Gateway news spring 2014

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Spring 2014

Enjoy your free magnet with this issue, these cost us only 5p each to produce!

Change the Channel! Be rewarded for going digital by entering our £100 prize draw – simply provide your email address! We would like more of you to get communications from us online. We call this ‘channel shift’ and there are several ways you can do this: • G et Gateway News and other updates from us straight to your computer, tablet or phone • Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get regular updates and let us know what’s going on in your area • Find out your rent balance, repairs status and much more by logging into your tenant account on our website at www. – no need to wait on the phone for someone to answer your call! Find out more about this on page 10.

All this means you get the information you need straight away, while we can make your rent go further by saving money on print and postage. As an incentive, if you supply us with your email address by Monday 14 April we will enter you into a prize draw for £100 in Intu Watford shopping vouchers! To find out how to enter our £100 prize draw, see our article on page 2.

For full terms and conditions of our prize draw, see

What’s inside Warmer homes in Holywell Page 3

Opportunities to join in with our work Page 5

Save time when reporting repairs Page 8

Update on our new homes Page 13

Help us stamp out nuisance behaviour Page 14

Gateway News

Chief Executive’s

Welcome Welcome to the Spring edition of Gateway News. As Chief Executive, it’s important to me that you are getting value for money from the services we provide to you. One way we can do this is by helping you to engage with us via email and online. This is the most cost effective way for us to provide a number of our services. Recently we asked some of our residents how useful they found our online account system. They said that they liked the idea of booking a repair online the most. However, some of you may not know that there is so much more you can do online with us. Once registered and logged in on our website, you can view your rent account, service charges, and even make a payment – as well as booking a repair and finding out what’s new in the Trust! We’d also like to send more of our communications to you via email – thereby providing more timely information to you in an easy to access way. We are aware that some of you may not feel confident in using the online accounts, and we have therefore included a handy guide later in this magazine (See pages 10-11). We hope you all find this helpful, and our Communications Team (ask for Joe or Vee) are happy to assist you further on 01923 209068/209112 or at 2

Trust members of staff redecorating the changing rooms at Evergreen Football Club.

Challenge 6 We are proud to say that our Trust staff have completed almost 500 hours of community work for our sixth birthday! The idea was for each Trust staff member to have the option of dedicating six hours to helping the community, to celebrate the Trust reaching the six year mark. Our colleagues did a range of voluntary work from helping at soup kitchens, sponsored sleep-outs, fun runs and much more. Look out for our 7th birthday scheme starting from September onwards!

Change the Channel see front page To enter our prize draw for £100 Intu Watford vouchers, email us at Make sure you state your full name, address and contact details so we can find you on our database. We will never misuse your email address or send you any spam. For your peace of mind, have a read of our privacy policy:

Spring 2014

Rent Increase This April we will again be increasing our rent, using a formula set by the Government which is used by all social landlords. Though our rents are still less than half of what is charged in the private sector, we do understand that the current financial climate is hard for many of you. If you think you may have difficulties paying your rent and service charges, it is important to let our Income Team know as soon as possible. They may be able to help you manage your money, or point you in the right direction for further advice. Contact our Income Team on 01923 209111.

Fix it Days We are pleased to say that our Holywell ‘Fix it Day’ was a huge success! Our team were out in the community helping with repairs, maintenance issues and much more.

External Wall Insulation starting in Holywell An award winning improvement project, coming to the Holywell! Last year, the Trust won a ‘Building Futures’ award for the external wall insulation project we conducted at Boundary Way. We have now started a similar project on 290 homes in the Holywell area. The new external wall insulation is being provided

completely free of charge to the residents and will save them money on their heating bills, as well as improving the appearance of their homes. If you have any questions about the external wall insulation project, contact Ruth Dent on 01923 209028 or at

Upcoming ‘fix it days’: • Gateway House – Saturday 5th April, 10am-1pm at 59 Clarendon Road, Watford • Hillside – Tuesday 8th April, 8.30-4.30 at the Hillside Estate Office, School Mead, Abbots Langley • Meriden – Tuesday 15th April, 8.30-4.30 at the Meriden Estate Office, York Way, Watford Don’t miss out! More information on these events coming soon… 3

Gateway News

You said… we did

War baby celebrates 100th birthday

A lightning response! During the recent storms our Estates Services team and contractors had to work at lightning speed to deal with some emergencies. A concerned neighbour called in to say that a large tree was leaning dangerously against the property of an elderly resident, threatening to fall further. Within 10 minutes we were on the scene and by the end of the day our contractors had removed the tree. The following morning they returned to remove and shred the branches. Also, a vast oak tree at one of our properties lost a limb, which damaged the roof and fence panels of a neighbouring private house. We quickly cleared the wood from both gardens, replaced the fence panels and arranged roof repairs.

