interested in taking part in these, whether on the Thames or the Wandle, please get in touch. Lifeboats on the Thames are as busy as ever and, with my RNLI ‘hat’ on I continue to be part of the local Lifeboat Management Group at Chiswick and fundraise for the Lifeboat service generally. Money raised at the University Boat Race on Sunday 29th March will go to the Lifeboat service and I will be at Putney Embankment on that day fundraising and educating people in water safety. I look forward to seeing you at some of these activities and meetings and thank you all for your support. Libby
BRANCH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS AGM London Branches of The Inland Waterways Association will take place as follows: North & East London 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday 17th March at: 2 Kingdom Street Paddington W2 6PY
South London 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday 111h March at: The Primary Room The United Reformed Church Hall Addiscombe Road Croydon CR0 5LP
AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. Approval of the Minutes of the 2019 AGM plus Matters Arising 3. Report from the Chairman 4. Presentation of Accounts 5. Business of the meeting notified under bylaw 1.3 (see note) 6. Election to fill posts on the Committee 7. Questions from the floor The formal AGM will be followed by another activity as per the branch’s social programme
North & East London Tim Lewis
Libby Bradshaw
Roger Squires
Allan Scott
Secretary e-mail: e-mail:
NOTE : Byelaw 1.3 provides that any member of a region or branch may propose business to appear on the Agenda of an AGM of their region or branch, provided that notice of such business is delivered in writing to the Chairman of the region or branch at least six weeks before that meeting. If any such items are received, a revised Agenda for the relevant meeting will be in a Branch Newsletter which is due to be published before the AGMs. 19
BRANCH COMMITTEE ELECTIONS To facilitate elections at the AGMs, nominations for election to a Branch or Region Committee must be received by the relevant Branch or Region Secretary before or at the AGM (see above). All candidates and their proposers must be paid-up members of the relevant Branch and the candidate must indicate his/her willingness to stand. All elected members of a Branch Committee who have held office for a term of three years have to retire, as does any member co-opted during the committee meetings since the last AGM. Members in either category are eligible for re-election, provided that they are duly nominated as detailed above. A nomination form is printed below. The particulars for each Committee are as follows:
North & East London
South London
Roger Squires
Allan Scott
Deadline for nominations
20th March
14th March
Current number of elected members Members completing 3 years in post
7 Ian Israel, Rod Gray Roger Wilkinson
Members co-opted since last AGM
7 Lesley Pryde-Coales and Shea Richardson
New blood would be very much welcomed. Please consider joining our committees to have your say on the future of our waterways. Note: Please note that under the new Bye-laws all Committees may vary in size according to the numbers elected. We look forward to receiving further nominations for Committee Membership. __________________________________________________________
Committee Name:
South London* Print Name
North & East London* Signature
*delete whichever does not apply Date
Candidate Proposer Seconder 20
Role Chairman
North & East London Tim Lewis Tel: 02085300425 / 07802518094 Roger Squires Tel: 02072320987
Minutes Secretary Treasurer
Membership Secretary
AllanScott Tel: 02086428104 / 07985728844 Allan Scott Dorothy Robbie Tel: 02088576367
Shea Richardson, Tel: 02086770196 / 07803904803
Chris Bushill Tel: 02082457063: Liz Rayner
London Region Heritage Officer
Dorothy Robbie Tel: 02088576367 Lesley Pryde-Coales Tel: 07787 372408
Publicity Officer
Planning Officer
Libby Bradshaw Tel: 07956 655037
Ian Israel Tel: 020 84461823
Social Secretary
Newsletter Editor
South London
Derek Humphries Rod Gray
Simon Dyer Tel: 020 8769 2981/ 07857 978111
London Walks Representative
Roger Wilkinson –Tel: 02036129624
Ex-Officio as Region Chairman
Paul Strudwick Tel: 01245358342 / 07885240291
South London Representatives Planning & Conservation Committee: Wandle Valley developments
Eric Garland, Simon Dyer, Derek Humphries Shea Richardson
If you feel you could help with any of the vacancies or would be interested in joining us as an ordinary member we would love to hear from you 21
Unless indicated, the following South London Branch Social meetings take place at 7.45 for 8.00 p.m in The Primary Room, The United Reformed Church Hall, Addiscombe Grove, Croydon CR0 5LP Wednesday 12th February A social & presentation entitled “On the Waterfront: Lambeth’s changing riverside” by Alan Piper Wednesday 11th March Branch Annual General Meeting and a presentation by Libby Bradshaw on “St Pancras to Waltham Abbey by Narrowboat via the Wash” The illustration on this page shows the track of Libby’s boat Panacea as it crossed the Wash including a wait on a sandbank for the tide. A talk not to be missed! Wednesday 8th April Social meeting in United Reformed Church Hall: Speaker Tom Bolton talking on ‘Hidden Rivers of London and links to Canals Sat 2nd & Sun 3rd May Canalway Cavalcade: On the canals around Little Venice & Paddington This year’s theme is “Celebrating 200 Years of The Regents Canal” Wednesday 13th May Social meeting in United Reformed Church Hall: Cherishing the tidal Thames: Building capacity in local communities to protect the river. A presentation by the Thames21 River Watch team. All are welcome at our meetings, IWA members & friends/non- members There is no admission charge for talks, film shows or presentations but we do ask for a donation of £2 - £3 per person to offset room hire charges and expenses. There is free parking adjacent to the hall and excellent transport links via East Croydon train and tram station. For more information please contact the Social Secretary: Shea Richardson Tel: 07803 904803 or e-mail: For updates and information on our social meetings, please check for updates.
IWA South London Branch, United Reformed Church, Croydon
IWA Meet Here
IWA Former Venue
Paddington Hammersmith & City Line exit
IWA Region and North & East London Branch, 2 Kingdom St, Paddington 23
The Inland Waterways Association is a non-profit distributing company limited by guarantee. Registered in England no. 612245. Registered as a charity no. 212342 Registered Office: Island House, Moor Road, Chesham HP5 1WA Tel: 01494 783 453 Web: The Inland Waterways Association is a membership charity that works to protect and restore the country' s 6,500 miles of canals and rivers.