Renewal the Quartely Magazine of Northern Bahr el Ghazal Internal Province

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Peace be With You !

The Archbishop Speaks

By the Most Rev, Moses Deng Bol. Good News I am a most fortunate man because I have a lot of spare time to think when I am travelling to places. So I allow my mind to think about the stories that I have read in the Bible and the people who are in these stores. I want to know sometimes how did they feel, what were they thinking? Because it is their stories that affect our lives, they are all part of the Good News of Jesus. I sometimes think of the time at the very end of the story of walking to Emmaus, if you do not know this story it can be found in the Gospel of Luke Chapter 24 verses 13 to 35 and tells about some of the disciples leaving Jerusalem after the crucifixion of Jesus. The disciples meet a strange man who talks to them about the reason why Jesus came and seems to know so much. Eventually they reach Emmaus, which is a small village. They invite the stranger to eat with them because it is late and as they do the man breaks the bread and they suddenly realise that the stranger is Jesus. This is the moment “ When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. 31 Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight.” Really, how did these people feel to suddenly see that? I have tried to imagine. The disciples must have been very shocked and for a short time it must have been too much to believe. Perhaps, if you put yourself in the place of Thomas the Apostle, just a short time after the death of Jesus on Good Friday, you may have thought that it was not true that Jesus had come to the disciples when you were not there. This is what St John tells us that he said “But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” ”. Remember he did not know what we know,

Index The Archbishop Speaks.... ....................................2 Independence Celebrated…………..........................5 Background of the ECSS in NBG ….........................6 JPRC Strategic Plan Workshop….…........................8 House of Bishops Meeting……...............................9 DARD Development and Care in Aweil….……......11 Bishop Joseph Visiting Rumkeet……….................15 Richard Owen Governor .……….…….....................15 Confidence Building…………………………………………17 Homiletics Training…………………………..................18 Successful Training in Wunyik…..........................18 South Sudan Pastors Fellowship…..…………..........20 Amazing Baptism News…………..........................22 IGAD Announcement………………..……………………..22 St John’s College Orientation Day…………………….23 Wanyjok Office Update…………………………………….25 Renovation of East Bank Clinic…………………………26 Contact Us.......................................................28 Please Pray with us ...........................................29

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read the whole story in the Gospel of John chapter 20 verses 24 to 29 and you will see that he was not slow to accept the truth. But in fact I think that it is most true to say that people find it easier to believe bad news instead of good news. Perhaps it is because in life we see so many more bad things. How do you receive good news? This is very true in South Sudan and it is a shameful thing for all South Sudanese people that we have allowed so many bad things to happen in South Sudan since the great opportunity of independence. An opportunity that so many suffered and died for. I hear people say that South Sudan is a young nation and it is still learning but really I think this is an excuse and not a reason. There is a real danger for us that the bad news we hear so often can become what is normal. Let me say that truly it is not. So there is really great joy in my heart that after so long a time a peace deal has been signed in Khartoum that allows our country to put away it’s differences and offers an opportunity for the future. Let me ask you, how do we receive this good news? I know there was great celebration in Wau and many other places in South Sudan. Many people came together in joy. I also know that many people in other countries will be looking very carefully at us to see what happens next. Just like so many stories in the Bible what a person does next tells us about them. Do you recall the story of the good Samaritan? You can read about it in the Gospel of Luke Chapter 10 verses 25 to 37. In that story two of the three people walked past the injured man who had been beaten by robbers, who could easily have died. Is this how we should treat each other? And the last man shamed the others by caring for a person who truly if things were the other way around would probably not have stopped either. So you see what we do tells other people about us and it is for each of us to do the right things.


Jesus made it very plain that truly we can have direct contact with God and can pray directly to God, just look at the words of the Lord’s Prayer. This is the prayer that Jesus actually taught us and it speaks directly to God. Just the same we are directly responsible for the good or bad that happens in this world. Even on Good Friday as Jesus was crucified the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Matthew tells us about this in his Gospel in Chapter 27 from verses 50 to 52 “50When Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, He yielded up His spirit. 51At that moment the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth quaked and the rocks were split.” This is most significant because in the times of ancient Israel only the High Priest could speak to God and only behind the curtain in the temple at Jerusalem. When this curtain was torn it was a sign that there were no more barriers between ordinary people and the God Who created them. I ask you how do you receive this good news? Jesus teaches us time and time again in the stories that he called parables that by forgiveness we have an opportunity to change life and start again with God as our friend. I want to say that now and here in South Sudan we have a new opportunity to start again, this is good news and we must learn to rejoice and accept it. Rather than refuse to believe and expect things to be bad. We must look forward to a future of peace through forgiveness so that we can have the development that South Sudan so badly needs. Let me say that forgiveness is very important to the future of South Sudan. This does not mean that we will simply forget all that has happened but we must try hard to remove the things in our society that cause violence and hatred and make it easy for bad things to happen. I spoke with my brother bishops on this subject and with other representatives from the dioceses of Northern Bahr el Ghazal Internal Province at a special Justice, Peace and Reconciliation Council meeting earlier this year. We strongly believe that it would help our society if power struggles, land and bonder

