Southside News September 2008

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Southside News Autumn 2008

Photo: L Bradshaw

The Branch Stand Running ‘The Waterways Game’ at the Mayor’s Thames Festival 2007

The Newsletter of the South London Branch of the IWA

Welcome to the Autumn Edition of Southside News We hope you have had a thoroughly enjoyable Summer and, as you reluctantly prepare for the longer, darker evenings, we thought it would be a good time to fill you in with the latest branch news and give you a taste of things to come and enjoy in Croydon. Firstly, there are some new appointments and new members of our Committee: Alan Eggby

Was elected Chairman after the Branch AGM

Libby Bradshaw

Continues as Deputy Chairman

Dorothy Robbie

Continues as Treasurer

Lesley Pryde

Will continue as Secretary

Andrew Mann

Continues to oversee the Croydon Heritage Project and is liaising with the Heritage Lottery Fund to gain support and hopefully funding

Alan Smith

Was elected to the Committee at the AGM and was appointed Social Meetings Secretary. He has been working on the new Autumn/ Winter schedule to bring you some exciting and interesting speakers

Mike Simmons

Has been appointed Children’s and Young People’s Officer to co-ordinate all the different facets of our youth work and has some very interesting ideas about how we can best communicate with and encourage young people of all ages to respect and enjoy our waterways

Christine Smith

(that’s me!) I was also elected to the Committee at the last AGM and was appointed Publicity Officer. I have since taken up the position of Newsletter Editor and prepared this edition of Southside News. I shall also be ensuring that all our members and the waterways media are made aware of our programmes and acitivities in the future.

Contact details for all members of the Committee can be found on the inside back cover. In this edition we have included the latest news about where we have been and what we have been up to - full details on the facing page. Sadly, some good friends have passed on and we have included our sincere tributes to them for their contribution to the work of the Branch. If you have any suggestions or recommendations about Southside News please contact me. We very much look forward to seeing you at the next meeting, Christine Smith Publicity Officer & Newsletter Editor IWA South London Branch

Contents Welcome to Southside News from the Editor


A Message from the Branch Chairman


South London’s Social Calendar


Branch Activities & Latest News: Branch Stand & Waterways Game How Goes it with the Croydon Canal Campaign? Trout in the Classroom Tideway Adventurers Our Links with other Waterways Organisations

6 6 7/8 8/9

Droitwich Canals Wey & Arun Trust

10 10

IWA Reorganisation - The Latest Position




Branch Committee & Officers Contact Details


Social Meetings Location Map

Back Cover

Photo: L Pryde

Alan Smith selling tickets for the Waterways Game on the Branch Stand

The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Inland Waterways Association or of the South London Branch. They are, however, published as being of interest to our members and readers

Campaigning for the conservation, use, maintenance, restoration and development of the Inland Waterways Registered as a charity No. 212342

A Message from the Branch Chairman I took over as Branch Chairman after the 2008 AGM. The Branch Committee works hard to organise social meetings and fund raising events throughout the year. They always welcome help at fund raising events, details of which will be published in these newsletters and in notices at Branch Social Meetings. Social Meetings are held in central Croydon from September to November and January to June, with a Christmas Dinner in December. The latest programme is included in this newsletter. The Branch also runs a small sales section which includes maps, books and Christmas cards, which are also available at Social Meetings and fund raising events. I hope you enjoy the last few weeks of the summer and look forward to seeing you at one of our meetings or events in the near future. Alan Eggby, Branch Chairman

Photo : L Pryde

South London’s Social Calendar Autumn/Winter 2008 The following social events for South London’s Autumn/Winter season will take place at 7.30 for 8.00 p.m at: The Primary Room The United Reformed Church Hall Addiscombe Grove Croydon CR0 5LP Please see the map on the back cover.

Wednesday 10th September:

Dr Roger Squires will be giving a talk about his fascinating trip to Central America entitled: ‘The Panama Canal - Its Past, Present and its Future’

Wednesday 1st October:

Mark Bathurst will be giving a talk about the historic paddle steamer The Medway Queen, famous for the record number of crossings she made to the beaches of Dunkirk in 1940, where she rescued 7000 men.

