Southside News February 2012

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Southside News February 2012 The IWA South London Branch Newsletter

Campaigning for the conservation, use, maintenance, restoration and development of the Inland Waterways

What’s in Southside News.... Page No. Branch Chairman’s Message


Branch Stand and Waterways Game Activities


Region Chairman’s Message


Social Meetings and Outings


Social Programme for 2012


Canalway Cavalcade


Welcome to New Members


Branch and Region Annual General Meetings


Branch and Region Committee Elections


Thames 21 Big Waterways Clean Up


New Waterway Improvement project for Bexley




Cory’s Lighterage

IWA with London Walks Programme


Who’s Who in South London Branch Committee—contact details


London Region 200 Club: Rules and Application Form


Where to find our Social Meetings —map and transport information

Back Page



appy New Year to all our readers and a special welcome to all new ones. I hope you enjoy your new format newsletter and you’ll spare some time to give me some feedback about it – and whether you’d prefer an electronic version.

The Branch and Region AGMs are scheduled for March and all details are included here because there will be no London Region newsletter this year. Our own special London festival, Canalway Cavalcade, will be at Little Venice between Saturday 5th and Monday 7th May and tickets for the Grand Prize Draw will be distributed in the next edition of IWA Waterways Magazine—so don’t forget to buy yours. Happy reading.. Sincerely, Christine Smith, Editor The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Inland Waterways Association or of the South London Branch. They are, however, published as being of interest to our members and readers. The IWA accepts no liability for any matter within this magazine, including adverts.


From the Branch Chairman Attendance at branch meetings has been disappointing since we restarted in September. Meetings continue right through to June before the summer break. A large party enjoyed a cruise on the Wey and Arun in October in glorious autumn weather. Nineteen members attended the Christmas Dinner in December. Last year we made just over £1,000 from branch stands and sales, but more help would be most welcome. Alan Eggby

IWA Sales, Waterways Game and Publicity Stand The branch stand attended five more events during late summer. These being Eltham Family Day, Angel Canal Festival, The Mayor’s Thames Festival, The Great River Race and Brixton Windmill Open Day. Once again, the weather affected all these events with showers or longer periods of rain at all. We used our new display stand at some of these and it looks really good, our thanks once again to Alan Furber for his efforts in building this. Over the year we made just over £1,050 from sales and the Waterways Game. I would like to thank all who helped during the year. Looking forward to this year, we intend to attend the events listed below but, with no National Festival this year, we are going to have to work hard to beat last year’s total. Help is needed at all events so please speak to any committee member if you can spare any time. We also welcome contributions towards Waterways Game prizes of all kinds, please contact me for more details. Planned Events 5th to 7th May Canalway Cavalcade: Books and Information Stands 19th and 20th May Rickmansworth Canal Festival 14th and 15th July Lambeth Country Show 2nd September Angel Festival 8th and 9th September Mayor’s Thames Festival 15th September Great River Race Events for which details are to be confirmed Eltham Spring Bank Holiday Erith River Festival Kingston River Festival Eltham August Bank Holiday Brixton Windmill The new branch publicity stand in use at Eltham Well Hall Pleasaunce, August 2011

