Northern Bahr el Ghazal Magazine June 2018

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Archbishop Justin Badi, the Archbishops and Bishops of the ECSS sit with partners after his enthronement in Juba.

One Hope, One Church, One Faith

The Archbishop Speaks

By the Most Rev, Moses Deng Bol. Beginning Again with Hope I am a most fortunate man, the work that I do for the Episcopal Church of South Sudan means that I travel regularly and that means that I experience different cultures and different ways of living. This really can be a challenge to me and I sometimes see things that I cannot easily understand. One such thing was a sign that I saw in the window of shop which simply said “under new management” I asked what this meant and the person who was with me explained that the sign was meant to give customers renewed confidence that the shop had new managers that would make the shop better. What I think is that the sign gave customers hope that they would be fairly treated. Hope is so important for us, it is important because it means that tomorrow can be better for us than today. Hope means that there can be a change from something which is not good for us. I have seen that people who do not live with hope in their hearts usually are very miserable. At the beginning of April we entered in to the season of Easter with the wonderful celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. This is such a great day for every Christian and I really rejoice to hear the words “He is risen” answered by “He is Risen indeed!” Jesus did many great things and taught us great lessons that we share still in our preaching and study times, but by far the most wonderful thing that Jesus did was sacrifice his life on the cross to pay for our sins. I do not think that Jesus knew he would be resurrected as we do and so his sacrifice was made trusting God and in hope. The resurrection of Jesus shows us the great love that God has for us all and gives us all the hope that we too can be resurrected. We can see in John’s Gospel Chapter 14 in verses 2 and 3 Jesus tells his disciples “My

Index The Archbishop Speaks.... ....................................2 Archbishop Justin Badi Enthroned........................4 Reconciliation Meeting Success….........................6 Archbishop Welcomes Ceasefire…........................8 Direct Help in the Community..............................9 CARD Delivers Furniture………….…………………......10 Kekuma Chess Project Teaches Peace................11 DARD Project Completed……….…….....................14 Support for Thurlith Orphans….……....................15 Thurlith Orphan School…………………..................17 Thurlith School Garden……………..........................18 St Mark’s College Kuajok..………………………..........20 St John’s Student Testimonies…..........................23 Successful Evangelism in Wau………………………..24 Office Repairs in Wanyjok……………………………….25 Introducing Mothers Union In Wanyjok………….26 Contact Us.......................................................31 Please Pray with us ...........................................32

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Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”

true at Pentecost when filled with the Holy Spirit Peter spoke in tongues to a crowd at Jerusalem and converted many people. If you do not know this story you can read about it in the book of Acts it is the whole of chapter 2, I very much recommend it.

In the New Testament book of 1 Peter chapter 1 in the third verse we can read these truly lovely words: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, “

But to be a leader is not easy, whether you lead a choir or a parish, a diocese or a province it is not easy to be a leader. I can say this with personal experience. This is why we try very hard in the ECSS to choose leaders that God wants for us and then support them as well as we can. But in the world outside of our church things can be very different and leaders are not always selected because they are the best leader. As we have seen some of our political leaders here in South Sudan have shown again and again that they put themselves before the people that they should be serving. They live in grand luxury while people starve and the economy fails. We have seen leaders use war and tribal fighting as ways to gain or keep power and ignore attempts to bring peace when it does not suit them. It is no lie, although I am ashamed to say it, life for many people has not improved since the foundation of South Sudan. I wonder if some people have given up the hope that they had when they first came to vote in the referendum.

Really I can tell you if you start to look you will see hope everywhere in the Bible. In the story of the man lowered through the roof of the house while Jesus was preaching, please see Luke 5:17-39, Jesus answers his hopes with healing “ “I say to you, get up. Take your bed and go to your home.” At once the sick man got up in front of them.” The same is true of the woman that has been sick for many years who just touched Jesus in the crowd, her story can be read in Luke 8:4348. Jesus answers her hope before he even sees her! But when he does Jesus says ““Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.”” There are many, many, examples and the most amazing thing is that Jesus fulfils the hopes that people have, he never refuses and never turns anyone away. Even now this is true, if you have lost hope, come to Jesus, he can give you hope. If you can remember the story of the events of Easter, Peter denies knowing Jesus after he is captured. You can read it in Luke’s Gospel 22: 54-62, it is the famous time when the cock crows and Peter cries bitterly. Then you might also remember that Jesus forgave Peter while having breakfast with him on the shore of Lake Galilee, you can also read this in John’s Gospel 21:15-25. Jesus gave Peter hope along with forgiveness, hope that he could be a good leader of the disciples. This hope was proved

Possibly I can say that one of the best things about Christianity is that it gives people hope. When you first become a Christian you realise that your sins can be forgiven and you can start life again with the same chance of being resurrected like Jesus as anyone else. This is a real hope and I have seen it change many people’s lives. People who have this new hope from Jesus suddenly start to do good things that help and improve the society that they live in. You will see some examples of this is the articles of our magazine, in previous publications and editions to come in the future. When you read about the things that are being done, remember that people have given their time to support them and make them happen. Recently I have participated in the IGAD talks with Archbishop Justin in Addis Ababa. Although

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there is much still to do there I feel we have made progress, established trust and gained an agreement to a ceasefire. None of this happened without commitment. This is the love of God at work in our world and it shows that hope is real. There is hope that life can be better, there is hope for peace, hope for development and hope that tomorrow may be better than today. I personally have a hope that the world for our children may be much better than the world of today. Let us work for that together. You may know that recently the Episcopal Church of South Sudan selected and enthroned a new Archbishop, Justin Badi Arama. I attended the ceremony in Juba and I experienced really the greatest feeling of hope for South Sudan because I could see almost the same unity which I saw during the referendum among South Sudanese being renewed through the church. There was a gathering of as many ECSS bishops as could attend and many friends from other parts of the world. I had a feeling of a renewal of hope for our nation through the Church. This is what we celebrated at the enthronement. Just like Jesus talking to Peter


on the shore of Lake Galilee we have the chance to renew our faith and move on to do great things. Just as a person can be forgiven and start again, we can start refreshed to begin anew the things that God most wants of us. I think that would be most tempting to suggest that the ECSS was under new management, but the way in which we do things will not change because the God that we serve does not change. The story of Jesus does not change and the message of Easter does not change. This is a great thing because the hope that the love of God brings does not change and is always there for anyone that wishes to receive it. So really in truth if you could imagine that there was a sign placed on the Cathedral in Juba, as in the shop window I mentioned earlier it would say rather, “under the new management but in the same hope� and if you know God as I know God that will bring not just renewed but continuing and lasting confidence. Every blessing


