Newsletter of the North Lancs & Cumbria Branch of The Inland Waterways Association
Page 1 April 2012
Contents From the Editor .................................................................................. 3. Branch Chairman's Report to the 2012 AGM .................................... 5. From our Region Chairman ............................................................... 8. From our Scottish Representative ..................................................... 10. New Members ................................................................................... 11. Sales .................................................................................................. 12. Branch Clothing ................................................................................ 13. Preston Guild Canal Festival update ................................................. 15. To Read or to View........................................................................... 16. Design a plaque ................................................................................ 17. Branch Programme ........................................................................... 22.
Cover Illustration: 'Our Bridge' The bridge to which North Lancs & Cumbria Branch contributed spans the Ribble Link at its junction with the Lancaster Canal. Line drawing by Celia Lockley from a photograph taken by David M. Smith.
DISCLAIMER The views expressed in Towing Path Topics are not necessarily those of The Inland Waterways Association or of its North West Region or of the North Lancs and Cumbria Branch. They are, however, published as being of interest to our members and readers. Nothing printed may be construed as policy or an official announcement unless so stated. The Association accepts no liability for any matter in this newsletter. No reproduction is permitted without acknowledgment. The Editor retains the right to edit any article or letter submitted for publication.
Janet Dunning, 27 Bridge End, Egremont. Cumbria. CA22 2RE 01946 820875 email:
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From the Editor First of all, I must apologise for not being on the ball with the last issue. In my editorial I mentioned giving feed back to Alan Davies on the subject of how you'd like to receive your branch magazine, then I forgot to include the article to which I referred - Alan didn't notice my omission until his magazine had arrived through the post, by which time it was a bit late for me to do anything about it. However I've been reminded about it this time so, fingers crossed, that it doesn't slip my mind again! The second thing I must apologise for is the lack of a waterways related puzzle for you to do - inspiration and time have been in short supply. However, now that we are experiencing the right kind of weather, I expect you'll be busy enjoying the great outdoors not curled up in front of the fire exercising your brain. If you enjoy creating puzzles perhaps you'd like to share your creations with us and your editor will be relieved to have one less thing to worry about. A big question at the moment is how the official drought in the south and east of our country will affect our waterways. Anyone who has cruised against the current on the Llangollen Canal will appreciate the effects using the canals to transfer water across the country could entail. However using the waterways network to move water over large distances strikes me as being more environmentally friendly than building pipelines and if the Canal & River Trust were to benefit from the process we might see maintenance of the waterways improving and perhaps restoration of derelict canals in strategic positions too. Once again waterway related events mean that I'd like to be able to be in two places at the same time. Our branch members who go out Page 3
From the Editor (continued)
and about with the branch stand will have a lot on their hands this year, much more than usual, because most of them are also involved with the organisation of the Preston Guild Canal Festival - roll on September when they might get a chance to relax. In the meantime I'm off to the Trailboat Festival at Stroud via Peterborough and the Fens before returning home via our second Canal Clean-up in Preston. Rumour has it that the locals objected to us removing the motorbike from under the water last November and wasted no time in finding another one to replace it - why don't you come along and help to see if it is true.
Janet Dunning.
The next and following issue of TPT Please could copy for the next issue be with the editor by 30th June 2012 at the latest? And for the following issue by 30th November 2012. Thank you. Items for publication may be sent to the editor by post, as either written material or on a computer disk, or by e-mail. Photographs may be sent either as prints or in digital format. Please inform the editor if the material has been published elsewhere or if you wish the material to be returned after use. Page 4
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This is my second annual report to the branch and I am pleased to report on a year of significant activity by many members of your branch committee. The committee strength has grown marginally with Les Fragle joining us following last year's AGM and taking on the role of Membership Secretary.
