Annual Stories 2023 - AU

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"Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people."
Philemon 1:7 (NIV)

Contents of

Your Impact



Last year, we cared for 143 babies. From cuddles, clean diapers, and nutritious food to urgent medical care, our nannies and team made sure each baby in our care was surrounded by the love of Jesus and received the unique care they needed.

Across our three villages— Bbira, Laminadera, and Suubi—3,272 children are being raised in a loving family. Here they receive food, clothes, medical care, and an education as we teach them their value in Christ.

Watoto Villages



In 2023, we embraced 1,199 women with the love of Jesus, providing them with discipleship, adult literacy classes, business training, vocational skills, and job opportunities.


Message Leaders from our

What an incredible year for Watoto. Vernita and I are thrilled to see all that God did, not only in the lives here in Uganda and South Sudan, but also in the lives of our friends and partners around the world.

Because of God’s grace and provision, we’ve seen growth in Watoto Church, reaching thousands with the good news of Jesus Christ. In 2023, we sent out the Watoto Children’s Choir with their new album Better Days sharing a message of hope, and the response has been inspiring. Every night people hear firsthand accounts of how Jesus is transforming lives and that there are better days ahead for all of us.

In February last year, Vernita and I were given the mantel of leadership for Watoto. At the time we were asked, “What’s next for Watoto?” To which we shared, “The vision for Watoto remains the same. We are going to continue to lift up the name of Jesus and

reach the lost and hurting in our communities.” By the grace of God, that’s exactly what has happened.

On the following pages you’ll read a small sample of the miracles that have taken place in 2023. Each story is a testament to our God who sustains us. We pray that as you read, you’ll be encouraged knowing each story is the result of faith in action and the awesome power of the love of Jesus.


Watoto Church

Watoto is a church that gathers each week to celebrate the goodness of Christ and reaches out to our community with the love we’ve experienced personally through Jesus.

Every week we gather across Uganda and South Sudan to sing, dance, and hear a lifegiving message about hope. We also meet in smaller groups throughout the week. It’s in these small groups that we grow deep relationships with one another and live out what it means to be disciples and carry each other’s burdens. We discovered many years ago, through our founders Gary and Marilyn Skinner, it’s not

enough to say, “I love Jesus, look what He did for me” if we’re not concerned about the struggles happening right next door.

It's through these weekly meetings in homes, offices, and schools that we truly connect and care for our communities. From millions of practical small acts of kindness, to helping a widow find a safe place to live, or rescuing an abandoned baby, it’s here where we put our faith and love in action—and the results are nothing short of miraculous causing us to step back and say, “What an awesome God we serve.”

Baby Watoto

At Baby Watoto, we rescue and care for some of Uganda’s Xmost vulnerable babies. From urgent medical treatment to cuddles, clean diapers, and nutritious food we ensure each baby receives the specialized care they need as our nannies and team shower them with the love of Jesus.

Babies Rescued


Last year, we rescued 25 babies. That means 25 of Uganda's most vulnerable little ones were rescued and now have a bright future ahead.

More than Since we first began, we've rescued more than 1,600 babies throughout Uganda. Each one is given the unique care they need not only to survive, but to thrive.


Babies rescued

since we first began

46 Volunteers International

In 2023, 46 people from across the globe came to Uganda and served at Baby Watoto— cuddling, feeding babies their bottles, changing their diapers, playing, and surrounding babies and toddlers with the love of Jesus. We're forever grateful.

Walking throughout Baby Watoto, either the one in Gulu or on our Suubi village, there’s a joyous familiar sound of life. You hear the nannies laughing with the babies, toys being shuffled around by little ones, and even the cry of a sleepy baby getting ready for a nap. Each sound is beautiful because each sound is a miracle. Every baby at Baby Watoto is alive because someone like you generously makes sure we can rescue and care for these future leaders.

In 2023, we welcomed 25 babies home to Watoto. This means 25 children whose lives were in jeopardy are now safe and free from fear. Today, each of these babies are receiving the essentials they desperately needed—medical care, food, shelter, and clothing. And as they receive the love and care every little one deserves, they are given a future that is brimming with possibilities.