Alan Eggby 3

From the Region Chairman, Paul Strudwick At the time of writing this article, we still do not know the outcome of the negotiations between the interim trustees of the Canal & River Trust and the government on the financial settlement for running the BW waterways. Whatever the result is, IWA could not have done more to influence the result. I would like to thank all of you who wrote to your MPs about the need for an improvement in the original proposed settlement. All boat owners with a 12 month licence should be asked to vote for members of the new Canal & River Trust Council as boaters’ representatives. The Council is to be the guardian of the long-term values and purposes of the C&RT and help to shape policy, raise and debate issues, and provide guidance, perspective and act as a sounding board for the Trust’s trustees. The IWA is officially supporting four candidates Ivor Caplan, Clive Henderson, Paul Roper and Vaughan Welch. If you have a vote please support our candidates because if we do not act together on this and get the maximum turnout for the IWA candidates there is a risk well organised special interest groups will take all the boaters’ seats on the Trust’s Council. Being your Region Chairman, I represent you on two of the main committees that run IWA - Navigation Committee and Promotions Committee - as well as sitting on the Board of Trustees. I thought it might be of interest to tell you a little about the work of these committees as they help steer the organisation into the future. This time I am going to look at some of the work of the Navigation Committee (Nav-com). Hopefully I can give you an idea of what the other committees do at a future date. Nav-com, as its name suggests, looks after navigation issues across the country. This does not only include BW and EA, although they are obviously the most important, but all the other navigation authorities, like the Basingstoke Canal. Several other committees report to Nav-com, such as the Inland Shipping group. They have recently produced a revised Freight policy which was agreed by the committee and will be published soon. The review had been undertaken in response to the change of BW to C&RT. In London we have the on going threat of the closure of Commercial Road Lock for most of this summer. Nav-com is supporting our efforts and is helping by writing to senior members of BW in support of your local efforts. I have personally written to BW raising the Region’s concerns about the safety issues surrounding the closure. At the time of writing I am still awaiting a formal response but understand that BW is trying to arrange a meeting with all interested parties to discuss the situation. Finally, in this fast changing situation, with the threat to the canals from the economic climate, the Association needs to be able to contact you easily and keep you informed on what is going on. If you don’t already get the Association’s Bulletin and other electronic communications please subscribe at em-signup. It helps us to keep the costs down and you better informed. Paul Strudwick, London Region Chairman 4

Social Meetings and Outings The programme of social meetings resumed in September when we heard Mike Gilbert’s talk about the South Bank of the Thames from Westminster Bridge to Tower Bridge, an area we probably thought we were familiar with, but I’m sure we all learned something new. Our trip on 1st October on the Wey & Arun Canal in West Sussex was very well supported. It was a gloriously hot day but, of course, the dry spell had affected water levels drastically as was evident when we got there. I was pre-warned that the planned cruise to Drungewick Lock and back through Loxwood Bridge and the restored lock would not be possible and it would therefore be the ‘standard’ cruise which has operated for some years. This was disappointing, but only three people who had booked decided to cancel. It was a most enjoyable trip with our colleague Brian Andrews part of the crew and giving a commentary. The visitor centre at Loxwood was nearing completion and will be a useful addition to keeping the public informed about this exciting project. A talk about the restoration project forms part of this year’s programme.

Trip boat Wiggonholt approaching Drungewick Aqueduct on the Wey and Arun Canal, 1st October 2011 Photo: C Smith

In October, Bob Draper, the Chairman of the Sussex Ouse Restoration Trust, gave a presentation about this delightful river, its history as a navigation and the Trust’s intention to restore it as a very long-term project. Current work is centred on Isfield Lock and the problems encountered with this one site with its difficult access and limited volunteer workforce demonstrated what a task they have set themselves. He hinted at further developments in the vicinity of Sheffield Park which may lead to the operation of a trip boat, which is always a good way to get publicity and raise funds, particularly as this is near two top attractions, the National Trust gardens and the Bluebell Railway. In November our booked speaker, Nick Kelly, failed to appear and when I managed to contact him later, he told me he had been in hospital for a serious operation and therefore had not been able to contact me. Naturally. I wished him all the best for a speedy recovery and I hope we may see him in the future. Our Chairman, Alan Eggby, stepped valiantly into 5

the breach by going home and returning with a selection of slides of his extensive boating exploits over the past forty years to all corners of the system, including shots of some members of the audience, to general amusement. Our Christmas dinner was held at a new venue, RSJ, Coin Street, off Stamford Street, near Waterloo. This was an excellent restaurant, the food superb, but unfortunately the service was very slow, causing some hasty departures for last trains. That said, we all had a convivial time and the number of raffle prizes was such that everybody was a winner! Thanks to all those who donated prizes. Our first meeting of the New Year was in January when Christine and I presented ‘Waves and Waterfalls in Hong Kong and New Zealand’. This was an account of our holiday in February/March 2011. We gave a brief glimpse of Hong Kong, where our son and his family has lived for fifteen years, before showing the amazingly varied scenery we saw during three weeks touring both islands of New Zealand. No canals, but plenty of boats! Several members of the audience had been to New Zealand, so there were some interesting discussions. So far this season, attendance at the social meetings has been only modest and whilst some of the presenters are “in house”, it is disappointing to book speakers and pay them or give donations to their restoration group and only get a few stalwarts attending. The programme is given wide publicity and if anybody has any suggestions as to the content of any future meetings we shall be pleased to hear from you. The cost of the hall always rises and there will come a time when, unless attendances improve, we shall have to consider whether it is worthwhile continuing to hold social meetings. The programme for this year’s meetings has now been finalised and can be found on page 7 and I can only say we would be delighted to see you. Lastly, there will probably be some boat trips during the year and as soon as these are organised, details will be published. We all want good weather for our boating, but we desperately need rain as well. Boaters want the best of both worlds! Alan Smith, Social Secretary

