First 3D Printed Gun Now A Museum Piece Posted by : replicatorworld On : October 1, 2013 Ca te g o ry : November 2013
Victoria and Albert Museum in London acquires Defense Distributed’s ‘Liberator’
Defense Distributed, the infamous Texan Anarchist group that created the first 3D printed gun, has yet again made headlines. Dezeen reports the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, “the world’s largest museum of the decorative arts” has acquired two of Defense Distributed’s prototypes of the 3D printed Liberator gun. Kieran Long, Victoria and Albert’s senior curator of contemporary architecture, design, and digital, defended the museum’s decision to display the Liberator in its collection: “ugly and sinister objects demand the museum’s attention just as much as beautiful and beneficial ones do…museums should be topical, responding quickly to world events when they touch our areas of expertise.” The museum added that “the invention of this so called ‘wiki weapon’ sparked intense debate and upended discussions about the benefits of new manufacturing technologies and the unregulated sharing of designs online.” Phot o and Q uot e s Court e s y of De ze e n an d t he Vict oria and Albe rt Mus e um
Hyperform: Expanding the Limits of 3D Printing Posted by : replicatorworld On : October 1, 2013 Ca te g o ry : November 2013
MIT designers develop technique for 3D printing objects larger than 3D printers printing them
Designers Marcelo Coelho and Skylar Tibbits have tackled one of the main constraints of 3D printing. According to PSFK, Coelho and Tibbits, in collaboration with Nathan Linder and Yoav Reches of Formlabs were funded by Ars Electronica to solve the problem of 3D printing objects that are larger than the printers printing them. Normally “to 3D print large objects, you’ll either have to divide the object into several parts or find yourself a [larger] 3D printer.” However, these MIT based designers developed a new way to solve this problem: Hyperform, “a method that uses material folding techniques as a computational design strategy as well as assembly strategies to enable designers to compress large objects into the bed space of any 3D printer and then lay them out and assemble them after printing.” When objects printed using these techniques are finished they look “like a long string of chain links with multidirectional notches to allow for easy assembly.” To demonstrate, the designers printed a 50-foot chain and a chandelier, in order to illustrate the assembly process “and show the potential of Hyperform when it comes to creating large items. The research team intends to open up Hyperform to other designers and architects who may have other ideas on how the method can be used or developed further.” Vide o, Phot o, and Q uot e s Court e s y of PS FK
3D Printing in the Library Posted by : replicatorworld On : October 1, 2013
Ca te g o ry : November 2013
Three libraries in Connecticut add 3D printers to their collections
The Courant recently announced that the Southington library has a new Makerbot Replicator
The Courant recently announced that the Southington library has a new Makerbot Replicator II. Southington marks the third library in the state of Connecticut to have a 3D printer, after Westport and Trumbull. “Westport’s library was the first in Connecticut to get a 3D printer, and in July 2012 opened what it called its Maker Space, a section with several printers where people can learn to use them and design and make things…[it] was featured on the cover of the October 2012 Library Journal, resulting in libraries from Boston to Alaska contacting Westport library Director Maxine Bleiweis about the new service. Westport is hosting a meeting [on] October 1 st of about 100 librarians who want to see what it means for a library to have a 3D printer.” Director Bleiweis discussed the public response to Wesport’s Maker Space: “It’s beyond exciting. People really are drawn to it. It’s something new to learn, which fits the role of libraries as places of knowledge. We have 20 people trained to use the printers. These machines are the democratization of manufacturing. People can use them to make almost anything they can design.” Phot o Court e s y of Make rBot Q uot e s Court e s y of T he Courant
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