ABOUT US Mission The purpose of the Wausau Region Chamber is to strengthen our member businesses and enhance our community by building business success.
Vision We are the region’s indispensable source for business connections, opportunities, and solutions.
Contact Us Wausau Region Chamber of Commerce 200 Washington Street, Suite 120 Wausau, WI 54403 715-845-6231
The Wausau Region Chamber of Commerce (WRCC) marks 101 years of helping businesses grow. WRCC serves as the indispensable source for business connections, opportunities, and solutions with a mission to strengthen member businesses and enhance the community by building business success.
HISTORY Founded on March 11, 1912, a report in the next day’s newspaper stated, “With an earnestness and enthusiasm unprecedented in local movements of this kind, the citizens of Wausau to the number of five hundred or more met last night in the civilization of a society having for its object the promotion of the welfare of the city.” In its early years, the Association, as it was then called, focused on appointing a committee to “look after entertainment of visitors and do what we can to secure other conventions for Wausau,” developing plans to make Wausau a “greater buying center”, forming a committee to make Wausau safer from fire, and developing new industrial prospects. The organization devoted many of its resources to retaining and attracting new businesses to the area. It also promoted tourism, raised money for improving the road between Wausau and Merrill, and encouraged better relations between the city and surrounding communities.
DIFFERENT NAMES, SAME MISSION In May 1916, the organization changed its name to the “Chamber of Commerce” reflecting a broadening of interests. The organization became the Wausau Chamber of Commerce and in 1999, it became the Wausau/Marathon County Chamber of Commerce. In 2003, the Chamber’s official name was changed to the Wausau Region Chamber of Commerce. While the name may have changed, its mission and goal has remained a constant. Today, as in 1912, the WRCC works to make the whole community a better place by building business success.
Randy Balk passes the gavel to Sid Sczygelski at the 2012 Chamber Annual Meeting.
Sid Sczygelski Aspirus, Inc
This is an exciting time in the Wausau region. Although our political leaders still struggle to pass even the most basic legislation on a national level, I sense a renewed optimism and excitement about our economic future. The State of Wisconsin’s budget is back on sound economic footing, the unemployment rate is inching down, and the number of housing starts continues to move in a positive direction. I believe we have the opportunity to again move Wausau and the greater region forward, benefiting all of our residents. The Wausau Region Chamber of Commerce is well-positioned to help lead the way. One of the major undertakings during our last fiscal year was the completion of a new strategic plan. As indicated in the plan, in order to grow while meeting our members’ needs, we need to be business advocates, excellent communicators, strategic partners, highly diversified, and indispensable to the membership. The five core strategies we are now focusing on include: • Workforce Development • Business Advocacy • Business Development • Growing and Developing Small Business • Promoting and Advocating for Education
Recent examples include the ramping up of advocacy efforts including the introduction of our “Coffee Talk” series with governmental leaders and the implementing of “Technology Tuesdays”, a free program for members, which has proven to be very popular. We also decided to seek accreditation from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in order to be certain we are using best practices and providing high value to our membership. I urge you all to become more involved in Chamber activities, obtain and read a copy of our strategic plan, which can be found on the Chamber website, and assist us with these efforts. Your Chamber of Commerce has been the “voice of business” for more than 100 years in the greater Wausau region. In this complex, dynamic global economy we need to continue to strengthen our voice to be heard. Thank you for your support and commitment to make the Wausau region a strong contributor and beneficiary of the world economy. I am looking forward to another great year under the leadership of Lori Weyers and the entire Board of Directors and Chamber staff. We will continue to be an indispensable resource for you and position our region for future prosperity. Respectfully, Sid Sczygelski, 2012 - 2013 Chamber Board Chair
OUR LEADERSHIP PASSING OF THE GAVEL It is a privilege to serve as the 2013-2014 Chairperson of the Wausau Region Chamber of Commerce. Our Chamber plays an integral role in the success of our community. As the president of your community’s technical college, I am looking forward to working with you to continue to strengthen local industry and enhance the region we call home.
