Towing Path Topics 12 01

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Newsletter of the North Lancs & Cumbria Branch of The Inland Waterways Association

Page 1 January 2012

Contents From the Editor .................................................................................. 3. From our Branch Chairman ............................................................... 5. From our Region Chairman ............................................................... 7. Alien invasion in Preston ................................................................... 9. Preston Guild Canal Festival ............................................................ 10. New Members ................................................................................... 11. What a load of Rubbish! ................................................................... 12. Puzzle Page ...................................................................................... 17. Branch Sunday Lunch....................................................................... 19. Branch Programme ........................................................................... 20.

Cover Illustration: 'Our Bridge' The bridge to which North Lancs & Cumbria Branch contributed spans the Ribble Link at its junction with the Lancaster Canal. Line drawing by Celia Lockley from a photograph taken by David M. Smith.

DISCLAIMER The views expressed in Towing Path Topics are not necessarily those of The Inland Waterways Association or of its North West Region or of the North Lancs and Cumbria Branch. They are, however, published as being of interest to our members and readers. Nothing printed may be construed as policy or an official announcement unless so stated. The Association accepts no liability for any matter in this newsletter. No reproduction is permitted without acknowledgment. The Editor retains the right to edit any article or letter submitted for publication.


Janet Dunning, 27 Bridge End, Egremont. Cumbria. CA22 2RE 01946 820875 email:

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From the Editor It is over a decade since I took on the task of compiling our branch magazine and in that time people's expectations and habits have changed. The discussion about what form branch and region newsletters should take has been ongoing for a while and perhaps we should move with the times. We have adopted a procedure of sending out a reminder about branch meetings by email but it hasn't made a significant difference to attendance at our meetings. Perhaps, like me, people find it easy to ignore something that flashes up on a computer screen. Please don't ignore Alan Davies' plea for feedback on the question of the branch newsletter and while you're at it let him know your views about branch meetings too. If you are unable to contact him by email you will find his postal address on the inside back cover of this magazine. (Alternatively, write to me and I'll pass the message on.) We will be holding our annual branch lunch at the end of February and we hope the prospect of February weather being better than that in January will encourage people to attend. For anyone who would like an excuse for a weekend away from home there is plenty of interest in the Garstang area. Garstang is an attractive market town, there's plenty of opportunities for walking in the area, the Fylde coast is a short drive in one direction and the scenic Forest of Bowland is a short drive inland, Lancaster and Preston to the north and south respectively could tempt you with their shops - then there is the Lancaster Canal to explore. Canals seem to have hit the headlines quite a lot recently. Perhaps publicity about the move to charitable status for British Waterways has Page 3

From the Editor (continued)

made the media realise that our waterway system exists. There are reports of an impending water-shortage in the south and east of the country and the Kennet and Avon Canal water levels are at the lowest for 90 years. Up here, needing to wear full waterproof gear when out of doors seems to be the norm! By the time you read this the days will have started to lengthen and it will be time to consider how you are going to use and enjoy the waterways later in the year. I'm already looking forward to the longer hours of daylight and visiting waterways which I haven't explored before.

Janet Dunning.

You are invited to IWA North Lancs. & Cumbria Branch Annual Lunch on Sunday 26th February 2012 at The Church Inn, Bond's Lane, Garstang, PR3 1ZB 12 for 12-30

The next and following issue of TPT Please could copy for the next issue be with the editor by 15th March 2012 at the latest? And for the following issue by 30th June. Thank you. Items for publication may be sent to the editor by post, as either written material or on a computer disk, or by e-mail. Photographs may be sent either as prints or in digital format. Please inform the editor if the material has been published elsewhere or if you wish the material to be returned after use. Page 4

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By the time this is published and being read in Towing Path Topics it will be known to all how much funding the Government has offered to the emerging Canal & River Trust (C&RT) to take forward the work of British Waterways. However much has been granted it almost certainly won't be enough!