Dinghies congregating on the River Medway, as seen from PS Kingswear Castle, June 2011 Photo: C Smith


South London 2012 Social Programme Unless otherwise indicated, the following social events will take place at 7.30 for 8.00 p.m. at: The Primary Room The United Reformed Church Hall Addiscombe Grove Croydon CR0 5LP There is good parking adjacent to the hall and excellent transport links via East Croydon tram and train stations Admission to the talks is free to all, members or non members, but a contribution towards room hire is requested 8th February 14th March

‘Canal du Midi’ by Alan Furber AGM, followed by a presentation by London Region Chairman, Paul Strudwick ‘Amsterdam Excursions’ by Roger Squires ‘Narrow Boat Raymond’ by Steve Miles ‘Limehouse and East London’ by Jeremy Batch ‘Wharfs, Creeks and Jetties’ Cruise aboard PS Kingswear Castle. Departs Chatham Historic Dockyard 11:00 returns 17:00. Group price (no concessions) £20 per person for group of 20+. Bookings to Alan Eggby with full payment by 15th May

18th April 16th May 13th June 23rd June

There are no social meetings at Croydon during July and August 12th September 10th October 14th November 7th December

‘Manchester Ship Canal’ by Richard Thomas ‘Further Travels with my Canoe’ by Roger Wilkinson ‘Wey and Arun Canal’ by John Talbot Christmas Dinner—more details later

For more information about South London’s Socials please contact Alan Smith, tel 020 8255 1581, mob 07774 890 750 or email For updates and information on all IWA events and branches please go to:

CANALWAY CAVALCADE Little Venice, London W2 5th—7th May 2012 We always need volunteers of every kind for this exciting event so if you are bringing your boat, live in the vicinity or are visiting London and can spare a few hours do please get in touch

Full details are available from: Jerry Sanders Telephone: 07788 204442 / Mobile: 07970835523 Email: 7

Little Venice, London W2 Saturday 5 to Monday 7 May 2012 Join us at Canalway Cavalcade - a unique waterways and community festival arranged at Little Venice since 1983. Organised by Inland Waterways Association volunteers, a registered charity which campaigns for the use, maintenance and restoration of Britain’s inland waterways. There’ll be fun for all the family with a boaters’ gathering, a pageant of boats, trade shows and stalls, bands, kids’ activities, competitions, Morris Dancers, a real ale bar, a wide variety of snacks and food...

and much, much more! Saturday 10:00 - 18:00; Sunday 10:00 - 18:00, followed by music at 20:00 and a procession of illuminated boats at 21:00 (approx); Monday 10:00 - 17:00

admission is free Press/media/advertising: 07774 890750 Email: General enquiries: 07979 676461 Trade Show space enquiries to Jerry Sanders: 07788 204442 Email: Boat entries: 020 8642 8104 Catering, Entertainers & Volunteering enquiries to Jerry Sanders as above 8

A Very Warm Welcome to all new South London & Overseas Members Ms C Palmer & Mr C Valentine Mr J & Mrs C Bull Mr R & Mrs W Johnson Mr J Alberten Mr R & Mrs P Payne Mr R Whelan Miss L Stevens Mr K & Mrs A Kiss Master R McElvenney & Family Mr M & Mrs V Weatherby Mr D T & Mrs T M Clarke Mr D R Jackson & Ms P J Smethurst Mr L & Mrs M Painter Mr A Gourion Mr D Krebs Mr D M Pascual Miss E Challier Mr H Rougieux Mr I Cartmel Mr I Areizaga Miss M Laffay Mr M Bracco Mr S Thackeray Mr M Matricardi Ms P Quiniou Miss P Whittington Mr R G Pascual Mr R Marlaque Miss T Mulkens Miss S Han Mr S Wells & Miss A Sims Mr K T & Mrs S Traverse-Healy Mr D J Francis Mr P Harrison Mr C Smith & Ms J Connell Mr L Duckett Mr A Kinns



BRANCH AND REGION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meetings of the London Region of the Inland Waterways Association, and of its South London Branch, will take place as follows: London Region: At:

8.30pm on Monday 12th March 2012 The New Inn, 90 High Street, Roydon, Essex CM19 5EE.