Every day at Baby Watoto we realize each life is one of God’s precious miracles and it’s a thrill being able to watch their story unfold right from the beginning of their journey of restoration. You can see the

daily progress in the faces of babies like Mary who just came to Watoto earlier this year. Or Miracle, who has one of the most appropriate names ever. Rescued as a newborn, he was welcomed here when he was only two days old and today, he is a beautiful example of the power of the love of Jesus.

Baby Watoto is a safe place of hope and healing for Africa’s most vulnerable babies because of the generosity of people just like you. Everyone who supports Baby Watoto is helping to make it a place that gives the orphaned, abandoned, and forgotten hope for a better tomorrow.

Nanny Lucy & Baby Mary
Toddler Miracle laughs with Nanny Brenda


AWatoto village is a safe place where a vulnerable child is Xembraced with the love of Jesus, receiving everything a child deserves—food, clothing, medical care, an education, and a mother who loves and cares for them. We have three villages. Each one has a church, a medical clinic, schools, homes, and an overwhelming sense of joy and hope for the future.


Children & Toddlers

Last year, 92 children and toddlers were newly welcomed into a family on one of our Watoto villages. Each one was embraced by their new Watoto mother and are now growing up with a chance to realize their dreams.

Across our villages, over 3,200 children are being raised in a family full of love. Our mothers, teachers, father figures, pastors, coaches, and sponsors help ensure our children grow up with everything they need to become Uganda’s future leaders.


Children being raised

in a family with love

380 Mothers Watoto

We're grateful for the 380 Watoto mothers who provide loving homes for our children. Each mother is raising eight children, ensuring they grow up knowing their value in Christ.

The invisible qualities of God’s grace, peace, and love often can be overlooked in our crowded fast-paced lives. Although, when visiting one of our Watoto villages, you can’t help but be overwhelmed by the presence of Jesus’ love. You feel it in every laugh you hear, every hug you feel, and when you see the sheer joy upon the children’s faces.

Everywhere you look you see children who once had no hope, today brimming with confidence that only comes from the love of Jesus and the security found in the hope for tomorrow. Like children across the globe, our kids love to play and spend time together. From playing a card game after school to reading a book with your sister, Watoto is a fun place to grow up.

Jethro (right) and Emilly (center) sit outside with their older Watoto sister, Favour (left). Although Jethro and Emilly had a tough start in life, they were rescued as babies and given the love and care every little one deserves. And last year they were welcomed into their new forever home and family on our Bbira village. These two precious children are living proof of the transformative power of the love of Jesus. Once forgotten and without hope, today they are thriving in school and in life with their Watoto families.

Ronald (left) wants to be an architect, Garry (center) wants to be a doctor, and Prince (right) dreams of being a pilot. Together, as they play and grow, the generous support of sponsors like you will help them to achieve their God-given dreams.

Meet Vivian

Vivian radiates a sweetness that is evident in her angelic smile. It’s a gentleness that reflects the redemptive nature of our faith in Jesus. On any given day you can find her in school dreaming of the future or enjoying life with her brother Shalom and her Watoto mother, Mama Maculate. In contrast, Shalom is very energetic. Yet, Mama Maculate finds ways to respond and nurture each of them according to their unique personalities. This is what makes Watoto special—we are a family. Children like Vivian and Shalom are welcomed home here and embraced by a mother who showers them with the love of Jesus.

Father's Heart

Families are important to Watoto, and every family needs the love of a father. We are grateful for men like Brian Muyingo, who for over two years has been a father figure to House 114 on our Bbira village. This means Esther, Gloria, Carol, Daphine, Garvine, Michael N. and Michael L. have a godly male role model they can trust and look up to, someone with a father’s heart like Brian.

Losing his father when he was four years old, Brian knows firsthand the pain of growing up without a dad. “As a young boy, when I heard friends talk about their ‘daddy’ it would break my heart,” shared Brian.