Bishop Justin Badi Enthroned as the Fifth ECSS Archbishop and Primate By Rev Samuel M Madut

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The former Bishop of Maridi Justin Badi Arama was enthroned on Sunday 22 April 2018 as the fifth Archbishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan at All Saints Cathedral, Juba in a colorful ceremony that lasted for nearly seven hours. The ceremony was attended by thousands of Christians, ECSS Bishops and Bishops of the sister Churches including the Catholic Archbishop the Most Rev Paulino Lukuduu, the moderator of the Presbyterian Church Rt Rev Peter Gai Lual, The Bishop of the African Inland Church Arkengelo Wani and General Overseer of the South Sudan Pentecostal Church Bishop Isaiah Dau. It was also attended by Senior Government Officials led by Vice President Dr. James Wani Iga.

The ceremony was also graced by the Representative of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion and Archbishops and Primates of the neighboring Countries of Uganda, Sudan, Rwanda and South Africa as well bishops from

the Church of Ireland and the Anglican Church in North America.

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on the Lord’s Prayer. He outlined 10 objectives which he said will guide his administration in the next ten years that he will serve as the Archbishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan. These are unity of the church, improving and constructing church buildings, strategic evangelism, leadership development, provision of social services, sustainability of the church, peace building and reconciliation efforts, discipleship training, encouraging a life of prayer and fellowship and transparency and accountability. Addressing the crowd the newly enthroned Primate Justin Badi thanked Christians, the Church leaders and Government officials who attended the ceremony. In his charge Archbishop Badi said that his leadership will focus on “making and teaching disciples” based

Justin Badi Arama was elected on as the fifth Archbishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan on 20th January 2018 to succeeded Dr Daniel Deng Bul who led the Church for ten years from 2008-2018.

Northern Bahr el Ghazal Internal Province Reconciliation Meeting By Rev. Meshack Magak Ruai The Archbishop of Northern Bahr el Gazal Internal province The Most Rev Moses Deng Bol and the Dean of Northern Bahr el Gazal internal province Bishop Abraham Yel Nhial and rest of the Bishops and clergy of Northern Bahr el Ghazal have reconciled on Saturday April 14 2018. In the process of election of the new primate of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan, Archbishop Moses Deng and Bishop Abraham Yel disagreed on who should be their candidate with Archbishop Deng, some Bishops, Clergy

and laity supporting the current Primate Justin Badi and Bishop Nhial who contested the position of the Primate was also supported by some Bishops, Clergy and laity of Northern Bahr El Ghazal.

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But now we thank God for his intervention using the senior clergy of Northern Bahr el Ghazal Internal Province led by Rev James Baak Nhial who played a great role in bringing Archbishop Moses Deng and Bishop Abraham Yel together for a reconciliation meeting in Wau. During the Bishop Nhial the Gospel development help of God.

meeting Archbishop Deng and agreed to work together to spread of Christ and bring peace and to Northern Bahr El Ghazal by the


The Bishops, clergy and laity of Northern Bahr el Ghazal internal province who attended the meeting sincerely appreciated their leaders for resolving their differences in a peaceful manner. They also appreciated their vision of promoting the Gospel of Christ to the communities of Northern Bahr el Ghazal and beyond. In turn, Archbishop Deng and Bishop Nhial also thanked the Bishops, Clergy and laity of Northern Bahr El Ghazal for the role they have played in promoting the spirit of forgiveness, reconciliation, peace and unity in the province.

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Archbishop Welcomes Ceasefire Agreement as South Sudan Peace Talks Continue Reprinted with thanks to the Anglican News Service: Photo Credit: Chris Trott / UK FCO

The Anglican Archbishop of South Sudan has led five days of mediated peace talks between the warring parties in South Sudan. The talks reached agreement on three of the 11 demands made by opposition groups, including a recommitment to the cessation of hostilities. Talks on the remaining eight unresolved issues will now continue under the leadership of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD). Archbishop Justin Badi Arama, who was only installed as Primate of the Anglican Church of South Sudan last month, led the talks in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa alongside a number of other South Sudanese religious leaders. Speaking to Radio Miraya at the end of the talks, Archbishop Justin said that the religious leaders met with the factions in Addis Ababa for the “hectic” round of talks to “continue the process of revitalisation” in response to the pain that people of South Sudan had been experiencing. “We were able to offer ourselves and to engage with the different parties, pray with them [and] encourage them,” he said. “And I am glad to tell all South Sudanese that all parties have recommitted themselves to honour the cessation of hostilities; and from tomorrow onwards will mobilise their forces, and inform them, to at least respect [the cessation] and be in their places [barracks],” he said. “That is one thing we thank God for

and my thanks goes to all South Sudanese who have been praying and looking forward to what would come out of Addis Ababa. “We continued to pray for the different parties, that what they have said, they should respect it to enable our people to be free and not always to run and be displaced. Let that be our continuous prayers” He said that the talks did not make much process on issues of governance, but said that “the parties have agreed to form a unified government and to have a presidential system; but the rest, as to who gets what, is what they are yet to struggle with. But as a Church, our first concern was the safety of our people which, we thank God, they have committed themselves to ceasefire, which we are grateful for.” He said that the talks would now continue under the leadership of IGAD. The Daily Monitor newspaper reports that the church-led talks achieved agreement on the

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Cantonment of troops, the unification of all forces, and the cessation of hostilities. The Daily Monitor says that the remaining eight areas of disagreement are on opposition demands for the release of former vice president Riek Machar, who is effectively under house arrest in South Africa; the release of all prisoners of war; the release of political detainees; an all-inclusive army; a federal system of governance; the allocation of 70 per cent of the national budget to states and counties; a reduction in the size of both the parliament and cabinet; and the resignation of President Kiir in preparation for transition to a new government.


