Waukesha County Environmental Education Activity Guide: Sept.-Dec. 2023

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Environmental Education ACTIVITY GUIDE SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER 2023 Youth • Families • Adults • Scouts • Volunteers • 4-H WAUKESHA COUNTY PARKS: ADVENTUROUS PLACES & SMILING FACES

Table of Contents

At A Glance ....................................... pages 4-5

Special Events................................... pages 6-9

Scheduled Programs ......................... pages 10-19

Retzer Nature Center .................... pages 10-13

Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium ..... pages 14-19

Conservation in the Parks .................. pages 20-21

Scout Programs ................................ pages 22-31

Pick-A-Program ................................ pages 32-33

Donate & Volunteer .......................... pages 34-38

Recycling Information ....................... page 39

UW-Extension & 4-H .......................... pages 40-41

Park System Information................... pages 42-43

All programs are held at Retzer Nature Center unless otherwise noted and are subject to change without notice. View our cancellation policy online. Staff may photograph programs, events, and classes for promotional material such as, but not limited to, brochures, advertisement of events, website, etc.

Retzer Nature Center

S14 W28167 Madison Street, Waukesha, WI 53188 262-970-6680


We offer virtual programs for your convenience!

We know every situation is different, and we provide educational programs and experiences that help connect all of us with our environment both in-person and virtually.

Find our Pick-A-Program options on pages 32-33 and look for this symbol for virtual programs!


My friends at Waukesha County Parks have a bit of a mantra: “Finish strong!” Surely, opportunities for fun and wellness in Waukesha County don’t decrease in fall and winter, because there are plenty of year-round indoor and outdoor activities and explorations to keep you busy. We have terrific educational programs for your household, your troop, and your class. And don’t forget beloved festivals for folks of all ages and abilities.

But first, can I recommend 2023 annual memberships? Then you’re set for all Waukesha County Parks paid and non-fee facilities for the final four months of the year. It’s a super value. You can buy at wauk.co/parkentry or in person at our main office and at Retzer Nature Center.

Speaking of Retzer Nature Center, I’m always excited to be there to visit the Discovery Trail -- an all-ages and all-abilities facility -- and its newer addition of Exploration Stations for outdoor education, sensory-based play experiences, and STEM activities. We’re planning a third phase of improvements; read more about that at www.WaukeshaCounty.gov/DiscoveryTrailProject.

Also exciting is the Friends of Retzer Nature Center’s beloved Apple Harvest Festival, which returns this fall for its 36th annual round of treats, arts & crafts shopping, giveaways, live music, planetarium wonders, and other first tastes of fall family fun. Post your own homemade scarecrow on the chilling and silly Scarecrow Lane; combine your loves of light hiking and light reading on Bridges Library System Story Hike; hit the beer garden for lunch and a Retzer Apple Ale. Oh, and load up on all the apples, apple cider, apple pie, and apple crisps you can carry. (We’ll help!) See you Saturday, September 23!

In November, Science Fest – Powered by Generac – is back for another fun day of interactive STEM activities for all ages! This year’s edition is themed “Now You See it and Now You Don’t,” which sounds amazing! Discover how science mixes into our everyday lives and shapes our future!

These programs can help us:

• Create opportunities for everyone to explore the outstanding natural resources in the Waukesha County Park System

• Better understand how our actions impact the environment and how we can work collaboratively to conserve our unique natural resources through a variety of science-based programs

• Protect the county’s lakes and streams by informing citizens on how property management decisions impact water quality

• Increase the quality of material recycled from households and businesses to reduce our environmental impact

• Protect the quantity and quality of groundwater resources in the county by promoting water conservation and groundwater infiltration

Enjoy the great outdoors in Waukesha County!

November 2023 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 print-a-calendar.com December 2023 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 print-a-calendar.com at a glance NOVEMBER DECEMBER 5 See pgs. 10-11 See pgs. 14-19 See pgs. 12-13 See pgs. 22-31 See pgs. 6-9 Wee Wonders Wee Wonders Planetarium Show Wee Wonders Wee Wonders Planetarium Show Outdoor Classroom Planetarium Show Camera Club Mtg. Planetarium Shows Planetarium Shows Planetarium Shows Planetarium Shows Planetarium Shows Science Fest Pick up Scarecrows Planetarium Shows Planetarium Shows Holiday Break Planetarium Shows Holiday Break Planetarium Shows Holiday Break Planetarium Shows Outdoor Cl assroom Planetarium Show Sunset Meditation Planetarium Show Planetarium Shows Outdoor Classroom Planetarium Shows (morning & evening) Planetarium Shows In observance of the Holidays, the Learning Center is CLOSED on Dec. 25 & 26 and Jan. 1 & 2. Grounds are OPEN. Ben Goss Bird Club Meeting Pick up Scarecrows Pick up Scarecrows L AST DAY to pick up Scarecrows Planetarium Show In observance of the Thanksgiving holiday, the Learning Center is CLOSED on both Nov. 23 & 24. Grounds are OPEN. Outdoor Classroom Planetarium Show Camera Club Mtg. Remove Scarecrows Sunset Meditation


Unless otherwise noted, these programs are held at Retzer Nature Center. For more information or to register, visit www.waukeshacountyparks.com.

Build-A-Scarecrow At Home

Through September 22

Free and recommended for all ages. Register online and install scarecrows by Fri., September 22. Everyone is encouraged to build a family-friendly scarecrow at home to display at Retzer Nature Center from Sept. 23 through Oct. 31. See page 8 for details.

Friends of Retzer Nature Center’s Scarecrow Lane & Story Hike

September 23 - October 31 (Open daily)

Free and recommended for all ages. No registration required.

Visit Retzer Nature Center for a fun, self-guided walk around Scarecrow Lane located near the Children’s Garden and on the blue trail loop to the pond to enjoy the unique scarecrows displays and changing colors of autumn. Extend your visit to enjoy the story “If You Find a Leaf,” by Aimée Sicuro, as you hike along the orange trail. There is no parking fee at Retzer Nature Center.

Friends of Retzer Nature Center’s Apple Harvest Festival

Saturday, September 23, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. $10 per carload, cash only, and recommended for all ages. This autumn festival is sponsored by the Friends of Retzer Nature Center, in cooperation with Waukesha County Parks, Waukesha County Technical College, Waukesha Reads, and more. See pg. 7 for more information on this family-friendly, community event. Additionally, the HorwitzDeRemer Planetarium will feature a new show called Totality! See pg. 17.

Sunset Meditation Planetarium Shows & Retzer-led Night Hikes

Wednesdays: September 6 & 20

7:00 - 7:30 p.m. - Sunset Meditation Planetarium Show

7:30 - 8:15 p.m. - Peaceful Night Hike

Wednesdays, October 4 & 18

6:30 - 7:00 p.m. - Sunset Meditation Planetarium Show

7:00 - 7:45 p.m. - Peaceful Night Hike

Wednesdays, November 1 & 15

6:00 - 6:30 p.m. - Sunset Meditation Planetarium Show

6:30 - 7:15 p.m. - Peaceful Night Hike

Each Sunset Meditation Planetarium Show is 30 minutes in length, followed by a 45-minute Peaceful Night Hike (weather permitting).

$10 per person and recommended for ages 10+

Registration is limited to 60 and is required at least 24 hours prior to the program. (Please arrive ON TIME. Doors open 15 minutes prior to the show. Late arrivals will not be admitted into the dome.) Come unwind under the dome of the Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium and meditate for your mental health! View a planetarium show of an amazing sunset as you travel from the Grand Canyon to the North Pole, then relax under a night sky filled with stars with glimpses of the Northern Lights under the dome. After the show, take a quiet hike outside with a naturalist and discover tranquil sights and sounds of Retzer Nature Center (weather permitting).

Friends of Retzer Nature Center’s ScienceFest: Now You See It, Now You Don’t

Powered by Generac

Saturday, November 5 , 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Free and recommended for all ages. No registration required. Join us for hands-on STEM programs and see educational planetarium shows! See pgs. 9 and 17 for more details!

JOIN US FOR OUR FAMILY-FRIENDLY AUTUMN EVENT! FEATURING: Sweet Treats The Apple Market Arts & Crafts Vendors Live Music by JC Ayer Delafield Brewhaus Beer Garden Scarecrow Lane with Scavenger Hunt Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium Shows Story Hike with Bridges Library System Self-Guided Oak Hike & Children’s Activities Passport Expedition on the Discovery Trail Sponsored by the Friends of Retzer Nature Center in cooperation with Waukesha County Parks, Waukesha County Technical College, Waukesha Reads, and more. $10 CASH ONLY ADMISSION PER CAR RETZER NATURE CENTER S14W28167 MADISON ST. WAUKESHA (262) 896-8007 SATURDAY, SEPT. 23 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. 7

Build-A-Scarecrow At Home

Schools, churches, families, businesses, scouts, 4-H, daycares, and individuals...

EVERYONE is encouraged to build a familyfriendly scarecrow at home to display at Retzer Nature Center from Sept. 22 to Oct. 31.