Lori A. Weyers Northcentral Technical College
As we continue to emerge from the recent recession, we are living in a global marketplace. To compete globally, we need to close the skills gap with a well-trained and
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skilled workforce. In my 36 years in education, I have recognized that partnerships are essential to ongoing success and I am committed to bringing that same spirit of collaboration to my work in the coming year. I strongly believe that investing in an educated workforce drives business and jobs. It is imperative that education and business work together to address the skills gap and ensure the development of a qualified workforce. I am proud to serve at such an exciting time and I am looking forward to working together to ensure the vitality of the communities we serve. Respectfully, Lori A. Weyers, 2013 - 2014 Chamber Board Chair
Over the past year we have continued our “laser-like” focus on strengthening our members’ businesses and enhancing our community by building business success. The Board of Directors developed and approved a strategic plan to serve as a roadmap for the organization through 2015. The process helped us better understand our membership - including business needs and the steps to meet those needs. Jeff Zriny Wausau Region Chamber of Commerce
Here are the past year’s highlights: • 100th Anniversary Event at the Rothschild Pavilion—the evening was truly a celebration of business over the past century. • ATHENA Award Luncheon—in November we recognized two outstanding business leaders who have served to mentor and promote women in business. • Economic Outlook Event—in February we conducted our second member survey and shared results from the prior survey. • Small Business Week and Business EXPO— this week is the highlight of our programming year. I continue to be touched by the stories of the Small Business of the Year Winners each year; and the Business EXPO grew both in size and excitement level. • Golf Outings—golf outings were outstanding events. I had a personal opportunity to observe business-to-business discussions taking place.
In January, the Chamber staff began working on a U.S. Chamber Accreditation filing which was submitted in late August. The process examined all aspects of our business from governance to programing, to finance. The U.S. Chamber Review Committee will award their findings in November. We set our goal to receive the top rating of five stars. As we look to the 2013-14 program year, there will be a change of leadership as I retire and move to the next chapter in my life. While there will be a leadership change there won’t be a change in the member focus by this organization and our staff. Lastly, I would like to thank our membership for their ongoing support this past year. I have truly enjoyed meeting with you at our events, touring your facilities, and participating in programs. Ongoing business success is built on strong relationships and not a onetime transaction. We work extremely hard to help assist you in developing those relationships, thus creating a healthy integrated business community. Best wishes for continued business success! Respectfully, Jeff Zriny, President/CEO
Chair, Lori A. Weyers Northcentral Technical College
Chair Elect, Marco Espinoza Greenheck
Treasurer/Secretary, Peter Knitt Peoples State Bank
Immediate Past Chair, Sidney Sczygelski Aspirus, Inc.
President, Jeff Zriny Wausau Region Chamber of Commerce
Director at Large, Kim Fischer Central Beer Distributors
Director at Large, Donald Bohlin Wisconsin Public Service
Jim Frings G3 Industries
Bill Gleason Packaging Tape Inc
Paul Jones LandArt Companies Inc
Melissa Kampmann Ruder Ware
Brad Karger, Marathon County Government
John Kelly, Security Health Plan of Wisconsin
Megan Lawrence Wausau Center Mall CBL & Associates
Scott Pagenkopf Northway Communications
Steve Rajek Schenck SC
Craig Reineking Graebel Moving & Storage
Rob Rybarczyk Coldwell Banker Action
Dr. Kathleen Williams Wausau School District
BUSINESS ADVOCACY Chairperson: Craig Timm, Domtar Staff Liaison: TBD
Craig Timm Chairperson Domtar
Mission: To inform and educate members on public policy issues that affect the business environment and provide a platform to help influence policies that support the growth of free enterprise in our area.
Chairperson: Alfred Nakhla, Associated Bank Staff Liaison: Connie Conrad
Alfred Nakhla Chairperson Associated Bank
MCDEVCO President: John Small, Village of Marathon Staff Liaison: Jim Warsaw
John Small President Village of Marathon City
Mission: To aggressively foster local business competitiveness, entrepreneurial development, and the recruitment of outside companies to Marathon County. To create a county-wide environment where its citizens can achieve maximum economic and personal growth. The MCDEVCO Board establishes its own strategic and business plans focused on economic development.
Mission: Ambassadors help with activities such as member recruitment and retention, ribbon cuttings, and groundbreakings. Ambassadors interpret and communicate the mission, goals, and programs of the Wausau Region Chamber of Commerce to area businesses and professionals. They aid member’s realization of benefits, assist with new member acquisition, and support efforts to retain existing members.
PROGRAMS Chairperson: Gretchen Kray, Wausau Coated Products Inc Staff Liaison: Kim Smerda
Gretchen Kray Chairperson Wausau Coated Products
Mission: Continual review and exploration of new educational program opportunities. Several ad hoc committees help plan events such as Small Business Week, EXPO, Golf, and the Annual Meeting.
