38th AGM Minutes

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INLAND WATERWAYS ASSOCIATION IPSWICH BRANCH Annual General Meeting Minutes of the 38th Annual General Meeting held on Friday, 10 February 2012 at the Needham Market Community Centre at 8pm. There were 26 members in attendance. The Chairman, Chard Wadley, opened the meeting by welcoming everyone to the AGM and explained that the proceeding would be recorded to assist the minute’s secretary. 1

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Joan and John Finch, John and Madeleine Ford, Gerry Crease, David Middleton and Don and Shirley Brazinski.


APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE 2011 AGM The minutes of the previous meeting had been distributed to all persons present. It was then proposed by Brian Holt and seconded by Ron Jenkins that the minutes were a true record of the proceedings, the vote taken showed 26 members approved with no-one against and the minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.


MATTERS ARISING FROM THOSE MINUTES There were no matters raised from the floor.


CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Chard Wadley, Chairman, started by saying that the Branch is still going strong with membership staying between 495 and 500 members. Chard continued saying our winter program had been very good with interesting speakers and thanked Diana and Brian. Chard reported that restoration progresses well and the branch is now working at Pipps Ford every Wednesday. He continued saying that there is still some work to finish at Baylham and work is carried out there on the first Saturday of the month. Chard said the River Gipping Trust has a steady membership and also has an increase in working party members. Chard then reported on the new Canal and River Charity saying an IWA Press Release was issued on 31 January 2012 which welcomed the funding deal from DEFRA for the new Canal and River Charity. The settlement has increased from £390 million over 10 years to £800 million over the full 15 years. Chard finished by thanking his committee and all those who had helped the branch throughout the year.


TREASURER’S REPORT AND PRESENTATION OF THE ACCOUNTS Spencer Greystrong, Treasurer, started by asking if anyone wished to ask questions regarding the accounts report before the AGM. Spencer then explained that due to the rise in theft of scrap metal it was decided to look for secure storage. An agreement was made with Gipping Homes who sold the branch a container and gave us a secure area for it to stand. The scaffolding and aluminum is now under lock and key and is insured so if there is a problem we can get our money back. Regarding our current account, Spencer said that he had been contacted by HO saying that as our Barclay’s account pays an interest rate of 1.5% they would move our money from the Charity Aid


Fund, which only pays 0.35%, to the aforementioned account. The question was asked about the ownership of equipment and tools saying were they owned by the branch or the River Gipping Trust. Spencer then explained that as most of the equipment had been purchased by the Branch long before the Trust was formed it was agreed it would still belong to the Ipswich Branch, IWA. Spencer continued saying that all the equipment is insured by the IWA at HO. 6

ADOPTION OF ACCOUNTS It was proposed by Clive Saville and seconded by Lewis Tyler that the accounts before the AGM for the year under review be adopted. This was agreed by all present with no-one against.


ELECTION OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS Charles Stride reported that 3 members of the committee are due for retirement namely Brian Cornell, Susan Brown and Charles Stride. Charles reported that he was willing to stand again together with Brian but Susan wished to stand down. These two nominations were proposed by Ron Jenkins and seconded by Brian Holt. This was agreed by all present with no-one against. Charles went on to say thank you to Susan Brown for her contributions to the committee and Anglian Cuttings. The Chairman also thanked Susan on behalf of the committee and branch. Chard then explained that the Minute Secretary, who is not a committee member, wished to resign and asked if anyone felt they could take on this position then please let him know. Chard continued saying that if anyone wished to join the committee they would be very welcome and could contact either himself of Charles.

Chard Wadley closed the meeting at 8.05pm.


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