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Warehouse by Dave & Nicki Iszard
Campaigning for the conservation, use, maintenance, restoration and development of the Inland Waterways Disclaimer: The IWA may not agree with opinions expressed in this Newsletter but encourages publication as a matter of interest. Nothing printed herein may be construed as policy or official announcement unless stated otherwise. The IWA accepts no liability for any matter in the Newsletter
Content From the Editor From the Chairman From the Region Chairman Waterways Triathlon Readers Photographs Wendover Arm Trust Smoke Alarm Test Reminder River Festival
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Our August Bank Holiday Social Events Essex Waterways Update License Fees The New Cut Update An Open Letter Just for Fun Branch Committee
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From The Editor With various family commitments, technical issues and work demands I can only applogise for the lateness of this edition of the Newsletter. I hope you all made the most of the short summer to visit the waterway and enjoy all the improvements that the working parties have been carrying out. We would like to increase our contributors to this Newsletter. Please make time to look out your photos, articles and ideas and send them in for our next Newsletter: Last inputs for Autumn Newsletter 21/01/2016. Tell us about your own waterway experiences, your holiday or send in Readers Photos. For those on e-mail please send your input to Those without just give me a call to arrange for collection. 07837 576464. From The Chairman During the summer I have been looking through the quite extensive collection of waterways books that Doug and I accumulated over the years. I was hoping to find enough to dispose of, to make space on the shelves and, ultimately, to make it easier to move house when the time comes. It occurred top me that one or two would make pretty good reading during the Christmas holiday if given as presents to waterway enthusiasts, although they might no longer be in print, of course. Two particular favorites of mine, that may well be available still, are a complementary pair by Dr. Jim Lewis: "London's Lea Valley, Britain's Best Kept Secret" and "London's Lea Valley, More Secrets Revealed", both published by Phillimore in 1999 and 2001 respectively. They each contain fascinating details of very little-known facts about the history, industries, communities, characters and regeneration of the valley. The reading is easy and the books are just as entertainingly informative to dip into as when read straight through. They are meticulously researched and copiously illustrated with black-andwhite photos and drawings. A much smaller, lighter publication with which to while away a wet afternoon is the hilarious paperback by Jake Kavanagh: "The Ups and downs of a Lock-keeper" (pub. Adlard Coles Nautical). It is full of extremely funny stories about the daft things people have been known to get up to on the waterways, illustrated by Jake Kavanagh's own excellent cartoons. Mine is a 1992 copy, so probably out of print now. I'm afraid my search for books was somewhat fruitless but I did enjoy looking again at old favourites. If you have any books that you could recommend, why not send a review to the Branch Editor, John Carlaw? Good reading. Molly Beard 2
From Region Chairman As we move into autumn we can look back at this year’s events run by IWA across the country with pride. We must thank all those volunteers who have made them possible. Your branch’s first ever Waterways Triathlon attracted 68 participants which was a marvellous turn out for such a gruelling event. It makes up a little for the disappointment of the Chelmsford Water festival which was spoiled by heavy and persistent rain. From past experience I know that planning will soon start for next year’s events, if you could spare some time to help run them, please have a word with any of your branch officers or if you would like to get involved with any of the national events have a word with me. There is still no information on the merger of the Environment Agency (EA) with the Canal & River Trust (CRT). There are worrying signs that the cuts, being imposed on EA, are reducing their ability to operate and maintain the network for which they are responsible. If you have a boat on EA waters, can you please let me know if there are any structures out of use or in poor condition in your area? I will arrange for this to be included on our “at risk” register and have the problem raised at a national level. The Waterways Recovery Group (WRG) Van Appeal which is looking to raise £120,000 to replace their four existing vans which form an essential part of running Canal Camps, etc. is doing well, they are over half way there. WRG is an important part of our association, it even has work camps on the Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation, and