PAST PRESIDENTS 1912-1913 1914 1915-1919 1920-1922 1924 1925 1926-1929 1930-1932 1933-1934 1935-1936 1937-1938 1939-1940 1940-1941 1941-1942 1943-1944 1945-1946 1947-1948 1949-1950 1951-1952 1953-1954 1955-1956 1956-1957 1957-1958 1959-1960 1961-1963 1963-1965 1965-1966 1966-1967 1967-1968 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973-1974 1974-1975 1975-1976
M.C. Ewing Otto Mueller W.W. Albers Dr. Joseph Smith W.H. Thom R.E. Puchner H.L. Geisse John A. Kleinheinz Guy K. Gooding A.M. Van Douser Dr. J.H. Kolter Allen Abrams M.H. Montross William H. Burhop R.A. Tinker Paul T. Tobey W.G. Whyte M.H. Montross Hobart G. Beck W.A. Koch A.C. Keene William McCormick Ralph Larson S.F. Staples R.P. Tinkham George C. Landon Glenn Stevens Thomas P. Hudson Clyde Schlueter Robert Wylie Dr. A.W. Hoessel Ralph Mirman John W. Ullrich Harvey H. Scholfield Herb Terwilliger Robert V. Jones T.A. Duckworth
1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1980-1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985-1986 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013
Ronald Westgate William Arvold Gordon Baker, MD John F. Prange John A. Slayton G. Lane Ware Ralph K. Schlitz Sr. John A. Schoeneman Dwight E. Davis William B. Sampe Laurin Jorstad Harry Colcord Konrad T. Tuchscherer Gene Davis Jr. Marv Lilley Don Grade Barbara Hunger Lon Roberts Gary Freels Jim Van Eyck David Eisenreich Ann Lucas Thomas Dunn Bob Wagman Dean Dietrich Scott Brainard Joanne Leonard Pat Puyleart Robert Reinertson Frederick Lundin Hugh Jones John Laehn Scott Pagenkopf Hooshang Zeyghami Randy Balk Sid Sczygelski
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Todd Hagedorn Wipfli LLP
Tom Schuette Wausau Homes Inc
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Rimon Moses accepted the 2013 Small Business of the Year Award in the Business-to-Business category on behalf of RMM Solutions.
The Small Business of the Year Award recognizes business growth, community involvement, and innovative efforts in the Wausau Region. The Chamber publicizes the announcement of the finalists, as well as the recipients of the awards — helping local businesses gain recognition for their current success and past history. This award is also an opportunity to review the best business practices of successful entrepreneurs and set a benchmark of excellence for the years to come.
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE SMALL BUSINESS OF THE YEAR AWARD WINNERS RMM Solutions, Young’s Drug Store, and Boys and Girls Club of Wausau were named as the Wausau Region Chamber of Commerce 2013 Small Businesses of the Year winners. The awards have been given annually since 1981 and were presented during the Chamber’s Small Business Week.
Forest Young accepted the award for the 2013 Small Business of the Year Award in the Business-to-Consumer category on behalf of Young’s Phamacy.
RMM Solutions is the winner in the Businessto-Business category. They take pride in helping small business peers compete successfully through the effective use of technology. They feel there is nothing more satisfying than offering a hand to help their friends and neighbors grow by becoming successful and profitable.
Young’s Drug Store is the winner in the Businessto-Consumer category. With roots in Wausau dating back to the 1930’s, they are very proud and grateful to serve the Wausau Region. They have grown over the years through excellent service to their customers, gutsy perseverance, and divine intervention. Young’s Phamacy has 65 employees, and fill approximately 340,000 prescriptions a year. The Boys and Girls Club of the Wausau Area is the winner in the Charitable Non-Profit category. In 1997, they opened their first chartered clubhouse in Wausau. In the first year, membership grew to 500 members, with daily participation of 30 – 50 youths. Over the next 15 years, the club opened two additional sites, quadrupled the number of registered members, quintupled daily participation and grew their budget by more than $700,000 making it the largest youth-serving organization in Wausau.