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Branch Chairman's Report to the Branch AGM held on 29th February 2012
I commented last year on how Madeline Dean was proving to be a hard act to follow. Her active enthusiasm has continued to impress me. She has taken on the role of organiser of the National Campaign Festival that is scheduled for the August Bank Holiday weekend this year and is proving, once again, that she can motivate many people to play a small part to produce a major event. Progress is going well though the pressure will build as the time approaches. If any of you can assist in any way at all please talk to Madeline. I know that there are roles still to be filled; partly because my involvement with another organisation meant that I had leave her without a site manager for the event. A volunteer for that role will ease my conscience a little. I turn now to membership and sadly must report that the trend in reducing membership has continued. This will become a major concern if the trend continues for a few more years. Can I urge everyone to recruit their friends and colleagues as members and let's make a major effort to improve our membership, both locally and nationally? In my last report I commented on the water shortage that caused the closure of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal for a period in 2010 and the consequent lessening of activity on the water. One event that was cancelled, because boats could not get there, was the Pendle Canal Festival. Local Government cutbacks have meant that it was not reinstated in 2011 and it seems very unlikely to take place again this year. We have also received news that the major event at Skipton that takes place during the first May Bank Holiday Weekend is to be held only every second year. The demise of events like these lessens the Page 5
Branch Chairman's Report to the 2012 AGM (continued)
opportunities for the general public to learn to appreciate the benefits of the waterways and makes my earlier comments even more important. Branch activities during the year involved many people, particularly in the clean-up along the bottom end of the Lancaster Canal that Janet Dunning reported on in the last edition of Towing Path Topics. A fantastic amount of rubbish was removed and the whole area benefitted from the work that was done. If you would like to take part in the next clean-up there is one scheduled for 10th June of this year to ensure that all is well before the Campaign Festival. Another activity organised by the Branch committee is the monthly general meeting for all members. These are held both at Catterall and in Colne. The idea of two venues is to make these meetings more accessible for members in a branch that covers such a large geographical area. Subjects to be covered in the next few months include 'Underground Manchester', 'The Lichfield and Hatherton Canals' and 'The Marple Fly-boat and Marple Locks Tramway'. Your attendance at any of these meetings will much appreciated. One very encouraging sign of investment on our waterways follows on from a meeting I reported on last year when our regional chairman and I met the Chief Executive and the Planning Officer at Burnley Borough Council. They have proved as good as their word and have delivered on many of the things they discussed with us. A great deal of Heritage Lottery Fund money has been spent on stabilising the fabric of the historic buildings in the Weaver's Triangle in order to make them suitable for further investment. Some of that is paying off already as Victoria Mill has been selected as the first University Technical College in the North West. Slater Terrace, a canal side row of weaver's cottages, has just been awarded ÂŁ2million to cover the costs of refurbishment. A major business park is also planned for the edge of Burnley that will cost some ÂŁ48million and entail a new bridge to cross the canal at Hapton. This all goes to show how cooperation and encouragement from organisations like ours can ensure that Page 6
waterside improvements take place and the history of places can be preserved. The Branch continues to monitor planning applications from local authorities that affect the waterways and their immediate environment. We have been consulted on a number of schemes and made the right noises about planning gain to improve the towpaths etc. Lancashire County Council has kept us up-to-date with the plans for the Morecambe-Heysham Link that will cross the Lancaster Canal and David Smith continues to keep a watching brief on developments affecting the Northern Reaches. So far I have managed to avoid mentioning the Canal & River Trust even though it has been at the forefront of most comment and debate during the past year. Things are clearly progressing: the Trial Local Partnership that was set up to advise British Waterways (BW) in our region has now dropped the word 'Trial'. I presume that means it must be having some successes though it is hard to judge from the minutes that are published on the BW website. I don't doubt that they are accurate but the level of detail is absolutely minimal. The new charity must be more open than this if it is to engage with the public in the way that it hopes to! The deal reached with the Government on future funding is not a bad one, but nor is it a particularly good one. It will require careful management of resources and a step change in involvement with a much wider range of people to avoid stalling the progress that has been made over the last decade or so. I wish the new organisation every success but we must all keep a very watchful eye on it and shout early about the things that they may do and that we disagree with. Finally, can I say a heartfelt thanks to all my colleagues on the Branch Committee for all their hard work and encourage more members to get more involved. Also to remind everyone that this branch is staging the only major IWA national event taking place this year and your help would be very much appreciated even in the most minor way.
