w a t o t o
a u s t r a l i a
annual report 2014-2015
our vision Watoto is a holistic care program that was initiated as a response to the overwhelming number of orphaned children and vulnerable women in Uganda. It is positioned to rescue an individual and raise each one as a leader in their chosen sphere of life so that they in turn will rebuild their nation. The Watoto model involves physical care, medical intervention, including HIV/AIDS treatment, education – formal and technical, trauma counselling and spiritual discipleship. We exist to raise the next generation of African leaders, by pursuing excellence in academic and practical skills, integrity in conduct and moral values, so that each one becomes a responsible Christian and a productive citizen. We aim to replicate the Watoto model in other countries across the continent so as to fast-track the rescue of orphaned children and vulnerable women in Africa.
contents 4
A Message From Our Founders
6 a Message From Our Executive Director 8
Watoto Australia Staff
Support Offices
Watoto Villages
Baby Watoto
20 Living Hope 24
Development and Sustainability
28 Sponsorship 32
Watoto Children’s Choir
Visit Watoto
40 Partnership 44 Global Development Group 45 FINANCIALS
watch ‘RESCUE, RAISE, REBUILD: THE WATOTO STORY’ at www.vimeo.com/ ondemand/watotostory
We are pleased to say that this year has easily been the best year Watoto Child Care Ministries has ever had. We are so excited about all that has been achieved by the grace of God. In the 2014/2015 financial year we were able to rescue 93 orphaned and abandoned babies. We also saw 76 toddlers graduate into our Watoto villages and 43 resettled with family members. Since Watoto began 21 years ago, we have rescued and cared for 3217 children and there is no end to the incredible stories of God’s grace, redemption and healing, all because people across the world took time to care. More than 2,000 vulnerable women have graduated from Living Hope since inception and this financial year we were able to take in another 168 women who are now on the journey of empowerment and restoration. As a result, the children these women represent will not become a statistic in Africa’s orphan crisis and have the chance to reach their potential. Furthermore, we were able to include 10 new schools in our Keep a Girl in School initiative. By providing sanitary pads, underwear and education to more than 2,000 teenage girls, they are being given the opportunity to complete their education and begin to fulfill their dreams in life. In January 2015, we rolled out our brand new Watoto Children’s Choir production ‘Oh, What Love’ which has been delighting audiences around the world. This ground breaking new concert tells of God’s love and faithfulness and is giving people a taste of Africa as seen through the eyes of the children who live in our Watoto villages. To celebrate Watoto’s 20 year milestone last year, we have put together a documentary that tells the entire history of Watoto Church and Watoto Child Care Ministries. We invite you to watch the full story which is available online at www.vimeo.com/ondemand/watotostory. God has amazing things in store for Africa and we are honoured to be part of that journey. Thank you for your incredible generosity and support year after year.
Gary and Marilyn Skinner Founders of Watoto Child Care Ministries 5
A M E S S A GE F RO M O U R e x e cutiv e di r e ct o r
It seems the world mostly focuses on the negatives, on the bad and on the ugly. We are always hearing about the unjust things happening around us, the pain of countries affected by conflict and the impact natural and un-natural disasters are having on mankind. The last story on the nightly news is always a happy one to make us feel better, this in itself is sad. Over the last 12 months, Watoto has continued to share the success stories and the good news stories, because ultimately we are seeing success in what we are doing and looking ahead to all that we can do. I am writing this as I return from Uganda after seeing the amazing work we have accomplished this year. We are only able to see these successes because of the dedicated partners, donors and sponsors we have here in Australia and New Zealand. In all we do at Watoto, we want to reflect the best good news story ever told, the story of Jesus. If you had the opportunity to see the new Watoto Children’s Choir Choir production ‘Oh, What Love’ this year you would have heard just that. What amazing love He has given to us. I trust you will be impacted as you read this year’s Watoto Australia Annual Report. Impacted by the good news stories and impacted by the responsibility and opportunity we have to make a difference in the lives of women and children in Uganda. Thank you for continuing to work alongside us, it is a privilege and pleasure to partner with you. Blessings,
Luke Willey Executive Director Watoto Child Care Ministries Australia & New Zealand
wat o t o aust r a l ia staff
Luke Willey
Adrienne Green
Adele Turnbull
Kerri-Ann Mpagi
Cathy Beauchamp
Executive Director
Development & Donor Relations
Finance Manager
Visit Watoto Coordinator
Tour Coordinator
Caitlin Lennon
Amanda Parker
Kesaia Nasalo
Karli McGunigle
Public Relations & Marketing
Sponsorship Relations
Donor Support Team
Donor Support Team
