January 2015
Journal of the IWA’s Milton Keynes Branch
Re-watering begins at Cosgrove Meet “Duke” and “Baron” the Kelpies Members of the Trinity Methodist Scout Group, Leighton Buzzard, have a break with Marie Draper (in bow of boat) and their leaders, while taking part in the Branch Clean-up on 18 October. When they weren’t pulling faces, they contributed a total of 70 hours of effort towards the Clean-up! See page 11 for report. Photo: Vernon Draper. The IWA (registered charity no. 212342) campaigns for the restoration, conservation and sensitive development of the waterways, and for their fullest commercial and recreational use consistent with safeguarding their historic and natural environment. If you are not a member and would like to find out more: * contact any of the Branch Committee listed on Page 16; * contact IWA Head Office on 01494 783453, or visit the web site: https://www.waterways.org.uk
Welcome to January 2015 Towpath Telegraph There’s something for everyone here! As well as the regular items, we’ve included the Members’ Survey, and we hope as many of you as possible will take part. Our Education Officer Jane Bidgood has written the first of a series for young readers—see Page 12. So please DON’T throw this copy of TPT away—pass it on to children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces! Or, if they’re computer-savvy (they probably are), point them towards the on-line edition. Enjoy!
Chairman’s Column New Members Whatever floats your boat Leakage setback for Buckingham Canal Society John Herrick, 1944-2014 Diary IWA Milton Keynes Branch AGM Branch Membership Survey Fenny Lock Adoption Scheme renewed Wendover Arm Trust news LB Scouts put in 70 hours at Autumn Clean-up CanalFILE—new series for younger readers Committee news Ding-Dong Merrily MK Minister pledges support for B-MK Waterway Getting in touch with MK Branch
2-3 3 4 5 5 6-7 7 8-9 9 10 11 12-13 13 14 15 16
Chairman’s Column
By the time you read this we will be into a New Year, the last of the Christmas goodies will have been eaten, and the diets are probably just starting! So first let me wish you all just a Healthy New Year - we would all wish for that, although winning the national lottery would be a nice bonus.
Looking back at the past year, the Branch did not do much different from the previous year in the way of events, but what we did do we did very well. We staged two very productive and well supported Clean-ups. Another record sum was collected at the Lock Help weekend, and we had a good presence at the Linslade Canalside Festival in July. We put on the usual varied programme of social/education evenings, and our Christmas Social Evening was as good as ever, with the Branch providing the entertainment and good food provided by the Pavilion staff (see Page 14). The Fenny Lock Adoption scheme has been renewed with Canal and River Trust (CRT), and the work has extended to clearing the adjacent Broadwalk, between the lock and Simpson Road, parallel with the often muddy towing path, and what a difference that has made. Your Committee were kept busy ensuring the Branch and its events functioned in an orderly fashion, making their thoughts on various matters known to CRT, and monitoring planning applications near the canal to check that the proposals would not be detrimental to the canal environment. At a National level the methodical and diplomatic case put forward by IWA for an alternative route for HS2, to avoid blighting Fradley Junction, underlines the value that IWA still contributes to our inland waterways. It was also a cheaper option than that originally proposed; congratulations to all who worked on this complex project. Due to other commitments David King has stood down from our Committee after serving for over seven years. Most of you will know that for many years he has been a key player in organising the Clean-ups, also using his narrowbat Jappa to tow the hopper. He is also custodian of our sound system, our most expensive asset. David’s knowledge on the inner workings of Head Office - havPage 2
Chairman’s Column—continued. ing served on the National Festivals Committee, and having held the posts of Secretary and Chairman of Northampton branch - proved invaluable during his time on MK’s committee. David and his wife Jan also kindly hosted many Committee meetings and also meetings with CRT. David has said he will continue to support the Branch in any way he can. Many thanks are due to both David and Jan, and I am sure you would wish to join me in those thanks. Dave Roberts, our Treasurer, stands down at the forthcoming AGM. He is working with Tim Armstrong our "Treasurer Designate" to ensure a smooth handover. Dave and his wife Annie were coopted as joint Treasurers in 2000, and were elected in 2001. (After a while, Annie wisely left Dave to do the job on his own!) I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dave for looking after the Branch's finances for so long, for contributing his knowledge on all subjects into the running of the Branch and, not forgetting his infuriating ability to sing and sound good without music at our Christmas socials, whether solo or in a group. We shall miss your wit and humour at Committee meetings which, thanks to you, generally finished on time as you were packed up and heading for the door as you had to get up early for work the next day! Details of our Branch Survey are on Pages 8-9. I would ask that you please complete and send this back by the deadline by whichever method suits you best. This is the first time such an exercise has been carried out by MK Branch - perhaps by any IWA Branch. Your Committee really does want to know your views, so please do take this opportunity to tell us. We intend to report the survey findings at the AGM, so that will keep the Committee busy! Our AGM is due in February and if you would like to get on board the Committee to freshen up our ideas or add a new skill, please contact Philip Strangeway, our Branch Secretary, to put yourself forward for election. We may have to find a new venue for our social/education meetings some time this year, as the lease for the Pavilion is up for renewal in May. The summer break will give us a buffer if this happens. Wishing you all the best for the coming year, and hoping that it is a kind one in all respects. Peter Caswell, Branch Chairman.
