We are an English-speaking cell based community church, celebrating Christ, growing and multiplying as each one reaches one, touching those around us with the love of Jesus, bringing healing to cities and to nations. CHRIST We exist to honour Christ and model every aspect of life on His character. LOVE Based on God’s love for us, we focus on open communication and transparency. We value people and recognise them as gifts. CHARACTER We strive to maintain the highest standards of integrity and morality. WORD We are guided by the Holy Scriptures of the Bible. FAITH Our trust is in God alone. We take and manage risk with freedom to make mistakes. COMMUNITY We exist to serve the community holistically spirit, soul and body. VISION We are a vision-led organisation, valuing leadership based on godly principles and goals. EXCELLENCE We do everything over and above the call of duty to the very best possible outcome. JUSTICE God tells us to “Seek Justice; help the oppressed; defend the cause of orphans and fight for the rights of widows.” WORSHIP We believe that all of life is a sacred act of worship. Whatever we do is for the glory of God. UNITY We believe that, in unity with other like-minded churches, organisations and individuals, we will be able to transform community. GENEROSITY We value an attitude of generosity, which is reflected in the way we give our time, finances, resources, heart, praise, servanthood and encouragement.
4 Where we are 7 Founder’s Message 9 Executive Director’s Message 11 Celebrating Christ. Caring for Community 13 Weekend Celebration 14 God’s Grace in 2013 15 I found Jesus, I belong 24 Connection & Community 26 Ministry Overview 23 Social Media 24 Recue Raise Rebuild 37 Future Plans 40 Financials
GULU North View Hotel phone: +256 312
BBIRA Watoto Village Bbira phone: +256 312
LAMINADERA Laminadera Village phone: +256 312
SUUBI Watoto Village Suubi phone: +256 312
WEST Kyengera phone: +256 312
Kazinga phone: +256 312
Kisaasi phone: +256 312
CENTRAL Plot 87, Kampala rd phone: +256 312
Nyakuron Cultural Centre phone: +256 312
Lubowa phone: +256 312
Founder’s Message
Favour What an incredible year this has been! Words cannot describe the immeasurable faithfulness of God’s love breathed on our lives, families and church, as we embarked on a journey of a Fresh Start. We were able to reach our communities near and far with the love of Christ. We saw enormous growth in lives transformed, and in milestones of influence in our community. We continue to be amazed by your generosity exhibited through regular tithes and offering, this year’s Miracle Offering and oneness in reaching our community. Next year, we celebrate 30 years of Watoto Church and 20 years of Watoto Child Care Ministries. This is an incredible milestone for us, and we are thrilled to celebrate the goodness of God in the last three decades. None of what is happening at Watoto would be possible without the faithful support of people like you coming alongside us to carry out this exciting mission that Jesus has given us. When we think about you, the words of St. Paul rings true in our hearts: “As a result of your ministry, people will give glory to God. For your generosity to them and to all believers will prove that you are obedient to the Good News of Christ… Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words!” 2 Corinthians 9:13 & 15 NLT We can’t wait to see what God is going to do in the future. Thank you for your faithfulness and God bless you.
Gary & Marilyn Skinner
Founders & Team Leaders: Watoto Ministries
Message from the Executive Director
A Good Year It is always a delight to share this report that highlights what God has done through Watoto Church. As we look back, we are amazed and count our blessings as we see God work through friends, partners and the congregation in building his Church. We bring you this account of the past year so that our faith continues to be built as we look toward what God has prepared us for in 2014.
OPERATING ENVIRONMENT 2013 saw a more stable annual headline inflation of approximately 6.7% and GDP ranging between 6% – 6.5% last year. Likewise, there was generally subdued private sector growth and a 6% weakening of the shilling against the US dollar. Despite the external realities, the church continued to see robust growth during the year. As a result of these and other feats, there is a marked increase by authorities globally in emerging and high growth economies of the vital role that the church plays in establishing how society is shaped and thrives. As a local church, we welcome the opportunities this brings, but recognise that we have to work even harder to stay relevant, vibrant and continue to be a strong voice for truth. We are committed to continually evaluating what we do, examine the value we add to society and we must challenge ourselves to do more, not just on our own but through joint projects with like-minded partners. This is indeed exciting and we look forward to growth in partnerships.