Estimates for the number of people killed since the fighting began in December 2013 vary widely; with some suggesting a figure of 300,000. More than 3.5 million of South Sudan’s 12 million population are living in exile, either as internally displaced people are as refugees in Uganda, Kenya, Sudan, and other neighbouring countries. The current round of peace talks have been extended for a further 48 hours; and IGAD is expected to propose a compromise plan to the parties today (Wednesday).

Direct Help in the Community in Aweil Diocese By Rev John Lual Garang Dear friends and brothers please see this brief article about a disabled woman living in Aweil diocese called Abuk Athian. Sadly she is not able to walk as you can see in the image of her. She was a married woman with four children and then all things belonging to her were burnt by fire. To respond to her desperate situation the church in Aweil diocese is trying to support her. One way this is being done is through making a small Tukul to replace the home she had which was burned down with all her possessions. It is our hope that St.Joseph’s church will continue to finish that house. The Diocese of Aweil is working to write down life background or history because Abuk needs other support like food, education for her children, a means of transportation so that she can

walk around and be less reliant on others or just go to church. We appeal for your help to provide for Abuk and so let us pray for her support to Almighty God.

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CARD Delivers Furniture to a School By Rev Andrew Apiny CARD has finally delivered school furniture to Masna Talip primary school, pupils have been sitting on the floor as well as teachers for almost a year. The CARD education department has been lobbying for funding all the time to address the issue. We are very grateful for this kind of support to help vulnerable schools like this with much needed school furniture. Glory to God almighty. Both the teachers and pupils were very happy for this support which they received from CARD, they can now sit comfortably. The pictures here tell the story.


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Kekuma Camp Chess Project Teaches Peace By Nhial Kheer Just like any other sport game, Chess has been one of the most outstanding sport activities in the refugee camp and has always been the sport game in which youth tries to determine, gauge and evaluate their reasoning ability as well as their brain effort in confronting real life situations. Operation of the Activity The rules governing the operation or the guide lines on the same are essentially derived from the Chess’ board instructions and these are the common benchmarks through which the

guidelines governing the sequences of movement originate from. The same instructions are normally presented to the upcoming youth who have expressed interest of venturing into Chess as a sport game. The movement of pieces within the chess board is always a preliminary step and doesn’t take long before the player masters it. However, the strategies of defence as well as the techniques of winning the game are entirely long term acquisitions and for which the player learns over time through observation and practice.

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General perception on the activity Generally, the perception of community leaders and the residents towards the activity is very positive. Over the years the turnout at the sport centre has been on a continuous growth and the number of players within the camp has considerably grown over the last quarters. This is attributed to the reason that sport centre has not only been a recreational centre alone but also a centre in which people from diverse background converged for the pursuit of a common goal. This doesn’t only cultivate the culture of brotherhood and coexistence but also ushers in a principle of common understanding, a subject which the community’ leaders as well as the relevant stakeholders have persistently been advocating for to prevail in the Refugee Camp. Given that, an instrument that would bring people together such as a Chess tournament has always taken lead in the priorities of the community leaders and hence they fully support the advancement of this activity with the limited resources at their disposal. How is it competitive Comparatively, chess as sport game continue to demonstrate some tangible and practical advantages over other sports games such as football and volleyball. In an ethical perspective, Chess forums don’t always accommodate a ground for hostility, and therefore, a few who

might have been disoriented by life challenges find an enabling environment while at the sport centre. This, over the past, has been so instrumental in reducing youth indulgences and some other matters of outrageousness, or misdemeanour thatwould have been hardly managed. Budget Constrains Speaking historically and presently, budget constrain has always been the major setback when it comes into the operation as well as the advancement of this activity in the Camp. There is no particular agency that has taken an active role in responding to the growing demands in Chess arena and thus this has been a hindrance. It has never captured the position of being the top priority from the humanitarian organizations though the realizations on the same are underway currently. The

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financial assistance from Lutheran World Federation in conjunction with UNHCR that has been sustaining this activity had then been so intermittent before its cessation in 2006. Furthermore, the statistics of Chess annual enrolment is increasingly on the move but the facilities continue to undergo through wear and tear, rather than satisfying the growing needs. Presently, and to narrow down on this, there is no financial support allocated for Chess activity as of this year due to funding constrains that have cut across the operation of each and every single humanitarian organization. Chess’ accomplishments, financial support and future goals When we play chess, we find ourselves so cohesive and a peaceful coexistence takes a lead. It is a game that not only unifies us into common thoughts but also brings us into realizing the value of togetherness and thus this translates into building the culture of brotherhood. With the increasing rates of crimes and the alarming nasty indulgence that our youth has been engaging in, I feel it’s ideal to promote the culture of sport as a mean of engaging the idle mind. This would not only help in eradicating the crimes prevalence in the camp but would also help in mentoring to youth into being more technical in their reasoning ability. Chess as game, would do well and should be promoted in the sport arena. In that regard, I personally feel that it's an opportune moment for us to encourage the upcoming generation to nurture the culture of sport as a means of restoring peace and Harmony not only in our communities but also throughout the whole refugee settlement and that would be reflected in the coming years when God allows us to exist. Speaking more on the value of chess as a sport game, I would love to highlight a few instances through which this game would be so

instrumental towards shaping the reasoning ability of an individual. Chess as game doesn't only inculcate the spirit of team work but also enables an individual to reason more effectively in the situation of a dilemma and emerge with brilliant tactic in order to get around the situation. Chess will increase their IQ; power of imagination and concentration. It will also rescue them from sadistic video and games that only interfere with our true personality by exposing them into some of the mischievous and nasty occurrence that find no space in our societal stand. Indeed, the World Health Organization is now preparing a draft to classify persistent video gaming as an addictive health disorder. On the other hand, a study shows how four months of chess instructions has, significantly, raised the IQ scores of both boys and girls of 4000 Venezuelan students. Studies have also revealed that the game of chess helps both young and old to have a sound cerebral health. According to a study, people of over 75 years of age who engage in brain-games like chess are less likely to develop dementia than their nonboard-game-playing counterparts. Chess as a sport game in Kakuma refugee Camp has been so instrumental in bringing