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disputes and cattle rustling were stopped. Also finding ways for pastoralists to avoid conflict with farmers and reducing the bride price would be very important. The breakdown of law and order and proliferation of small arms and light weapons is something which is most urgent to stop too. Really these are not small problems and solving them will not be easy, forgiveness is not easy, but it is something that everyone in South Sudan can have a part in. When we stop fighting and hating each other we can begin to help each other and develop as a nation. Recently a new initiative was started that I am very proud to share with you, not least because it involves Mama Sarah Samuel Mabith the wife of the NBG IP Communications Officer. A group called South Sudanese Pastors for Peace has been created in Kenya. It includes representatives from different tribes, different backgrounds and different places. Also it includes people from CMS Africa, Mr. Karobi and Madam Lucy who have come to witness to the fellowship. In our midst there are two Bishops who fellowship together with the group, Bishop John Jock Chol bishop of Akobo Diocese and Bishop Wilson Garang Chan Bishop of Awiel Diocese plus our Sister Priscilla Amati Maker the youth chairperson of BGYA. There are many Clergy from different churches and Choirs in Kasarani in Kenya. I am so proud of this because it is people coming together knowing that they are different and yet knowing that before God they are all the same. This is how we really are, so how do we accept this as good news? I would like this idea to spread like an infection in South Sudan and remove the problems of tribal conflict. Really I know this is a lot to ask for but it is worth praying about Then just like the


man in the story of the Good Samaritan we would not stop to question who needed help, we would not worry about our commitments to other things and just ask how much help they needed. Jesus came to us to bring us good news, he sets an example to follow and opens our eyes to the things that God really wants of us. It is not always easy to accept his good news, but if we listen with our hearts open and try with good intentions often we can be rewarded with joy, this has been my experience since I became a Christian. I want to leave you with one last story that I sometimes think of. Peter who is one of the Apostles and also a fisherman returns to Galilee after the crucifixion and has spent all night on his boat but caught no fish. Then a man calls to him to cast his nets on the other side of the boat. When he does the nets are filled with fish. Peter suddenly realises that the man on the shore is Jesus. You can read this story in the Gospel of John chapter 21 verses 1 to 14. But please let me tell you how Peter receives this good news. Peter leaps into the water and swims ashore with all his might to greet Jesus and they share a meal together. Can you imagine knowing such joy? It is this kind of great joy that we want to share, not just in church on Sundays but all the time and with everyone. I pray that the joy Jesus brings to us in peace may be yours to have and to share. I pray that the peace we have now in South Sudan will grow and lead us all in to a new time of development and joy for all. Please accept this as good news from me. Every blessing


Pease pray for lasting peace and development in every part of South Sudan

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Wau Diocese Celebrates South Sudan Independence By Rev William Majok Mayuang The Episcopal Church of South Sudan (ECSS), Diocese of Wau conducted a thanksgiving prayer for the Independence of South Sudan on Sunday 8th July 2018 at Good Shepherd Cathedral in Wau. The celebration went on well, all the Christians gave thanks to Almighty God for "giving us freedom in South Sudan". Christians also thanked God for the ceasefire and transitional security arrangements that was recently signed between the Government of South Sudan and the Opposition leaders in Khartoum and continue in prayer for the ongoing transitional responsibility sharing talks in Kampala and Khartoum that the Lord will touch the hearts of the Government and Opposition leaders so that they can agree and bring a lasting peace back to South Sudan. The celebration was so colourful with youth and Sunday School children from different congregations and languages including Luo, Nuer, Dinka and Fertite communities performing their Christian and cultural dances and singing special thanksgiving songs. They also sang songs of prayer for forgiveness, asking God to "forgive us our sins and bless our land". At the end of the service the youth said they were very happy and "thankful to God for this wonderful day and to the Diocese of Wau for treating every one equally". Church Elders and the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance at the University of Bahr El Ghazal, Dr Abraham Matoch Dhal donated a bull to the youth and asked them to choose a day for them to celebrate together as a sign of


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unity and peace among themselves because according to him the "youth of Wau Diocese have shown a good example of being one in Christ". He also thanked the church administration for putting in place a system that treats everyone equally and brings everybody together.

thanked the youth and Sunday school children for the wonderful performances and concluded the service with a word of prayer.

Mr Joshua Bundi from Kenya preached a powerful thanksgiving message in English, translated into Arabic by the Rev Canon David Modi Stephen. The Diocese of Wau Bishop's Commissary the Rev Canon Mary Chol Deng

Independence Thanksgiving Prayer Service is an annual event which the Diocese of Wau celebrates every year either on 9th July if it falls on a Sunday or the nearest Sunday to the 9th either before or after.

Background of the ECSS in NBG Internal Province By Rev. Peter Angui Akook In 2017 Bishop Moses Deng Bol was elected 1st Archbishop of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and Sudan (ECSS &S) in Northern Bahr el Ghazal Internal Province. Greater Bahr el Ghazal was historically divided into two Internal Provinces: Eastern Bahr el Ghazal, and Northern Bahr el Ghazal. Northern Bahr el Ghazal Internal Province is currently subdivided into five Dioceses of Wau, Aweil, Abyei, Gogrial and Tonj; and one area diocese of Raja. It is hoped that in the near future two further area dioceses of Wanyjok and Nyamlel may be created. The Archbishop see of Northern Bahr el Ghazal Internal Province is in Wau. The division of Greater Bahr el Ghazal into two separate Internal Provinces started in November 2013 in

Bor after it was agreed by the Anglican Church worldwide in 2011. =newbishops In 2009 Rev Moses Deng Bol was elected and consecrated on 29th November 2009 and enthroned on 14th March 2010 as Bishop of Wau Diocese. Bishop Moses Deng is the third Bishop of Wau Diocese. In 2009 The Provincial Synod resolved in its resolution No (5) the creation and establishment of Internal Provinces in the North and the South given the fact that church was likely to face new challenges with the breakaway of South Sudan from the North in 2011.

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In 2008 Bishop Daniel Deng Bul Yak of Renk Diocese was elected the 4th Archbishop of ECS. Archbishop Daniel’s core responsibility during this period was reorganization and streamlining of the church structures to meet the new demands and challenges. The other task was fostering the spirit of ecumenism and coordination with all other denominations in the country. During this period, a decision to create seven more dioceses of Terekeka, Twic East, Akot, Pacong, Nzara, Wad Medani and Aweil was made based on the 2006 Provincial Synod policies following the recommendations by the Assessment and Evaluation team. In this period, six other more Areas to become dioceses of their own were set up: Lomega, Wonduruba, Olo, Awerial, Bentiu and Kassala. The aim of this creation is to manage and minister effectively and efficiently to our estimated over four million members across the two countries. In 2000 Bishop Joseph Bringi Hassan Marona was elected the 3rd Archbishop of ECS. During this period, the church was still torn apart by the intensifying war. Part of it was in exile; part of it was in rebel control areas; and part of it in government held areas. Archbishop Joseph has been a bridge builder between the three main areas where they spread or fled to. The historical signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) was overseen by Archbishop Joseph Marona. Archbishop Joseph died on 18th September 2009. In 1988-1998 Bishop Benjamin Wani Yugusuk was elected the 2nd Archbishop of ECS. This period was characterized by the intensification of the civil war between the North and the South. Massive displacement and great suffering intensified or reigned. But the suffering has the effect of promoting the Christian faith and the spirit of unity and solidarity among all Christian denominations. In this period, one would simply agree to the Promised Jesus made to His disciples in Great Commission that He will be with them always to the very end of the age. Jesus indeed had been with His church of the Sudan.