Wednesday 5th November:

Alan Smith will be getting ‘up close, personal and casual’ when he presents pictures of his breathtaking tour of Alaska and the Yukon

Friday 5th December:

Christmas Dinner at Caprini Restaurant 77 Waterloo Rd London, SE1 8UD Estimated cost per head £22.00 If you’d like more details about any of the above events, or need travel information, please contact Alan Smith, on (020) 8255 1581.

OTHER FORTHCOMING EVENTS IN THE LONDON AREA: Sunday 7 September: Angel Canal Festival: A local canal and community festival by the canal around City Road Lock in Islington. For more details contact Beryl Windsor on 0121 244 8439 or 07973 504 212 or e-mail Weekend 13/14 September: Slough Canal Festival: At Bloom Park, Langley (near Slough), on the Slough Arm of the Grand Union Canal. For details contact: Susan Duncan on 01753 875571. Weekend 13/14 September: The Mayor’s Thames Festival: Along the South Bank of the Thames between Westminster Bridge and Tower Bridge. For details see the web site For updates see the IWA website at:

Branch Activities The Stand & Famous Waterways Game

Game, as well as the normal game. This went down very well, giving us a profit of over £115 in just 3 hours!

During May and June this year the Branch has been out and about with the Sales, Publicity and Waterways Game. At Canalway Cavalcade over the May Day Bank Holiday weekend we ran the main Publicity Stand on the South Towpath and had our display tower on the Paddington Towpath.

Our last event for the first part of the year was the River Lee Festival, with the IWA based at Stonebridge Lock. This was for 3 days - 20th to 22nd June. Unfortunately, the first two days were not very successful but the last day made it all worthwhile, Allan & Andrew with the Branch Stand at the River Lee Festival

Spring Bank Holiday Sunday we attended a Tudor Fair event at Eltham with the game and display stand. Arriving in pouring rain we debated whether or not to set up. Eventually the weather seemed to improve so hurriedly got organised and a fairly good day followed. Photo: L Bradshaw

The following Sunday we attended the Erith Riverside event, in much better

with a profit of over £110.

Gerard with the Waterways Game

During these events we have also sold over £250 of IWA stock, which provides the Branch with more income. My thanks to all who have helped during this period. Alan Eggby

Photo: D Robbie

How goes it with the Croydon Canal Campaign?

weather. These two events made a profit of over £100. Sunday 8th June saw us at Wandle Park, Croydon, an event which is part of the River Wandle Festival. Advertised as a “Family Fun Day” but with very few stands, we ran a children’s version of the Waterways

This campaign of the South London IWA Branch will necessarily be a long process, depending on extensive

fundraising (in particular a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund), and a patient keeping up with Transport for London’s planned development of the East London (rail) Line along much of the route of the old Croydon Canal. This will involve inevitable changes at the stations at New Cross Gate, Brockley, Honor Oak Park, Forest Hill, Sydenham, Norwood Junction and West Croydon. All these rail stations, or the land nearby, are intended sites for the positioning of the Information Boards (with historical details, images of the Croydon Canal in action, and contact addresses, telephone numbers, E mail addresses) that we plan to set up. We hope to enter into agreements with the developers for TfL, as to the siting and possible integration of the Information Boards in any new buildings, structures and spatial designs.

Photo: L Bradshaw

Top Row L-R: Libby, Jane, Headmaster Centre: 4 ‘monitor’ children with their teacher Bottom right: Gideon

able to fully fund a tank for Croydon Parish Church School, which Tony and Jane’s children had attended. The tank was installed by Gideon Reeve, project co-ordinator, in December 2007.

Andrew Mann

Trout in the Classroom The Wandle Trust has been running a project called ‘Trout in the Classroom’ since 2001. Schools are provided with special tanks which they have to look after from December to March. The tanks are seeded with trout eggs in January; the eggs hatch and the ‘swim-up fry’ grow ready for release into the river in March. There are now 20 primary and junior schools taking part. This year we were able to add another school to this group.

Jane hands over the cheque to the Headmaster & Erica Evans of the Wandle Trust

In February this year Jane and I visited the school where Gideon gave the children a talk about the project and we all looked excitedly at the tiny fish that were developing. We handed over the cheques for the Trust.