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communities from diverse background together. This has not only enhanced the culture of understanding but has also cultivated the aspect of peace, tolerance and mutual inclusiveness for a common goal. The spirit of brotherhood has relatively been brought into life thereby enhancing the


other relevant peace actors in Kakuma refugee camp have collectively identified this activity as a promising strategy through which the ever growing communities hostility could be eradicated. However, the financial budget to respond to this concern continues to split the effort consolidated for the same. Given these financial resources, and having also identified this particular gap, Church Leaders Initiative for Peace is so optimistic to invest all the possible efforts in restructuring, maintenance and promotion of sport culture as a mechanism of ensuring peace across the communities residing in Kakuma refugee camp in line with our mission and goals. This is not a short term strategy though, but rather, a long term overdue mission that CLIP looks forward to as future goal to accomplish in the nearest time possible given the resources of all perspectives.

recognition of one another. From the foregoing, Church Leaders Initiative for Peace in conjunction with the community leaders and

DARD Project Completed By Rev John Lual Garang Diocese of Aweil Relief and Development (DARD) has just completed the construction of a Special Protection Unit in Nyamlel. Funded by UNMISS. RRP and DARD visited the facility with the Engineering Unit to approve the building. We thank God that our work was not only appreciated and approved as magnificent work

but we were also the first to have completed the construction. Thanks be to God!

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Poole Deanery Supports Thurlith Orphans School By Rev John Bol Angui Poole Deanery education partners in Salisbury sponsored the kids/children with school teaching materials for the academic year 2017. We are very much grateful and thankful for their kindness efforts to provide enough teaching materials which contributed our successes in the school to complete an academic year. We are again registering our appeal to them so that they may continue supporting our school with stationery and anything they feel like to support. We have been running the Orphanage school for an academic year 2017 with local donations and contributions only. We are mobilizing both cash and kind. We have limited resources to take care of about 293 orphans & street children. But, day by day numbers of children are increasing due to various reasons. We need additional support from the donors to meet the needs of increasing orphans & street children in our centre.

We seek support for about 1-2 years. Meanwhile, we will continuous sustaining to mobilize local donations through exhibiting our good work and service. We are planning to build

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permanent school by acquiring land from the donors because we have provided accommodation for orphans and street children. We want children’s psychological development to be established with the goal of improving their lives at the risky ages. We opened Thurlith Primary school for orphans and street children to prepare every child especially Orphans and Street Children or any child from vulnerable parents for the next generation effective administration and successful leadership. We are also appealing for the supports from individual, local and international organization donors who might be willing to provide some financial supports for the school that will enable us to maintain the qualified staff we have employed to continue teaching the pupils in the school. It is very helpful when a child has being taught by an experienced teacher who might consider and focus on social moral related to Christian ethics and psychological experiences regarding to the nature of child’s mental development. We have many thanks to Poole Deanery Wau-education partners in Salisbury for their support toward the schooling kids at Thurlith Primary school for orphans and street children in Gogrial state, Sudan South. This program is very important to us, we are here by seeking your support in all forms, such as the successful ideas and kind.

Please pray for Rev John Bol and the orphans of Thurlith School who are always in need of financial help and support to pay teachers, supply food and provide a quality upbringing for vulnerable children.

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Opening Story of Thurlith Primary School for Orphans and Street Children By Rev. John Bol Angui We have started a new free school for ECSS Northern Bahr el Ghazal Internal Province called Thurlith Primary School for Orphans and Street Children early this year 2017 in Feb 23rd. This school will serve all Vulnerable Massive Children from all areas of ECSS NBIP such as Wau, Gogrial, Tonj, Aweil, Abyei Diocese and beyond. Thurlith Primary School for Orphans and Street Children is a free school for every child from all these areas and has been allocated in Gogrial State at Awan Chan County in Akon town about 5 kilometres away from Akon bridge to the West. It was opened as the Christians’ response to the sadness of the children who lack a certain happiness due to their early separation from the parents. The purpose of initiated this school is to collect vulnerable massive children from every towns of Northern Bahr el Ghazal Internal Province Dioceses or states for proper care and education rather than being taking them from street back home to their parents or relatives and will latter return to the street again when there is no any proper care and also most of the children on streets are orphans who don’t actually known where their relatives are. We have seen and realized that it is our task as the Church to take care of such issues in the community. However, we were facing a lot of challenges in the school such as lack of enough temporary shelters for the classes and lodging rooms for full boarding pupils, teaching materials, clean water, feeding and

financial support enable monthly payment of teaching and non-teaching staff in the school. We thank God for maintaining school function as we are almost successful completing an academic year 2017. We are so grateful to be updating you about the progress of this initiative and the financial support rendered to us for teaching materials of Thurlith Primary School for Orphans and Street Children from abroad by education partners from Poole Deanary in Salisbury.

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Therefore, we would like to publicly register our appeal to any organization which will be willing to provide us with teaching materials, temporary shelters and sport equipment for the learners in the School and the rest will be requested from others international organizations which also have similar objectives to help such programs so that they may take part in supporting it. Finally, on behalf of the Most Rev Moses Deng Bol Akoon, Archbishop of Northern Bahr El Ghazal Internal Province and Bishop of the Diocese of Wau and on behalf of Thurlith Primary School for Orphans and Street Children we would like to say a special thanks to our education partners from abroad (Poole Deanery for donating the funds which we spent on buying some few teaching materials, this funds will be used to cover complete payment of the staff for an academic year 2017.

Thank you very much for your support and we wish you to continue supporting us with that kind of help every year.

Please Support Thurlith School Garden By Rev John Bol Angui We introduced Thurlith Primary and Secondary School Garden last year 2017 so that we will produce enough food for the schools’ feeding from the rich soil we have in the community but the methods we used were local ones which takes much time of the farmer to cultivate less than a half of acre.