New Members
A warm welcome to the members below who have recently joined the Branch. We hope to see you at our meetings during the coming months—please introduce yourselves to a Committee member. Mr P Allum & Ms P Greenwood, Leighton Buzzard Mr M & Mrs J Barnes, Milton Keynes Jane Bidgood, Milton Keynes Mr P Burton, Milton Keynes Mr P K & Mrs G L Cuminsky, Dunstable Mr P & Mrs C Mitchell, Milton Keynes Mr M Pantling, Milton Keynes Mr W Roberts, Leighton Buzzard Miss E Smith, Leighton Buzzard Mr D Waite, Luton Mr & Mrs J C & E S F Wright, Biggleswade
Boat Safety Certification Alan Stewart
Lloyds Academy Diploma in Small Craft Surveying Ex-Merchant Marine Engineer
Authorised Boat Safety Scheme Examiner Visit my website: http://www.boat-safetyexaminer.co.uk Contact me by phone on 01234 767156 or mobile 07976 900113 Alternatively e-mail me at: alan_breck_stewart@msn.com Page 3
Just too late for September's TPT, we had news of how two Leighton Buzzard schoolboys made the best of their school holidays by building their own small boat and launching it on the Grand Union Canal. Harry Burr and Jonathan Jones, both aged 12, built the boat in the garden, following instructions on a YouTube video. On 29 August, Harry (yellow lifejacket) and Jonathan (red lifejacket) stepped gingerly aboard Sea Bream, and paddled for two hours to reach the Grove Lock pub. At first the boat tipped about a bit, but the boys soon got the hang of keeping it on an even keel. When we heard about the boys' efforts, Branch Chairman Peter Caswell arranged for Jonathan and Harry to be offered full adult IWA membership, free for a year. We also prepared Certificates of Merit, and their parents arranged for these to be presented at a school assembly.
Sea Bream sets out on her maiden voyage. Inset: an anxious moment during the launch. Pictures: Steve Jones. In a letter to Harry and Jonathan, Peter Caswell wrote: “It is refreshing to see youths doing something worthwhile and using their initiative, and I hope you enjoy your craft and that it may lead to bigger things. I also note that you enjoy angling; someday you may wish to use your craft for this. If you do intend to put your craft on the canal on a regular basis, or even occasionally, it really should be licensed I was also pleased to see that you were both being responsible and wearing life jackets. Well done! Jonathan’s mother, Sophie, said: “We’re very proud of their initiative. They persevered, and solved problems when they arose. They worked so hard, with very little adult help”.
They did obtain a short-term licence for the trip. Now they’re thinking of fitting an engine . . . Les Franklin.
Excellent Boats on a Beautiful Canal Our base at Linslade is within weekend reach of the Waterways Museum at Stoke Bruerne, or the Chiltern Hills and Aylesbury. Choice of exciting one- or two-week cruises including the Thames. 35 luxury boats, 2 to 8 berth.