In 1992 thirteen more dioceses were created to accommodate the newly consecrated Bishops of Yirol, Torit, Rokon, Renk, Rejaf, Port Sudan, Malakal, Lui, Lainya, Ibba, Ezo, El-Obeid and Cueibet. The new development was overseen by Bishop Benjamin Wani Yugusuk following the passing on of 1st Archbishop Elinana Ja’bi Ngalamu in Khartoum on 29th September 1992. In 1988 Wau became a Diocese with the Rt Rev John Malou Ater being the 1st Bishop of Wau Diocese. Regretfully Bishop Malou was killed within three months in plane crashed on his way to Rumbek Diocese. In 1988 Rev Henry Cuir Riak who was an Archdeacon in Wau town was consecrated as Assistant Bishop of Wau Diocese. In 1999 Bishop Henry Riak was enthroned as the 2nd Bishop of Wau Diocese and retired on 30th June 2009. In 1983-2005 the country was facing social, political, economic and religious crisis that resulted into second civil war and the church was forced to exile, to hiding in African bushes and in some towns where there was great measure of security and harassment. The church lived in fear and hope. After 10 years later, seven more dioceses were created in 1986 namely: Yei, Kajo-Keji, Maridi, Mundri, Bor, Wau and Kadugli. The Episcopal Church of Sudan experienced six years of internal leadership crisis from 1986-1992 which was triggered by the ECS constitution violation. Rev Henry Cuir Riak who served in Rumbek Diocese in 1979 as archdeacon was transferred to Wau Town Parish in 1983 and he ministered there as pastor under the leadership of Archdeacon John Malou. In 1976 Bishop Elinana Ja’bi Ngalamu was elected 1st Archbishop of ECS. Sudan became an Independence Province from Canterbury in 1976 with 4 dioceses: Juba, Yambio, Rumbek and Omdurman, all were led by Sudanese Bishops; Elinana Ja’bi Ngalamu, Yerimaya Kufuta Dotiro, Banjamin Wani Yugusuk and Butrus Shukai. This pioneering work shows the escalation and the growth of the Church throughout Sudan. It

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reflects the commitment and dedication of the missionaries to bring salvation of Christ to our land. But at times the work of missionaries comes with heavy price- the loss of lives. Bishop Morris’ vision of developing “the Sudanese


leadership” for “the Sudanese church” was captured by his successor Bishop Oliver C. Allison. Bishop Morris’ leadership aimed at the importance of the principle of Self-Propagating, Self-Supporting and Self-Sufficient Church.

Northern Bhar El Ghazal Internal Province Launches Justice Peace and Reconciliation Commission’s Strategic Plan Workshop By Rev Zechariah Dut Kuot The Justice Peace and Reconciliation Commission of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan, Northern Bahr El Ghazal Internal Province successfully conducted a three day Strategic Plan workshop in Wau Diocese on Tuesday 16the – Thursday 19th April 2018. The workshop was aimed at identifying the issues that are causing and driving the conflict in NBGIP and South Sudan as whole. The workshop was attended by 30 participants five from each of the five Dioceses that form the province namely Wau, Aweil, Abyei, Gogrial and Tonj and five from the Provincial Administration. The people targeted were Diocesan JPRC Coordinators, Mothers Union

Coordinators, and Youth Leaders, Development Coordinators and Diocesan Administrative Secretaries or bishops. At the Provincial level the workshop was attended by the Mothers Union Leader, Youth leader, Mission and Evangelism Coordinator, Acting Provincial Administrative Secretary and Provincial Development Coordinator. The workshop was facilitated by His Grace, The Most Rev Moses Deng Bol Archbishop of Northern Bahr El Ghazal Internal Province and Bishop of the Diocese of Wau

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Renewal disarmament of civilians, facilitating community leaders and youth leaders peace conferences, civic education, drama and talk show, reduction of bride price, training of Police, Chiefs and Judges among others.

The impact of this workshop was that the participants were able to identify the type and causes of conflicts at national and regional level which includes, power struggles, land and bonder issues, cattle rustling, pastoralists vs farmers conflicts, bride price, breakdown of law and order, proliferation of small arms and light weapons among others. They also came up with the strategic plan on how to address those causes of the conflicts in the next two years (2018-2020). This includes, spreading the word of God, community

The participants thanked his grace, the Most Rev Moses for facilitating the workshop successfully and to the donors for their generous support toward achieving a suitable peace in South Sudan. Archbishop Deng thanked and appreciated all the participants who came from across the five dioceses of Northern Bhar Ghazal Internal Province for contributing their ideas. He prayed for God’s protection on them as they go back to their respective dioceses as he also concluded the workshop with the words of prayer and blessing.