We were almost successful if we have applied modern agricultural tools for cultivation to cover much more acres to produce more but the type of tools available for us were malodas and hand hoes which require a farmer to kneel on the ground and takes approximately five hours working between 20m² - 50m². Using a welltrained pair of oxen and a mould board plough however, three farmers can cultivate half an acre of land (2,023 m²) in just two hours.

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Due to these limitations mentioned above, there is need for an urgent and strategic intervention to help this school garden project. The subsistent farmer’s food security is precarious because of the low acreage and low productivity. Farmers are also dependent on rainfall only. When drought strikes, the farmer experience failure of crops and hence certain famine.

Hand hoe and maloda cannot allow farmers to produce enough food for institutions. Unless tractor or ox plough is used not enough food can be grown. A previous attempt to introduce ox plough techniques into this region was initially resisted by local farmers. Oxen are so prized, that people were unwilling to harness them for agricultural purposes. However, the benefits have been demonstrated and farmers are growing much more enthusiastic. This trend (food insecurity) is progressively on the increase calling for urgent intervention. The interventions described in this article aim at enhancing levels of production; increasing productivity; the overall result will be guaranteed food security and increase of school incomes. And of equal significance is the fact that farming practices that conserve the environment will be promoted.

A farmer using an ox- plough can increase his/her acreage to 10-15 acres in one-month cultivation. This increases the household land area of crops three times in a year. Other benefits of this method of cultivation are that the farmer (household) has time to weed his/her crops early thus improving the productivity of his/her farm. During training of the farmer, he/she also gets the knowledge of improved agricultural techniques that can increase the yield of his/her crops.

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St Mark’s Leadership and Development College, Kuajok By Rev Jacob Akoon

The Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan (ECSS) covers the same geographical area of the Sovereign Country of South Sudan. Out of many Dioceses in the Province, the Diocese of Gogrial is one of the youngest dioceses. The first Bishop was enthroned on the 8th April 2017 in St Mary’s Cathedral Kuajok. The Diocese is currently composed of 8 Archdeaconries, 16 deaneries and 36 Parishes in the Gograil and Twic States. When you visit the Archdeaconries, one main problem you are likely to witness is lack of trained servants of God. A parish may have only one ordained clergy supported by one trained lay reader. You will have the feeling that lack of trained personnel will slow down the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ at this time when the message of forgiveness and reconciliation is so much needed in the Community. With this background the new Bishop Rt Rev Abraham Ngor considered opening a Lay Readers Training Centre. St Marks Leadership and Development College, a name adopted during a Senior Staff Consultative meeting held on the 28th April 2017, then laid down objectives that stated as follows: 1. To admit and train recommended lay persons to the rank of Lay Readers in the

Episcopal church of South Sudan, Diocese of Gogrial. 2. Prepare persons called by God to take further education and training in the St John College of Theology and Development in Wau. 3. Offer opportunity for the Church servants to develop some vocational skills like tailoring, horticulture, poultry, carpentry and bakery. How long ago was it decided, how easy or hard was it. The need for trained staff in the Diocese was felt way back in 2013 when the Diocese was still an area Diocese. The Bishop of the Area Diocese, Rt. Rev Abraham Ngor made a draft of the Diocesan Strategic plan and it featured as one main priority of the Diocese. The

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impact of lack of trained staff was already being felt when the need to address postconflict traumatic symptoms were overwhelming. People need Pastoral counselling and psychosocial support with Spiritual guidance at all levels, but it will be hard to come by until staff are trained and deployed accordingly. Testimony by every one of the Archdeacons is very compelling. For instance the one of Rev Martin Maroor is typical of all the Archdeaconries in the Diocese of Gogrial. Rev Martin Maroor is the Archdeacon of St John and he says he has only one ordained priest posted in Wuntim deanery as the Rural Dean. Other Deaneries within the Archdeaconry like Mayen Rual Manyang, Doorandit have acting Rural deans because they are not trained. The Deaneries have support staff in the form of Lay readers and Evangelists. Some Lay Readers were trained in Lietnhum - PLTI, and some were trained at home by Alarm on short term projects and did not attract certificates of level 3 Lay Readers. The Evangelists are self-motivated persons who meet the Archdeacon and he encourages them and sends them out to preach and plant churches. They are able to begin a church from under the shade of a tree and nurture it to a big church. Other helpers are lay persons that include those who were trained, opted out but still have interest in preaching The Word. He says that it is difficult for him to set standards or even targets with very scanty staff like these. He says that he does the baptism of people single handily and cannot finish schedules of ever – coming - invitations to baptize people all over the Archdeaconry. The above story depicts the level of need for the Church in Gogrial Diocese. There is


urgent need to train new ordinans as well as new Lay readers. How was it made a reality? did it cost much, was there support from NGOs and did the local community support it? Just like any new development effort in an organization and community at first only a few take the lead and the rest join. St Mark’s College had to start at some point and indeed it started under the shade with 12 students registered but only 9 sustained their interest to the end of the first phase of the training. Of great interest is the confession of the trainees about their contribution towards the training. They said it is important for each of them to contribute three Maluao (tin) of Sorghum and 500 SSP for broth during training. This means they will engage the local Churches and communities from where they come. The Diocese of Gogrial had a task of looking for other amenities that would make the student comfortable enough to learn and work well. There is no sponsorship for any of the students in St Mark’s College and we pray that any organization or persons willing to sponsor should come to the rescue of these students. They are more than willing to build their capacity for the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the land not reached by the Gospel. How have you found teachers and how will the college be managed? The Diocesan staff volunteered to train these Lay readers, offering their time to talk to them and set exams and mark and keep the record. Without these selfless teachers, the College would run the risk of closing down in attempting to hire teachers from another location. The Director of St Mark’s College is