YOUR FAITHFUL GIVING Every year, the faithful giving of God’s people has been beyond comprehension. 2013 was no exception. Together we gave USD 1.1 million in the ‘My Miracle Offering’ (MMO) campaign. These funds were dedicated to the various capital projects, many of which are well underway and scheduled for completion in 2014. The Church, 104.1 PowerFM and Kampala Playhouse (KPL) consolidated giving and revenues reached a record UGX 19.8 billion from 18.2 billion the previous year. That’s a 9% increase. That revenue growth was mainly driven by a 15% increase in the tithes collected – from UGX 13.2 billion to UGX 15.2 billion. Together, we were also able to give a Miracle Offering of UGX 2.8 billion (USD 1.1 million). Our continued fiscal discipline helped us record a surplus of UGX 4.8 billion, which is currently being invested in critical capital projects.
GROWTH The difficult part about meaningful value addition based growth is the time it takes to achieve the best results. It might have taken the ministry 30 years, but the results we are beginning to see now are well worth the wait. We have continued to pursue our God-given vision, see the fruit and give all the glory to God. We saw 4,984 people give their lives to Jesus! This is something that never ceases to excite us. Our average attendance increased to over 21,700 people at our celebration points on any weekend. This is approximately 19% growth with the highest attendance reaching just over 25,900. Of these, over 11,150 people are part of 2,983 small group gatherings (cells) that meet in different locations every week.
OUR FUTURE As a church, we are positive about the future. We will continue to put Jesus Christ our Lord first in all we pursue. In addition, we will capitalise on key growth parameters that attract people to Christ in this era. We will continue to invest in technology that drives efficiency and improved experience for the ministry and the congregation. We will also continue to invest in our infrastructure to ensure that we have innovative and appropriate multi-functional places of worship for current and future generations. As we do this, we will aim to do even better at increasing the speed to drive down operating cost. We believe that true and effective innovation is about responding to, predicting and catering to the needs of the people we serve while staying true to Biblical principles.
APPRECIATION I would like to thank the Watoto team for their faithful service and delivering on point. With God on our side, we are destined for greater things ahead. Again, I thank you for your continued dedication to the Watoto vision. To the congregation, friends and partners, your continued commitment and faithfulness is testament to your focus on hearing from God and responding. We continue to hold you in our prayers and declare God’s favour on your life. Gary and Marilyn Skinner, you have built and continue to build an amazing team. As I have mentioned in the past, Watoto’s future only gets brighter and our foundation more solid. We are remarkably well positioned to pursue the vision God placed on your hearts. As a team, we would like to pre-empt the celebrations in 2014, by saying, Happy: 40th Wedding Anniversary! 30th Anniversary to Watoto Church! 20th Anniversary to Watoto Child Care Ministries! All possible because of ONE amazing GOD! Finally, we are grateful that you have taken the interest to read this account. I hope the information in this report will satisfy your requirements. As a team, we look forward to reading your comments and suggestions. May God’s favour and blessing continuously be upon you.
Steven Kisingiri Executive Director
We believe in being relevant to the community in which we reside by ministering to the whole man – spirit, soul and body
My name is Babu Yasin, now Babu Joshua. The name Yasin explains my religious background (Islam). I’m thankful to God for the gift of salvation because for the last 17 years, I was deeply involved in witchcraft. I was initiated into witchcraft as a young boy by my mother and her relatives. I used to be tormented by strange dreams and once I dreamt that the number 666 on my back. That is when I started failing in school and finally quit to become a barber, yet I was a very bright boy. One day at my place of work, my aunt came and asked me, “Between you and I, who is supposed to look for the other?” I apologised and told her, “Auntie, I am. I have been away because I have a lot of responsibilities.”