Even though Brian is now married with a child of his

own, when he heard about the Father’s Heart program at Watoto he knew he had more to offer. And like so many people who get involved with Watoto, he has found he is blessed as much as the children he mentors.

Brian said, “Besides getting to father God’s children, I have become a better father with my biological children.”

Father’s Heart is an opportunity for men at Watoto Church to be present in the children’s lives. Whether it’s encouraging them in their schoolwork or just being a listening ear, the nearly 70 men who mentor our children at Watoto are making a difference.

Brian is leading the way as a Christcentered role model for a Watoto family.


Watoto is raising Africa’s future leaders. This means educating our children in such a way that they are empowered to walk in the purpose and calling God has for their lives. Whether they become a doctor, lawyer, mechanic, teacher, worship leader, or anything else, no matter what field they go into, we aim to help them succeed and be an example to their community. This all begins with providing a world-class education.

504 University Students


High School


Graduated University


Watoto has three villages, each one with a primary school and a secondary school. Suubi village also has our technical school, we call Hope Vocational Technical Institute. Last year we provided 2,694 students with an education at our schools, including 552 Neighbourhood children. These are some of the children of our Neighbourhood mothers. You can read more about Watoto Neighbourhood on pages 42-51.

We provided


students with an education at our Watoto schools

In addition to the kids in our Watoto schools, we provided an education for over 500 students in university and those

Xtaking a specialized vocational course— ensuring they have the training to succeed in life. No matter what level, we are committed to providing each Watoto child with the skills they need to become Africa's future leaders.

Joshua Steven (left), Benard (center), and Prince (right)

We're grateful for the 289 teachers, librarians, administrators, and supportive staff in our Watoto schools who are educating our future leaders. Each one is making a difference as they help our students learn and achieve their dreams.

289 Teachers

Teacher Pauline has been a Watoto teacher for the past twelve years. In that time, she's seen hundreds of children reach their potential.

“I became a teacher to be an encouragement to the children, reminding them that what they are going through now, will eventually get better. Over the years I’ve seen some of my students grow up and graduate. I love seeing them reach their dreams.”

Teacher Pauline
Bushillah studies in class


Thanks to you, and everyone who supports Watoto, we’re raising healthy future leaders. On each of our three Watoto villages we have a medical clinic where our medical team, like Dr. Mark Kisawuzi and one of our nursing officers, Ruth, provides health care and preventive care to our Watoto family. In addition to treating our children and mothers, we provide care to those in the surrounding communities.

Everything we do is motivated by the love of Jesus. Providing health care is one of the practical ways we’re caring for the physical needs of our mothers and children as we keep them healthy and safe.

Dr. Mark checks on Samuel
Nursing Officer Ruth and Daisy

732 malaria nets

Last year, our team continued to protect our Watoto families from diseases like malaria. To help with these efforts, we distributed 550 mosquito nets across our villages and 182 mosquito nets to people in the surrounding communities.

The medical team, with support of our faithful partners, helped revive the dreams of 13 Watoto athletes who suffered from injuries requiring surgery. Thanks to the help of generous partners, we were able to restore their health—and their dreams.

13 revived Dreams

8,000 people reached through

With the help of our selfless international partners, we were able to provide dental care to 868 children and mothers in Watoto and the community. Plus, we provided medical care to 6,748 people in northern Uganda. medical outreaches distributed


Over the years Watoto has been blessed to have qualified and skilled teams come to Uganda and volunteer their time and talents. This year, Vous Church from the U.S. came and hosted a dental clinic. Working with our staff, including Watoto's resident dentist, Dr. Mary, the team made sure that hundreds of our mothers and children received a thorough dental exam, teeth cleaning, and any needed procedures.

Partnerships like these ensure our Watoto families can keep smiling.

Watoto's resident dentist, Dr. Mary (right), gives a dental exam while the Vous Church team (below) shares a few tips on how to keep a healthy smile.

