Annual Stories 2021 - HK/English

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2021 Annual Stories

-2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV)

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."
YOUR IMPACT ................................................. 4 MESSAGE FROM OUR FOUNDERS ....................... 5 WATOTO CHURCH ............................................ 6 WHO WE ARE ................................................. 10 BABY WATOTO ................................................ 12 OUR VILLAGES................................................ 20 FATHER’S HEART ............................................. 26 EDUCATION ................................................... 30 MEDICAL ...................................................... 32 SPORTS ACADEMY .......................................... 34 WORSHIP ACADEMY ........................................ 36 WATOTO CHILDREN’S CHOIR .............................. 40 SUSTAINABILITY ............................................. 44 WATOTO NEIGHBOURHOOD .............................. 48 KEEP A GIRL IN SCHOOL .................................... 62 WHERE WE ARE ............................................... 65 MESSAGE FROM WATOTO ASIA ........................... 66 WATOTO ASIA HIGHLIGHTS................................ 67 WATOTO ASIA FINANCIALS ................................ 68 Table of Contents
Shakirah and Peter

Your Impact

To each of you who has sponsored, donated, volunteered, prayed, or supported us over the years—THANK YOU! You are making a tremendous impact in the lives of those we are reaching together.

The stories and highlights throughout this report are just a snapshot of the countless lives transformed by your generosity. And we’re forever grateful!


Baby Watoto

Last year, we rescued 44 babies. That means, 44 little lives were saved and given a new chance at life.

Watoto Villages

3,415 children are being raised in a loving family across our three villages. Here, they grow up with food, clothes, medical care, and an education as we teach them their value in Christ.



Watoto Neighbourhood

We embraced 975 women with the love of Jesus, and equipped them with adult literacy, vocational training, business skills and job opportunities.

4 Watoto

Message from Our Founders

We are grateful for you—for your generosity, sacrifice, friendship, and unwavering support.

As we have been reflecting on the past 38 years and the vision God placed on our hearts almost four decades ago, we are more aware of the truth that the Watoto vision is not just about building beautiful church facilities filled with lots of people, but about raising transformational leaders who will bring the nature and character of Jesus into their communities and nation.

Over the last two years, the significance of this vision has never been more real. We’ve seen the church grow tremendously as we’ve all been stretched to reach people in a new way. We’ve also seen incredible transformation in the lives of individuals and families throughout our Watoto villages, communities, and nation. God has been faithful, and we are so thankful for that.

When we look at the successes, we are reminded that we could never do this alone. That’s why we’re excited to share recent highlights and stories from across Watoto. From our villages and Baby Watoto, to the girls we’re keeping in school and the mothers we’re reaching right in their neighbourhoods, these are just a few of the thousands of lives that have been transformed because of the love of Jesus and your partnership.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. Your love inspires us. You are a gift to us and to every woman and child whose lives have been changed because of that love.

May God bless you,


Watoto Church

7 Annual Stories

Watoto is a lifegiving church that celebrates Christ and cares for community.

Every week more than 36,000 people gather with us in person at our 14 church locations in Uganda and South Sudan, along with over one million viewers who watch online and on TV. We give glory to God for how He is

using Watoto Church to reach the lost with the good news of Jesus Christ.

As we gather to sing, dance, and hear the encouraging and life-changing word of God, we know we are also called to care for those around us. We do this through our over 2,700 small groups, also known as cell families.

These weekly gatherings in our communities are the heartbeat of Watoto Church because this is where deep personal relationships are formed. It’s through these relationships that we can truly care for our community as we carry each other’s burdens, enjoy life together, and allow for the discipleship of Christ to flourish. Often in more intimate settings, we

8 Watoto
“As a church, we need to be relevant to the needs of the community. We must pay attention to the things that break Jesus’ heart.”
-Pastor Julius Rwotlonyo

truly discover the needs of our friends and community— sometimes this means painting a school, cleaning the side of a road, or visiting the sick.

began with the vision God gave our founder, Gary Skinner, over four decades ago. Today, with God’s guidance, Senior Pastor Julius Rwotlonyo continues to build on this strong foundation as he provides vision and leadership to the entire ministry. And he has

Our small groups have played a big role in the success of our Watoto Neighbourhood initiative. In fact, many of the vulnerable women we are currently empowering joined as a result of attending one of the small groups in their own neighbourhood.