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the Bishop of the Diocese and he operates by delegating to the Principal of the College. The Principal is supported by The Dean of Academics, The Dean of Students, College Accountant and Head of Departments. Some of these positions can be found in one person for now while arrangements are underway to segregate duties as much as needed in the near future. Here we pray for more volunteers to come in and support the college. Will St Mark’s support women? What is the immediate future of St. Mark College and what are the long-term goals? what help is needed to meet the goals? St Mark’s College operates on the principals of equal opportunities for both male and female trainees. Working with a deeper understanding of the community attitude towards the education of the male and females in this Diocese, a deliberate effort is being made to enrol and retain as many females as well as male trainees in the College. Out of 9, there is one female trainee today. While this looks like a good beginning it is not a good ratio. The Rural Dean of Mayen Gumel in Kuac Archdeaconry is given the task to traverse the Diocese and lead female folk to take notice of the call to serve in the Church as Lay readers. All Archdeacons are encouraged to appeal to young female members of the Church to take their call seriously and be enrolled for Lay Readers training The beginning of St Mark’s training sessions in the month of April 2018 is an indication that it has to continue. The trainees are enthusiastic about their training and are willing to contribute what they can and come back for Phase two in August 2018. This will be followed by the third session in February 2019. The new entrants for Phase one have to be screened by Archdeacons and sent to the College in the beginning of each Phase (August 2018, Feb 2019). It is planed that when all the Phases are in the college a total of 120 trainees will be in St Mark’s College.


The needs of St Mark’s College are enormous, but the priority is as follows: 1) Food stuff to supplement students own contribution during the training. 120 students would need a good measure of sugar, rice, sorghum, cooking oil, salt, beans and maize flour. 2) Staff facilitation during training is lacking. A total of 6 teachers are needed to handle the main and introductory teaching in BIBLE, PREACHING, MISSION, DISCIPLESHIP, THEOLOGY, ATR/ISLAM, ENGLISH, ADMINISTRATION AND STEWARDSHIP, PASTORAL CARE AND COUNSELING, HIV AND AIDS, WORSHIP, PREACHING AND CHURCH MUSIC ,among others. 3) A wall or fence around the Collage premises is urgently needed. The students will practice small garden irrigation and other skills within a secure place when the wall is built around the college. Without the wall no attempt can be made to plant or place a demonstration farm in the College. In the long run the college will have: 1) Six classrooms and an administration block constructed in the land located in Kuajok. 2) Suitable workshops for skills training with relevant tools and equipment to facilitate training in the vocational sector. We are glad because St John’s college of Theology and Development gave a testimony to the effect that those students who underwent training in Lietnhum PLTI have a strong and compelling foundation and are able to pick up so well in further theological training. So St Mark’s will be a main supplier to St John’s College. By that hope, both quality and quantity of the servants of God in our Province will increase. Given time the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ will increase and the Kingdom of God will expand to the Glory of God. Please help us in this work if you can.

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St John’s College Student Testimonies INFORMATION ABOUT JOSEPH MABIOR CHIYOOT Joseph chiyoot is a 3RD year student at St. John’s college of theology and development, being trained to be a Reverend /a pastor, while at st. Johns we started a ministry of evangelism I, Majok James and Marko maruop where we go to different hospitals to pray with the patients together, preach and do a lot of ministry there, as we were in the progress, our friend MARKO MARUOP his wife got sick and she was taken to Wau teaching hospital, We went there as a group of all students from St John’s college and I was the preacher, and the message was from the John:3:16 saying for God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life,

INFORMATION ABOUT MARKO MARUOP MARIAL Am Marko Maruop Marial an evangelist and a 1st year student at St. John’s College of theology and development am married with one wife and we have Children. As an evangelist, I started this work when I accepted JESUS as my personal savior and I came to be committed when my wife got sick and she was admitted at Wau teaching hospital suffering from malaria she lost her blood which was measured by the doctor and showed 17%. I had to donate, mine was not enough, the doctor called another person to also donate still it remained not enough but only 28% , From there my wife lost hope of living again, I released that I really needed to pray , I fasted for 3 days, day and night, within these three days her blood increased up to 72%. In my prayers I used to wake up in the middle of the night and praise God with many songs.

People who were in the prison of the devil accepted the gospel came to Christ with their burdens, diseases, as we pray and preach the gospel. And from there we realized that the people in the hospital need the gospel and that is why up to now we have not given up going there to preach the gospel to different people. God bless everyone who is participating in spreading the gospel all over the world. Thank you. God bless you, JOSEPH MABIOR CHIYOOT

One day as in the process, a nurse came told me not to pray. I asked the patients if they needed my prayers they told me to pray for all of them; from there I stood up started preaching the gospel from Mathew 11:28-30. Saying come to me all who are heavy laddered and I will give you rest. Many people surrendered their life to JESUS, some got healed and others believed that they will get well we also went back home happy. I have not stopped my ministry up to now, I usually go to different hospitals praying with them and giving them hope for living again. my faith increased and am ready to preach the gospel everywhere, I give thanks to all the people who have supports us both physically and spiritually. God bless you all. MARKO MARUOP MARIAL EVANGELIST

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Good Shepherd Cathedral Evangelists Carry Out Successful Evangelism in Wau town By Rev Meshack Magak Ruai A group of evangelists from Good Shepherd Cathedral, Wau Diocese carried out a very successful evangelism event in Wau town on Saturday 25, March, 2018. The group which was led by the Curate of the Dinka service Rev Kazito Yak and Mothers Union Leader Mary Achol Awutoch carried out door to door evangelism and an open air preaching in different villages around Wau town including Ishilak police, Agok, New side, Nazareth, Wau teaching Hospital and Hai Mozephine. As a result three hundred and six (306) who had backslid renewed their faith in Christ and a five member household of a man called Machar Deng Dhal was converted to Christianity and were baptized in the Cathedral. The group took with them copies of the Gospel according to St. Mark in Dinka Rek to give to everyone whom they met on the way and at every place they went. Many people including three Muslims received the Bibles and they (Muslims) even requested to join the group during prayers. The group leader Rev kazito Yak Thiik thanked God for the successful evangelism and the group for their commitment toward the success of the initiative. The group is appealing to friends of Wau Diocese around the world to assist them with evangelism materials in order to fulfil the great commission in Wau Diocese, Northern Bahr El Ghazal Internal Province and beyond. Below is the list of the Evangelism Materials the group needs. 1. Dinka Rek Bibles

2. Talking Bibles (Dinka Rek). 3. Jesus film (Dinka Rek). 4. Camera and computer for proper documentation of evangelism activities.