Alan Davies. Page 7
From our Region Chairman It is nice to able to impart good news in these troubled times and at the same time to indulge in a bit of self congratulation on behalf of the IWA. That said the news of the final negotiated financial package for the new Canal & River Trust (CRT) charity should be already known to most of you as it has been extensively covered in the waterway press as well as IWA national and local press releases. So I shall not repeat in detail what the revised settlement from the government on the new charity is, but for those of you who are wondering what I'm talking about the settlement is, in brief: • An extra £10m a year from 2015/16 plus indexation from the same date • The funding is extended from 10 to 15 years • The government guarantees the Pension Fund arrears as a backstop and contributes an extra £25 million to these arrears. To put it another way in total instead of £390m over the full term there is now a total, depending of inflation of about £800m, which to me looks like double in round terms. Somewhere out there is someone who thinks it's not enough, and it never is, but it is a lot better than I, and our people at Head Office who were involved in the detail were expecting. It is also acknowledged by both BW and DEFRA that campaigning by the IWA was a factor in getting a better deal; so on your behalf I thank those of you who wrote to your MPs on the issue and those at a national level who have worked hard at this. And I will make the point that this is the same Head Office who normally attracts opprobrium for over-regulating the branch. So we have a deal that gives the CRT a fair chance having the Page 8
resources to make it work. Soon the transfer will take place and with the establishment of the area partnership hopefully we will set out on the venture that is the Canal and River Trust. This transfer, as I forecast last time will be a bit later than planned but it should be effective by the end of June. What we now need is a true partnership between the new charity and its stakeholders, who are you and me and everyone with a stake or interest in the waterways so that working together we can make this work. This means a change in attitude on both sides, which is already happening, will not be easy. I'm sure there are many challenges ahead of us, but I for one feel more positive now than I did a couple of months ago. As I write this the snow has long gone from the Clwydian Hills across the valley, the heating thermostat has been turned down, the daffs are blooming, I'm trying to remember where I put the lawnmower and its time to see if the boat's survived the winter unscathed. All I need now is to arrange my life effectively enough to get some time on it this year; however you enjoy the waterways, by boat, foot or bicycle - have a nice summer!
Alan Platt.
Sunday June 10th 2012 Canal Clean-up Preston & Sunday 19th August 2012 'Last minute Canal Clean-up' Preston There will be something for everyone to do Don't just leave it to the few Come along and join the crew. (details on page 22) Page 9
From our Scottish Representative British Waterways Scotland (BWS) has now published their Draft Waterspace Strategy and it is out for public consultation. You can find it on the BWS website at: Alternatively you can call BWS on: 01413 326936 and ask to be sent a copy. I urge you to read it and respond by the closing date of Friday 11th May. On Saturday 10th March, I attended the Scottish Lowland Canals Customer Forum at the Falkirk Wheel. This Group meets twice a year and provides an opportunity for users to bring matters of concern to the attention of BWS and in return for BWS to bring to the attention of users any developments which may be of interest. Understandably, much of the meeting was devoted to the 'divorce' and to the new Waterways Strategy but in addition, we were also treated to an update on what has been going on over the winter on the Lowland Canals. This has included lock cill replacements at Maryhill and Falkirk, the re-surfacing/upgrading of more than 5km of towpaths, as well considerable vegetation works undertaken with the help of volunteers and community service teams. There is now a clear strategy for dealing with weeds, an additional cutter has being purchased and two further machines will be hired in. The meeting was also informed that the loss making Wheel (loss ÂŁ450k) is now breaking even, which is having an important impact on BWS finances, which will be further bolstered by what was described as a generous 'dowry' from British Waterways as part of the separation agreement (although we were not given any figures). The Boat House pub/restaurant at Auchenstarry marina has also been purchased by BWS. In my last report, I mentioned that we were thinking of holding a Scottish Members' meeting early this year. By the time you read this, you will probably have heard from us directly on this proposal. The 'divorce' means that there is perhaps a need to consider the role of IWA Page 10
in Scotland, whether there should be a more formal Scottish Group or indeed whether separation requires the need for a separate organisation in Scotland. However, aware as we are, that many Scottish members belong to IWA because of a primary interest in English and Welsh waterways, we do not want to organise a meeting unless members feel this is necessary, so firstly we will be asking whether you want one or not. Please note that the Wheel 10 Festival (to commemorate ten years since the opening of the Falkirk Wheel) has been re-arranged and will now take place on the weekend of 6/7/8 July. If anyone wants more information on any of these matters or indeed on anything else to do with IWA activities in Scotland, please contact me on: 01557 339081 or by email at:
John Burt.