Northern Bhara El Ghazal Internal Province Launches House of Bishop’s Meeting By Rev William Majok Mayuang The Northern Bhara El Ghazal Internal province launched the house of Bishops meeting on Tuesday 17th April, 2018 in Wau. The house of Bishops meeting was attended by all the five bishops of Northern Bhar El Ghazal internal province and the two assistant bishops of Aweil diocese. Northern Bahr el Ghazal Internal Province is an internal province within the Episcopal Church of South Sudan which is part of the Anglican Communion. It covers a large area

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in Northern West South Sudan that has many practical needs. Northern Bahr El Ghazal Internal Province is led by Archbishop Moses Deng Bol and comprises of five dioceses and one area diocese. The five dioceses and one area diocese of Northern Bahr el Ghazal Internal include; Wau, Awiel. Abyei, Gogrial, Tonj dioceses and Raja area dioceses. The internal province covers three former states of Western Bhar Ghazal, Warrap and Northern El Ghazal states, and the Abyei Administrative Area. Now according to the creation of 28th states it covers the seven states of Wau, Gogrial, Tonj, Awiel East, Awiel West, Awiel Centre and Raja states plus the Abyei administrative

Area. The House of Bishops was chaired by his grace, the Most Rev Moses Deng Bol, the Archbishop of Northern Bhar Ghazal Internal Province and the Bishop of the Diocese of Wau. Archbishop Moses Deng announced the house of bishop’s resolution,� we have resolved to support civilian disarmament, mobilize the youth of Northern Bhar El Ghazal Internal Province not to accept being


used by politicians for their own political gain. We appeal to the warring parties to stick to the secession of hostilities agreement and negotiate in good faith and sign the peace during the 3rd round of revitalization process. We appeal to our people to stop forced and early marriages and to reduce the bride price because it is contributing to the intra and inter communal conflict. We appeal to our people to take all the children to school both boys and girls. We appeal to our people to cultivate their farms so that we can produce enough food for ourselves instead of depending on outside support. The Bishops who came across from the five dioceses of Northern Bhar El Ghazal Internal province thanked archbishop Moses Deng for a good time in Wau and for accommodation in the ECSS Guest House. Archbishop Moses thanked and appreciated all the bishops for their commitment to come and share their ideas together. After the meeting all the bishops travelled to Juba to attend the enthronement of the Most Rev Dr Justin Badi the fifth archbishop, primate and metropolitan of the province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and the Bishop of the Diocese of Juba. The enthronement was schedule to be conducted on 22nd April, 2018 in all saints cathedral, Juba South Sudan.

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DARD - Development and Care in Aweil Diocese By Rt Rev Joseph Mamer Background The Diocese of Aweil Relief and Development organization (DARD) was founded in Northern Bahr el Ghazal, South Sudan in 2010 as the development Wing for the Diocese of Aweil. DARD is a non-profit making, non-Governmental Organization but humanitarian and developmental Indigenous National Organization which was founded in 2010 and legally registered in 2011 with the Republic of South Sudan with registration number 147 (Aweil) 1149 (Juba). Its major strategic programs include Food Security and Livelihoods, Water and Sanitation programs (WASH) Education, Protection (GBV & Child protection programs) Peace Building and Reconciliation as well as Missionary Work. DARD is planning to launch a Psychosocial Support and counseling program specifically for traumatized, conflict affected populations and the children that are exposed to war or danger. DARD’s overall goal and objective is to encourage sustainable rural development and empower marginalized and vulnerable groups through designed training and improvement of

agriculture, which is a long – term strategy for increasing food production and food security while conserving and managing natural resources. Protection and promotion of human rights as components is DARD’s vision. Our aim is to meet the needs of the present and future generation by promoting development that does not degrade the environment and is technically appropriate, economically viable and socially acceptable.

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Since the inception, the organization has carried out many activities ranging from Food Security, Health and HIV/AIDS prevention programs, supporting education programs like school construction and renovation e.g. It has supported the Construction of St. Mary Girls High school in Maper and St. Joseph Primary school in Mathiang Aweil Town here in Northern Bahr el Ghazal State as well as the ECSS Administration block. DARD has implemented two projects - It has built a Training Hall for Malou Awer Womens Association and a Special Protection unit (SPU) in Nyamlel funded by the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) Recovery, Rehabilitation and Peace Building Unit. DARD also has been in partnership with World Food Programme (WFP) since 2016 implementing Food for Education (FFE) supporting 48 schools within Aweil town, Aweil Centre and parts of Aweil West. DARD does food delivery, non food items, training, monitoring and many other activities. DARD VISION To have a free, healthy, empowered and enlightened society where the poor and marginalized participate in community development and service delivery.


DARD MISSION To provide development and humanitarian services through access to education and food Security Diocese of Aweil Relief and Development DARD has recently distributed the following food commodities to 48 schools in Aweil tow, West and Aweil South. Current Projects: 1. FOOD FOR EDUCATION (FOOD SECURITY AND LIVELIHOOD) & 2.


1. Food for Education (FFE) WFP In June DARD distributed assorted commodities but includes the following: • Cereals (Sorghum and maize) • Vegetable oil • Pulse (Beans/yellow peas • Salt

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2. DARD has so far distributed a total of 854.24 Metric Tons for 3 months food serving 22,856 beneficiaries. 3. Non Food Items DARD has distributed Non Food items like • Cooking Pots (Cups, weighing scales, plates and hand washing facilities) • DARD conducted a de-worming exercise in all schools twice a year, so far DARD has dewormed 21,422 pupils • DARD does monitoring exercises for food distributed in all schools


DARD entered into partnership with United Nations Mission in South Sudan in year 20172018 and has currently completed two projects since its partnership; DARD has built Malou Awer Women Association Training Centre and Special Protection Unit in Nyamlel Police Head Quarters through the Quick Impact Project (QIP) The main aim of this centre is to provide a conducive training Space for women not only in Malou Awer village but in Aweil town and be a centre for peace dialogues and conferences. This facility will also be used for tailoring and many social activities. Hand over preparations 2018

• Water Tanks for schools 4. Training: DARD trains Parents Teachers Association on food and commodities management, this is aimed at helping them know how to calculate daily food for children according to days the food is meant for. Food Management Committee, Each school has 5 food management Committee members and so far DARD has trained 240 Food Management Committees. PROTECTION

DARD won this project from United Nations Mission in South Sudan, it built this and then handed it over to Malou Awer Women Association in the presence of the Governor of Aweil State who was the Guest of honour, Human Right Division, Recovery, Rehabilitation and Peace Building, World Food Programme (WFP) and many NGOs were present during the hand over activity. Nyamlel Special Protection Unit (SPU) 2018

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The main objectives for this Special Protection unit is: • To provide vulnerable women a sanctuary custody during times of domestic conflicts. • Give women a confidential and comfortable space for self-expression. • Provide separation of women from men suspects as demanded by the law. • Provide children in conflict with the law a special sanctuary while processing their rehabilitation. This facility was handed over to the Police department and community of Nyamlel on 18 May 2018 OTHER PROJECTS 1. Water and Sanitation Programme (WASH) 2. Peace-building and Reconciliation 3. Disciple and Missionary Work 4. Recovery, Rehabilitation and Psychological supports.

