Ipswich Branch Committee Minutes 25Nov2011

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Date: Friday, 25 November 2011 Venue: ‘The Chequers’, Great Blakenham. Present: Chard Wadley (Chairman), Charles Stride (Secretary), Spencer Greystrong (Treasurer), Brian Holt (PRO), Diana Holt (Social), Lewis Tyler (RGT) Brian Cornell (Pickerel) Gerry Crease and Carolyn Wadley (Minutes). 1

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Clive Saville and Susan Brown.


MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD. The Chairman duly signed the minutes for 30 September 2011 as being a true record of the proceedings.




COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Chard had received an email from Cambridge branch regarding the possibility of HO sending out reminders of Branch meetings to all Region members. Chard replied to HO saying he has no problem with this request. Secretary Charles reported on items received and circulated: Peterborough minutes for 5 October and 2 November 2011. Cambridge minutes for 6 September and 19 October 2011 plus their Newsletter. Information on Southern Canals from Colin Turner. Charles had circulated the email from HO on writing to you MP and said that he had written to his local MP for Suffolk Coastal, Dr Coffey, and had received a reply. HO new house styling had been circulated. Cambridge minutes had stated twice on the cost of sending out their newsletter and Charles had responded by explaining how we had made savings by sending out electronic copies of our magazine. Charles had received an email from the Aylsham Navigation project saying they had moved on to form the Bure Navigation Conservation Trust. Charles continued saying they are asking firstly could we make a donation and secondly advising they are happy to provide a speaker. These were both discussed at length and a donation of £150 was agreed. Charles will reply to their email explaining the donation and saying that Brian will contact them at some point regarding a Speaker for our 2012/2013 winter programme. Talks for 2011 are complete and the 2 items for 2012 have been circulated. Charles is to add, as a link, to the talk’s diary saying on the 11 June 2012 the U3A East Suffolk Wayfarers will be doing a walk along the River Gipping. Charles thought it would be good to have an expert along and this was discussed at length on the options of distance and time. Planning Advice from Forest Heath on supplementary planning concerning open space, sport and recreation. Advice from St Edmundsbury Council which is pre advice for preparing an LDF for the towns


of Bury and Haverhill, and a vision to 2031 of a joint development planning document being prepared for Forest Heath and St Edmundsbury. Waveney District Council’s LDF shows a new draft on local planning guidance on protection, maintenance and alteration of the district historic environment. Treasurer Spencer gave a detailed explanation on the running balance saying what money had been received such as the subscription income. Spencer then continued explaining Income and Expenditure showing where the money had been spent on particular items required for the new site at Pipps Ford. The increase in postage due next April was discussed. Public Relations Officer Brian had contacted Towpath regarding future Branch meetings. The details of the annual dinner have been added to the website. A thank you had been sent to the Suffolk Punch Society regarding their talk in October. Brian had contacted Anglia Afloat praising their article and said that this brought in some additional guests to our meeting. Brian suggested a link on our website to the Aylsham website now they are officially a charity. The recipients of Christmas Cards from the branch were discussed and agreed. Social Secretary The food required for the January social meeting was discussed and agreed. Diana said that as it is short notice to do a trip next year the possibility of a trip in 2013 would be investigated. Diana gave the number of attendees at the previous meetings as: October 2011 - 28 November 2011 - 29 Editor, Anglian Cuttings Charles stated that he required articles for the January edition of Anglian Cuttings by Christmas. Membership Secretary Ipswich branch membership figures are as follows: September – 495 members and 322 memberships October – 499 members and 325 memberships. 5

REPORTS ON OTHER BODIES River Gipping Trust Lewis reported that the next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 13 December 2011. Lewis explained that he had recently walked part of the River Gipping and reported that signposting is very poor at Great Blakenham. Regarding restoration, Spencer reported that work had now started a Pipps Ford Lock with the removal of the first tree out of the bridge and brick work will hopefully start in 2 weeks’ time. Mr Onians, on behalf of the Onians’ Trust, has agreed to pay for all the iron work, bricks and the timber, which is required to rebuild the sluice which is needed at the head of the lock at Baylham; this will be carried out in the summer. Martin is preparing an application for Land Drainage Consent and has seen representatives from the EA, Planning and Heritage and they have agreed the plan put forward. River Stour Trust Susan’s report stated that Trusty II ran successfully from its new base at the Boathouse at Dedham offering one-way trips between Dedham and Flatford. Passage through Flatford and Dedham locks has been problematic and discussions are in hand with the EA about ownership


and repairs/gate replacement. The Sudbury operation continues to flourish with 3 boats working and there is enthusiastic support from the Henny Swan. Vegetation has been cut back at the Granary Cut and a new landing stage extension is to be built before the arrival and operation of the restored lighter next year. Major repairs are to be made to the Granary balcony and the veranda at the VEC. S2C event in September was a great success with 300 boats taking part. Winter social gatherings have been well attended and the Christmas bazaar will be held on 4 December. Plans are being made to progress the project at Stratford Lock. Work parties have cleared vegetation and a survey of the channel has been done with a view to reducing the depth. A meeting must be held with the EA to discuss their present requirement for 7 separate new LDCs. Jeff Burroughs has now taken the lead in this. Broads Authority Forum Brian had attended a meeting at Acle and said he had received a booklet giving the Broads plan for 2011. There is also a long term planning review on the National Park side of the Broads on whether they are meeting their objectives. Brian stated that the he had read in the Press that the Broad’s tolls have been a record low this year with just a 2.7% increase on the boat tolls. Brian explained that the Broads Authority runs financially as two separate businesses, the Navigation and the National Park, saying that the Navigation does not support the National Park and the National Park does not support the Navigation which means that all costs have to be apportioned. Pickerel Project Group Brian Cornell reported that there is to be a clean-up on 4 December with all volunteers meeting at the Prentice Road car park. 6

ANY OTHER BUSINESS Spencer reported that Martin had been in contact with the EA and various other interested bodies on making a concerted effort on removing the Himalayan Balsam from the River Gipping. This is planned for some time in February and we are hoping to have help from the EA, Mid Suffolk, Copella and The Pickerel Project.


NEXT MEETING Friday, 3 February 2012.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 2.35pm.


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