Boat Builders - Repairs - Dry dock - Blacking - Repaints Waterside holiday cottage
Rothschild Road, Linslade, Leighton Buzzard, Beds, LU7 2TF Tel: 01525 372355 Fax: 01525 852308 http://www.canalholidays.co.uk james@canalholidays.co.uk Members of IWA, APCO, BMF, B&MK Waterway Trust, Wendover Arm Trust, Buckingham Canal Society, Aylesbury Canal Society
Page 4
d s an e k a re ir rt b eekly h o h S w
LEAKAGE SETBACK FOR BCS After last year’s success in getting the Bourton Meadow section in water, it was discovered that the liner was not holding water. Discussions are taking place, and a different liner will be installed, hopefully early in 2015. This will mean the removal of the coir mats along the banks, but it is hoped that these can be re-used later. This will be an extra task for us, but we hope this very attractive section will be back in water soon. The main reason to re-water the canal at Cosgrove was to discover the condition of the canal bed and bank. It now appears that in the first section from bridge No 1 to the first bund, the bank has slipped at a certain height and water is seeping to the field next to the canal. Discussions are taking place with CRT as to the best method of restoring the bank, and we will re-water further sections at a later date. Work parties returned to Hyde Lane Nature Reserve at the end of July. Plans are in place to build dams next year to keep this site in water throughout the year but, before this can happen, re-pointing work on the lock chamber must be completed. This is one of the projects being undertaken by our volunteers at present. As this site is on part of the Ouse Valley Walk (a very popular route), appearances are important. Time has been taken to trim hedges, replace broken stakes and binders, and to keep the footpath and bank strimmed to encourage wild flower growth. Volunteers have been removing excess reeds in the canal bed, so that water can flow freely east of the lock chamber. This has proved to be a very muddy task, so my thanks go to those who volunteered. Much of this work has now been completed, and this section is much improved. Training sessions are taking place with our excavator "Blue", so by the end of the year we should have several fully trained excavator drivers. It has been an excellent year for outside Community Groups joining us for work parties. We have received more requests this year than any previous year, allowing us to carry out more restoration work. We had visits from Furze Down School pupils, Home Retail Group, Santander, Delico, Vinci Technology, PricewaterhouseCooper and Mace. I have already received a request from a company wanting to join us in January - very brave of them! So things look promising for 2015. As the year comes to an end, I must thank everyone who has helped on the work parties. Our Thursday and Sunday volunteers are doing a sterling job. Without them, none of the restoration work described above could have taken place. New faces are always welcome, so if you are free on a Thursday or Sunday and want to try you hand at any of the tasks described above, please do come and join us for the day. A reminder that all are welcome at our AGM on Saturday 31 January in Buckingham (see Diary page). Athina Beckett, Work Party Organiser.
John Herrick, 1944-2014
Former Branch ViceChairman John Herrick died on 26 September after a long battle with cancer, The Branch was well represented at his funeral on 8 October. John gained a double first in Mathematics at Queens College, Oxford, then worked for two financial institutions: first Commercial Union where he qualified as an actuary in 1968, and later KPMG; this job took him to the Far East on many occasions. He retired in 1999. John had two sons by his first marriage, and acquired two stepchildren on marrying his second wife Olive in 1986; sadly Olive died in 2011. John took much pleasure in his extended family totalling 12 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. Always interested in trains, planes and boats, he took a keen interest in the waterways, especially in cruising. John joined the Committee in 2005, serving as Planning Officer from 2006 (and also as Vice-Chairman from 2008) until 2011. We send our condolences to his family. Page 5
Diary We look forward to seeing you at our meetings and events in 2015. Our own events are in bold type; those held by others are in regular type. For more information on our own events, please contact Rodney Evans unless other Committee members are named (contact details on back page). January - March Guided Towpath Walks on London's waterways, organised by Towpath Walks Society. Adults £9, Concessionary £7. No prior booking necessary, call Roger Wilkinson for more information. 020 3612 9624. For full details, visit: https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/events/2014/09/21/towpath-walks-society Saturday 24 January Braunston (Lock 4) Open Day, organised by Canal & River Trust. 10am - 4pm Lock 4 will be drained during fitting of new gates, and steps will be installed for public access to the chamber. Your chance to see a lock from a very different perspective! All the family welcome free of charge. Parking nearby at Admiral Nelson pub, Dark Lane, Braunston, NN11 7HJ https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/events/2015/01/24/braunston-open-day
Monday 26 January MK Branch meeting: 7.45 for 8pm “The Jubilee River Pageant”, with Kathryn Dodington.
Don't miss this entertaining presentation from a Pageant participant! MK Village Pavilion, Worelle Avenue, Middleton, MK10 9AD
Saturday 31 January Buckingham Canal Society AGM, and Cheese & Wine Party. 7.15pm Buckingham Community Centre, Cornwalls Meadow, Buckingham All welcome.
