IWA Chelmsford Branch Newsletter October 2013

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CHELMSFORD B RA N C H N Ne ew w s s ll O





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RĂŠpudre Aqueduct by John Carlaw

Campaigning for the conservation, use, maintenance, restoration and development of the Inland Waterways Disclaimer: The IWA may not agree with opinions expressed in this Newsletter but encourages publication as a matter of interest. Nothing printed herein may be construed as policy or official announcement unless stated otherwise. The IWA accepts no liability for any matter in the Newsletter


Content From the Editor Branch Chairman Chelmsford Council Award Chelmsford Litter Pick Harp Concert Working Parties The Timber Stack Future Working Parties Sailing Barge Trip

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Essex Waterways Update Paper Mill Piling Mid Week Volunteers Social Events Chelmsford Raft Race Food for Thought Just for Fun IWA Web Site Branch Committee

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From The Editor I hope that everyone made the most of the summer, with barbecues and trips out along the Navigation. My family spent some of the period in one of our favourite places in the south of France, not far from Bezier. One of our days out and about in the area was to a part of the Canal du Midi and the Répudre Aqueduct (see front cover photograph). This aqueduct was designed to cross the Répudre River and built by Emmanuel dE'stan. The build was started in 1675 and completed in 1676. It is one of three original aqueducts created during the building of the canal from 1667 to 1681. We have seen two and have one to go. Next summer perhaps!

Membership and Newsletter Input. Your membership is very important. We need your continued support to the Chelmsford Branch and Inland Waterways Association but most importantly for the Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation which is operated by the Inland Waterways Association’s subsidiary company, Essex Waterways Ltd. We would like to increase our contributors to this Newsletter please make time to look out your photos, articles and ideas and send them in for our next Newsletter: Tell us about your summer on the waterways!Closing date for articles will be 01/01/2014. For those on e-mail please send your input to chelmsford.news@waterways.org.uk Those without just give me a call to arrange for collection. 07837 576464. John G Carlaw 2

From Branch Chairman At the time of writing (mid-August), very little has usually been happening at Branch level because so many of us are either away or otherwise messing about in boats, the garden or elsewhere. This year, however, some of us have enjoyed a real treat; Kirsten Smith, our Branch Youth Officer, gave a delightful harp concert at the United Reform Church, Maldon. Kirsten sings as well as plays and the hour-long performance consisted of a real variety of light classical music, very much enjoyed by an audience numbering about sixty-five. She also took time to show us how the harp works and I think we were all surprised by its complexity. Before the concert, which was open to the public, tea, coffee and home-made cakes were provided by the committee and Mike Huggett had put together a very informative IWA/Essex Waterways Ltd. display in the foyer.The event was generously sponsored by the Jewel Motor Company, Maldon, with a donation of ÂŁ100, and it was arranged by Eileen Cannom, who so admired the volunteer work being done on the Navigation that she has now arranged two such concerts for us, the proceeds to be spent on tools for EWL. Thank you so much, Kirsten, for such a generous effort and our most grateful thanks to Eileen. The net result was a splendid ÂŁ358.82. It occurs to me that there must be others of our membership who have talents to be proud of; if you are one such person, why not come forward and join forces to show the world (well, Essex!) what Chelmsford Branch can do and increase our fund-raising capability? Talking of which, we are all aware of the increasing cost of things and I dislike mentioning it in this context but our social meetings at present just about break even. The cakes are donated by their makers, who, like the committee, do not claim expenses. Please remember this when you next come to a social meeting. Thank you. Molly Beard



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Autumninternationals and- Six Council Award for River Clean Ups what I was getting"'lnvolved can really get behind-you and Nationshomegamesfor free to represent"fans.

with, but meeting Chris -has -the volume at Twickenhamis been great as he is a fantastic _,incredible."

Council awarded for river clear-ups AN ENVIRONMENTALaward.has been given to Chelmsford Council for being green. The Public Health and Protection Services Team won the Green Apple Environment Award, from environmental group the Green -Organisation, for its litter picks of Chelmsford's rivers.

Ian Grundy, councillor responsible for safer communities, said: "We are delighted. This hows the council's long-standing commitment to the community, environmental issues and keeping Chelmsford a clean and safe place to live, work and visit."The award will be presented

at the House of Commons on November,11.The councilwill have its winning paper published in the 'Green Book, the leading international book on maintaining the environment. The next river clean-up will be on October 19 from 9am to Ipm at Wharf Road car park.