• Read the Build-A-Scarecrow Instructions online before creating your scarecrow

• Register & install scarecrows by 4 p.m. on Sept. 22

• Download & complete the I.D. slip from the website, seal in a bag & pin on your scarecrow

• Install your scarecrow on the stakes provided on the blue trail loop to the pond, located near the Children’s Garden from Sept. 15 - 22

• Remove your scarecrow between Nov. 1 - 5

• Any scarecrows not removed by Mon., Nov. 6 will be discarded


Open Daily, Self-Guided Hikes

September 22 - October 31, 2023, Sunrise - 10 pm

Join us for a FREE and FUN self-guided walk around Scarecrow Lane and the Story Hike! Find the scarecrows on the west end of the Learning Center building, near the Children’s Garden and blue trail loop to the Retzer pond. (Download our scarecrow scavenger hunt after Sept. 22 for even more fun!)

Extend your visit to hike the orange trail loop and along the way, read the story “If You Find a Leaf,” by Aimée Sicuro. (Woodchipped trails & mowed paths with some sloped terrain.)

POWERED BY FREE ADMISSION Saturday, November 4 11 am - 2 pm Retzer Nature Center S14 W28167 Madison Street Waukesha DISCOVER HOW SCIENCE MIXES INTO OUR EVERYDAY LIVES & SHAPES OUR FUTURE! • Interactive Activities • Nature Hikes • Family Hikes • Educational Programs • Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium Shows Delafield, WI WWW.WAUKESHACOUNTY.GOV/SCIENCEFEST SEE THE SCHEDULE: FEST FEST SCIENCE SCIENCE The Friends of Retzer Nature Center’s Now You See It! Now You Don’t! 9


Unless otherwise noted, these programs are held at Retzer Nature Center. For more information or to register, visit www.waukeshacountyparks.com.

Retzer Camera Club Meetings

Select Wednesdays at 7 p.m.: September 6, October 4, November 1, December 6

Recommended for ages 16+. No registration required. The Retzer Camera Club meets monthly on the first Wednesday with instructional programs, sharing/critiquing of members’ photographs, discussing equipment and technique, and providing opportunities for taking photographs at Retzer Nature Center and other nature areas. Open to the public! To learn more, find them on Facebook.

Ben Goss Bird Club Meetings

Select Sundays at 7 p.m.: September 17, October 15, November 19

Recommended for ages 11+. No registration required. Benjamin Goss Bird Club provides an opportunity for those interested in an active study of birds and their habitats. The public is invited to attend an inperson meeting or keep in touch through the club’s Facebook Discussion Group online. For more information, visit www.gossbirdclub.org.

Fungus Foray

Saturday, October 21 at Muskego Park 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Park in the Beach Parking Lot and meet at the Beach House. Free to participate, but daily park admission or Waukesha County Parks annual membership is required for park entry. Online registration is required by noon on Friday, October 20.

Recommended for adults

Come join Waukesha Parks and the Wisconsin Mycological Society on a walk in the woods and learn all about mushrooms with seasoned foragers. Be sure to dress for the weather and wear appropriate footwear for hiking on turf and woodchipped trails. (Families may also attend, but because trails may not be stroller-friendly, children will either need to hike or be carried.)

Wisconsin Bat Basics

Thursday, October 26, 6 - 8 p.m.

Free to participate, but online registration is required by noon on Wednesday, October 25.

Recommended for ages 16+

Celebrate International Bat Week by learning more about Wisconsin Bats. Did you know that bats make up 25% of Earth’s mammals? To learn more, join us for an informative evening event featuring: Julia Robson, Conservation Biologist for Waukesha County Parks and Land Use; Marcus Mueller, owner of Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control; and Caroline Frantz, Wisconsin Master Naturalist, Bat Ambassador.


Retzer Nature Center’s


Select Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m., $4 per child per class, Ages 2 - 4

Online registration is required at least 24 hours prior to the program. This monthly program is an opportunity for nature exploration and discovery for children. Wee Wonders offers hands-on experiences about a variety of nature topics.

• Each child must be accompanied by an adult.

• Each program includes an outdoor experience; please dress for the weather.

• Please register at least 24 hours prior to the program. Walk-ins are welcome, space permitting, but please call ahead and arrive no later than 9:15 a.m.

Fall in a Flash

Tuesday, September 12 and Wednesday, September 13

Fall – the season of wonder. Birds are flying south, leaves are changing color and so much more to explore! Join us while we take a walk in the woods to discover the signs of fall.

Going Batty! (Night Animals)

Tuesday, October 10 and Wednesday, October 11

Learn why bats are our friends as we hike to see where they live here at Retzer. We will then create a bat project to take home.

Turkey Trot

Tuesday, November 7 and Wednesday, November 8 Time for the geese and ducks to leave Retzer, but the turkeys will remain! We’ll have fun turning ourselves into a feather gobbler and learn how to walk and talk just like a turkey. Go on a “turkey trot” to see where these feathered friends reside.

Winter Picnic in the Pines

Tuesday, December 12 and Wednesday, December 13

Invitations have been sent. Decorations are all in place. Time to get this party started! Join us in the pines as we host a winter picnic. We will play some clever games and celebrate the winter season.

Book Now! www.waukeshacounty.gov/enveduhub

OUTDOOR CLASSROOM Retzer Nature Center’s

One-hour programs on select Wednesdays from 10 - 11 a.m. Outdoor Classroom at Night is from 5:30-6:30 p.m.

$4 per student. Free for adults and young siblings not yet in 4K (unless otherwise noted.) 20 children maximum (unless otherwise noted.) Ages: Elementary students 4K and up. Online registration is required at least 24 hours prior to the program (no walk-ins.)

Get outdoors with a naturalist and explore during our Outdoor Classroom series. These one-hour programs focus on seasonal topics and incorporate hands-on discovery and sensory exploration for your elementary age learner. Students must be accompanied by an adult. Programs will be mostly outdoors, so dress for the weather. Indoor activities may be incorporated in case of inclement weather.

September 6: Animal School

The scientific names of animals have great meaning built in! Discover what taxonomy is all about by exploring how animals are classified based on features that make them special! What Class Are You? We’ll explore the five vertebrate classifications – mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.

September 20: Growing Up Wild

Baby animals must prepare for the exciting world beyond the nest. Explore how animals of Retzer learn to survive from their parents or by using instinct: what to eat, how to behave, what things are dangerous, and where to travel for resources.

October 4: Trees, Seeds, Nuts and Leaves

Using our powers of observation, we will have a hands-on outdoor experience as we explore trees - what they are, how they reproduce, and how they change throughout the seasons. We’ll make observations about different trees and compare size, texture, shapes and colors of nuts, leaves and seeds we find.

October 18: Outdoor Classroom at Night (5:30 - 6:30 p.m.)

Children ages 2 and older are required to register. 30 children maximum. Join us for a fun night on the Discovery Trail as we meet costumed animals that stay up at night – an owl, raccoon, bats and more!

Family-friendly costumes are encouraged!

Book Now! www.waukeshacounty.gov/enveduhub SPECIAL TIME!

Retzer Nature Center’s


One-hour programs on select Wednesdays from 10 - 11 a.m. Outdoor Classroom at Night is from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. $4 per student. Free for adults and young siblings not yet in 4K (unless otherwise noted.)

20 children maximum (unless otherwise noted.) Ages: Elementary students 4K and up. Online registration is required at least 24 hours prior to the program (no walk-ins.)

Get outdoors with a naturalist and explore during our Outdoor Classroom series. These one-hour programs focus on seasonal topics and incorporate hands-on discovery and sensory exploration for your elementary age learner. Students must be accompanied by an adult. Programs will be mostly outdoors, so dress for the weather. Indoor activities may be incorporated in case of inclement weather.

November 1: Be Nice to Spiders and Bats

Spiders and bats really aren’t scary. Fall is a great time to learn about the benefits of these two seasonal animal icons. Join us as we discuss the facts versus fictional lore about these fascinating creatures and learn more about their special skills!

November 15: Soil- It’s More than Just Dirt!

From how it is formed, to the millions of creatures that live there, soil is an undiscovered world to most of us. Once we have learned a bit about soil, we will take a hike to look at some of the different soils here at Retzer and do a little digging to look for just a few of the creatures that live there.

December 6: Where Insects Go In Winter

Where do bugs go when it’s cold and snowy? Some travel far, others stay put, and some do so in different forms of development. Learn how insects adapt or otherwise survive the cold Wisconsin winter months.


December 20: Winter Tracks & Animal Signs*

Animals leave behind clues for us to find as we explore our winter world. We’ll hunt for animal track clues outside in the snow or mud and create our own tracks!

*Snowshoe use is weather and trail condition dependent. A trail hike will replace snowshoeing if snow cover is not adequate.

Book Now! www.waukeshacounty.gov/enveduhub 13 Pair your program with a Planetarium show. See next page.




