City Pages | Summer Fun Book | 2019

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wausau/central wisconsin


The ultimate, annual guide to festivals, events, outdoors, trails & nearly everything else under the sun

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No lazy days for summer One of my most beautiful summer memories happened a few years ago during a Concert on the Square. A light rain started as the music played, but nobody really minded because it was such a hot day. Kids already were cooling off in the water fountain, one of them being my youngest son, about 8 years old at the time. As he skipped back to our chairs, he suddenly stopped in the middle of square. He lifted his face up to the rain, stretched out his arms, and turned round and round to the music, his eyes closed in joy. You must be out there to experience precious moments of summer. And they are precious. As I always note in this annual magazine, we in Wisconsin have only around 100 days of summer, or about 15 or 16 weekends. So let’s make the most of every day!

And you’ll find something great to do every single day within this Summer Fun Book. Though lots of events return year after year, several changes will affect your summer fun in 2019. There’s the drawdown of the Wisconsin River from downtown north to Brokaw

(mind the fishing moratorium and closed boat landings). Concerts on the Square begin earlier this year. The LogJam Festival in Mosinee is pumping up the music, adding concerts at Mosinee Brewing Co. into the mix. Monk Botanical Gardens has a veritable smorgasbord of programs for all ages. Remember to always check City Pages every Thursday for updates and additional events—not everything was scheduled in time for this publication, May 30, 2019. Have a fantastically fun summer, everyone. ■

It’s easier from here. Vacations start sooner at your local airport. • Close to home • Fast parking • Short lines

• Easy check-ins • Friendly staff 2019 CITY PAGES SUMMER FUN BOOK


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8 Things About Bugs........ 7

For the Dogs.................. 50

Farmers Markets.............. 8

Tennis Courts................. 52

Berry Farms................... 10

Golf Courses.................. 54

Food Freak.................... 12

WI River drawdown........ 58

Your guide to all things local and veggie

French dessert for blueberries

Gear Rental Guide.......... 14 Places to find summer equipment

Places and events all about them


How it’ll affect your summer fun

Boat Landings............... 62 All the summer fun you can handle


Rustic Roads................. 16

Marathon Co. doesn’t have a single state designated route! So we made some up for your driving pleasure

Swimming Holes............ 22

Camping....................... 64 Happy Trails.................. 66

A guide to some of our favorites for bike and foot

Find your outdoor adventure

The Must List................ 70 Disc Golf Guide.............. 26 Skateboard/BMX Parks... 27 Kids Calendar................ 28

Long-range guide to programs, events and summer camps


Big events you shouldn’t miss

Unfortunately injuries happen, even when you are out having fun in the summer sun. Did you know you have a choice where to rehab? Our 7 locations, 200 years of combined experience, and over 30 years serving the Wausau area should make your choice easier. Because you always have a choice, choose Sport & Spine. EDGAR • MINOCQUA • MOSINEE WAUSAU • RIB MOUNTAIN STRATFORD • WESTON

Summer Fun Calendar... 90 Nearly everything under the sun, through mid-September

Advertiser Directory...... 110

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CHILDREN IN THE GARDEN SERIES May-August, 1st Monday of the Month

Join Brianna Wright, UW-Marathon County Extension Horticulturalist, on the first Monday of the month, May through August.





“Garden to Table” August 13th


Preparing Root Vegetables & Squash October 22nd All classes start at 5:30 pm unless specified

Call to register (715) 261-2123 | | 1810 North 2nd Street Wausau, WI 6



ABOUT BUGS With the help of Brianna Wright, horticulture expert at Marathon County’s UW-Extension, we put together this list of notable bugs in the Wausau area. As Wright says, while we might like some bugs more than others, we need them, and most should be considered an important part of the eco-system. But also on this list are invasive species, which are just no good. by B.C. Kowalski

House centipede These crazy fast things creep the bejeezus out of most people. But they’re predators, and prey on the really unwanted bugs, such as termites and roaches. So apparently you shouldn’t squash them. They are venomous, but in humans it will mostly produce just a red bump. Fun fact: Their front legs carry the venom, not fangs. Which frankly makes them even more intimidating.

Daddy Long Legs Nope, not a spider. (What?!) And Wright says the idea of them being venomous is an urban legend. She puts them in the category of “cool bug.” Spare them.

Red Lily Leaf Beetle

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Like other invasive bugs, the stink bug looks kind of cool. But it earned its name for the foul odor it emits when disturbed or crushed. The best way to stop an infestation is to make sure your home is properly sealed — they’ll seek warm shelter in the fall. If they’re already in call the exterminator.

Slugs They’re slimy, slow and kinda gross. But they’re part of the ecosystem, eating decaying material and fungus. They also eat your prized plants (especially hostas), so you won’t like them at all if you’re a gardener. Tip: Put some beer into a shallow container about level with the ground. A yogurt tub lid or small plate works. The slugs will be drawn in and trapped.

Asian Lady Beetle They resemble a lady bug, but Asian Beetles are an invasive species, a stinky pest we’ll see in large numbers this year, Wright says. How do you tell them apart? Lady bugs (which are good) are red, small and round; Asian beetles are larger and more oblong, and can vary in color from red to orange. Asian Ladies also have a distinct “M” black on their white heads.

They may be pretty—like a little chili pepper—but it’s a devastating pest, and not a critter you want to deal with.

Honey Bees Do they sting? Sure. They also pollinate flowers and are an important part of the eco system. Fun fact: There are flies that imitate bees, and are also pollinators. The disguise protects them from predators.

Emerald Ash Borer Surely you’ve heard about this one by now. The invasive pest decimates trees and the state pretty much gave up trying to contain them, since they’re so ubiquitous. Most places are focused instead on planting types of trees other than ash, especially in city limits. These bugs sure are a pretty, shimmering emerald color, though. But feel free to kill them. ■



FARMERS MARKETS Most run through October. All season long find locally grown eggs and meat, honey, maple syrup, flowers and baked goods. Vegetables and fruits arrive as they’re ready. If you’re wondering about when a specific veggie will show up, ask the farmers. General guide to when you’ll start seeing common veggies

June: Greens, lettuce, peas, rhubarb, asparagus, strawberries Early- and mid-summer: Onions, beans, zucchini, cucumbers, blueberries, tomatoes Mid- to late-summer: Eggplant, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, broccoli, garlic, corn, melons Late-summer and fall: Apples, pumpkins, squash

Wausau Area

Wausau Farmers Market Wednesdays & Saturdays 7 am–until sold out, thru late fall. River Dr., Wausau. Run by local farmers, bakers, roasters, beekeepers. On Facebook,, 715-575-1880

Marketplace Thursdays Thursdays 9 am–2 pm, June 20–Sept. 19. 400 Block, Wausau. Arts, crafts, vegetables, fruits, ready-to-eat food. Live entertainment most weeks 11 am–1 pm., 715-297-9531

Big Bull Falls Farm Market Saturdays 8 am–noon, thru late fall. 388 River Dr. (parking lot of former VFW, next to the Wausau Farmers Market). On Facebook. 715-551-2900

Aspirus Farmers Market Thursdays 9 am–3 pm or until sold out, June 13–Sept. 26. Parking lot in front of Aspirus Corporate Offices, 2200 Westwood Dr., Wausau. 715-843-1217 or

Weston Farmers Market Tuesdays & Saturdays 8 am–2 pm or sold out, thru Oct. 26. Corner of Schofield Ave. and Camp Phillips Road (next to Dunkin’ Donuts). 715-359-6114 Lake Dubay Lions Farmers Market Thursdays 2-6 pm June 6 thru October. DuBay Lions Park, 203701 Hwy. DB, Knowlton.