This way of doing church

the vital support of Pastor Eddie Mwesigye, who gives pastoral oversight to our team of pastors, and Pastor Brian Abaho, who oversees Watoto’s Worship Arts.

We know Jesus is the hope of the world. As a church, we will continue to encourage, inspire, and reach the lost with the love of Christ as we rebuild this beautiful Africa, together.

9 Annual Stories
Pastor Eddie Mwesigye Pastor Brian Abaho

Who We Are

“He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes, with the princes of his people.”

-Psalm 113:7-8 (NIV)

10 Watoto

Built on the belief that Jesus can make all things new again, Watoto is a place of hope.

In 1984, Gary and Marilyn Skinner founded Watoto Church with a clear vision to transform lives in Africa with the love of Jesus. Not long after our first church service, HIV/AIDS

devastated the continent. People began dying, turning children into orphans. It was clear— how could a church say they love Jesus and not do something about the pain and suffering around them? So, our work began. Now, almost 40 years later we’re seeing a new day full of hope.

With all the great things God has already done through Watoto, there are new challenges we’re facing. So, we’ll keep working to bring healing to the new pains and hurts throughout Africa knowing God will lead, direct, and provide.

As we celebrate Christ and care for community, we’re grateful that Watoto is a family made up of people like you from all over the world. Together, we will continue to rescue the most vulnerable babies, raise future leaders, and restore dignity to women in our neighbourhoods. Together, we will see more lives transformed through the love of Jesus. And together, we will behold the new.

11 Annual Stories

Baby Watoto

12 Watoto
13 Annual Stories

Baby Kasey

A woman passing by a home that was under construction heard Kasey crying. She found him alone wrapped in a towel and reached out to authorities for help. Once abandoned, Kasey now wears a big smile knowing he has a future full of love.

Baby Audrey

Found abandoned in a bush just hours after she was born, Audrey was rescued and placed with us for the vital care she needed. Today, Audrey is healthy, happy, and dearly loved.

14 Watoto
Rescuing Uganda’s most vulnerable

BabyEsther Psalm9:18

Like us, we know you believe life is a precious gift from God. Yet, millions of babies like Esther are orphaned before they reach their first birthday.

Tragically, Esther’s mother died during childbirth, and she never knew who the father was. So, Esther was initially left with her elderly grandmother who was too sick to care for her.

Before Esther could take her first steps, she had little to no chance in life. “But God will never forget the needy;

the hope of the afflicted will never perish” (Psalm 9:18 NIV).

When she first came to us she was malnourished. But, after receiving medical care and lots of love, Esther gained weight and has even taken her first steps. Today, Esther is thriving and is growing up surrounded by the love of Christ.

Thanks to everyone who believes in the work God has called us to do. Your support makes it possible for babies like Esther to have a great new chance at life.

15 Annual Stories


16 Watoto

Miriam has a smile that lights up the room—and is a living example of the hope we find in Jesus.

Although her life began in tragedy, Miriam found refuge and a loving family at Watoto. Sadly, her mother died before Miriam’s first birthday and her father died too. As a little girl, Miriam lived with her ailing grandmother who struggled to provide the basics needed for a healthy life.

Reflecting back Miriam said, “Life in Watoto was amazing.

I was given a family with brothers and sisters and my precious mum called Mama Joy who loved us unconditionally.”

Miriam’s passion to help vulnerable children led her to study Social Work at university, leading her to serve as a nanny here.

“In every corner of my life I’ve had people who stood with me. I want to thank my sponsors for the love they’ve given me, and partners like you for your support. I am grateful to have passed through your hands.”

17 Annual Stories
Today, Miriam is living her dream because someone like you cared.
Your partnership ensures vulnerable little ones, like Miriam once was, will get to grow up surrounded by love with hope for a bright future.
18 Watoto
MIriam and Baby Emilly

At Baby Watoto, we care for some of Uganda’s most vulnerable babies. And throughout last year, we continued to see God meet our needs and provide for our little ones.

Our staff and volunteers served with all their hearts, especially during the challenging times, to ensure our babies received the love and care they needed to survive. And we’re grateful for the faithful support of you—our sponsors and partners who have been with us each step of the way. We couldn’t do what we do without you.


Babies Rescued in 2021

Last year, we rescued 44 babies. That means, 44 little lives were saved and given a new chance at life.

