Middlesex Matters Spring 2015 Issue no. 34

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Middlesex Branch Newsletter email: middlesex.newsletter@waterways.org.uk

No. 34 Spring 2015

Warwick Avenue Bridge, Little Venice

Inland Waterways Association Middlesex Matters Spring 2015 https://www.waterways.org.uk/middlesex/middlesex

Diary Dates 2015 Branch social evenings 10 March AGM plus Branch social evening. Athena Beckett – Buckingham Canal Society.

8 September Branch social evening. Jeremy Batch - The Story of Navigation 2000BC – 2020AD.

14 April Richard Thomas - the Panama Canal.

13 October the Air.

12 May Sam Thomas (Canal and River Trust) CRT maintenance, including Slough Arm and the work of CRT over recent years. 9 June Skittles Match - HCC, FOSC & IWA Middlesex Branch, members & guests all welcome.

Tony Conder – Canals From

10 November Branch social evening. Tony Brooks gives a talk on Boat Diesel Systems Maintenance. 8 December Mince Pies, Mulled Wine & Waterways Quiz.

Middlesex Branch social evenings are held at Hillingdon Canal Club, Waterloo Rd, Uxbridge. Social meetings are not held in July and August. For more information contact the Social Secretary Lucy Smith on, middlesex.socials@waterways.org.uk or 07947 451376. Members and guests are welcome. Free entry.

Festivals and events 2-4 May 10 May 16-17 May

IWA Canalway Cavalcade at Little Venice, London. Nearest tube stations Warwick Rd and Paddington. Hayes Canal and craft fair. Rickmansworth Canal Festival, GU Canal between Batchworth and Stockers Lock, and Rickmansworth Aquadrome. Not far from Rickmansworth Metropolitan Line stn.

23-25 May

Crick Boat Show, Crick Marina, West Haddon Rd, Crick, Northants, NN6 7SQ.

3-5 July

Ware Boat Festival – River Lea - Riverside at Ware.

4-5 July

Stratford River Festival – Stratford upon Avon.

11 July

Hayes Carnival, Barra Hall Park, Hayes, Middlesex.

6 September

Angel Canal Festival, adjoining City Road Lock, Islington N1 8JX.

12-13 September

Slough Canal Festival - Bloom Park, Slough. Entrance and parking is free.

19-20 September Hanwell Locks guided tour –Open House London weekend. Walks start at The Fox public house, (Green Lane, Hanwell) at 1pm, 2pm 3pm & 4pm on both days.

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Chairman’s Column This time of year it is difficult to find much to say. Winter seems to bring with it less activity on aspects of the association’s work so this month’s contribution is shorter than normal. Canal & River Trust are coming to the end of their reorganisation which sees the waterway units, like London and the South East focusing on customer service to boaters and other visitors whilst maintenance and construction are being centralised in four units. Let us hope this will improve the way the waterways are maintained. We wish them well in their endeavours. Overstaying boats on moorings in London continue to cause concern. After an accident last year when a boater drove a spike into one of the Extra High Voltage cables that are under the towpath on the Regent’s Canal. National grid, along with CRT, are putting in additional mooring rings. We have expressed our concern that this could lead to more boats causing nuisance to local residence as has happened in the Kings Cross area where mooring rings, installed for the Olympics, very close to residential properties, have resulted in numerous complaints about smoke and noise. On the positive side the Canal & River Trust have launched three new bookable visitor moorings sited at Rembrandt Gardens in Little Venice. Boaters are able to book the mooring up to one month in advance.

The maximum stay time will be seven days, with no return within one calendar month and no more than 14 days use of the moorings each year. For all enquiries and bookings please contact RembrandtGardens@gmail.com Promotions & Communications Committee(Prom-Com) has planned a workshop to help branches recruit more members to the association. The Workshop on 28th March 2015 at Peterborough is open to anyone who would like to help, not just existing committee members. So if you would like to understand more of the workings of IWA and what is needed to secure our place within the world of Inland Waterways please contact your chairman. There is also more information on the IWA website at https://www.waterways.org.uk/iwa/calend ar/event/view?id=1633 I would also like at least one person within the region who is willing and capable of training others in the art of recruitment and retention. If you can think you are that person can you have a chat with me?

