5 pillars of a legacy company manual

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A LEGACY IN THE MAKING THE 5 PILLARS OF A LEGACY COMPANY 5 powerful factors have put Vasayo on the path to becoming a legacy company: 1. World-class Leadership

4. Generous Rewards

2. Disruptive Science

5. Proven System

and Products

3. The Right Timing


DELIVERING SOLUTIONS At Vasayo, we offer better results through superior delivery. Whether it’s an innovative delivery system for our products or the extra care invested in a successful Brand Partner experience, we have the art of delivery down to a science! Vasayo is built upon 5 key pillars of success—including world-class leadership, innovative products, precision timing, generous rewards, and a proven system. As you review each of these pillars in a bit more detail, we invite you to consider how each one can empower you to create lasting success for yourself and those you care for. The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 3


WORLD-CLASS LEADERSHIP PROVEN FOUNDERS DALLIN AND KARREE LARSEN GUIDE THE WAY When people look to become part of something meaningful, they want a track record of success. They want established. They want proven. Dallin Larsen more than fits the bill. Over the last 20 years, Dallin has proven himself many times over. He was the central figure in the growth of two ultrasuccessful, record-breaking companies with multiple billions of dollars in combined sales. During that time, Dallin helped tens of thousands of people earn a full-time income and hundreds of others achieve the title of millionaire. In short, Dallin has repeatedly demonstrated his ability to provide leaders everywhere the opportunity to create their own success. Recently, Dallin has stated that in order to re-enter the direct sales arena, he needed to find a disruptive concept or product that could create significant change in the lives of millions.


With that goal in mind, Dallin has surrounded himself with a world-class executive team whose extensive capabilities and experience demonstrate they carry the “proven” label as well. Eventually, Dallin found Dr. Emek Blair, a distinguished chemist who introduced to him a powerful, liposomal-encapsulation technology that dramatically improves the absorption and delivery of nutrients into the human body for much improved health benefits. This technology—which would serve as a foundational pillar for Vasayo—was just the disruptive concept Dallin was looking for, a technology he recognized for its potential to bless the lives of people across the globe. With Vasayo, Dallin is all in. Dallin is back.



DANIEL PICOU COFOUNDER & PRESIDENT Daniel Picou has built two successful companies that were later acquired in the B2B digital marketing space. This included the creation and management of campaigns that involved targeted traffic, customer engagement, and lead generation for both customer and representative acquisition. He has also served as an outside strategic consultant on projects with KPMG and BCG focused on helping businesses expand operations and gain market share, and as an expert in global business strategy and development. Picou understands that companies today must be strategic and data-driven to stay on top of market trends and to meet customer needs. He has a deep understanding of how every decision can affect the overall culture and well-being of an organization. Picou desires to influence the lives of as many individuals and families as possible through his passion for relationship marketing.


DAN ZHU COFOUNDER & PRESIDENT OF ASIA-PAC Dan Zhu has 20 years’ leadership experience in the direct selling industry, and has successfully launched and managed markets throughout Asia for two multi-million dollar direct sales companies. Zhu spearheaded successful market launches into both Hong Kong and Taiwan soon after he joined MonaVie in 2010 as Vice President of Greater China. In 2012, Dan was promoted to President of Asia-Pac, inclusive of the Greater China region, Southeast Asia region, Oceania (Australia and New Zealand) region, and Korea. Throughout his career, Dan has demonstrated a propensity for creating strategies and executing plans that deliver on sales and EBITDA results. Originally from China, Zhu came to the United States in the 1990s to attend Utah State University where he received a Master of Science degree in Business. He has a deep appreciation for both Eastern and Western cultures and languages, as well as people from all over the world.



DISRUPTIVE SCIENCE AND PRODUCTS THE SCIENCE BEHIND VASAYO PRODUCTS IS TRULY DISRUPTIVE Most people know that to truly be healthy, our cells require sufficient levels of a wide spectrum of nutrients. Most also realize that high-quality nutritional supplements can help us receive that level of nutrition. The problem is, due to inferior ingredients and formulation techniques, most supplements are difficult for the body to recognize and absorb. This results in only a small portion of nutrients reaching their intended cellular target. Dr. Emek Blair has long recognized the ability to greatly

Liposome layers form a “bubble� around the key nutrients, allowing the nutrient to bypass the destructive aspects of the digestive system and arrive intact directly to the cells for a much higher rate of absorption.

Key Nutrients Liposomes 8

enhance a nutrient’s chances of reaching the body’s cells if it were encased in a lipid-based “wrap.” Over the last 10+ years, Dr. Blair has developed a new, groundbreaking liposomal encapsulation technology that bypasses the challenges faced by standard supplement products. Liposomes are double-layered “bubbles” or spheres comprised of lipids (fats) that surround and protect the nutrient. They pass through the digestive tract largely unobstructed and are easily absorbed into the bloodstream, where they quickly reach the cells that need them. The result is a dramatically higher rate of nutrient absorption and utilization by the body’s cells. Which also means a much healthier you.