Babies Loved & Cared For

Throughout 2021, we provided 162 of Uganda’s most vulnerable babies with the nutrition, medical care, love, and protection they each needed to thrive.


Rescued Since Inception


Because of partners like you, over the years we’ve rescued 1,531 babies—and counting. Each one is a living miracle and a reminder of God’s faithfulness.

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20 Watoto
Mama Lilly and Esther

Our Villages

21 Annual Stories

Across our three Watoto villages, we’re raising over 3,400 children—each one belongs to a loving family and grows up learning their value in Christ. And although the past few years have been difficult, when we look back, we marvel at how God provided and carried us through.

It’s thrilling to finally see life begin to return to normal. Today, as you walk through our villages you can’t help but notice an overwhelming presence of joy. You might find Laura and Denorah taking care of a pet rabbit,

or a group of boys playing a friendly, yet competitive game of chess. These are clear reminders that no matter what a child goes through, kids everywhere are the same. They deserve to grow up with a family that loves them, an education, and to be free from worrying about where their next meal might come from. And because of faithful sponsors like you, our children are finally secure enough to enjoy playing with their friends and simply being kids. Thanks for your unwavering support that makes this possible.

22 Watoto
Laura and Denorah

Lucky Raised in Watoto, Lucky has discovered he likes the challenge of games like chess that make him think. Chess gives him the opportunity to have fun with friends as he excels at the game using his wits.


The future is full of possibilities. Shelia loves reading and wants to become a lawyer one day. In the meantime, she enjoys helping her Watoto sisters look their best by styling their hair.

23 Annual Stories
24 Watoto
Mama Christine and Joseph

Abreeze glides over the table, gently lifting the pages of Mama Christine’s Bible. It’s a reminder that the busy day of cleaning, cooking, and looking after eight children is winding down. It’s also a reminder of God’s quiet and constant presence and provision in her life.

She reads aloud treasuring this moment with Joseph.

She’s humbled when she thinks how God can use her simple act of reading and praying with her children to transform their lives. She knows each child has their hurts and pain, but more importantly she knows first-hand the healing and restorative power of Jesus, because she’s seen it in her own life.

Before Christine came to Watoto, she struggled

Raising Uganda’s future leaders

to provide for her two biological children. Unable to attend school, her kids were struggling too. Eventually, Christine was brought on as a Watoto mother and her life changed. She went from worrying about two children, to seeing God provide for the eight children He now entrusted with her. She’s thankful for this moment with Joseph. It’s a clear reminder how God can create a new and beautiful reality.

25 Annual Stories

Father’s Heart

Father figures play an important role in a child’s life. While the children we’ve rescued might have lost their father—or never knew him—we make sure they grow up knowing they are sons and daughters of their heavenly Father, and that He loves them.

And we’re grateful to each of you—our sponsors, partners, volunteers, pastors, and staff in Uganda and around the world— who are feeding into the lives of our kids, making sure they grow up knowing their value in Christ and have a very present father figure to mentor and guide them.

One way we do this is through a program called “Father’s Heart,” where men like Derrick share the love of a father with our kids and consistently “show up” for them.

Derrick’s involvement began in 2008 when he heard an announcement at Watoto Church inviting men to join “Father’s Heart.” After prayer, he answered the call and 14 years later he still continues to show up for the kids.

26 Watoto

It’s a clear bright morning. The newness of the day brings a sense of optimism and purpose. Derrick navigates the busy and bumpy Kampala streets. Just before turning onto the unpaved road that leads to Watoto’s Bbira village, he stops at a small shop. Dashing in he grabs a bag of noodles, some sugar, and lollipops.

Smiling, he says, “It’s for my Watoto home.”

Entering the village, he’s met with a chorus of “Uncle Derrick!” It’s a familiar sight, not unlike a father returning home from work.

Hugs and high-fives are shared. The small gift is given to Mama Allen as Derrick turns his attention to the young men of the house. “How’s school? Are you listening in class?” He then visits with the kids for the next few hours.

We’re grateful to men like Derrick, and to all our sponsors who are part of our Watoto family across the globe. Thank you for helping us raise Africa’s future leaders!

27 Annual Stories
Derrick is one of several men who understand the power of being consistent in the lives of future leaders and helping them live a life full of God’s wonder and purpose.

No matter what life holds, there is always hope. There is hope in Jesus who provides a brighter tomorrow.