These river clean - ups were started by the IWA Chelmsford Branch and it is good they continue and have received the award. See next page for invitation to join the next Chelmsford Litter Pick. Roy Chandler


Chelmsford Litter Pick

Iii.• Chelmsford


City Council

Safer Communities

Mr R E ChandlerDirector and Chairman The Inland Waterways Association Essex Waterways Ltd Hopliveum, 84 Hopping Jacks Lane Danbury Chelmsford CM3 4PD

Chelmsford City Council Duke Street Chelmsford Essex, CM1 1JE

T: 01245 606377 E: publichealth@chelmsford.gov.uk Our Ref: riverclean/jl Officer: Jackie Lane

27 August 2013 -


Dear Roy Chelmsford River Litter Pick - Saturday 19 October 2013 A date for the autumn river litter pick has now been set: it will take place on Saturday 19 October, from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm. As on previous occasions we will meet at Wharf Road Car Park where there will be free parking for volunteers. The Sea Cadets have kindly agreed to host the event again for us and hot refreshments will be served in their headquarters part way through the morning. All equipment will be provided but volunteers are asked to wear sturdy footwear and clothes suitable for working out of doors. I hope you will be able to join us and we look forward to seeing you and some of your colleagues on 19 October.

Yours sincerely,

Jackie Lane NEAT Officer


Switchboard 01245 606606 General Email mailbox@chelmsford.gov.uk Website www.chelmsford.gov.uk




I Gold

Harp Concert

After the performance Molly thanked Kirsten and Eileen and presented them with flowers.

At the beginning of August the Chelmsford Branch of IWA had the opportunity of attending a light classical Harp Concert at the Maldon United Reform Church.

Mike Huggett, another member of the Chelmsford Branch Committee, organised a very interesting display in the foyer of the church about IWA and waterways.

The concert was presented by Eileen Cannom and was performed by Kirsten Smith, a committee member of the Chelmsford Branch.

Refreshments of tea, coffee and cakes were donated by Eileen, Molly, Stephanie Mason and Chris Chandler and sold in aid of funds. John Gale informed the Committee that the donations, including a £100 from 'Jewel Motor Company, Ford Specialists' in Heybridge, who sponsored the event, came to £358.82 pounds." Chris Chandler

Working Parties Essex WRG The first weekend in July we assembled at Sandford Lock on the Chelmer for the weekend’s work. Our first job was to mow between the towpath and the water along the moorings. We also took the “Wacker Plate” along the towpath to help bed down the road scalpings that had been laid the previous month by Essex Waterways Ltd’s staff and the midweek volunteers. After lunch we set off with the mowers and strimmers in the direction of Cuton Lock. The weekend was (at that time) the hottest weekend of the year, so a long walk pushing mowers was very warm – to say the least. By the end of the afternoon we were well past the A12 bridge. We then adjourned back to our accommodation (my house in Braintree) for our usual summer barbecue.

This was the second concert presented by Eileen for IWA. Eileen lives in Heybridge and has been very impressed by IWA volunteer work along the Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation. She hoped the donations taken at the door would help to buy equipment for the volunteers.

Sunday dawned and was just as hot. This time we took the work boat to Cuton Lock, where we mowed around the lock and then set off down the towpath to meet up with the previous day’s work. We accomplished everything planned for us, but really it was far too hot for mowing!

Before the performance Molly Beard, Chelmsford Branch Chairperson, gave an informative talk about IWA, its aims and objectives, and the work of WRG and Essex Waterways volunteers. Kirsten delighted the audience, of about 65 people, with a variety of traditional and modern pieces, some accompanied by her beautiful singing. Kirsten also took time to explain to the audience how she became interested in the harp and how it is played.

John Gale


shopping, whilst enjoying the ever changing view down the waterway.

The Timber Stack A requirement for the new residential development currently being built at Springfield Basin was for the incorporation of public art. The developers, Taylor Wimpey appointed the artist Zoe Chamberlain to undertake the project and she decided to set the challenge to students at the National School of Furniture Design.

The second photograph made me think about the curiosity so evident in the children’s faces. By creating a piece that prompts a simple question “Why is there a stack of timber here?” this piece of history can be unlocked for another generation”

Students visited the site in late November last year and were given an introduction to Springfield Basin and the Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation by Essex Waterways Ltd, before researching and preparing their designs.