Justin from Vous Church (previous page, bottom) sanitizes tools for the dental team as Katharine and the rest of the Vous Church team (previous page, top) sign patients in for their turn at exams and cleanings.

Sports Academy

A Students in Sports Academy

t Watoto we have seen Wour children soar to new heights in all sorts of sports. With over 400 kids participating with our Sports Academy, we’re seeing God use teamwork and competition to shape a Christcentered character in all of them. Together, they’re learning how to work as a team, how hard work pays off, and what it means to develop a Christcentered character.

25 Full-time Coaches Part-time

6 Watoto Volunteer

463 now coaching Graduates

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)

While this is inspiring, it doesn’t happen on its own. This is the result of generous people from all over the world who understand how extracurricular activities, like sports, can have a lasting, positive impact on a child's life.

We could not be prouder of the incredible staff of coaches who have devoted their lives to mentoring our kids. In fact, six of our coaches are Watoto graduates. This allows for a unique mentorship as our current Watoto children look up to these Watoto alumni and realize the endless possibilities God has for their future too.

The Watoto Sports Academy now offers six team sports: football (soccer), basketball, table tennis, chess, volleyball, and most recently introduced netball. With all these different options we’re seeing more kids join teams and gain skills that help prepare them for university and life in general.

Last year, for the first time, our Elite Boys’ Basketball Team won their Division’s Championship. As proud as we are of this accomplishment, we are overjoyed to see their godly behavior on and off the

court. And we’re just as proud to see our Elite Girl’s Soccer Team continue to work hard as a team.

All our Sports Academy teams show a 'never give up' attitude, along with a determination that will help each one of them succeed in life. We see a huge potential in all our athletes. We know God is using every practice and match to show them how to live a life that brings Him glory. It is these important lessons that make all 463 athletes champions.

Sharon (center), Phoebe (right) and Zahara (left)

NationalChampions Rising Stars

Elite Girls' Soccer Team
front row (left to right): Zahara, Helena, Sandra, Molly, Angel A., Angel M., Tracy, Phoebe back row (left to right): Coach Brian, Sharon, Angeyo, Patience, Mercy, Janet, Noeline, Simproza, Hope
Elite Boys' Basketball Team — Division Champions front row (left to right): Joseph, Andrew, Fortunatus, Frank back row (left to right): Coach Jonathan, Isaiah, Victor Ma., Emmanuel, Victor Mw., Mark

Worship Academy

Keziah’s life changed in 2010 when she was just eight years old as she joined Watoto with her mother. Recalling that moment she shared, “Coming to Watoto was the best moment of my life. You get medical care, food on the table, education, and spiritual growth.”

With a love for music, particularly the bass guitar, she completed high school and is now majoring in music at Kyambogo University.

bass players at the Worship Academy.

The Watoto Worship Academy is available to our Watoto children so they can discover their talents in music and other creative arts—and so they can use these talents to serve God and lead others in worship.

“It is a privilege to teach the younger ones so they can grow and become future leaders in music. The Worship Academy

Thankful for everything Jesus has done for both her and her mother, Keziah is passionate about worship. And she’s just as excited to help her younger Watoto brothers and sisters. Keziah spends a lot of her free time tutoring future

opens your life and exposure to music, while helping develop good relationships with other musicians. It’s given me a bigger picture. Allowing me to grow spiritually with God knowing I can worship and serve at the same time.”


Children's Choir

Last year, we were thrilled to launch a new album with the Watoto Children's Choir, Better Days —There Is Hope .

This is a celebration of hope and the redemptive power of the love of Jesus.

The Watoto Children’s Choir travels throughout the world sharing the good news of Jesus and how He has changed their lives. Through song, dance, and hearing firsthand the transformation taking place in Africa through Watoto, thousands of people were encouraged and found hope for their lives. In fact, last year we celebrated as over 5,000 people accepted Jesus into their hearts.

We know each of the children on tour have a story that

inspires and encourages people. And these stories are the result of the love of Jesus working through our friends and sponsors around the world.