South London Branch: At:

8pm on Wednesday 14th March 2012 The Primary Room, United Reformed Church Hall, Addiscombe Grove, East Croydon CR0 5LP.

AGENDA (Region AGM) 1. Apologies for absence 2. Approval of the Minutes of the 2011 AGM plus Matters Arising 3. Report from the Chairman 4. Presentation of accounts 5. Business of the meeting notified under byelaw 1.3* 6. Election to fill posts on the Committee 7. Questions from the floor AGENDA (Branch AGMs) The Agenda for each meeting will be as follows: 1. Apologies for absence 2. Approval of the Minutes of the 2011 AGM and any Extraordinary General Meetings held subsequently plus Matters Arising 3. Report from the Chairman 4. Presentation of accounts 5. Business of the meeting notified under byelaw 1.3* 6. Election to fill posts on the Committee 7. Questions from the floor The formal AGM will be followed by another activity as listed in the Social Programme on page 7 *NOTE : Byelaw 1.3 provides that any member of a region or branch may propose business to appear on the agenda of an AGM of their region or branch, provided that notice of such business is delivered in writing to the Chairman of the region or branch at least six weeks before that meeting. If any such items are received, a revised Agenda for the relevant meeting will be in a Branch Newsletter which is due to be published before the AGMs. CONTACT DETAILS: London Region

South London Branch


Paul Strudwick 40 Fifth Avenue, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 4HD Email:

Alan Eggby 137 Strathyre Road, London, SW16 4RH Email:


Robin Bishop 11 Lichfield Road, Cricklewood, London NW2 2RE Email:


Lesley Pryde 2 Hepworth Road, Streatham, London SW16 5DQ Email: or

BRANCH AND REGION COMMITTEE ELECTIONS To facilitate elections at the AGMs, nominations for election to a Branch or Region Committee must be received by the relevant Branch/Region Secretary before or at the AGM (see opposite page). All candidates and their proposers must be paid-up members of the relevant Branch or Region and the candidate must indicate his/her willingness to stand. All elected members of a Region or Branch Committee who have held office for a term of three years have to retire, as does any member co-opted during the committee meetings since the last AGM. Members in either category are eligible for re-election, provided that they are duly nominated as detailed above. The particulars for each Committee are as follows:-

Secretary Deadline for nominations Current number of elected members Members completing 3 years in post Members co-opted since last AGM

London Region

South London Branch

Robin Bishop

Lesley Pryde

12th March

14th March



Robin Bishop Libby Bradshaw Roger Squires

Libby Bradshaw Alan Eggby



Note: Please note that under the new Bye-laws all Committees may vary in size according to the numbers elected. In addition to these elected members, the Region Chairman is ex officio a member of each Branch Committee and each Branch Chairman is ex officio a member of the Region Committee. We look forward to receiving further nominations for Committee membership. Print Name



Candidate Proposer Seconder


THE 200 CLUB NEEDS YOU The 200 Club serves a dual role. It lets IWA members have a ‘little flutter’ with the chance of winning a cash lump sum. It also offers distribution of profits to IWA London Region to further the region’s work. If you are unable to do anything else, the 200 Club offers the ideal way to show that you are both committed and involved. Complete and return the form on page 19 to take part. 11

Big Waterways Clean Up 2012 (BWCU2012) is an Olympic-inspired partnership campaign to improve London’s waterways by summer 2012, led by Thames21. But it won’t end there! We want to make sure people and wildlife get the most out of their rivers and canals well into the future. Get Involved!