The Advisory committee was very impressed by the design and the historic interpretation associated with it and there was considerable enthusiasm to arrange an event at Springfield next year when “The Timber Stack” will be unveiled. It was subsequently announced that Kathryn had won a UK Student Furniture Designer of the Year award for her innovative design for the Ribbon Shelf and The Timber Stack.

The selected design was by Kathryn Sumroy and this was presented to both Taylor Wimpey and to the Essex Waterways Advisory Committee which meets twice a year and brings together organisations involved with the Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation.

Kathryn said “Memory and history have dominated my work this year. I’m interested in how physical objects can help us to remember events in our own lives or can serve as visual clues to a history of a place, particularly where, without intervention, the stories may be lost. Human stories are what really inspire me – not on a grand scale but in everyday life. The men off loading timber from canal barges on The Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation which inspired The Timber Stack; or the lichen covered branches and broken edge flints that have caught the eye of my children on a walk in the woods and now have a home on our Ribbon Shelf”.

Kathryn explained that “The Timber Stack” began with two photographs, one of men manually unloading a timber barge and the other of children watching a passing tug and timber barge. She explained “I had been searching for a way to represent the unique history of The Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation. Its’ fascinating story deserved more than a generic canal-side piece. My aim was to create a visual reference to the way timber was transported along the Navigation and unloaded at what is now Indigo Wharf, to be sawn and crafted.

Congratulations Kathryn, we look forward to seeing and using your award winning Timber Stack at Springfield Basin.

The form of the sculptured seating began with the criss cross of timber you can see in the first photograph. From there I worked on the interrelationship between each of the planks to create spaces where you can sit, climb, or rest your

Roy Chandler


Future Working Parties Working parties are to be held jointly between Essex WRG and Chelmsford Branch on the Chelmer and Backwater Navigation on the following dates. We look forward to seeing you there. 7th and 8th December 2013 1st and 2nd March 2014 7th and 8th June 2014 6th and 7th September 2014 6th and 7th December 2014 The June one will (weather permitting) also have a barbecue in Braintree on the Saturday evening for participants and their partners. The price is yet to be arranged, but it will be based on the cost of the food. Further details of any of these can be obtained (nearer the time) from me on 01376 334896, or from Roy Chandler (roy.chandler@waterways.org.uk).

Sailing Barge Trip It is often not realised that our local Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation is a tourist attraction. More and more local people seem to be visiting the waterway, particularly at the better known locations at Paper Mill Lock and Heybridge Basin where there are plenty of boats and popular Tea Rooms. These locations also have trip boats operating so it is possible to take a trip along the waterway. I have often overheard visitors at both locations saying that they live nearby, but did not know this was here! This morning the local radio featured a phone-in on “What to do on a Bank Holiday Weekend” and John from Hatfield Peverel phoned to say “Canoeing down the Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation”. I was very pleased to hear him continue to explain that “you have to get a Licence from the little office opposite the lock at Paper Mill, but it doesn’t cost much”! Although not costing much, this income is nevertheless important to help towards the costs of running the waterway and keeping it open for public benefit. The Navigation at Heybridge Basin is host to around 500 visiting boats each year with these staying for at least one night, but often longer. Among these this year has been an increasing number of Dutch and Belgium boats. These all tend to visit the local hostelries. There have this year also been several IWA or IWA associated groups visiting the area. I am aware of at least three this autumn. These generally come for a long weekend and stay at a hotel, usually in Chelmsford, meet up over an evening meal and then spend the weekend walking part of the Navigation and visiting local attractions. Such groups bring income to local hotels, restaurants, pubs, tea rooms and tourist venues. One visiting IWA associated group will be taking a trip on the Thames Sailing Barge Kitty from Maldon on the Friday 8th November this year: www.sailingbargekitty.com. There is an opportunity to join this trip which will include lunch and then a two hour trip on the barge. Cost will be £32.50 including lunch. If you are interested, please contact our Branch Secretary, Chris Chandler: chris.chandler@waterways.org.uk 01245 223732 as soon as possible. Roy Chandler