Small Business of the Year finalists are judged by a committee, comprised of Chamber Members, on their company story, business growth, community involvement, and innovative efforts. 2013 finalists:
Dream Systems Driven Technologies EO Johnson Office Technologies Mid-State International Trucks of Wisconsin Office Enterprises RMM Solutions BUSINESS TO CONSUMER AC & Sons Party Tent Rental Clay Corner Studio Days Bowl-A-Dome Nicole’s Boutique Nigbur’s Fine Furniture Young’s Drug Store CHARITABLE NON-PROFIT Boys and Girls Club of the Wausau Area Bridge Community Health Clinic Junior Achievement The Women’s Community YWCA Wausau
Brian Stezenski-Williams, accepted the 2013 Small Business of the Year Award in the Charitable Non-Profit category on behalf of the Boys & Girls Club of the Wausau Area.
265 people attended the Small Business of the Year Awards Breakfast at Stoney Creek Inn and Conference Center.
The ATHENA Award and the ATHENA Young Professional Award are presented to women or men who are honored for professional excellence, community service and for actively assisting women in their attainment of professional excellence and leadership skills.
Finalist for the 2012 ATHENA Award. Front Row Left to Right: Sue Kersemeier, Jen Nieuwenhuis. Back Row Left to Right: Karla Wescott, Karen Katz, Diane Lotter.
Hundreds of people gathered at a luncheon to celebrate the 2012 ATHENA Awards.
The 2012 ATHENA Award was presented to Jen Nieuwenhuis, President of REI Engineering, Inc. Nieuwenhuis was the 27th recipient of the award given by the Wausau Region Chamber of Commerce. A message from Jen: I am dedicated to my family, our successful business, and our community and my success is possible because of my supportive team. I am very proud of my accomplishments. Youth leadership is a priority for me, I have been extremely active in programs that promote leadership at the business, educational, and community levels. I look forward to carrying the torch of many women before me who made an impact in their community and business. “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Finalists for the 27th annual ATHENA Award were Diane Lotter, Marathon County Sheriff’s Department; Karen Katz, EO Johnson; Sue Kersemeier, K-tech
Kleening Systems, Inc.; Jen Nieuwenhuis, REI Engineering, Inc.; Karla Westcott, Wausau Kayak & Canoe Corporation. PAST ATHENA AWARD RECIPIENTS
Jane Sternberg - 1986 Betty Peters – 1987 Taffy Williams – 1988 Cheryl Davis – 1989 Justice Ann Walsh Bradley – 1990 Barbara Hunger – 1991 Jean Kruncos – 1992 Evelyn Rosen – 1993 Waltraud Karkar – 1994 Julie Kryshak – 1995 LaVon Jensen - 1996 Judge Dorothy Bain - 1997 Susan Lang - 1998 Ann Lucas – 1999 Mary Jo Johnson – 2000 Patrice Pergolski – 2001 Rosemary Barnes – 2002 Mary Weller – 2003 Joanne Leonard – 2004 Mary Radke – 2005 Mary Krueger – 2006 Dr. Sally Mattingly – 2007 Diane Postler-Slattery – 2008 Josie Paleologue-Pierce – 2009 Posthumously Linda Larson Schlitz - 2010 Lori Weyers – 2011 Jen Nieuwenhuis – 2012
The 2012 ATHENA Young Professional Award was presented to Megan Lawrence, Wausau Center Mall. Lawrence was the fourth recipient of the award given by the Wausau Region Chamber of Commerce. A message from Megan: As General Manager of Wausau Center Mall, I oversee the daily operations of the shopping center and help businesses grow and succeed. Since I have been in this role, our business has grown in almost every facet, increasing sales, occupancy, and community support. I currently sit on the Board of Directors for United Way’s Emerging Leaders, Wausau Area Events and Central Wausau Progress. I am also actively involved in Wausau Noon Rotary, the River District, United Way Volunteer Connection, and the Wausau Region Chamber of Commerce. Finalists for the fourth annual ATHENA Young Professional Award were Toni Dunwoody, United Way of Marathon County; Jacki Gessler, HR Source Megan Lawrence, Wausau Center Mall - CBL & Associates Properties; Rebecca Olson, A Touch of Class Salon, LLC.
Rebecca Pilgrim Tylinski – 2008 Heather Summers – 2009 Bao Vang - 2010 Sheila Rovang – 2011 Megan Lawrence – 2012
Finalists for the fourth annual ATHENA Young Professional Award. Left to Right - Toni Dunwoody, Rebecca Olson, Megan Lawrence, Jackie Gessler
Chamber Ambassadors support Kennedy Park Nursing & Rehab Center during a ribbon cutting at their facility.