Little did I know that she had come with her evil power and assigned evil spirits to torment me and draw me to her. From then on my life changed. I started sleeping around with women, my business crumbled and my wife left me. Then I remembered my aunt asking me about who was supposed to look for the other. I started looking for her and when I found her, she asked me to manage her construction site. On the site I started performing satanic rituals as that was the norm. The spirits started manifesting in me and I was fully initiated into the spiritual world and the evil spirits took full control of my life. One of the tricks that my auntie used to keep me in this kind of bondage was to entrust me with millions of Ugandan shillings to keep for her. After I was fully initiated into the occult, the evil spirits drove me away from my aunt’s place so I could start my life all over as a devil worshipper. On the journey to find a place, to stay I went through so much pain and suffering with nothing to eat and nowhere to sleep. After a while, Satan led me to a witch doctor
who took me through more rituals that led me deeper into the occult. My life was going on a downward spiral. I had no peace of mind and I was miserable. How I came to accept Christ as my Lord and Saviour I started by refusing to follow instructions from Satan and his demons. I was fed up and frustrated that I planned to kill myself several times but the devil thwarted every plan. I used to walk with a sharp knife hoping to cut off my neck one day and a rope to hang myself. In the midst of all this chaos, I thought of giving my life to Jesus Christ and six months later, a church was planted near my shrine and whatever the pastor said was directed to me. I would listen from my shrine through their loud speakers. One day he said that he got a revelation that someone in the village was going to get saved either from his church or somewhere else. Earlier on, I had a dream where I saw Jesus telling me to take His hand, and I did that and He lifted me up. I decided visit my cousin Mama Jojo in Seguku, a member of Watoto Church at South. When I arrived, they were so excited and Jojo gave me a hug and I felt so loved. I had not experienced such love in the past 17 years and this helped me realise that salvation was all about love. I had taken ages without cutting my hair so Jojo gave me money to go to the salon. They hosted me and told me more about salvation. I felt convicted and no longer had the desire to return to the shrine.Jojo led me in a prayer of confession the next and I accepted Jesus Christ. That weekend I came to Watoto Church and I was so blessed by the worship and the word. Then I started battling with the decision to burn the shrine. It was a hard step to take because the devil had made me believe that if I ever got saved I would be mentally disturbed. Jojo kept giving me encouraging and empowering words to let go of the devil and his work. A week later, with the help of cell members from S2A3A and friends, we went to Ndejje and burnt down the shrine. I was amazed because I thought I would die or run mad instantly. But up to now I am still standing strong and alive in Christ. A new creation no more condemnation and here in His grace I stand. Thank you Lord. With connections of the cell members I got a job and I am a fulfilled happy man, serving with our weekend set up team.
1 Church 10 Celebration Points Bbira, Central, East, Gulu, Juba, Laminadera, North, South, Suubi and West Watoto Church is a vibrant church meeting in 10 celebration points in the Kampala area, Gulu in northern Uganda and Juba, South Sudan. Our weekend services designed for children, youth and adults exude a great experience through dynamic worship, empowering messages and fellowship a as we connect with our Father God and with one another.
God’s grace by numbers
25,954 Maximum Attendance
God’s grace by numbers
Average Attendance (11% Growth)
God’s grace by numbers
Baptised in Water
God’s grace by numbers
Babies Dedicated
God’s grace by numbers
Couples Wedded
God’s grace by numbers
First Time Visitors (33% Growth)
God’s grace by numbers
Cell Table Visitors (24% Growth)
God’s grace by numbers
4,984 Decisions for Christ
Christmas Cantata 349
Weekly Cell meetings 901
Weekend Services 3,734
God’s grace by numbers
New Cell Members
I found Jesus. I belong. “I was invited to attend the Rev Bar, an event for university and post secondary school students at Watoto Church East. I did not know it was a bar as I knew it to be a church. However, when I got there, I found people dancing, chatting and having a great time. As the pastors were talking about their past addictions and life struggles, I realized I was living an immoral lifestyle and decided to give my life to Christ.” My name is Fatuma Namukose, formerly a Muslim but now am born again and baptised by immersion. I am now part of cell N2E3D. I am grateful to God for Watoto Church. One day Joseph Rwabose (a former Cell Leader) helped me while I was struggling with my charcoal business and almost gave up all hope. He assisted me with finances and helped me when my landlord evicted me for not paying rent. I had taken a loan, the time was up for repayment and the police came for me. I called Joseph who came and paid them and I was released. That moment I lifted my hands and surrendered to God. I told Joseph that I wanted to give my life to Christ. Barbara’s mother led me in the sinner’s prayer and I confessed Christ as my Lord and Saviour. In 2012, I tested HIV+ and could not tell anyone. In cell, I found love and friendship and the cell members befriended me. I started to trust them and I told them about my status. Barbara took me to Mulago Hospital and I was counseled. Later the cell connected me to Watoto’s Living Hope ministry that empowers vulnerable women like me. As a start up income, the ministry gives me 150,000/- every month. I saved this money and have started a small business. The profit helps me with my daily needs. My cell group members help me with my daughter’s school fees. I thank God for my family because I thought they would reject me but instead they have accepted me and have given me a new name Angella. I thank God because of Watoto and it’s vision to reach communities. Because of this I am now able to speak English. I believe I am a member of Watoto Church because it is where I belong though I still attend a Luganda speaking Church. God Bless you!