Tickets: https://hdplanetarium.ticketleap.com

Show trailers: http://sdwone.us/planetarium

Online show descriptions by title: https://sdw.waukesha.k12.wi.us/o/planetarium

Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium (inside Retzer Environmental Learning Center)

Wednesdays, shows begin promptly at 11 a.m., and late arrivals will not be admitted. $5 per person (free for children ages 2 and under). 90 seat capacity, walk-ins welcome, space permitting Families, caregivers, home school groups, scout troops, 4-H and more… supplement your learner’s education experience with a planetarium show at Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium. Each program is 45 - 60 minutes in duration. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Private show reservations are available for community groups, private parties, corporate events, or scout groups. For more information or to register a group, call 262-970-4139.

Join us on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. for $5 per person

September 6: Star Signs

September 13: Worlds of Curiosity

September 20: One World, One Sky: Big Bird’s Adventure

September 27: Totality - Explore the Wonder of Eclipses

October 4: Cosmic Colors: An Adventure Along the Spectrum

October 11: Chasing the Ghost Particle:

From the South Pole to the Edge of the Universe

October 18: Cosmic Mashups

October 25: Halloween: Celestial Origins

November 1: Surviving In Space

November 8: The Case of the Disappearing Planet

November 15: Defying Gravity: It’s Rocket Science

November 22: Khrumka’s Adventures in the Winter Forest

November 29: Totality!

December 6: George and Oatmeal Save Santa

December 13: Voyage to Distant Worlds

December 20: Mystery of the Christmas Star

your Planetarium show with a Retzer program. See pages 12 - 13.


All shows are held at the Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium located inside the Retzer Environmental Learning Center. If seats are available, you can purchase them up to the time of the show. For more information or to register a group, call 262-970-4139.

Private show reservations are available for community groups, private parties, corporate events, or scout groups: https://bit.ly/hdplanetariumoffpeakrequest

The Planetarium has a 90-seat capacity and is wheelchair accessible. Pre-purchase of tickets online is highly recommended, especially for special event shows and those with limited seating. If unsold seats are available, they can be purchased online or will be available at the door up to the time of the show.

On the last Saturday of each month, all shows are open captioned for the hearing impaired.

Tickets: https://hdplanetarium.ticketleap.com

Show trailers: http://sdwone.us/planetarium

Children’s Planetarium Shows

Did an Asteroid Really Kill The Dinosaurs?

Saturdays: September 2, 9, 16, 30

11 a.m., $5 per person

See dinosaurs and asteroids like never before! Did a space rock six miles wide slam into the Earth 66 million years ago and wipe out 75 percent of all species alive, including the dinosaurs? Explore impacts and cosmic collisions across the Solar System in this dynamic show.

Spooky Space

Saturdays: October 7, 14, 21, 28

11 a.m., $5 per person

Would you like to meet the stars of Halloween? Monsters, zombies, ghosts and their far more terrible counterparts in space? Oh, yes, space has its monsters: black holes, zombie stars, and spectacular ghostly nebulae.

Wilbear’s Adventure (refreshed show)

Saturdays: November 11, 18, 25

11 a.m., $5 per person

Follow Wilbear, the Teddy Bear, as he wants to fly and discover flight. His grandpa uses demonstrations about the nature of flight to build up to the story of the Wright Brothers’ historic first airplane experience. Grandpa Bear captivates audiences with tales of inventions over time, from kites and gliders to today’s jet planes. The program also includes some mythology and a few winged constellations. Wilbear’s Adventure was written to coincide with the Wright Brothers and the 100th anniversary of flight.

December Double Feature: George and Oatmeal Save Santa, and Season of Light

Saturdays: December 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

11 a.m., $5 per person

*Please note that no star talk will be presented*

Show 1: Santa Claus is missing! Mrs. Claus is worried and asks Oatmeal the snowman to help find him. Join Oatmeal and his friend, George, the planetarium wizard, as they travel the world in search of Santa. Along the way they are told constellation stories from many cultures and how to use the stars of the Big Dipper to find north. This show is particularly appropriate for young children and their families.

Show 2: Explore the reasons humans are so fascinated with lighting up our lives during the December holiday season. It’s an exploration of the astronomical meanings behind seasonal traditions, including the “Star over Bethlehem.”

Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium

General Public Planetarium Shows

The Hot and Energetic Universe

Saturdays: September 2, 9, 16, 30

1 p.m., $5 per person

This show explores the achievements of modern astronomy, the basic principles of electromagnetic radiation, and the natural phenomena related to High Energy Astrophysics. This science probes hot gas in clusters of galaxies, and around supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies. High energy radiation provides important information about our own galaxy, neutron stars, supernova remnants and stars like our Sun.

Halloween: Celestial Origins

Saturdays: October 7, 14, 21, 28

1 p.m., $5 per person

What do you associate with Halloween?

Trick–or-Treating, costumes…astronomy?

After all, Halloween is an astronomical holiday! Learn the history of Halloween and how it fits into the seasons as a “cross-quarter day.” Also explore the night sky and learn what planets, constellations, and stars will be out on your Halloween evening.

Living in Balance: Anishinaabe Star Knowledge

Saturdays: November 11, 18, 25

1 p.m., $5 per person

“Living in Balance: Anishinaabe Star Knowledge” highlights Anishinaabe stories of constellations and moons in relation to contemporary insights about environmental changes. Teachings shared by Native Skywatchers Carl Gawboy, William Wilson, and Dr. Annette S. Lee are narrated by Aarin Dokum with Anishinaabemowin translations by Alphonse Pitawanakwat set to art by Elizabeth LaPensée.

Mystery of the Christmas Star

Saturdays: December 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

1 p.m., $5 per person

Journey back over 2000 years to Bethlehem as we seek to discover a scientific explanation for the star the wise men followed to find the baby Jesus. This modern retelling of the Christmas story is sure to charm and captivate audiences of all ages.

Special Planetarium & Retzer Programs:

Sunset Meditation Planetarium Shows & Retzer-led Night Hikes

Wednesdays: September 6 & 20

7:00 - 7:30 p.m. - Sunset Meditation Planetarium Show, 7:30 - 8:15 p.m. - Peaceful Night Hike

Wednesdays, October 4 & 18

6:30 - 7:00 p.m. - Sunset Meditation Planetarium Show, 7:00 - 7:45 p.m. - Peaceful Night Hike

Wednesdays, November 1 & 15

6:00 - 6:30 p.m. - Sunset Meditation Planetarium Show, 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. - Peaceful Night Hike

Each Sunset Meditation Planetarium Show is 30 minutes in length, followed by a 45-minute Peaceful Night Hike (weather permitting).

$10 per person and recommended for ages 10+

Registration is limited to 60 and is required at least 24 hours prior to the program. (Please arrive ON TIME. Doors open 15 minutes prior to the show. Late arrivals will not be admitted into the dome.)

Come unwind under the dome of the Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium and meditate for your mental health! View a planetarium show of an amazing sunset as you travel from the Grand Canyon to the North Pole, then relax under a night sky filled with stars with glimpses of the Northern Lights under the dome. After the show, take a quiet hike outside with a naturalist and discover tranquil sights and sounds of Retzer Nature Center (weather permitting).

Register online at www.waukeshacountyparks.com

Planetarium Special Events

Advance online registration for all events is highly recommended: https://hdplanetarium.ticketleap.com

100th Anniversary of Planetariums- Totality!

Tuesday, September 19

Shows at 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. FREE ADMISSION!

Two eclipses cross the US in 2023 and 2024: an annular eclipse on October 14, 2023 and a total eclipse on April 8, 2024! Everyone in the continental US will experience at least a partial solar eclipse on April 8. Total solar eclipses are a rare and beautiful phenomena, and in this new planetarium show, you will learn how eclipses happen, how to safely view one, and where these two eclipses take place. You will learn the history of eclipse watchers and how to observe safely. Texas is the nexus where the annular eclipse of 2023 and the total solar eclipse of 2024 cross! The next solar eclipse to cross the US is in 2045 so don’t miss this one!!

Musica Universalis- The Music of the Spheres

Tuesday, September 19

7 p.m., $10 per person

“Music of the spheres” refers to the ancient concept of a relationship between the structures of music and those of the physical world, and an awareness of mystical or spiritual qualities being transmitted through composed sound.

Join us on the 100th anniversary of planetariums as the Gutekunst Flute Choir performs music inspired by and related to celestial spheres both near and far. You’ll enjoy recognizable pieces by Holst, Debussy, and Mendelssohn as well as new works by Lombardo, McLearnon and more. While listening you will observe a delightful evening star show accompaniment to the repertoire.

Apple Harvest Festival Show: Totality!

Saturday, September 23

Shows start at 9 a.m. and run every 30 minutes. Last show starts at 3:30 p.m. $3 per person

Show description is under our event for Planetariums’ 100th Anniversary, as stated above.

Waukesha Reads: Under the Moonlight Date Night

Friday, October 20

6:30 p.m. FREE ADMISSION , Only one person needs to register from each couple. On this beautiful first quarter moon night, bring your special someone and join us for a fun-filled night of exploration throughout our elegant universe at the Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium. The beauty of the moon and the night sky brings out the romantic side in all of us. Explore the current night sky with your date in the comfort of the planetarium.

Science Fest Show: Totality- Explore the Wonder of Eclipses

Saturday, November 4, Shows at 11 a.m., Noon, and 1 p.m.