In a previous edition of Southside News we paid tribute to the life of Tony Davey who died in January 2006. Tony left some money to the IWA and, in consultation with his wife, Jane, we decided to put this money towards funding a tank for a school in Croydon. With matched funding from the branch and from Jane we were

In March the baby trout were ready to be released into the river Wandle and so the children and their teachers,

Tideway Adventurers

along with other children from nearby schools, gathered at Richmond Green in Waddon.

One of the Community groups with which we have been involved over many years is the Tideway Adventurers. South London branch has supported the group financially for several years by paying the annual insurance for their narrowboat, formerly called ‘Michael’, now called ‘Theo’. Mike Simmons, their leader, has written the article below so that branch members have a chance to know more about the group. Every year they come to Little Venice in May to help with Canalway Cavalcade and some of those who are now leaders were presented with their Junior Narrowboat skipper awards at Canalway Cavalcade, by me, when they were about 14 years old. Mike is now involved with the Community Boats Association’s new ‘Youth Afloat’ initiative of which we will doubtless hear more as it develops.

Photo: L Bradshaw

Front row L-R: Jane, the 4 ‘fish monitor’ children with the Mayor of Croydon Back row: L-R: Christine, Erica Evans (Wandle Trust) Alan Smith, Andrew, Libby and Alan Eggby Photo: L Bradshaw

Libby Bradshaw In 1996, the year we attended our first Cavalcade, Tideway Adventurers group was over 100 strong - with four sections: Crocodiles, Dolphins x 2 and Sea Rovers, it was at its peak as a nautical training youth group. This was also the year we acquired the narrowboat called at the time ‘Michael’ from the London Narrowboat Project, formerly the Lewisham Narrowboat Project. Prior to this we had for many years hired boats mainly from Union Canal Carriers in Braunston and undertaken a number of Summer and Easter trips. Remembered fondly were the camper boats with the ‘bucket and chuck it’ loos. (No central heating and showers here).

Releasing the baby trout into the Wandle

The Mayor of Croydon was present and several members of the branch committee. The children were dressed up in waders and enjoyed getting right into the river to release the baby trout. Libby Bradshaw

One of the favourite routes was to Stratford on Avon, via the Hatton Flight where over the years many youngsters made their first attempt at writing poetry beneath the statue of William Shakespeare. Whilst a completely different kind of nautical activity from our normal Thames tidal boating, we found the fun and challenges of narrow boating addictive and vowed to obtain our own boat - and so we did. In 2002 our dear friend ‘Theo’ from Holland died and as at that time the boat was in having a re paint we decided to name it after him.

So to bring us up to date. ‘Sea Rovers’ called for a time ‘Wilde Varrt’ (another wild card) has gone, and the Dolphin section has not met for six months. We have though just started to once again break the surface. We have concentrated all of our efforts around the narrowboat project and, following a substantial grant from the Youth Opportunity fund, are in the process of purchasing a second boat. We have moved ‘Theo’ to Bradford on Avon on the Kennet and Avon to give us a new ‘hunting ground’ whilst we plan to operate the new boat in the London Area. In conjunction with the National Community Boats Association we have launched ‘Youth Afloat’, a section for the 11 - 18 year olds. This will have a ‘Youth Led’ concept as will the rest of the project. We have launched TASC - ‘Tideway Adventurers Skippers Challenge’ for our young skippers 18 - 25 years. This has seen the welcome return of some of our ex Sea Rovers. Our Chairman Tom Manser, Treasurer Alan Baxter, and Maintenance - H/S officer Andrew Read are all ex Sea Rovers, now in their early twenties and very much involved in the direction and management of the project.

Within the group the cracks were starting to show. We had lost some key people and the Crocodiles and one of the Dolphin sections had ceased to exist: overall it was becoming a struggle to maintain the momentum that had been the life force of the group. Looking back we could list a hundred reasons for it but, in reality, we had reached the peak and it was time to go down. Sadly we didn’t recognise that ‘when the curtain falls it’s time to leave the stage’ although looming in the wings was our ‘Phoenix’ and, though it would take a long time and much heartache, our ascent through the waves would happen again. At this point, and for those that do not know the history, it had happened before when, in the early 80s, after a number of difficulties with the local Scout Association district the 5th Lewisham Sea Scouts lowered its flag and raised the new Tideway Adventurers one (The Phoenix) and over one hundred youngsters and adults changed their allegiance over night.