Monday 23 February MK Branch meeting: Branch AGM (Agenda on Page 7), plus 7.45 for 8pm “Canal & River Trust in operation” with John Dodwell, Trustee, Canal & River Trust. John is an excellent speaker, and has earned a reputation for telling it how it is. Not to be missed! MK Village Pavilion, Worelle Avenue, Middleton, MK10 9AD
Getting to the Pavilion From H6 Childs Way (M1 or Central MK), turn south at Fox Milne roundabout into V11 Tongwell Street. Pass under a bridge, then turn right into Griffith Gate (signed Middleton and Milton Keynes Village). At next roundabout, turn right into Worelle Avenue. The Pavilion is clearly marked on the left after about 1/4 mile. Going north along Tongwell Street, cross H7 Chaffron Way at Monkston roundabout, then take first left into Griffith Gate, then as above. Arriva bus No 8 leaves Central MK Station (stop Y2) at 1922, calls at the Point (stop L3) at 1930, and arrives Tongwell Street (stop ) at 1945. Return services leave at 2159 and 2229. Path leads from stop (northbound) to Tanfield Lane, for access to Worelle Avenue. More info: http://www.mkweb.co.uk/Travel/Buses/Milton-Keynes-Bus-Timetables.htm
SURVEY REMINDER - Please visit www.surveymonkey.com/s/RXPWCPQ Page 6
Diary—continued. Monday 23 March MK Branch meeting: 7.45 for 8pm “Waterways and Wildlife” - talk by John Pomfret.
A look at how the waterways can contribute to nature conservation, how navigation can affect wildlife, and how conflicts can be avoided. MK Village Pavilion, Worelle Avenue, Middleton, MK10 9AD
17 to 19 April MK Branch Canal Clean-up - Fenny to Wolverton.
Dates subject to C&RT approval, and to decision on 2-day or 3-day event. Final details on dates and stop points to be announced at Branch meetings and on MK pages of IWA web site: https://www.waterways.org.uk/miltonkeynes/cleanups
Monday 27 April MK Branch meeting: 7.45 for 8pm “Last of the Line: Classic Ocean Liners”, with John Allen. MK Village Pavilion, Worelle Avenue, Middleton, MK10 9AD
22 - 24 May MK Branch “Lock Help” Weekend, Soulbury Three Locks. (also 25 May if Dates subject to C&RT approval. Sat evening (weather permitting): enough volunteers) Bring-your-own barbecue. Our major fundraising event for waterway causes. If you can help, please contact Peter Caswell.
IWA Milton Keynes Branch AGM
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Milton Keynes Branch of the Inland Waterways Association will take place at Milton Keynes Village Pavilion, Worrelle Avenue, Middleton, MK10 9AD, on Monday 23 February 2015, at 7.45pm.
Agenda (please bring this Notice with you): 1: Apologies for absence 4: Chairman's report 2: Approval of minutes 5: Secretary's report of AGM held on 6: Treasurer's report, 24 February 2014 and accounts for year 3: Matters arising ending 31 December 2014
7: Adoption of accounts 8: Election of Committee members
After the formal business, there will be an opportunity for members' questions on IWA issues topics at the discretion of the Chairman. Under the IWA Branch Byelaws effective from 16 May 2009, last amended 11 June 2011, there is no restriction on the maximum size of the Committee. Tim Armstrong and Jane Bidgood, co-opted during the year, seek election. Athina Beckett, Les Franklin, James Griffin and Philip Strangeway retire by rotation; all seek re-election. David King has resigned from the Committee, and Dave Roberts resigns as from this AGM. Any corrections to the above will be announced at the meeting. Candidates for election or re-election must be members of the Association. It is no longer necessary for those who wish to be elected to be nominated and seconded, but all who wish to stand must agree to do so. Written consents from Branch members wishing to stand for election should be sent to Philip Strangeway, at 3 Northwich, Woughton Park, Milton Keynes, MK6 3BL or by email to philip.strangeway@waterways.org.uk no later than 7 days before the meeting. After an interval for refreshments, our guest speaker will be John Dodwell, Trustee, Canal & River Trust (see Page 6). (Signed:) Philip Strangeway, Branch Secretary.
. . . or post your survey form (pages 8 and 9) to reach us by 9 February. Page 7
MK Branch Membership Survey We received a very encouraging number of replies to our trial survey a few months ago. So we're now opening it out to the whole membership. We hope as many of you as possible will take this chance to let us have your views. Take part in any of these three ways:
Go to www.surveymonkey.com/s/RXPWCPQ Follow the instructions on your screen. We understand that the online survey will be available for as long as we wish, but please respond by MONDAY 9 FEBRUARY.
By email:
Send your answers direct to pete.bickers@waterways.org.uk by MONDAY 9 FEBRUARY.
By post:
If you're reading the printed edition, just pull out these centre pages, fill in the questionnaire, and return it—to reach us by MONDAY 9 FEBRUARY—to: Pete Bickers, MK Branch Membership Survey, c/o IWA, Island House, Moor Road, Chesham, HP5 1WA If you're reading the online edition and prefer to send by post, print off these pages (we recommend printing from the PDF download on the MK Branch TPT page), and post it as above. Each member living at the same address can take part individually (copy this page if you wish). Each member should only respond to the survey once. Those who took part in the trial survey need not respond again.