Daniel David (on the next page) is a great example of one of the children whose life has been transformed by Jesus. He was actually the 1,000th baby that Watoto rescued back in 2014. Today, he's sharing his story and letting people know Jesus can change their lives too. There is hope for all of us.

The day Watoto welcomed him home in 2014
Daniel David today
Daniel David Before & After

Asia Before & After

Asia in 2014 at Baby Watoto

Like Daniel David, Asia (on the previous page) came to Watoto as a baby. She has been raised at Watoto where she receives everything she needs—food, clothes, an education and most of all the love of her Watoto mother who has taught her

about Jesus and the hope we have for tomorrow.

Last year Asia got to share her story with people across the United States as she had the time of her life touring with the Watoto Children's Choir.

Countries Brazil, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, Malaysia, The Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, United States







Children Traveled on Tour



Watoto is raising over 3,000 children. That’s a lot of hungry mouths to feed. We are acutely aware of the joyful sacrifice our sponsors make to ensure each baby we’ve rescued and child we’re raising doesn’t go hungry. This is the driving force behind the Watoto Farms. From the goat farm that provides goats’ milk to Baby Watoto to our poultry farm that provides eggs to all our villages, we’re finding ways to bring costs down. Plus, we see this as another opportunity to educate and raise future leaders.

We also have two farms that grow vegetables and fruit for our Watoto villages and the surrounding communities. On both farms we have an opportunity for Watoto children to come and gain practical knowledge and hands-on experience so they can pursue a career in agriculture.

Ivan Wasswa is one of these students. He came to Watoto in 2007 with his mother, Mama Racheal. Raised at Watoto, Ivan knows the importance of sponsorship and helping provide food for the children. He recently made the decision

"Agriculture as I see it, is a way to be self-employed."

to continue his education at Watoto’s Bobi Farm. Here he will study a curriculum set by Southeastern University and one day earn a degree from their world-renowned agricultural department.

Ivan is just one of several students at Watoto’s farms making a difference today while building a bright future for themselves.
A few of our students at Bobi Farm

Jude grew up on Watoto’s Suubi village after both his parents passed away.

Jude said, "Before Watoto, life was hard. But I liked growing up in Watoto with my new family."

He sees farming as a way to be self-employed and earn a good income for his future.

Jude & Jackson

Jackson came to Watoto when he was five years old.

He shared, "I'm excited to be here at the farm. I know I'll get a good education. I want to get knowledge here and change the way farming is done to use more modern methods. Thank you for the opportunity I have."


Africa's greatest resource is her women—sadly, they are xoften left to bear the brunt of poverty, war and disease on their own. But together we are changing this.

Through Watoto Neighbourhood, we provide spiritual discipleship, adult literacy, skills training, business classes, and job opportunities. Here we empower vulnerable women, giving them the confidence to become leaders in their communities. With your help, we’re keeping families together by equipping and empowering them to be the mothers God has called them to be.


Can read & write

for the very first time

Last year, we celebrated 816 women who graduated from adult literacy classes—many learning to read and write for the very first time. Thanks for helping us equip and empower our Neighbourhood mothers.

In 2023, 195 Neighbourhood mothers started their very own small business. Once vulnerable and without hope, today these women are business leaders who are able to care for their children and are excited for the future.

195 Business

Started a

Watoto Neighbourhood is about community. It’s through this idea that we’re not alone, that Jesus loves all of us, that we can start to feel safe, embraced, and loved. And when a person feels like

but about “today.” Unable to feed and care for her children, depression and stress hung over Doreen, reminding her of the problems in her life.

You can imagine where this

someone cares and loves them, they can accomplish almost anything. This is the case with the once forgotten, vulnerable women Neighbourhood is coming alongside. Today, they are embraced, and they are empowered.

Meet Doreen, a single mother of three children who was abandoned by her husband and rejected by her friends and family. She was alone—and worried not about “tomorrow,”

story might be going, and we pray this means something on a deep personal level for you. Doreen found a small group through church, and, in this group, she found friends. These friends connected her to Watoto Neighbourhood. And once a part of Neighbourhood, she connected with a group of women with similar stories like hers. Little by little she started to no longer feel alone, and instead began to believe that there is hope.