Mosinee Farmers Fresh Market Tuesdays noon until sold out, June 4–Oct. 29, at River Park. Mosinee Chamber of Commerce, 715-693-4330 Kronenwetter Farmers Market Sundays 9 am– 2 pm, June 23–Oct. 27, at Sunset Park., 715-693-4200, ext. 107

Stevens Point, Wisconsin Rapids

Downtown Stevens Point Public Square Daily 6:30 am–5 pm or until sold out, Monday evening market 3-7 pm. Saturday is the biggest day. On the corner of Second and Main Street. Indoor Market on Strongs Runs year-round. Wed. 9:30 am–6 pm, Fri. 11 am–6 pm, Sat. 9 am–2 pm, Sun. 11 am–3 pm. 1332 Strongs Ave., Stevens Point., 715-303-8430 Wisconsin Rapids Downtown Farmers Market Thursdays & Saturdays 8 am-2 pm, June 6-Oct. 26. Located along the river on First Ave. S., and on Facebook

Merrill, Tomahawk, Antigo

Merrill Area Farmers Market June 8 thru October. Saturdays 7:30 am–noon, Normal Park, five blocks north of courthouse. Mondays 3–6 pm at Good Samaritan parking lot across from the clinic. Produce, flowers, honey and maple syrup. On Facebook Tomahawk Farm & Flea Market Saturdays 8 am–2 pm or until sold out, thru October. Seasonal produce and flea market. Behind Chamber of Commerce at Washington Square. On Facebook Tomahawk Main Street Farmers Market Tuesdays 1:00–5:30 pm, June 4 thru early October, at North Third Street. Locally grown produce, fresh eggs, baked goods, flowers, maple syrup, honey. 715-453-1090 and on Facebook., Antigo Farmers Market Saturdays 8 am–noon, June 1-Sept. 28. Heinzen Pavilion at Peaceful Valley Park, 420 Field St., 715-623-5372 and on Facebook.

Merrill • 715-536-9091 Wausau • 715-675-3188


STRAWBERRIES Pick-Your-Own & Fresh-Picked Open Daily 7 am-7 pm Call ahead for picking dates MERRILL

Western Marathon Co., Medford

Stratford Farmers Market Wednesdays 4–7 pm, June 19 thru September 11. Stratford Homes, 402 S. Weber Ave. On Facebook Abbotsford Farmers Market Tuesdays 11 am– 2:30 pm, dates TBD. Corner Hwy. 13 & 29, next to Holiday Gas Station. Farm fresh vegetables, seasonal fruit, jams, canned products, baked goods. 715-615-1333

Embrace beauty... Summer 2020


N2591 St. Hwy 107 3 miles north of Merrill

Switzerland, Austria & Bavaria with Oberammergau Passion Play



3708 N. 108th Ave Town of Stettin


Mike’s Berries and Engelberry Farm


Barb Jennison


Marshfield Festival Foods Saturdays & Sundays 8 am–1 pm, thru Oct. 27. Parking lot at 1613 N. Central Ave. Locally grown products only. 715-384-8866 Main Street Marshfield Downtown Farmers Market Tuesdays 8 am–1 pm, June 4-Oct. 1. Pick ‘N Save parking lot. Local produce, flowers, baked goods, crafts. Medford Farmers Market Saturdays 8 am-noon at Taylor County Fairgrounds • Tuesdays 1– 5 pm at Whelen St. across from the post office. Open thru October. 715-748-3960



Hodag Farmers Market Saturdays 8 am–1 pm thru Oct. 19 at Rhinelander Pioneer Park. Fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, flowers, seasonals. 715-617-7903, Eagle River Wednesdays 8:30 am–1:30 pm, Sundays 10 am–2 pm, thru Oct. 9. Hwy 45, north of the bridge. Produce, honey, jams, crafts., 715-477-0645 Minocqua Fridays 8 am–1 pm, thru Oct. 11, Hwy 70 at Minocqua Park Complex (1.5 miles northwest of downtown) • Mondays 3–6 pm, June 17-Sep. 2 at Lower Torpy Park. ■

Hsu Growing Supply 237502 Co Rd W Wausau, WI 54403 715-675-5856 2019 CITY PAGES SUMMER FUN BOOK



Your delicious guide to strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and more in Central Wisconsin. Most farms let you pick your own, others offer freshly pre-picked fruit. Strawberry season is generally mid-June to mid-July, depending on the weather. Raspberries and blueberries are ready in mid-July. Always call ahead for conditions— sometimes the berry patches get picked clean and need a day for ripening. Tip: Northern fields tend to ripen a few days later than those to the south. So if a Stevens Pointarea berry patch is done for the season, you might still find some around Merrill or Antigo.

Wausau, Merrill, Mosinee areas

Engelberry Farm, Merrill 3 miles north of Merrill on Hwy. 107, just past Council Grounds State Park • Pickyour-own and fresh-picked strawberries for pickup. Open daily 7 am–7 pm, weather and supply permitting. Call 715-536-9091 for update. Facebook: Mike’s Berries and Engelberry Farm, and Gering’s Garden Blueberry Farm, Mosinee 134144 W. Hwy. C • Pick-your-own and fresh-picked blueberries. 715-457-3010, check Facebook for hours. Hidden View Acres, Edgar From Hwy. 29, take Hwy. H south to Thomas Hill Rd. in downtown Edgar, east on Thomas Hill 1.5 miles, then north to 226485 Blackbird Ln. (at dead end) • Pre-picked blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, and various vegetables. By appointment only.,715-615-1333 or 715-680-1584 Kamenick Farms, Marathon 3710 Hwy. B. 2 miles south of Marathon City at intersection of Hwy B and N, a mile east of Hwy. 107 • Pick-yourown and fresh-picked strawberries, raspberries, blueberries. Asparagus in early summer, pumpkins in fall. Open daily 7 am–7 pm. Call 715-443-2134 for conditions/updates Krautkramer’s Berry Farm, Marathon 1299 Krautkramer Rd. Take Hwy. 29 west, then south on Hwy. 107 to Krautkramer Rd. • Pick your own strawberries. Call ahead for hours. 715-443-6773 Lakeview Berry Farm, Mosinee/Lake DuBay area 203121 Bergen Rd. Off Hwy. 51, take Hwy. 34/C southwest 7 miles, right on Bergen Rd. • Pick-your-own and freshpicked blueberries, currants, gooseberries, raspberries (several varieties), and rhubarb. Closed Mondays. Call ahead or check Facebook for updates. 715-457-2704, or 715-457-2561. M & M Strawberry Farm, Merrill N2920 & N2930 Hwy. 107 • Pick-your-own and fresh-picked strawberries. Call ahead for hours and pre-pick orders. 715-536-4027