‘Pleased to see you’ We extend a warm welcome to the following branch members who have recently either joined IWA or transferred from other branches:
Mr A & Mrs M Beach of Ulverston, Cumbria Mr D J Beakhurst of Morpeth, Northumberland Mr P Blezard of Heath Charnock, Lancashire Mr S Bridge of Ilkley, West Yorkshire Mr S Campbell of Maryport, Cumbria Mr N Cecil of Chorley, Lancashire Mr A & Mrs M Curtis of Lowick Green, Cumbria Mr A Daniel of Glasgow Mr K & Mrs C Johnstone of Johnstone, Renefrewshire Mr M Kane of Uddingston, South Lanarkshire Mr A Marshall of Greystoke, Cumbria Mr I Parkinson of Wesham, Lancashire Mr P Whitehead of Adlington, Lancashire Mr M Williams of Crawshorebooth, Lancashire Page 11
Sales We will be taking a sales stand to venues over the summer to publicise the Preston Guild Canal Festival in Preston and hopefully to make some money for the branch. 21st April
LCT Coffee Morning
2nd - 4th June (see note 1 below)
National Trailboat Festival
23rd & 24th June
River Weaver Festival
30th June & 1st July Thwaite Mills
14th & 15th July
Lakeland Flower and Craft Show
25th - 27th August (see note 2 below)
IWA Campaign Festival Preston
Notes: 1. The stand at Stroud will be a national sales stand but branch members will be there to man it during the event. 2. There will be both a national sales stand and a branch stand at the Campaign Festival in Preston and help will be needed for both. All assistance welcomed. Contact Madeline Dean 01257 231861 We will also have a publicity stand at the West Cumbria Vintage Club Rally held at Distington, near Workington, on Sunday 1st July. Contact Janet Dunning for further information.
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Branch Clothing Corporate clothing is available with our Branch Logo (pictured on page 17) Unisex polo Ladies polo Sweatshirt Hoodie with full zip Fleece jacket Fleece body-warmer "Coniston" Waterproof jacket Body-warmer + waterproof combo
£11.25 £11.25 £12.50 £21.99 £20.99 £18.99 £49.99 £67.99
Also available: IWA Pin badges/tie pins
Madeline has some orders but will delay ordering until May 1st to give you a chance. If we order enough at one time it may be possible to reduce prices a little. Order from Madeline Dean 01257 231861 or A sea of blue shirts would make quite an impact at the Preston Guild Canal Festival in Haslam Park! Notes on IWA Corporate Clothing (for sizing see overleaf) Polo shirts (royal blue) There are two styles: Ladies (with 2 buttons) available in sizes 8 to 18. These are a very snug fit. They have more shaping and are of a shorter length than the unisex polo shirt - fine if you are slim and not too tall! Unisex (with 3 buttons) available in sizes Small to XXL. Sweatshirts (royal blue, raglan sleeved) Sizes Small to XXL available Page 13
Notes on IWA Corporate clothing (continued)
Hooded Sweatshirts (royal blue, full zip) Sizes Small to XXL available These are quite a tight fit - if you are at the upper end of the chest measurement range and would like more breathing space, opt for a size larger than measurements suggest. Fleece Jackets (royal blue or navy, full zip) Sizes Small to XXL available The navy fleece will zip into the waterproof jacket. The royal blue one won't (attempting to do so damages the zip!). Fleece Body-warmers (navy, sleeveless, full zip) Sizes Small to XXL available The body-warmer will zip into the waterproof jacket. Waterproof jacket "Coniston" (navy) Sizes Small to 3XL available Regatta brand, made of Isotex which is a waterproof windproof and breathable fabric. Large map pocket and internal mobile phone pocket. Special Offer Body-warmer & Waterproof Sizes Small to XXL Sizes of royal blue clothing (Fruit of the Loom) Unisex sizes S
To fit Chest (inches)
Women's sizes
To fit Bust (inches)
Sizes of waterproof, body-warmer and navy fleece jacket (Regatta) Sizes
To fit Chest (inches)