$5 donation for ages 13 and up is kindly accepted; Free admission up to age 12 This show is all about eclipses, from lunar to total solar. DIscover how they occur and what happens when they do. We look back to the proof of general relativity and look forward to upcoming eclipses and where to witness them. Learn from spectacular space environments to humorous pop-up books. Experience under the dome what will happen when you are caught in the shadow of the Moon and the Sun is plunged into a total solar eclipse.


$5.00 Planetarium Holiday Shows

Advance online registration for all shows is highly recommended: https://hdplanetarium.ticketleap.com


Wednesday, December 20

6 p.m. Season of Light

Season of Light explores the reasons humans are so fascinated with lighting up our lives during the December holiday season. It’s an exploration of the astronomical meanings behind seasonal traditions, including the “Star over Bethlehem”.

7:30 p.m. Mystery of the Christmas Star

Journey back over 2000 years to Bethlehem as we seek to discover a scientific explanation for the star the wise men followed to find the baby Jesus. This modern retelling of the Christmas story is sure to charm and captivate audiences of all ages.


Looking for something to do during your Winter Holiday Break? The Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium will be providing family friendly planetarium shows throughout the week.

Wednesday, December 27

11 a.m. Sunstruck

Travel back to the beginning of time and experience the birth of the sun. Discover how it came to support life, how it threatens life as we know it, and how its energy will one day fade away. Audiences will gain an enhanced understanding of the Sun and how it impacts the world.

1 p.m. Khrumka’s Adventures in the Winter Forest

On their way through the fairy tale winter forest, little Khrumka and his friends watch the Northern Lights, witness the flight of an asteroid, and admire the constellations of the winter sky. Thrilling rides, magic and surprises await them on their fantastic fulldome journey.

Thursday, December 28

11 a.m. The Case of the Disappearing Planet

This program looks into the changing status of objects we call “planets.” It not only covers Pluto, but the temporary planetary status of asteroids as well. The tally of “planets” in our solar system has been going up and down for hundreds of years! Have fun with this program as it features a sly, street-smart gumshoe called Skye Watcher. After a frenzied phone call from a 3rd grade teacher, she collects clues to find out what happened to Pluto. The show highlights the scientific method as well as understanding our Solar System.

1 p.m. Constellations: Adventures Connecting Earth to Sky

Constellations! Adventures Connecting Earth & Sky: This program will circle the globe and bring these rich and engaging sky legends to life. It will explore how constellations helped organize the sky and tell time. Audiences will depart the Earth, witnessing how constellations change when traveling through the galaxy. Visitors will also marvel at how we also create wild pictures from the Moon and distant nebulae. Discover all the inspiring imaginations in the constellations! Explore the depths of space in a wild ride through the universe!

Friday, December 29

11 a.m. A to Z Astronomy: From 3 to 103

Appealing to all ages, this family romp through the galaxies includes a roller coaster ride on our huge dome, a strange stop at a black hole by Mr. Shakespeare, a talking letter with a jelly-bean universe, and a trip to Egypt to explore hieroglyphs- the origins of our letters. Don’t miss any of our out-of-this-world ABC adventures! From the aurora to the zodiac, the alphabet voyage will leave you spinning for more..

1 p.m. Our Violent Planet

Our Violent Planet is a full dome show that features some of the most catastrophic natural events our world will ever occur. We live out our lives on our planet’s fructured crust “plates” that pull apart, collide, grind past each other, and even sink below one another, producing violent earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and catastropic walls of water known as tsunamis.


Planetarium Outreach Programs

For more details and pricing, contact the Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium at 262-970-4139. Visit https://bit.ly/hdplanetariumoffpeakrequest to submit a request form.

The Sun and Su Familia

Recommended for Pre-K through grade 8

Our bilingual solar system program is sure to spice up childrens’ vocabularies. Students take part in an interactive bilingual expedition through the solar system. Shows can be offered in English with a supplemental Spanish component or vice versa. During this program, your children will learn the English and Spanish words for our neighboring celestial bodies! In addition, each child will create a program guide to take home to enjoy. **This program is exclusively offered as a bilingual learning experience.

Tales and Tails of the Night Sky

Recommended for Pre-K through grade 6

Join us as we explore the tales of the tailed constellations of our night sky. Each animal will be highlighted during the season they become visible within the calendar year.

Private Star Party

Recommended for all ages.

Learn the basics of the night sky, how to navigate using the stars, and view the cosmos with the naked eye or through a telescope. Planetarium experts will help you to become an expert of the cosmos yourself. We encourage participants to bring their own telescopes and binoculars along to the star party. This is an outdoor event that requires clear skies.

Telescope Clinic

Recommended for grade 6 and up

During a telescope clinic, participants will learn what type of telescope you can purchase, the different types of telescopes, how to operate a telescope and point it at certain objects. Planetarium experts will teach participants the basics of the night sky, how to navigate using the stars, and view the cosmos with the naked eye or through a telescope. This program can be offered indoors or outdoors and at your location or at the planetarium.

Planetarium Cub and Girl Scout Programs

To request a private scout program for your troop/den, please visit https://bit.ly/hdplanetariumoffpeakrequest to submit a request form.

Held during Cub Scout Nights, see pgs. 22, 24, 26

Tiger: Sky is the Limit

Enjoy a star talk, the Star Signs planetarium show and exploring jobs in astronomy.

Wolf/Bear: Space Exploration

Examine space exploration through the CapCom Go! The Apollo Story show.

Webelo: Adventures in Science

Study the night sky by taking an extensive six-hour time lapse tour of the night sky, where Scouts will sketch and draw some of the major constellations of that season, and watch Zociac: The Stars, the Moon and the Path of the Sun. Add-on options available.

Daisy: Space Science Explorer

Listen to a star talk, explore the planetarium show Max Goes to the Moon, and learn how to make and use a sundial.

Brownie: Space Science Adventurer

Watch The Little Star That Could planetarium show and listen to a local star talk.

Held Girl Scout Nights, see pgs. 23, 25, 27

Junior: Space Science Investigator

Listen to a star talk, investigate the planetarium shows Four Paths of the Sun and Two Small Pieces of Glass, and do a night sky scavenger hunt.

Cadette: Space Science Researcher

Preview the show Cosmic Colors: Adventures Along a Spectrum and watch Losing the Dark, followed by a local star talk. Add-on options available.

Senior: Space Science Expert

Preview choice of show- Cosmic Recipe: Setting the Periodic Table, or The Hot and Energetic Universe, or From Earth to the Universe, or Big Astronomy, or Europe to the Stars. Add-on options available.

Ambassador: Space Science Master

Preview shows Journey to the Center of the Milky Way, NASA- The Future of Space Exploration, and IBEX: The Search for the Edge of the Solar System Add-on options available.




Help create healthier natural areas throughout Waukesha County!

Take part in stewardship projects or help collect data within your community to assist with local conservation efforts.

• No prior experience is necessary.

• Attendance at a training program is required and equipment will be provided.

• Depending on the project, volunteers may work independently or with trained personnel.



Register at least one weekday prior to program at waukeshacounty.gov/conservationintheparks
Supported by

SHARING KNOWLEDGE on iNaturalist Project Page


Waukesha County’s iNaturalist project page has grown significantly since it began in 2018. This successful engagement from the community has helped grow the data for Waukesha County.

iNaturalist is one of the most popular nature apps that connects you with a community of more than 400,000 scientists and naturalists who can help teach more about nature.

Contributing your own observations contributes to biodiversity in Waukesha County.

Findings are shared with scientific data repositories to help scientists find and use your data!

Check out the project and submit your observations online:


iNaturalist - Wild in Waukesha User Data

The number of users, species, and observations on Waukesha County’s iNaturalist project page has greatly increased since the beginning of the project page in 2018.

Category 2018 2019 2021 2022 Users 428 918 1,972 2,453 Species 1,206 1,976 3,400 4,109 Observations 3,669 8,644 41,088 60,173 2,453 4,109 60,173 21

Fall 2023 Cub Scout Night

Tuesday, October 17

$5 per scout per program

Join us to complete adventures during our Fall Cub Scout Night at Retzer Nature Center and the Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium! Come as a Scout Den or independently. (All Scouts must be registered individually for each program.) Each Scout attending individually must have a parent chaperone, or Dens with their leader chaperones. Leaders/parents/siblings must also register for Planetarium programs only. Programs start promptly at scheduled times; please arrive on time as fees are non-refundable. Portions of programs (except Planetarium programs) are outside; dress for the weather. Minimum 10 Scouts required for each program to run.

*Due to the need to review/accept program waivers through the online registration process, late and in-person registrations WILL NOT be accepted.

Time Scout Program

4:45-5:45 p.m.

Bear & Wolf Space Exploration Scouts will examine space exploration through the new historical documentary called “CapCom Go! The Apollo Story,” which showcases the achievements of the Apollo program and what it took to put the first human on the moon.

4:45-5:45 p.m.

4:45-5:45 p.m.

Tiger Tigers in the Wild (This program is limited to 30 Scouts.)

Enjoy the outdoors while identifying different plants and animals and the signs they have left behind as we hike the trails. We will complete Requirements 1-4 and 6-7.