Touching those around us with the love of Christ The need to belong is an inherent gift from God to mankind to relate with Him and with one another. At Watoto, a cell group is the basic unit that forms the life of the church. It is a small group of people who are members of Watoto Church that do life together in their communities. It is in a cell that members and visitors experience genuine concern and personalized care, fellowship, edification and accountability. Through cell, church members are mobilsed to help individuals find a genuine and meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ, and to carry out small practical acts of love in their communities. They identify the need in their community and together with the community, take action. Projects are set up for city0wide cleanups, wall painting, street and proving for the physical and emotional needs of neighbours. They also care for individuals and families affected with HIV/AIDS. Cell Attendance: 11,150 Cells: 2,983 Seed Projects: 166 Cell Activities: 126
WATOTO CHURCH WEST REFURBISHMENT OF NSANGI HEALTH CENTRE III NSANGI, WAKISO MARCH 2013 One day during his pastoral visits in the community, Peter Migadde, the Regional Pastor at Watoto Church West stumbled upon Nsangi Health Centre III, about 45-minutes drive outside Kampala city.
The leader mobilised the congregation and community members for the activity on 23 March 2013. Over 100 people showed up, including the LC 1 & 3 chairpersons and the councilor in charge of the health centre.
Although the facility provides health care to 120-150 out patients, over 300 HIV patients each week and 60-80 maternal deliveries each month, it was in an appalling state with dilapidated walls, no running water and was surrounded by bush. The electrical system was down making power supply unstable.
On that day, they painted, scrubbed, cleaned, connected running water, installed new pipes, sinks and now the entire ward has running water.
Peter shared with his Pastor and they made another pastoral visit to the health centre, met the in-charge and discovered more issues. The water problem was made complex for the maternity ward because expectant mothers who came to deliver their babies had to carry water from home. And if a lady did not have water, the mid-wife could not attend to her. Meanwhile inside the delivery room, the nurse had to improvise in order carry out a delivery. There was also an acute shortage of admission beds for expectant mothers. With only one bed, the mothers would compete for it. The government had given metallic beds but without mattresses. “During our visit, we found ladies bleeding on beds without mattress. They would improvise with a mat, which was a very saddening sight,” says Andrew Kimuli, Pastor Watoto Church West. The IV drips were hung on the walls because there were no stands. The centre laboratory was broken and there was no storage for drugs. “We decided to do something about this situation as a congregation,” he says. Church members were equally eager to support and raised over 6 million shillings towards the maternity ward. From the finances raised, they bought a delivery bed and mattresses for the maternity ward, paint, plumbing and electrical materials to work on plumbing, electricity and harvesting rainwater.
A cell group donated solar panels. Watoto Child Care Ministries also donated drip handle sand weights measurement machines. The night before seed project, the mid-wife was helping a mother deliver when electricity went off. They had no paraffin for the lamp so the mid-wife used a mobile phone to carry out the delivery. However during the seed project, church members rewired the maternity ward, put new bulbs and installed solar power. The installation of power was a very big relief to the health center. The clinical officer commented: “Now I can also think of giving birth in his center because we have water and electricity.” Today, the maternity ward is up and running. And for the future, they have plans to construct shelter as a waiting area for HIV patients. This will save HIV patients from waiting in the grass and being stigmatized by other patients as they wait in long queues for treatment. “True church is caring for our community. And all the issues we have in the community are part of ours. And if each one us plays our role through our cells, we will see healing in our communities,” Andrew says.
Watoto Church is a multi-generation and multi-faceted church, constituted by people of different ages, likes and passions. These various groups of people are ministered to through targeted programmes, events and activities that meet their needs through out the year. These ministries are set up to support the vision of the church as they reach children, youth, young professionals, men, women and the wider community through education, training and discipleship, engaging worship, entertainment among others.
