Impact Report 2023 - US

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Watoto brings hope and healing to vulnerable women and children in Uganda and South Sudan.

In 1984, in a time of civil war, our founders, Gary and Marilyn Skinner, planted a local church in Kampala, Uganda to speak hope and life to the nation. Since then, we’ve rescued thousands of orphaned and abandoned babies and children, placing them in loving families. We’ve equipped and empowered vulnerable women in our neighbourhoods. And we’ve sent over 100 children’s choirs across six continents.

As we come alongside the most vulnerable in Uganda and South Sudan, we work to give each child and woman a chance at a better future—a future full of promise. Over the past four decades, the challenges facing Africa have changed, but our vision remains the same—Watoto is committed to celebrating Christ and caring for community.

In February of last year, we celebrated a truly historic moment. As a result of years of mentorship and a deep personal relationship, our founders officially handed over the leadership of Watoto to Pastor Julius and Vernita Rwotlonyo. At that time, they were asked, “What’s next for Watoto?” To which they shared, “The vision for Watoto remains the same. We are going to continue to lift up the name of Jesus and reach the lost and hurting in our communities.” And by the grace of God, with the support of our friends here in the U.S. and around the world, that’s exactly what has happened.

Thanks to your love and generosity, along with that of all our sponsors and partners across the U.S., last year we raised over $6.9 million for the vital work God has called us to do in Uganda and South Sudan. We’re grateful for our 9,452 sponsors in the U.S. who helped us feed, clothe, educate, raise, and share the love of Christ with the women, children, and babies we’ve rescued together. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

Baby Watoto

At Baby Watoto, we rescue and care for some of Uganda’s most vulnerable babies. From urgent medical treatment to cuddles, clean diapers, and nutritious food, last year we provided 143 babies with the specialized care they needed as our nannies and team showered them with the love of Jesus.

In 2023, we were able to rescue and welcome 25 babies home to Baby Watoto. This means 25 children whose lives were in jeopardy are now safe and free from fear. And thanks to partners like you, over the years we’ve rescued over 1,600 babies —and counting. Each baby we rescue together is given the unique care they need not only to survive, but to thrive.

As we provide care for the little ones God has entrusted us with, we’re grateful for the 46 international volunteers from across the globe who came to Uganda and served at Baby Watoto— cuddling, feeding babies their bottles, changing their diapers, playing, and surrounding babies and toddlers with the love of Jesus.

And while our little ones were nurtured, we also celebrated as 25 of our toddlers graduated from Baby Watoto and moved to their new forever families on one of our Watoto villages where they’re being given lots of love by their Watoto mother. With your help, babies who were once orphaned or abandoned are now fed, loved, cared for, and given hope for a better tomorrow.

Watoto Villages & Families

A Watoto village is a safe place where a vulnerable child is embraced with the love of Jesus, receiving everything a child deserves—food, clothing, medical care, an education, and a mother who loves and cares for them. Thanks to your support, across our three Watoto villages—Bbira, Suubi, and Laminadera—3,272 children are being raised in a family full of love.

Over the years, we’ve rescued and provided a home, food, an education, a family, and a future full of hope to nearly 6,000 children—and every year our family grows. Last year, we welcomed 92 children and toddlers into their very own Watoto family. Each one was embraced with love by their new Watoto mother.

Throughout our villages we have 380 Watoto mothers, like Mama Maculate (shown here with Vivian), who provide loving homes for our children. Each mother is raising eight orphaned and vulnerable children, ensuring they grow up knowing their value in Jesus Christ.

Meet Jethro, Emilly, and Favour—children whose lives have been forever transformed.

Thanks to the support of our sponsors and partners, throughout our Watoto villages children like Jethro, Emilly, and Favour are being raised in a loving family. Here they receive everything they need to grow up and become Uganda’s future leaders—food, clothes, medical care, an education, and a home with a mother who loves them.

Pictured to the left, Jethro and Emilly sit outside laughing with their older Watoto sister, Favour. Although they both had a tough start in life, Jethro and Emilly were rescued as babies and given the love and care every little one deserves. And last year they were welcomed into their new forever home and family on our Bbira village. These two precious children are living proof of the transformative power of the love of Jesus. Once forgotten and without hope, today they are thriving in school and in life with their Watoto families.