A very happy birthday to Heather Hetherington of Woodfields, who recently celebrated turning 100. We presented her with a beautiful bouquet of flowers at a party held by her family and friends. Heather’s family reminisced about her life in Watford, which has included 14 years at our former independent living scheme Yeatman House before moving to Woodfields. Granddaughter Suzanne Howard has fond memories of her Nan “going down the shop and bringing all the kids some ham rolls!” The birthday girl herself told us she feels “no different being 100”. We asked her about her life so far and she told us about growing up through two world wars and experiencing rationing. She also shared her memories of working at Orchard School canteen for 37 years before retiring at age 65.

Heather’s family presented her with a newspaper from the day she was born, which we thought was lovely! She was also very proud to receive her card from the Queen, along with other gifts from friends. Her daughter Barbara Howard told us her mother is at the top of five generations – including her daughter, her grandchildren, great grandchildren and also great great grandchildren! Heather has reached her centenary year in great health and we wish her many happy returns.

Spring 2014

We want YOU! We are looking for new volunteers to join our Board and Gateway Leadership Team, and will be holding elections later this year. It’s a great opportunity to pick up new skills, meet new people and have a direct say in how we are run! Date for your diary: We are holding an event at the Trust on Wednesday 23 April from 5pm – 6.30pm where you can meet some of our current members and find out more!

What’s in it for you?

What is the Board?

What commitment would you need to make?

The Board is our main decisionmaking body which sets the direction for the Trust. It is made up of five elected tenants or leaseholders, five independents and two Watford Borough Council representatives. We have three tenant/leaseholder board member positions up for election.

What is the Gateway Leadership Team?

The Gateway Leadership Team is a group of residents which is elected to represent you and help us to improve our services. We have three Gateway Leadership Team places up for election.

• Pick up helpful skills for your CV • Give something back to the community • Have a say in decisions which affect where you live

As a Board member you would need to attend around 10 meetings per year, plus training sessions and two ‘away days’. The Gateway Leadership Team meets every six weeks and holds a variety of training, scrutiny and discussion sessions during the year in the evenings.

Training and support

If you are interested but haven’t done anything like this before, don’t worry – plenty of support and training is provided!

Find out more

Contact Karen Airey on karen. or 01923 209061 for more information. You might also want to see the short film that some of the GLT made by following this link: Or drop in to the Trust from 5pm on Wednesday 23 April for an informal chat with some of our Gateway Leadership Team!

Your Feedback is important to us You can let us know what you think in many ways. Online: via our website ( By email: By telephone: 01923 209000 In person: to any member of staff In writing: Gateway House, 59 Clarendon Road, Watford, Hertfordshire WD17 1LA Surveys: Complete satisfaction surveys At the Trust we value your views on our services. Your feedback not only helps us, but it could also win you money! Anthony Sole and Bernard Wise have both won £100 Argos vouchers for completing membership surveys with the last edition of ‘Membership Matters’ magazine. Also, Alain Williams has received a £50 voucher for winning our first ‘Trusty’s Reward Points’ draw. He entered the draw after getting his loyalty card stamped at consultation meetings with the Trust.

When I found out about the Gateway I was over the moon. It makes it possible to have a say in how your housing is run, that’s what the Gateway is all about. The Trust makes it possible for us all to interact! Mazie Gibson, current Gateway Leadership Team member 5

Gateway News

Money advice Money worries? Our Financial Inclusion Team may be able to help!


Our friendly team can: • Check to see if you are claiming all the benefits and tax credits you are entitled to • Help you to claim benefits, giving expert advice and guidance • Help you appeal against benefit decisions • Help you to open a basic bank account or credit union account • Help you to set up low cost home contents insurance • Give you information on budgeting and debt • Provide free access to to help you make the best career move. For extra help to see what you could be entitled to, use our free benefits calculator: To find out more contact us: Telephone: 01923 209015/209128 Email: financialinclusion@


Watford Community Housing Trust has a great new scheme for 25 tenants! We have teamed up with the Watford Cycle Hub – a social enterprise at Holywell Community Centre that repairs and recycles bikes and also promotes safe cycling in the town. Looking for work? We can get you moving!