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Preston Guild Canal Festival Haslam Park, Preston, August 25th - 27th 2012 IWA National Campaign Festival The main campaign is to improve the area around the southern end of the Lancaster Canal and encourage its use – for other than flytipping. A preliminary cleanup has already has already been done and another is planned for June 10th. It is already needed! It seems that some Prestonians are not too proud to throw rubbish into their canal. How do we persuade them to appreciate their asset? There will also be a last minute cleanup on August 19th. Plans for the festival are progressing. Entry applications are coming in at a steady rate from boaters, traders and caterers. Other attractions are being booked. We now have a site manager but he needs lots and lots of help – nobody can erect a marquee alone! On the Friday, 24th, we will need helpers to mark out the site, erect marquees and show traders to their places. Over the weekend we will need lots of helpers for a wide range of jobs such as car parking, helping with children's activities, bin emptying, litter picking, toilet cleaning, etc. Please can you give us a few hours? The more helpers we have, the easier the workload and the more fun it is. The IWA National Campaign in our area run by us - lets work together make it a good one. You don't want to let the rest of IWA to think that NL&C is useless - we need to make a success of this. Please come and help make us a branch to be proud of.
Contact for volunteers - Madeline 01257 231861 or Trade entries - 07802 438412 Boat entries - 01946 820875 Page 15
To Read or to View? Members of the Inland Waterways Association are a committed bunch of people who take great pride in all that has been achieved in waterways improvements and restoration over the last few decades. Your subscription helps considerably in pump-priming many of these projects and providing expert help to local branches and canal societies that are embarking on major tasks. News of this work is passed on to Members each month in IWA Bulletin by email to all who have given the Association their email addresses. A quarterly magazine is also posted from Head Office to everyone who subscribes. In addition, North Lancs and Cumbria branch compiles and circulates Towing Path Topics three times a year to all members in our area and in Scotland. Towing Path Topics costs several hundred pounds to print and post for each of those three editions. Some members have queried whether it is an expense that can still be justified in this electronic age. Head Office gives the branch a capitation fee for each member towards this cost but even that is being examined and is likely to reduce in the next year or so. In view of this discussion, I would like to take this opportunity to sound out all our members and ask how you feel about the way forward. Should we make the magazine available on our web site and email everyone when it is available; should we email it directly to everyone’s personal email address; should we continue as at present and post hard copies to everyone; or is there a combination of these that is the better option? I am aware that not everyone has email available and this local means of communication is important to all members of the Branch committee but if we can save a large part of this £800 each year it could be spent on campaigning activities. What do you think? Please email me direct on . No decisions have been made and all views expressed will be taken into account. If you have changed your email address or not given it the IWA yet then please send me the information and I will make sure that it is sent HO. Page 16
Alan Davies.
2012 Preston Guild Canal Festival plaque The Preston Guild Canal Festival committee are inviting designs for a brass plaque for the event. The design should include the name of the event (Preston Guild Canal Festival), the year (2012) and the IWA logo. If you have ideas for a design but don't have the artistic ability to produce the necessary artwork please give the committee a rough sketch of what you envisage as they can take the idea further if your design is selected. Suggested designs for the plaque should be sent by May 5th 2012 either by email to lancsandcumbria@waterways or by post to Madeline Dean (address inside back cover).