Go to or to sign up form

BWCU2012 is seeking young and old to get involved in this mass volunteer-led initiative to inspire community activity and produce a lasting legacy for Londoners and their local neighbourhoods long after the Games. This is an opportunity to ensure these valuable spaces, which characterise the Olympic locations, are seen as places we love, respect and enjoy, highlighting London's commitment to sustainability and social inclusion. And to make sure that your hard work is recognised into the future, individuals and community groups will be offered free training, allowing you to deliver your own waterway improvement volunteer events. Here’s an idea of some of the things you could do: Get stuck in:

Help us clean-up dirty rivers and canals

Make a splash: Learn how to kayak and litter-pick at the same time Take a lead:

Benefit from training so you can lead your own waterway improvement activities


Help remove weeds and invasive species from waterways and riverbanks, allowing native species to flourish

New homes:

Help create wildlife habitats

Or tell us how you would like to be involved and what you would like to see on your local waterway email: with your ideas. We welcome people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds. Please get in touch if you have any access or other requirements to make your contribution possible. Contact Ben Fenton for more information, telephone: 07920 230 970 The Big Waterways Clean Up is made possible through a unique partnership between: London Waterways Commission,Thames21, Environment Agency, London 2012 Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Greater London Authority, British Waterways, Olympic Park Legacy Company, Port of London Authority, London Councils, City of London Corporation, and the Inland Waterways Association. Get involved! Sign up at: or for more information about Big Waterways Clean Up 2012 go to: 12

Big Waterways Clean Up 2012: Training Programme Want to get more involved…? Thames21 offers free training to all volunteers who might be interested in organising activities around their local waterway. The training will develop your skills and confidence; enabling you to organise clean-ups and other improvements along your stretch of river, canal, pond or puddle. With classroom sessions designed to fit around your practical volunteering, you’ll get the best possible learning experience, at zero cost. All you need to do is commit a day and a half of your time to attend a Thames21 training course. Then just keep volunteering! In addition to the free training, Thames21 will become your first port-of-call for any enquiries about setting up your own group. Once you’re up and running, Thames21 will accredit your events; arrange insurance and first aid training for leaders; and provide continued support and supervision. Get in touch with Julia: email or telephone 07827 240 457 for more information and go to: for upcoming training events from March onwards…

New waterway improvement project for Bexley The River Cray is set to benefit from a new community project led by London’s leading waterway charity, Thames21 and funded by Cory Environmental Trust in Britain (CETB). The project builds on the charity’s strong presence in the borough and will work closely with Bexley Council, linking in with its ambitious Green Grid plans, and involving residents in long-lasting improvements to their waterways. There will be numerous opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to get involved and help make a difference to the local environment, with activities such as litter removal, family-friendly pond dipping and nature exploration, biodiversity enhancements, and invasive species removal. New Thames21 Riverkeeper Michael Heath will lead the project, from a strong background in community service and environmental stewardship in the area. He will manage a programme of practical events along the River Cray, Foots Cray Meadows and the Erith Thames Riverside, with a focus on increasing awareness and engagement on environmental issues. Michael said the project was a great chance to bring people together for the benefit of the environment. “There is already a very strong community spirit in Bexley and I am really looking forward to working with people from all walks of life to improve the Cray,” he said. “This is a great opportunity to make a real difference to the local waterways which are vital for wildlife and serves as a valuable community asset for relaxation and recreation.“ The project builds on the charity’s significant former work in the area, which ceased in March due to funding constraints, but was maintained by core group of volunteers. Bexley volunteers Gaynor Hogart, Alan Bezodiz and Chris Rose all received a special mention in Thames21’s 2011 Volunteer of the Year Awards for their efforts in protecting and caring for the Cray. To get involved or for more information, contact Michael Heath telephone 07968 805 751 or go to


PROFILE: Cory’s Lighterage They have been in business for more than a century; they are the largest lighterage company on the upper reaches of the River Thames; they are part of one of the country’s leading waste management companies and they have just joined the Commercial Boat Operators’ Association (CBOA).

Cory Lighterage is the barge operating arm of Cory Environmental. The parent company manages more than 3.5 million tonnes of waste and recyclables a year, operating right across the country from Merseyside to Cornwall and employing more than 1000 people. Their integrated services range from street cleaning and municipal waste collection to recycling, transfer and disposal. These services have won Cory a number of awards for sustainable transport, the management of facilities and city cleanliness. Cory Environmental started life in 1896 as William Cory and Son Ltd., transporting coal into London on the River Thames. The result of an amalgamation of eight companies in the coal trade, their assets then included: 13 wharves on the Thames 2 floating derricks Leased depots in the Victoria, Albert and Tilbury docks 4 tug bunkering stations Yards and works at Charlton, Erith, Brentford and Rochester 2500 railway wagons 42 coal depots 25 stables, which housed the company’s 350 horses In those early days William Cory & Son handled more than five million tonnes of coal, coke and patent fuel each year. The goods were transported into London and south east by barges on the Thames and the Medway and by wagons on the rail system. In addition, hay was brought into the capital from the surrounding countryside. Realising they could use the empty barges on the return journey they laid the foundations for Cory’s future business: every tug leaving London on the Thames left with a cargo of London 14