Water Scam – Watch out! Please be aware that people are having their water supply turned off using the stopcock outside their property, this is a method used by distraction burglars. People may knock at your door to tell you there is a water leak and that they require access. There have been two incidents in Abbots Langley where the water supply to a property has been turned off by an unknown person. These incidents have occurred in Harlech Road and Upper Highway. If you experience any loss of water please contact your provider and do not let anyone into your property until you are satisfied they are genuine. These offenders particularly target elderly people. Please make relatives and friends aware.

Spring 2014

Prepayment meters It is a well-known fact that prepayment meters are more expensive than standard meters, and after recent price increases it now costs even more to pay for your energy in this way. If possible, we advise that you switch to a standard meter and change to a cheaper tariff. For more information on how to change a prepayment meter to a standard meter or how to save money on a prepaid meter, there is a helpful guide on the ‘Money Saving Expert’ website (go to and search for ‘cheap prepaid’). Alternatively, call our Energy Surveyor, Jason Ademola, on 01923 209016. How to compare prepaid meter tariffs (and get cashback) You can also switch and save on prepaid meter tariffs using the Cheap Energy Tool. This is available on the money saving expert website mentioned above.

HertsHelp can help! A new support service has been launched in Hertfordshire to point people in the right direction to find solutions to everyday issues quickly and locally. HertsHelp is a free and confidential information service, providing a route into the wide range of support offered by organisations across the county.

White Goods

HertsHelp are able to assist you in purchasing white goods (cooker, washing machine, fridge etc). You would need to be registered for some form of benefit, such as Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance, Employment & Support Allowance, Pension Credit, Child Tax credit, Working Tax Credit, Council Tax reduction or Housing Benefit.

If you call HertsHelp, they can give you further information on this, and will complete a benefits check within 24 hours. If you are eligible for assistance, then they will help you find the right appliances through furniture projects or their approved suppliers. If they are unable to find you an appliance, they will send you Argos vouchers to purchase the item yourself. They provide appliances that are re-conditioned or brand new, and the process will take about seven days.

Assistance with gas and electricity Bills

HertsHelp can also offer loans of up to £60 to assist people having difficulties paying their bills.

CredEcardplus – A great alternative to a bank account Watford Credit Union is offering a pre-payment Visa card as an alternative to a bank account. You can receive your wages or benefits into the account and set up standing orders and direct debits – plus get rewards from plenty of high street names. Chip and PIN security and 24/7 access to your money – you send and receive money instantly, and ensure you never miss a payment. The Monthly Management Fee is FREE for Watford Community Housing Trust residents (normally it is £2.00), for the first year. No credit checks or complicated forms to complete, but a form of ID will be needed.

The loans are provided by the St Albans Credit Union and Herts Savers. Contact them or visit their website below to find out more about their services. Phone: 0300 123 4044 Email: hertshelp 7

Gateway News

Repairs – Who is responsible? We have produced this handy pull out and keep guide to show which repairs we are able to carry out. While we carry out a wide range of repairs, some parts of the home are your responsibility to maintain and we will charge you if we have to repair these. We may also charge you if we are called out for an emergency inappropriately. Our Gateway Repairs Team attends to our properties from Monday to Friday and we also have operatives on standby for emergencies. You can report a repair at any time: Online: By email: By phone: 0800 218 2247 (free from UK landlines) or 01923 209247 For loss of heating or hot water call 0800 0556 860 FOR GAS LEAKS PLEASE CALL TRANSCO ON 0800 111 999 IMMEDIATELY


Our responsibilities... Urgent repairs include:

Emergency Repairs – within 24 hours An emergency repair is any fault which puts your health and safety or security at immediate risk, or affects the structure of the building. Normally we will try to carry out emergency repairs within 24 hours. If we cannot do this then the repair will be made safe and we will advise you when we will be able to return to complete the work.

Routine Repairs – within 31 days These are repairs that can wait to be repaired without too much inconvenience to you.

Emergency repairs include:

Routine repairs include:

• Total loss of water

• Guttering works

• T otal loss of electricity (check for credit on pre-payment meter or for a power cut in the area)

• Damp issues

• F looding from a burst water pipe or tank

• Glazing

• I nsecure entrance door, where there could be a possible security breach

• Wear and tear to kitchen fittings

• T oilet not flushing where there is only one toilet in the property • L oss of heating and/or hot water between 1 November – 30 April • Making safe structural damage • Offensive or racist graffiti Urgent Repairs – within 7 days An urgent repair is an issue that is not an immediate emergency but the resident cannot be expected to reasonably live with it for long, or something that may get worse if not dealt with.