Merry’s Berries, Antigo N4137 Hwy. H, about 3 miles west of Antigo. Off Hwy. 64, take H north 2.5 miles. • Pick-your-own and fresh-picked strawberries. Open 7 am–7 pm, supply permitting. 715-627-4630. On Facebook Mike’s Berries, Wausau About 5 miles northwest of Wausau, in Stettin. From Hwy. 51, take Hwy. U west, then north on O, follow signs • Pick-your-own and fresh-picked strawberries for pickup. Open 7 am–7 pm daily, weather and supply permitting. 715-675-3188,, and on Facebook Norrie Lake Berries, Birnamwood N4571 Jessup St. Just past Hatley off Hwy. 29, take left onto Hilltop Road, then left onto Hwy. D, left onto Lake Shore Drive, right on Gerham St. to Jesup. • Pick your own or pre-picked raspberries. Check current hours and picking conditions at 715-370-4884. On Facebook and Stroik’s Lake Du Bay Berry Farm, Mosinee area 154802 Hwy. C. Off Hwy. 51, take exit 175 to Knowlton, 3 miles east on C • Pick-your-own or fresh-picked strawberries, raspberries, and freshpicked blueberries. Children must be supervised. Cash only, no checks or credit cards. Open 7 am– 7 pm daily, call for availability at 715-693-3943. On Facebook and at Utech’s Rainbow Farms (J & J Rainbow LLC), Merrill 3880 Rainbow Dr. Take Hwy. K north of Wausau 10 miles, then east on Rainbow Drive • Pick-your-own and fresh-picked organic blueberries and raspberries in the fall. Call ahead. 715-536-7271

Stevens Point, Wisconsin Rapids areas

Altenburg’s Country Gardens, Wisconsin Rapids 7020 Plover Rd. (Hwy 54 East) 3 miles east of Rapids, or 10 miles west of Plover. Pick-yourown and fresh-picked strawberries. Open 6:30 am depending on availability, call to check conditions. 715-421-2943, Arnold’s Strawberries, Rudolph 343 Hwy. PP, east of Hwy. 34 • Pick-your-own strawberries from a farm owned by the same family for 100+ years. Open 6:30 am daily. 715-435-3322,, and on Facebook Chet’s Blueberry Farm, Custer Corner of Ninth Street and CTH J • Pick-your-own blueberries. Open 7 am–2 pm, closed Mondays. Call ahead, 715-340-4989. Facebook: Chet’s Blueberry Farm Mielke’s Farm, Rudolph 2550 Hwy. II, 9 miles west of Stevens Point • Pick-to-order strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, vegetables. Call 715-344-4104 for hours/orders Roehrborn’s Berry Patch, Marshfield 10389 Pine Lane. 2 miles west of Marshfield on Hwy. H, south on Robin Road a half-mile to Pine Lane • Pick-your-own strawberries and fresh-picked by order. Open 7:30 am–12:30 pm and 4–6 pm. Call for picking conditions and hours at 715-384-4847 or 715-305-1240. On Facebook Sunrise Raspberry Farm, Stevens Point 3692 Sunset Dr. From Hwy. 51, go east on Hwy. DB for a half-mile, then right on Sunset for 2 miles • Pick-your-own raspberries. No chemicals sprayed on plants. Pre-picked organic asparagus, rhubarb, garlic. Check website for pre-picked availability, call for picking hours, 715-572-5381. ■


Rose & Bubba’s Get Your Roux Here! EXOTIC MEATS INCLUDING

Weston Market Place Corner of Schofield Ave. & Camp Phillips Rd. Next to Dunkin’ Donuts ......................................

May 4 – October 26 Tuesdays & Saturdays | 8:00 a.m. - Sold Out Experience all the wonderful fruits, vegetables, homemade bakery, pulled pork, ice cream rolls, egg rolls, gyros, kettle corn, homemade soaps & lotions, flowers, plants, crafts and more the market has to offer. Also, enjoy entertainment, which will vary throughout the season.

For more info contact us at 715-359-6114


U-HAUL | BAIT SHOP | ORGANIC MARKET TEA & COFFEE - from all over the world If we don’t have it, we can get it! All seasonings & sauces from Louisiana to make your favorites! 715.298.3288 316 E Randolph St, Wausau


Downtown Grocery Fresh, Local, Organic Fruits, Vegetables Grocery, Meats, Dairy Wellness & Household Bottleshop with Beer, Wine, and the “Spirits of the Great Lakes.” Food Bar Hot, Salad, Olives. Grab & Go Sandwiches, Wraps Salad, Entrees. Bakeshop Made from Scratch Bread, Bars, Cookies Cakes, Muffins, Pies. (GF & Vegan, too)

OPEN DAILY: M-Sa 9-8 • Sunday 11-5 Hot Bar M-Sa 11-3 • Cold Bar M-Sa 11-6 | Sa 11-3 (Hot & Cold Food Bar, Closed Sunday)



Food Freak:

The ultimate, easy berry tart by Tammy Stezenski

Like a lot of French dishes, the

rustic but sophisticated custard-like tart known as clafoutis (clah-foo-tee) is deceptively simple to make. It’s basically a deep crepe, or pancake, filled with fruit. The batter in fact is very similar to what you’d make for crepes, just slightly thicker and with more egg. Traditional French clafoutis is made with red or black cherries, but you can use many different kinds of fruit. You’ll find recipe variations for raspberries, blackberries, and pieces of peach, nectarines, and banana. You can even make a savory version of clafoutis with cheese, vegetables and/or greens—a mushroom, spinach and parmesan tart sounds delicious. Blueberries work fabulously because their firm texture and “dry” skin result in such a clean, pretty finished product. Plus it’s easy: no extra step of cutting



or tossing with flour or corn starch, which you’d do with any cut fruit and is about the only difference in the recipes. Furthermore, if you go blueberry picking and come home with way more than you can eat raw or process for jam (which happens every year in my house), clafoutis is a great, easy way to incorporate those extra berries into something different, or to present as a gift to friends and neighbors. The batter recipe is quite forgiving, and ingredients beyond the eggs, milk, flour and butter are mostly about flavoring to compliment the fruit filling. For example, I add almond extract with a cherry clafoutis because it goes so well with that fruit. I often add cardamom to a blueberry clafoutis. And once you become comfortable enough to make the batter from memory, it goes fast—you could get it popped into the oven in five minutes.