Bear Fur, Feather, Ferns (This program is limited to 30 Scouts.)

Hike the trails and learn how to identify signs of mammals, birds, insect and plants. We will observe wildlife from a distance and plants close up. We will complete Requirements 1, 2, 4, and 5.

5:50-6:50 p.m.

5:50-6:50 p.m.

5:50-6:50 p.m.

Tiger Sky is the Limit

During the star talk and “Star Signs” planetarium show, observe constellations and names of stars in the night sky. After, explore jobs in astronomy within the literature found in the planetarium lobby.

Wolf Paws on the Path (This program is limited to 30 Scouts.)

Join a naturalist on a hike to identify birds, insects, and other animals along the trails. Watch and record interesting items we find as we hike. We will complete Requirements 1-6.

Webelos Into the Wild (This program is limited to 30 Scouts.)

Learn about bird flyways, wild creatures in their habitats, and identify local animals. Identify components of the food chain and how humans have changed the balance of nature. As we take a hike along wetlands, we will learn about the role of aquatic ecosystems. We will complete Requirements 4-9.

7-8 p.m.

Webelos Adventures in Science

Discover and study the night sky by seeing the show “Zodiac: the Stars, the Moon, & the Path of the Sun.” While watching the star talk, scouts are able to sketch the night sky over a 6-hour period by observing constellations like the Big Dipper and names of stars like Polaris.

Register online by Mon., Oct. 16 at noon at

Fall 2023 Girl Scout Night

Thursday, October 19

$5 per Girl Scout per program

Join us to earn Badges during our Fall Girl Scout Night at Retzer Nature Center and the HorwitzDeRemer Planetarium! Come as a Troop or independently. (All Girl Scouts must be registered individually for each program.) Each Girl Scout attending individually must have a parent chaperone, or troops with their leader chaperones. Leaders/parents/siblings must also register for Planetarium programs only. Programs start promptly at scheduled times; please arrive on time as fees are non-refundable. Portions of programs (except Planetarium programs) are outside; dress for the weather. Minimum 10 Girl Scouts required for each program to run.

*Due to the need to review/accept program waivers through the online registration process, late and in-person registrations WILL NOT be accepted. Note: Badges are not included in this fee.

Time Scout Program

4:45-5:45 p.m.

Daisy Space Science Explorer

Explore space science by watching a full-dome planetarium show called “Max Goes to the Moon,” listen to a local star talk, and learn how to make and use a sundial.

4:45-5:45 p.m.

5:50-6:50 p.m.

Brownie Bugs (This program is limited to 40 Girl Scouts.)

Talk to a bug specialist, see bugs in action, explore bug homes, take a brief bug walk, and take home a bug craft.

Daisy Eco Learner (This program is limited to 40 Girl Scouts.)

Nature gives us many gifts. Daisy Girl Scouts will learn some ways to give back by protecting nature. Scouts will learn how to be prepared before going outdoors, play a wildlife game, observe plants and animals within a “nature circle”, and learn how to protect nature from trash.

5:50-6:50 p.m.

Brownie Space Science Adventurer

Girl Scouts will get assistance in becoming a space science adventurer by previewing the full-dome planetarium show called “The Little Star That Could” and listening to a local star talk.

5:50-6:50 p.m.

Junior Animal Habitats Badge (This program is limited to 40 Girl Scouts.)

Junior Girl Scouts will learn about animal habitats in Wisconsin, investigate animal habitats at Retzer Nature Center, learn about endangered habitats and how to protect and create animal habitats.

7-8 p.m.

Junior Space Science Investigator

Girl Scouts will get assistance in becoming a space science investigator by previewing the full-dome planetarium shows called “Four Paths to the Sun,” and “Two Small Pieces of Glass,” listening to a local star talk while doing a night sky scavenger hunt.

online by Wed., Oct. 18 at noon at www.waukeshacounty.gov/scoutnights

Winter 2024 Cub Scout Night

Thursday, January 18

$6 per Cub Scout per program

Join us to complete adventures, or just for fun, during our Winter Cub Scout Night at Retzer Nature Center and the Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium! Come as a Scout Den or independently. (All Scouts must be registered individually for each program.) Each Scout attending individually must have a parent chaperone, or Dens with their leader chaperones. Leaders/parents/siblings must also register for Planetarium programs only. Programs start promptly at scheduled times; please arrive on time as fees are non-refundable. Portions of programs (except Planetarium programs) are outside; dress for the weather. Minimum 10 Scouts required for each program to run.

*Due to the need to review/accept program waivers through the online registration process, late and in-person registrations WILL NOT be accepted.

Time Scout Program

4:45-5:45 p.m.

Bear & Wolf Space Exploration

Scouts will examine space exploration through the new historical documentary called “CapCom Go! The Apollo Story,” which showcases the achievements of the Apollo program and what it took to put the first human on the moon.

4:45-5:45 p.m.

Open to All Cub Scouts

5:50-6:50 p.m.

Rain Gutter Recycled Regatta (This program is limited to 20 Scouts.) Bring your boats made from recyclable materials for this fun rain gutter boat race! Please make your boats at home to bring with you—we will not have time to make them on site. Use all recyclable materials in your construction with the exception of tapes and glues to hold things together.

Tiger Sky is the Limit

During the star talk and “Star Signs” planetarium show, observe constellations and names of stars in the night sky. After, explore jobs in astronomy within the literature found in the planetarium lobby.

5:50-6:50 p.m. Open to All Cub Scouts

Animal Adaptations

Meet the Retzer teaching animals! Make observations and see how an animal’s physical and behavioral traits can help it to survive as we explore the concepts of habitat and survival.

7-8 p.m. Webelos Adventures in Science

Discover and study the night sky by seeing the show “Zodiac: the Stars, the Moon, & the Path of the Sun.” While watching the star talk, scouts are able to sketch the night sky over a 6-hour period by observing constellations like the Big Dipper and names of stars like Polaris.

Register online by noon on Wednesday, January 17


All-Scout Winter Snowshoeing

Sat., Feb. 17, 2024 - 3 sessions!

Online Registration starts Dec. 1, 2023

All Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are invited to get outdoors on snowshoes (weather permitting) or hike the trails on a winter adventure led by a Retzer naturalist. $9 per Scout, includes snowshoe rental. (Adults can rent snowshoes for $5 at the gift shop.)


Winter 2024 Girl Scout Night

Thursday, January 25

$6 per Girl Scout per program

Join us to earn Badges during our Winter Girl Scout Night at Retzer Nature Center and the Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium! Come as a Troop or independently. (All Girl Scouts must be registered individually for each program.) Each Girl Scout attending individually must have a parent chaperone, or troops with their leader chaperones. Leaders/parents/siblings must also register for Planetarium programs only. Programs start promptly at scheduled times; please arrive on time as fees are non-refundable. Portions of programs (except Planetarium programs) are outside; dress for the weather. Minimum 10 Girl Scouts required for each program to run.

*Due to the need to review/accept program waivers through the online registration process, late and in-person registrations WILL NOT be accepted. Note: Badges are not included in this fee.

Time Scout Program

4:45-5:45 p.m.

Daisy Space Science Explorer

Explore space science by watching a full-dome planetarium show called “Max Goes to the Moon,” listen to a local star talk, and learn how to make and use a sundial

4:45-5:45 p.m.

5:50-6:50 p.m.

Brownie Household Elf (This program is limited to 30 Girl Scouts.)

Learn how to make your home clean and green. Discover the importance of Reduce, Reuse & Recycle, and take away tips to save water and energy at home to earn your badge.

Daisy Make the World A Better Place (This program is limited to 30 Girl Scouts.) Learn about making the world a better place with the 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Read Rosie’s story and conduct a mock trash sort activity to complete the requirements to earn your rose petal.

5:50-6:50 p.m.

Brownie Space Science Adventurer

Girl Scouts will get assistance in becoming a space science adventurer by previewing the full-dome planetarium show called “The Little Star That Could” and listening to a local star talk.

7-8 p.m.

Junior Space Science Investigator

Girl Scouts will get assistance in becoming a space science investigator by previewing the full-dome planetarium shows called “Four Paths to the Sun,” and “Two Small Pieces of Glass,” listening to a local star talk while doing a night sky scavenger hunt.

Register online by noon on Wednesday, January 24


All-Scout Winter Snowshoeing

Sat., Feb. 17, 2024 - 3 sessions!

Online Registration starts Dec. 1, 2023

All Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are invited to get outdoors on snowshoes (weather permitting) or hike the trails on a winter adventure led by a Retzer naturalist. $9 per Scout, includes snowshoe rental. (Adults can rent snowshoes for $5 at the gift shop.)


Spring 2024 Cub Scout Night

Thursday, March 14

$6 per scout per program

Join us to complete adventures during our Spring Cub Scout Night at Retzer Nature Center and the Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium! Come as a Scout Den or independently. (All Scouts must be registered individually for each program.) Each Scout attending individually must have a parent chaperone, or Dens with their leader chaperones. Leaders/parents/siblings must also register for Planetarium programs only. Programs start promptly at scheduled times; please arrive on time as fees are non-refundable. Portions of programs (except Planetarium programs) are outside; dress for the weather. Minimum 10 Scouts required for each program to run.