The embroidered branch logo as seen on a 'Coniston' waterproof jacket
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Results of Canal & River Trust Council elections 2012 Private boating - 4 representatives (in order of election) Clive Henderson Ivor Henry Caplan Keith Vaughan Welch Ann Farrell Business Boating - 2 representatives (in order of election) Nigel Stevens of Shire Cruisers Anthony Matts of Foxton Boat Services Employees - 1 representative Christopher Alan Bailey The full details of the voting can be seen on the Waterscape website (
Volunteers in starring role Filmmakers have been invited to enter a competition to make a short film about volunteering on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal. British Waterways and the Leeds & Liverpool Canal Society are looking for films, of ten to twelve minutes running time, that reflect the way that the local community is contributing to heritage, leisure and conservation on the canal. The rules of the competition do not state that the film has to be a documentary and the entrants are invited to be as creative and original as they wish.
Answers to Festival Alphabet puzzle in January issue The answers we were looking for are: Aylesbury, Blackburn, Chester, Dudley, Ely, Gloucester, Hawkesbury, Lymm, Marple, Northwich, Peterborough, Redhill, Salford Quays, Titford, Wigan and York. Page 18
One of its kind A rolling bridge across the Ulverston Canal has been granted Grade 2 listed status thus protecting one of the last remaining bridges of its kind in England. Built in 1883 to carry the Furness Railway Company's track to Conishead Priory the bridge was designed by local engineer Frank Stileman. To allow the boats to pass, the bridge rolled back to allow navigation of the channel. However, for a number of years the bridge has been fixed in a closed position to serve as a footbridge across the canal.
Above: the rolling bridge across the Ulverston Canal as seen during a branch outing in September 2003. Below: part of the mechanism viewed from near the position of the person at the righthand side of the above picture
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Scotland's first formal canoe trail has been launched. The 60mile Great Glen Canoe Trail follows the 200-year-old Caledonian Canal from Corpach, near Fort William, to Inverness. The route takes in the canal and four lochs, including Loch Ness, and there are also whitewater river sections that may be used if wished. British Waterways Scotland estimate that 2500 canoeists use the canal each year and the Scottish Canoe Association has assisted in establishing the trail.
A Dundee-based firm of architects has won a contest to design the visitor centre for the ÂŁ43m Helix Project near Falkirk. The company will also create the public space inside the 30m (98ft) high Kelpie Heads, designed by sculptor Andy Scott.
British Waterways has now reached an agreement with the security services that Commercial Road Lock (which allows access to Limehouse Basin from the Regents Canal) will be open for booked traffic for two hours each day during the Olympics period. This will allow boaters who wish to travel to and from the River Lee to avoid having to use the tidal River Thames. IWA and the St Pancras Cruising Club have campaigned vigorously to have this lock open during the Olympics and IWA has offered to assist in operating the lock. Paul Strudwick, IWA London Region Chairman, would be pleased to hear from any would-be volunteers. He may be contacted via email: paul. or phone: 07885 240291.
British Waterways has produced a summary of the legal process that it is following to launch the Canal & River Trust. The summary may be viewed on If you are not particularly interested in legal matters there is an interesting item about polecats to read instead. Page 20
The Grade 2 listed Brierfield Mill, situated next to the Leeds and Liverpool Canal, has been bought by Pendle Council after the failure of a previous plan to turn the seven-acre site into a college. The council expect that regeneration of the site will take up to ten years and they will consider a range of uses for the buildings.