You can make this in just about any type or size of baking dish. If you’re doubling or one-and-a-halving the recipe, just make sure you use enough egg and keep the batter quite thin—more runny than a pancake batter, for example. I prefer to make it with less sugar than most other recipes call for, mainly because I want the natural flavor of the berries to shine, and so that I feel okay when my kids devour the clafoutis for breakfast the next day, which they always do. That’s also why I prefer to wait until it’s thoroughly cooled and set before digging in. After that point the slices are firm enough to handle like finger food. Which might seem uncouth for such a lovely dessert, but once you make it, you’ll understand. After making the clafoutis photographed here, my 16-yearold cut a piece the size of nearly onequarter of the pan, picked it up with his hands, and downed it in about four bites. I wasn’t surprised. That always happens when clafoutis is in the house.

Blueberry Clafoutis Batter: 3 eggs 1 1/4 cup milk 1 cup flour 2 Tbsp. melted butter 1/3 cup sugar 1/2 tsp. salt 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1/2 tsp. lemon or almond extract (optional) Filling: 1 pint blueberries, washed and well dried 2 or 3 Tbsp. sugar Preheat oven to 375°. Butter a 9” pie baking dish that’s at least 1.5 inches deep. You could also use a cast iron skillet. Beat together vigorously (or mix in a blender) all the ingredients for the batter. Pour about a 1/4-inch deep layer into the baking dish and bake in preheated oven just long enough to set a base — about 8 minutes. I like to swirl it around a bit up the sides after around 5 minutes. Bring out of oven and spread the berries over the par-baked base. Sprinkle the berries with sugar, then carefully pour in remaining batter. Note: Depending on the size/depth of your baking dish, an entire pint of fruit might be too much. For this recipe using a standard 9” pie dish and an entire pint of blueberries, the batter nearly overflowed. Bake approx. 50 minutes, or until the sides are light golden brown and the center feels firm. You want to bake it just long enough to set the batter but keep the berries mostly intact rather than disintegrating like in a pie. The tart will puff up while in the oven, then settle down as it cools. You could serve this clafoutis while it’s still warm, or wait until it has cooled. ■

Blueberries available for the picking this summer!

Townline MARKET


• CERTIFIED ORGANIC • Easy Picking! • Call for availability of pre-picked berries • Frozen berries after season ends

for Summer Get-togethers

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Coming in fall - Raspberries!

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OUTDOOR POOLS Wausau City Pools

All open starting June 8. Daily 1–7:50 pm, half-price after 6 pm. Free Thursdays 6–7:50 pm, plus rotating free Sundays (see below). Locations: Schulenburg 1533 Summit Dr. open thru Aug. 11. Sunday free June 16, July 7 & 28 Kaiser Pool 900 E. Bridge St. open thru Aug. 18. Sunday free June 23, July 14, Aug. 4 Memorial Park off Sturgeon Eddy on Memorial Park Road, open thru Aug. 11. Sunday free June 9 & 30, July 21 Season pass Residents: $30 youth, $45 adult, $70 family of 2, $80 family of 3, $90 family of 4, $10 each additional • Nonresidents: $40 youth, $60 adults, $95 family of 2, $110 family of 3, $125 family of 4, $15 each additional. Daily fees $2 ages 1–17 and 60+; $3 ages 18–59, free under 1 with paying caregiver Private pool rental available, call 715-261-1550 for details. Swim Lessons · Mon.–Fri. at 10:10 am (except Session I) and 11:05 am offered at all three city pools, provided by Marathon Co. Parks. Classes for beginner, intermediate and advanced swimmers. $39 resident, $47.50 non-resident. Schedule and registration at 212 River Dr., Wausau, 715-261-1550. Online at under Parks Dept. Sign up per session: Session I: June 10–June 28 Session II: July 1–19 (no lessons July 4) Session III: July 22–Aug. 9 Splash into Safety · Sat. 6/15 Memorial Pool, Wausau. Family water safety fair, all kids receive a free life jacket. 10 am-noon, followed by free swim at 1 pm. Children must be accompanied by parent or guardian. Pre-registration required 715-847-2380

Marathon Park Splash Pad

1201 W. Stewart Ave., Wausau Open June 8-August 25, closed for the fair July 30-Aug 5. Hours: Noon–6 pm daily. This facility is for young children age 10 & under and accompanying adult(s). Daily fee $1 per person entering the facility, free under 1. Private rental available.

Rothschild-Schofield Aquatic Center

1004 Park St., Rothschild (next to Pavilion) Contact Rothschild Village Hall 715-359-3660 for passes/classes, or Aquatic Center 715-355-9293. Open daily starting June 8: 11 am–7:45 pm Mon.–Wed., Fri. & Sat., 11 am–7 pm Thurs., 11 am–5:45 pm Sun. Daily fees $4, free ages 61+ and under 2 years; $2 evenings 6–7:45 pm, and Wed. & Sun. Season pass for residents $59 single, $120 family of 5 ($10 each additional); non-residents $79/140 ($10 each additional). 20-punch pass $70. After July 15 passes are half-price. Joint season pass for Rothschild-Schofield and Weston aquatic centers $79 single, $160 family; non-resident $99, family $180. After July 15 passes are half-price. Concessions, sand volleyball and children’s sand play area available. Birthday parties available. Handicap accessible. Water aerobics Mon.-Fri. 10-10:45 am for $2 a session or $18 for 10 sessions; Aqua Zumba classes Thurs. 7:15-8 pm and Sat. 9-9:45 am for $3 per session.

Weston Aquatic Center

5815 Alta Verde Street (next to Kennedy Park) Open daily starting June 7: Mon.-Sat. 11 am–7:45 pm, Sun. 1–7:45 pm. Concessions on-site. Handicap accessible. Birthday party packages available. For rentals call Weston Parks Dept., 715-359-9988. Aquatic Center: 715-241-7946.