*Due to the need to review/accept program waivers through the online registration process, late and in-person registrations WILL NOT be accepted.

Time Scout Program

4:45-5:45 p.m.

Tiger Sky is the Limit

Discover that the sky is the limit during this visit to Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium. During the star talk and Star Signs planetarium show, observe constellations and names of stars in the night sky. After, explore jobs in astronomy within the literature found in the planetarium lobby.

4:45-5:45 p.m.

4:45-5:45 p.m.

5:50-6:50 p.m.

Wolf Paws on the Path (This program is limited to 30 Scouts.)

Join a naturalist on a hike to identify birds, insects, and other animals along the trails. We will watch and record interesting items we find as we hike. We will complete Requirements 1-6.

Bear Fur, Feathers and Ferns (This program is limited to 30 Scouts.)

We will hike the trails and learn how to identify signs of mammals, birds, insect and plants. We will observe wildlife from a distance and plants close up! We will complete Requirements 1, 2, 4, and 5.

Bear & Wolf Space Exploration Scouts will examine space exploration through the new historical documentary called CapCom Go! The Apollo Story, which showcases the achievements of the Apollo program and what it took to put the first human on the moon.

5:50-6:50 p.m.

5:50-6:50 p.m.

Tiger Tigers in the Wild (This program is limited to 30 Scouts.)

Enjoy the outdoors while identifying different plants and animals and the signs they have left behind as we hike the trails. We will complete Requirements 1-4 and 6-7

Webelos Into the Woods (This program is limited to 30 Scouts.)

Join a naturalist on a hike to identify native trees and plants, their many uses and their importance to our ecosystem. Identify useful things made from wood. Use growth rings to tell a tree’s life story and learn about the function of tree bark. We will complete Requirements 1-4 and 6-7.

7-8 p.m. Webelos Adventures in Science

Study the night sky by taking an extensive six-hour time lapse tour of the night sky, where Scouts will sketch and draw some of the major constellations of that season, and watch Zociac: The Stars, the Moon and the Path of the Sun

Register online by noon on Wednesday, March 13 www.waukeshacounty.gov/scoutnights

Spring 2024 Girl Scout Night

Thursday, March 21

$6 per Girl Scout per program

Join us to earn Badges during our Spring Girl Scout Night at Retzer Nature Center and the Horwitz-DeRemer Planetarium! Come as a Troop or independently. (All Girl Scouts must be registered individually for each program.) Each Girl Scout attending individually must have a parent chaperone, or troops with their leader chaperones. Leaders/parents/siblings must also register for Planetarium programs only Programs start promptly at scheduled times; please arrive on time as fees are non-refundable. Portions of programs (except Planetarium programs) are outside; dress for the weather. Minimum 10 Girl Scouts required for each program to run.

*Due to the need to review/accept program waivers through the online registration process, late and in-person registrations WILL NOT be accepted. Note: Badges are not included in this fee.

Time Scout Program

4:45-5:45 p.m.

4:45-5:45 p.m.

5:50-6:50 p.m.

Brownie Space Science Adventurer

Girl Scouts will get assistance in becoming a space science adventurer by previewing the full-dome planetarium show called The Little Star That Could and listening to a local star talk.

Daisy Design with Nature (This program is limited to 40 Girl Scouts.) Explore nature by observing and counting birds, exploring and identifying animal tracks, and making an adventure map.

Brownie Eco Friend (This program is limited to 40 Girl Scouts.) Find out how to treat outdoor spaces with kindness and teach others how they can too. We will take a hike, find houses in nature and learn how to keep animal homes safe, learn how to build and safely put out a fire, and practice being kind in outdoor spaces.

5:50-6:50 p.m.

5:50-6:50 p.m.

Daisy Space Science Explorer

Explore space science by watching a full-dome planetarium show called Max Goes to the Moon, listen to a local star talk, and learn how to make and use a sundial.

Junior Shapes in Nature (This program is limited to 40 Girl Scouts.)

Nature is a talented artist! It uses patterns, based in math, in many creations. In this badge, we will explore patterns found in nature, learn about symmetry, examine bilateral symmetry in leaves, make circular ephemeral art with natural objects, find fractals in nature and seek out spirals formed by the Fibonacci sequence.

7-8 p.m. Junior Space Science Investigator

Girl Scouts will get assistance in becoming a space science investigator by previewing the full-dome planetarium shows called “Four Paths to the Sun,” and “Two Small Pieces of Glass,” listening to a local star talk while doing a night sky scavenger hunt.

Register online by noon on Wednesday, March 20 www.waukeshacounty.gov/scoutnights


To request a private program for your den/pack (minimum 20 scouts), please visit www.waukeshacounty.gov/EnvironmentalEd . Private groups are scheduled Mon.-Thurs., starting no later than 4 or 4:30 p.m. (depending on season) and on the occasional Saturday, based on staff availability. Fees and the program length are listed for each program below.

Programs must be paid in full at the time of registration and are non-refundable. Please remind Scouts and chaperones to dress appropriately for the outdoor portions for all Cub Scout programs. *Note that all fees will increase $1 per Scout in 2024. Cub Scout programs are also offered on designated Scout Nights (see pgs. 22, 24, 26). These dates are open to all Scouts who would like to attend, but spaces are limited. Register online by noon the day prior to the program at www.waukeshacountyparks. com. Minimum 10 Scouts required per program for it to run. Late registrations will not be accepted and program maximum attendance will not be exceeded.

SCOUT ANIMAL ADAPTATIONS HIKE $6 per Scout, 1.5 hour program

See also the program offered during Winter Scout Night on Wed., January 18 Meet the Retzer teaching animals! Make observations and see how an animal’s physical and behavioral traits can help it to survive as we explore the concepts of habitat and survival. Head outside to the Retzer Trails where we will look for animals, evidence of animals, and explore how animals use their adaptations to survive in the wild. Open to all Cub Scouts.

TIGER: TIGERS IN THE WILD $5 per Scout, 1 hr. program

Also offered at Fall & Spring Scout Nights: Tues., October 17 and Thurs., March 14

Enjoy the outdoors while identifying different plants and animals and the signs they have left behind as we hike the trails. We will complete Requirements 1-4 and 6-7.

WOLF: PAWS ON THE PATH $6 per Scout, 1.5 hr. program

Also offered at Fall & Spring Scout Nights: Tues., October 17 & Thurs., March 14

Join a naturalist on a hike to identify birds, insects, and other animals along the trails. We will watch and record interesting items we find as we hike. We will complete Requirements 1-6.

BEAR: FUR, FEATHERS AND FERNS $6 per Scout, 1.5 hr. program

Also offered at Fall and Spring Scout Nights: Tues., October 17 and Thurs., March 14

During your visit to Retzer Nature Center we will hike the trails and learn how to identify signs of mammals, birds, insect and plants. We will observe wildlife from a distance and plants close up! We will complete Requirements 1, 2, 4, and 5.

WEBELOS: INTO THE WILD $6 per Scout, 1.5 hr. program

Also offered at Fall Scout Night: Tues., October 17

Learn about bird flyways, wild creatures in their habitats, and identify local animals. Identify components of the food chain and how humans have changed the balance of nature. As we take a hike along wetlands, we will learn about the role of aquatic ecosystems. We will complete Requirements 4-9.

WEBELOS: INTO THE WOODS $6 per Scout, 1.5 hr. program

Also offered at Spring Scout Night: Thurs., March 14

Join a naturalist on a hike to identify native trees and plants, their many uses and their importance to our ecosystem. Identify useful things made from wood. Use growth rings to tell a tree’s life story and learn about the function of tree bark. We will complete Requirements 1-4 and 6-7.


For Planetarium Scout Opportunities, see page 19


June 10-14, 2024

Online Registration begins February 1, 2024

6/10: Reptile & Amphibian

6/11: Astronomy

6/12: Environmental Science

6/13: Sustainability

6/14: Space Exploration

$40 per Scout per program. Class sizes are limited. www.waukeshacounty.gov/meritbadge

Scout Project & Volunteer Opportunities


We welcome Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts alike to consider completing their projects with the Waukesha County Park System. Volunteer opportunities for individual Scouts and Scout groups are also available. If interested, visit our Scout Project and Volunteer Information pages, and complete the appropriate Interest Form: https://www.waukeshacounty.gov/landandparks/ park-system/ScoutProjectInformation/ https://www.waukeshacounty.gov/parkvolunteers



To request a private program for your troop (minimum 20 Girl Scouts), please visit www.waukeshacounty.gov/EnvironmentalEd . Private groups are scheduled Mon.-Thurs., starting no later than 4 or 4:30 p.m. (depending on season) and on the occasional Saturday, based on staff availability. Fees and program length are listed for each program below. Girl Scout programs are non-refundable.

Girl Scout programs without minimum enrollment numbers are offered on designated Girl Scout Nights (see pgs. 23, 25, 27). These dates are open to all Girl Scouts who would like to attend, but spaces are limited. Register online by noon the day prior to the program at www.waukeshacountyparks.com.