Q1: If you do not attend our monthly Branch Social Meetings (September through April), why not?
…………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… Q2: Would you attend a noggin and natter meeting held at a pub around the Branch area? Please provide reasons either way.
…………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… Q3: Do you read our Branch "Towpath Telegraph" sent to you 3 times a year? If not, why? Also do you think 3 issues are enough?
…………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… Q4: What would encourage you to be more actively engaged with the Branch?
…………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… Q5: Would you be interested in waterway themed organised trips? If not, why?
…………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… Page 8
MK Branch Membership Survey—continued. Q6: Would you like to receive email updates on branch activity? Yes
(Tick one)
Q7: If you do not/cannot drive, would you attend meetings if someone would pick you up and take you home afterwards? Yes
(Tick one)
Q8: If you drive, would you be prepared to pick someone up who has difficulties getting to meetings and take them home afterwards? Yes
(Tick one)
Q9: Do you think the branch should have a Twitter account and/or Facebook page? Twitter
(Tick one)
THANK YOU for taking part in this survey. We will publish the results as soon as possible, and let you know what actions we plan to take as a result. IWA Milton Keynes Branch Committee.
Fenny Lock Adoption Scheme renewed Canal & River Trust has issued a new certificate to the Branch, confirming continuation of our Fenny Lock Adoption Scheme. A small Work Party gathered at Fenny Lock on 3 November, and completed the following work. Black woodwork and white metalwork on the lock was repainted. Offside bollards, and some bollards on the towpath side were repainted. The railway bridge gate was partly rubbed down and repainted. On 17 November, Tesco’s contractors cut down the year’s growth on the Broadwalk, and cleared all the brash from that. They also took away the majority of the brash from our work last winter clearing the 9-foot width behind the towpath hedge. This meant that the contractors were able to cut back much closer to the towpath hedge this year. CRT is having discussions with Tesco regarding the continuing upkeep of the Broadwalk. Future work will depend upon the weather, and will focus on completion of the unfinished work above, and repainting elsewhere as necessary, chiefly fencing and the swing bridge. More whips will be planted to fill outstanding gaps in the towpath hedge, but this planting will probably take place after CRT’s contractors (Fountains) have carried out their annual cut this winter which will include the agreed topping of 200 metres of the hedge. Rodney Evans, Adoption Scheme Co-ordinator. Page 9
FROM JUNE TO OCTOBER—LINING REACHES BRIDGE 4A Wendover Arm Trust work parties have completed lining of the canal bed from the west to Bridge 4A, and a 10-metre stretch east of the bridge is now being profiled. Lining of the bridge narrows itself will be done in concrete, so as to be resistant to passing boats. It had been hoped to complete this work this year, including the bund east of Bridge 4A, but this will now have to be done next spring. At the very successful Restoration Open Day in September, several visitors asked why flooding had occurred at Wendover, whilst levels were low at Drayton Beauchamp.
Lining reaches Bridge 4A, October 2014. Inset (taken June 2014) from September TPT. Photos: Roger Leishman.
The answer is that plant growth on the stretch between has blocked water flow. Canal & River Trust has had to draw water off into Weston Turville Reservoir, which means that the water is lost to the canal system and not supplying Wilstone or Tringford Reservoirs.
The Trust’s re-watered Stage 1 is receiving no water, and has been slowly evaporating. If the bund at Bridge 4A had been completed this year, it would have been a struggle to put any water into the newly re-lined length! More serious are the implications for the wildlife on this stretch if normal flow is not restored. C&RT have been using a mechanical reed-cutter to clear a channel.
WAT Restoration Newsletter, November 2014.
This year's Grand Draw, conducted on traditional lines with paper tickets, raised over £4,000 for WAT. The Trust has decided to try out a “paperless” online New Year Draw with Golden Giving, which is developing the Trust’s online membership and donation facilities. Each ticket costs £1. First prize is a cheque for £100, donated by Trust webmaster Chris Sargeant. Second prize is a cheque for £50, donated by the Trust's Grand Draw master himself, Michael Wright. Third prize is a cheque for £25, donated by Membership Secretary Katherine Deaney. Tickets are on sale until 15 January, and the draw is open to all. The draw will be made on 16 January, and the results will be published on the Trust's website and in the spring newsletter. Winners will receive prizes by post.