• Minor electrical faults • Minor plumbing leaks/defects • N o heating or hot water 1 May – 31 October • Repair to banisters or handrails

• Roof leaks • Flooring • Wear and tear to internal doors • Dripping taps • Easing doors and windows • Repairs to plasterwork

Spring 2014

What are your responsibilities? All of the following are your responsibility, not the Trust’s – so think before you report that repair!

• Replacing toilet-roll holders

• All internal decorating

• Connecting cookers

• Replacing carpets and other flooring • Light bulbs and fluorescent tubes • Extra locks • Repairs to letter boxes (unless they are part of uPVC or composite doors) • Replacing batteries in smoke alarms • Replacing latches, handles and hinges on inside doors (if the damage is not due to fair wear and tear) • Replacing lost door keys • Arranging for a locksmith if your keys are lost or stolen, or if you are accidentally locked out (this will not apply to tenants in sheltered housing or hostels) • Removing wasps’ or bees’ nests, ants or squirrels (this will not apply to tenants in sheltered housing or hostels) • Damage to sinks, basins and baths that isn’t normal wear and tear. • Unblocking waste pipes on sinks, basins and baths • Replacing plugs in sinks, basins and baths • Replacing toilet seats (unless you are elderly or disabled)

• Plumbing in washing machines and dishwashers • Maintenance of showers put in by you or a previous tenant • Replacing cracked or broken windows • Repairing and replacing fences, except where it is a boundary with a street, park or amenity space • Repairing washing lines and posts (unless they are in shared areas) • Outside taps and toilets (we will make safe and cap off only) If you are a tenant as a result of a mutual exchange, then any non-standard items that you sign for will be your responsibility throughout your tenancy. In the first twelve months after a mutual exchange we will carry out health and safety work only

and we will not carry out repair works on things that the previous tenants have done themselves and for which you signed to take responsibility. It is your responsibility to repair any damage you or your visitors have caused. If we carry out a repair to damage you have caused, we will charge you for the cost of the repair. We will also charge you for things such as a bath, sink or toilet becoming blocked by something you have done, or something going wrong with a repair or alteration you have carried out.

Congratulations to our apprentices

In September the Trust took on two new apprentices in the GRT, Marc Appleford and Chris Stocking started their NVQ courses and are making progress with the modules undertaken so far. Our thanks go to Andy Webster from Jewson. Their local branch supplied a set of power and hand tools to ensure that Marc and Chris can continue to develop over the next two years. 9

Gateway News

Our online accounts – Why wait on the phone? Not confident in going online? This step by step guide is all you need to know about managing your Trust account. To get started, simply visit our web address:

Register or Log into your online account

If you already have an account, you can simply scroll down and log in with your email address and password. To register with us, you can click the link on this page for a step by step registration guide. Make sure you have your date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY) and tenancy number (first eight digits) to hand! Note: your tenancy number can be found at the top of any recent rent statement and is also on your Allpay rent card. If you have any problems please call Vee on 01923 209068 or Zaynab on 01923 209002.

Check your rent account

This section allows you to see your rent account, and rent arrears you are in (if any). If you do not have any rent arrears, it will also tell you that you are in credit.

Reporting a repair

This page shows you your pending and completed repairs. It also gives you the option to click a link at the top of the page to report a repair online.


Spring 2014

When you click the Report a Repair link, this page opens in a new window and you would choose a category and proceed to report your repair.

Making a payment Did you know you can make your rent payments online via our website? This page guides you through all our payment methods.

Your service charges This page gives you a breakdown of how much you pay, with and without your service charges.

Find out what’s new in the Trust This is a great page for you to read the latest about events at the Trust. You can also get some useful tips for your home. Plus, you can also view your personal information and check your account details once registered. If any of these details are incorrect, you can contact us to update them. You can keep in touch with us on Facebook and Twitter! Simply go to or You can get all our latest news and share what’s going on in your area. 11

Gateway News

Annual Fire Risk Assessments and Gas Safety Checks

Gas Safety Checks We are legally required to carry out a landlord gas safety check, also known as an LGSC, every year. This is to protect you and any nearby residents. Some of you may have questions and concerns about these inspections, so we have put together this useful guide for you. The gas safety checks are done through our contractor, PH Jones, and they will also service your boiler to make sure it is working properly. This can make it cheaper for you to run.