it needs all our support. If you have not already given to the appeal please see if you could help by giving just a little. While on the subject of WRG you might have heard that Mike Palmer, WRG Chairman, was appointed an MBE in this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours list earlier this year. Whilst not directly affecting your branch the details of CRT winter’s moorings for boats that don’t have a home mooring, is very important to the other branches in the London Region. This year CRT have only designated a few moorings in Central London which might help visiting boats find somewhere to stop. I am a little concerned about the lack of facilities near some of the proposed moorings in the London Region. In particular the Lea can be dangerous when in flood and some of these moorings are several locks and miles from water and effluent discharge points. The moorings will be difficult to service from trade boats for the same reason. We will need to monitor the situation at the winter moorings, and if problems between boaters and shore based communities or with rubbish and effluent disposal occur, see if we can help. If you hear anything please let me know. Paul Strudwick Waterways Triathlon Results The Waterways Triathlon (see next page) raised £213 for Essex Waterways and £162 for The SusanTrust. Whilst. The sums raised seem modest, the event was considered a success in terms of participants enjoyment and engagement with the waterway. This was the first year and such events often start small and grow to become more successful. October 2nd is planned for next years event when participants will each be required to raise at least £100 sponsorship Roy Chandler
Waterways Triathlon 2015 Waterways Triathlon 2015, one volunteer’s view. On 20th September I arrived for an early briefing session at Hoe Mill Lock – what a peaceful and beautiful setting! The gazebos and cycle transition areas had already been set up, giving an air of anticipation for the 68 competitors soon to arrive. Even more canoes from local scout troops and Essex CC arrived on trailers. My first job, with Josh, was to help five groups of canoeists, some with doggy crews, to launch their canoes into the water downriver, pointing in the right direction! Later they were helped back out of the water and some to relaunch upriver to start the second leg of the longer route. Some competitors looked scarily fit and competitive, some a bit inexperienced but very keen to have a go. It was a hectic couple of hours but everyone was very friendly, happy and appreciative of help – and very few got soaked. Several said how beautiful Hoe Mill Lock and the river were in the sunshine After lunch I was asked to drive to Fullbridge, the last bridge over River Chelmer, to check that no runners got lost because someone had remove a marker. While waiting for the last few to pass I explored this bit of Maldon I never knew existed, just a short distance from Tescos, with a pub terrace beside the river, the Toll House, two historic mills, barges moored by the bridge and a family of swans enjoying the sunshine. A pity I missed the barbecue. Looking back, it was a wonderful day but it was a great pity that there were not more volunteers from the branch membership. A few more, even a handful, would have made a great difference, especially to Toby Gomm IWA (our) Fundraising Officer and organiser– and they would have enjoyed themselves! Some competitors asked ‘Is there going to be a Triathlon next year? If you see any news of Chelmer Branch Waterways Triathlon 2016, why not volunteer a few hours help – you will really enjoy it and be part of a great day out. Chris Toms
Chelmer & Blackwater Triathlon 2015 A View from the Chairman On Sunday, 20th September, we held the first canoeing/cycling/running triathlon in aid of Essex Waterways and The Susan Trust. The weather was excellent, about sixty-eight competitors took part and we had some extremely positive feedback from many of them, so it is very likely that the event will be repeated next year. One or two people did get lost, necessitating search parties and there were a few punctures and minor mishaps but everyone still had a very good time. The barbecue was an extra treat welcomed by the competitors. However, a great deal of work fell upon a very few people because of the shortage of volunteers. Toby and Stephanie, from Head Office, spent a couple of days beforehand, camped on site, setting up a marquee and gazebos, very heavy fences, cycle and canoe bays and a barbecue. At the end of the day, half a dozen people, including Stephanie and Toby, had to get everything taken down and put away and were still working after dark. It would be lovely to have more volunteers next time, especially as it was such a local event, for local benefit. If only eight or ten more people offered their services, the jobs could get done more quickly and easily and nobody would have to spend so many hours at them. PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING THIS EVENT when the call comes. Those of us who were there have learned some valuable lessons about organizing a triathlon and have had useful advice from some regular competitors to help make everything easier next time, so it should be an even better day for everyone. At the time of writing, I don't know the financial outcome but hearty thanks to those who were there on Sunday and to those of you who decide to come next year. Molly Beard