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5. Gospel Radio to spread the Evangelism Messages. 6. Means of transport for the outreach team. 7. Mobile-camp or tents for evangelism team. 8. Generator for the open-air preaching. 9. First Aid for the evangelism team

Office Repairs in Wanyjok Area By Bishop Joseph Mamer Manot Please assist me complete this office building before I’m forced by rain to move away from what I call “Bishop’s Under Tree Office” This is one among the many priorities in Wanyjok Area. This year I want to have the office roofed, windows and doors fixed. The prophet Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem to re-build the walls that has been down for years after devastating destructions. He was joined by builders; those whom God prepared to re-build the Walls of Jerusalem for the glory of the Most High God. Nehemiah 2:1118. I really appeal to you to be part of what God has placed in my heart to build his church starting with this humble level. We have exhausted all avenues to fundraise here but it has not been easy because of economic hardships and the humanitarian situation our Christians are going through. Despite all these hardships, you could see our small church buildings are full every Sunday with Christians. The good Lord has been so gracious to us in the Area of Wanyjok, many good things have

happened, the Mothers Union Department is picking up very well, Youth Ministry is doing amazing things in terms of mission and evangelism, training of young youth is in our focus as well. I have visited all the vast archdeaconries for the first time since I was consecrated, Christians there were very excited to have me in their parishes. We

rejoice always in Him despite all these troubles facing our beloved nation. Saint Paul says “who shall separate us from the Love of Christ, trouble, or hardship, or persecution or famine or nakedness or dangers or swords”? Roman 8:35…Nothing will separate us from the Love of God.

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Mother’s Union in Wanyjok Area – An Introduction By Clarice Achieng Wanyjok has very strong and competent Mothers Union leadership, but there is need for training for Mothers Union members on the work of the Mothers Union, the Main Five objectives. The Mothers Union leadership have planned to have monthly meetings with the aim of making the members understand the work of mother’s union. The first meeting ever was conducted on the 12th of August 2017 and thereafter there have been monthly meetings. The Mother’s Union members have a monthly membership fee that is contributed by every mother with an aim of establishing a business group and ensure that every woman is able to support their families through small business. What the mothers needs most is training on Microfinance and saving skills so that when a business is established they can be successful and sustainable. The members of the Mothers Union are currently making monthly contributions for a savings kitty to prepare on how to implement MU activities

and plans. We look forward to having partners and friends of the Mothers Union. The Wanyjok Area plans to have a Women’s Resource and Business Centre to promote not only development but enhance their capacity to be able support young women in the church and their families within the community. Mother’s Union is already locally mobilizing funds as a monthly contribution. Foundation The Mothers Union of Wanyjok Area Diocese is founded on the Woman of Noble character. All the meetings of the Mother’s Union have been based on the character of the noble woman in Proverbs 31. • She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands. • She is like the merchant ship, she brings her food from a far. She gets up while it’s still dark, she and provides food for her household and portion of her servant girls. • She considers a field and buys it, from her earnings she plants a vineyard she sets about her work vigorously, her arms are strong for her tasks.

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• She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night. In her hands she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers. • She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. When it snows she has no fear for her household for all of them and clothed in scarlet. • She makes a covering for her bed, she is clothed in fine linen and purple. Her husband is respected at the city gates, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land. • She makes linen garments and sells them and supplies the merchants with sashes. She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

Mothers Union Long Term Plans

1. Women’s Training Centre The Wanyjok area Diocese Mothers union aims to have a Women’s training centre where trainings can be conducted. The training required is

• She speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue. • She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. The aim of the Mother’s Union is to better know Jesus and extend His love to all women all over the Diocese by being doers of the word. Short term plans Our main short term plan is to ensure all women in the Diocese understand their role as Mother’s Union members. This is done through monthly meetings. The leadership is soon going to work on radio programmes where the objectives of the Mother’s Union can be well understood and how best this can be achieved in the different churches.

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English course Tailoring and dressmaking Business skills Adult literacy programmes

2. A permanent store The Mother’s Union members consider agriculture as a viable source of income and plans to have a big store where they can collect produce from members. Produce stored here can sold out the same at a price. They will as well buy sorghum and groundnuts for storage during the harvest time when prices are low and resell the same during the dry seasons and cultivation time at a profit.

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Renewal accommodation for different partners and the local community. The environment of the Wanyjok Diocese is full of trees and it would be a good relaxing environment away from the noise and disturbances in the market.

3. A vehicle ( pick up truck ) For the Mothers Union group a pick up is a necessity in that it will help the group in three major important ways. The first one is to facilitate the movement of leaders to the various locations to reach out to women in the whole diocese making them understand their role. Secondly to facilitate business activities for the Mothers Union that is when collecting things. Finally to help in facilitating training for business and savings in different archdeaconries.

4. The Mother’s Union Shop The Mother’s Union group plans to have a shop where products of the Mothers Union can be displayed for sale. These include clothes produced by those who will have undergone the training, beads, and other handicrafts that are made by the women.

5. The Mother’s Union Guest House Wanyjok town in general does not have a good guesthouse and the Mother’s Union have considered this a great opportunity. We hope to construct a guest house in the quiet and serene environment of the Diocese Headquarters to meet the needs of

Rolling objectives Mother’s Wanjok Area Diocese

out of Union

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The main aim of the Mother’s Union is to ensure that each and every member understands the objectives of the Mother’s Union. These are 1. To uphold Christ teaching on the nature of marriage and to promote its wide understanding. Mother’s union members were reminded that they need to work towards maintaining marriages guided by biblical principles of forgiveness and love as Marriage is a sacred institution ordained by God. The members were reminded that wives are to submit to their own husbands. Ephesians 5: 22, 1 Peter 3: 1. This is because Submission of a wife can win her husband to the lord 1Peter 3:1. On the other hand Wives are to submit good things but not to sin. Matthew 19: 9. God has called families to Holiness and love for one another. Therefore it is the responsibility of the Mother’s Union to lead a quiet life working hard in order to set a good example to all especially the outsiders. Every Mother’s Union is urged to control their bodies in a way that its holy and honourable not in lust like people who do not know God. Thessalonians 4: 1-12.