rubbish for disposal on the marshlands of Kent and Essex. Expansion followed with the acquisition of various companies. After the Second World War the rubbish trade operation became increasingly important. In the 1940s there were plans for the design and manufacture of barges tailor made to transport household waste, finally implemented in 1956, when the Charlton barge works built the first of these barges. By 1958 Cory had modernised its coal and oil distribution operations and had grown to include almost 100 wholly owned subsidiaries. Their barge works produced more than 400 barges between 1962 and 1972. Domestic central heating created a great demand for oil and by 1972 Cory was distributing annually 216 million gallons of oil. In 1972 the Ocean Group, an international shipping and distribution company, acquired Wm. Cory & Son. While the rapid growth of container shipping and the closure of the upriver docks started a Transporting coal in the early years decline in the traditional London lighterage business, Cory continued to develop its waste business, buying Thames and General Lighterage in 1979. The waste was transported to another of Cory’s acquisitions, the sand and gravel quarry that Cory now owned at Mucking, Essex. In the 1980s Ocean sold its coal and oil distribution businesses, where long term growth prospects were poor, and earmarked waste management for expansion. Cory Lighterage and the landfill activities of Cory Sand and Ballast were amalgamated in 1981 to form Cory Waste Management. Cory’s latest tugs passing under Tower Bridge


Two years later this new company submitted an innovative tender for the long term transport and disposal of a proportion of waste controlled by the Greater London Council, amounting to half a million tonnes each year. The tender was successful and saw the launch of the containerised waste transport method, which is thriving today. In 1989 Cory Environmental Municipal Services Ltd was established for refuse collection and a year later these two businesses became Cory Environmental. “Cory Environmental’s aim is to manage the whole issue of waste rather than just dispose of it”, Neil Caborn, the Cory Lighterage General Manager told CBOA News. Today Cory Lighterage operates on the Thames from Wandsworth down to Tilbury Docks in Essex, from locations at Smugglers Way (Wandsworth), Cringle Dock (Battersea), Walbrook Wharf (City of London), Riverside Energy from Waste facility (Belvedere) and Tilbury Docks for the ash recycling facility. In 2002 the Company signed an innovative £700 million 30-year contract with London’s Western Riverside Waste Authority (WRWA) to recycle and dispose of London’s waste. The contract included development of an 84,000 tonne materials recycling facility in Wandsworth, which was opened in 2011 by Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal. This contract also led to the development of the Riverside Energy from Waste (EfW) facility at Belvedere with a new 270m long purpose-built jetty). The contract also gave Cory the confidence to buy four new tugs, at a cost of €3.3 million each. The hulls were built in Kozle, Poland and fitted out in Hardinxveld, Holland. The first two arrived on the Thames in May 2010 with the second two in August 2010. The technical specification of the new Damen Shoalbuster tugs enables the captains to manoeuvre and place craft in tight spaces with much more control. More fuel efficient engines have also contributed to greater fuel efficiencies and carbon emission reductions. Cory now has a fleet of 7 tugs and 47 barges. Waste for Riverside will come through Cory’s three river based transfer stations. Total tonnage carried on the Thames comprises up to 600,000 tonnes of waste and up to 170,000 tonnes of IBA (Incinerator Bottom Ash) from Belvedere to Tilbury Docks. No more than 85,000 tonnes a year will arrive at Belvedere by road. The Riverside facility is well advanced with its commissioning, processing waste from across London and exporting electricity to the national grid. It will soon commence a sustained period of reliability, performance and availability trials before being ready for full operation in 2012. “We make environmental savings by avoiding around 100,000 HGV trips on London’s congested roads each year” says Neil Caborn. “The Riverside EfW facility is the start of another phase for Cory’s river operations and will see them continuing long into the future”

Cover photo: Cory tug with waste-filled container barge at Battersea This article was first published in the Autumn/Winter 2011 edition of CBOA News and all text, diagrams and photographs* are reproduced by kind permission of John Dodwell, Marketing/ Corporate and Public Affairs, CBOA (Commercial Boat Operators’ Association)

Neil Caborn, General Manager, Cory Lighterage

*The photograph “Transporting coal in the early years” is from the Lewis Herbert Collection.