“This new liposomal technology truly helps separate Vasayo’s products from the competition. The results are vastly superior to what you get with other products.” – Emek Blair, PhD


MICROLIFE PRODUCTS DELIVERING HEALTH AND WELLNESS FOR A LIFETIME! Want the benefits of enhanced nutrition? Unfortunately, most standard supplements don’t deliver the level of nutrients your body needs. Vasayo’s products, on the other hand, feature an entirely unique technology that allows for superior nutrient absorption in the body. With MicroLife, you know exactly what your body is getting.



Build Your Nutrition Foundation for Lifelong Wellness Our modern food supply is fraught with dangerous ingredients and poor quality. Even those who make the best efforts to eat well, fall short of an optimal diet. Specially formulated to fill in your nutritional gaps, Core Essentials is a superior-quality multivitamin and trace mineral complex that utilizes Advanced Delivery Technology for robust nutrient bioavailability, all of which helps you build a foundation for optimal wellness.

FEATURES & BENEFITS: • Fill Nutrition Gaps • Enjoy Comprehensive Benefits • Establish Firm Health Foundation • Enhance Energy & Stamina

* Every MicroLife product features our proprietary Advanced (Liposomal) Delivery Technology. See Vasayo.com for more details.




Boost Your Brain Power A healthy, happy brain benefits virtually every area of the body. That’s why it’s so important the brain receives the nutrition it needs. MicroLife Neuro provides just that. Featuring our proprietary liposomal delivery technology for advanced bioavailability, Neuro delivers clinically proven, brain-boosting nutrients that your body requires for clarity, memory, and cognitive function.

FEATURES & BENEFITS: • Elevate Cognitive Function • Beat Brain Fog • Balance Mood • Optimize Stress Response


* Every MicroLife product features our proprietary Advanced (Liposomal) Delivery Technology. See Vasayo.com for more details.


Energize and Revitalize Your Daily Performance! Like most people, you’re probably looking for an energy boost to take on your daily tasks, improve overall performance, and say goodbye to that 3 o’clock crash. However, most energy products only provide short-lived energy with accompanying jitters and harsh crashes. MicroLife’s Energy, however, contains proven ingredients that provide natural, sustained energy to help you conquer your day—every day!

FEATURES & BENEFITS: • Enjoy Natural, Sustained Energy • No Harsh Stimulants, Jitters, or Crash • Won’t Exhaust Adrenals • Elevate Adaptogenic Activity

* Every MicroLife product features our proprietary Advanced (Liposomal) Delivery Technology. See Vasayo.com for more details.




Get That Restful Sleep You’ve Been Dreaming Of When it comes time for bed, you struggle. You’re stressed, and you can’t stop worrying. Or perhaps you get to sleep, but wake up in the night, restless and not able to return to a restful sleep. The troubling fact is you’re not alone with about 10% of adult Americans struggling with some form of unhealthy sleep. The good news is MicroLife Sleep provides an expertly formulated blend of proven ingredients to help you get ready for—and experience—a healthy, rejuvenating sleep.

FEATURES & BENEFITS: • Enjoy Gentle & Non-Habit Forming Benefits • Optimize Your Body’s Natural Sleep Mechanisms • Relax & Reduce Stress • Experience an Improved Wellness State 14

* Every MicroLife product features our proprietary Advanced (Liposomal) Delivery Technology. See Vasayo.com for more details.


Beat the Free Radical and Imbalanced Inflammation Threats! From poor diets to an ever-increasing exposure to toxins to mounting stress, our bodies are under constant attack from free radicals and imbalanced inflammation. MicroLife Renew helps reset the body, providing an increased measure of cellular protection to help support cartilage and joint function, healthier cells and tissues, and an overall enhanced state of wellness.

FEATURES & BENEFITS: • Support Body’s Natural Inflammatory Response • Protect from Free Radicals • Support Cartilage and Joint Function • Supercharge Your Immune Function

* Every MicroLife product features our proprietary Advanced (Liposomal) Delivery Technology. See Vasayo.com for more details.


PROVEN INGREDIENTS = SUPERIOR RESULTS MicroLife products not only feature our proprietary Advanced (Liposomal) Delivery Technology for vastly superior nutrient absorption, they also deliver top-of-the-line ingredients proven by modern science to give the body what it needs for optimal health and wellness. Here are just a few of the key ingredients you’ll find in MicroLife products:

VITAM I N D A crucial vitamin for the immune system, bones/teeth, and a healthy lifestyle. Featured in: MicroLife Core Essentials Researchers from Western University of Health Sciences, in Pomona, California, recently determined that supplementing with vitamin D resulted in overall improved cardiovascular function. – J Pharm Pract. 2016 Oct 24.


CITICO LI N E A proven nutrient that reinforces levels of important neurotransmitters to help control mood, mental energy, and minimize cravings. Featured in: MicroLife Neuro Recent findings from a University of Missouri study showed that citicoline supplementation “significantly improved sustained attention, cognitive effort and reaction times.” – Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2014 Dec;65(8):1003-7.