In 2023, we provided 2,694 students with an education throughout our Watoto schools—helping our students learn, grow, and dream about the future God has for them.

At Watoto, we are raising Africa’s future leaders. This means educating our children in such a way that they are empowered to walk in the purpose and calling God has for their lives. Whether they become a doctor, lawyer, mechanic, teacher, worship leader, or anything else, no matter what field they go into, we aim to help them succeed and be an example to their community.

Last year, in our Watoto schools we provided an education to:

• 1,437 primary school students

• 889 O-level secondary school students

• 109 A-level secondary school students

• 259 Hope Vocational Technical Institute students

We’re grateful to our 289 Watoto teachers, administrators, librarians, and supportive staff who are educating these future leaders.

We also provided an education to:

• 504 tertiary and university students

As we thank God that 504 of our young adults are currently studying at university or a tertiary school, last year we also celebrated 87 of our high school students who graduated, ready to join their older brothers and sisters. And we cheered with joy as 61 students graduated university and are now becoming the leaders God has called them to be.

Beyond Academics

To help our children have a well-rounded life, we continue to provide extracurricular activities like sports and worship arts, allowing children the opportunity to discover their God-given talents.

In 2023, each of our Watoto students participated in at least one extracurricular activity, including 953 students who were part of our Worship Academy and 463 students who participated in a sport through our Sports Academy

We’re thrilled to share that last year, for the first time, our Elite Boys’ Basketball Team won their Division’s Championship. As proud as we are of this accomplishment, we are overjoyed to see their godly behavior on and off the court.

And we could not be prouder of the incredible staff of coaches who have devoted their lives to mentoring our kids. In fact, six of our coaches are Watoto graduates

While this is inspiring, it doesn’t happen on its own. This is the result of generous people like you from all over the world who understand how extracurricular activities can have a lasting, positive impact on a child’s life. We are truly grateful!

Watoto Children’s Choir

Last year, our Watoto Children’s Choir was thrilled to be back on the road again, sharing stories of hope and the redemptive power of the love of Jesus with people across the globe.

Medical Care

In 2023, as 56 of our children on choir travelled throughout the world, they shared the good news of Jesus and how He has changed their lives.

Each of the children on tour have a story that inspires and encourages people. So, through song, dance, and hearing firsthand the transformation taking place in our children’s lives, thousands of people were encouraged and found hope for their own lives. In fact, we celebrated as over 5,000 people accepted Jesus into their hearts

We are grateful for our friends, partners, and sponsors around the world who came out and worshipped with us.

Providing health care is one of the practical ways we’re caring for the physical needs of our mothers and children as we keep them healthy and safe.

On each of our three Watoto villages we have a medical clinic where our medical team, like Dr. Mark Kisawuzi, provides health care and preventive care to our Watoto family. We also provide care to those in the surrounding communities.

In addition to treating health issues, our doctors, nurses, and staff also focus on disease prevention. Last year, our team continued to protect our Watoto families from diseases like malaria by distributing 550 mosquito nets across our villages, as well as 182 mosquito nets to people in the surrounding communities

It’s a big job taking care of our children, mothers, and communities, and we couldn’t do this alone. With the help of our selfless international partners, we were able to provide dental care to 868 children and mothers in Watoto and the community. Plus, we provided medical care to 6,748 people in northern Uganda

The medical team, with support of our faithful partners, also helped revive the dreams of 13 Watoto athletes who suffered from injuries requiring surgery. Thanks to the help of generous partners, we were able to restore their health—and their dreams.

Watoto Neighbourhood

In 2023, we embraced 1,199 vulnerable women in Uganda and South Sudan with the love of Jesus, providing them with adult literacy classes, discipleship, business training, vocational skills, and job opportunities.

Africa’s greatest resource is her women—sadly, they are often left to bear the brunt of poverty, war, and disease on their own. But together we are changing this.

Through Watoto Neighbourhood we provide spiritual discipleship, adult literacy classes, skills training, business classes, and job opportunities.