Readers Photographs
All Photographs provided by Dave and Nicki Iszard
Wendover Arm Trust Grand Draw 2015 I would like to express to your readers a very big thank you for their support for the WAT Grand Draw 2015. This year we managed to raise just over £4500 towards the Restoration Fund.The twelve prize winners have all been advised and the common response was as always, - “I never win anything”....... After sending all the prizes, the thoughts are turning to next year’s Draw, when it is hoped you all will extend your amazing generosity again. The restoration is still continuing. It was with some amusement that on the Friday before the Grand Draw, I received a telephone call from the promoter of the Monmouth, Abergavenny and Brecon Canal Trust Annual Duck Race to tell me that I had won the second prize for the ‘race’ on the August Bank Holiday this year! So no longer can I use the phrase “I never win anything” ! The full list of prize winners in the Draw is shown on the Trust website – and follow the link. (Do you know a winner ?) Again, through the Branch magazine, may the Trust say a very big thank you for your essential support. My best wishes, Michael Wright - Grand Draw 2015 Promoter
Smoke Alarm Test Reminder
The Fire Kills campaign is again encouraging people to test their smoke alarms when they changed their clocks at the end of October. The snappy tagline ‘TICK TOCK TEST’, will help remind us all of the need to test our smoke alarms at this time of year. Smoke alarms save lives, but only if they work, so it is essential that people test their smoke alarms. A working smoke alarm can buy you and your crew the valuable seconds you need to escape the heat and choking toxic gases and then make the emergency calls. National Fire Kills figures show you’re four times more likely to survive a fire if you have a working smoke alarm. Given the speed with which fire takes hold on a boat, this could be even higher odds for boaters. The Fire Kills campaign, is determined to prevent as many deaths as possible and make sure people test their alarms. So if you did not check your alarm when you changed your clocks on 25th October, this is a remember – Tick, Tock, Test! If you haven’t got smoke alarms on your boat, take a look at the advice on the BSS website about choosing & fitting smoke alarms in boat cabins and why having a fire action plan is critical to your safety. Adam Wyllie
River Festival You may have seen the flyer in our last Branch Newsletter for the Chelmsford River Festival, Sunday 26th July. There had been so much planning for this event. The meetings for all those concerned were frequent and extensive. Who could predict that, on the last Sunday of July, that it would rain? Members of our Branch Committee arrived at our allotted pitch early Sunday morning. The sky was grey but we were positive thinking people! Other stands included The River Stour Trust, Chelmer Canal Trust, The Environment Agency, Essex and Suffolk Water and more. We erected our gazebo and set up our tables and bunting. Our contribution was to promote WOW the’ Wild Over Waterways’ initiative of the Inland Waterways Association. The aim is to encourage children to take an interest in our waterways. We displayed all the literature, colouring activities and various child based activities. Then Kirsten and Adam, Stephanie and John, John Gale, Roy and I waited for the crowds to arrive. The other participants around us were ready too. Then it started to drizzle, the temperature dropped, the gazebo did its best to protect us but a fine, damp mist surrounded us. Hot drinks kept us going and still we waited for the crowds. Then it started to rain! We erected more side screens, removed the puddles of water from the top of the gazebo and covered our displays. A river of water trickled through our pitch. As the rain continued, a few families rushed past clutching their umbrellas, but only three people stopped. At 2 o’clock we were so wet and cold we decided to pack up our soaking wet display. Despite the rain Dragon Boat racing took place, paddle boarding demonstrations by Frangipani continued and the Sea Cadets offered boat rides. In Springfield Basin there was a gathering of boats from the Sandford Boating Club and Blackwater Boats provided boat trips. A disappointing day for all involved but, that’s English weather for you! Better luck next year! Chris Chandler.