Work to restore the Lune Aqueduct, which carries the Lancaster Canal across the River Lune within the Lancaster city boundary, is reaching the final stages. The two-year restoration project included repairing the channel, removing vegetation and graffiti, undertaking repointing and masonry repairs and improving public access to the site. A new access ramp and visitor car park have been created at Caton Road. A 600metre length of the towpath, between Halton Road Bridge and Caton Road Aqueduct (Bulk Aqueduct) has been upgraded. The final surface dressing of the ramp and towpath will take place in May when the weather should be suitable. Extensive environment enhancements are planned to take place over the next few years. These will include the planting of new trees and hedgerows and the creation of two large amphibian or dragonfly scrapes. While the site is maturing, bird and bat boxes will compensate for tree loss. A new wildflower meadow will be created on the southeast embankment at the approach to the aqueduct.
A report into the heritage of Lancaster's Canal Corridor North Area has recommended further research into its heritage potential. The report recommends further research into the construction of the Lancaster Canal, the significance of Heron Chemical Works and the 'rarity of the survival' of Swan Court. Although studies had developed a deeper understanding of the area, they had also identified gaps in the background knowledge available. Page 21
Inland Waterways Association North Lancashire and Cumbria Branch Programme 2012 Enquiries to: 01946 820875 or 07730 113894 Wednesday 25th April 2012 at 7.30pm Kirkland and Catterall Memorial Hall The Lichfield and Hatherton Canals - the current status of ongoing work and how it was acheived Dave Moore - Lichfield and Hatherton Canals Restoration Trust Sunday 10th June 2012 Canal Clean-up, Preston Meet in the car park at Haslam Park, Preston at 9.30am Wear sturdy footwear and clothing that won't be harmed if it gets dirty. Any equipment needed will be provided but you might like to bring your own gloves. Hot and cold drinks will be available but you should bring a packed lunch or any snacks you might need during the day. There will be someone at the car park while we are working so if you'd like to join us later in the day just come along when you are ready. Sunday 19th August 2012 'Last minute Canal Clean-up', Preston details as above Saturday 25th August - Monday 27th August 2012 IWA National Campaign Festival Haslam Park, Preston
Looking ahead to the 2012 - 2013 programme Wednesday 26th September 2012 The Marple Fly-boat and the Marple Locks Tramway - an illustrated talk showing how to recognise where the fly-boat and tramway once worked Kevin Dransfield - Stockport Heritage Trust Page 22
IWA North Lancs & Cumbria Branch Committee 2011 - 2012 email: Chairman Mr ALAN DAVIES 14 Linden Road, Colne. BB8 9BA 01282 867469 Vice Chairman Miss MADELINE DEAN Runnymede, Bolton Road, Heath Charnock, Chorley. PR7 4AZ 01257 231861 Secretary Mr TONY DUNNING 27 Bridge End, Egremont. CA22 2RE 01946 820875 or 07730 113894 Treasurer Mrs WENDY HUMPHREYS Nether Greenlowe Farm, Bury Fold Lane, Darwen. BB3 2UA 01254 703553 Membership Secretary Mr LES FRAGLE Brock Cottage, 6 Thistleton Road, Thistleton, Preston. PR4 3XA 01995 672230
Social & Meetings Secretary Mr TONY DUNNING 01946 820875 Scottish Representative Mr JOHN B URT 36 Cuthbert Street, Kirkcudbright. DG6 4HZ 01557 339081 Northern Reaches Representative Mr DAVID SMITH Brewery Wharf, 15 Dark Lane, Whittle-le-Woods, Chorley. PR6 8AE 01257 274440 Other Committee Members Mrs SHARON DAVIES 14 Linden Road, Colne. BB8 9BA 01282 867469
Region Chairman Mr ALAN PLATT Argoed, Pen y Cefn Rd, Caerwys, Flintshire CH7 5BH 01352 720649 / 07860 250152 email:
Sales Miss MADELINE DEAN 01257 231861 Publicity Vacant
Head Office: The Inland Waterways Association, Island House, Moor Road, Chesham HP5 1WA 01494 783453
Environment & Planning Mr ALAN DAVIES 01282 867469
Registered as a Charity. (No. 212342.)
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Unit 4, Matrix House, Friday Street, Chorley. PR6 0AA Telephone: 01257 230530