Doreen (left), Maureen (center), and Agnes (right), confidently walk through their neighbourhood as empowered businesswomen

Through Neighbourhood, she took classes in adult literacy, skills training, and business. Today, Doreen owns a hair salon in a prime location in Gulu, northern Uganda. She is able to care for her three children and she is thriving within her community. Doreen knows her worth and value are rooted in Christ.

This is a miracle. Take a moment and consider this

miracle. Now imagine what God can do in your life. He can restore relationships and do the impossible. We believe every story written in this report is the result of the love of Jesus, and His love knows no bounds. No matter where you are, you matter. Jesus loves you. So, thank you for caring and supporting Watoto and Watoto Neighbourhood. You’re making a lasting difference.

Maureen (l), Everline (center l), Doreen (center r), and Stella (r) visit at the Watoto Neighbourhood workshop in Gulu
Doreen standing proudly outside her salon in Gulu, northern Uganda

Grace was left alone to care for her seven children. Eventually, she received spiritual discipleship and job training at Watoto Neighbourhood, and this radically transformed her life.

Today, Grace is selfemployed. She owns a tailoring shop and is also a leader in her community— so far, she has trained three other women to be tailors, helping them to be on the road to empowerment. This is a great example of God turning someone's

life around, and they can't help but to be grateful and help other people just like they were helped.

Grace walks in the power of, well, grace. She has forgiven her husband and has grown closer to Jesus as she’s discovered her worth and value. We know God has more in store for her. Thank you for playing a huge part in empowering women just like Grace through Watoto Neighbourhood.

Grace at her tailoring shop
Grace with Agnes, a Neighbourhood mother
"Thank you. My spiritual life has changed. I'm meeting all my children's needs. And my dignity is back." - Grace

Looking into Juliet’s eyes, you get the sense of someone who has been redeemed and is brimming with hope—and that hope extends to her three children, Tracy, Precious, and Shalom.

In 2022, Juliet joined Watoto Neighbourhood and is already putting the skills she’s acquired to good use. Currently, she earns money with a laundry service where she makes and sells her own brand of soap. Juliet has discovered her calling as a businesswoman, community leader, and mother.

It’s miraculous to see the transformation in her life. Not too longago Juliet’s husband left her when she discovered she was HIV positive. This was devastating. She joined a Watoto small group where she found the emotional support she needed. Soon she was embraced by Watoto Neighbourhood where she learned business

I have grown to love myself as well as my children. I am a person who once felt worthless, but now feels loved, at peace, and empowered on a daily basis to raise my children.

skills. Before Juliet even completed the program, she started her own business. Today, she is a completely different person; filled with confidence, Juliet walks in the freedom found in Christ.

This is possible because of generous people like you. You are helping us empower vulnerable women to be the mothers and leaders God has called them to be. You’re helping us keep families together. Thank you for loving women like Juliet.

Keeping Families Together

Tracy, Precious, and Shalom are three sisters that once faced an uncertain future. Their father abandoned them, leaving their mother feeling hopeless and wondering where they will live and when they might eat next.

With Watoto Neighbourhood their mother discovered God's potential for her life. Today, she is earning an income and keeping her family together.

"I found my identity in Christ once again through Watoto. And I stopped drinking because of Neighbourhood."

Being an overcomer means you had something to overcome. As believers in Jesus, we know we are saved by grace. We also know the beautiful stories from the Bible of faith in action. Jackline exemplifies this—an overcomer embraced by the love of Jesus. Through your love and support she has turned her life around.

Being a mother of four is challenging. Being alone and struggling with a drinking problem in Uganda, East Africa feels impossible. Coming to a place where she knew she needed help, Jackline joined a Watoto Church small group. This led her to joining Watoto Neighbourhood where she started on the road to complete healing. But this was not an easy road. In 2022, she started baking classes through Watoto. She loved it. It was a time where could begin to see a future. Then a setback took place. She became very ill and could no longer attend

classes. To her amazement, when she could not work, the Neighbourhood team brought her a care package. This sustained her and her family until she felt well enough to work again.