John L. Cook was deeply interested in improving the quality of life in the Wausau region. He was also a member of the first “Leadership Wausau/Marathon County” class started by the Chamber. To honor his memory and spirit, graduates of that class developed the John L. Cook Memorial Award. At the Chamber’s Annual Meeting in October, two people were named recipients of the John L. Cook Memorial Award for 2012. This joint award was given to recognize Dave Eisenreich and Cal Tillisch for their work in bringing both the new Wausau Curling Facility and the Soccer Complex to our region. Both of these projects came together after much hard work, cooperation, and vision to complement one another. The curling club design is such that the club would be available during the summer to accommodate those using the soccer fields. Both Dave and Cal are leaders who embodied what John L. Cook felt was important—cooperation and coordination between entities, economic development, education, and investing in youth and the health of our community. Both Cal and Dave led the projects that will add much to the people of the Wausau region.
The New Member of the Year Award is given to a new member based on their participation and commitment to the Wausau Region Chamber of Commerce. The recipient of this award is announced at the Chamber’s Annual Meeting in October. Past Recipients 2011 Globe University 2012 Frontier Communications
“The good ones bounce and the bad ones splat.” - Mike Bartling Manitowish Cranberry Co., Inc. Ruder Ware client since 1995
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The Wausau Region Chamber of Commerce (WRCC) has a team of Ambassadors who focus on member retention. Each Ambassador completes a formal training program to ensure consistent, personal service for members. We appreciate their dedication to the WRCC. Each month one Ambassador is recognized for their outstanding service to member businesses and the Chamber. September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 February 2013 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013
Anna Alanko, Rasmussen College Patricia McMurtrie, Envision Marketing & Design Bill Gleason, Packaging Tape, Inc. (PTI) Barb Klinner, Marshfield Clinic Stephanie Pacocha, Keller, Inc. Lisa Barnes, BMO Harris Bank Matthew Woller, Graphic House Megan Lawrence, Wausau Center Mall Alan Steiner, Principal Financial Group Marta Stephenson, First Weber Group Connie DeVoe, People’s State Bank
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SPECIAL THANKS Thank you to all of our member businesses. We want to give special thanks to all of the volunteers who help us with committees, programs, and events. You all provide critical support for ongoing services and for the continued expansion of the Wausau Region Chamber of Commerce.
Thank you to all of our members who are active in Chamber committees. Committee members dedicate their time and provide support to the Wausau Region Chamber of Commerce. We truly appreciate everything they do for us.
A special thank you to these dedicated members 1914 1914 1916 1916 1916 1919 1919 1919 1922 1934 1934 1935 1936
Domtar Paper Co LLC Brainard Funeral Home BMO Harris Bank Wisconsin Public Service Corp - Wausau Daily Herald Media Alexander Properties Inc Janke Book Store Wilson-Hurd Manufacturing Terwilliger Wakeen Piehler & Conway SC Mid-Wisconsin Beverage Inc Kraft Foods Inc Runkel Abstract & Title Company Marathon Savings Bank
1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 1939 1942 1942 1942 1942 1943 1945 1946 1946 1946 1947 1947 1948 1949 1950 1952 1952 1953 1955 1955 1956 1956 1956 1957 1957 1957 1957
Wausau Water Works West Side Battery & Electric Service Inc MBX Corporation WSAW - NewsChannel 7 Wipfli LLP Ruder Ware City of Wausau Graebel Van Lines Inc Home Insulation Company of Wausau Inc Marathon County Agricultural Society Wisconsin Valley Improvement Company Mutual of Wausau Insurance Corporation Grebe’s Inc Malbrit Mechanical Inc Midland Paper Packaging + Supplies Greenheck Wausau Supply Company Nigbur’s Fine Furniture Shepherd & Schaller Sporting Goods Inc Buska & Buska Insurance Agency Urban Construction Company Intercity State Bank - Schofield Hess Reinertson & Brunner SC Hempfer Insurance Services Inc CTL Company Inc Business Service Center Inc Wausau Scrap and Recycling Corporation Helke Funeral Home and Cremation Service GB Vending Services of Central Wisconsin Inc Meyer-Peterson Adjustment EO Johnson Company Inc Peterson/Kraemer Funeral Home & Crematory
