Help Protect
Your Parks
WAUKESHA COUNTY PARK SYSTEM PARKLAND CONSERVATION FUND The Parkland Conservation Fund helps protect, restore, and enhance greenspaces throughout the Waukesha County Park System. This stewardship fund focuses on wildlife habitat restoration and improvements to natural areas. Donations are an investment in local natural resources, public lands and parks for generations to come. Help us complete these important projects!
Nashotah Park Native Prairie Restoration Restoration of old agricultural fields into native prairie habitat. Native plantings provide habitat for birds, pollinators, and other insects. The beauty of blooming flowers will also add to the natural beauty of Nashotah Park. Please donate to help us complete the next two phases. • Phase I: Complete • Phase II & III: Donate Now
Monches Property Reforestation
Planting a diversity of shrubs and trees along the Oconomowoc River Greenway to reduce pollution from agricultural land and improve water quality. A partnership with OWPP. Please donate to help us complete the next phase. • Phase I: Complete • Phase II: Donate Now