Daily pass $4 age 17 & under, $4 adults, $2 seniors 62+. After 6 pm, $2 all ages. Season pass for residents $59 single, $120 family, $25 senior; non-residents $79, $140, $50. See Rothschild listing for joint season pass info Swim lessons June 17–28, July 8–19, and July 29–Aug. 9: 10–10:45 am, $25 residents, $30 non-residents. Preregistration required: Teen Swim & Dance Night Friday, July 19 with music and prizes. Check Facebook for updates

Donald Copps Municipal Pool & Waterslide Complex

Sims and Michigan Ave., Stevens Point Open daily 1–4 pm and 5–8 pm June 8–Aug. 18. Closed evenings for Riverfront Rendezvous July 4-6. Lap swim for ages 16+ weekdays 8–8:50 am and 12–12:50 pm.
 Daily pass $3 ages 4+ 1-4 pm; $2 for 5-8 pm, free under 3. Season pass for residents $75 individual, $110 family; general $100/$135 Free public swim lessons on selected Saturdays and Sundays, usually 10 am–noon Concessions available, no carry ins. Private party rental available, call 715-346-1226 Special events: Watch for Senior Citizens Day, Tube ‘n Toys Nights, Recreational Nights, Family Night, Neon Night • Scuba lessons available through Divepoint, ages 12+, 715-344-3483.

Bierman Family Aquatic Center

Merrill Area Recreation Complex, Merrill Open daily June 7-Aug. 24. Hours: Sun., Mon., Wed., Fri. & Sat. noon-7 pm; Tues. & Thurs. noon-6 pm; except June 7 & 10-13 open 3:30-7 pm Daily pass $4 (2-61 years), $2 (62+ years, military, non-swimmer), free under 2 years. Night swim 5-7 pm $2/$1. Season pass $50 resident, $80 nonresident; $100/$130 family. Group rates and pool rental. Concessions available. 715-536-7313.

Specializing in Fresh Steaks & Seafood Deck seating now available

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11:00 am to 10:00 pm

No lifeguards at these locations. Some don’t even have sanctioned swim areas but are frequented by locals for the nice waters.

Mission Lake Park Take Hwy. 153 east of Mosinee to CTH Y, then north 
to Mission Lake Road • Considered the best swimming spot in the area, with spacious beach on natural lake, shelters, boat landing, volleyball, playground, changing room and toilets. Sunny Vale Park West side of Wausau, just south of 72nd Ave. interchange on Hwy. 29 • Sand beach on Sunny Vale Lake, with
 shelters, restrooms, picnic areas, hiking trail, changing room and fishing pier. Big Eau Pleine Park West of Mosinee off Hwy. 153 to Eau Pleine Park Road. Turn south, go about 3 miles • Sand beach, boat landings, shelters, horseshoe pits, playground. Hiking & biking trails, also for horseback riding. Restrooms, lots of parking, open shelters, scattered picnic tables

continues on 24

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The expansive Iverson Park in Stevens Point, along the Plover River, offers landscaped shores, sandbars, and a designated swimming beach.


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Dells Of The Eau Claire Park Take Hwy. 52 east of Wausau 17 miles, right on Hwy. Y, 2 miles • 
Scenic river gorge of rock formations. Swimming beach and rapids (do not swim or jump in the rapids). Picnic tables, shelters, horseshoe pits, playground, restrooms, trails Rib Falls From Wausau, Hwy. 29 west 13 miles, north on Hwy. S for 2 miles. Northwest of Marathon City • No beach or designated swim areas, but clear water with rustic, rock-gravel shore in shallows below falls, sand bottom river shores above. Hiking trails, fishing, vault toilets, picnic area, playground and shelter. Big Rapids Park On the Big Eau Pleine River, just north of Stratford. From Wausau, west on Hwy. N for 23 miles, south on Hwy. 97 for 4 miles to Big Rapids Road then west 1 mile • Swim beach with clean water in one of Marathon County’s larger parks. Picnic tables, shelter, restrooms, hiking trails, horseshoe pits, changing rooms, playground Voelz Memorial Park On Wilson Lake, east of Marathon County just inside Shawano County. Hwy. 29 east to Nightingale Road. Park entrance at corner of Nightingale and Oak • Fishing pier, small boat landing, playground, picnic tables, shelter, rustic trail, restrooms, small beach area Council Grounds State Park 2 miles northwest of Merrill off Hwy. 107 • Large beach and rock outcroppings along the Wisconsin River. Picnic shelter, shore & pier fishing, restrooms, biking & hiking paths. Canoe rentals. Park sticker required. Otter Lake About 15 miles northeast of Merrill, take Hwy. S east off Hwy. 51, then to Stevenson Road, follow signs • Off the beaten path, but worth the effort. Clear lake with swimming beach, natural trails, rustic camping, picnic area, boat landing, toilets. Non-motorized boats only Tug Lake Recreation Area 5 miles north of Merrill on Hwy. K to Tug Lake Road • 2-acre park with beach, boat landing, picnic shelter with electricity, playground, outhouses and fishing. DuBay Park 13 miles northwest of Stevens Point. Off Hwy. 51 take Hwy. 34, then south 7 miles to Hwy. E, east to park • 51-acre park with beach, shower buildings, large picnic area, lodge, fishing, boat ramp, playground, volleyball court, horseshoe pits and baseball field

Collins Park 3 miles southwest of Rosholt, 2711 Hwy. I • 21-acre wooded park with small swimming beach, boat ramp, showers, fishing, horseshoe pits, volleyball, playground Lake Emily Park 3968 Park Dr., Amherst Junction • 143-acre park with beach, two picnic lodges, boat ramp, fishing, playground, showers, nature trail, volleyball court and baseball field Bukolt Park On Wisconsin River north of downtown Stevens Point at the end of Bukolt Avenue • Beach, bathhouse, lodge, picnic area, horseshoe pits, boat ramp and docking area, restrooms, playground, lighted baseball diamond, 
volleyball court, skateboard park. Access to Green Circle Trail. Iverson Park 4201 Hwy. 66 (Main St.), Stevens Point • On the beautiful, clean Plover River. Kayak rentals, picnic area, playground, shelter, restrooms, swimming beach, lodges, nature trails. Access to the Green Circle Trail. Mead Park On Wisconsin River in Stevens Point, corner of West Clark and Whitney streets • Small swimming beach, restrooms, picnic area, disc golf, tennis courts, volleyball court, horseshoe pits, lighted baseball diamond, shelter, dock, playground for kids of all abilities Lake Pacawa Park 1831 Maple Dr., behind Menards, Plover • 35 acre park with beach area, picnic area, playground, restrooms, shelter, Babe Ruth ball diamond, two soccer fields. Non-motorized watercraft Jordan Park 5800 Jordan Road, 2 miles northeast of Stevens Point • 271-acre park with swimming beach, open pavilion, picnic area, boat ramp, nature center, trail, volleyball court, horseshoe pits, playground, baseball field and lodges Sunset Lake Park Sunset Lake Road, about 15 miles east of Stevens Point. Hwy. 10 to Hwy. 161, north on Hwy. A, then east on MM • 61acre lake is high-quality swimming water with boat landing and fishing. Picnic area, beach, grills, toilets, playground. Lake Helen Park 3.5 miles east of Rosholt • Beach, boat landing, restrooms, playground, picnic/shelter, volleyball court, horseshoe pits. ■