Our August Bank Holiday 2015 We went camping at Delapre Park (IWA camp site) near to the Northampton Festival of Water held at Beckets Park on the River Nene.The show was opened by Timothy West & Prunella Scales, supporters of the waterways, a large crowd gathered for the official opening and ITV were there filming (and later interviewed Timothy West). We had a wander around, an assortment of trade stands and stalls, the IWA marque had a selection of goods for sale and the chance to chat to members.
The Marina was open for anyone to walk around, there was a trip boat which was very popular with queues for it's scheduled trip times. The WOW tent was busy with the youngsters, learning how to make duck hats, plates and do brass rubbing. The play area was also popular especially the Water Zorbing. We watched some of the boat handling competitions which were ongoing throughout the weekend, the sea cadets were also involved. The waterside was full of various canal craft, historic boats, cheese-boat, home brew boat, working boats and private boats, many decorated with bunting.
The food and drink arena had something for everyone's taste, and plenty of seating too. We watched the 'Queen's Oak Ladies Morris Dancers' looking very smart in their green dresses, with the tapping of the batons, tinkle of the bells to the music of the accordion, Sunday it was the Brackley Morris Men, but we missed them.
In the entertainment marque there were varied local musicians performing, we listened to Dave Fry for a while, Brauston Pickle, Chris Tymkow (waterway songs), Chris Tobin, Uke Box Jury. Chucklefoot, an international street performer - a one man band was playing catchy songs most people know the words to, under the trees by the river
Our August Bank Holiday 2015 (cont) In the Island Marque there were a number of talks, we attended one by Tom Coghlan speaking about Sonia Rolt and other Idle Women, very interesting and amazing footage and interviews, some taken from The One Show & Waterworld where the Idle women spoke about their past on the waterways. Tim & Prunella were also present and on their way out stopped to fuss our dogs and chat to us, they are so lovely.
On the Saturday evening we returned to the festival for the advertised Illuminated Boat Parade at 9pm, but all was quiet and all boating remained secure on their moorings! The band 'Grandma's Wooden Leg' were playing in the Island Marque, we sat and listened for a while, they were very popular with the audience.
Another talk we attended was by David Blagrove titled 'A working boat miscellany', a picture slide presentation from the earliest recorded canal carrying boats to current times, a very interesting speaker, discussing how the decor on the boats evolved, initally quite plain, then diamond patterns, becoming more colourful with roses and castles, and elaborately painted names, eventually including painted watercans, bowls, stools, interiors, some of the painting includes hearts, spades and clubs, it is thought these may have been inspired by a pack of cards. Company boats had their own distinct colour schemes, the speaker spent a lot of time on the Willow Wren boats which were red and green with cream coach lines, all their boats had bird names. We had a very enjoyable, relaxing weekend, we did find out the Boat Parade was on the Sunday evening and was wrong in the programme). We even bumped into some fellow Chelmsford members. Stephanie Mason & John Grieve Â
Social Events 10th Dec Christmas Social - At Moulsham Mill. The party begins at 8 o'clock and there will be quizzes to enjoy. Please bring a plate of food to share and any drink you choose. The usual tea, coffee and squash will be available. There will be a raffle and other items to purchase. 14th Jan 2016 Tale of 2 Canal Camps - Steve Morley will come to talk to us about the work of WRG 11th Feb 2016 North Waltham & Dilemma Canal 1826 - 2016 Ivan Cane last came to talk to us in 2011. This time he will update, firstly, reminding us of the story of Norfolk's only locked canal, looking at its history, construction, working life and demise. Then he will look at the current restoration achievements, challenges and proposals for the coming decade. This unique Norfolk industrial artefact represents one of the later canals built in the country, and the only one engineered by John Millington. Ivan Cane is the East Anglian Waterways Association's Archivist for the North Walsham & Dilham Canal Records. Meetings are held at Moulsham Mill, Parkway, Chelmsford (between B & M Storeand the Army & Navy roundabout). 7:45pm for an 8:00pm start. Plenty of parking. Please check venue nearer the time (either using the website, and email fro IWA or speaking to one of the committee). We are currently looking for a different venue that provides better disable access.