Paul Strudwick Chair Person London Region The Inland Waterways Association www.waterways.org.uk

Inland Waterways Association 3 Middlesex Matters Spring 2015 https://www.waterways.org.uk/middlesex/middlesex

Middlesex Branch donates £200 to canoe club As our members are aware the Branch makes many donations to waterways related causes, some of which are not local. We’re pleased to say this time a local sports club is the beneficiary of one of our donations. Ealing Canoe Club was proposed at one of the committee meeting and a donation of £200 was unanimously agreed. Ealing Canoe Club has its clubhouse on the Grand Union Canal just near the Horsenden Hill Visitor Centre on Horsenden Lane North . This places it just about in the middle of the Middlesex Branch geographic area.

Michael Phillips presents the cheque for £200 to Tim Plant (right) Tim Plant of Ealing Canoe Club sent the following acknowledgment to the committee: It was a lovely surprise to receive the generous donation from the Inland Waterways Association last week which will be used to buy some much needed buoyancy aids and safety equipment. Ealing Canoe Club is a thriving and growing racing club that caters for paddlers of all ages and ability within the local community. This welcome boost will be of great benefit to current paddlers and also enable us to offer new members the opportunity to experience this fun and exciting sport. Tim Plant Chairman on behalf of Ealing Canoe Club Inland Waterways Association 4 Middlesex Matters Spring 2015 https://www.waterways.org.uk/middlesex/middlesex

Residents fight unauthorised mooring Residents living close to Teddington Lock have formed a campaign group, Reclaim our Riverbank (RoR) to pressure the local councils, Environment Agency and police to deal with a large community of boats moored on council land upstream from the lock. Up to 60 boats forming a kind of shanty town have been moored for up to 5 years including a configuration of barges operating as a boarding house (pictured). Residents were frustrated that individual complaints about the unsightly boats and anti-social behaviour were not being addressed with sufficient priority and vigour.

RoR and its associated community and resident organisations can now reach more than 10,000 people and in the five months since its creation has become an established campaign group. There has been useful dialogue with all the agencies involved and regular updates produced for campaign supporters. RoR plan to mobilise this support to pressure governmental and other agencies. The location on a borough boundary creates a complicated situation with Richmond and Kingston councils, two different police areas and the Environment Agency all involved each with different (and often seemingly inadequate) powers. Recently Kingston council removed two unoccupied boats under its specific legislative powers. The effect was to encourage many other boats to leave. Where there were nearly thirty boats there is now a hardcore of five

mainly occupied boats. The council have committed to taking action against these boats although the timescale is uncertain. In Richmond, where more than thirty boats are moored, the council had, until very recently only recourse to proceedings that was for trespass, which they chose not to use. They have spent more than four years pursuing a byelaw to control mooring. Finally, on 12 February 2015 it was approved and becomes effective on 13 March. For further information on this byelaw see the bottom of the page. The new byelaw means that moorers will be committing a criminal offence if they overstay on council land. The Environment Agency has been attempting to enforce registration and discharge regulations but limited staffing and inadequate regulatory powers have hampered their efforts. RoR recently met with Dan Rogerson, the government minister responsible for the EA, and he has undertaken to investigate concerns. Useful discussions have also been held with EA senior management and RoR will be asking politicians to consider updating and improving the powers available to the EA. Whilst there is no quick solution to this problem, RoR have pledged to continue to campaign to restore our riverbank for the enjoyment of residents, towpath users as well as legitimate river users. Details of the byelaw can be found at www.richmond.gov.uk/byelaws_and_local_legislation To find out more about the campaign or register your support contact reclaimourriverbank@gmail.com

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IWA Branch cake at Slough Canal Festival To mark the 20th anniversary of IWA Middlesex Branch a cake provided by Ray Gill (with thanks to Gill Doling), was duly dispatched. All in the best possible taste.