At Watoto, over that past 38 years, we have seen lives made new again. We have seen despair turn into joy. We have seen God heal broken places and bring restoration. We’ve watched children like Marvin, whose start in life was far from ideal, begin to flourish.

In fact, today Marvin’s receiving everything he needs to grow up healthy and whole—an education, medical care, and most of all, he’s surrounded by the love of Jesus.

Because of your prayers and support, Marvin now has a future full of expectation and hope.

Thanks for loving Watoto.


Watoto is dedicated to raising Africa’s future leaders. And thanks to God’s grace and your support, we’re doing just that. In fact, in 2021 we had 2,770 students throughout our Watoto villages that were learning, growing, and working towards the bright futures God has for them.

Although students were not able to meet in the classroom last year, we continued to find creative ways to educate our children. And we’re thankful for our teachers who were flexible and willing to adapt to new techniques of teaching to meet the needs of the students.

In February 2022, we all celebrated as government lockdowns lifted and our schools reopened. Our children are thrilled to be back at school learning alongside their classmates.

They’ve also been able to return to extracurricular activities that are vital to their development. So far,

almost half of our students participated in an activity, including with our Sports and Worship Academies.

We’re grateful for your faithful support that helps make this all possible.


Students in Our Watoto Schools

In 2021, 2,770 students throughout our Watoto villages were learning, growing, and working towards the bright futures God has for them.


54 Students Graduated University

Last year, we celebrated as 54 of our students graduated university. And we are cheering on 492 of our young adults who are currently at university or a tertiary school studying to further their education.

31 Annual Stories
Shamim, Shukran and Teacher Alex


Providing medical care is a cornerstone of rescuing and raising future leaders, and throughout the pandemic God’s provision and protection have been overwhelming. The support of sponsors and partners across the globe made it possible for us to continue to ensure our children are physically healthy so they could focus on their studies, play with their friends, and grow spiritually and emotionally.

To protect our mothers and children, during the peak of the pandemic we continued to restrict access to our villages to only essential workers and limited movement throughout our villages. We also focused heavily on health education and preventative measures to keep our Watoto families healthy and safe.

Mosquito Nets Distributed


Last year, our team continued to protect our Watoto families from diseases like malaria. To help with these efforts, they distributed 1,190 mosquito nets across our villages.

Immunizations Administered

Our doctors and nurses administered 1,743 immunizations for diseases like measles, polio, and hepatitis B to help keep our children and mothers healthy.


32 Watoto
Lawrence, Lab Technician

Our Watoto clinics strengthened prevention strategies and disease management through ongoing staff medical education to build in-house capacity, along with early screening, detection, and management of cases.

In addition to the physical health of our mothers and

children, the unknowns of the pandemic started to cause anxiety and fear, so we promoted mental wellness and provided care with the support of a clinical psychologist.

We thank God for the volunteer teams that came through to support our medical team in a critical time, including a team from Southeastern University as well as doctors and nurses from Canada and the US who traveled to Uganda to help us meet the pressing medical needs last year. And thanks to our partner MUK Dental School, we were able to provide dental checkups for 1,608 children on our Suubi village.

We are grateful for amazing partners around the world who continue to support our efforts. Because of your generosity, our children and mums were able to get the care and support they needed.

33 Annual Stories
Josephine examining Nathan

Sports Academy

Last year, our coaches mentored 603 children through our Sports Academy—helping them not only in the game, but also in life so they can become future leaders.

Emmanuel is a perfect example of someone whose life is being transformed by his coaches and his faith. He came to Watoto as a young boy and was shy growing up, but that’s changing. Coach Dibzo explains how Emmanuel is now assured of his identity in Christ.

Emmanuel was part of the Uganda National Team that competed in Egypt, and next year he’ll be competing in France. These opportunities are beyond basketball, they’re helping shape him as a person who knows he has purpose and is loved unconditionally—win or lose.

34 Watoto

Em manuel

35 Annual Stories

Worship Academy

Exploring Creative Gifts

Through our Worship Academy, 168 students are exploring how they can creatively and passionately share God’s love with the world.

36 Watoto

Through our Worship Academy, last year 168 students explored how they can creatively and passionately express their love of Jesus through music, dance, media, and fine arts. We offered inperson and online classes to expand our reach, as well as connect our kids with highly skilled tutors all over the world.