Programs must be paid in full at the time of registration and are non-refundable. Please remind Girl Scouts and chaperones to dress appropriately for the outdoor portions for all Girl Scout programs. Note: Fees do not include patches or badges. All fees will increase $1 per Girl Scout in 2024.

GIRL SCOUT ANIMAL ADAPTATIONS HIKE $6 per Girl Scout, 1.5 hour program

Meet the Retzer teaching animals! Make observations and see how an animal’s physical and behavioral traits can help it to survive as we explore the concepts of habitat and survival. Head outside to the Retzer Trails where we will look for animals, evidence of animals, and explore how animals use their adaptations to survive in the wild. Open to all Girl Scouts.

DAISY: DESIGN WITH NATURE $5 per Girl Scout, 1 hr. program

Also offered at Spring Girl Scout Night: Thurs., March 21

Daisy Girl Scouts will explore nature by observing and counting birds, exploring and identifying animal tracks, and making an adventure map.

DAISY: ECO LEARNER $5 per Girl Scout, 1 hr. program

Also offered at Fall Girl Scout Night: Thurs., October 19

Nature gives us many gifts. Daisy Girl Scouts will learn some ways to give back by protecting nature. Scouts will learn how to be prepared before going outdoors, play a wildlife game, observe plants and animals within a “nature circle”, and learn how to protect nature from trash.

BROWNIE: BUGS $6 per Girl Scout, 1.5 hr. program

Also offered at Fall Girl Scout Night: Thurs., October 19

Brownie Girl Scouts will talk to a bug specialist, see bugs in action, explore bug homes, take a bug walk, and take home a bug craft.

BROWNIE: HIKER $8 per Girl Scout, 1.5 hr. program

Brownie Girl Scouts will choose a Retzer hiking trail, try out hiking skills including map reading, learn how to be prepared, make a healthy snack to take on the trail, and have fun with an outdoor scavenger hunt.

BROWNIE: ECO FRIEND $6 per Girl Scout, 1.5 hr. program

Also offered at Spring Girl Scout Night: Thurs., March 21

Find out how to treat outdoor spaces with kindness and teach others how they can too. Brownie Girl Scouts will take a hike, find houses in nature and learn how to keep animal homes safe, learn how to build and safely put out a fire, and practice being kind in outdoor spaces.

BROWNIE: HOUSEHOLD ELF $6 per Girl Scout, 1 hr. program that is only offered during Winter Scout Night: Thurs., January 25: (see pg. 25 for description).


JUNIOR: ANIMAL HABITATS BADGE $6 per Girl Scout, 1.5 hr. program

Also offered at Fall Girl Scout Night: Thurs., October 19

Junior Girl Scouts will learn about animal habitats in Wisconsin, investigate animal habitats at Retzer Nature Center, create animal houses for Retzer animals, and learn about endangered habitats and how to protect animal habitats.

JUNIOR: SHAPES IN NATURE $6 per Girl Scout, 1.5 hr. program

Also offered during Spring Girl Scout Night: Thurs., March 21

Nature is a talented artist! It uses patterns, based in math, in many creations. In this badge, we will explore patterns found in nature, learn about symmetry, examine bilateral symmetry in leaves, make circular ephemeral art with natural objects, find fractals in nature and seek out spirals formed by the Fibonacci sequence.

CADETTE: TREES $5 per Girl Scout, 1.5 hr. program

Find out all about trees: from the shade to the science, the fruit to the forest, and the legends to the lumber. Cadette Girl Scouts will observe different tree species, learn about the amazing science of trees, discuss logging, clearcutting and deforestation, learn how Waukesha County Parks cares for its trees, and make a tree project.

For Planetarium Scout Opportunities, see page 19

Retzer and Planetarium programs are open to families, homeschool groups, scout groups, 4-H groups, adult groups and organizations.

31 View our School Guide and pages 32-33 for even more opportunities for private bookings.
Book a program with the Waukesha County Environmental Education Team!
should be within two grade
of each other for the best experience. Minimum attendance is


Unless otherwise noted, the following programs are free for Waukesha County community groups/organizations and can be hosted at Retzer Nature Center or your public space.

Visit www.WaukeshaCounty.gov/EnvironmentalEd to request a program.

= Available as virtual program by request

Recycling: Up Close and Personal

Recommend for ages 16+

45 minutes

We use a lot of finite resources. Discover the numbers behind consumption on a global and nationwide scale and how you can reduce this number. Find out what happens to many of these materials and how recycling helps us manage much of what we consume. Minimum of 15 participants required.

Food Safety

Recommended for ages 8+

30 - 60 minutes

Become aware of food safety and the consequences of mishandling food. Hand washing is emphasized and interactive activities are available.

Green Cleaning Workshop

Recommended or ages 16+

45 minutes

We strive to keep our homes clean and healthy, but sometimes use toxic chemicals to do so. Is there a safer way? Find out what common household ingredients can be used to keep your home healthy, clean, and safe. Minimum of 15 participants required.

Groundwater: Our Buried Treasure

Recommended for ages 8+ 30 - 60 minutes

Discover how the ground provides clean water for us to drink. Learn how that water can become contaminated and how to eliminate the dangers. Leave with actions you can take at home to keep your water safe.

Home Composting for Healthy Soils

Recommended for ages 16+

45 minutes

Available in spring/fall

Learn how to create and use your own compost. Look at different bin styles to build or buy. Understand how compost works to improve the health of your soils for lawns and gardens. Minimum of 15 participants required.

Home Makeover: Green Edition

Recommended for ages 16+

45 minutes

Whether you’re looking to green your home, your lawn, or your wallet – we’ll cover them all! Learn ways to live a comfortable and sustainable lifestyle from recycling right to simple lawn care. Minimum of 15 participants required.

I Live in a Watershed

Recommended for ages 8+

45 minutes

Our watershed model provides a hands-on, interactive demonstration of the sources and effects of runoff pollution. Learn about the watershed you live in and see how it connects…all the way to the ocean! By the end of this program, you will understand what a watershed is, how it functions and how you are part of it.


Nature Connection for Seniors, Service Clubs, and Special Needs Groups

60 minutes: $5 per person

Recommended for ages 18+

Join a Retzer Teaching Naturalist for a handson experience that engages and connects participants with the natural world. Topics include: Animal Ambassadors, Prairie Above & Below, Plants & Pollinators, Butterflies, Birds, Animal Skull Exploration, Owls (mounted specimens), Nature at Night, and Insect Exploration. Call 262-896-8007 with traveling program inquiries.

Rain Gardens and Rain Barrels

Recommended for ages 18+

60 minutes

Rain barrels have been used for many generations. Discover how they can actually help restore a more natural water flow while saving you money. Not only will we explore how to install rain barrels, but we will learn about the benefits of rain gardens too! Rain gardens and rain barrels can be a beautiful solution to water pollution.

Rent a Garden Plot

Recommended for ages 18+

Extension Waukesha County manages a rental garden located just east of Northview Road and Grandview Boulevard in the City of Waukesha. Garden plots are available for rental on a yearly basis to Waukesha County residents, sizes are 20’ by 20’ and 30’ by 30’. For pricing, availability, and more information, visit www.waukeshacounty.gov/UWEX/HORT/ or call 262-548-7775.

Sustainable Yardening

Recommended for ages 18+

60 minutes


Learn how to make your yard and garden more than just another pretty place. Make your space a contributor to a healthy environment by creating habitat, planting native and protecting water. Discover practical ways to make a healthy environment around your home and see how together we can make a big difference.

Volunteer Service Project

Recommended for ages 8+

Assist park system staff individually or as a group. Volunteers may assist with seasonal natural land management, species conservation, special events, or Retzer Nature Center animal and aquarium care. For more information, or to submit a Volunteer Interest Form, visit us at:


Lunch N’ Learn

Held at your work place

Recommended for ages 16+

30 - 45 minutes. Minimum of 15 participants required. Fees may apply for non-partner communities.

Waukesha County Land Resources staff will share their expertise with your employees through a 30 or 45 minute interactive presentation. Select one topic for a 30 minute presentation or select two topics for a 45 minute presentation. Choose from: Recycling • Green Cleaning & HHW

• Rain Barrels • Rain Gardens

• Water Friendly Lawn Care • Composting

Please email recycling@waukeshacounty.gov with requests and questions.


Help Protect Your Parks


The Parkland Conservation Fund helps protect, restore, and enhance greenspaces throughout the Waukesha County Park System.

This stewardship fund focuses on wildlife habitat restoration and improvements to natural areas. Donations are an investment in local natural resources, public lands and parks for generations to come.


Nashotah Park Native Prairie Restoration

Thanks to generous donations to the Parkland Conservation Fund and support from Project Wingspan’s Pollinator Partnership, 13 acres of old agricultural fields have been seeded! We are 65% complete, only 7 acres remain to be restored into native prairie habitat. Help us reach our goal!

Monches Property Restoration

65% DONE

Over 300 trees and shrubs have been planted as part of phases 1 and 2. We have 16 acres and 800 more trees to go along the Oconomowoc River Greenway! Help us reach our goal!

