Teaching & Learning
● #1 ranking on DPI report card against 10 largest enrollment districts in Wisconsin
● 100% of schools “Meets Expectations” or higher on DPI report card
● 80% of HS students with at least a 2.8 GPA
● At the foundation of Wisconsin’s state accountability system are the school and district report cards, which annually report on the performance of all public schools and districts, including charter schools.
● At the foundation of Wisconsin’s state accountability system are the school and district report cards, which annually report on the performance of all public schools and districts, including charter schools.
● Students who graduate HS with at least a 2.8 GPAare considered one step closer to college and career readiness.
● ACTcomposite will be one point above the state average
● % proficient or advanced on state Forward Exam will increase in ELA to 45% and in Math to 46%
● % proficient or advanced in third grade ELAwill increase to 50%
● Meet or exceed State Goal for On Track to English Proficiency/ Bilingualism measured byAccess Test
● TheACTbenchmark scores are associated with specific predicted grades in corresponding college courses.
● Online assessment for grades 3-8 to gauge how well students are doing in relation to the Wisconsin Academic Standards.
● Astudent’s third grade reading level is the foundation for learning and correlates with all future educational performance.
● The measure of students on track to English proficiency will illuminate our success as a system in ensuring accessible and scaffolded content instruction and English language development.
Student Engagement & Parent Satisfaction
● Student Engagement, Hope and Wellness Survey
Increase the "agree" and "strongly agree" answers on the Student engagement, hope, and wellness survey question from 64% to 85% in two years.
● Parent Climate Survey
Increase the return rate of the parent climate survey from 20% to 40% in three years.
● Students participating in the Seal of Biliteracy and Global ScholarsAwards
● The conditions that lead to student engagement contribute to a safe and positive school culture and climate for all students.
● Parent feedback is valued and contributes positively to student’s learning experiences and is also an indicator of a school and district’s overall success.
● Multilingualism adds academic and educational value as well as benefiting the workplace and our global society.
● Number of Industry Credential and Dual Credit Enrollment
● Academic performance and behavior of students of color using DPI’s risk ratio
Decrease the risk ratio of office behavior referrals of students of color as compared to white peers from the current 4 to 1 ratio to 3 to 1 in three years.
Employee Satisfaction & Engagement
● The District will see a 5% increase year over year with staff scoring the District a 7 or above on the following question: On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend the District as a place of employment?
● 80% of respondents will select “very helpful” on the following question: How helpful has your mentor been with your transition into SDW?
● Teacher attendance rate as a district will be 95% or higher.
● Teacher retention rate will be 92% or higher.
● Students are significantly more likely to persist, earn higher GPA’s, and stay enrolled in college after graduation.
● The risk ratio identifies the risk of students of color as compared to white students for academic and behavioral adversity.This data helps track and reduce disproportionality across our system.
● Staff willingness to recommend the District indicates a positive work environment.
● Onboarding of new employees is a critical component of sustained employee satisfaction.
● High teacher attendance rates are a predictor to overall employee engagement.
● High retention rate is indicative of a healthy organization.
Operations & Finance Whatisimportant? Whyisthisimportant?
● Maintain a minimum unassigned Fund 10 - Fund Balance(FB) of 15% per Board Policy 6235
FB Summary (as of 06.30.21)
Total FB: $ 45.5 Million
Reserved FB: $ 9.6 Million
Unassigned FB: $ 35.9 Million
● Maintain a strong Debt Management Program per Board Policy 6147
SDW S&PBond Rating:AA
● Assign 2.5% of Operational Budget to the Maintenance Program
SDW Budget Documents
● Fund balance is intended to allow the District to address cash flow management needs, avoid cash flow borrowing & the related interest expense, insure that a high bond rating is maintained, and have reserves on hand to address unexpected financial challenges.
● Using the the results of most recent annual audit (SDW Financial Statements), the administration will update the Finance Committee as to the status of SDW’s FB, using the equation outlined in Board Policy 6235.
● SDW currently has $9.6 million in reserved / restricted FB to support our self-funded health insurance program and other long-term financial obligations.
● For FiscalYear 2020/21, SDW’s unassigned FB was 22.1% of the anticipated subsequent year total operational and special education expenditures.
● From time to time, SDW may be in a position to consider borrowing funds for certain projects or other obligations. Though each borrowing scenario is different, Board Policy 6147 provides a set of shared objectives upon which the decision(s) will be based.
● SDW will continue to take the necessary steps (i.e. sound fund balance levels, long-term budget forecasting, clean annual audits, a sustainable level of taxation, and a strong bond rating) to maintain the public trust and a high level of financial flexibility.
● Abond rating, along with the annual audit, is an independent evaluation of how a school district is managing their fiduciary responsibilities. SDW’s goal is to maintain a bond rating of at least a S&PAA or the equivalent.
● Of the 421 other public school districts in the State of Wisconsin only 18 have a higher bond rating then SDW.
● In the summer of 2021, the District began work on a full facility evaluation for the elementary grade level and identifying building safety, structural and mechanical system(s) needs.
● To fund these improvements, SDW will continue to investigate funding options and will seek to budget 2.5% of the annual operational budget for the maintenance of SDW facilities (fund 41 levy divided by the total fund 10 expenditure budget).
● August 31, 2022, SDW is scheduled to complete the work on $66.7 million dollars in facility improvements.The primary focus of these referendum projects was to provide district-wide safety improvements to our schools and major renovations to Les Paul, Horning, Butler Middle Schools & South High School.
● Assign an average of 75% of Operational Budget for District Staffing
● SDW will seek to budget 75% of the operational budget for the purpose of staffing our schools.
● Being service providers, school districts spend, on average, 75-80% of their operational budget on staffing.
● For FY2021/22, 76% of the District’s budgeted operational & special educational budget went towards staffing costs.