It was during this time Jackline was able to stop drinking. To anyone who has struggled with something like this, you know exactly how difficult it can be. So, we celebrate Jesus giving her the power to accomplish this. Today, she is working and selling local food called katogo.

Jackline is now providing and encouraging her children in a way only a mother can. She is the result of the miraculous power of the love of Jesus. On behalf of Jackline, and all our Neighbourhood mothers, thank you for believing in the future God has for their lives and putting your faith in action and supporting Watoto. We couldn't be more grateful.

Keep A Girl In School

Imagine not going to school simply because you’re a girl and your family cannot afford sanitary pads. This is the reality for millions of young ladies throughout Africa. So, Watoto’s Keep a Girl in School initiative is coming alongside girls, encouraging them, providing feminine hygiene products, soap, new clean panties, and making sure they stay in school. We also teach both boys and girls the importance of knowing Jesus, how to treat each other, and what it means to live a healthy life guided by sexual purity. Together, we’re making a difference in Uganda and South Sudan—and we’re rebuilding Africa.

Last year, we began partnering with 9 new schools through Keep a Girl in School. So, to date we are working alongside 78 schools in Uganda and South Sudan to keep girls in school and educated.




Girls reached throughout

Uganda and South Sudan through Keep a Girl in School

At schools throughout Uganda and South Sudan, Watoto distributes feminine hygiene products to help keep girls in school.

One of Watoto's social workers spends individual time with a student, encouraging her and making sure we're providing the best care.

Watoto teaches about the love of Jesus, encouraging boys to respect and protect their female classmates and reminding girls they matter.

Thanks to everyone who helped keep girls in school, Sarah and her classmates have hope for a bright future.

This is Lillian. She is fourteen years old and is the eighth of nine children in her family. She has a dream of becoming a nurse. Dreams are worth fighting for and help give us hope. History is full of people who had a dream and had to work hard and overcome obstacles throughout their lives. And anyone who has achieved anything in life did not do it on their own. There was someone at some point to encourage, inspire, or give a helping hand so they could reach the next level.

girls dropping out of school because they can’t afford to buy sanitary pads and they’re too embarrassed to go to school during their period. Or the story of a girl like Lillian, the eighth child of nine, whose family simply doesn’t have money for them to go to school.

No matter how they learned of the situation, someone just like you gave to help keep girls in school. So, then Lillian—who was on the edge of falling into obscurity and adding to an already staggering statistic—

"Nothing is impossible with God. Today, I am back at school."

At one point, however, Lillian stopped going to school. Statistically this is devastating for a girl in Africa. Dropping out of school means a girl's chances of early pregnancy, becoming a child bride, or worse skyrocket. It can mean the death of her potential, crushing her dreams and her future.

But a miracle happened for Lillian. Someone like you, someone who never met Lillian, heard about Watoto. They heard about what Watoto is doing to help girls stay in school. Maybe someone like you heard the heartbreaking stories of

was found. She was able to go back to school, back to studying hard to live out her dream. This is a miracle. We pray we never take stories like Lillian's for granted. Statistically, she is an exception. But we’re working to change this, and your support is making a huge impact.

“God bless the Watoto aunties and Keep a Girl in School for the support they showed me. They encouraged me to come back to school, putting God at the forefront. Nothing is impossible with God. Today, I am back at school.”

We Are Where

Watoto began in the 1980s in Kampala, Uganda. As the ministry grew, so did the need to facilitate support. Today, we have 11 support offices throughout the world where our partners and sponsors live. Each office is regulated by a local Board of Directors, ensuring good practices are followed at all levels.

Take a look at the map below and on the following page to see where our Global Support Offices are, as well as where our work is taking place throughout Uganda and South Sudan.