“When I joined Watoto360°, I initially couldn’t freely interact with my fellow students or people in the community during outreaches. This was because of my background as a child soldier that had negatively affected his self-confidence and social skills. However, being a part of Watoto360 for six months remarkably helped me develop self-confidence and social skills. Today, I am a confident young man with a visible passion to win others to Christ.” Sunday Okello Watoto360 Graduate
Taking the nightclub experience into church Next time you hear someone say words like, “Church folks never really take time off for fun”, tell them to go and revise the meaning of the term fun. Lately, some of the churches especially in urban areas have embarked on tethering their young people in what they like calling spirit-filled fun. At the end of last month,
music played by Power FM’s D.J Peruz had most of the youth who were at the venue dancing like indeed no body was watching. Then in-door games like Pool table, Chess, Play stations, “Ludo” and lots more sealed the deal for even those who did not have reason to listen to the DJ’s jams. Basically as the name sounds,
Revbar, which is meant for three major things; revival, revelation and revolution was begun with a purpose of it being a platform where the challenges of the youth are dealt with and not just addressed. Watoto Church in partnership with Power FM, a Christian radio station, organised a concert dubbed Revbar concert, essentially designed for Campus students and a few Senior Six vacationists. By 6pm, the atmosphere around Watoto Church North which served as the venue for the concert was already getting electrifying as
it was more like a bar arrangement but with soft drinks, ice cream and a few bites; no alcohol. The music, dance performances from the various dance groups that showed up for the occasion were a source of consolation for those who could not afford the snacks on sale.
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13th Jan Festival of Hope A joint family fun day for all Watoto Church members. One service at 11:00 am featured guest speaker, Pastor Earl Mcclellan, from Dallas Tx.
MORPH Conference Oils of Gladness concert Watoto360° 2013 in session
Valentines’ Banquet
Feb 22 Rev Bar A bi-monthly university students’ event launched on Feb 22. It’s a place where young people can be spiritually disciples, find positive entertainment and build healthy relationships DOD Garden Party
29th March Night to Unite On Good Friday, churches across Kampala city gathered at Makerere University grounds for an incredible evening of worship, prayer, Holy Communion and sharing God’s word. This indeed a demonstration of Christian love and unity as churches proclaimed the name of Jesus in the city of Kampala. Easter celebrations & Watoto Church 29th anniversary
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Kidz n’ Ova - Annual praise and worship rally WC South - moves into a bigger new tent Heaven’s Gates & Hell’s Flames - Bujumbura,
20th April City-wide market cleanup community and congregation involved in cleaning the city Inspire the community to Love their community Venue: Kampala surbubs Special guests: Jennifer Musisi KCCA Executive Director
June 21 Abstinence Festival An AIDS awareness campaign intended to promote abstinence among students as the preferred lifestyle till marriage. Activities included the Abstinence March around the city, music, dance and drama inter-school competitions; great prizes were won,
Watoto360° 2013 graduation Young Workers’ camp
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July 27 Children’s Bible challenge
School of Community Leadership - in session
10-16 Aug History Makers’ Camp in Fort Portal Theme: In it to win it great workshops, community outreach, fun. Guest speaker was Phil Dooley - Pastor at Hillsong Church, Cape Town
Power FM presents Jackie Ssenyonjo Concert
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19 & 20 OCT’13 DURING SERVICE TIMES ... All Celebration Points
50 100 150 400 500 2,000 4,000 6,000 5,000 4,000
5,000 2,000 1,000 500 200 100 50 20 12 5
12.5m 5m 2.5m 1.25m 500K 250K 125K 50K 30K 12.5K
250,000 200,000 150,000 200,000 100,000 200,000 200,000 120,000 60,000 20,000
6th October Kampala City Festival Watoto Church took the message of love and hope to the streets of Kampala during the Kampala City Festival 2013 to mark the 51st anniversary of Uganda’s independence. 19-20th October My Miracle Offering This weekend’s celebration at all Watoto Church celebration points across Kampala and Gulu in Uganda, and Juba, South Sudan was nothing short of amazing. The event was marked with jubilation, triumph and cheer as members rejoiced, danced, jumped and gave thanks to God while bringing their contributions towards this year’s goal to raise $1.5m to help with Build God’s House campaign.
Cash, Cheque, Bank Transfer (Watoto Church, Standard Chartered Bank, A/C 0102813375600), MTN & AIRTEL Mobile Money (Code: WATOTO)
For more information contact your District Office or Email:
John & Helen Burns - relationship gurus from Relate Church, Ontario, Canada.