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DISC GOLF COURSES Go anytime or join a league. See Wausau Area Disc Golf Enthusiasts on Facebook

Wausau and Merrill areas Memorial Park 500 Memorial Park Rd., Wausau. 9 hole, water in play, lightly wooded, mostly flat Northcentral Tech College Timberwolf Run 1000 W. Campus Dr, Wausau. 9 hole, mostly flat and lightly wooded Big Eau Pleine Park 3301 Eau Pleine Park Rd., Mosinee. 18 holes, multiple tees and pin positions. Mostly flat, wooded. $30 annual pass, $60 family; $4 daily; free 11 years and younger Yellow Banks 3903 Northwestern Ave., Weston. 9 holes, water in play on a few. Moderately hilly and mostly wooded Riverside Park 1700 O’Day St., Merrill. 9 holes, water in play. Mostly flat, moderately wooded Nokomis Community Park Cougar Ln., Tomahawk. 9 hole. Mostly flat, lightly wooded

Stevens Point, Marshfield, Wisconsin Rapids areas Yulga Course 1301 Wojcik Memorial Dr., Stevens Point. 18 hole, multiple tees and pin positions. Mostly flat, moderately wooded McDill Pond Course 3899 Patch St., Stevens Point. 9 holes. Moderately hilly, wooded Mead Park 1201 W. Whitney St., Stevens Point. 9 holes, water in play. Mostly flat, lightly wooded Standing Rocks 7695 Standing Rocks, Amherst. Three loops: 12-hole west, 9-hole middle, and 12-hole east. Moderately hilly, heavily wooded. $60 family season pass, $30 individual; $4 daily

715.298.0497 • 610 Washington St. • Wausau, WI 54403 •



South Wood County Park 6411 South Park Rd., Wisconsin Rapids. 12 holes, water in play on a few. Mostly flat and wooded North Wood County Park 7500 Park Lane, Arpin. 18 holes, multiple tees. Mostly flat, wooded Braem Park 905 N. Cedar Ave., Marshfield. 18 holes, multiple pin placements. Mostly flat and heavily wooded Wildwood Park 1800 S. Roddis Ave., Marshfield. 9 holes. Mostly flat and moderately wooded Robinson Park 1150 17th St. N., Wisconsin Rapids. 9 holes. Mostly flat, lightly wooded ■

612 Washington Street • Wausau, WI 54403 715.843.REDI(7334) •

SKATEBOARD & BMX PARKS Boys & Girls Club of the Wausau Area (indoor) Second St., north of Bridge St., Wausau • Large indoor skate ramp open to members grades 4–12. Summer hours 1:30–4:30 pm weekdays. Wrist guards, helmets required., 715-845-2582 Oak Island Park, Wausau 500 River Dr., just north of Thomas St. • Open 6 am–11 pm for skateboards, in-line skates & BMX bikes. Lighted facility. 715-261-1550 Kennedy Park, Weston 6002 Alderson St. 8,000-square-foot skate and BMX park designed by Dreamland Parks. Open dawn to dusk. Safety gear recommended. 715-359-9988 Mosinee Skate Park 701 11th St., Recreation Center Park • Open dawn–10 pm for skateboards, in-line skates. 715-693-2275 Prairie River Skate Park, Merrill 101 W First St., corner of Hwy. 64 and Polk St. • Open daily dawn to dusk. Lighted facility. 715-536-7313 Marshfield Skatepark 905 N. Cedar Ave. at Braem Park • Open 8 am–10 pm. For ages 6+ on rollerblades, skateboards & BMX bikes. Helmets & pads strongly recommended. 715-384-4642

Bukolt Park, Stevens Point Bukolt Ave., across from boat launch • Open daily dawn to dusk. 11,321 square feet, designed by New Line and built by California Skate Parks. For BMX bikes without pegs, in-line skates. 715-346-1531 Witter Field, Wisconsin Rapids At 8th and Chestnut Streets • Open 7 am–11 pm for skateboarding, aggressive in-line skating, BMX bikes. Helmets, safety gear recommended. Lighted, with restrooms. 715-421-8200 Woyak Sports Complex, Plover 2381 Cedar Dr., behind Boys & Girls Club • Open 9 am–10 pm. In-line skate, roller skates, skateboard & BMX. Helmets, wrist guards, & knee pads recommended. 715-345-5257 ■



Hey parents! Here’s your must-have guide

to all the events/programs around Wausau and central Wisconsin for kids, teens and families. Some details were not set as of this publication, so check City Pages’ Big Guide every Thursday for updates.

Central Wis. Off Road Cycling Coalition hosts a Youth Rider Program on Thursday evenings at Nine Mile Forest June 6– July 25. See “On-going” for details.

SEE P. 46 FOR LONG-TERM, OUTDOOR, AND OVERNIGHT SUMMER CAMPS. Find plenty more all–ages events in the main summer calendar starting on p. 90.


Art Babies: Bitty Blossoms · Fri. 5/31, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Ages birth-18 mos. enjoy stories, movement, music. 10:30-11:15 am. Registration required: 715-845-7010 Kids Walk Wisconsin · Fri. 5/31, Pfiffner Park Bandshell, Stevens Point. Children of all ages walk 1.3 or 2.6 miles along Wis. River with treats and fun. $5 per child or $10 for two or more. Must be accompanied by parent or guardian. 7 pm. Dawn of the Space Age · Fridays thru 6/7, Wausau West High Planetarium. Award-winning film in full-dome about humanity’s first steps off the planet. 6 pm. $5. Reserve: Junior Audubon Bird Programs: Orioles · Sat. 6/1, Schmeeckle Reserve, Stevens Point. Ages 6-12 learn birding basics with crafts and guided hike. Held in partnership with the Aldo Leopold Audubon Society. 9-11 am. 715-346-4992 Wisconsin Free Fun Weekend · Sat.-Sun. 6/1-2. Free admission to state parks and forests, free fishing, free ATV passes. Kiwanis Little Olympics · Sat. 6/1, Stiehm Stadium at DC Everest Jr. High, Weston. Ages 5-12 compete in track and field events. 8 am- 1 pm. Free. Register: Outside the Lines: A Family Coloring Party · Sat. 6/1, Marathon Co. Library, Hatley. Drop-in coloring projects for children and adults. 10 am–2 pm. 715-446-3537 Art Park Open Studio · Sat. 6/1, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. All ages create woven text collages using discarded book pages. 1-3 pm. 715-845-7010 Colossal Fossils Open · Sat. 6/1, Colossal Fossils Wausau Center Mall. Collection of fossils including T. Rex, wooly mammoths, sabertooth tigers and more with hands-on activities. 10 am-3 pm. $6, $5 senior or military., 715-303-9407 Critters and Blues · Sat. 6/1, Central Wis. Convention & Expo Center, Rothschild. Full day of events for Rescue, Adopt, Donate (RAD) Wisconsin. Pooch Parade noon-5 pm features family fun with photo booth, K-9 demo, games, activities, pet costume contest. Register pet by 2:30 pm, all dogs must be on leash and have current rabies tag. Evening party begins 5 pm with live music from Don Haney, Bobby Blue Tortured Soul and Marty Frei; raffle, cash bar, food. Free admission to all events. American Girl Themed Garden Party · Sat. 6/1, Yawkey House Gardens, Wausau. Bring doll or stuffed animal for old-fashioned garden party. Rain location: Woodson History Center. 1-3 pm. $25 per adult/child, $10 additional child. Reservations required: 715-842-5750



