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A letter to the Prime Minister

Margaret Thatcher from a Branch Newsletter October 1981

Dear Prime Minister, 8th September 1981 British Waterways Board: 1982/83 Budget

I am taking the liberty of writing to you personally in order to express the extreme concern of my Association about the deteriorating state of the waterways under the control of the British Waterways Board and to make a special request for an increase in Government grant.

As the national voluntary organisation campaigning for the retention andrestoration of waterways and representing the various types of waterway user, the IWA is of the definite opinion that, unless action is taken very soon, there is a very real danger of a complete breakdown to Britain’s waterway system. This is part of the national heritage, is used by a large and increasing number of people, provides employment for a wide variety of private firms and is a valuable tourist attraction. All this is at risk. On the other hand, for a a relatively small sum of money this deterioration could be halted and reduced.

Consultants appointed by the Government reported in 1977 a maintenance backlog on BWB waterways of £60 million; allowing for inflation and further deterioration since, has now become £120 million. I understand that the British Waterways Board are applying for an increase of £17 million per year in their annual grant for the next 10 years, in order to deal with this maintenance backlog and so enable them to fulfil the duty, imposed upon them by the 1968 Transport Act, to maintain their waterways in a suitable condition.

We fully support BWB’s application for this increased grant. However, we realise that, under the present circumstances (including the proposed wide-ranging consultancy study to assess the whole of BWB’s operations), the Government may unfortunately feel unable to commit itself to such long-term funding. In this event, we would most strongly urge the Government to make a £10 million increase in grant for the year 1982/83 in order to enable BWB to carry out at least the most urgent and essential repair including Blisworth Tunnel, Boddington Reservoir and Netherton Tunnel. These three structures, being on main routes (details are given on the attached sheer), are causing great concern to waterway users, particularly the hire boat industry.

I very much hope that you will feel able to accept this request for an additional £10 million for the British Waterways Board for the year 1982/83. We would be very pleased to supply any further details or to discuss the matter with any members of your Government.

Yours very truly,

John Heap National Chairman

Nothing changes CRT are still trying to get a decent amount of money from the government. Ed

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