A M E S S A GE F RO M th e chai r ma n o f th e b o a r d
I am always encouraged by the stories of transformation that continue to be told within Watoto Child Care Ministries. Whether it’s the way women and children’s lives are being changed in Uganda, the experiences the children have while travelling around the world with the Watoto Children’s Choir, or the impact on individuals who are connecting with Jesus through Watoto; it continues to show me that we are making a difference. It has been my privilege and pleasure this year to have oversight of the Watoto Australia Board and to come alongside the Watoto Australia team to ensure we have accountability, transparency and effectiveness in all we do. Over $3.5M has been sent to Uganda from Australia and New Zealand this year to advance the work among the most vulnerable, so thank you for the part you have played in making this possible. I pray you will be challenged and impacted as you read this Annual Report. Be blessed,
Brett Camm Chairman of the Board Watoto Child Care Ministries Australia & New Zealand 10
wat o t o aust r a l ia b o a r d
gary skinner
brett camm
Founder of Watoto Child Care Ministries
Chairman of the Board
Gary founded Watoto after moving to Uganda in 1982, with his wife Marilyn and their young family, to start a cell based church in Kampala. Gary speaks internationally about the Watoto model and how it can be implemented throughout the world.
Brett is an honours Civil Engineer and company owner with 30 years business experience. He is a Director on several national and multinational Boards across diverse industries, with broad advisory and strategic experience and capabilities.
natalie fielding Natalie is an experienced Lawyer. She has served, and is serving, as a Director for a number of not-forprofit organisations and also on the committees of Christian organisations.
rod carey Rod is the Director/Secretary of Watoto Child Care Ministries Australia.
su p p o r t o ffic e s
Canada Office Canada
Americas Office USA, Mexico, Haiti and South America
To facilitate the support of international partnerships, Watoto has established eight representative country offices around the world. Each country office is regulated by a specific Board of Directors. The country specific Boards are the policy and regulatory oversight of Watoto in each country and ensures good practices at all levels. The country offices are directed by an advisory International Board of Directors.
Europe Office England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Germany, Spain, France, Estonia, Italy, Switzerland, Poland, Ukraine, Turkey, Albania and all other European countries apart from the Scandinavia, the Netherlands and Belgium
Scandinavia Office Norway, Sweden and Denmark
Netherlands Office Netherlands and Belgium
Asia Office Hong Kong, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand,
Africa Office
South Korea and China
(with headquarters in Uganda) Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Egypt, Rwanda, Senegal, Ghana, South Africa, Nigeria, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), South Sudan, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Benin, Morocco and Mozambique
Australia Office Australia, New Zealand, Vanuatu, Fiji and Papua New Guinea
watoto villages Watoto villages are a haven of security, peace, education, purpose and spiritual vitality. Children between the ages of 2 and 12 are accepted into the villages where they are cared for by a house mother and live with up to seven other siblings. Watoto children attend school and receive a quality education. Each village also has a community centre and medical clinic. The villages provide safe and open outdoor spaces with beautiful vegetation and plenty of space to live and play.
The Watoto model is designed to meet not only the physical needs of a child, but to provide everything the children we support require in order to grow up healthy and whole. Watoto is not an orphanage in the traditional sense, instead we respond to Africa’s orphan crisis by placing children in new families and building real homes to cater for their needs. Watoto homes are constructed in the form of small, vibrant communities we refer to as villages. The village setting is representative of a familiar traditional dwelling for many people in Africa. The houses are positioned in clusters and contain all the essentials of any basic home in a developed country.
Each Watoto village contains a school for the education of the Watoto children and those from surrounding communities. In line with our vision, our education is of a high standard and we facilitate relationships with house mothers and guardians to foster interaction with their children. Technical and vocational training is also provided for older children whose gifting naturally gravitates towards these.
• 2651 children attended Watoto junior, senior and vocational schools.
• 1 87 young adults attended various
Each village contains a nursery, kindergarten, primary school, high school, vocational training centre, water project, medical clinic, multi-purpose community centre and church building. The villages provide safe and open outdoor areas with beautiful vegetation and plenty of space in which to live and play. Watoto currently runs 3 villages in Uganda; Bbira and Suubi in Kampala, and Laminadera in Gulu.