To buy tickets online, go to https://www.goldengiving.com/raffle/newyear Click the “Purchase raffle tickets” button. Choose how many tickets to buy, enter your payment card details and your contact details, and click the “Purchase” button at the bottom of the screen. You will receive an email IWA Milton Keynes Branch confirmation from Golden Giving which is your proof of purchase. is pleased to announce that the Branch has been offered, If you're not online, don’t worry! Call the Trust mobile number, 07547 and has accepted, Honorary 181857, and buy your tickets over the phone. This phone is held by volunMembership of Wendover teers at home, so you may need to leave a message. You'll be called back, Arm Trust. Our thanks go to usually within 24 hours. Thank you for supporting the Trust and good IWA Representative Jenny luck, remember you have to be in it to win it! Brice and to WAT Council. From WAT web site, November 2014. Page 10
LB SCOUTS PUT IN 70 HOURS AT AUTUMN CLEAN-UP Fifteen Leighton Buzzard Trinity Methodist Scouts and Cub Scouts spent a total of 70 hours retrieving bicycles and The hopper, with its 13-ton haul, at Grove Lock. Photo: James Griffin. shopping trolleys, and collecting litter from the towpath, during the Branch's Autumn Clean-up. The Scouts and their three leaders joined us on the Saturday of the two-day event over 17-18 October. (See front cover.) A record haul of 13 tons of rubbish was recovered from the nine miles of the Grand Union canal from Fenny Stratford to Grove Lock just south of Leighton Buzzard. The Canal & River Trust provided a 70-foot hopper and 40-foot pan, together with their dredger, manned by Paul Swaby and Ian Tyler, to assist with the heaviest items. The Trust's Volunteer Leaders, John Highmore and Miriam Tedder, joined us for a day each. James Griffin, of the Wyvern Shipping Co who sponsored the event, towed the hopper with his seagoing narrow-boat Ocean Princess, while Jonathan Brown and Athina Beckett took the pan with their narrow-boat Brown Trout. Six other members' boats took part. The 33 IWA members and other volunteers contributed a total of 286 hours plus time spent travelling, not counting the time spent by the Scouts. The rubbish included several large trees that had fallen across the canal, a double mattress, scooter, cooker, two huge tractor tyres, as well as the usual haul of bicycles, shopping trolleys, motorcycle frames and domestic items. The litter, bottles and cans from the towpath filled 20 black sacks. We have been doing the Clean-ups for over twenty years, and this haul shows sadly that they are still needed. Our thanks to Canal & River Trust, to Wyvern Shipping, and to all Branch members and other volunteers who turned up to help. We are especially grateful to the Trinity Scout Group; their enthusiasm bodes well for the future of the canals, and certificates will be sent to all of them.
From press release by Rodney Evans, October 2014.
THE THREE LOCKS TEL: 01525 270214
A very traditional canalside pub . . . Dating from the early 1900s, the Three Locks is full of character, with the added appeal of wide country views, and of course the passing boats. The Three Locks is now family-run by Michael and Susan Schwartz. Our focus is on customer service, with high standards in our beers, wines and soft drinks, and in the quality of our food - locally sourced and freshly prepared. We are open daily from 12 noon, and our friendly and efficient staff look forward to welcoming you.
Web: www.thethreelocks.co.uk
Email: info@thethreelocks.co.uk
10% discount on food for IWA members - please show your membership card. Page 11
CanalFILE . . . . . . . . . .
Welcome to CanalFILE! This is the first of a series about our canals and rivers, written specially for young waterway fans. And - just maybe - older readers could learn something too! In the first three articles, we’ll talk about CANAL HORSES -how they worked, their life when not working, and the people who cared for them.
For over 200 years the canal horse provided power to move * A canal horse could narrowboats. For around 130 years, before the arrival of pull 25 tonnes of cargo - engines, the canal horse provided the only source of power. 10 times more than it The canals were built to move heavy loads like coal, bricks could pull on land! and pottery, when roads were just muddy tracks. By using * Using canals instead horse power, the country’s industries could be supplied with of roads meant that cargo increasing amounts of raw materials and fuel, and the fincould be moved faster. ished products could be taken to markets and ports for export. * When tow-ropes got wet, they picked up grit HOW DID THE HORSE DO IT? from the towpath. Over The horse was equipped with a large collar to which a rope the years, the gritty ropes was tied. This rope was attached to the mast of the narrowgradually wore grooves in boat. The horse learned to lean into the collar to get the boat obstacles like bridge arch- in motion. After that, the horse just needed to keep the boat moving. es and walls. Iron guards were fitted, but these were The canal system was built with the horse in mind. The towworn away too!
tel: 01908 672672
Modern full-service marina in the heart of Milton Keynes
10 & 15 year Leasehold moorings available at discounts
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For Moorings Availability and Prices, visit http://www.mkmarina.co.uk Page 12
. . . . . . . . . . .
