Grades k-1
Request a program at
Retzer Nature Center Programs
Animal Adaptations
Program Offerings Below [NEW] 1 hour or 1.5 hours with 30 minute add-on option Add-on options: Create a Critter Activity or Adaptation Hike [NEW] Also available as an At-School Program
1 hour at Retzer Nature Center
Where does paper go after putting it in the recycling cart and how does it get recycled into new paper? Learn the process and then make paper using techniques similar to a paper mill. Students will create their own paper shape to take home. When held at Retzer Environmental Learning Center, students will learn what it means to close the paper recycling loop during our interactive exhibit tour!
Enjoy a visit from our teaching animals inside Retzer Nature Center! See how an animal’s physical and behavioral traits can help it to survive as we explore the concepts of habitat and adaptation. Choose to focus on Retzer Animal Ambassadors, Insects, Reptiles & Amphibians, or Birds! Add on the Create a Critter activity where students will draw a critter with unique traits to illustrate how their critter will function and survive in its habitat or the Adaptation Hike where students will explore how animals use their adaptations to survive in the wild. Choose from: • Retzer Animal Ambassadors • Insects • Reptiles & Amphibians • Birds
Recycling: Your Actions Matter 1 hour at Retzer Nature Center
Learn how your actions matter by exploring the 3Rs, what to recycle, where recyclables go, and what recyclables become. When held at Retzer Environmental Learning Center, students will learn what it means to close the recycling loop during our interactive exhibit tour! In the exhibit space, students will visit the eco-house, load recyclables into the truck, operate the mini-recycling facility, deliver recyclables to re-manufacturers, and discover how they become new products ready for store shelves.
Nature Storytime Hike
Program offerings below 1 hour or 1.5 hours Also available as a 1-hr. At-School Program
This program focuses on reading and roaming! Naturalists will share a story and lead indoor and outdoor hands-on explorations designed to complement the program topic and story. • Hibernation / Migration* • Insect Investigation • Life in a Shell (turtles, snails, insects, eggs & seeds) • Pond Adventure (30 students maximum) • Spring has Sprung • Terrific Trees (trees, seeds, nuts & leaves) • Things with Wings (birds, butterflies, bees & bats) • Winter Tracks and Animal Signs* • *Add snowshoes for 1.5 hrs (weather dependent) for adults and students for $3.00 / person. Program Offered Virtually
Collaborative Curriculum Program (See pg. 5)