DEC Children’s Cantata
PhatFest - East AFrica’s biggest gospel music concert Christmas Cantata
Andrew Ojara, one of the youth believes such events are a way of quenching down a youth’s desire for secular attractions like alcohol, discotheques and a number of promiscuous activities. “Actually, I’m here just to have fun with people who I can easily connect with without condemnation,” he gleefully said, “and thank God now I have even met new friends with similar character attributes like me. Thank God for Revbar.” Later in the night, there were some dance groups like the TYB youngsters and Storm riders that utterly amazed the crowd with their acrobatic and well choreographed dance moves. These got everyone up on their heels just to keep singing for them as they pushed on with their groove. As the night progressed, there was then time for unveiling the main theme upon which the night rode. The theme “Seeing beyond the veil and the make-
up” was aptly discussed by Watoto’s Pastor Ronnie, best known as Pastor Habzy who gave very vivid illustrations to the young people present on how important it is for an individual to bring out who they truly are and not just what they act to be.
“Actually, I’m here just to have fun with people who I can easily connect with...” “It is incumbent upon you as an individual to live out the best of yourself and get beyond the veil,” he noted, “both God and even the world desire to see what is behind the veil and the make-up, so stop
trying to be and choose to live your life.” He also encouraged young people to get beyond their fears and rather standout for their principles and what they believe in other than being tossed around by their fellow peers. He later made an alter call for those who wanted to give their lives to Christ and multitudes stood up in response to the call. Richard, one of those first time attendees of the concert which takes place after every two months at the different Watoto Church celebration points confessed that it was his first time to realise that even Christians have fun which is why he gave his life to Christ as well during the night. Timothy Mugeni, one of the brains behind the idea says Revbar, which is meant for three major things; revival, revelation and revolution was begun with a purpose of it being a platform where the challeng-
es of the youth are dealt with and not just addressed. “Thankfully, we are gradually and steadily achieving the aim for which we started Revbar,” he said, Timothy Byaruhanga, one of the organisers of the night and Master of ceremony for the night believes that this is one of the ways to non-judgmentally win youth over to Christ. Later as the evening wore away, several Gospel music icons like Holy Keane Amooti, Leviticus and others gave their best to their fans who paid back with lots of ululations. In as much as the function had ended at 10.30pm, some other attendees stuck in the open space dancing to their own beats from their minds only for someone to come inform them again that the ceremony had ended a few hours back.
Visits 116,719
Page Views 306,698:
Average Session Time 00:03:19
VISITORS BASED ON COUNTRY 1.2%: Australia 1.7%: Canada 2.5%: UK 6.5%: USA
2.6%: Other (South Africa, Kenya, Japan, South Sudan)
Bounce Rate: 54.51%
MOST VISITED PAGES Community 4,595 Contact 4,291
Cell Leaders Guide 18,278
Photo Gallery 4,691
10%: Not Set 69%: Uganda
Jobs 6,307
Podcasts 15,898
Service Times 6,879 Events 14,298
21, 841: Facebook page likes 31 December 2013. 14,000 (in 2012)
Reaching the most vulnerable Watoto is a holistic care program that was initiated in response to the overwhelming number of orphaned children and vulnerable women in Uganda. Its aim is to rescue individuals and raise each one as a leader in his or her sphere of life so that, in turn, each individual will help rebuild the nation. The Watoto model incorporates physical care, medical intervention (including HIV treatment), education, trauma counselling and spiritual discipleship. Our aim is to raise the next generation of African leaders. We encourage each child to pursue excellence in academic and practical skills as well as integrity in conduct and moral values, so that each one becomes a responsible Christian and a productive citizen. Watoto’s goal is to replicate the model throughout Africa to fast-track the rescue of orphaned children and vulnerable women across the continent.
Caring for almost 3,000 children (3 Watoto villages and 3 Baby Watoto facilities)
Watoto Church is restoring almost 3,000 vulnerable women through Living Hope. Their children, more than 15,000 boys and girls, now have a better chance at a future
Close to 400 mothers provide basic care to our children in the Watoto homes
Ugandan sponsors grew from 369 in 2012 to 651 in 2013, Overall, there are almost 30,000 sponsors worldwide
In 2013, 6 Watoto Children’s Choirs, each comprising of 22 children and 10 adults – travelled to Australia, Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong, Norway, Malaysia, Singapore, Sweden, the UK and the US to raise awareness and support for the plight of orphaned children and vulnerable women in Africa.