Committee News
path was there so that the horse had a path to walk on. Jane Bidgood, our Education Officer, was co-opted on to the Bridges were built with enough height for a horse to walk un- Committee in October. She is der them comfortably on the towpath. now leading an Education SubIt was usual for someone to walk with the horse. This was to both encourage it to keep walking and to raise the rope over any obstacles such as moored boats. If two boats met each other there was a complicated system to work out who had “right of way”. The boat giving way had to slow down so that its rope dropped into the water. The oncoming horse then stepped over the rope on the towpath and the boat moved over the rope in the water. THINGS TO DO * Take a plastic washing-up bowl, and put a heavy book into it. Pull the bowl across a carpet using one finger. Your finger will soon be tired! Next time you have a bath, fill with water, and float the bowl and book on the water. You can pull it easily with one finger! This is because there is less friction and the load moves easily.
Ouch! . . .
. . . Easy!
This explains why a horse could move more cargo on a canal than on a road. * When you’re walking along the towpath, look out for the grooves made by those wet ropes at the sides of bridge arches and on the tops of walls.
* Visit the Canal Museum, Stoke Bruerne,, and m. seu Mu Joey, at the Canal meet Joey the canal horse. Here he is. WebFILE: https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/the-canal-museum See you in the next issue!
Text and pictures: Jane Bidgood.
group, and has made us think hard about how we can engage people with the Branch and the canal. Jane looks forward to meeting members and learning more about the canal. She will be asking for help, so if you would like to assist her in putting on education events, please let her know (see back page).
At November’s Committee meeting Tim Armstrong was co -opted. The intention is that he will take over as Treasurer after the AGM, at which both he and Jane will stand for election. We missed the deadline we had set ourselves for running the photo competition, and the joint fundraising event with B&MK Waterway Trust, which we hoped to have early in 2015, will not now happen. But they will be back on the agenda soon. The Committee is wondering if social media such as Facebook might be a good way of contacting members about current topics - problems with a paddle, a meal deal at a pub, changes to events - not instead of TPT, but alongside it. Tell us what you think by responding to the Branch Survey. If you know of anyone - perhaps a younger person - who might help with this, please let me know. We're still looking for a person (or persons) to take over organising the Clean-ups. A Committee position is not essential, but attendance at Committee prior to and immediately after a Clean -up would be advantageous. Further info from Peter Caswell or Philip Strangeway. Page 13
DING-DONG MERRILY MK . . . The Branch Christmas Social had many of the usual ingredients, and some new ones too. After a quiz-while-you-eat from David, our MC, Wendy, led “the Company� and the audience in a Christmas carol and two more songs. Poems were read by Diane, Julie and Pat, and sketches were performed by Rodney, Marie, Heather and James (literally a sketch in James's case). For the finale, Rodney and Michael revived an old favourite: "Much Milton in the Keynes". Thanks to Wendy for organising the entertainment, catering and ticket sales, to Tony for producing the tickets, to Michael, Tracy and the Pavilion staff for the splendid meal and room setting, to Athina for organising the raffle, and of course to all the entertainers. Well done to all who contributed to the occasion!
Willowbridge Marina http://www.willowbridgemarina.co.uk Willowbridge Marina is a working boatyard specialising in lifting boats in and out of the water, as well as on and off transport. We are a family-run business, working hard to provide services to canal boat owners and users in the Milton Keynes area. We offer the following services: - Well-stocked chandlery, including stainless steel fastenings and Calor Gas fittings; - Red diesel; - All boat services, including coal, LPG and pump-out; - All mooring services, including limited linear moorings, wireless internet and power, toilets, showers, laundry and extensive storage ashore. We offer a 10% discount on chandlery purchases and services in the yard to IWA members. Page 14
01908 643242 office@willowbridgemarina.co.uk