Essex Waterways Update Canal Camp The second 2013 Waterway Recovery Group Canal Camp on the Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation took place at the end of July into the beginning of August. Accommodation for this camp was back on the Haybay barge at Heybridge, a favourite with WRG volunteers. The project for the week was at Ricketts Lock which has recently suffered from flood water overtopping the lock, rushing around the lower lock gates and washing out the surrounding ground. If left unchecked this erosion would affect the stability of the lock walls with the possibility of failure occurring. Uneven ground had resulted from the wash out making operation of the lock gates difficult. The area around both lower gate lock beams was excavated and new concrete surfaces incorporating engineering brick footholds to assist grip when pushing the lock beams were laid. This should allow flood water to pass over the area without causing further wash out erosion. The grass surrounds to the lock were considerably higher than the lock coping stones and there was a resulting step between the differing levels close to the lock edge. This was a potential slip hazard and so the work also involved re-profiling the grass surrounds into a gentle slope and re-seeding the area with grass seed. Concrete arcs with footholds were also installed for the upper gates. Soil from both excavations was loaded by excavator into dumpers and taken along the upstream tow path where it was used to reinstate areas that had washed away during the winter flooding. Two large but diseased and dangerous ash trees had been removed from this bank the previous week and there was therefore a supply of wood chip readily available to spread along the footpath of the reformed bank. The work was completed with the repainting of the lock beams. Some sixteen or so volunteers attended the Camp including two young ladies from France who had come straight from volunteering at the IWA National Waterways Festival. Also in attendance for the week was one of our Chelmsford Branch volunteers. The Camp was once again ably led by Chris Bryne and Essex Waterway’s Assistant Lengthsman Sam Hobden provided the coordination for the Camp.

Thanks to WRG and all involved for another successful Camp and useful contribution to the Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation. Roy Chandler 8

Paper Mill Piling A major Essex Waterways’ project for 2013 was the piling of the tow path bank between Paper Mill Lock, Little Baddow and the road bridge. This area is subject to fast water flows from the weir opposite when the river is in flood and the bank was protected by rather ancient corrugated iron and timber posts. These had eroded to such an extent that the bank was collapsing, and this was clearly undesirable adjoining the very well used public tow path and close to the busy Paper Mill Lock Tea Rooms. Since becoming responsible for the Navigation in 2005, Essex Waterways has carried out re-piling around the weir at Paper Mill and around the lower bank of the lock island. It also has a continuing programme for replacing similar failing bank protection adjoining all the locks on the Navigation. This project was carried out by specialist contractors Land & Water Services Ltd. The piling was implemented from a floating pontoon on the river using a “silent” Mo-Vac system to install the 6 metre long steel piles. This avoided the usual continuous banging associated with pile driving. The completed piling incorporates a lowered section for canoe launching and the whole length has been finished with hardwood rubbing strips and capping.

This area below the lock provides a temporary mooring area for visiting boats and it will now be much easier to use, whilst another vulnerable section of bank has been made safe. Roy Chandler

MId - Week Volunteers Since the last ‘Newsletter’ our main activity has been mowing. This seems to go on forever, but with fourteen miles of towpath and ten locks (the other two locks are done by the residential caretakers) there is a large amount of mowing to be done! EWL’s paid staff do some, but they have many other jobs to do, so much of it falls to us. Other jobs done in the period were the perennial litter clearance, finding and removing floating pennywort, helping at the sea lock, and our latest job (not finished at the time of writing) which is cutting back overhanging trees. The particularly bad stretch we’re working on is between Wave Bridge and Black Bridge in the outskirts of Maldon. The difficulty here is that they restrict the channel to just over one boat’s width, and you can’t see an oncoming boat until the last minute! The problem with the operation is that once the boat is full of branches we have to spend three quarters of an hour going to get rid of them and returning, before filling the boat once again. This has to be done several times a day! We are nearly half way through the job, but it will probably take us another two to three days to finish. John Gale


Social Events

Chelmsford Raft Race

Every now and then we have late changes to our social program. I try to let everyone know, but this has to be done by e mail. I realise this means a few people will not be able to receive them, but if you are on e mail, but not yet on the IWA members data base, and would like to be, if you let me know I will hand on your request to Tracy Higgins. Jean.Maxwell@waterways.org.uk

The annual Chelmsford Raft Race took place on the River Chelmer in the City Centre on Saturday 13th July. Chelmsford Branch IWA has been organising this event for over 15 years, having started it at an earlier Springfield Basin Boat Rally. Such was the interest in the event that it continued each year as a way of promoting the potential of the rivers in Chelmsford for recreational and amenity purposes. The Raft Race was run in conjunction with Chelmsford Lions Club, Chelmsford Sea Cadets and Chelmsford Canoe Club, the latter organisations are both based on the River Chelmer in the city centre and are regular users of the rivers.