The Mayor of Slough Cllr Shafiq Chaudhry (pictured) cuts the anniversary cake withthe help of two assistants, with Keith and Robin alongside.

Dangerous Towpaths Towpaths are fast becoming dangerous places, not from lack of maintenance but from too much improvement.

take extra care, as a cyclists attempting to better their time will tolerate no interference.

There are reports that seven upgraded towpaths are now being used for cycle racing. There are apps to run on smartphones, in conjunction with a GPS tracker, that connect to websites where riders can post their time and compare it to other riders.

Parts of the following canals are affected

Some parts of the towpaths have now become time trial race tracks and anyone using these towpaths should be advised to

Leeds & Liverpool Canal. Shropshire Union Canal. Kennet & Avon Canal (2 places). Coventry Canal. Birmingham & Fazeley Canal. Worcester & Birmingham Canal. Trent & Mersey Canal.

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Ealing Canoe Club

Ealing Canoe Club, the recipients of the IWA Middlesex Branch’s latest donation of £200, has a wide range of canoeing activities and new members of all ages are always welcome. The minimum age for membership is normally 8 years, under 12s need to be accompanied by a parent/guardian. The clubhouse is on the Grand Union Canal just near the Horsenden Hill Visitor Centre on Horsenden Lane North

CRT’s new policy on Continuous Cruisers On Friday 13 Feb 2015, CRT Chief Executive, Richard Parry, announced the Trust's new policy toward those continuous cruisers who do not follow the guidelines. Should they not comply with the guidelines they agree to when taking out their licence, they will be refused a further continuous cruiser licence, meaning that they will either have to obtain a full licence and a paid mooring or leave the waterways altogether.

IWA Chairman give support to CRT policy Following the announcement by CRT, Les Etheridge, Chairman of IWA made a statement "IWA strongly supports genuine continuous cruisers and hopes that the new enforcement process will quickly address in a fair way the significant issues which have developed in recent years."

Councils and EA act against unlicensed boats On 4 February a multi agency operation to tackle the problem of mooring and unlicensed vessels took place. This involved Richmond and Kingston Councils and the Environment Agency with police back up. Eviction notices were served on a large number of boats for unauthorised mooring. The EA investigated boats for licensing and illegal sewage discharge offences.

Narrowboat sinks at Hampton Court On Friday 20 February a narrowboat moored on the Thames near Hampton Court Bridge sank. It was treated as a major incident with three ambulances, six fire appliances and a helicopter circling above. A rescue team in a dingy searched the water with underwater cameras, fortunately there was no one on board. Inland Waterways Association 7 Middlesex Matters Spring 2015 https://www.waterways.org.uk/middlesex/middlesex

Sonia Rolt OBE (15 April 1919 – 22 October 2014)

The late Sonia Rolt (seated) at the Australian Canal Society’s bi-annual gathering at The Blue Lias in 2005. Standing: Robin Bishop, Stu Carrie, John Fletcher (IWA Chairman 2005), Jan Roden (ACS President) and Terry Liddle

Canalside pubs along the way

The Grand Junction Arms, Acton Lane Harlesdon, NW10. Young's pub with some good beers and a garden overlooking the canal. There are tables and chairs beside the canal. Inland Waterways Association 8 Middlesex Matters Spring 2015 https://www.waterways.org.uk/middlesex/middlesex

A View of the Slough Canal from Friends of Slough Canal

Friends of Slough Canal have responded to Branch Chairman Keith’s comments referencing the canal, published in the winter edition (No.33). Their response describes some of the historic facts and interesting landmarks to be found whilst travelling the canal. The letter is shown on page 11 Thanks go to Friends of Slough Canal for a new insight into the life of the Slough Canal.