Our courses included “Creative Course,” an online class for advanced students that’s received an accreditation from Southeastern University

through our partnership with Creative Lab Academy.

We also now have a beginner’s course, giving an opportunity for some of our older students to teach our younger children. This beginner’s course provides a space to explore and learn the foundations of music, while helping with their development as artists and in all areas of life.

Plus, we were able to hire more tutors for our Bbira and Suubi villages near Kampala, along with hiring tutors for our Laminadera village in rural northern Uganda, ensuring our kids grow and learn equally no matter where they live.


We couldn’t do this without you!

37 Annual Stories
is only possible because of the generous support of you—our global partners.

A few of our Watoto graduates are now teachers within our Worship Academy, including Marvin and Edith. You might recognize them from when they traveled with the Watoto Children’s Choir as kids, or more recently as leaders.

Marvin shared, “Watoto helped deepen my relationship with Christ and discover my God-given talents as I used them to serve his people. Now I get to see my students strengthen their skills and grow in their own walk with God. My heart is filled with joy!”

38 Watoto
“Growing up in Watoto was truly God’s plan. Thanks to our sponsors for their support and love. We wouldn’t be where we are now if it wasn’t for God and them.”

After the death of her parents, as a young girl Edith came to Watoto with her brother.

“We were given the most loving mum who cared for us as though we were her own. Everything we ever wanted was provided for us.”

Edith went on explaining the impact Watoto has had on her life, “We went to school, and I got a chance to travel with the Watoto Children’s Choir. It’s here I gave my life to Jesus. And now I work at the Worship Academy as a vocal tutor. I love my job because I get to mentor my younger Watoto brothers and sisters."

39 Annual Stories
“I want to thank my sponsors and my whole Watoto family—you are my heroes. You changed my story.”

Watoto Children’s Choir

40 Watoto
41 Annual Stories

For the first time, our very own Watoto Children’s Choir recorded and released a Christmas album “What Child Is This (Emirembe).” We also produced music videos to help celebrate the birth of Jesus and say “Merry Christmas” to our friends around the world.

You might recognize some of the children who performed on the album and appeared in the music videos.

Patrick, who wants to grow up to be a pastor, toured Brazil, Norway, and Sweden. You can see him as Joseph in the music video for the title track “What Child Is This.”

Wycliff, who toured the US, starred in “We Three Kings.” He played the role of a wiseman, and that’s perfect since he wants to be meteorologist when he grows up.

Elizabeth, Patricia, and Cynthia love singing and dancing and got the chance to share their skills through this project.

Be sure to go to our YouTube channel and see them all in action.

42 Watoto
Patrick and Wycliff

We know God has called us to share the good news of Jesus, along with all the good things happening in East Africa through Watoto. Over our nearly three decades of touring, we have seen Jesus use our story of hope to redeem lives all over the world.

Even though we have missed seeing and meeting you, and all our friends and partners around the world, we know God is doing something new for you and the Watoto Children’s Choir. This thrills us to our core. Since 2020, we’ve been hard at work writing and recording music. We cannot wait to see you very soon on our next tour.

43 Annual Stories
Elizabeth Patricia and Cynthia


In a time where many faced food shortages, we’re thankful we were able to provide nutrition, safety, and love for all our Watoto mums, children, and babies.

44 Watoto

Watoto’s farms and sustainability efforts do a lot. They’re an important way we keep our families healthy—by providing nutritious food, like fresh vegetables, fruit, and eggs to the 3,801 children and mothers living on our villages. And our goats supply goat’s milk for our babies.

Our farms also help strengthen our communities by providing jobs and creating opportunities that have a lasting impact. In fact, we have several Watoto graduates and 64 people from the surrounding neighborhoods working every day to provide food for our children. And we’re partnering with our schools to give our kids an early introduction to farming. It’s a great opportunity for some of our children to learn the business of agriculture and maybe one day run a farm of their own.

45 Annual Stories

After his parents died, Ivan experienced firsthand the pain of going hungry. At times he had to beg for food, often going without.

Recalling the moment his life changed, Ivan said, “My siblings and I were brought to Watoto. I found a family, food was available, and I could go to school.”

In 2021, several students participated in a course where they could develop and hone their farming skills, including Ivan. He is excelling and already taking on a leadership role over our greenhouses.

Today, as he is learning the ropes of farming, he’s proudest of being able to make sure his brothers and sister have food to eat.