In the last financial year: • 284 children were welcomed to our Baby Watoto facilities and our Bbira, Suubi and Laminadera villages.
• 76 toddlers transitioned from Baby
universities in Uganda.
• 125 students graduated from Senior High, Hope Technical Institute and various universities, ready to join the workplace.
Each Watoto village has a medical clinic that is used by those living in the Watoto villages and the surrounding communities. The onsite clinic meets the everyday healthcare needs of the village and community and regular visits from medical teams help take care of special medical requirements.
Watoto into one of our villages.
• 43 babies and children were resettled with family members.
• 2 young adults transitioned out of the care and protection of Watoto into independent living and have joined the Watoto Alumni.
• Last year, 75% of Watoto’s beneficiaries were vaccinated against Hepatitis B. This has reduced transmission of the disease in the villages.
• There was a mass distribution of insecticidetreated mosquito nets to all Watoto villages to prevent malaria transmission. As a result, there has been a 64% decrease in the prevalence of malaria infections. A further 2,348 extra mosquito nets were distributed in the surrounding communities.
• HIV/AIDS sensitisation tests were conducted in the Watoto villages and in the extended community. As a result, there has been an improvement in the rate of disease identification and referrals to HIV treatment centres reducing the spread and prevalence of HIV.
Social and Spiritual Development Every Watoto village has a multipurpose centre that provides the site for a local church for the village residents and surrounding communities. A Watoto Church pastor oversees this ministry and the home cell groups. During the week, the centre is used to facilitate extra-curricular activities which assist the psychosocial development of the children. Operating under the social work umbrella, youth workers organise activities (interpersonally and in groups) to help the children deal with and overcome any trauma from their past.
Each Watoto family consists of eight children, aged 2 and above, and a mother who takes care of them. 16
baby watoto Baby Watoto exists to care for destitute babies and toddlers, aged between zero and two years old, to give them the best possible start in life. These infants often come into our care abused, premature and with complicated medical conditions. They require love, care and immediate attention in order to thrive.
We are thrilled to report that, as a result of the work Watoto and other organisations are doing, we have seen a substantial reduction in the rate at which babies are being orphaned and abandoned in Uganda. The generosity of donors around the world has significantly contributed to this achievement and we give glory to God for all He is doing. As a result, this year we merged our Baby Watoto Kampala and Suubi facilities to reduce our operating costs and better utilise our resources. We are excited for what this will mean for the future of Watoto as we continue to rescue Africa’s most vulnerable babies. This year’s focus has been on achieving quality child growth and nutritional development for each individual child through medical evaluation and the Ages Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) tool that Baby Watoto adopted in 2013. This tool helps to monitor the five developmental areas of growth in our babies: communication, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, personal social skills and problem solving.
facilities, including the construction of a perimeter wall for Baby Watoto Gulu. Baby Watoto also intends to increase the level of training for all staff and volunteers. Courses will be provided for everyone involved, equipping them with the relevant knowledge and skills to efficiently perform their roles.
93 Babies were welcomed into our care. 76 Toddlers transitioned to a Watoto village. 43 Babies were resettled with family members.
Quarterly assessments have shown that many of the babies have registered great improvement. In July 2014, 7 months after introducing play school, 19% of babies were seen developing normally according to the ASQ assessment tool. These results continue to improve and by July 2015 57% of babies had registered improvement. This growth is attributed to child care training, availability of toys for appropriate age groups and continuous practical close interaction/relationship of caregivers with babies and toddlers. Baby Watoto’s key objectives for the next 12 months are to equip our playschool rooms, train playschool coordinators and introduce the second phase of ASQ’s social and emotional (SE) guidelines. In addition, Baby Watoto will continue with the structural improvements to its 19
living hope Our vision at Living Hope is to restore dignity to vulnerable women in Africa. We do this by reaching out to the most vulnerable and caring for their basic needs, developing their life skills so they can build a sustainable life of dignity and helping them become successful business women and pillars of influence in their communities.
Initiated in 2008, Living Hope exists to restore dignity to vulnerable women in Africa. Most of the women at Living Hope are HIV-positive single mothers who are struggling to take care of their children. Some of these women were forced into marriage as young girls.
In the last financial year we were thrilled to welcome 168 women into Living Hope.