In 2013, 18 young adults graduated with diplomas and degrees from Makerere University Kampala (MUK), Makerere University Business School (MUBS), Uganda Christian University (UCU) and Datamine Technical Business School. Overall, 219 Watoto young adults have graduated and are living independent and productive lives
Okello Sunday is one of the Watoto graduates from Gulu. He was abducted by the LRA in 2002 and managed to escape in 2003. Watoto welcomed him in 2007 and he was able to return to school as a result of our care. He is currently pursuing a diploma in Agriculture at an agricultural institute in Uganda. Sunday came to stay for 3 months in September to train on our tractors and to oversee corn shelling. Okello is very hardworking and teachable, and he is always looking for something new to learn. Our relationship with Okello has helped in developing a relationship between Watoto’s Sustainability Department and the institute where he is studying. He recently brought his lecturers and classmates on a study tour to the farm. In the future, he intends to use his extension work knowledge to help farmers in Uganda’s Northern region to improve their skills. Sunday Okello Watoto360 Graduate
Watoto’s sustainability approach exists to generate additional income through profit made from external sales through small-scale farms to generate funds that support some of our operating costs; provide training and education opportunities to Ugandan producers that will have a national and regional impact, and to create markets and storage facilities to benefit Watoto as well as the local community. Current projects include: a) Agriculture – over 200 acres of land at Lubbe in Wakiso district. In 3013, 60,000 square-metres of land was cleared for ploughing to grow vegetables, rice and fruits that were supplied to the Watoto villages and baby Watoto facilities. A 20-acre dam was also constructed to ensure all-year supply of irrigation water b) Goat/Dairy production – the goat farm provides milk for Baby Watoto. There are currently 101 goats on the farm, producing an average of 630 litres per week. A daily average of 53.2 litres of milk was supplied to the Baby Watoto Suubi facility. c) Poultry farm – setting up of the barn was mostly undertaken in 2013. This was completed in early September and the first batch of chicks (8,300 birds) arrived later that month. The birds grew and responded well to feeding and watering. Eggs will be laid from early February 2014, at an average of 250 trays a day.
The farms have stirred tremendous social, moral and economic changes in the lives of the communities in which they are located. New businesses have launched and some community members have been able to buy land while others have built better homes for their families. One very significant change for these members of staff has been their commitment to giving their children a better education with the money they are earning, giving them access to better schools. Adult literacy is facilitated and the health centre in Lubbe farm was upgraded with the assistance of Watoto. over 60 prisoners that help out at the farms are also benefiting from counseling and spiritual discipleship that is provided as a result of their interaction with Watoto staff. Watoto teenagers are involved in work on the farms during the second school break. They run operations at the farms and also take part in activities such as slashing, planting grass, and collecting forage and feed for the goats. Primary level students often visit the farms as part of their class lesson in crop, dairy and poultry farming.
Celebration Services 20% Growth 26,000 people worshipping with us every weekend Building Projects
Children’s Church facilities East & North
Access Road North
New home Gulu
Expansion Plans Central
Toilet Blocks Gulu, South and West
New celebration point
This June we will give thanks for 20 phenome women and children through
At the same time, we’ll celebrate 30
For the glo Gary & Mar 38
#IAmWatoto . #TheFuture
enal years of reaching Africa’s most vulnerable Watoto Child Care Ministries.
0 years of Watoto Church in Uganda
ory of God! rilyn Skinner
eIsNow . #WatotoBigParty
FINANCIALS REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT AUDITOR TO THE MEMBERS OF WATOTO CHURCH LIMITED Report on the consolidated financial statements We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Watoto Church Limited (“the Church” or “the Company”) and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as “the Group”), as set out on pages 8 to 35. These consolidated financial statements comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December 2013 and the consolidated statements of comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the year then ended, together with the statement of financial position of the Church standing alone as at 31 December 2013 and the statements of comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the year then ended, and notes, comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Directors’ responsibility for the consolidated financial statements The directors are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and the Uganda Companies Act, and for such internal control as the directors determine is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s responsibility Our responsibility is to express an independent opinion on the consolidated financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform our audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal controls relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the internal control of the Church. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the directors, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. Basis for qualified opinion - limitation of scope relating to completeness of the Church’s income The Church receives some of its income in the form of collections from its congregations. We evaluated the internal controls and procedures that govern the process of collection and recording of income received from Saturday collections at the Church’s various centres. We concluded that during the three months ended 31 March 2013, these controls were not sufficient to provide assurance over the completeness of income between the point when a contribution to the cash collections is made at the Church’s various centres and the point where the collections are ascertained and recorded in the general ledger at the Church’s central administrative premises. We were also unable to design adequate alternative audit procedures to enable us establish the completeness of the income referred to above for the year ended 31 December 2013.