This is a miracle. God took someone begging for food and created a new person, transforming Ivan into someone providing food for others.

46 Watoto

“Watoto has given me the opportunity to pursue my dream career in agriculture. I know I’m going to change the world.

To my dear sponsors, thanks for your love and support. You’re giving me the opportunity to become what God created me to be. May God bless you.”

Like Ivan and Emmanuel, Ishmael joined Watoto as a child and knows what it means to go hungry. That’s why he is determined to become a farmer, ensuring none of his brothers and sisters know the pain of hunger again.

Watoto is helping our future farmers by incorporating agriculture in our school curriculum and providing hands-on experience as well. Watoto Sustainability is a part of the bright tomorrow God has for all of us.

47 Annual Stories
Emmanuel Ishmael

Watoto Neighbourhood

48 Watoto
49 Annual Stories Mama Prossy with a client

Mothers everywhere are the same. They want their children to be healthy and safe. They want them to have a better life than they’ve had themselves.

The reality is millions of women throughout Africa have to bear the brunt of war, poverty, and disease. Uneducated, unloved, and unwanted, they’ve been robbed of dignity, left to suffer alone, unable to take care of their children. For many around the world, we are living in the most prosperous time in history. Yet, our sisters are suffering without hope. Watoto Neighbourhood is changing this. With the love of Jesus, we are seeing new hope


burst through the old shell of poverty. We are empowering mothers so they can provide for their children and rebuild their communities.

The results are astonishing. Last year, we helped over 3,400 mothers with emergency financial support during the government lockdowns. This enabled them to get food and basic necessities for their families. And thanks to the generosity of people all over the world, we were able to invest in almost 1,000 small businesses that our recently trained ladies were ready to start. This means 1,000 women now have more control of their destiny.

Women Passed Adult Literacy

We celebrated as 208 women passed their adult literacy classes, many learning to write their names and read their Bibles for the very first time.

Pandemic Relief Support

We provided much needed financial help to 3,468 women who were impacted by the pandemic so they could buy food and basic necessities for their families.


50 Watoto

Mama Prossy

A shop tucked away on a busy street is changing the life of a family and a community. Mama Prossy is a success story of God’s miraculous work through your generosity and Watoto. Learning basic business skills and her value in Christ were instrumental in Prossy going from someone needing help to someone able to provide and lift others up.

Not only is her salon staying busy, but she also put the area just outside her salon to good use by selling produce. This type of industry is making an impact. She walks in faith and trust, no longer worrying about tomorrow. She knows she is a daughter of God who loves her and will continue to provide her with practical ways to make a difference in her community.

51 Annual Stories
52 Watoto
Mama Daisy Mama Dorcas Mama Sandra Mama Joan


We were never meant to go through life alone. God created us to be in relationship with Him and those around us. At Watoto Neighbourhood, we empower women so they can in turn embrace each other and engage with their community.

Daisy, Dorcas, Sandra, and Joan all share similar backgrounds. Growing up, they were not given the opportunity of an education. They are mothers who were abandoned by their children’s fathers. They each felt unloved from all their past hurts. Yet, each one found the love of Jesus through their

small groups within Watoto Church. It was at these smaller weekly gatherings that their church family was able to offer help.

These four mothers were told about Watoto Neighbourhood. Here, they were given adult literacy classes, business training, and most importantly, spiritual discipleship where they learned about their value in Christ and how to forgive. Today, they have a strong connection at church, and in this community of empowered women we call Watoto Neighbourhood.

53 Annual Stories
“A friend loves at all times…”

pay rent. God has been faithful. Today, I have my own land, where I built my home. I am able to pay for my kids to go to school. And now I help teach others tailoring and life skills.

Thank you so much for your love. May God bless you.”

y name is Winnie. After my husband died, life became so hard for me and my four children. I had to wash clothes for people for very little money. One day, I joined a small group at Watoto Church. This is how I learned about Watoto Neighbourhood where I experienced the love of Jesus and found hope.

I learned about forgiveness, business skills and so much more. At the end of my classes I was given a package to help me start a business. I was able to buy food and

54 Watoto
Winnie’s son, Cosmos, studies at home Winnie and her baby, Blessing
“To all our sponsors, thank you. Before I was nothing and had nothing to my name. But now I can stand on my own and support my children.”
55 Annual Stories
Winnie’s tailoring shop Winnie mentoring a young mother in her community
56 Watoto
Herbert checks on a young patient

My name is Herbert. I am a Clinician at our Watoto Neighbourhood Clinic. I help serve the medical needs of vulnerable mothers and their children, so that they can access medical care they otherwise could not afford. We also provide health education, nutrition support, psychosocial support, and

home visits when needed.