Submit an Interest Form! www.WaukeshaCounty.gov/parkvolunteers Perfect for students, groups, and teachers! SEEKING VOLUNTEERS! Volunteering with Parks and Land Use is a great opportunity for individuals and groups to enjoy the outdoors while giving back: • Park Maintenance (weeding, painting, trail woodchipping) • Invasive Species Control / Removal • Adopt-A-Trail Program • Adopt-A-Drain Program • Park Clean Up / Litter Pick up • Retzer Nature Center Programs & Special Events 35 • Citizen Science Programs • Stewardship Projects • Scout Project Information

WHO is it for?

Adults who enjoy nature, working with kids, & want to volunteer at Retzer Nature Center.

WHAT is it?

RTN volunteers assist in leading Environmental Education programs & help at Special Events.

WHEN is it?

WHERE is it?

Free RTN training & assisting with programs is flexible according to your interest & availability.

Programs are held at the Retzer Environmental Learning Center & off-site at area schools, daycares & parks.

WHY volunteer?

Be part of an amazing team of educators who love nature & engaging with others!

Complete an individual interest form: www.waukeshacounty.gov/parkvolunteers

36 Join our team as a Retzer
Teaching Naturalist
Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use strives to enhance and expand access to natural resources and environmental education for all ages and abilities. We are asking for your help because everyone deserves the opportunity to connect with nature and explore our world. More giving levels available online! All levels of support are accepted and appreciated. Every bit helps build barrier-free access to nature! www.waukeshacounty.gov/DiscoveryTrail Donate Today www.waukeshacounty.gov/DiscoveryTrail $5,000 Monarch Butterfly • Extra Large logo on trail donor board (11” x 7”) • Participation in feature trail event • Certificate of Thanks • Three social media tagged posts $2,500 Green Darner Dragonfly • Large logo on trail donor board (7” x 5”) • Participation in feature trail event • Certificate of Thanks $1,000 Dog-day Cicada • Medium logo on trail donor board (5.25” x 3.5”) • Participation in feature trail event • Certificate of Thanks $500 Rusty Patched Bumble Bee • Small logo on trail donor board (4.25” x 2”) • Certificate of Thanks $250 Common Eastern Firefly • Name listed on trail donor board (3.35” x 2”) • Certificate of Thanks Looking for other ways to support this project? All contributors over $250 will be recognized on a donor board displayed on the Discovery Trail. Thank you in advance for your support! 37
Discovery Trail Project

In 2017 the Planetarium completed a major technology upgrade that converted the technology used to digital-full dome-video, and Astronomy programming expanded to include Biology, Health, Weather Systems, and Chemistry.

The planetarium is now turning its attention to needs in its reception, student laboratory, and pre- and post-show areas. The project plan includes creating spaces which will simulate an outer space environment where students and visitors can be challenged with rotating, hands-on exhibits, experiments and encouraging scientific exploration.


*Donors that contribute $250 or more will have their names printed within a night sky graphic on dark ceiling panels in the Planetarium exhibit hall. The “Friends” of the Planetarium was formed in January of 2000. It is a community organization for anyone interested in astronomy, space exploration and the effective use of the planetarium. It is also a support group for the ongoing activities, outreaches and the spread of science education to our community. Friends memberships run from the 2023 Spring Equinox (Monday, March 20) to the 2024 Spring Equinox (Tuesday, March 19.).

Volunteer Service Project

Recommended for ages 8+ Assist park system staff individually or as a group. Volunteers may assist with seasonal natural land management, species conservation, special events, or Retzer Nature Center animal and aquarium care.

For more information, or to submit a Volunteer Interest Form, visit us online at: www.waukeshacounty.gov/parkvolunteers


There was a MRF (Materials Recovery Facility) Sorted by people and machines to be baled and sold to a remanufacturer to make new items!


There was a drain

Keep storm drains clean!

Grass clippings, pet waste, leaves, fertilizers, litter and other pollutants wash directly into the nearest waterbody!


• milk jugs = composite decking

• tin cans = appliances

• plastic bottles = carpeting

• aluminum cans = more cans


There was a Landfill

The last stop! There is no sorting, recovery or reuse. It costs way more to make new items from virgin materials than from recycled ones.


Collecting recyclables in a bag? Empty the contents into the cart. Bags damage equipment.

Return plastic bags to retailers.

County Recycles

Yard or Garden Questions?

Contact the Horticulture Helpline. This free service allows you to speak with a trained UW-Madison Extension Master Gardener volunteer regarding plant, bug, or soil questions. For more information, email uwex1@waukeshacounty.gov or call 262-548-7779.

Soil Questions?

Having soil problems? Tired of guessing about additives for your lawn or garden? A soil test will tell you what nutrients your plants or lawn need and will recommend the amount of fertilizer (N-P-K) to add to your soil. It will also tell the current pH of your soil and an analysis of the amount of organic matter in your soil. For more information, visit www.waukeshacounty.gov/uwex/hort/st or call 262-548-7775.

Plant or Plant Insect Questions?

Let UW-Madison Extension Horticulture Educators identify your outdoor and indoor plant samples and outdoor plant insects. There is a $5 charge per sample. Call 262-548-7775 or e-mail lboyer@waukeshacounty.gov before bringing in any samples to the office to confirm office hours as well as plant/insect submission procedures.

515 W Moreland Blvd Admin G22 | Waukesha, WI 53188

Volunteers Help Make 4-H Possible

Become a Waukesha County 4-H Project Leader Today!

Volunteers Help Make 4-H Possible

We are seeking enthusiastic adults to lead project workshops for Waukesha County youth.

Become a Waukesha County 4-H Project Leader Today!


To provide leadership and organization to the project group.

We are seeking enthusiastic adults to lead project workshops for Waukesha County youth.


4-H volunteers gain skills in teaching, leading effective meetings and developing communication skills. Youth benefit because volunteers help youth:

Prepare for future careers

To provide leadership and organization to the project group.

To work with youth and adult volunteers in offering a positive youth development experience for young people.

To work with youth and adult volunteers in offering a positive youth development experience for young people. Create and maintain a safe and welcoming environment that fosters positive youth development.

Create and maintain a safe and welcoming environment that fosters positive youth development.

Interested in becoming a volunteer? Contact:

Miles Payne

4-H Youth Development Educator

Interested in becoming a volunteer? Contact:



Miles Payne

4-H Youth Development Educator



NEW & RETURNING families welcome to join!

2023-24 Enrollment Opens In September 2023

Youth ages 5k-13th grade

Improve their decision-making skills

Serve their communities

4-H volunteers gain skills in teaching, leading effective meetings and developing communication skills. Youth benefit because volunteers help youth:

Gain leadership skills

Prepare for future careers

cision-making skills

Project areas:



Natural Science

Family, Home & Health


NEW & RETURNING families welcome to join!

2023-24 Enrollment Opens In September 2023

60+ projects to choose from 14 Community Clubs

Youth ages 5k-13th grade

Essential Elements:


60+ projects to choose from 14 Community Clubs

Essential Elements:


Mastery Independence Generosity

Mastery Independence



For more information contact: Miles Payne



Project areas:

Mechanical Sciences


Natural Science

Social Sciences

Family, Home & Health

Plant & Soil Sciences

Mechanical Sciences

Arts & Communications


Animal Sciences

Social Sciences

Plant & Soil Sciences

Arts & Communications

Animal Sciences

An EEO/AA employer, University of Wisconsin-Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title VI, Title IX, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements
JOIN WAUKESHA COUNTY 4-H TODAY! JOIN WAUKESHA COUNTY 4-H TODAY! An EEO/AA employer, University of Wisconsin-Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title VI, Title IX, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements
For more information contact: Miles Payne 262-548-7774 miles.payne@wisc.edu https://www.waukeshacounty.gov/UWEX/4H/Join/


Okay, fine. You won’t actually receive a sticker that’s invisible. Nor will you get a visible sticker from us. That’s history! We’ve upgraded to a system in which your annual membership is verified by our neat license plate scanner when you enter.

Recommended: Tell friends there’s an invisible sticker on your windshield.

from date of purchase through December 31, 2023 Parks Annual Membership LAKE ACCESS Annual Membership Regular Senior 1 Vehicle 2 vehicles $35 $55 $17 $29 Regular 1 Vehicle 2 vehicles $ PARKS + LAKE PACKAGE Regular $120 per vehicle 90 $1 35 Mark Your Calendar: 2024 Annual Memberships On Sale Nov. 24, 2023


Fee required.

Annual Park Membership allows for unlimited visits to:

Fox Brook Park

Fox River Park

Menomonee Park

Minooka Park

Mukwonago Park

Muskego Park

Naga-Waukee Park

Nashotah Park

Ryan Park

Lake Access

Fee required.

Annual Lake Access Membership allows for unlimited visits to:

Pewaukee Lake

Nagawicka Lake

Nemahbin Lake

School Section Lake

Ashippun Lake*

*No fee

Nature Center

Retzer Nature Center*

*No fee required

Golf Courses

Moor Downs

Golf Course

Naga-Waukee War

Memorial Golf Course

Ice Arenas

Eble Park Ice Arena

Naga-Waukee Park Ice Arena


Waukesha County Exposition Center


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