IWA with London Walks 2012 Programme All dates are Sundays Start time for all walks is 2.30 p.m. Normal charge: £8 Concessionary and Student rate: £6 Date


Start (Tube Station)

29 Jan 5 Feb 19 Feb 4 Mar 11 Mar 18 Mar 1 Apr 8 Apr 15 Apr 22 Apr 6 May 20 May 27 May 3 June 17 June 24 June 1 July 15 July 5 August 19 August 2 September 16 September 7 October 21 October 4 Nov 18 Nov 2 December

Regent’s Canal: Mile End – Limehouse The Olympics, Three Mills & Bow Back Rivers Paddington Basin, Little Venice, Paddington Branch Regent’s Canal: Little Venice – Camden The Olympics, Three Mills & Bow Back Rivers Regent’s Canal: Islington – Mile End Regent’s Canal: King’s Cross – Camden The Olympics, Three Mills & Bow Back Rivers Regent’s Canal: Mile End – Limehouse Regent’s Canal: King’s Cross – Hitchcock’s Hackney Kensal Green Cemetery-Grand Union-Little Venice The Olympics, Three Mills & Bow Back Rivers Regent’s Canal: Little Venice – Camden Regent’s Canal: Mile End – Limehouse Regent’s Canal: Islington –Mile End Regent’s Canal: Little Venice –Camden. Paddington Basin, Little Venice, Paddington Branch GU Regent’s Canal: Islington – Mile End Kensal Green Cemetery- Grand Union-Little Venice Regent’s Canal: Mile End – Limehouse Paddington Branch GU—Kensal Green – Alperton Regent’s Canal: Little Venice – Camden Grand Union Canal: Uxbridge – West Drayton The Olympics, Three Mills & Bow Back Rivers Regent’s Canal: King’s Cross—Hitchcock’s Hackney Regent’s Canal: Kings Cross – Camden Regent’s Canal: Mile End – Limehouse

Mile End Bromley–by-Bow Edgware Road (Circle) Warwick Avenue Bromley–by-Bow Angel King’s Cross (taxi rank) Bromley–by-Bow Mile End King’s Cross (taxi rank) Kensal Green Bromley–by-Bow Warwick Avenue Mile End. Angel. arwick Avenue. Edgware Road (Circle) Angel Kensal Green Mile End Kensal Green. Warwick Avenue. Uxbridge. Bromley-by-Bow. Kings Cross (taxi rank) Kings Cross (taxi rank) Mile End

For more information please contact: Roger Wilkinson: Tel 0208 458 9476 or Peter Finch: Tel 0208 969 9941


IWA SOUTH LONDON BRANCH OFFICERS AND REPRESENTATIVES 2012 BRANCH CHAIRMAN & SALES OFFICER Alan Eggby (Elected 2009 - 2012) 137 Strathyre Avenue, London, SW16 4RH. Tel: 0208 764 8194. e-mail: DEPUTY CHAIRMAN Libby Bradshaw (Elected 2009 - 2012) Ground floor flat, 61 West Side, Wandsworth Common, London, SW18 2ED. Tel + fax: 0208 874 2787. e-mail: BRANCH SECRETARY Lesley Pryde (Elected 2011-2014) 2 Hepworth Road, Streatham, London, SW16 5DQ Tel: 0208 679 9866 Mob: 07787 372408. e-mail: or BRANCH TREASURER & MINUTES SECRETARY Dorothy Robbie (Elected 2010-2013) 23 Porcupine Close, Mottingham, London, SE9 3AE Tel: 0208 857 6367. e-mail: SOCIAL MEETINGS SECRETARY & CROYDON CANAL CAMPAIGN CO-ORDINATOR Alan J Smith (Elected 2011-2014) 41 Jubilee Avenue, Whitton, Twickenham, Middlesex. TW2 6JA Tel: 0208 255 1581 Mobile: 07774 890750 e-mail: PUBLICITY OFFICER & NEWSLETTER EDITOR Christine L Smith (Elected 2011-2014) 41 Jubilee Avenue, Whitton, Twickenham, Middlesex. TW2 6JA Tel: 0208 255 1581 Mob: 07774 890750 e-mail: or COMMITTEE MEMBER Alan Furber (Elected 2011-2014) 99 Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Bromley, Kent BR2 7HU Tel: 0208 462 1650. email: MEMBERSHIP OFFICER (Non Committee) Jane Davey 30 Siddons Road, Croydon CRO 4JR. Tel: 0208 680 2213 EX-OFFICIO AS REGION CHAIRMAN Paul Strudwick (Elected 2011-2014) 40 Fifth Avenue, Chelmsford, CM1 4HD Tel: 01245 358342 Mob: 07885 240291 email: REPRESENTATIVES Contact for Planning & Navigation Committee: Eric Garland Contact with Wandle Valley developments: Libby Bradshaw Contact with Deptford Creek developments: Eric Garland