At the clinic, we are able to treat many painful, yet simple ailments and have already seen a reduction in the rate of diseases. Our goal is to help keep our mothers and children healthy—this is part of restoring their dignity.

I’m Edith. The clinic was licensed and opened in 2021. Here, our Neighbourhood mothers and their children are able to receive much needed medical services and health education for free. Our support allows the families we see to get diagnosed and given medicine so they can have peace and begin to heal. With the help of The AIDS

Support Organisation, we are also able to provide nutritional treatment. Since we opened, the clinic has already begun helping improve the health of those in our care.

We’ve also seen a multiplication affect in the community. We teach women about health and hygiene, and they teach other women in the community things like the importance of washing hands, how to give first aid, how to prevent a UTI, how to prevent malaria and much more. This is helping extend our reach into our neighbourhoods and bring transformation.

57 Annual Stories
“ ” ”
Edith giving a consultation

Each day is a new opportunity to dream. No matter what happened yesterday, we know Jesus offers all of us hope and hope is critical to life.

Josephine and her children are living testimonies of the healing and restoration that come from knowing the love of Jesus. It’s our prayer that you know the difference

you’re making, but also, we want you to know the same love and hope you see in the stories we share.

No matter what you’ve been through, or what you’re going through now, there is hope for tomorrow. Jesus’ love will never let you down and it is because of this love that we can face tomorrow.

Josephine’s husband died leaving her to raise five children alone. Immediately, she started taking on various jobs to survive, like washing clothes and digging.

She shared, “In 2018, a friend of mine who was already part of Watoto Neighbourhood invited me to come and get help because life was really hard for me and my children.”

This was a turning point. Josephine learned more about the love of Jesus, how to forgive, how to become an even better mother, and critical business skills that she instantly put to good use.

During the pandemic she was given relief funds and learned how to make masks. She began selling them and invested some

of her profits in a small plot of land for farming. And now she’s in the process of buying some livestock.

Thanks to God, she is now thriving—and so are her kids. She’s also transforming her community. In 2021, she was elected as the Women Counsellor where she lives. God is giving her influence and she’s now helping women who were like she used to be.

60 Watoto
Josephine near a recently constructed pig pen Josephine’s daughter, Peace
61 Annual Stories
Josephine’s son, Pius

Keep A Girl In School

When a girl stays in school, we all win. Receiving an education allows for a life full of possibilities. It’s heartbreaking to know millions of girls throughout Africa drop out of school simply because they cannot afford sanitary pads. Together, we are changing this—and keeping girls in school.



As we teach practical things like hygiene, we never neglect to share about the life changing love of Jesus, and last year 1,547 girls received Christ as their Savior.

Girls Received Pads

In addition to providing sanitary products to 10,924 vulnerable girls, we provided hygiene education, discipleship, and support.


62 Watoto

Although school closures caused by the pandemic affected our Keep a Girl in School initiative, we were still able to conduct outreaches within the communities we serve, providing sanitary products, hygiene education, discipleship, and support to 10,924 vulnerable girls in Uganda and South Sudan.

From the generosity of our global partners to local leaders and school leadership who provided venues for discipleship classes and hygiene education, we continued to see God’s provision during our community outreaches.

The pandemic had a major effect in Uganda causing a spike in teen pregnancies, dropout rates, and genderbased violence. This made our efforts even more important than ever.

And because of your love and support, our team continued to come alongside these precious girls and remind them that their lives matter.

We’re thrilled to share 1,547 girls gave their lives to Christ. That’s 1,547 girls that could have become another statistic, but now have a new life full of purpose thanks to your continued support.

63 Annual Stories

quiet dignity surrounds Mary as she sits in the front of the class. She has a pleasant determination about her—a quality that says she is destined for something great.

At sixteen years old, she is aware of the challenges of consistently attending school. She has 13 brothers and sisters. She understands being in school is a privilege that will unlock her full potential. But her determination is not about her alone.

“My parents can’t afford to send us all to school, so I study to change their stories. I want to provide for them. That’s why school is so important to me.”