Through Living Hope, women are equipped with key life skills and empowered through incomegenerating projects, enabling them to become productive members of the community. In addition, the comprehensive psychosocial support they receive has given them purpose, dignity and a future.
More than 2,000 vulnerable women have now graduated from the program.
EMBRACE Reaching out to the most vulnerable women by taking caring of their basic essential needs.
• 605 ladies and 334 children received medical support from the clinics in Gulu and Kampala.
• 2 5 ladies received support to pay their rent. This is a significant drop compared with 96 in 2013 which shows the increased independence of the ladies.
• 57 ladies received emergency food support because they were unable to work.
• R econstructive surgeries were offered to 14 victims of rebel soldiers during the civil war in northern Uganda, after their noses, ears, lips and other body parts were cut off. 11 ladies who had previously received surgery were reviewed with 6 qualifying for further operations and 4 being discharged as they had totally healed.
EMPOWER Developing and growing their life skills so they can build sustainable and dignified lives.
• 3 16 ladies received training in tailoring, paper making, baking, paper bead making and tie dye.
• 2 00 women underwent adult literacy classes to improve their reading and writing. The classes are divided into three levels of assessment in which the students are examined.
• On average 250 women per month attended discipleship, business and communication classes.
• An evaluation of 222 women from the previous 2 year intakes indicates that 95% have been positively impacted and empowered by the financial empowerment they received.
• The Keep a Girl in School (KAGIS) initiative reached out to 20 schools and as a result
ENGAGE Helping ladies to become successful businesswomen and pillars of influence in their communities.
• 8 women in the tailoring unit graduated as a trainer of trainers.
• 1 25 women are now producing Living Hope products including items sold on tour with the Watoto Children’s Choir. These have resulted in good sales and increased household income.
4,044 girls and 3,996 boys were mentored and discipled. Topics taught included sexuality, personal hygiene, adolescence and purity. Each of the girls were provided with six packets of sanitary towels during the three-month school term along with three pairs of underwear and soap.
• A ll the women who have gone through the program, and those currently in the program, are now able to pay their children’s school fees and provide food for their families.
development & Sustainability Watoto’s Sustainability Projects in Uganda support initiatives that are critical for continued development. Our purpose for Watoto’s Sustainability are to generate INCOME to sustain Watoto’s activities caring for orphaned children and vulnerable women, create training OPPORTUNITIES for Watoto young adults to become future business LEADERS, and facilitate community transformation.
Suubi Dairy Goat Farm
Five scheduled projects at Buloba Farm have been fully operational since July 2014. These include:
The farm doubled its total goat milk production for 2014/2015 compared to the previous 12 months. This was accomplished primarily as a result of improved management of breeding and lactation cycles, and the in-house feed mill operation has allowed for better quality control.
• Th e Maize Mill: The maize flour produced supplies food to Watoto’s Suubi and Bbira villages, as well as the farm workers. The excess is sold at market.
• Th e Rice Mill: During the first rice harvest, experts from Namalere spent time training two staff members and former Watoto graduates. For the second rice harvest in July, the milling was entirely supervised by the two graduates.
• Th e Feed Mill: The feed mill has been in operation since 2013, processing feed for the goat and poultry farms and external clients.
• Th e Grain Operation: Four storage bins, each holding up to 450MT of grain, have been installed and we continue to buy corn as well as storing what is produced during the harvest from our crop farm.
• P oultry Unit: The state-of-the-art equipment installed at the barn enables all operations to be carried out mechanically, including feeding, watering and the collection of eggs. It also allows us to have a non-labourintensive poultry unit, as only one person is needed to collect the eggs from the conveyor belt at one end of the barn.
Lubbe Farm 20 acres of maize and 40 acres of soya bean, planted in March 2014, was harvested in June/July 2015, yielding 53 tons. The harvest contributed to the maize flour that was processed for the villages and used as feed for the goat and chicken farms.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Watoto youth are employed at the goat farm during school holidays and weekends. This helps to instil responsibility and a good work ethic in our young adults.
Community Engagement
Between 34 and 50 people from the extended community were employed at the farms at any given point during the last 12 months. A team of Watoto doctors held a one-day clinic for the community around the farm, attending to more than 200 patients as the community does not have proper medical facilities.
the watoto workshop manufactures it’s own furniture for the homes in the watoto VILLAGES.
sponsorship Sponsorship is the foundation upon which Watoto provides holistic care for more than 3,600 women and children. The support of nearly 36,000 SPONSORS, from 40 COUNTRIES, enables the practical vision of Watoto to become a REALITY AND ENSURES ALL WATOTO MEMBERS RECEIVE THE CARE THEY NEED.