A Prayer to Know, Love and Serve God By Rev Peter Angui Akook O God You are the light of the minds that know you, the life of the souls that love you, and the strength of the wills that serve you: help us to know you so well that we may truly love you, and love you so well that we may fully serve you; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Bishop Joseph Visits Christians in Rumkeet By James Dut Majok The important work that Bishop Joseph Mamer Manot is doing with his team continued when he visited Abiem West Mangok County in Rumkeet archdeaconry. The welcome of our Bishop Joseph Mamer Manot with his team was a great joy to the Christians of the Wanyjok area. There 53 new Christian members were baptised, 507 people attended the ceremony and Abuna Angelo Ngong Kuan preached a very good message. Bishop Joseph was accompanied by Rev James Dut Majok, Dean Peter Wol Garang and Mother’s Union leader Elizabeth Abuk Akot. She briefed the ladies who was aswell coming to see Bishop Joseph Mamer Manot and Ex director Peter Deng Aluk who was sent by Hon Commissioners Ken Ken.

Richard Owen, Governor, Bahr-el-Ghazal Ideas on Independence Adapted from an article by Dr. Douglas H. Johnson by Richard Tazewell Shortly, after Richard Owen's death in 1982 a memorial mass was held for him in the Cathedral in Wau, Bahr el-Ghazal Province, Sudan, where he had served as Governor. It was a touching tribute to a man who spent the last years of his official career in Sudan arguing for special treatment for the peoples of the three non-Muslim Southern Provinces. What many Sudanese and South Sudanese will most want to know is about Owen's disagreement with the British post-war policy of putting the Southern Sudan under the control of

the government of the north, but the new book “Sudan Days” based on his diaries says little about it. Owen argued strenuously for the continuation of British administration in some form in the Southern Provinces even as the rest of the nation inched towards independence. But his opposition to government policy is not mentioned in Sir James Robertson's earlier book, Transition in Africa, where Owen is in effect airbrushed out of history.

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There is a short note in the book written in 1952. He sees the main villains as the Egyptians, the Americans and the Foreign Office. In fact the people who had most to do with stopping the guarantees for the South Owen advocated were the northern Sudanese nationalists eager for the handover of power. Like so many men in British provincial administration at the time Owen did not really understand that Britain did not have the right to decide about this. The administration might have been British, but by treaty the country was an Egyptian colony, not a British one. The book shows very clearly that his objections to British government policy were not that he was prejudiced in favour of southerners and biased against northern Sudanese. In fact, his objections rested on the uneven development within the country that meant that Southern Sudanese would find it difficult to participate as equal partners with their northern countrymen. Owen expressed his frustration and disgust with the way Britain handled Sudan’s independence in private to his British colleagues but he still got on well with his Sudanese counterparts. Some British officials resented leaving Sudan, but Owen's Sudanese successor as governor of Bahr el-Ghazal later said that Owen took it ‘very nicely' and was very helpful in handing over Government records. Richard Owen was too young to fight in the First World War and went from Oxford to the Sudan Political Service in the mid-1920s, a period when British authority in Sudan was at its strongest and the idea that there was any need to prepare Sudanese for self-government and independence was not really thought about.


Owen wrote down his thoughts during the 1950s and 1960s, with some extra in the 1970s but it has remained unpublished until now when his memoirs are published in a new book called “Sudan Days”. The book is arranged in topic chapters --- some are devoted to different types of Sudanese people, others are about daily life and government policy: the Daily Round, Crime and the Law, Missions, Education, Recreations, Colleagues and Government. They are written in the style of stories, intended more to entertain and amuse than to inform. Owen writes in generalities about stock types - the Arab, the African, the Dongolawi, the Dinka, the Copt, and sometimes about British people. Richard Owen was strongly against ideas of racial superiority, and he preferred instead to focus on levels of civilisation. As he explained to a questionnaire from a Sudanese diplomat many years later he preferred the Arabs to the Southern Sudanese because Islam was closer to Christianity, while pagans were 'culturally remote from him.' His sympathy with Northern Sudanese is evident in the conversations he records with sheikhs and others. 'With the Arabs', he stated in one of the letter extracts included, 'you can exchange rational ideas on every kind of topic ... but with you can't really talk about ideas with Africans…' This may be quite unfair, as Owen never learned to speak a local language. He could speak Arabic well, as all British permanent staff had to be. In the non-Arabic speaking areas officials often also had to learn a local language but Owen never did. Richard is a prominent member of the Poole – Wau Link from Poole Deanery in Salisbury Diocese, UK.