Garden Exploration Open House · Sun. 6/2, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Use supplies to create your own nature adventure. Borrow books, nets, magnifying glasses, more. 1-4 pm. $2, free accompany adults. Marathon Co. June Dairy Breakfast · Sun. 6/2, Northcentral Tech College Agriculture Center of Excellence, Wausau. Breakfast, 5K run & walk, children’s activity area, farm tour and more. 8 am-12:30 pm. $8 adults, $3 children, free 5 and under. Monk Gardens Season Kick-Off Event · Sun. 6/2, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Activities for all ages with workshops and garden tours. 10 am-2 pm. Workshops free for members, or $10 adult, $5 child. Exceptional Child Night · Mon. 6/3, Central Wisconsin Children’s Museum, Stevens Point. Museum open for families that have children with exceptional needs, including autism. 5-7 pm. Free. Sky Quest · Mon. 6/3 & Wed. 6/5, UW-Stevens Point Blocher Planetarium. Follow a young woman on her quest to find a special place in the night sky. 7:30 pm. Free. Youth Ceramics with Mary Thao · Tuesdays 6/4-25, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Ages 5-12 develop motor skills, learn techniques, more. 4-6 pm. $140. Register: Tots in the Gardens · Tues. 6/4, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Ages 3-5 adventure with nature using alphabet as guide with crafts, activity, snacks. 10 am. $4, or $2 members, accompanying adults free. 715-261-6309 Youth Summer Gardening · Wed. 6/5, UW-Extension Marathon Co., Wausau. All ages explore gardening. 5:30-6:30 pm. Outer Space Story Time · Thurs. 6/6, Marathon Co. Library, Marathon. Hear stories about outer space and make a craft. 10:30 am. 715-443-2775 Hands-on Art · Thurs. 6/6, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Create collaged artworks using vintage papers and magazine cutouts. 5:30-7 pm. 715-845-7010 Central Wis. Off Road Cycling Coalition Youth Rider Program · Thursdays 6/6–7/25 (except 7/4), Nine Mile Forest, town of Rib Mountain. Ages 6+ learn mountain biking fundamentals, safety, and mentoring from adult and high school athletes. Runs concurrently with CWOCC adult rides to encourage family biking. 6–7:30 pm. Free with CWOCC membership., and on Facebook Weston Aquatic Center Open · Fri. 6/7, Weston Aquatic Center. Open Mon.-Sat. 11 am-7:45 pm; Sun. 1-7:45 pm. $4 adults, youth, $2 seniors, $2 after 6 pm.

River Pro Rodeo · Fri.-Sun. 6/7-9, Merrill Festival Grounds. Live music, tractor pull Sat. morning, rodeo performances Fri.-Sat. 7 pm, Sun. 1 pm. Food & vendors open Fri. afternoon, Sat. at noon. Sunday special family day fun. Advance tickets $12 adults, $10 ages 6-10, free age 5 & under, $17/$12 at gate. Family pack $40 advance only. Family Film Friday: Finding Dory · Fri. 6/7, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. About Dory’s epic adventure to find her parents. 2 pm. 715-261-7200 Rodeo Queens Read · Fri. 6/7, TB Scott Library, Merrill. Story with Wis. River Pro Rodeo queens and candidates, rodeo theme fun like stick pony races and a real horse! 10 am. Free, but because of limited space requires advance tickets, available at the library. 715-536-7191 World Oceans Day · Sat. 6/8, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. Stories, crafts and sea creatures. 10:30 am. 715-261-7200 Wausau Pools Open · Sat. 6/8. Open daily 1-7:50 pm. $3 adult, $2 seniors, youth, free under 1 with adult. 715-261-1550 Wittenberg Community Days · Sat.-Sun. 6/8-9, Washington Park, Wittenberg. Wagon rides, live music, talent show, parade, bouncy activities, fireworks, more. Presented by Wittenberg Area Chamber of Commerce. Fri. begins 11 am; Sat. at 10 am. 715-881-2111 Splash Pad Opens · Sat. 6/8, Marathon Park, Wausau. For ages 10 & under accompanied by adult. Open noon-6 pm. $1, free infants under 1 with paying adult. 715-261-1550 UWSP Swimming Stroke Technique Camp · Sun.-Thurs. 6/9-13, UW-Stevens Point. Swimmers age 8-18 focus on technique, conditioning, race strategy, teamwork. $507.50 resident, $437.50 commuter. Register: Garden Exploration Open House · Sun. 6/9, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Use supplies to create your own nature adventure. Borrow books, nets, magnifying glasses and more. 1-4 pm. $2, free accompany adults. Chasing the Ghost Particle · Mon. 6/10 & Wed. 6/12, UWStevens Point Blocher Planetarium. Learn how scientists are using tiny and elusive particles to explore insides of stars & planets. 7:30 pm. Free. Family Tennis Lessons Session I · Mon., Tues. & Thurs. 6/1027, Oak Island Courts, Wausau. 2-4 family members ages 5+ with at least one adult learn and play together. 6-7:15 pm. $70 resident up to 4 people, $14 additional child, $91/$17 non-resident. 715-261-1550 Swimming Lessons Session I · Mon.-Fri. 6/10-28, Kaiser, Memorial or Schulenburg Pools, Wausau. Provided by Marathon Co. Parks. 11:05 am. $39 residents, $47.50 nonresidents. Classtimes vary by level. Register 715-261-1550 or