LONDON REGION 200 CLUB Rules of the 200 Club 1 2 3 4

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Name: The name of the club is "The Inland Waterways Association London Region 200 Club" ("the Club"). Object: The object of the Club is to raise funds for "the Inland Waterways Association London Region" ("IWA London"). Membership: Membership of the Club shall be limited to 200 persons; each person must be over 18 years of age and a paid up member of the Inland Waterways Association. Officers: The Club shall be administered by three officers appointed annually by the committee of IWA London. The officers shall select one from amongst their number to be responsible for keeping the accounts of the Club and arranging for the payment of prizes and the transfer of surplus income to IWA London. The decision of the officers in any matter relating to the operation of the Club shall be final Subscriptions: The annual subscription to the Club shall be £12 payable either on admission to the club or by monthly payments of £1 paid by standing order. The annual subscription may be paid by cheque or standing order for £12 annually. A member may hold more than one membership of the Club. Prizes: 6.1 A draw shall take place on six occasions in each year. There shall be four prizes in each draw in the amounts of £100, £50, £25 and £25. 6.2 In the event that the membership of the Club is fewer than 200 members in any year the officers shall be entitled to reduce the amounts of the prizes or the number of draws (or both) provided however that the ratio of prize money to subscriptions shall not be affected. 6.3 Each draw will be made by or under the direction of the officers. The results of each draw will be announced in the issue of the journal of IWA London next following the date of the draw. 6.4 Prize winners will be notified in writing of their entitlement to receive a prize and payment will be made by cheque posted to the address shown on the membership form or to such other address as the member may subsequently have notified to the officers. Accounts: The accounts of the Club shall be kept by the Officers and shall be examined annually by a suitably qualified person. The Officers shall keep a roll of membership and each membership shall be allocated a roll number Registered Office: Island House, Moor Road, Chesham. HP5 1WA Tel: 01494 783453 Web:

The Inland waterways Association is a non-profit distributing company limited by guarantee Registered in England no. 612245. Registered as a charity no. 212342 ================================================================================================================================

APPLICATION FORM To the Officers, I wish to become a member of The Inland Waterways Association London Region 200 Club. I have completed and enclose the standing order / enclose a cheque as payment for ............. membership(s) at £12 per year (annual option) or £1 per month (monthly option) Full Name.......................................................................Address.................................................................. .............................................................................................................Postcode........……........... Telephone (day).................................................Telephone (eve)................................................. Email address …………………………………………………………………………………… I am a member of the Inland Waterways Association and I agree to be bound by the rules of the London Region 200 Club. Signed............................................................... Date.................................................. Cheques should be made payable to:-

IWA London Region 200 Club

Please send completed forms, cheques and standing order mandates to: Vernon Draper, IWA London Region 200 Club 12 Chipperfield Close, New Bradwell, MILTON KEYNES MK13 0EP 01908 312 239. Email:


IWA South London Branch Meetings are held at: The Primary Room The United Reformed Church Hall Addiscombe Grove CROYDON CR0 5LP There is good parking adjacent to the hall and excellent transport links via East Croydon train and tram stations For information about our social meetings please contact: Alan Smith, Social Secretary Email: Tel: 020 8255 1581 Mobile: 07774 890 750

The Inland Waterways Association is a non-profit distributing company limited by guarantee. Registered in England no. 612245. Registered as a charity no. 212342. Registered Office: Island House, Moor Road, Chesham, Buckinghamshire HP5 1WA Tel: 01494 783453 20

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