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From our Branch Chairman

The vast bulk of money available to the new charity will have to be self-generated through fees, rents, licences etc. This where C&RT will have to be particularly adept at balancing the expectations of the many people that use Britain's waterways. Many millions of people use the waterways for many different purposes, from simply a Sunday stroll through to running multi-million pound businesses. Each will have different views on what they should be getting for their contribution. Some people have paid nothing towards the upkeep of the canals and they will continue to pay nothing. They will, however, expect that their favourite walk will be kept open for them and their families to enjoy. Fishing enthusiasts will expect to continue to fish from well-maintained banks and wharves. Boaters will bemoan any drop in standards of the facilities that, they argue, they pay heavily for in licence and mooring fees. Rambling clubs and other organised groups will feel that the relative ease of using a stretch of the towpath should continue to provide a partial relief from the more rigorous parts of their rambles. Boat hire companies will expect that there is no increase in stoppages which will affect their business. Everything always has and always will come down to what can be done with the money available. The Trustees will continue to argue that more money is needed. My guess is they will accept what is on offer for now in the hope that they can get more as the country's situation improves. They will not be able to please everyone who will be expecting more with the demise of British Waterways. I believe that it is up to all of us to make certain that our local Member of Page 5

From our Branch Chairman (continued)

Parliament is made aware of just how important canals and rivers in this country are to so many different groups of people. I also think that a case needs to be made to the many local authorities that have canals and rivers passing through their areas. To be fair, some clearly recognise the contribution that these linear parks and honey pots make to the well-being and the tourism employment prospects of their residents. Many ignore them completely! If every council took responsibility for litter picking and towpath improvement through their patch what a difference that would make. So, there is another group of politicians we can pressure when next they knock on our doors. Better still, go and visit them at their surgeries. It will make a much bigger impact if you have taken the trouble to find them. Finally, there is the opportunity for seven people to be elected to the Council of the new Canal & River Trust. If you feel that you would like to influence the waterways future offer yourself for election or at the very least vote for someone who has. All the details are online at

Alan Davies.

Richard wades in during the canal cleanup in November

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From our Region Chairman Things continue to move apace on the political front, as they must if the target date of April 2012 for the new charity is to be achieved. Firstly the title and, even more important in these publicity driven times, the logo has been announced.

The perceptive will note that the word 'and' has been sidestepped in favour of an ampersand to avoid the acronym becoming CART, which would keep Sue Day of the Horseboating Society happy but could lead to unfortunate comments. There have been concerns, and doubtless whatever I say will not have an effect, that this rebranding will divert precious funds from a cash strapped organization. We are informed that the agency that designed the logo, and I understand they did not pinch it from a well known brand of matches, did it for free. It is also stated that the matter of relabelling vehicles, signs and other equipment etc will be undertaken as they fall due for refurbishment or replacement. For example all new vans recently purchased have been left plain white so that they can easily be badged up with the new artwork. I can state from experience that this is now a matter of sticking transfers on rather Page 7

From our Region Chairman (continued)

than expensive signwriting. It will not escape your notice that the above is full of 'I understand' and other escape clauses; personally I am not particularly guided by presentation, or hope I'm not, and consider that the body of the entity is more important than the coat it's wearing. Whether one likes the logo or not is a matter of taste; the official line is that the word 'Waterways' was ambiguous, and that there is a need to identify the new body as distinct from the old British Waterways. The inclusion of Environment Agency (EA) waters into the new body is still on track for 2015 and the initial dislike of the prospect by the Thames boaters may well have been tempered by the swingeing cuts in EA's navigation budget which are biting very deeply. What does remain a regrettable fact is that the funding for C&RT still looks inadequate and the IWA is continuing to press this truth on the interim trustees, and all interested parties. At the recent party conferences, the IWA took the opportunity of some private time with the Waterways Minister to press the point. The new Trustees have been named. I had a chance of a brief chat with John Dodwell, the 'boaters' friend' trustee in Cardiff at the Assembly All Party Group recently, and he is well aware. That said, the even more savage cuts imposed on EA and other agencies show that were the future to lie within DEFRA as at present, the future would be far bleaker. However as I say the funding issue remains critical and the IWA, both nationally and locally is campaigning hard. One of the most important elements is the establishment of the Area Committees which will be consultative bodies advising the local waterways managers and engaging with them, in the modern parlance, in the management of the area. There will also be a separate national committee for Museums, reflecting the fact that the Waterways Trust is to be integrated with British Waterways into the new charity, which seems to me to make sense. If you think you can contribute by applying for these committees, the details will be available in November. In the BW North West area this partnership is already up Page 8

and running but the rest of our region is covered by this second tranche with the southern areas coming next year. And finally as the days shorten and the temperature drops we move from activity on the waterways to our winter meetings and social occasions; your branch goes to a lot of trouble to arrange these and I recommend them heartily. In the spring we will also have the round of branch AGMs and I hope to meet you there; meanwhile have a good Christmas and New Year.