Watoto Child Care Ministries Australia Annual Report 2013/14
In the last 12 months, we have seen a significant 74% increase in total sponsorships within Australia and New Zealand. This is due to a number of initiatives including the ground breaking new Watoto Children’s Choir production, ‘Oh, What Love’. We are so thankful that the call to sponsor has been heard as this new production spreads the message of God’s love and the needs and dreams of orphaned children in Africa.
In the last 12 months we have seen a significant 74% increase in total sponsorships within Australia and New Zealand.
Our greatest need continues to be Baby Watoto and older students and teenagers within our program, with 50% of our children aged 13 years and older. Watoto continues to care for children until they graduate from university or vocational training, which can be into their early 20’s if formal education did not commence until later in life. Baby Watoto continues to be a significant need due to the high cost of caring for our babies. In the upcoming 2015/16 financial year, Watoto Australia will continue to target growth in Baby Watoto and the sponsorship of older children. We look forward to the continued implementation of strategies that will increase sponsorship in these areas of need. We sincerely thank our generous sponsors across Australia and New Zealand who play an integral part in helping rescue more individuals and raise each one to lead in their chosen sphere of life so that they in turn will rebuild their nation.
S PON S OR S H I P A T A GL A N C E (as of 31 July 2015)
Individual Sponsors in AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND: 5,830 total Global sponsors: 36,203 • 4089 • 722 ↑ • 499 ↑ • 493 ↑ • 53 ↓ • 12 ↑
+ 22.5% + 9% + 2% + 2% - 2.5% + 150%
Child sponsorships (includes post-secondary and special needs children) Living Hope sponsorships Baby Watoto sponsorships Mother sponsorships Teacher sponsorships (NB this is being phased out) Seed* sponsorships
Beneficiaries of Watoto Child Care Ministries: 4,592
• 2826 Children in Watoto villages (includes post-secondary and special needs children) • 108 Seed Project* • 975 Living Hope women • 369 Mothers • 184 Teachers • 130 Babies * The Seed Project provides quality education in a Watoto school setting to vulnerable children who have family and do not live within a Watoto village, yet may not have access to quality education in their local villages.
Over 12,000 letters have been received by sponsors in Australia and New Zealand in the past 12 months. 31
watoto children’s choir The Watoto Children’s Choir has been touring internationally since 1994 to raise awareness for the plight of orphaned and vulnerable children in Africa and to share a message of hope and love found in Jesus Christ.
Towards the end of 2014, the Watoto Children’s Choir’s creative team in Uganda were busy writing music, developing new choreography and creating content for our brand new production ‘Oh, What Love’, which launched in Australia in April 2015. This new concert is a worship experience that celebrates the relationship God has with His children. Through a journey of their own experiences, the children, who were once orphans, demonstrate that God desires to be a loving father to all mankind.
highlights included performances at Easterfest, the largest Christian festival in Australia and the opportunity to minister to sick children and their families at Melbourne Children’s Hospital and Westmead Children’s Hospital Sydney. In the last year, our teams have travelled to the North Island of New Zealand and almost every state of Australia. We have been encouraged by the generosity of individuals who came out to support us and were excited to see over 1,600 people generously signing up to sponsor a life, joining a family of over 36,000 sponsors worldwide.
Choir 66 and Choir 72 toured Australia and New Zealand, performing a total of 179 concerts in Churches, communities and schools
In the last 12 months, over 260,000 people have attended a Watoto Children’s Choir performance as the teams toured internationally. The choirs, each comprising of 18 children from the Watoto villages and 10 adults, visited the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Ireland, Malaysia and for the first time ever South Korea and Belgium. Over 50,000 people in Australia and New Zealand had the opportunity to see Choir 66 and Choir 72 perform, with a total of 179 performances held in Churches, communities and schools. Some of our 33
CHOIR STRATEGY In 2016 Watoto Australia will continue to raise awareness by welcoming our new team, Choir 79. This tour will take our newest production ‘Oh, What Love’ to new and existing churches and communities throughout Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia with the endeavour of achieving the following goals:
• I ncrease awareness amongst Australians yet to hear of the work and ministry of Watoto.
• B uild and maintain strong relationships with church and community groups allowing us to better understand and support their needs as they reach their communities with the Gospel message.