1958 1961 1961 1961 1962 1962 1962 1962 1963 1963 1963 1964 1964 1964 1964 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1966 1966 1967 1967 1967 1967 1968 1968 1968 1969 1969
Midwest Communications WRIG/WIFC/WSAU/WDEZ/WOZZ US Bank - Main 5th St Jerry’s Music Inc Riiser Energy Kindred Transitional Care and Rehabilitation Charter Business Peoples State Bank Marshfield Clinic - Eastern Division Green Bay Packaging Inc Jim Kryshak Jewelers Spear Insurance Wausau School District Wausau Chemical Corporation Village of Rothschild Van Ert Electric Company Inc Lindy Penn LLC-Leklem/Penn Special Markets K & M Electric Inc Hadley Office Products Inc Wausau Tile WAOW/WYOW Television Inc Marathon County Government Mills Fleet Farm Eye Clinic of Wisconsin SC Bone & Joint Clinic SC The Insurance Center Prehn Dental Office River Valley Bank First Weber Group - Mike Zahrt/Ron Zahrt DC Everest Area School District Best Western Midway Hotel Emmerich & Associates Inc
1970 1970 1970 1970 1971 1971 1971 1971 1972 1973 1973 1974 1974 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1976 1976 1977 1977 1977 1977 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978
United Way of Marathon County L & S Electric Inc Mallery & Zimmerman SC Radant Insurance Agency Inc Horak Refrigeration Inc Kinziegreen Marketing Group Central Beer Distributors Inc Coldwell Banker Action Marathon Animal Hospital Olson Floor Covering Inc Yach’s Body & Custom Inc American Asphalt of Wisconsin Lignotech USA Inc Quality Foods of Wausau Marathon County Buyers Guide Knudson Sheet Metal Kohlman’s IGA Wisconsin Valley Veterinary Service University of Wisconsin - Marathon County Ziegler Wealth Management Brickners of Wausau Aspirus VNA Home Health Inc Judge Vincent K Howard Wausau Awards & Engraving LLC Wausau Financial Systems Central Housewares Inc/The Pool People 2510 Restaurant Allied Health Chiropractic Centers Becker Communications Inc Fabiano Brothers - Wisconsin County Materials Corporation Woodson YMCA
This ribbon cutting at Hearing Advantage was one of several which celebrate success.
Thank you to the volunteers who make the golf outing and other Chamber events possible.
Thank you to all of our member businesses who sponsor our programs and events. All of you provide critical support for ongoing services and for the continued expansion of Chamber programs. 2510 Restaurant A & B Process Systems Corp AbbyBank ABR Employment Services Ace Hardware Center - Weston Achieve Center Aflac Allied Health Chiropractic Centers Allister Deacons American Family Insurance - Sherrie Pelusi Anderson Photography A-Rite Aspirus Network Aspirus Wausau Hospital Associated Bank Batteries Plus Bayland Buildings Inc Becca’s Cafe & Bistro Becher-Hoppe Associates Inc Becker Communications Inc Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northcentral WI Inc BMO Harris Bank Bone & Joint Clinic SC Boys & Girls Club of the Wausau Area Brickners of Wausau Buffalo Wild Wings Bull Falls Brewery LLC Burrachos Fresh Mexican Grill
Buska & Buska Insurance Agency Candlewood Suites of Wausau Cedar Creek Mall Cellcom Central Beer Distributors Inc Central Wisconsin Children’s Museum Central Wisconsin Children’s Theatre Central Wisconsin SHRM Charter Business Cherry Tree Dental of Wausau City Grill An American Bistro City Pages Inc Clean Power Clements Insurance Agency Inc COHO Transportation Services LLC Coldwell Banker Action Compass Insurance Services Compass Properties Cornerstone Information Technology County Land & Title CoVantage Credit Union Crane Meadows Golf Course & Range Crossroads County Market Daubert Law Firm LLC Domtar Paper Co LLC Dream Systems Driven Technologies LLC Eastbay Inc Ed & Sharon’s Restaurant & Catering Envision Eyecare LLC EO Johnson Company Inc Executive Cleaning LLC Fabiano Brothers - Wisconsin Ferguson Enterprises Inc First Weber Group - Karen Harvey