Alan Platt. 06 November 2011

Alien Invasion in Preston This summer the Lancaster Canal in Preston was choked by the invasive alien water plant Azolla filiculoides otherwise known as American Water Fern or Fairy Moss. It is a pretty little plant sold by garden centres for ponds and aquaria. If it escapes into the wild of the still water of a canal or lake it can spread rapidly until it covers the whole surface, often to a depth of 3 or 4 inches. It is not hardy in this country and will die off in the winter - but not before it has shed spores which overwinter on the bottom to germinate in spring. BW cleared the canal this autumn. Let's hope they can keep on top of the regrowth from April onwards. There are several things you can do to keep this and other invasive species under control. 1. Don’t buy it 2. If you already have it, don’t let it escape 3. Azolla does not like moving water, so if you have a boat on the Lancaster Canal, cruise to the Preston end frequently to upset it - don’t let it thrive! Page 9

Preston Guild Canal Festival Haslam Park, Preston, August 25th - 27th 2012 This is the IWA National Campaign Festival. Unlike the National Festival this is not run by a national team but by local people like you and me. The main campaign is to improve the area around the southern end of the Lancaster Canal. A preliminary clean-up has already has already been done and another is planned for June. We are aiming for landscaping work and an information board on the land by Aqueduct Street and would like to find a sponsor for mooring rings near Ashton Basin. Can you help with any of these? Plans for the festival are progressing. Boat entry forms are on the website, trade entry forms are ready. Attractions are being planned for each day including, hopefully, vintage vehicles, small steam engines and a Teddy Bears' Picnic. Negotiations are underway to secure an area for a campsite for the festival. But it will need a Campsite Manager and a couple of people to assist. Our site manager has just had to pull out so we urgently need a Site Manager if the festival is to be a success. We also need a Transport Manager to organise car parking and possibly Park and Ride. We will need lots of helpers over the weekend for a wide range of jobs such as helping to set up and clear up the site before and after the event, programme sellers, car parking, helping with children's activities, bin emptying, litter picking, toilet cleaning, car parking, etc. Please can you give us a few hours? The more helpers we have, the easier the workload and the more fun it is.

With any of these roles, if you think "I could do that", Page 10

please, please don't just think it - say it. The IWA National Campaign in our area run by us – let's work together make it a good one.

Contact for volunteers – Madeline 01257 231861 or Trade entries - 07802 438412 Boat entries - 01946 820875

‘Pleased to see you’ We extend a warm welcome to the following branch members who have recently either joined IWA or transferred from other branches:


Mrs B Anderson of Pategill, Cumbria Mrs H Chaplin of Oban D Davey & N M Armstrong of Bolton-le-Sands Mr V Grumme of Blackpool Mr D Henderson of Silloth, Cumbria Mr M N Hesketh & Family of Slyne, Lancaster Mr G S Hetherington of Croston, Lancs Mr D & Mrs J Joyner of Fulwood, Preston Ms S Malloch of Wormit, Fife Mr A J Marr of Peterhead, Aberdeenshire Mr D Mawson & Miss M Watson of Cullipool, Argyll Mr K & Mrs S McKean of Garstang Prof N Owens of Allendale, Northumberland Mr J Paterson & Family of Edinburgh Mr D & Mrs C A Scholes of Adlington, Lancs Mr M Shaw of Kendal Miss C Shellcock of Benderloch, Argyll Mrs E Simpson of Edinburgh Mr T K Stephenson of Silloth, Cumbria Mr I Thorougood of Tarleton, Lancs Page 11