Because we know when a woman is vulnerable she needs to feel loved, accepted, and cared for physically, we extend a “practical embrace” as the first step in the journey to restoration. With the help of our partners across the globe, last year we provided emergency relief support for medical care and housing to some of our Neighbourhood mothers to help them when life’s challenges arose, and they could no longer afford these necessities.

• 2,886 mothers were given help with medical care and related expenses

• 330 mothers received help with rent

We are grateful for the generosity of partners like you that allowed us to provide much needed support to women as we worked with them to find a more sustainable solution. As we came alongside them, we also provided discipleship and various classes, helping them reach their full potential. And we are thrilled with the results that support is having on their lives. Here are just a few highlights of the impact your generosity had last year:

• 229 small groups were led by our Neighbourhood mothers and staff as they shared the love of Jesus with others in their communities

• 106 mothers received Christ as their personal Lord and Savior

• 816 women graduated from adult literacy classes, many learning to write their names and read their Bibles for the very first time

• 943 children of our Neighbourhood mothers are receiving a quality education—552 Neighbourhood children are being taught in our Watoto schools and 391 are studying at one of our partner schools

• 539 mothers graduated from our Neighbourhood program after completing hands-on skills training

• 195 women started their very own small business

Juliet, pictured above with her daughters, is one of the mothers who received temporary help covering her rent when she first came to Watoto Neighbourhood. As she’s gone through the training, she’s learned business skills and started her own business. Today, she is a completely different person; filled with confidence, Juliet walks in the freedom found in Christ.

When speaking with her recently, Juliet shared, “I am a person who once felt worthless, but now feels loved, at peace, and empowered to raise my children.”

This is possible because of generous people like you. You are helping us embrace these women with God’s love, and in turn they find hope and a purpose. And we passionately believe that when we equip and empower women to care for themselves and their families, this is how we can transform communities and nations together.

Keep a Girl in School

Last year, we reached 43,334 vulnerable girls in Uganda and South Sudan—teaching them feminine hygiene education, providing them with sanitary pads, and ensuring they know their value in Christ.

Imagine not being able to go to school simply because you’re a girl and your family cannot afford sanitary pads. Sadly, this is the reality for many in Uganda and South Sudan. Girls drop out of school because they can’t afford feminine hygiene products or the basic fees to go to school.

But together we’re changing this. Through our Keep a Girl in School initiative, we’re providing feminine hygiene products, soap, and new clean panties as we help girls stay in school. We’re working to ensure that no girl misses out on an education simply because of her economic circumstances.

So, we’re coming alongside girls and their families to help ease the financial burden by meeting their basic need of sanitary products, and teaching girls their value in Christ in the process. In 2023, we expanded the number of schools we’re partnering with to 78 schools. In these schools, we’re providing sanitary products, hygiene education, discipleship, and support to 43,334 vulnerable girls. We’re also teaching both boys and girls the importance of knowing Jesus, how to treat each other, and what it means to live a healthy life guided by sexual purity.

Our team works hard to keep girls in school, striving to ensure that no girl is left behind. Therefore, we are thrilled that after a lot of follow up, 17 girls who had previously dropped out of school, returned to class. That’s 17 girls who could have ended up a tragic statistic, but now have a bright future ahead. For these 17 girls, and over 43,000 others we are reaching together, your support is not only ensuring they receive an education, but it’s changing their future.

Meet Lillian. She is grateful to God, and for the support of our team, that she is now back at school.

Education plays a critical role in breaking the cycle of poverty and violence. When girls like Lillian are kept in school, they stand a better chance of growing into empowered women.

However, at one point Lillian stopped going to school. Statistically this is devastating for a girl in Africa. Dropping out of school means a girl’s chances of early pregnancy, becoming a child bride, or worse skyrocket. It can mean the death of her potential, crushing her dreams and her future.

But a miracle happened for Lillian. Someone like you heard about what Watoto is doing to help girls stay in school. So, Lillian—who was on the edge of adding to an already staggering statistic—was found. She is one of the 17 girls who came back to school, back to studying to live out her dream of becoming a nurse. This is the impact of your support. It keeps girls like Lillian in school, educated, and empowered—and it gives them a bright future.


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