We have also been fortunate to retain the support of many people, of which the South London Branch of the IWA is one and our mailing list grows by the week. So we look forward with optimism and hope that, with a new direction, we can continue to deliver structured activities for young people whilst offering others from all communities the opportunity to ‘Go Afloat’ on the Inland Waterways in a safe and affordable way. Mike Simmons

Our Links with Other Waterways Organisations Droitwich Canals

The Wey & Arun Trust MBE for Eric Walker

The Droitwich Canals have been under restoration for many years but recent funding from various sources has given Droitwich Canals Trust the impetus it needed to complete the work. Both the Narrow and Barge Canals are due to open in 2009.

The South London Branch would like to offer its congratulations to Eric Walker, a Wey & Arun Trust volunteer, who was appointed an MBE for ‘Voluntary Services to the Wey & Arun Canal’. This is in recognition of his work as project manager

Last year an appeal was launched to raise £100,000 for the restoration of the Barge Lock and South London Branch Committee decided to donate £140 to this worthy cause. Recently it was announced that the appeal still had some way to go to reach its target, so we decided to donate a further £260, making our total contribution £400. The Branch has been designated a ‘Bronze Supporter’, which means our name will be inscribed on a special ‘Brindley Post’ in Vines Park.

Photo: Wey & Arun Canal Trust website:

This article is necessarily very brief but if you are interested in further information about the Droitwich Junction (Narrow) Canal and the Droitwich Barge Canal, some websites worth looking at are:

for the Drungewick Aqueduct in 2002/2003, followed by the present work in crossing under the B2133 main road in Loxwood, West Sussex, so reinstating a link that has been broken for more than 100 years. and projects/bargelock.shtml and

The total cost of the B2133 crossing project, estimated at £1.5 million, was raised by the Wey & Arun Trust. hereford/worcs/7552490.stm

Eric has given a talk on the B2133 crossing project to the South London Branch on two occasions and the branch has donated to the Wey & Arun Trust.

Dorothy Robbie

Lesley Pryde



After much debate, the IWA Council has taken the view that a Board of Trustees [the new name for Council] should be between 10 and 20 strong. Since the Board of Trustees needs to be composed of an ‘odd’ number, that effectively means between 11 and 19. The current Council consists of Region Chairmen [11], who are ex-officio members, and a cadre of directly Elected Members, [11+1 = 12], the principle being that the elected members should exceed, by at least one, the number of exofficio members [Region Chairmen]. It follows from this that to reduce the size of Council [Board of Trustees] the number of Regions, and Chairmen, needs to be reduced. Apart from the Charity Commission recommendations on corporate governance, one of the main drivers for this change is that Government itself is moving more power to the Government Regions and the various Regional Development Agencies have been given considerable planning leverage and regeneration funds. It has been suggested that the new larger IWA Regions ought to mirror the new Government Regional boundaries, if the IWA is to be best positioned to utilise this new lobbying situation.

existing Branches throughout the country will generally remain as they are [but some minor boundary reviews may be necessary]. However, it has been suggested that, as part of the move to reduce the number of Regions, the London and South Central, and parts of the South East Region could be linked into a new larger grouping to mirror the combined London & South East Government Regions. Similar changes are proposed in restructuring other Regions, so that they also align to the standard Government Regional Boundaries. Current deliberations are focussed on bringing the number of Regions down from 11 to 8 or less. Such a reduction could offer a new smaller Board of Trustees composed of say 17 people. More detailed maps are being produced outlining the options and these will shortly be circulated so that all members can assess the proposals and make a judgement on them. The IWA National AGM is to be held on 27th September at Daventry, when larger scale maps will be available for members to study. All of you, by now, should have received your Notice of this meeting, which was included in the Autumn 2008 copy of WATERWAYS. The National AGM gives all members the opportunity to offer their views on the most appropriate way forward for the Association. If you cannot personally get to Daventry, then your Branch Officers or your Region Chairman will willingly take your questions forward.

Many ‘old stagers’ will remember that when the last change took place, in the early 1990s, the former London and Home Counties Region, in which the whole of London was just a Branch, was divided to create new Regions. This was the time that the present London Region came into being, and the three London Branches were founded.

We are in changing times - please let your Branch Committee know your views.