What a load of Rubbish! The November Canal Clean-up The weather played its part - the day was more like early September than mid-November. Nearly 40 volunteers turned up - every one keen to do what they could. There were volunteers from IWA, from the Lancaster Canal Trust, from the boat clubs based on the canal and from the local population. A good spread of age groups was represented but age was irrelevant when it came to the action, all worked together amid good-natured banter. Some came for an hour or so, others for the morning or afternoon, some stayed for the whole day, some were there before the official start time and still around after the end; it didn't matter how many hours an individual worked and no questions were asked if someone decided they'd had enough and were going home. At the end of the day our achievements could be seen in the form of the improved appearance of the surroundings of the canal and a pair of filled skips awaiting collection. The first task of the day was to erect our branch gazebo and install the Burco so that Madeline and Sheila could get a brew on the go - a hot cuppa breaks the ice in more ways than one. Once the tasks for the Page 12

day had been outlined and a safety brief given, we signed the register, decided which tools we needed, and headed off towards Bridge 15. Madeline and Sheila manned the gazebo, made sure that all the equipment was accounted for, briefed new volunteers before sending them off to join the others, answered questions from the public and made sure the Burco didn't boil dry. Yours truly opted for walking the towpath with camera in hand, in the hopes of recording the action - the workers were far too busy to consider photos and several times I'd just got within camera range of a busy group when they began to move on to another section (I'd missed the shot!). Bridge 15 was at the northern end of the length we were tackling and the relatively litter free surrounding meant that we were broken in gently. We worked our way southwards; one team armed with litter pickers and another with grappling hooks. The crew of a couple of small boats helped to bring otherwise inaccessible debris to within reach of the towpath. When we'd worked along the towpath bordering Haslam Park, it was decided that a break was in order and we made our way to the tea urn. Then, having observed the eleven o'clock silence of Remembrance Sunday together, we were off down the towpath to see what we could achieve before lunch-time came round. Just to the south of Haslam Park the grappling hooks found something to get their teeth into. Eventually, the first real catch of the day was brought to land - a moped that had seen better days. The teams gradually worked their way down to the end of the canal. Bags of rubbish were put to one side to be collected for transfer to the skips. Wet patches on the towpath indicated where items had been dragged from the canal. Members of the public told us we were doing a grand job - it was good to know that some of the locals appreciated our efforts. The end of the canal was clogged with debris and Richard, brave soul, donned his waders and went into the water to help with the removal of the more awkward objects. Our efforts stirred up the mud and we found road signs, traffic barriers and cones in the murky depths. (No shopping trolleys? No supermarkets within range!) Page 13

The November Canal Clean-up (continued)

Lunchtime arrived. Some of the volunteers decided to take a break others to continue working because they wanted to do a bit more before they left for home. Back at the gazebo, Sheila had a surprise for us. She'd brought some home-baked parkin for us to share. I don't think we left much for her and David to take home with them! After lunch, a team went to do some gardening in the area to the south of the end of the canal and another went to continue to see what they could find under the water at the end of the canal. Paul set off to pick up the bags of rubbish and transfer them to the skips. Paul's Land Rover and the trailer that had brought the kit came into their own here. The skips had been placed in a suitable location near the end of the canal and were a short walk away from the towpath and one idea had been to use wheelbarrows to ferry things to them - this was vetoed when we realised how many trips with the barrows would be needed! By mid-afternoon it was starting to feel chilly out of the sun so efforts were concentrated on tidying up after ourselves. Dusk was imminent as the last trailer load went into the skip and we made our way back to the gazebo and our cars. The Burco had cooled down enough for us to move it and empty the remaining warm water down a convenient drain. Then it was down with the gazebo, pack the kit back into the trailer, make sure we'd left nothing behind and head for home. Everybody seemed to have enjoyed the day, and the surroundings of the canal looked better for our attention. It remains to be seen how long it is before the canal is back to the state that it was in at the beginning of the day. We could have done more if the day had been longer so there won't be a shortage of things to do in June. Come along and join us, you'll be welcome.

Janet Dunning. When naming people, I should give a special mention to Trisha, Paul and Tony for their hard work before the event to make sure everything was in place for things to go smoothly on the day. Page 14

At the end of the canal shortly before lunch

Including the kitchen sink? - Rubbish awaiting collection

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What have we caught this time?