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University crews make historic move

The Newton Women's Boat Race will make its historic move to the Tideway in 2015. For the first time since the racing rivalry began in 1929, the women’s crews of Oxford and Cambridge will race on the Championship Course on the afternoon of Saturday 11 April 2015. The women are due to start at 4.50pm and the men an hour later, at 5.50pm. The men’s race takes around 16 to 18 minutes.

Tower lifeboat station in London is the busiest one in the UK and Ireland The RNLI Tower lifeboat station serving a huge stretch of the Thames, including south east London, is the busiest in the UK and Ireland. Tower lifeboat station next to Waterloo Bridge, had their busiest ever year in 2014 having launched 543 times. They rescued 104 people and saved 16 lives. Along with London's two other

Photo: RNLI

lifeboat stations, Chiswick and Teddington they rescued 231 people in 2014.

Middlesex Branch Sales Stand events 2015

Robin will be out and about again this year with the branch sales stand visiting some of the festivals and events in and around the Middlesex area. 3 - 5 May

Canalway Cavalcade Little Venice, London

10 May

Hayes Canal and Craft Fare

5 – 6 July

Ware Boat Festival River Lea

13 - 14 Sept

Slough Canal Festival Bloom Park

20 - 21 Sept

Hanwell Locks Open House London weekend

If you are at one of these events and you see the sales stand why not introduce yourself to Robin and have a chat or even spend some time helping, you’ll be most welcome. Inland Waterways Association 10 Middlesex Matters Spring 2015 https://www.waterways.org.uk/middlesex/middlesex

A View of the Slough Canal from Friends of Slough Canal Dear Chairman of Middlesex Branch of IWA, We were very surprised or rather disappointed to read in your column of the last issue of Middlesex Matters [No.33] that “The Slough Arm of the Grand Union Canal may not be a pretty section of canal, there are no great views, no outstanding architecture to admire and, with all respect to Slough, it is not a place of special interest but very importantly following the dredging by the Canal & River Trust the arm is well and truly open.” Well if I didn’t know the Slough Arm and read your words I surely would not bother going down the Arm (whether navigable or not). But mostly I would like to say that we actually do believe that the Slough Arm is overall a very pretty stretch of canal. It has an incredible diversity of wild life, plants and animals, due to its quietness and is well worth a visit. Some interesting history and landmarks are: - The canal was built to support the Langley brickmaking industry – locally made bricks would have been picked up at wharves along the canal (apparently there are traces still left of these) and transported by barge to London. The empty barges would be filled with London’s rubbish on their return journey where a lot of it ended up in landfill sites alongside the canal while the rest was burnt in the furnaces, which fired the bricks. - Trenches Bridge – an attractive brick and ironwork bridge which now carries a public footpath, which runs from the A4 to Langley Park. This was originally built when the canal was first dug to carry the existing carriage route (hence its width) from Ditton Park to the house in Langley Park. The bridge would have been used by the local Kedderminster family to go to St Mary’s church and the 3rd Duke of Marlborough used this route to visit his aunt in Ditton Park. This entire area was the hunting ground for local nobility and hunting parties would come out from Windsor Castle. Rumour has it that Queen Victoria used the bridge herself! - A fine specimen of a granite toll tax obelisk near the junction. - Three aqueducts going over the Rivers Frays, Colne and the Colne Brook (apparently built to appease local mill owners that water would not drain from these into the canal). - The recent ‘find’ of a track and tunnel beside the canal, most probably connected with the local brick making industry. Local people knew of this and as we write, we are waiting for further information. We would really encourage boaters and other canal users to venture up the Slough Arm to discover a surprisingly beautiful, quiet, peaceful, at times even wild, section of the G.U.C., and all this within the boarders of the M25 and the close vicinity of Slough. Laurence Bugeon (IWA member, Friends of Slough Canal member) with: Diane Richards (IWA member and Friends of Slough Canal Committee member) Olivia Corcoran (IWA member and Friends of Slough Canal Committee member) Phil Wyatt, Jan Treweek (IWA members and Friends of Slough Canal members)