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2. To encourage parents to bring up children in the faith and life of the church. Looking at the frequent change in the environment and civilization where every family lives in freedom The Mother’s Union have been encouraged to be good examples in bringing children in their different families. Parents are to live as good example to their children and to all their neighbours. Children follow the examples of parents, they look at and imitate what is done by the parents, and they value what the parents says as very important and true. Mother’s union members were encouraged to set good examples of working hard and not being lazy. In addition they should not burden others in the community but everyone should work hard to provide for their basic needs. (2 Thessalonians 3: 6-10.

3.To maintain a worldwide fellowship of Christians united in payer a worship and service. Mother’s Union members were reminded of the importance of fellowship and prayers, this helps the group to share their burdens and stand in the gap for the needs of others. There is need to be in fellowship together and the Mother’s Union groups in the different parishes were encouraged to set aside days for fellowship and prayer. Let us not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another. Hebrews 10: 25. The word of God brings fullness of life in Jesus Christ. Mother’s Union members are to learn how to wait for their Saviour being ready, how to comfort the faint hearted,

uphold the weak and be patient with all. Mother’s Union members should learn how to forgive each other, rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks, and depend on the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit and learn how to abstain from every form of evil. Every Mother’s Union member should endeavour to live as per the Bible. The goodness of the Lord and his word should be proclaimed through what they say and their actions. Do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth and, mediate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do all that I have written in it then you will be prosperous and successful. Joshua 1:8-9, Deuteronomy 6:4-6. The Mother’s Union needs to be rejoicing, gentle, prayerful, thankful, peaceful and tolerant. Rejoice in the lord always, I will say it again, Let your gentleness be evident to all. The lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to Goodman the peace that transcends all understanding will guard your heart and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally brothers whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever

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is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me or seen in me put in to practice and the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4: 4-9.

4. Promote conditions in the society favourable to stable family and the protection of children. The Mother’s Union were encouraged that they should not only think of their individual families but they should endeavour to spread the love of Jesus to others. Reference verses “Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation in which you sign like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I do not run and labour for nothing.”Philippians 2: 14-16. Rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another, do not be proud but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. do not pay anyone evil for evil be careful to do what I right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible as far as it


depends on you live at peace with everyone. Romans 12: 15-18 5. To help those whose family life has met with adversity. The Mother’s Union members were reminded that it’s their role to stand with those who are in need first in the church and then in the community. They should stand with and comfort those who are faced by death and provide physical and spiritual assistance. Mother’s Union should promote peace and advocate for peaceful families, The Mothers’ Union members should encourage women to work for all necessary things that can promote peace in families. The Mothers’ Union members should visit the sick and pray with them to give hope that Jesus heals. The Mother’s Union members should be generous to the poor and the needy. When there is a family in trouble they need to help. They should also encourage those in difficult situations that God’s plan is for the good of each and every family and they should keep on in praying and trusting God. For I know the plans I have for you declares the lord, plans to prosper you but not to harm you, plans to give you hope and future.Then you will call on me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:11

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Contacting Us: By E-mail

Internal Province Archbishop Most Rev Moses Deng Bol : Internal Province Secretary Canon David Modi (acting) : General Enquiries Rev Samual Mabith :

By Post: Hai Mozephin, Opposite Wau Teaching Hospital, C/o ECS Provincial Office, P O BOX 110, Juba, South Sudan

By Telephone: Tel +211 926954187 or +211 955602769

Warrap State Peace Mobiliser Mrs Rose Aciendhel Kacthiek

+254 716641233

+211 914191558

Lord we pray for peace and reconciliation in your country of South Sudan. We ask that we may accept the gifts of the Holy Spirit to enable us to seek to live in peace with all people and bring the hope you have for us to everyone. Amen. - Amen

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Please Pray With Us Pray for the hardworking clergy and volunteers of Northern Bahr el Ghazel Internal Province who work without pay in difficult conditions.

Please pray for all people exposed to famine and danger in South Sudan, that they may be safe and fed. Pray for the hardworking students at schools in NBG, St Mark’s and St John’s Colleges. Pray for Thurlith School and all the many needs to provide education for orphans. Pray for the CLIP Chess project to provide wisdom and in peace in Kekuma Camp. Pray for the continuing efforts to bring peace in South Sudan through the IGAD talks. Give thanks to God for the kindness of donors giving aid and support to Abut Athian. Pray for the work of Christian Action for Relief and Development NGO. Pray for the work of the Diocese of Aweil Relief and Development Agency. Pray for the new staff working in different parts of the Internal Province. Give Thanks for the generosity of many partners supporting projects both large and small. Pray for the situation of food security in South Sudan so that people may have enough to eat. Pray for security in South Sudan so that ordinary people can live their lives peacefully.

Church prayers needs Pray for Bishop Justin Badi the Primate Elect of the ECSS that God may protect and guide him. Pray for Archbishop the Most. Rev Moses Deng Bol, who works so hard, pray that God will help him to do what needs to be done for the new internal province. Pray for Bishop Abraham Ngor – the Bishop of Gogrial Diocese. Pray for Bishop Peter Yuol Gur – the Bishop of Tonj Diocese. Pray for Bishop Joseph Mamer Manot – the new bishop of Wanyjok area diocese in Aweil Diocese. Pray for Bishop Peter Garang Akuei– the new bishop of Nyamlel area diocese in Aweil Diocese. Pray for all pastors, priests, deacons and assistants in Northern Bahr el Ghazel. Pray for the Mothers Union, their work and the new provincial leadership of Mary Achol. Pray for all leaders taking up provincial leadership tasks that God may guide them well. Pray for the development of St John’s College of Theology and Development in Wau. Pray for the work of the Justice, Peace and Reconciliation Committee. Pray for all Christians working hard to build and sustain peaceful co existence in faith. Give thanks to God for the successful reconciliation meeting held in Wau. Give thanks to God for Clarice Achieng and the work of the Wanyjok Area MU.

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