• I ncrease the number of attendees at Watoto concerts each year through a strategic publicity, media and advertising plan.
• S trategically plan tour routes allowing for cost saving measures.
• E ndeavour to have two future tour routes outlined to proactively promote future tours and coincide with strategic major events within the Christian community.
At Watoto Australia, we love partnering with people who dedicate their precious time and resources to helping Watoto. Over the last 12 months our office has coordinated multiple trips to Uganda, allowing teams and individuals from Australia and New Zealand to experience firsthand the phenomenal scope of the Watoto projects. More than just seeing the work we are doing, many individuals have volunteered their unique skills and given opportunities for our Ugandan team, and the local community, to learn and grow. These seeds have a generational impact and our team thoroughly value having experienced individuals come alongside them and invest into their lives. By supporters and sponsors physically visiting Uganda, our beautiful children, babies, house mothers and Living Hope women come to understand that they are part of a global family who genuinely love and care for them.
By supporters and sponsors physically visiting Uganda, our beautiful children, babies, house mothers and Living Hope women come to understand that they are part of a global family who genuinely love and care for them.
constructing staff housing and student dormitories in our Laminadera village and painting our Living Hope centre in Gulu. Teams have also assisted in building our Agricultural Training Centre which will aid the growth of our sustainability projects. The houses in our villages have been called home by many women and children over the years and have been well loved by the occupants who found a family, a future and hope within their walls. Because of this we are now shifting the focus of future build teams to upkeep and maintenance of our older homes and infrastructure to ensure we maintain excellent living conditions for those we care for and those yet to come. Since Watoto Child Care Ministries began 20 years ago, we have seen hundreds of teams from Australia and New Zealand assist with the development of infrastructure in our villages. This year our build and maintenance teams continued to help by 37
Each guest who visits Uganda is given the full story of Watoto and a tour of our villages and programs. The faces, the emotions and the realisation that God is at work when the whole picture comes to life during these tours, are awe-inspiring. These moments have given birth to sponsorships, partnerships, donations and even salvation for some that were not believers. One of the most amazing moments occurred when Grammy award-winning gospel artist Israel Houghton’s PA said, “we have travelled around the world and been hosted on almost every continent on earth, but we have never seen this level of organisation and excellence.” Words like this remind us every day not to do things simply because we can, but to do them excellently because our God is excellent in all that He does and we are made in His image. We look forward to more people visiting Watoto Uganda and strengthening the power of our partnerships with churches, businesses and individuals around the world.
Visit Watoto hosts an average of 1,500 international guests per year
partnership Watoto australia partners with individuals, groups and organisations in A VARIETY OF ways to raise the next generation of Africa’s leaders in Uganda.
In the 2015 financial year, the Watoto Australia team has focused on depth of relationship with our existing partners while also engaging potential new partners. Over the years we have seen our partnership base grow from individuals sponsoring children to businesses, schools, churches and ambassadors coming alongside the vision and doing what is in their hands to do to champion the work of looking after the orphan and the widow. No individual has too much or little and no organisation is too large or small to partner in a unique and meaningful way with Watoto. We value each individual partnership and tailor opportunities to meet our partners’ missions and partnership objectives.
Church and School Engagement
We have had many churches and schools partner with us by hosting a Watoto Children’s Choir performance for their community. We have also had the privilege of hosting many church teams and school groups in Uganda that have chosen to partner with us by building infrastructure in our Watoto villages. This year the partnership page on our website was available to all churches and schools and contained many tools to help them encourage their community to be missional focused.
Corporate Engagement
Major donors, foundations, businesses and corporations contribute significantly to the work of Watoto and help us make a difference in the lives of those in Uganda. These partners engage with Watoto through sponsorship, building infrastructure, volunteering time and expertise as well as making significant donations to Watoto projects. These objectives are achieved through matched giving, corporate fundraising, volunteer grants, selling Watoto merchandise and a variety of other unique ways.
No individual has too much or little and no organisation is too large or small to partner WITH WATOTO IN A UNIQUE AND MEANINGFUL WAY. 41
Watoto Australia’s partnership with media outlets across the country continued to strengthen this year with the return of the Watoto Children’s Choir. The choir’s genuine appeal proves a popular news item, with the team receiving publicity in every city they performed in. Over 80 known coverage points were registered by our office through the mediums of TV, radio, newspapers and magazines. Our highlights include a performance on Channel Seven’s Weekend Sunrise and interviews on ABC Breakfast TV and SBS World News TV. Furthermore, we continued to strengthen our relationship with major Christian radio stations across the country with interviews and performances on 96Five in Brisbane, Hope FM in Sydney and Light FM in Melbourne, as well as editorial pieces published in key newspapers such as The Age and Sydney Morning Herald.