The current suggestion is that all the


TRIBUTES Mike Stevens

Canalway Cavalcade was set up by the former London Branch of IWA. When London was split into three branches and became a region, Mike was heavily involved in the reorganisation. Cavalcade remained part of the region, along with the Planning and Navigation Committee (known as Plan/nav.) and the magazine, Excalibur. Mike was editor of Excalibur and served on Plan/nav. for many years. He was twice Region Secretary, once whilst I was Region Chairman, where his knowledge and ability to respond to consultations was invaluable. Mike was a real campaigner - he researched and responded to the Mayor’s London Plan on behalf of the IWA and, in particular, the Blue Ribbon Network. He contributed to the public enquiry that saved the Downing’s Road moorings on the River Thames and, more recently, had worked with Lindy Foster Weinreb in the campaign to save Castle Wharf in Berkhamsted. Many people across the country will have known Mike for his part in the Save Our Waterways campaign over the past two years.

Photo: L Bradshaw

In October we said goodbye to Mike, all in a state of shock at his sudden and untimely death. It is hard to capture Mike and the IWA in a short article - his immense knowledge, his ability to play the political field, his detailed responses to consultations and his great sense of humour were qualities that all of us who knew him well would have encountered. Mike and I coincided just over 20 years ago. Around that time he was selling programmes at Canalway Cavalcade. Mike continued to be involved in Cavalcade and for many years had been its Press and PublicityOfficer with the immense amount of work that entails. As well as Press and Publicity, Mike also ran the commentary team, putting together rotas, crib sheets of announcements, boat details and so on. He would do his own share of commentating too - for example the boat handling competition. One of the former winners of this competition, Paul Garner, has set up a trophy in Mike’s memory, which was presented at this year’s event, which took place 3rd - 5th May.

Mike and Wendy’s home IWA branch was South London and he was an active Committee Member until Spring 2005. For much of the time he was Secretary and Publicity Officer and, for his last year, Branch Chairman. The branch’s main waterway is the tidal Thames and, although it has no canals, is campaigning to get the route of the former Croydon Canal recognised and marked out with information boards. Mike produced the leaflet and map for this campaign and was actively involved in many other planning matters along the Thames.


South London Branch spent several years helping at a youth event called ‘Take Part’ which was held by South Norwood Lake. This lake was originally the feeder for the Croydon Canal. We introduced a range of ‘Waterways for Youth’ activities. Between us we were able to put on enough activities to run the passport scheme. Mike’s part in this was the rope throwing, which he set up by the tennis courts, fixing a tee shirt or sweat shirt to the fence, which the children had to aim for. It was interesting to see the teacher at work explaining how to throw the rope and encouraging those who missed to try again until they excitedly succeeded.

there was always a welcome, often accompanied by an offer of gin! One of the times I recall staying with Mike and Wendy was the Brookwood Campaign Rally. The image I am left with and the rest of you can imagine - Mike standing on the stern of Felis Catus in the pouring rain with his laptop on the roof to get a signal, trying to to use the keyboard and hold a brolly at the same time. Libby Bradshaw -------------------------

Dave Young

I had never been on a Thames sailing barge but had always wanted to go. Mike invited me on a club weekend and thereafter he chartered a boat for several South London Branch weekends, which were very popular. In 2004 Mike received the IWA’s Richard Bird Medal for services to the Association over a number of years. Mike and I frequently travelled home from meetings together, sometimes several times a week. In fact my car often got nicknamed ‘Mike’s Taxi’! That neatly takes me to ‘home’ - a place where Mike and Wendy shared their lives for so many years after they first met at school. This was a true partnership based on a deep friendship. Their dream was to live on a boat and cruise the waterways. The dream became reality when they both retired and Mike had a windfall which enabled them to have Felis Catus III built. So home became boat and boat became home. We are sad for Wendy that this dream was so short-lived.

Photo: L Bradshaw

It is hard to think that it is now over a year since I last saw Dave Young. This was at the Teddington festival in July 2007 where he and Gina had taken the swing boats and, as ever, they were giving enormous pleasure to small children as they swung to and fro. Several others of us had been running the branch stand nearby and at the end of the day Gina and I sat in their camper van resting our legs and enjoying a much needed cuppa! If anybody had told me I would not have seen Dave again after that day I would not have believed it.

