A couple of outings for our London WRG regional group, a return to a ‘real’ restoration conference, and which WRG vans are ULEZ compliant? The emission zones which concern us are as follows: As we went to press our London WRG re1. London. This is the most complex. gional mobile working party group had London has a ‘Low emission zone’ (LEZ, booked two dates for weekend digs. virtually everywhere inside the M25) and an The first is on the Wey & Arun Canal on ‘Ultra low emission zone’ (ULEZ, goes up to, 5-6 March. but not including, the North and South circuThe second is advance notice of a prelar roads.). The zones operate 24 hours a summer canal camps preparation weekend at day every day except Christmas Day. None of Berwick Tunnel on the Shrewsbury & Newthe WRG vans are affected by the outer LEZ; port Canals on 23-24 July. The work will however DD16BOB, WR14FLN, RX06KNP involve removing ash tree stumps from beand D16EHP are all in scope for the ULEZ hind the tunnel portal wall using Tirfor and therefore need to pay £12.50 per day if winches, and demolishing a damaged butthey drive within it, in addition to the contress wall which also formed part of one wall gestion charge (which covers a different and of the tunnel mouth hut. This is in preparamuch smaller area) if applicable. All WRG tion for the rebuilding of the walls during he vehicles are enrolled for automatic payment camp on 21-28 August. Accommodation will for London so if you enter the ULEZ or conbe at Uffington Village Hall. gestion charge zone you do not need to do Contact Tim Lewis on 07802 518094 or anything as it will be paid automatically or see the (though obviously it would be better to avoid London WRG Facebook group for details. it if possible). Note that this automatic payment only covers the ULEZ and congestion charge zones, not other charges (e.g. Attention WRG van drivers... Dartford crossing). We have already mentioned in a previous 2. Bath. The Clean Air Zone operates issue of Navvies that some or all of our 24 hours a day 365 days a year. DD16BOB, vehicles are affected by the charges to drive WR14FLN, RX06KNP and D16EHP are all in various zones in Britain - but there are frequent changes and new charges. We have now put the latest information in the folders which are kept in each vehicle, but the following is the latest situation as of 30 January 2022. Clean Air Zones (CAZ) and Low Emission Zones (LEZ/ULEZ): There are now various emission control zones around the country and, depending on which van you are driving, this may affect whether you plan to avoid certain areas (or pay the appropriate charge to enter them). Below is a brief guide to Berwick Tunnel: Work here in July with London WRG which vans can go where.
London WRG weekend work parties
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