Essex Waterways Update Our biggest challenge of the year so far has been Ricketts Lock, which had to be closed at very short notice due to a failure of the lower lock gates. New gates were fabricated at short notice and fitted during the week 7th to 11th September by Hargreaves of West Yorkshire. We have worked alongside them in order to get the new gates operational as quickly as we could. Whilst on site, we have fitted new cill capping boards, cleared the lock of silt, painted the gates and beams, repaired cracks in the brick work and many other tasks whilst the lock was empty. This was the first set of gates manufactured for the waterway by Hargreaves and the first lock overhaul undertaken by our own staff in recent years. The lock was reopened to navigation on 16th September. Next time you visit, try the new bench made from the old lock beams. Work has been underway to install two new portage points for canoeists along the bank piling above Hoe Mill Lock. Our contractors Crown Build carried out these works which were completed in early September without closure to the navigation.
Our regular volunteers at Paper MlIl Lock have been busy again painting various gates and reinforcing the planking which forms the walkway over the bridge to the island. Others have replaced the barn doors on the work shed on the Paper Mill Lock Island. Our regular volunteers along the Navigation are a vital part of our team, and without them we would struggle to maintain the Navigation. If you would like to support us with some time to keep the Navigation open please contact Graham Brown for more information on how to get involved.
Essex Waterways Update (cont) The bank pilling at Smiths Yard in Springfield Basin is now complete. The Basin was fully operational again in time for the Rivers Festival at the end of July, which sadly turned into a very wet and windy day for all organizations involved. We are grateful to everyone who came along to support the event and help Chelmsford recognize its waterways assets right in the city centre. Further work at Cressy Court, opposite `Smiths Yard in the Basin, will start when funding becomes available from Taylor Wimpey. Other works that are on going include bank pilling and wildlife habitat improvements which are being led by Essex Wildlife Trust on the towpath side of the bank between Paper Mill and Little Baddow locks. EWT has contracts Land and Water working on this project.
Essex & Suffolk Water Company is leading on work to replace the cassion gate at Heybridge Basin. Notices have been issued informing boaters and local residents of this work. Initial works to prepare for removal of the old gate are mostly complete. The main work to install the new gate on its runners will take place over the next winter. The new gate will allow the Heybridge lock keeper to increase the size of the lock on busy days meaning less lockings and that more vessels can be locked through during the limited periods of high tide. Roy Chandler
No Rise in License Fees in 2016 There will be no change to Canal & River Trust boat licences in 2016, the waterway charity has announced. This good news for boaters is in line with the Trust’s three-year commitment to limit boat licence fee increases to inflation only until 2016 (based on the August 2015 Consumer Price Index) and is applicable to all private and business boats. Mike Grimes, head of boating, said: “Boats bring life and colour to our canals and rivers and we are committed to offering fair prices to boaters who chose to cruise on our waterways. Licence fees won’t be changing in 2016, and this means boaters’ budgets will be able to stretch further. We hope it will help those who explore our canals and rivers, as well as those who live and work afloat.” The new price lists for craft licences from 1 April 2016 will be uploaded to the Trust’s website on 1 November 2015. For further information please contact the Boat Licensing Team on 0303 040 4040. Paul Strudwick 11
Chelmsford’s Waterways - The New Cut Update Following on from Roy’s article in July’s newsletter I thought I would provide an update for everyone, regarding the Cut in Chelmsford. An initial meeting was held on the 14th September, facilitated by the Chelmer Canal Trust, to bring together the interested parties and a group has been set up, to work on making sure the route of the cut is incorporated into the redevelopment or at least safeguarded. The group consists of representatives from Chelmer Canal Trust, Chelmsford Civic Society, Liberal Democrat Councillors, local interested parties, Essex Waterways Ltd and IWA Chelmsford Branch. Much was discussed including the context of the proposal and current situation for the cut, as well as our objectives and the next steps forward. The following were agreed at the meeting: •