Qualified opinion In our opinion, except for the effect of adjustments that might have been necessary had adequate internal controls and procedures been in place to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the income of the Church as set out in the paragraph above, the accompanying consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Group and the Church as at 31 December 2013 and of the financial performance and cash flows of the Group and the Church for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and the Uganda Companies Act. Report on other legal requirements The Uganda Companies Act requires that in carrying out our audit we consider and report to you on the following matters. We confirm that: • We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit; • Except as described in the basis for qualified opinion paragraph, proper books of account have been kept by the Church, so far as appears from our examination of those books; and • The Church’s statement of financial position and statement of comprehensive income are in agreement with the books of account.
Certified Public Accountants Kampala, 2014
AUDITED ACCOUNTS The Church Council presents its report together with the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013, which disclose the state of affairs of Watoto Church Limited and its subsidiaries Power FM Limited and Kampala Playhouse Limited. WATOTO CHURCH, POWER FM & KPL CONSOLIDATED COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Figures in million Shs 2013 2012 Numeric Comprehensive Income Shs Shs Growth Income 19,828 18,155 1,673 Ministries expenses (9,871) (7,831) (2,041) Operating expenses (4,800) (4,408) (392) Operating surplus 5,156 5,916 (760) Finance costs (354) (897) 543 Surplus for year (Shs 5,403m in Church financial statements) 4,802 5,019 (218) Watoto Church, Power FM & KPL Consolidated Financial Position Long term position 2013 2012 Numeric Figures in million Shs Shs Shs Growth Capital employed: Accumulated surplus 22,630 17,827 4,803 Non-controlling interests 23.4 24.8 (1.4) 22,653 17,852 4,802 Non-current liabilities: Borrowings 3,200 2,513 686 25,853 20,365 5,488 Represented by: Non-current assets: Property and equipment 20,944 16,119 4,825 Operating lease prepayments 1,815 1,824 (9) Intangible assets 11 51 (40) 22,771 17,995 4,776 Current assets: Receivable and prepayments 596 409 187 Held to maturity investments 2,759 1,267 1,493 Due from related parties 297 189 109 Cash and cash equivalents 2,300 2,290 10 5,953 4,154 1,799 Current liabilities: Borrowings 828 831 (3) Due to related parties 169 62 107 Payables and accruals 1,874 892 982 2,871 1,784 1,087 Net current assets 3,082 2,370 712 25,853 20,365 5,488
%tage Growth 9% 26% 9% -13% -61% -4% %tage Growth 27% -6% 27% 27% 27%
30% 0% -79% 27% 46% 118% 58% 0% 43% 0% 172% 110% 61% 30% 27%
Watoto Church, Power FM & KPL Total Income 2009 to 2013 & Budget 2014 25,000
Income % Growth
2013 Budget
2013 Actual
2014 Budget
Watoto Church Tithes and Offerings 2009 to 2013 & Budget 2014 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -
2013 Budget
2013 Actual
2014 Budget
% Growth
32% 3
28% 4
1% 1
Watoto Church, Power FM & KPL Operating Expenditure 2009 to 2013 & Budget 2014
18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0
Expenses % Growth
2009 8,3468 7%
2010 ,271 0%
2013 Budget
2013 Actual
2014 Budget
BBIRA Watoto Village, Bbira +256 312 266 471 CENTRAL Watoto Building Plot 87 Kampala Rd PO Box 2311 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256 312 266461/2/3/4/5 email: EAST Kazinga +256 312 266 466 GULU Former North View Hotel +256 372 260 469 LAMINADERA Watoto Village, Labora +256 782 140 131 NORTH Kisaasi +256 312 266 468 SOUTH Lubowa Estates +256 312 266 467 SUUBI Watoto Village, Nakirebe +256 312 266 470 WEST Kyengera +256 312 266 469 /watotochurchuganda @watotochurch WWW.WATOTOCHURCH.COM