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Confidence Building After the Khartoum Peace Agreement A comment by Rev Nathaniel Maral Dear colleagues, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulates all South Sudanese people for their national spirit to signed the long awaited Peace Agreement and specially the warring factions. Following the five years of intense conflict, South Sudan has massively displaced millions of people and thousands of people were killed. It is difficult for the warring factions to trust each other during the transitional period. Negotiations may have brought hostilities to a close and brought about some kind of agreement or reasonable compromise. But the two warring factions will have fear and distrust of each other. They will, in fact, be more distrustful of each other than of strangers. It will be a very longtime before each side can be convinced that the attitude of the other has changed. Change in attitudes can only be trusted if there is a consistent pattern of behavior in change. Trust can not be built overnight, but it's a consistent process that required peace lovers to take up an obligation to build trust among the warring parties. The religious groups are the first actors to play essential roles on building confidence and trust, followed by the civil society organizations to makethe public aware. Confidence can be established in the willingness and the ability of each other to change and install the following. 1facilitating dialogues. It is important to be on lookout for ways of expanding possibilities for dialogue amongst the parties involved. Of course, the application of this skill will need to be adapted to the particular culture and

circumstances in which you are working. 2. Negotiations; in such context, negotiations are referred to as a structured process of dialogue between conflicting parties about issues like the 32 states, governance and other pending issues in which their opinions differ. Building a sustainable peace through confidence building is all our responsibilities as South a Sudanese congregation. May God bless South Sudan. Rev Nathaniel originally posted this comment on Facebook on August 5th 2018

Please pray for peace in South Sudan and that now may be a time of change to bring lasting stability and development to the people of South Sudan.

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Homiletics Training in Nakuru Kenya By Rev Capt Paul Lueth Kat I want to take this opportunity to thank God and the Church leaders who organized this training on Homiletics. South Sudanese congregation pastors and evangelists in Nakuru especial in Diaspora this is their first time to conduct this kind of workshop because most of the pastors and evangelists they didn’t attended any Bible school or any other training like this. Most of them preach without good context in the preaching of the bible. Since homiletics is about preaching, they were happy and thanked God for this workshop which has made a great impact for the South Sudanese refugee congregation in Nakuru, Kenya. Don't put the resources first but put your people first. Don't point your finger to a bad preacher of the day but bring seminary/ Bible School to them for free. Don’t be selfish of the gifts that God has given you to, "teach them to understand everything I have commanded you" Jesus

commanded. I am grateful to train 25 Evangelists of Christ on Homiletics, I shed tears when I heard the sermon of one participant preaching in a class practice which was touching and very instructive. I learned that there are great and wonderful preachers in the church, but they need encouragement and training on how to preach to their congregation. Thanks to the South Sudanese congregation in Nakuru for it is good to give such training I wish you all a blessings preaching in your churches.

Successful Training at Wunyik Army Barracks By Rt Rev Joseph Mamer Manot I travelled to Wunyik Army barracks responding to the Invitation by Chaplaincy leadership and Commander of 3rd Division Major General Dau Aturjong. Last week was really a week of many blessings and witness to our army.There were 3 important things that have happened. 1.We have had 96 mothers from various churches being trained by International

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Aid Service (IAS)) the 2 days training was on (1) Christian Worship (2) roles of women in church building (3) prayer and family lives in lines with their divine call. I was privileged to speak to those mothers on the importance of their roles in our churches and contributions to the development of local churches. I also encouraged our mothers to continue supporting their local churches, the more we have strong and prayerful mothers in our churches and in our communities the more our churches grow spiritually and numerically and to have a transformed and reformed communities who love one another. After releasing 96 women or more back to their local churches, I proceeded to Wunyik Army barracks, thank and grateful to IAS for providing us with their car when our car had a technical problem. On Saturday we talked to the army, I encouraged them from the book of the prophet Jeremiah 29:11-14 the good Lord said that "I know the plan I have for you, plans to prosper and hope" I encouraged the army to have hope and a positive attitude to life and God will change this situation to good. I also encouraged them to promote peace among themselves to be a faithful national army not being feared by citizens, instead citizens can have confidence and trust when the army is present, the army


can't cause any terror to its citizens who are their prime goal to provide maximum protection. Sunday we were also joined by faithful Christians including Major General Dau Aturjong, Major General Abraham Ater Kuch , Brigadier General Peter Latjior Gai, Major General James Akoc Malua, Brigadier General Ajonga Ayaga and many senior officers. Christians and the army were so encouraged by the message given by Canon Angelo Ngong Kuan from 1 Samuel 1:9-20 and Luke 23:39-43. His message was " Only genuine faith can save life" finally, on behalf of the area of Wanyjok, I thank IAS for the training given to our Mothers Union and my grateful thanks to army leadership for the support given to make this pastoral visit a success. May God bless you all.

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Formation of South Sudanese Pastors Fellowship in Kenya By Rev. Samuel Mabith The South Sudanese Pastors’ fellowship in Kenya was initiated on 9th June 2018 in Nairobi by His grace The Most Rev. Moses Deng Bol, Archbishop of Northern Bahr El Ghazal Internal Province and Bishop of the Diocese of Wau and Bishop John Jock Chol of the Diocese of Akobo, to enhance unity, love and collaboration among South Sudanese pastors.

Archbishop Deng and Bishop Jock called the South Sudanese pastors at St Luke Parish on 9th June 2018 for a meeting to share the idea and agree on how the fellowship can be organized. The idea was welcomed by all the Pastors who attended the meeting because they all acknowledged that all South Sudanese congregations attend prayer meetings in their mother tongues and so there was no opportunity for people from different tribes to meet and fellowship together. This has made it very difficult for South Sudanese to know one another and to build trust, confidence and unity among themselves.

It was therefore agreed that all South Sudanese Pastors in Kenya will be attending a Sunday Service in one of their Parishes on the first Sunday of every Month in order to promote unity among pastors of different denominations and tribes with a hope that such a unity will trickle down to their congregations. Rev Wesley Natana was nominated as Coordinator of the fellowship assisted by Rev Samuel Mabith Madut.

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Renewal Kibera on 2nd September 2018 and the preacher will be Bishop Thomas Tut of the Diocese of Ayod.

The first fellowship took place at a Dinka congregation on Sunday 1st July 2018 at ACK St Gertrude Parish, Kasarani and was attended by Most of the South Sudanese Pastors in Nairobi. The fellowship was also attended by Mr. Karobia Njogu and Madam Lucy Ochieng from Church Mission Society (CMS)-Africa. The preacher was Bishop John Jock Chol and the sermon was based on love in John 3:16. The second fellowship took place on 5th August 2018 with Nuer congregation in Donholm and was also attended by most of the South Sudanese Pastors in Nairobi and Mr Karobia Njogu and Henry Mwiniki from CMS-Africa. The Preacher was the Most Rev Moses Deng Bol and the sermon was based on the principles of Equality in Geneses 1:2627, Justice, Fairness and Equity based on the great commandment in Mathew 22:37-40 and Forgiveness based on the Lord’s Prayer in Mathew 6:12.