Mary explained her reality, sharing, “Keep a Girl in School changed everything. My parents struggled to take care of me and my brothers and sisters and couldn’t afford sanitary pads. As a girl I had to find a way. I would

often have to use cloths during my period because that’s all I had. So, Keep a Girl in School is everything to me. They helped me stop worrying every month about my periods or where I would get the money to buy pads, so instead I could focus on my studies.

“Thank you to our sponsors for consistently helping and supporting us.”

64 Watoto
Mary A

Where We Are

Watoto began in the 1980s in Kampala, Uganda. As the ministry grew, so did the need to facilitate support. Today, we have 11 support offices throughout the world where our partners and sponsors live. Each office is regulated by a local Board of Directors, ensuring good practices are followed at all levels.

Take a look at the map below to see where our work is taking place throughout Uganda and South Sudan.





13 LOCATIONS throughout Uganda

1 LOCATION in Juba, South Sudan


3 VILLAGES Bbira, Suubi, Laminadera


2 LOCATIONS Suubi, Gulu


3 LOCATIONS Bbira, Suubi, Gulu


LOCATIONS throughout Gulu & Juba


2 LOCATIONS Kampala & Gulu



4 LOCATIONS Buloba, Suubi, Lubbe, Bobi

65 Annual Stories


Dear Watoto Family,

Looking back 2021, we are grateful to see numerous stories of life transformation, despite the great challenges we have been facing under the pandemic.

Our Watoto Children’s Choir was still not able to come during the year. However, we have the opportunity to connect and partner with local schools, offering life education programmes to bring stories of hope to our next generation. We partnered with some students from CUHK to care for ethnic minorities in the community.

The year has been full of challenges, but we trust that God will provide. As we continue to learn and adapt to the new era, we thank God for embracing Watoto with a lot of old and new friends who supported our work through various campaigns.

During the pandemic, despite having limited resources, our frontline team in Uganda endeavoured to protect and care for our children and mothers, restoring broken hearts with love. Throughout these years, we are gradually seeing more Watoto graduates beginning to give back to the community. Yet, the global economy downturn as affected by the pandemic has caused great challenges to Watoto. Let's not forget why we have started. Please continue to support our work to nurture a new beautiful generation of Africa.

Thank you for your continuous support for Watoto.

May God richly bless you.

With gratitude,



Thank you for your prayer and your unwavering support. Below are just a few highlights showing the incredible impact you – and all our sponsors, donors and partners in Asia are making. Because of your support, children were rescued, women were empowered, lives were restored.



Because of your faithful and generous support, last year we raised $19,304,818 for the vital work of rescuing and caring for the most vulnerable children, babies and women in Uganda and South Sudan.




We’re grateful to our 5,500 sponsors, donors and partners across Asia who stayed with us throughout this difficult period. You make what we do possible. Your faithful support, love, and prayers encourage and inspire us. From the bottom of our hearts – thank you!







68 4% 90% 90% 9% 1% 6% Sponsorship Program Income Donation & Other Income Product Sales Program Services Management & Administration Fundraising
INCOME Donation Sponsorship Program Income Product Sales Other Income TOTAL INCOME EXPENDITURES Product Costs and Selling Expenses Program Services TOTAL PROGRAM SERVICES SUPPORT SERVICES Management & Administration Fundraising TOTAL SUPPORT SERVICES TOTAL EXPENDITURES DEFICIT NET ASSETS AT YEAR END HK$ 1,754,517 17,424,218 104,375 21,708 19,304,818 HK$ 269,972 19,344,603 19,614,575 1,260,438 954,664 2,215,102 21,829,677 (2,524,859) 4,438,010
Sponsorship Program Income Donation & Other Income P roduct Sales Program Services Management & Administration Fundraising HK$ 17,424,218 1,776,225 104,375 19,304,818 HK$ 19,614,575 1,260,438 954,664 21,829,677 % 90% 9% 1% 100% % 90% 6% 4% 100%


PHONE: +256 (0) 779 676 559


Global Support Offices


PHONE: +852 2639 9797



PHONE: +61 (3) 9645 6547



PHONE: +55 (41) 3039 7102






PHONE: +49 152 553 00 288



PHONE: +31 614 591 196



PHONE: +47 977 61 010



PHONE: +46 10 221 61 73



PHONE: +44 203 225 1048



PHONE: +1 813 948 4343


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