Fire risk inspections You might see operatives from a company called Safety at Work carrying out inspections in our communal areas between now and the end of May. Don’t be alarmed by this – we have asked them to carry out some routine fire risk assessments, which is a legal requirement to help keep residents, building users and staff safe.

Do I have to let you into my home? Yes. Our terms and conditions mention that you must allow us and our authorised employees, agents or contractors access to inspect and carry out repairs, improvements or other works to your home as long as we give you notice in writing. We will normally give you at least 24 hours notice; however it is important that you give us immediate access in an emergency.

Does this really need to be done? Yes. It safeguards you, your family, pets and neighbours from gas leaks and Carbon Monoxide poisoning. This can be caused from gas appliances and flues that have not been installed correctly, maintained or where the room has not been aired enough. What happens if the tests fail? If the inspection highlights an issue with your boiler, then our gas contractor will attempt to fix this while at your home. If this is not possible, temporary heating equipment may be supplied until the boiler has been repaired/replaced depending on your situation and the time of year. The LGSC will include all other gas appliances that are owned by the Trust and these will be fully inspected by the engineer. Any gas appliances own by you will be visually inspected with any recommendations highlighted on the certificate. If you have received a letter from PH Jones confirming your service is due and it is not convenient, please give them a call on 01438 842 485 or email

For any enquiries please contact Martyn Beckford on 01923 209078.

You can also visit this website for more information: 12

Spring 2014

New Homes update One Clarendon Road

Tenants have now moved into One Clarendon Road flats, our first development for market rent. These 21 fantastic apartments are located above Prêt a Manger. The Trust is proud to say that all these apartments are now occupied and have been a huge success.

Shepherds Lane (Mill End)


We have also built 16 new homes in Croxley View and the keys have been given to our tenants.


We are proud to announce our first development site in Three Rivers. We will be building 27 houses for social and affordable rent, which are due to be completed in December 2014.

the Meriden!

Meriden ‘master planning’

In February we had a consultation meeting with residents in the Meriden to start an ambitious new project. We want to know what you love about the neighbourhood, how it can be improved, and how we can use our land and our assets to bring new facilities to the area. Watch out for further updates on this exciting project – if you’d like more information, contact Euan Barr at or on 01923 209 294.

New inclusive play area

Borough Council to extend the Meriden’s ‘Sports Legacy Zone’ with a new inclusive play area, based on requests from local residents. This is part of our commitment to listening to your feedback and bringing in the improvements you want to see.

Let’s Talk Green Canteen!

The Green Canteen is a social enterprise in the heart of the Meriden. It supports vulnerable people, or those who are experiencing mental or emotional distress, by helping them grow vegetables and plants. Everything they produce is sold back to the community with all proceeds reinvested back into the project. They have some fantastic volunteering opportunities, and have a ‘learn to garden’ course for just £10

Recently we worked with Watford For more information about the Green Canteen contact Caron Brennan at or call 01923 805741 13

Gateway News

Reporting Anti-Social Behaviour Report it to sort it! Sometimes, residents can suffer from anti-social behaviour without realising that we are able to deal with it. We have put together this handy guide to show you how we can help. Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) is any activity that has a negative impact on other people, and includes a variety of behaviour that can affect the quality of people’s lives. Our Safer Communities Team is committed to listening to your issues and working together to find a resolution. We work in partnership with several agencies in Watford and Three Rivers to ensure the best possible response to you. What is ASB? • Damaging or threatening to damage another person’s home or possessions • Noise that disables you from day to day living • Not controlling a pet or allowing it to cause damage to property • Allowing people who live with you and/or your visitors to be noisy or disruptive • Writing graffiti • Illegal drug use or supply What is not ASB? • Washing machine on during the day • DIY • Children playing • Reasonable levels of noise/ music What is Domestic Abuse? • Domestic violence is physical, sexual, psychological or financial violence that takes place within an intimate or family-type 14

relationship, and that forms a pattern of threatening and controlling behaviour. This can include forced marriage and socalled ‘honour crimes’. Domestic violence may include a range of abusive behaviours, not all of which are in themselves ‘violent’. • S uffering in silence? Don’t be afraid to talk to us in confidence! Call our ASB team on their direct numbers at the bottom of this page. You can also contact the 24-hour National Domestic Violence number: 0808 2000 247

Our Safer Communities Officers are always happy to help and there are several ways you can get in touch...

Anna Bates 01923 209192

Hate Crime Hate crimes are any crimes that are targeted at a person because of hostility or prejudice towards their: • • • • •

Disability Race or ethnicity Religion or belief Sexual orientation Transgender identity

Call the police on 101 to report Hate Crime.