MINISTER PLEDGES SUPPORT FOR B-MK WATERWAY On 25 November, Dan Rogerson MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for water, forestry, rural affairs and resource management, addressed the Bedford-Milton Keynes Waterway Partnership’s annual conference in Bedford, where he used to be a borough councillor. He pledged his support to the “transformational” project, and praised the efforts of its members and volunteers. The project was in line with the Government’s wish for waterways to empower communities and users to take ownership of them. Mr Rogerson spoke of the role of waterways as havens for wildlife, and of their engineering heritage. He looked forward to seeing an iconic engineering structure on the B-MK Waterway. He also highlighted the benefits of waterways for health, tourism and local economies. Trusts such as the B&MK were playing an important role in bringing more people to the water. The Minister looked forward to a trip on the B-MK, and wished the Trust more future success. Dave Hodgson, Mayor of Bedford and Chairman of the B-MK Waterway Consortium, congratulated the Trust on its progress. The Con- Passengers enjoying a trip aboard John Bunyan sortium represents a grouping of local councils this summer. Photo: Les Franklin. and agencies, and would be the delivery board for the project – a combination of Waterway Park and green infrastructure. Councillor Derek Eastman, Mayor of Milton Keynes, affirmed that the project had cross-party support in Milton Keynes. He hoped the first dig would be in Milton Keynes, but it was more relevant that “the spade goes in somewhere as soon as possible”. Jane Hamilton, joint Chair of the B-MK Waterway Trust with Graham Mabbutt, said that the Trust will be giving much stronger emphasis to the potential trans-regional benefits of the project, particularly as a waterway park. The Trust wished to see it recognised as a significant piece of green infrastructure which will not only link into the existing canal and river network, but also bring wide economic, health and social benefits. The Trust board would be working to find funding for a new project manager to give greater impetus to its delivery and implementation programme. Jane Wolfson, a founding member of the Trust, now its Vice-president and Chair of B&MK Waterway Enterprises Ltd (the company running the community boat John Bunyan) reported on the enormous success of its first full season on the Great Ouse. She paid tribute to the 104 volunteers who run the boat, which had carried 5,955 passengers this year. With a better understanding of what customers wanted, the operation was now a medium-sized business. It was tapping into people’s wishes to volunteer and for “relaxing on the river”. The operation will be looking for 25 per cent growth in business next year. “Working in partnership with others we are contributing to the visitor business in Bedford. We can be a big part of that because Bedford has a lot to offer,” she said. Graham Mabbutt, Joint chair of the Trust, closed the conference emphasising that the waterway park would revitalise Marston Vale, Bedford and Milton Keynes. Meanwhile the John Bunyan was helping to raise the profile of the wider project, as well as raising funds to progress it.
BMKWT press release, December 2014.
Page 15
Getting in touch with MK Branch This list of Branch contacts is valid until the February AGM. David King has stepped down from the Committee, and we offer him our sincere thanks for his sterling work for the Branch for many years. We welcome Jane Bidgood and Tim Armstrong to the Committee, as Education Officer and Treasurer Designate respectively.
SECRETARY: PHILIP STRANGEWAY Email: philip.strangeway@waterways.org.uk MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: PETE BICKERS Email: pete.bickers@waterways.org.uk TREASURER (until February 2015): DAVE ROBERTS Contact via any Committee member. EDUCATION OFFICER: JANE BIDGOOD Email: education.mkbranch@waterways.org.uk SOCIAL/PUBLICITY, B-MK WT REPORTER AND FENNY LOCK CO-ORDINATOR: RODNEY EVANS Email: rodney.evans@waterways.org.uk BUCKINGHAM CS REPRESENTATIVE: ATHINA BECKETT Email: chairman@buckinghamcanal.org.uk TRADE REPRESENTATIVE: JAMES GRIFFIN Email: james@canalholidays.co.uk
APR ADVERTISEMENTS are welcomed to assist Branch funds. Charges are as below and are subject to VAT. Payment must be made before copy date to ensure insertion. Please contact the Editor for further details. Per edition Whole page £32.50 Half page £20.00 Qutr page £12.50
CHAIRMAN: PETER CASWELL Email: peter.caswell@waterways.org.uk
3 editions £65.00 £40.00 £25.00
Get the latest waterway news at these web sites. Addresses change frequently, but these were correct on 1 December 2014.
MARIE DRAPER Email: marie.draper@waterways.org.uk TIM ARMSTRONG Email: tim.armstrong@waterways.org.uk DAVE PORTER Email: david.porter@waterways.org.uk EDITOR: LES FRANKLIN Email: les.franklin@waterways.org.uk PLANNING (non-C’tee): TONY BIRCH Contact via Les Franklin. WEBMASTER (non-C’tee): VERNON DRAPER Email: vernon.draper@waterways.org.uk
IWA homepage: https://www.waterways.org.uk MK Branch pages: at above address, under “IWA Local”, select “Milton Keynes”. Canal and River Trust: http://canalrivertrust.org.uk Bedford-Milton Keynes Waterway Trust: http://www.b-mkwaterway.org.uk Buckingham Canal Society: http://www.buckinghamcanal.org.uk Wendover Arm Trust: http://www.wendoverarmtrust.co.uk Friends of the Canal Museum: http://www.friendsofcanalmuseum.org.uk
DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Inland Waterways Association or of the Milton Keynes Branch. They are however published as being of interest to members and readers. Page 16