Oct 10th Kenneth Templey of Canalability will be speaking to us about this charity, which provides canal boat holidays to disabled and disadvantaged people in their specially converted boats Nov 14th Jimmy Lawrence: a welcome return to hear Part 2 of his entertaining talk Dec 12th Tony Plunket will be joining us at our Christmas social to show a DVD on the Diamond Jubilee – strongly recommended by those who have seen it already Jan 9th Craig Haslam will be talking about the Olympics and Diamond Jubilee plus other events

This year, IWA was pleased to pass the organisation of the race to Chelmsford Sea Cadets who were assisted by Chelmsford Lions Club. The Branch still provided buoyancy aids and paddles for the event.

Feb 13th Dr Phillipa Noon, the River Manager of Conservators of The River Cam, will be talking about her work Mar 13th AGM plus speaker Les Etheridge (currently IWA National Chairman) Apr TBC May 8th Tim Whitlock will be talking about Canal Art The Race was sponsored by Chandler Material Supplies Ltd. a local building material supplier. The successful event received the usual colourful press coverage in the local press. The Sea Cadets were pleased with the day and intend to run it again next year. IWA is delighted that the race will continue as an annual event highlighting the potential of the rivers in the City centre.

June TBC We do hope to see you at these meetings

Roy Chandler


Food for Thought

The harvest is coming to a close and we are all start to prepare for winter, check the central heating, cut the logs for the wood burner, get the higher rated tog value of quilt out of the cupboard. Here is something to warm you from the inside to out. There are many of these on the internet but this is one that we have used many times and hope you will try. Mighty Mulligatawny Ingredients 250g quality minced beef 1 red onion, peeled and finely chopped 2 carrots, peeled and finely chopped 4 cloves of garlic, peeled and finely sliced 1 red pepper, deseeded and finely chopped 3 cm piece of fresh ginger, peeled and finely chopped 1 heaped tablespoon Madras curry paste 1 Tablespoon tomato puree Sea salt and ground pepper 1 heaped tablespoon HP sauce 1.5 litres organic beef stock 1/2 a butternut squash (roughly 350g) cut into centimeter cubes Couple of sprigs of fresh thyme, leaves picked Couple of pinches of garam masala 1 cup basmati rice Natural yoghurt to serve (You can also use a small bunch of flat leaved parsley)

Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Fry the beef in a big glug of olive oil on a high heat until golden brown (around 6 minutes) Add the next 5 ingredients and sautÊ on a medium heat for another 10 minutes or until the vegetables are tender. Stir every 2 or 3 minutes Add the puree, curry paste and HP sauce and a good pinch of salt and pepper and cook for another 3 minutes, stirring so that the bottom of the pan doesn’t stick Add the stock and simmer gently for 40 minutes. Take another pan and set it on a medium heat Give the pan a big glug of olive oil and fry the squash with the thyme and garam masala for 10 minutes, stirring so as not to burn the bottom Add a cup of rice, and using the same cup add two cups of water Cook for 10 minutes with the lid on, then take off the heat and leave to steam for another 8 minutes. Mix the rice and squash into the soup and serve with a dollop of yoghurt, lots of fresh coriander and some slices of chilli ENJOY! John G Carlaw


Just For Fun

IWA Web Site


The IWA website is to undergo a makeover!

Fill in the grid so that each row, column and 3 x The changes to be implemented will allow faster page loads, 3 block contains the numbers one to nine (1 - 9) information to be more easily accessible and be more compatible, with the different types of devices available that have varying screen sizes. 8 5 3 The responsive nature of the site, to the device being used, may result in appearance issues to some content at first. I 1 3 7 6 will be looking to address any problems, with our branch pages, as soon as possible. If any members do have issues, 6 8 4 I would be grateful if you could contact me via email: adam.wyllie@waterways.org.uk 6 4 5 5 7








Adam Wyille

5 9


7 1





Branch Committee If you have any topics or subject that you wish to bring to the committees attention please use the contact details below Molly Beard:



John Gale:

Vice Chairman & Treasurer.

24 Longleaf Drive, Braintree CM7 1XS

Paul Strudwick:

London Region Chairman.


Chris Chandler:



Roy Chandler:

Planning and Conservation.


John Carlaw:

Newsletter and Membership.

Chelmsford.news@waterways.org.uk John.carlaw@waterways.org.uk

Mike Huggett:



Stephanie Mason:



Jean Maxwell:

Social and Fundraising.


Kirsten Smith:



Adam Wyllie:

Branch Web Editor.



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