Inland Waterways Association 11 Middlesex Matters Spring 2015 https://www.waterways.org.uk/middlesex/middlesex

MIDDLESEX MUSINGS Boats without home moorings: 27 for every 10 miles of waterway The problem of overstaying moorers is now becoming one of the main talking points in just about every boating meeting agenda. For those readers that are not aware overstaying moorers are usually (but not always) boats without home moorings. They are registered with CRT as Continuous Cruisers. Figures released show the number of boats registered as Continuous Cruisers is on the increase and has risen since 2007 from 3,200 to the latest figure 5,400 in December 2014. It is worth noting that whilst the number of continuous cruisers is increasing, the total number of craft on CRT’s waterways has declined. According to CRT the number of boats in 2010/11 was 35,241 dropping to 32,018 in 2013/14. IWA and AWCC are in broad agreement with a suggestion that those without a home mooring should move a minimum distance of 50 miles per month. So it is up to the CRT with their (yet another) policy on the subject to enforce it. This doesn’t address the problem of overstaying moorers that do have a home mooring. They are not required by CRT to use their home mooring nor to move a minimum distance, just not to overstay on any particular mooring.

Sonia Rolt – end of an era IWA was saddened the hear the passing of Sonia Rolt. She was a woman of great enthusiasm, humour and self-deprecating modesty. When she received her OBE for industrial archaeology and heritage services she exclaimed to the Queen “I simply don’t know why I have been given this!” Sonia Rolt, 15/04/1919 – 22/10/2014. She is survived by her two sons.

The elephant on the towpath? I see that seven upgraded towpaths are now being used for cycle racing. It would appear that canal towpaths are becoming dangerous places for pedestrians. CRT seem to be ignoring the elephant in the room. CRT’s Chief Executive, Richard Parry’s response when questioned about racing cyclists was ‘We will educate them’. CRT will have to address this elephant or do we wait until there’s a serious injury.

New boat race on the tideway

As the 161st boat race approaches, this year the women’s race will make an historic entrance on the Championship Course. Looking back from 2015 viewpoint it would appear long overdue. After all, they have been racing each other since 1929. Cambridge women lead 40-29. The men’s is much closer at 81-78. C’mon you blues. How about a mixed eight in the not too distant future?

CRT defy Data Protection Act? Have CRT lost the plot with the draft of their new T’s & C’s? Do they think they can get away with letting licencee’s personal details be released to anybody?

Mind your c’s and k’s It has been drawn to my attention in the last edition the company name Beko was incorrectly shown as Beco. Apologies to all.

Terry Liddle Editor

Inland Waterways Association 12 Middlesex Matters Spring 2015 https://www.waterways.org.uk/middlesex/middlesex

PLANNING NEWS LARGE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS COMING TO A CANAL NEAR YOU Forecasters are suggesting that the population of London will surge to 9 million by 2020 and we will need to build 400,000 new homes in the next decade.

To the west of London this is compounded by the Cross Rail project, which will provide fast rail from this area to central London.

A mere 400 metres along the canal from Norwood is the site of yet another enormous housing scheme. This is the proposed regeneration of the Havelock Estate which will provide over 900 new residential units, and the renovation of 154 existing houses. Although the scheme is predominantly low-rise, higher blocks of apartments of up to eight storeys are proposed adjacent to the canal. We objected to the scheme on the grounds that the higher blocks will have a negative impact on the canal conservation area. This application was approved in November 2013.

In the teeth of considerable local opposition; including our own; the massive Brentford High Street scheme was approved in November 2014. This development (876 residential units) now has outline permission and detailed consent has been obtained for three blocks. Those familiar with the tower blocks of High Point Village next to the canal at Hayes will know what to expect!

Another 500 metres to the west is the Salisbury Gardens development of 103 residential units next to Adelaide Dock. The main five-storey block complete with a telecommunications mast is already an unwelcome intrusion on the canal corridor. In 2014 Ealing Council submitted a planning application to extend this block towards the canal to provide a further 20 flats.

