Committee minutes 15th April 2011

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Friday, 15 April2011. 'The Chequers', Great Blakenharn. Present: Chard Wadley (Chairman), Charles Stride (Secretary), Spencer Greystrong (Treasurer), Brian Holt (PRO), Diana Holt (Social), Susan Brown (RST), Gerry Crease and Calolyn Wadley (Minutes).



APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Clive Saville and Lewis Tyler.


MTNUTES OF THE MEETING_ HELD4jEBRUARY 20i 1 The Chairman duly signed the minutes for 4 February 2011 as being a true reccrd of the proceedings.




COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Chard started with the DEFRA consultation paper on the new charity for the waterways. This was discussed at length and agreed that Charles would notify Nigel Long that we will comment following the HO draft response. Follorn'ing the Workshop in Stoke in January, Chard said that he had received some cards from HO which set out ten reasons for joining IWA. He then explained that these are for active members to keep, as a reminder, when they have the opportunity to recruit new members. An appeal for branches to hold sponsored walks to raise funds for Inglesham Lock restoration appeal was discussed.

A leaflet on local walks on the River Gipping for rn'alking from station to station was then raised. Charles said he had spoken to the person who designed the leaflet and he is happy for us to reproduce copies for distribution at the various Stations and Tourist Information shops. Chard queried with Spencer if we had received notification from Eastern Region regarding the payment for the committee room for the meeting held in September 2070. Spencer is to check if this had been paid. Secretary Charles stated that IWA were running a scheme where Branches would receive f20 for each new member recruited by the branch. Charles said that Linda Payton had requested information on our events for the magazine 'Waterw-ays'. Ar appeal had been received for the Bedford/Milton Keynes link. Charles had received and circulated branch minutes for: Milton Keynes -January 2A11. Cambridge - January 201 1. Peterborough * February, March and April 2011. Other items received and circulated: BW new charity information. Planning notices received: Weekly list of pianning applications from the Broads Authority.

Treasurer Spencer distributed copies of the accounts and explained various items; no questions were

raised from the committee.

Public Relations Officer Spencer asked Brian about getting a sign for the footbridge over Bosmere lcck. This bridge has now been repaired and requires a sign saying built by iWA and restored by the River Gipping Trust.

Social Secretary Diana explained that the AGM, which was followed b-v a talk on the Middle Level, held in February was attended by 28 members and 30 members attended the annual dinner in March. Brian said he had been in touch with the East Angiian Film Archive and they have said we can purchase one or two DVD's from them to show at our winter meetings. Other options for talks were discussed.

Editor, Anglian Cuttings Charles said that as the next edition will be published mid-June he requires articles for this edition by mid-May.

Membership Secretary Figures for March 2011 are 508 members and 334 memberships REPORTS ON OTHER BODIES

River Gipping Trust Spencer explained that work at Bosrnere Lock had entailed the rebuild of the footbridge over the lock and new timber on the stop plank housing.

River Stour Trust Susan stated that Martin Lees had resigned from Council and Brian Cornell is now the working party administrator. Susan explained that the proposed new jetty for Trusty at Dedham Boathouse has received planning permission but the Trust must subrnit a 'landscape mitigation scheme' before it can be built. The Trust has written to Colchester Borough Council complaining that the new slipway into Dedham Millpool, which the council built last year, is too narrow and prevents trailed rowing boats being launched. Regarding Stratford St Maly, Susan said that they have written to request a fuither site meeting with the EA to discuss a way forward and the EA's requirement for several more land drainage consent applications. Managing a Masterpiece ran a training da-v at the VEC for 'Surveying Historic Features on the Stour', and another training day is to be held on 'Restoration of Historic Struetures'. The John Constable restoration continues at Brightlingsea. Boats and tearoom start at Easter. Regarding the IWA/RST outing on the River Deben on 17 September; this will be published on the RST website with a flyer going out with the AGM papern'ork. The AGM is to be held on Saturday 14 May 201i. Broads Authorify Forum Brian said he had attended 2 meetings recently and copies of Brian's responses had been circulated to the Committee.

Pickerel Project Group Chard reported that following his email to the Pickerel Project Group, saying that their Sunday wcrk parties were the same weekend as the branch Saturday work parties, they had replied saying they were willing to work on the Saturday. Chard is to liaise with the Pickerel Project when they require our help. The Group are planning a river walk from Stowmarket to trpswich on 14 May 2011.

Aylsham Navigation A report from Fergus Muir via Spencer stated that they are creating a Trust with the aim to open the entire waterway for walking.

ANY OTHER BUSINESS Spencer said the boat trip on 17 September will cost f 13 per head. The East Anglian Waterways Association's AGM is on 8 May 2011. Maritime lpswich 2011 is to be held in August and Spencer said the price of

a stand was very

high and he feels the event may not go ahead. Gipping Homes has offered the branch a secure site and a container as somewhere to keep the branch equipment. Spencer explained the cost to the branch.


NEXT MEETTNG Friday, 17 June 201


The Chainnan closed the meeting at 3.10pm.

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