A name for the group to be used in publications, promotions etc; Chelmsford Rivers and Canal Link (CRACL)
A Mission statement for the group; The mission of the group is to see the two navigable bodies of water in Chelmsford linked. This will help optimise the recreational and environmental benefits of the rivers in the city. The link created should be designed to be sustainable in the long term, and provide ongoing benefits to the City outweighing the costs of construction. As part of the process of reaching this objective, the group will promote diverse public use of the city’s waterways. With the age of various marketing avenues and vast electronic distribution methods, a logo is currently being worked on and will go a long way in providing a quick and easy representation of the group and ultimately assist us in hopefully achieving our objectives and goal. Another meeting has been scheduled for next month, where the final design will hopefully have been decided so we can then share it with you in the next newsletter, along with any other updates. For those of you on Facebook, a page has been setup, so please take a look and Like and Share to help spread the word and show your support. Please also keep an eye out on our IWA Chelmsford Branch site, as I will be looking to add various website links and any other information to keep you updated. Hope you all had a good summer. Adam Wyllie
An Open Letter Dear IWA Member The Inland Waterways Association is asking for your help on one of our key campaigns. You may be aware of IWA’s campaign for the navigations run by the Environment Agency to be transferred to Canal & River Trust. The Government stated back in July 2013 that the transfer remained government policy and that it would re-consider it after the 2015 General Election. Since then, IWA has kept this issue clearly visible to parliamentarians and to the new Waterways Minister. Now, with Defra widely forecast to suffer further severe budget cuts in the current Spending Review, we need to step up our efforts and ask the voice of IWA's membership to help us deliver our clear and compelling case. Subject to a satisfactory funding package, the transfer would enable the Environment Agency waterways to benefit from improved maintenance through long term asset management plans, third party funding opportunities and the economies of scale to be gained from being part of a larger navigation authority. At present, the river navigations run by EA are deteriorating due to lack of maintenance. So we are asking all IWA members, especially in areas where there are Environment Agency navigations, to write to their MPs requesting them to relay our concerns to the Waterway Minister and urge him to resolve any remaining obstacles to the transfer. The Environment Agency as part of Defra is subject to very significant ongoing budget cuts and with inland navigation not being a priority for EA we are bound to see progressive deterioration in the condition of their navigable waterways. There is an urgent need to address this so we hope you will take part in this important campaign. You can write to your MP at the Houses of Parliament or their constituency office, or alternatively you can contact him or her by email. The Government website, enables you to look up your MP and their contact details. You can also use which provides an easy and simple way to write to your MP. A template letter, including some specific examples of issues in your branch area, is available from Alison Smedley, Campaigns Officer, via Head Office or by email If you do write to your MP please could you send Alison a copy. It will make a difference if MPs receive lots of letters on this subject, so please do consider helping out with this campaign, and we look forward to hearing from you.
Les Etheridge National Chairman
Just For Fun SUDOKU Fill in the grid so that each row, column and 3 x 3 block contains the numbers one to nine (1 - 9) 1 3
3 5
9 8
9 6
7 1
5 2
4 7
Branch Committee If you have any topics or subject that you wish to bring to the committees attention please use the contact details below Molly Beard:
John Gale:
Vice Chairman & Treasurer.
24 Longleaf Drive, Braintree CM7 1XS
Paul Strudwick:
London Region Chairman.
Chris Chandler:
Roy Chandler:
Planning and Conservation.
John Carlaw:
Newsletter and Membership.
Mike Huggett:
Stephanie Mason:
Kirsten Smith:
Rebecca Loader
Social Secretary
Adam Wyllie:
Branch Web Editor.
IWA Chelmsford Web Address