S. Sudan


Watoto Church

16 Locations

Watoto Village

3 Villages: Bbira, Suubi, Laminadera

Baby Watoto

2 Locations: Suubi & Gulu


4 Locations: Bbira, Suubi, 2 in Gulu

Keep A Girl In School

Throughout Uganda & Juba

Neighbourhood Center

3 Locations: Kampala, Gulu, Juba

Watoto Farm

4 Locations


A Message

Watoto Australia from

2023 has been a year of new beginnings for Watoto Australia.

In August, I stepped into the role of Country Director for Watoto Australia after working as a pastor and leader for the past 30 years. I am deeply passionate about our mission to rescue, restore, and rebuild and earlier this year, had the incredible privilege of witnessing Watoto’s life-changing work firsthand.

Since my appointment, I’ve assembled a passionate team of professionals—each bringing unique skills to support our donors and sponsors and the vision of Watoto.

Our supporters and donors continue to inspire us. Your commitment and generosity enable us to transform lives in Uganda and beyond. We’re excited to see what God has in store for Watoto Australia and New Zealand.

Whether you attended an event in 2023, sponsored a baby, child or mother, supported a Neighbourhood Mother, or gave a donation—thank you! The stories in this report have been made possible because of your love and commitment.

Group (GDG) Global Development

Since April 2007, Watoto Australia has partnered with Global Development Group (GDG) on various humanitarian aid and development projects in Uganda. GDG is an Australian NGO approved by the Minister for Foreign Affairs to carry out quality humanitarian and development projects with approved partners and to provide aid to relieve poverty and deliver longterm solutions. GDG takes responsibility for approved projects according to OAGDS guidelines, providing a governance role and assisting in the areas of planning, monitoring, reviewing and evaluation to help ensure that approved projects are carried out to Australian requirements.

Watoto’s projects with GDG (Project J210) include Watoto Villages that provide holistic community development, including education and healthcare, and Watoto Neighbourhood that is a gender-equality-based holistic project for disadvantaged women that includes housing, medical support, employment and education for children—combined with vocational training and income generation.

The support offered to Watoto Australia and the training, advice and monitoring visits by the GDG team in Uganda each year have helped to build and strengthen the operational and managerial capacity of Watoto’s Australian and International staff and the focus on sustainable development activities. Furthermore, through our partnership with GDG, we also partner with organisations that donate to Watoto projects with them. More information on GDG’s projects with Watoto can be found at:

*Tax deductible receipts for gifts over $2 with a preference for any of these GDG-approved projects will be issued by the Watoto Australia Trust Account (ABN 83 176 101 461). Please note that no evangelistic, welfare or political activities are funded by these aid and development projects with GDG. Any excess funds received will support other approved project activities.

Australia Financials


ABN 99 106 623 723

Accountant's Review

To the Directors of Watoto Child Care Ministries & Controlled Entities

Report on the Financial Statements

We have reviewed the accompanying annual financial statements of Watoto Child Care Ministries & Controlled Entities, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2023, income and expenditure statement and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.

Committee Members' Responsibility for the Financial Statements

The Committee Members are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards and the Associations Incorporation Act NSW, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial standards that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Assurance Practitioner's Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on the accompanying financial statements. We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagements ASRE 2400 Review of a Financial Report Performed by an Assurance Practitioner who is not the Auditor of the Entity. ASRE 2400 requires us to conclude whether anything has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the financial statements, taken as a whole, are not prepared in all material respects in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework. This Standard also requires us to comply with relevant ethical requirements.

A review of financial statements in accordance with ASRE 2400 is a limited assurance engagement. The assurance practitioner performs procedures, primarily consisting of making enquiries of management and others within the entity, as appropriate, and applying analytical procedures, and evaluates the evidence obtained.

The procedures performed in a review are substantially less than those performed in an audit conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion on these financial statements.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that these financial statements do not present fairly, in all material respects the financial position of Watoto Child Care Ministries & Controlled Entities as at 31 December 2023 and its financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended, in accordance with the Australian Accounting Standards.

31 March 2024

Australia Financials

Statement of Financial Position

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