4 minute read

Branch Chairman’s Jottings Branch Chairman’s Jottings Branch Chairman’s Jottings Branch Chairman’s Jottings

byBernardMorton byBernardMorton

Well, here we are with April coming to an end and the weather still chilly and windy. March, we are told, was the wettest for 40 years but the water authorities are already urging caution as this apparently followed an exceptionally dry February (did anyone notice that?).

It remains to be seen what restrictions are placed on our boating this summer. Sandie and I are planning to head north to Lincoln, York and Ripon taking in the Chesterfield Canal on the way. So, fingers crossed that the northern reservoirs have been filled to the brim!

PROTECT OUR WATERWAYS CAMPAIGN. In March, IWA launched its Protect our Waterways campaign stating that it is “deeply concerned about the threat to our waterways posed by funding cuts” and that “the condition of the waterways continues to deteriorate while government funding is decreasing”. Government funding for CRT is currently £52.6m a year but this has been seriously diminished with inflation. In view of the fact that the Government has missed its deadline to announce the level of future funding after 2027 there is real cause for concern.

A number of events are being planned seeking backing not just from boaters but from all other waterways users (walkers, cyclists, anglers, canoeists, paddleboarders and even swimming groups). For further information about the campaign see https:// waterways.org.uk/campaigns/protect-our-waterways

FORTHCOMING CELEBRATIONS. No, not the Coronation but the 10th Anniversary of the Branch’s Adoption of the Northampton Arm. Our adoption started in July 2013, exactly one year on from the formation of CRT and the Committee felt that the huge amount we have achieved on the Arm deserved to be recognised and celebrated. Plans are in their infancy at the moment, but we have provisionally earmarked Sunday, 3rd September for this event. We are envisioning a gathering at the Memorial Garden by Locks 6 & 7 with refreshments. Invitations are going out to CRT staff, local dignitaries, press and all our volunteers (past and present). Further details will be in August’s Endeavour.

ANNUAL BRANCH DINNER. A note for your diaries here! Our Annual Branch Dinner will take place at The Boat Inn, Stoke Bruerne on Saturday, 18th November 2023. We have listened to requests that we avoid Bonfire weekend and the Remembrance weekend so this year’s will be a little later than usual – but hopefully far enough away from Christmas festivities. Further details about menus and booking information will be in August’s Endeavour.

BRANCH MEETINGS. As you will know, we have been in something of a quandary about the future of our Branch Meetings due to numbers declining sharply since Covid. We took on board criticisms of The Walnut Tree as a venue (eg. too cold, poor acoustics, expensive, too dark/poor weather) and revamped our offering by moving to the Conference Room at The Boat Inn at Stoke Bruerne and also to have a mix of afternoon and evening events. Those of you who have been to this season’s meetings have been pleased with the venue change and the introduction of afternoon sessions for the winter months.

Lynda Payton took over as our Meetings Organiser and came up with some imaginative speakers/entertainers. We have also stepped up our publicity utilising social media and posters around the locality. However, I’m sad to report that attendances have remained somewhat disappointing, ranging from 28 down to 9 (with 3 of these being Committee members). There seems to be no evidence that afternoons are more or less popular than evenings – but they do seem to attract different attendees, which can only be a good thing.

Although The Boat Inn has generously allowed us to use the room free of charge, we still have to pay some of our speakers and it is rather embarrassing for them to be faced with only a handful of people.

After much discussion by the Committee, we have decided to give next season (Oct 2023 – April/May 2024) another try utilising the same venue and mix of afternoons and evenings. As December has traditionally had a low turnout, we will not plan a session for December 2023 and move the Quiz Night to March, after our brief AGM. Further details will be in August’s Endeavour.

It will be a case of “use them or lose them” I’m afraid!

As I’ve read through this, it has become clear to me that August’s Endeavour is an edition you won’t want to miss with news of our 10th Anniversary “do”, our annual Branch dinner and next season’s meetings all to be unveiled.

Whatever you are doing until then, be it celebrating the Coronation, boating or enjoying our waterways, I hope that the weather improves markedly. Stay safe!

We extend a warm welcome to the following who have moved to the Northampton Branch since the last issue of Endeavour

Mr.Graeme Truluck

We look forward to meeting you at our Branch events

The IWA may not agree with opinions expressed in this magazine, but encourages publication as a matter of interest. Nothing printed may be construed as policy or aWith all the rain that we have had n official announcement unless so stated, otherwise the Association accepts no liability for any matter in the magazine. Neither the editor nor IWA can accept responsibility for any errors or omissions in the magazine, and opinions stated are those of individual contributors. We will, however, gladly publish corrections if notified. The editor reserves the right to shorten or modify articles published in the interests of clarity or space.

The Inland Waterways Association is registered as a charity (No. 212342)

Task Pary Dates


June 4th, 20th. July 2nd, 18th.

August 6th, 15th. September 3rd, 19th.

Contact: geoff.wood@waterways.org.uk or phone 01604 453932


Every Tuesday, Every Thursday and second and last Sunday in month

Contact athinabec@aol.com or phone 01908 661217/07721 319404


June 14th July 12th.

August 9th.September13th.

Contact: stokebruernecanalpartnership.org.uk


June 8th,24th. July 13th, 29th.

August 10th, 26th September 14th, 30th.

Contact Clive at braunstoncanalsociety @gmail.com or phone/text Clive on 07817 435911.

Continued from front page

Over five days with another 96 meters of towpath completed which now takes us up to almost Lock 13.

90 Volunteer visits that totalled up to 486 volunteer hours over the five days. Of these Cummings Power Systems contributed 195 hours plus the funding of the project.

Thanks to the Canal River Trust for all their involvement.

The next stage is planned form Sunday 8th to Thursday 12th October. Come and help if you can, we are always looking for more volunteers.

Nearly reached Lock 13 This will be completed next time in October

Volunteers from Cummings Power Systems loading a powered barrow

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