Nearly done now - the last trailer load goes in the skip

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Puzzle Page National Alphabet Since the first IWA Rally at Market Harborough in 1950, the event that is referred to as The National has moved around the country. Can you name the place for the following? 1961 1965 1959 & 95 1991 & 96 1973 1990 1984 & 87 1972 1966 1979 1976 & 93 2009 1998 1978 & 82 1983 1975


If you think that was easy, test your knowledge further by naming the waterways on which the venues were based.

News headline: Netherton canal tunnel 'on the move' My first thoughts were 'Where's it going? Is it tired of being underground?' However, more seriously, I then thought that many of us would not be surprised to hear that cracks and bulging bricks have been found in the lining of the 3058 yard-long tunnel. Such things happen to 150 year-old structures and obviously the lengthy stoppage in the past didn't solve the problem completely although the tunnel is still structurally sound. Page 17

Answers to Linking canals Puzzle in August 2011 issue The pairs are as follows: ALDERSLEY & STOURTON (Staffs & Worcs) ASTON & OLD TURN (Birmingham & Fazeley) AUTHERLEY & GREAT HAYWOOD (Staffs & Worcs) BARBRIDGE & NORBURY (Shropshire Union) BIRCHILLS & PELSALL (Wyrley & Essington) BORDESLEY & KINGSWOOD (Grand Union) BUDBROOKE & NAPTON (Grand Union) BULBOURNE & MARSWORTH (Grand Union) BULLS BRIDGE & COWLEY PEACHY (Grand Union) CASTLEFIELD & COOPER BRIDGE (Rochdale) CATSHILL & LONGWOOD (Daw End Branch - BCN) DEEPFIELDS & HORSELEY FIELDS (New Main Line - BCN) DOEBANK & RUSHALL (Tame Valley) DUDLEY PORT & FACTORY (Old Main Line - BCN) DUKINFIELD & MARPLE (Peak Forest) FAZELEY & SALFORD (Birmingham & Fazeley) FOXTON & NORTON (Grand Union - Leicester Section) FRADLEY & HUDDLESFORD (Coventry - detached portion) FRANKTON & HURLESTON (Llangollen) HALL GREEN & PRESTON BROOK (Trent & Mersey) HAWKESBURY & MARSTON (Coventry) KING'S NORTON & LAPWORTH (Northern Stratford) PARK HEAD & WINDMILL END (Dudley no2) PUDDING GREEN & TAME VALLEY (Wednesbury Old Canal) SNEYD & WEDNESFIELD (Wyrley & Essington) This selection of pairs may not be the only way of solving the puzzle. To help you locate the junctions refer to the canal named with each pair. You may also know a junction by an alternative name and the name above may not be on your map.

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You are invited to IWA North Lancs. & Cumbria Branch Annual Lunch on Sunday 26th February 2012 at The Church Inn, Bond's Lane, Garstang, PR3 1ZB 12 for 12-30 STARTERS Soup of the Day or

Garlic Mushrooms or

Pate and Toast +++++++++++++++++++++ MAIN COURSE Roast Beef or

Roast Lamb or

Steak and Ale Pie or

Battered Cod All Main Meals served with a choice of potatoes and vegetables. VEGETARIAN OPTIONS Creamy Potato and Leek Bake or Broccoli and Spinach Cannelloni +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Choice of SWEET ++++++++++++++++ ÂŁ17.50 Everyone welcome Bookings by Wednesday 15th February 2012 please giving choice of starter and main course to Tony Dunning - 01946 820875 email: Page 19

Inland Waterways Association North Lancashire and Cumbria Branch Programme 2011- 2012 Enquiries to: 01946 820875 or 07730 113894

For directions to venues see page 22

Wednesday 25th January 2012 at 7.30pm Peter Birtwistle Community Centre, Colne 50 years of Restoration of the Chesterfield Canal John Lower - Chesterfield Canal Trust Sunday 26th February 2012 at 12 for 12.30pm Church Inn, 33 Bonds Lane, Garstang PR3 1ZB Sunday Lunch - details page 19 Wednesday 29th February 2012 at 7.30pm Kirkland and Catterall Memorial Hall Branch Annual General Meeting Followed by a talk on Boat Lifts in Belgium Wednesday 28th March 2012 at 7.30pm Peter Birtwistle Community Centre, Colne Underground Manchester Keith Warrender Keith will talk about various things to be found beneath Manchester, including underground canals. His books on the subject will be on sale on the night.