First Weber Group - Mike Zahrt/Ron Zahrt Flipside Graphics Floorology™ Frontier Communications Furniture & Appliance Mart Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes Inc Grand Lodge by Stoney Creek Graphic House Great Northern Blues Society Greenheck Greenwood Hills Country Club and Restaurant H&R Block Habitat for Humanity of Wausau Hadley Office Products Inc Hampton Inn Hayes Graphics LLC Ho-Chunk Gaming Wittenberg Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites | Conference Center Inspired By Design LLC Intercity State Bank IROW Shredding Recycling & Waste Services Jackman Law Firm LLC Jalapenos Mexican Restaurante & Bar JX Truck Center Keller Inc Kennedy Park Nursing & Rehab Center Koenig & Lundin SC Krasowski Dental LLC Kwik Trip LaCerte Team at Coldwell Banker Action Realty LandArt Companies Inc LDH Enterprises Lil’ Ole Winemaker Shoppe Lindy Penn - Leklem Penn Special Markets Main Street Wausau Inc
Major Industries Inc Mallery & Zimmerman SC Marathon County Agricultural Society Marathon Savings Bank Marian University Marshfield Clinic MCDEVCO Mid Wisconsin Beverage Ministry Health Care Miron Construction Co., Inc. Mississippi Welders Supply Co Inc myFamilyCFO, Inc. National Dental Academy Newman Catholic Schools Newsline 9 Nicolet National Bank Nigbur’s Fine Furniture Noodles & Company North Central Health Care North Star Mohican Casino Northcentral Technical College NorthStar Cleaning & Restoration Inc Northway Communications Inc Office Enterprises Inc O’Malley Cadillac Honda Ontogeny Advertising & Design LLC Packaging Tape Inc Peoples State Bank Per Mar Security Performing Arts Foundation Inc Pinnacle Design Studio Portraits by Tiffany/Graphic Impressions Photography Priority Physical Therapy Inc Qdoba Mexican Grill QPS Employment Group
Radant Insurance Agency Inc Rasmussen College REI Engineering Inc River Valley Bank RMM Solutions Robert W Baird & Company Robert Walraven Roto-Graphic Printing R-Store/Riiser Energy Ruder Ware Sam’s Club Samuels Group | Environments Schenck SC Security Health Plan of Wisconsin Inc Slumberland Solarus Solstice Spa – The Tanning Studio Spectrum Insurance Group LLC St Anthony Spirituality Center Stine Eye Center Sugar ‘n Spice Cheesecakes LLC Sun Printing Inc Sweet Lola’s Cupcakery and Bake Shop Systems Technologies TD Fischer Group Inc The Bar The Dirks Group LLC The Great Dane Pub & Brewing Co The Hearing House The Mint Cafe The QTI Group The Sweet Life Bakery Boutique Time Federal Savings Bank Town of Rib Mountain Travel Leaders of Wausau
Trig’s United Way of Marathon County University of Wisconsin - Marathon County University of Wisconsin-Stout, MOC Upper Iowa University UW Stevens Point VCA Companion Care Vigil Trust & Financial Advocacy VP Incentives WAOW/WYOW Television Inc Wausau Canoe & Kayak Corp Wausau Center Mall - CBL Properties Wausau Country Club Wausau Curling Club Wausau Events Inc Wausau School District Wausau Tile Wausau West Side Business Association Inc Weston Lanes Westside Warehousing LLC Wipfli LLP Wisconsin Public Service Corp Wisconsin Woodchucks Baseball Woodson YMCA WoodTrust Bank WPS Health Insurance WSAW - NewsChannel 7 Yach’s Body & Custom Inc YWCA of Wausau Zaug’s Vending & Food Service Ziegler Wealth Management
Over 343 members attended the Annual Meeting/100th Anniversary Celebration at Rothschild Pavilion on October 2, 2012. The evening started with a business meeting and was followed by a networking opportunity complete with dinner and cocktails. The business meeting included agenda items such as recognition of board members, passing of the gavel, John L. Cook Memorial Award, and New Chamber Member of the Year Award. 120 people attended the Economic Outlook Program to hear how the regional perspective compared to the national perspective in relation to the economy.
There were over 220 booths set up for more than 1,300 attendees to learn more about products and services in the area. The Chamber offered exciting sponsorship opportunities such as street signs and EXPO Bingo. Plus, over 400 people attended the Business EXPO PM which took place immediately after the EXPO.
More than 120 people took advantage of a networking opportunity during a Business PM at Bull Falls Brewery in September.