The charm of the Brentford waterside and much of the boat repair business based in the historic wharves will be lost forever.

The setting of the canal along the Paddington Branch is also changing as a result of a number of large developments. The first of these is at the former Glaxo Smith Kline site (east of Black Horse Bridge) in Greenford where a mixed development including 593 residential units is proposed. One area of concern is a nine-storey mansion block next to the canal.

The canal in West London is bordered by a swathe of old industrial sites that are gradually being vacated. There is a political consensus that these brown field sites should be used to address the shortage of housing.

Above the gauging locks, the second phase of the Brentford Lock West scheme (520 residential units) has been approved. The success of any architectural design is always a matter of personal taste but the completed housing blocks provide a strong industrial character that successfully relates to the canal basin. Our principal interest now is to see more detailed proposals for the northern part of the site that includes the overhanging sheds and a proposed footbridge over the canal. The future of the overhanging warehouses remains a major concern. Despite a recent and successful recladding of the warehouse gables, details about the integration of the warehouse structures with the adjoining residential and commercial uses are only illustrative at this stage. Just above Norwood Top Lock is a small scheme of ten town houses nearing completion. These are on the former Norwood Yard site owned by British Waterways. The design is a formal crescent with, the old BW workers cottage as its focus. A lost opportunity as an architectural solution could have retained the character of a working yard.

On the other side of the canal from the GSK site, Premier Foods have closed their Greenford bakery and intend to demolish the buildings on the site. A planning application for a residential development on this site is anticipated! An enormous development in Alperton (Bridge 11 of the Paddington Arm) has been completed. The scheme consists of a 14-storey tower overlooking the canal together with six lower rise buildings and has a total of 441 apartments. In 2013 the GLA prepared a consultation document entitled a Vision for Old Oak. The proposed HS2 rail links mean that the area could have the best-connected station in the UK with links to Central London, Heathrow, Canary Wharf, Birmingham, and Paris. Cont. >>

Inland Waterways Association 13 Middlesex Matters Spring 2015 https://www.waterways.org.uk/middlesex/middlesex

This proposed new station could lead to the transformation of the area into a thriving new district with 24,000 new homes and employment opportunities for more than 55,000 jobs. Three new links spanning the GU could be built to improve north-south access.

Finally Hillingdon are proposing the former Cape Boards site at Iver Lane, Cowley for the development of 315 residential units. Although the site is currently occupied by industrial concerns it remains a sensitive location due to the proximity with the Cowley Lock Conservation Area – the short section between Cowley Lock and the Iver Lane bridge is a canal setting that has probably changed little in the past 150 years. In West Drayton and Yiewsley a number of planning permissions for up to 228 residential units have already been granted for sites next to the Grand Union and collectively these developments will do much to change the canal environment.

Those sitting near to a calculator may already have worked out that some 5,000 A ‘Vision for Old Oak’ - The Paddington Arm can new homes are already be seen to the north of the new station completed or planned on sites A number of new schemes will see the adjoining the Grand Union Canal in our Branch area. regeneration of the town centres of Hayes and West This figure does not include the emerging Old Oak Drayton. The canal has tremendous potential to be master plan and the many other sites next to the the catalyst for this regenerative process but at the canal that will be allocated for housing over the same time there is clearly a need to ensure that the coming years. canal environment is enhanced and where necessary protected. This is a daunting prospect for those of us who would rather see the canal preserved as it is. There The first of these sites is the former Nestle works remain however a number of areas of our urban canal in Hayes that will provide up to 500 new dwelling network which have a feeling of rural tranquility units. As the main block of the Nestle site is locally quite at odds with their close proximity to a major listed and is a designated Conservation Area this capital city. We should strive to preserve the could lead to unacceptably high development next to character of these sections of canal as a valuable the canal. Hillingdon's policy for this site is to locate antidote to the changes that will inevitably happen ‘higher development’ along the canal frontage. We elsewhere. have opposed this policy as it creates a physical and visual barrier between the canal and the rest of the development. Another site identified for development is at Silverdale Road/Western View opposite the Ballymore High Point Village development. Here it is proposing a mixed-use development with 300 dwelling units. The site includes Shackles Dock and we have made representations to the local authority to ensure that the dock is retained and restored for paddle sport or other appropriate waterspace uses.