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Wednesday 25th April 2012 at 7.30pm Kirkland and Catterall Memorial Hall The Lichfield and Hatherton Canals - the current status of ongoing work and how it was acheived Dave Moore - Lichfield and Hatherton Canals Restoration Trust Sunday 10th June 2012 Canal Clean-up, Preston Details later Saturday 25th August - Monday 27th August 2012 IWA National Campaign Festival Haslam Park, Preston

Looking ahead to the 2012 - 2013 programme Wednesday 26th September 2012 The Marple Fly-boat and the Marple Locks Tramway - an illustrated talk showing how to recognise where the fly-boat and tramway once worked Kevin Dransfield - Stockport Heritage Trust

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Where does our branch meet? Peter Birtwistle Community Centre, 14 Keighley Road, Colne BB8 0JL is on the B6250 about 200 yards east of its junction with the A56 in the centre of Colne. From the end of the M65: follow the A6068 (Vivary Way) heading towards Keighley, Skipton, A56, Earby, Barnoldswick. Continue on the A6068 until you reach the roundabout with the A56 then take the 3rd exit onto Skipton Road (A56 towards Colne) at the traffic lights turn left onto the B6250, Keighley Road. The community centre is on the right before the traffic islands. There is some roadside parking close by and lots of off-street parking in the centre of town. The room we use is upstairs. Kirkland and Catterall Memorial Hall, The Avenue, Churchtown, near Garstang PR3 0HR is on the southern side of the A586 at its junction with the A6. Parking is off-road in front of and beside the hall. From the south: leave M6 at junction 32, follow the A6 north for about 5 miles and turn left onto the A586 (St Michaels, Blackpool), the hall is immediately on the left set back from the road with the carpark entrance clear of the junction. From the north: leave M6 at junction 33, follow the A6 south for approx 8 miles, turn right onto the A586 (St Michaels, Blackpool) then left into the carpark for the hall.

When do we meet? Evening meetings usually take place on the last Wednesday of the month between the beginning of September and the end of April. For the venue and speaker see the full programme. Meetings start at 7.30pm and finish at 9.30pm (the hall will normally be open from 7pm.), are open to everyone and there is no charge for attendance. A hot drink and biscuits are available in the interval (and often for those arriving early too). We hold a raffle during the evening, the proceeds of which go towards paying for hire of the room.

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IWA North Lancs & Cumbria Branch Committee 2011 - 2012 email: Chairman Mr ALAN DAVIES 14 Linden Road, Colne. BB8 9BA 01282 867469 Vice Chairman Miss MADELINE DEAN Runnymede, Bolton Road, Heath Charnock, Chorley. PR7 4AZ 01257 231861 Secretary Mr TONY DUNNING 27 Bridge End, Egremont. CA22 2RE 01946 820875 or 07730 113894 Treasurer Mrs WENDY HUMPHREYS Nether Greenlowe Farm, Bury Fold Lane, Darwen. BB3 2UA 01254 703553 Membership Secretary Mr LES FRAGLE Brock Cottage, 6 Thistleton Road, Thistleton, Preston. PR4 3XA 01995 672230

Social & Meetings Secretary Mr TONY DUNNING 01946 820875 Scottish Representative Mr JOHN B URT 36 Cuthbert Street, Kirkcudbright. DG6 4HZ 01557 339081 Northern Reaches Representative Mr DAVID SMITH Brewery Wharf, 15 Dark Lane, Whittle-le-Woods, Chorley. PR6 8AE 01257 274440 Other Committee Members Mrs SHARON DAVIES 14 Linden Road, Colne. BB8 9BA 01282 867469

Region Chairman Mr ALAN PLATT Argoed, Pen y Cefn Rd, Caerwys, Flintshire CH7 5BH 01352 720649 / 07860 250152 email:

Sales Miss MADELINE DEAN 01257 231861 Publicity Vacant

Head Office: The Inland Waterways Association, Island House, Moor Road, Chesham HP5 1WA 01494 783453

Environment & Planning Mr ALAN DAVIES 01282 867469

Registered as a Charity. (No. 212342.)

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Printed by: INPRINT SOLUTIONS, Page 24

Unit 4, Matrix House, Friday Street, Chorley. PR6 0AA Telephone: 01257 230530

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