South Sudanese youth and women in Kenya have also organized themselves into the South Sudanese Christian Youth Fellowship and Women’s Prayer Group respectively. It was therefore agreed that people from the Dinka and Nuer congregations will attended the fellowship with the Moro congregation in September. The movement of the pastors and Bishops to

different congregations has already created a sense of unity among South Sudanese in Nairobi. We are therefore hoping that this fellowship will soon be started among the South Sudanese congregations in other towns of Kenya such as Nakuru, Eldoret, Kitale and Kakuma and Dadab Refugee camps. The main challenge to the movement is the lack of funds to enable the Pastors to travel to the above mentioned towns in order to organize such fellowships there as well.

It was agreed the 3rd Fellowship will take place with the Moro congregation at ACK Holy Trinity Parish in

If you would like to contribute to the work of the South Sudanese Pastors Fellowship in Kenya please contact Archbishop Moses or Rev Samuel Mabith. Their contacts are on the contacts page.

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Amazing Baptism News in Akwoyo By Rev Joseph Uyu A new church was opened on 11/08/2018 in Akwoyo Boma of Kuajiena county under Mapel Archdeaconry. The opening of the church in Akwoyo was not easy, I talked to the chief about the Church before we went to Akwoyo and he accepted it peacefully, but when he asked the village elders, the elders came up with a bad decision. They convinced the chief to reject the church, even the few young men and ladies who received the message from chief before elders rejected the church, they were chased away from Akwoyo. But by the help of God when we reached there with Arkangelo Unang on 10/08/2018, I sent one person to him and he came with other three elders and

discussed the issue of the church. The other two elders believed and gave their lives to God. As we continued preaching the word of God for three days, all the elders who rejected the church gave their lives to God and were baptized on 12/08/2018, except the chief but he gave us his children to baptized and he showed us a large area of land for the church. The people who accepted Jesus Christ are five hundred and seventy two (572) of these 244 were baptized and 328 remain. We handed them over to Pastor Thomas Taban who came from Mapel with archdeacon Abraham Bang to be baptized.

Joint commitment to the People of South Sudan issued on continuation of the Khartoum Round of Talks, 19th August 2018, Khartoum.

Detainees (FDs), Other Political Parties (OPP) and Civil Society organizations reiterate our joint commitment to full implementation of the revitalised Agreement that we expect to conclude and renew our quest for a united, peaceful and prosperous society based on justice, equality, respect for human rights and the rule of law.

1. We the Parties, comprising of Transitional Government of National Unity of the Republic of South Sudan (TGoNU), the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army-In Opposition (SPLM/A-IO), the South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA), Former

2. We do acknowledge that the war and fighting has caused indescribable suffering to

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all our People and has deeply fractured our society. Over the course of the last seven weeks, we have gathered in Khartoum with a lot of pain in us but with determination to try and reach basic understanding on the best way to preserve our sovereignty, harmony and survival as a People. We ask all of you to help us to achieve these objectives by reaching out to your neighbour and offering peace and love in the spirit of this Agreement. 3. While we will continue to engage on the remaining issues, and in particular on how to translate these framework agreements into programmes and plans of action for lasting peace and development, today, we affirm our joint commitment to full implementation of this Agreement, the Khartoum Declaration and Agreements on the Outstanding Security and Governance Issues. 4. We regret that we have not been true to the aspirations of Agreement on Cessation of Hostilities, Protection of Civilians and Humanitarian Access. We reiterate our joint promise to fully adhere to the ceasefire in order to allow displaced populations to begin rebuilding their livelihoods and for the process of implementation of the Revitalized Agreement to begin. 5. We ask you to join us in expressing our deep appreciation to the leadership and the Secretariat of IGAD for remaining steadfast in their journey with us and in particular Prime Minister Dr Abey Ahmed of Ethiopia and President


Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya for sending experts to Khartoum to support us in the negotiations. We offer special thanks to President Omar Hassan El-Bashir of Sudan and President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of Uganda for hosting the Khartoum Round of Talks and for bringing us together and enabling us to transcend difficult positions. 6. We also recognize the efforts of all partners who continue to support the peace process through technical and financial support. 7. We send best wishes to our hosts, the great people of The Sudan as they celebrate Eid Al Adha Holidays from 19th to 24th August 2018 Archbishop Moses adds his personal response to this: We are very much encouraged by the joint statement by the parties to the Peace Talks below. We particularly love the statement; "reiterate our joint commitment to full implementation of the revitalized Agreement that we expect to conclude and renew our quest for a united, peaceful and prosperous society based on justice, equality, respect for human rights and the rule of law". As a Church we strongly endorse and fully support this statement as the true spirit of the South Sudan that millions of our people sacrificed their lives for, for so long. May God Bless South Sudan. South Sudan Oyee.

St John’s College Orientation Day By Rev Meshack Magak Ruai The new courses introduced at St John’s College of theology and development has hit the

interests of the community and now the college is full of new intakes who are interested to study

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different courses in different departments of Theology, Education and Business

South Sudan made it very difficult for women to join the College due to lack of finances.

According to Archbishop Moses one of the objectives of the College is to train pastors and other professionals who will go and change the South Sudanese from war to peace and a development minded society. The motto of the College, which is “Faithful servants” was taken from the book of Matthew 25:22-23. Those who are train here at St John's, college both pastors and laity are expected to be faithful servants who will go and use the knowledge which they acquired from here for the benefit of the community.