Denise Cole 01923 209198 Step 1: Call us, email or fill out a form on the web here: Step 2: We will respond to you within two working days to arrange a safe meeting place and time to talk to you


Step 3: Together we will agree an action plan (what we can do for you and what we need from you).

Spring 2014

Active Ageing events and Halls for Hire It’s never too late to ‘get up and get fit’!

Our Community Hubs Officer for Older People, Vanessa Wright, has planned the following events to keep our senior tenants active and social in their community. Here are some dates to add to your diary:

Active Events Every Monday – Basic IT Sessions at Radlett Road (10am-12pm) Every Wednesday – Tai Chi classes at Dale Court, Sherwoods (12pm-1pm) and Summer Place, Holywell (2pm-3pm) Every Thursday – Dancing in the Schemes at Rutland Lodge, central Watford (11am-12.30pm) Monday 21st April – Tea Dance at Leavesden Green Community Hub (1pm-5pm) More dates for future tea dances to come – call us for more details

Monthly Lunch Clubs – 2 course meals for £5! Monday 7th April – Rutland Lodge, central Watford (1pm-2.30pm) Wednesday 9th April –Eastbury Court Breakfast Club, Rookery (9.30am-11am) Thursday 10th April – Summer Place, Holywell (1pm -2.30pm) Wednesday 23rd April – Woodfields, central Watford (1pm-2.30pm) Thursday 24th April – Combe Wood, Woodside (1pm-2.30pm) Friday 25th April – Hollytree House, Gammons Lane (1pm-2.30pm) Monday 28th April – Eastbury Court, Rookery (1pm-2.30pm) Tuesday 29th April – Treebridge House, Garston (1pm -2.30pm) Booking is essential. To find out more, contact us on 01923 209218 or at,uk.

Box Cleva New boxing skills programme at our community hub

Hire your local Community Hub!


Hall and room hire from as little as £12 per hour Our community hubs are great for children’s parties, hobby groups, exercise classes, business meetings or just somewhere to meet up as a group. Leavesden Green Community Hub Clarke Green, off Clarke Way Watford WD25 0BW Harebreaks Community Hub The Harebreaks Watford WD24 6NJ Boundary Way Community Hub 214 Boundary Way Watford WD25 7ST Call 01923 209186 or go to

We have linked up with Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service and Hertfordshire Police to offer the ‘Box Cleva’ project at Leavesden Green Community Hub. This helps to improve young people’s health and wellbeing by focusing on non-contact boxing techniques, and covers topics such as discipline, self-respect and healthy eating. Box Cleva has achieved fantastic results in other parts of Hertfordshire, helping to reduce anti-social behaviour by as much as 39%. For more information, contact Susannah Brunert on 01923 209159 or email 15

Gateway News

Helping you to get through... We know that some of you are experiencing lengthy delays at times in getting through to our Customer Service Centre and we offer our apologies for this. We would like to provide you with an alternative to waiting for us to answer the telephone. If your service requirement is non-urgent, consider raising it on-line via our website at

See pages 10-11 of this magazine to find out what you can do on the web! You can send your general query by e-mail to outlining the nature of your request. If you prefer to phone us, try calling in the afternoon when we are less busy and don’t forget, calls to our repair service line 0800 219 2247 are free from a landline.

Grounds maintenance

Glendale are our new contractors for grounds maintenance, taking over from John O’Conner. They are due to start on 7 April and over the next couple of weeks they will be introducing themselves to tenants who receive assisted gardening. If you have any queries please contact us on 01923 209000.

Contact us Email us: Address: Gateway House, 59 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1LA Useful contacts – the Trust General enquiries: Repairs:

01923 209 000

0800 218 2247 (free from a landline) or 01923 209 247

Useful contacts – other agencies Council Tax:

Watford Borough Council 01923 226 400 Three Rivers District Council 01923 776 611

Refuse collection: Veolia/Watford Borough Council 0203 5676 900 Three Rivers District Council 01923 776 611 Water supply:

Affinity Water – 0845 782 3333 Thames Water – 0845 9200 800

Rent enquiry:

01923 209 111

Anti-social behaviour:

01923 209 222

Disabled parking badges: Hertfordshire County Council 0300 1234 050

Disabled adaptations:

01923 209 220

Lost energy top-up card: Check with your supplier Don’t forget you can check your account online. Simply go to and click ‘My account’.

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