Mike and Wendy’s hospitality was always generous. If you arrived at an event and they were on board


Dave came to the IWA as a walker, dispelling all theories that the IWA is ‘just’ a boaters’ organisation. He became involved in the branch and a member of the committee. His involvement in children’s activities was much wider than waterway events, one notable example being his involvement in the Tadworth Court open day where children with disabilities and their siblings were able to enjoy the swing boats.


Dave was involved with the ‘Take Part’ days at South Norwood Lake where the branch ran a collection of ‘Waterways for Youth’ activities. I always remember Gina helping the youngest children, who were too young to go on the water, do their boating ‘sticker’ by working the plastic boats through the toy lock. In recent years Dave had concentrated much of his time on campaigning for the needs of pensioners to be properly recognised and met. He and Gina were on the Croydon Retired People’s Campaign and Dave on the London Older People’s Advisory Group (LOPAG) working on the Older People’s Strategy for London.

It is with deep sadness that I have to report the death of Jean on the 5th December last year. Although she was not an IWA member Jean worked for many years helping at waterway events around the country. In the early days serving in the beer tent at various rallies - including the 1989 National Festival. From 1993 until 2004 she helped on ‘Waterways for Youth’ activities at National Festivals and, with South London Branch, at ‘Take Part’ events at South Norwood Lake. From 2004 onwards she helped at most South London fund-raising stands, on many occasions turning up early to set up. She will be very much missed by us all.

Of his other interests motorbike racing and BMX biking were particularly memorable. He must be looking down and enjoying the fact that BMX biking has now become an Olympic sport! Dave, we all miss you greatly and our sympathies are with Gina and the family. Libby Bradshaw

The Branch wishes to extend its condolences to her son and daughter and their families at their great loss. Alan Eggby


IWA SOUTH LONDON BRANCH COMMITTEE & OFFICERS 2008-9 BRANCH CHAIRMAN & SALES OFFICER Alan Eggby (Elected 2006-2009) 137 Strathyre Avenue, London, SW16 4RH Tel: (020) 8764 8194 e-mail: DEPUTY CHAIRMAN Libby Bradshaw (Elected 2006 - 2009) Ground floor flat, 61 West Side, Wandsworth Common, London, SW18 2ED Tel+fax: (020) 8874 2787 e-mail: or BRANCH SECRETARY Lesley Pryde (Elected 2008 - 2011) 2 Hepworth Road, Streatham, London, SW16 5DQ Tel: Home: (020) 8679 9866. Mob: 07787 372408 e-mail: BRANCH TREASURER & MINUTES SECRETARY Dorothy Robbie (Elected 2007 - 2010) 23 Porcupine Close, Mottingham, London,SE9 3AE Tel: (020) 8857 6367 e-mail: SOCIAL MEETINGS SECRETARY Alan Smith (Elected 2008-2011) 41 Jubilee Avenue, Whitton, Twickenham, Middlesex. TW2 6JA Tel: Home: (020) 8255 1581. Mob: 077748 90750 e-mail: or CROYDON CANAL CAMPAIGN CO-ORDINATOR Andrew Mann (Elected 2008 - 2011) 43c Halesworth Road, Lewisham, London, SE13 7TJ Tel: Home: (020) 8692 3637. Mob: 07748 316116) email: PUBLICITY OFFICER & NEWSLETTER EDITOR Christine Smith (Elected 2008-2011) 41 Jubilee Avenue, Whitton, Twickenham, Middlesex. TW2 6JA Tel: Home: (020) 8255 1581 Mob: 077748 90750 e-mail: or EX-OFFICIO AS REGION CHAIRMAN Roger Squires 46 Elephant Lane, Rotherhithe, London,SE16 4JD Tel: (020) 7232 0987 e-mail CHILDREN’S AND YOUNG PEOPLE’S OFFICER Mike Simmons Tel: (020) 8697 4087 e-mail: MEMBERSHIP OFFICER (Non Committee) Jane Davey 30 Siddons Road, Croydon CRO 4JR Tel: (020) 8680 2213 15

IWA South London Branch Social Meetings are held at: The United Reformed Church Hall Addiscombe Grove Croydon CR0 5LP

This programme was printed by 16 Leighton Printing, 15 Palmers Place, London N7 8DH.

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