The principle of the college Mr. Alenya Caesar requested Bishop to appeal to our partners, friends and other well-wishers for the funds to solve the following problems that are facing the college currently as listed below:

We are always looking for help to support women studies at St John’s College as women are willing to study in order to acquire knowledge and skills like men. But the economic crisis of

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Textbooks for the new departments A vehicle for the college Internet for both lecturers and students Computers for administration and the ICT department Funds for female students as the ration of female is 1:10

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Office Repairs in Wanyjok Area - Update By Bishop Joseph Mamer Manot

In the last Renewal I wrote “Please assist me to complete this office building before I’m forced by rain to move away from what I call “Bishop’s Under Tree Office” This is one among the many priorities in Wanyjok Area. This year I want to have the office roofed, windows and doors fixed. The prophet Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem to re-build the walls that has been down for years after devastating destruction”. You can see from the old picture how bad things were. Though I will write to friends of the Area Diocese of Wanyjok in a very formal way later on but, I would like to thank the Lord for this far and also to inform our friends and partners that the Diocesan office is now finally roofed, remaining are doors, windows and plastering. Christians in Wanyjok are so

excited for this blessing and very thankful to all friends. Renewal Magazine would like to thank and acknowledge Marach William for the image below of Bishop Joseph in front of the offices with senior clergy and congregation members.

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The Diocese of Wau Renovates the Old Clinic at Eastern Bank By Rev Zechariah Dut Kuot

The ECSS Diocese of Wau has renovated St. Luke’s clinic at Eastern Bank Archdeaconry. The work was started on 1st May 2018 and now the construction of the wall and the roofing are successfully accomplished. Now we remain with just windows, doors and the plastering of the walls for the whole work to be successfully accomplished. This project of renovating St Luke’s clinic is supported by Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART) who donated money for the renovation of the old clinic at Eastern Bank. The Archdeacon of Wau East Archdeaconry, Rev.Jacob Achuil Akeen, thanked and appreciated Archbishop Moses and the donors, “On behalf of the Eastern Bank community and on my own behalf I would like to register my special thanks and appreciation to the ECSS Diocese of Wau under the leadership of the Archbishop of NBG Internal province and the Diocesan Bishop of Wau Diocese, the Most Rev Moses Deng Bol for putting the health facilities at Eastern bank as first priority”. Rev Achuil also said, “I would like to take this opportunity to add that the community of Eastern Bank is so much excited to see the clinic renovation is successfully finished and they give a lot of thanks to the ECSS Diocese of Wau and

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her partners for considering them in this hard time where people have suffered in dignified silence for so long. They are hoping that when it is successfully finished the community will benefit from it and our people will be released from worry of where to take a person who sick. By then people worry because there is no nearby hospital and


there is a lack of transport too. Our prayer is that God may bless them more as they continue helping people who are suffering like us here in South Sudan”. He added. The Diocesan Administrative Secretary, Rev William Majok thanked the donors for their generous support, “I sincerely thank our donors, especially Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART) for their generous support financially toward the achievement of this project. We pray that God may shower His blessings upon them and their partners to continue supporting the charity work of God in Wau, South Sudan and beyond.” Rev Majok said.

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Contacting Us: By E-mail

Internal Province Archbishop Most Rev Moses Deng Bol : Internal Province Secretary Rev Peter Akook (acting) :

General Enquiries Rev Samual Mabith :

By Post: Hai Mozephin, Opposite Wau Teaching Hospital, C/o ECS Provincial Office, P O BOX 110, Juba, South Sudan

By Telephone: Tel +211 926954187 or +211 955602769

Warrap State Peace Mobiliser Mrs Rose Aciendhel Kacthiek

+254 716641233

+211 914191558

Lord we pray for peace and reconciliation in your country of South Sudan. We ask that we may accept the gifts of the Holy Spirit to enable us to seek to live in peace with all people and bring the hope you have for us to everyone. Amen. - Amen

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Please Pray With Us Pray for the hardworking clergy and volunteers of Northern Bahr el Ghazel Internal Province who work without pay in difficult conditions.

Please pray for all people exposed to famine and danger in South Sudan, that they may be safe and fed. Pray for the hardworking students at schools in NBG, St Mark’s and St John’s Colleges. Pray for the South Sudan Pastors Fellowship as a way to spread peace in South Sudan. Give thanks to God for the successful training given in Kenya and Wunyik Barracks. Give thanks to God for the peace agreed in South Sudan through the IGAD talks. Give thanks to God for the kindness of donors giving aid and support to projects in Wanyjok. Pray for the work of Christian Action for Relief and Development NGO. Pray for the work of the Diocese of Aweil Relief and Development Agency. Pray for the new staff working in different parts of the Internal Province. Give Thanks for the generosity of many partners supporting projects both large and small. Pray for the situation of food security in South Sudan so that people may have enough to eat. Pray for security in South Sudan so that ordinary people can live their lives peacefully.

Church prayers needs Pray for Bishop Justin Badi the Primate Elect of the ECSS that God may protect and guide him. Pray for Archbishop the Most. Rev Moses Deng Bol, who works so hard, pray that God will help him to do what needs to be done for the new internal province. Pray for Bishop Abraham Ngor – the Bishop of Gogrial Diocese. Pray for Bishop Peter Yuol Gur – the Bishop of Tonj Diocese. Pray for Bishop Joseph Mamer Manot – the new bishop of Wanyjok area diocese in Aweil Diocese. Pray for Bishop Peter Garang Akuei– the new bishop of Nyamlel area diocese in Aweil Diocese. Pray for all pastors, priests, deacons and assistants in Northern Bahr el Ghazel. Pray for the Mothers Union, their work and the new provincial leadership of Mary Achol. Pray for all leaders taking up provincial leadership tasks that God may guide them well. Pray for the development of St John’s College of Theology and Development in Wau. Pray for the work of the Justice, Peace and Reconciliation Committee. Pray for all Christians working hard to build and sustain peaceful co existence in faith. Give thanks to God for the successful House of Bishops meeting held in Wau. Give thanks to God for the establishment of a new church in Akwoyo with many baptisms.

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