BACO PA Used for generations in traditional Ayurvedic medicinal blends, bacopa is a powerful antioxidant and adaptogen source that promotes memory and brain function. Featured in: MicroLife Neuro A clinical human trial conducted by Australian scientists demonstrated that bacopa “significantly improved [cognitive] performance” for more than 100 healthy volunteers. – Phytother Res. 2008 Dec;22(12):1629-34.


G R EEN TE A E X TR AC T One of the most proven herbals today, green tea delivers an impressive array of benefits, including enhanced energy, increased mental performance, healthy metabolism for improved weight control, antioxidant support, and more. Featured in: MicroLife Energy Scientists from Japan recently demonstrated that green tea helps improve one’s capacity for physical exertion/energy. – Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2016 Dec;80(12):2412-2417.

RHODIOLA ROSEA Research shows this powerful adaptogen can help the body adapt to stresses, ensure energy output, support fat burning, and ensure mental and athletic performance. Featured in: MicroLife Energy Recent clinical findings from a University of Coventry (UK) study demonstrated that rhodiola can “significantly increase” energy, improve mood and vigor, and enhance physical performance. – J Sports Med. 2014;2014:563043.


GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) This neurotransmitter inhibits or “dampens” nerve activity in the brain, allowing it to slowly relax, shut down, and enter the deep sleep levels required for the body to repair, rejuvenate, and truly rest. Featured in: MicroLife Sleep A review of research by Netherlands-based scientists found that GABA may improve brain function and related activities, including sleep. – Front Psychol. 2015 Oct 6;6:1520.

NAC (N-acetylcysteine) This amino acid decreases levels of glutamate, another amino acid that encourages alertness in the brain, and helps with protecting and detoxifying the brain. Featured in: MicroLife Sleep Brazilian researchers recently found that NAC may prevent disruption to the body’s circadian rhythms and the anxiety associated with such disruptions. – Chronobiol Int. 2015 Mar;32(2):248-54.


CU RCU M I N Thousands of studies demonstrate the wide-ranging powers of this amazing botanical. Curcumin is one of today’s most potent antioxidant support agents capable of promoting balanced inflammation. Featured in: MicroLife Renew Recent findings from a Texas Christian University (TCU) double-blind clinical trial showed that curcumin supplementation provided “clinically meaningful improvement” for participants’ cardiovascular function by minimizing imbalanced inflammation and improving the function of endothelial cells. – J Nutr Metab. 2016;2016:1089653.



THE RIGHT TIMING PARTNERING NOW WITH VASAYO COULD MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE As they say, timing is everything. And the timing for Vasayo simply could not be better—for several reasons.

1. Direct Sales Exploding. Building a home-based business

has never been more mainstream or more lucrative. In fact,

the number of people involved in home-based direct sales

rose more than 11% last year, with more than 20 million

Americans participating.

2. Modern Technologies. With the surge in social

media and other technologies, sharing from your home

offers flexibility and potential like never before.

3. Early Entry. The sooner you get started, the sooner you

can take advantage of Vasayo’s powerful Rewards Plan.

4. Leadership and Vision. Finally, Dallin’s proven track

record, disruptive product technologies, and vision for

Vasayo’s future tie it all together to create the

perfect timing.



GENEROUS REWARDS SUCCESS FOR THE LIFESTYLE YOU WANT Our innovative Rewards Plan makes sharing Vasayo product even more satisfying! Why is our Rewards Plan unique?

1. Fair and Generous. First, our plan is fair, paying out one

of the industry’s highest percentages.

2. Simple and Straightforward. It’s also simple to

understand and put into practice—something that most

companies can’t boast.

3. Immediate Payout. The Rewards Plan is also designed to

help you create immediate income to enjoy the fruits of

your labors.

4. Built for Long-term Success. And finally, our plan

has been carefully crafted to get you on the path to long-

term success and wealth-building. If you’re serious about

transforming your wealth and lifestyle, the Vasayo Rewards

Plan is for you. Income level achievements are dependent upon the individual Brand Partner’s business skills, personal ambition, time, commitment, activity and demographic factors. Vasayo makes no income guarantees. 23


PROVEN SYSTEM As a member of the Vasayo family, you now are able to enjoy a tremendous support network that has every incentive to ensure you succeed. A primary component of that support network is an impressive body of tools, training systems and leadership events created and proven by decades of experience and expertise. This overall system will provide you with the resources you need to not only start fast, but also build a long-term Vasayo business for lasting growth and success. So don’t wait—your sponsor or upline mentor can help you plug into the systems and support tools that already exist so you can start enjoying the rewards today!


OUR CULTURE VASAYO IS FOUNDED UPON THESE CORE VALUES: Integrity. Doing what’s right because it’s right. Leadership. Having the vision to forge a new path and overcome obstacles; willing to take risks.

Generosity. Sharing time, energy, and resources for the benefit of others.

Partnership. Achieving more together. Lifestyle. Having fun while inspiring significance in others. Action. Engaging and motivating others to engage. Innovation. Creating new and superior ways. Loyalty. Building trusting relationships for life.



ŠVasayo 2017. All Rights Reserved. RD 01 2017

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