Watoto partners primarily with Everyday Hero to provide an online fundraising platform for our supporters to create their own Watoto fundraising pages. This year many individuals signed up to fundraise through a variety of methods including running events, baby showers and donations in lieu of events. Our supporters have not only given financially but have generously given their time and effort to raise funds and bring awareness to our 42
cause. In January 2015 Watoto Australia partnered with the team at 25000 Spins to participate in the Great Ocean Road Challenge which saw 8 Watoto supporters from across the country sign up to take part in a 3 day charity cycle and raising over $20,000 for our Living Hope program. This will become an annual event for Watoto Australia with teams taking part in the Great Ocean Road Challenge and Queenstown Classic in New Zealand in 2016.
Supporters may wish for their Watoto partnership to continue making a difference in the lives of orphaned and abandoned children and vulnerable women for years and decades to come. This year we included bequests as a partnership opportunity for those who wish to continue to sow into the work of Watoto long after their time on earth. Supporters may request that their gift go towards a specific area of our work.
GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT GROUP Since April 2007, Watoto Australia has partnered with Global Development Group (GDG) on various humanitarian aid and development projects in Uganda. GDG are an Australian NGO approved by the Minister for Foreign Affairs (as administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)) to carry out quality humanitarian and development projects with approved partners and to provide aid to relieve poverty and deliver long-term solutions. Watoto’s projects with GDG include Watoto villages (Project J210) that provide holistic community development, including education and healthcare, and Living Hope (Project J416) that is a gender-equality-based holistic project for disadvantaged women that includes HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention and treatment, combined with vocational training and income generation. Donations over $2 to these projects (including child sponsorship) are tax deductible and any excess funds received will support other approved project activities. GDG takes responsibility for approved projects according to DFAT regulations, providing governance and assisting in the areas of planning, monitoring, reviewing and evaluation to ensure that approved projects are carried out to Australian requirements. Since partnering with GDG, Watoto has experienced relative growth in scope and its projects resulting in significant impact in the community of Uganda. The training, advice and monitoring visits by the GDG team each year have helped to build and strengthen the operational and managerial capacity of Watoto’s staff and the focus on sustainable development activities. Furthermore, through our partnership with GDG, we also partner with organisations that donate to Watoto through them. More information on GDG can be found at www.globaldevelopmentgroup.org *Tax deductible receipts for gifts over $2 with a preference for any of these GDG-approved projects will be issued by the Watoto Australia Trust Account (ABN 83 176 101 461). Please note that no evangelistic, welfare or political activities are funded by these aid and development projects.
donation snapshot 2 3 4 , 1 9 9.
11 $1
Funds to Watoto AU
Funds to GDG
, $3
total Funds to uganda
special thanks to our gdg donors
Rich Hart Foundation
Designated donations are received on an ongoing basis, and while we endeavour to transfer as much as we are able to Uganda each financial year, some are held in Australia until the commencement of the designated project. At times, the receipt of funds, and transfer of funds may span more than one financial year resulting in a perceived deficit in the financials.