In addition to the Business EXPO and the Business EXPO PM, several events took place throughout the week including Small Business of the Year awards breakfast, Engage and Inspire Your Workforce with speaker Tracy Butz, Legislators Lunch, company tours, and a Small Business of the Year recognition luncheon.
CHAMBER 101 Each month, an average of 14 new and prospective Chamber members discovered how to maximize their Chamber benefits during Chamber 101, an informative and interactive introductory session to show members how their Chamber membership can be their greatest sales and marketing tool. RIBBON CUTTINGS/GROUND BREAKINGS 28 members took advantage of a ribbon cutting or ground breaking opportunity. These members celebrate one of the following successes in their business: broke ground on a new facility, moved to a new location, remodeled their existing facility, or new ownership.
Each year we develop an economic outlook report to take the pulse of the business community. The survey is conducted in the month of December in order to assess the current year’s results and obtain a perspective on the upcoming year. Changes are tracked over time and the results are compared from the previous years. The ability to report changes over time helps us assess trends, measure success, and focus on areas for improvement. These results are then shared during a program in February. The program was held in 2012 with 106 people in attendance. In 2013, 120 people attended.
Business PMs provide an opportunity for members to showcase their business in an informal “open house” atmosphere. An average of 172 people attended the monthly Business PMs which offered a great opportunity for business-to-business networking.
An average of 22 members per month took advantage of the opportunity to share information with other business professionals. Members gave presentations so attendees could gain a better understanding of their business. Nothing But Networking also allows for networking time to connect with other members.
The Chamber Annual Golf Outing took place on June 24 at the Wausau Country Club. The day ended with awards, prizes and a dinner. 164 golfers participated in this sold out networking event. The Chamber Women’s Annual Golf Outing took place on July 24 at Greenwood Hills Country Club. The 91 participants enjoyed lunch, prizes, a great day of golf, and time to network and make new contacts.
36 people enjoyed themselves playing volleyball and networking at Dale’s Weston Lanes on June 4. Even though it was rainy and a bit chilly, it was a productive and fun-filled day.
SCORE held thirteen “Starting and Surviving in Business” workshops attended by 168 people. Plus, from September 1, 2012 through August 31, 2013: • 86 new clients were seen for a total of 184 counseling hours • 33 follow-up clients were seen for a total of 65 counseling hours • 28% of clients counseled were seen more than once by SCORE volunteers • 117 total cases counseled • 28% of clients were in business, 72% were starting or contemplating starting a business • 1,104 hours were worked by SCORE volunteers
Connections were made with 164 people taking part in the Annual Golf Outing at the Wausau Country Club.
Several educational programs were offered with a wide range of business topics. During the 2012-2013 program year, 27 programs were offered through the Wausau Region Chamber of Commerce with an average of 39 people in attendance for each program.
There were 34 graduates in our Leadership Excellence program. Leadership Excellence has proven to be a means to success, achievement and reaching goals. It is an interactive leadership program designed to develop professional and personal self.
The Networking Know How Program was very well attended by members from several different industries.
Our new Advocacy in Action: Coffee talk series has been a popular new benefit for Chamber members.
Technology Tuesdays is a great program that members can attend for free.
As a part of our ongoing effort to strengthen our member businesses and to further improve their opportunities for business connections and growth, we are pleased to provide these new member benefits:
20 Under Forty (in partnership with Daily Herald Media) – recognizes achievements of young professionals in the region and will celebrate during a luncheon program in November.
Advocacy in Action: Coffee Talk Series and Legislators Lunch – offering business professionals the opportunity to hear from and speak with elected officials.
Biz Bio (in partnership with Daily Herald Media) – all members were given the opportunity to share their information about their business including what makes them unique, what’s new, and how they are collaborating with other regional businesses. Average weekly readership in print and online (combined) is 66,600 people, which represents 74% of the adults in the Wausau Region market.
Technology Tuesdays – free monthly programs for members to learn about the latest in technology. To date, an average of 10 people have been in attendance for each session.
Revenues Programs 27%
Membership Investment 37%
Other 4%
Occupancy 10%
Operations 70% Other 7% Affiliate Contracts 29%
Affiliate Contracts: Contracts with other organizations for the Chamber to provide administrative services.
Operations: • Salaries and fringes • Office expenses
Programs: • Educational • Golf Outing • Small Business Week
Occupancy: • Rent • Property tax • Utilities
Programs 16%
200 Washington Street Suite 120 Wausau, WI 54403 715-845-6231