Ray Gill Planning and Navigation Officer

Inland Waterways Association 14 Middlesex Matters Spring 2015 https://www.waterways.org.uk/middlesex/middlesex



Dates for committee meetings for 2015 are given below. Members are welcome to attend. Meetings start at 8.00pm at the Hillingdon Canal Club, Waterloo Road, Uxbridge UB8 2QX.

27 January 28 July

24 March 22 Sep

2 June 24 Nov

YOUR BRANCH COMMITTEE Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer Panning/Navigation Membership Sales Social meetings Newsletter Publicity Events Other members

Keith Clayton Michael Phillips Robin Bishop Lucy Smith Raymond Gill Michael Phillips Keith Clayton Robin Bishop Lucy Smith Terry Liddle Lucy Smith Lucy Smith Stephen Bray

020 8573 0883 020 8452 2632 07947451376 07785255886 020 8573 0883 020 8452 2632 07947451376 020 8863 2551 07947451376 07947451376

keith_clayton_1955@yahoo.co.uk michael@shirazphillips.co.uk robinebishop@tiscali.co.uk middlesex.treasurer@waterways.org.uk ray.gill@waterways.org.uk michael@shirazphillips.co.uk keith_clayton_1955@yahoo.co.uk robinebishop@tiscali.co.uk middlesex.socials@waterways.org.uk middlesex.newsletter@waterways.org.uk middlesex.publicity@waterways.org.uk middlesex.events@waterways.org.uk

The newsletter welcomes communications from readers. If you have a point to make, a question to ask, or an interesting picture or article worthy of publication send it to us at Middlesex Matters, 39 Hillview Gardens, Harrow, Middlesex HA2 6HJ Email to: middlesex.newsletter@waterways.org.uk. NEWSLETTER EDITOR

Terry Liddle

Middlesex Matters is produced using MS Word 2007. Printed by Colour Image Printers, Loudwater, High Wycombe. The next publication will be the summer 2015 edition, issue number 35

The views expressed in this Newsletter are not necessarily those of the Inland Waterways Association or of its London Region or of its Middlesex Branch. They are however published as being of interest to our members and readers Š IWA Middlesex Branch 2015 The Inland Waterways Association is a charity campaigning for the conservation, use, maintenance, restoration and development of the inland waterways and is a non profit distributing company limited by guarantee registered in England number 612245 registered as a charity number 212342 whose registered office is at: Island House, Moor Road, Chesham. HP5 1WA. Tel. 01494 783453 http://www.waterways.org.uk

Inland Waterways Association 15 Middlesex Matters Spring 2015 https://www.waterways.org.uk/middlesex/middlesex

Visit somewhere new, try Parking-on-Thames

Photo: CARA

Did you know The Bermuda triangle is not really a triangle; it's more a wreck-tangle. A man with a clock always knows the time. A man with two clocks is never sure. The helmsman changed course in the twinkling of an aye. Making a boat out of concrete is a definite hardship.

Annual General Meeting of the Inland Waterways Association Middlesex Branch AGM will be held at the

Hillingdon Canal Club UXBRIDGE WHARF WATERLOO ROAD UXBRIDGE UB8 2QX Tuesday 10 March 2015 at 8pm - Bar open from 7.30 Nominations for election to the Committee must be received by the Secretary by 10 March 2015. Secretary:- Robin Bishop, 11 Lichfield Road, Cricklewood, London NW2 2RE. email:- robinebishop@tiscali.co.uk Inland Waterways Association 16 Middlesex Matters Spring 2015 https://www.waterways.org.uk/middlesex/middlesex

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