WATOTO CHILD CARE MINISTRIES AND CONTROLLED ENTITIES ABN 99 106 623 723 Statement of Financial PERFORMANCE As at 30 June 2015 2015
REVENUE Donations and gifts - Monetary
- Non-Monetary
Bequests and Legacies Grants
- DFAT (ex-AusAID)
- Other Australian
- Other Overseas
Investment Income Other Income Revenue from International Political or Religious Adherence Promotion Programs TOTAL REVENUE
EXPENSES International Aid and Development Programs Expenditure International Projects - Funds to international programs - Program support costs Community education Fundraising costs - Public - Government, multilateral and private Accountability and Administration Non-Monetary Expenditure Total International Aid and Development Programs Expenditure
International Political or Religious Adherence Promotion Programs Expenditure
Domestic Programs Expenditure
WATOTO CHILD CARE MINISTRIES AND CONTROLLED ENTITIES ABN 99 106 623 723 Statement of Financial position As at 30 June 2015 NOTE
CURRENT ASSETS Cash And Cash Equivalents
Trade And Other Receivables
EQUITY Accumulated Funds Reserves
notes to the financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2015 Note 1: Summary of Significant Accounting Policies The directors have prepared the financial statements on the basis that the company is a non-reporting entity because there are no users who are dependent on it’s general purpose financial statements. These financial statements are therefore special purpose financial statements that have been prepared in order to meet the requirements of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012. The company is a not-forprofit entity for financial reporting purposes under Australian Accounting Standards. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the mandatory Australian Accounting Standards applicable to entities reporting under the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 and the significant accounting policies disclosed below, which the directors have determined are appropriate to meet the needs of members. Such accounting policies are consistent with those of previous periods unless stated otherwise. The financial statements, except for the cash flow information have been prepared on an accruals basis and are based on historical costs unless otherwise stated in the notes. Material accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these financial statements are presented below and have been consistently applied unless stated otherwise. The amounts presented in the financial statements have been rounded to the nearest dollar. Accounting Policies a) Revenue Donation and bequests are recognised as revenue when received. Interest revenue is recognised when the right to receive the revenue has been established. All revenue is stated net of the amount of goods and services tax. b) Income Tax No provision for income tax has been raised as the entity is exempt from income tax under Div 50 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. c) Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash includes cash on hand, deposits held at-call with banks, other short-term highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less and bank overdrafts. Bank overdrafts are shown within short-term borrowings in current liabilities on the statement of financial position. d) Inventories on Hand Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and current replacement cost. e) Property, Plant and Equipment Each class of property, plant and equipment is carried at cost or fair value, less, where applicable, accumulated depreciation and any impairment losses. 51
Depreciation Depreciation is calculated on a straight line basis over their useful lives commencing from the time the asset is held ready for use. f) Provisions Provisions are recognised when the entity has a legal or constructive obligation, as a result of past events, for which it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will result and that outflow can be reliably measured. Provisions recognised represent the best estimate of the amounts required to settle the obligation at the end of the reporting period. g) Goods and Services Tax (GST) Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of GST, except where the amount of GST incurred is not recoverable from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Receivables and payables are stated inclusive of the amount of GST receivable or payable. The net amount of GST recoverable from, or payable to, the ATO is included with other receivables or payables in the statement of financial position. Cash flows are presented on a gross basis. The GST components of cash flows arising from investing or financing activities which are recoverable from, or payable to, the ATO are presented as operating cash flows included in receipts from customers or payments to suppliers. h) Comparative Figures Where required, comparative figures have been adjusted to conform with changes in presentation for the current financial year. When an entity applies an accounting policy retrospectively, makes a retrospective restatement or reclassifies items in its financial statements, a statement of financial position as at the beginning of the earliest comparative period must be disclosed. i) New Accounting Standards for Application in Future Periods The AASB has issued new and amended accounting standards and the interpretations that have mandatory application dates for future reporting periods. The company has decided against early adoption of these standards. The Directors’ assessment of the impact of the new standards and interpretations is that they will not affect any of the amounts recognised in the financial statements. 52
Depreciation and write-back of non-current assets
Auditor Remuneration - audit services
Plant and equipment
Less: Accumulated Depreciation
Note 2 - SURPLUS/deficit FOR THE YEAR Surplus/Deficit from ordinary activities has been determined after: a) Expenses
Note 3 - Cash & Cash Equivalents Cash at bank Cash on hand
Note 4 - Trade and Other Receivables Trade and other receivables Prepayments
Note 5 - Inventories Stock on hand Note 6 - Property, Plant & Equipment
Motor Vehicles Less: Accumulated Depreciation
Total - Property, Plant and Equipment Less: Accumulated Depreciation
Note 7 - Trade and Other Payables
Current Trade creditor and accruals Income in advance
Note 8 - Borrowings
Current Loans Payable
Non-current Loans Payable Note 9 - Provisions
Current Provisions for employee benefits
Non-Current Provisions for employee benefits Note 10 - events after the reporting period The Directors are not aware of any other matters or circumstances not otherwise dealt with in the Directors’ Report or Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2015 that has significantly or may significantly affect the operations of the company, the results of those operations or the state of affairs of the company in subsequent financial years.
Watoto Australia PO Box 782 Springwood, QLD 4127 (07) 3208 3500 australia@watoto.com
www . wat o t o . c o m