Gardening with Kids · Mon. 6/10, Marathon Co. Library, Mosinee. Learn to spark child’s interest in horticulture. 4-5:30 pm. 715-446-2775 Middle Level Band Camp · Mon.-Fri. 6/10-14, Wausau Conservatory of Music. For grades 7-9. 1-5 pm. $150. Register: Summer Camp in the Gardens: Garden Picasso · Mon.-Fri. 6/10-14, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Grades 2-4 explore and create art pieces. 8 am-noon. $100 members, $120 nonmembers. Register: App Attack · Mon.-Fri. 6/10-14, UWSP-Wausau. Ages 8-14 explore world of mobile app design and customize own game app. 8 am-noon. $149. Register: Girls Make It Real: Imagine, Design, Manufacture · Mon.Thurs. 6/10-13, Northcentral Tech College, Wausau. Girls ages 12-16 enjoy hands-on activities in the areas of welding, engineering and machine tool. 8 am-2:30 pm. $59. Register: Family Storytime · Mon. 6/10, TB Scott Library, Merrill. Stories and songs geared toward ages 3-5. 10 am. 715-536-7191 College For Kids · Mon.-Fri. 6/10-14, UWSP-Wausau. Classes for grades K-6. Choose from 31 week-long topics at the campus (some with field trips), ranging from foreign language and science, to fishing, art, music and more. Classes held between 8 am-noon, most 75 minutes each so child can do two classes each morning. $45–$85 per class. Register: 715-261-6294, Wausau TetraBrazil Soccer Camp · Mon.-Fri. 6/10-14, DC Everest Middle School, Schofield. Authentic Brazilian soccer camp. Ages 6-10: 9 am-noon; ages 11-16: 1-4 pm. $155. Register: Junior Olympic & Recreational Gymnastics Camp · Mon.-Fri. 6/10-14, Woodson YMCA, Wausau. Girls ages 5+ learn proper body technique & skill progression. 1-4 pm. $159 members, $177 non-members. Toddler Dance Party · Mon. 6/10, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. Stories, music, props. 11 am. 715-261-7200 Ocean Suncatchers · Mon. 6/10, Marathon Co. Library, Mosinee. Make a craft. 3 pm. 715-693-2144 Tom Pease · Tues. 6/11, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. Performance by famed family musician. 10:30 am & 2 pm. 715-261-7200 PAWS to Read · Tues. 6/11 & Thurs. 6/13, Marathon Co. Library. Children improve literacy skills by reading to wellbehaved therapy dogs. Tues.: Rothschild, 6 pm; Thurs.: Wausau, 1–2:30 pm. 715-261-7200 High School Health Careers Camp · Tues.-Fri. 6/11-14, UWStevens Point. For grades 9-12: interactive activities facilitated by UWSP staff and community health care professionals. $200. Details and register: Wausau West Little Diggers Volleyball Camp · Tues.-Fri. 6/11-14, Wausau West Field House. Develop skills and build confidence. Grades 7-9 at 10:30 am-12:30 pm; grades 4-7 at 1-3 pm (grade 7 may attend either session). $50. 715-261-0850 or 715-573-2958 Tots in the Gardens · Tues. 6/11, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Ages 3-5 adventure with nature using alphabet as guide with crafts, activity, snacks. 10 am. $4, or $2 members, accompanying adults free. 715-261-6309 End of School Extravaganza · Tues. 6/11, Machmueller Park, Weston. Scavenger hunt, squirt bottle painting, water balloons, more. Presented by Family Resource Center. Rain date: 6/18. 10-11:30 am. 715-848-1457 Summer Kick Off Party · Wed. 6/12, Boys & Girls Club, Wausau. Games, food, prizes and more. 3-5 pm. Wild Wednesdays: Clark Co. Human Society · Wed. 6/12, Wildwood Zoo, Marshfield. 45-minute educational program, held rain or shine. 11 am & 1 pm. Free. 715-384-4642, Magic Bob Presents: Lost in Space · Wed.-Thurs. 6/12-13, Marathon Co. Libraries. A story-telling magic show about a special wormhole, aliens and more. Wed.: Spencer branch at 10 am, 715-659-3996; Stratford at 1:30 pm, 715-687-4420 · Thurs.: Rothschild at 11 am & 1:30 pm, 715-359-6208

continues on 31


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Learn about bears and other animals during Wildwoood Zoo’s on-going Ed-Zoo-cational Talks

ON-GOING Rib Mountain Summer Program · Mon.–Fri. 6/10–8/2 (off 7/3–5), Rib Mountain Elementary 9 am–noon; South Mountain Elementary 1–4 pm. Held Mon.–Thurs. with Friday Field trips. For grades 1–6. Indoor and outdoor group fun, gain social and athletic skills. $75, not including field trips. Pre-register, details:, 715-680-1243 Newman Catholic Schools Summer Camp · Mon.–Fri. 6/3–8/23, St. Therese, Schofield. For those in Kindergarten to age 12. Breakfast, lunch, snack included with field trips and swimming for extra cost. Register and details at Wausau Child Care Summer Day Camp · Mon.–Fri. 6/12–8/16 (except 7/4), John Marshall & Franklin elementary schools, Wausau. For ages 4–12. Fun theme each week with field trip. Breakfast, lunch and snack included. 6:30 am–6 pm. Details: ARTventure Camp · Mon.-Fri., June 17 thru Aug. (no camp July 1–5). Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Kids do individual and collaborative art projects with a different theme each week (listed in this calendar by date). Experience life of a working artist, from creation, to selling at Marketplace Thursday, and exhibiting in the CVA gallery. Sign up per week. Morning 9 am-noon; afternoon 12:30-3:30 pm; all day 9 am-3:30 pm (bring bag lunch). $115 half day, $200 full day. Scholarships available. Details and registration: 715-842-4545 Central Wis. Off Road Cycling Coalition Youth Rider Program · Thursdays 6/6–7/25 (except 7/4), Nine Mile Forest, town of Rib Mountain. Ages 6+ learn mountain biking fundamentals, safety, and mentoring from adult and high school athletes. Runs concurrently with CWOCC adult rides to encourage family biking. 6–7:30 pm. Free with CWOCC membership., and on Facebook Ed-Zoo-cational Talks · June-August, Wildwood Zoo, Marshfield. Learn about different animal each day. Meet at animal exhibit or watch for location on Wednesday. May be cancelled due to weather. 715-384-4642. Details: Tuesdays Kodiak Bears 11 am · Wednesdays Mystery Animal 12:15 pm · Thursday Timber Wolves 11 am · Friday Mountain Lions 11 am Playground Group · June 10-Aug. 1, Wausau elementary schools. Wausau Parks Dept. program for kids entering grades K-5. Playground staffed by college-age adults who lead games, art, crafts, more. $44 resident, $53 non-resident. Register at parks office 212 River Dr., Wausau, 715-261-1550, or playground of your choice. John Marshall · Mondays & Wednesdays, 8:30 am-noon (at Memorial Park Mon. 6/10) Grant · Tuesdays & Thursdays, 8:30 am-noon Jefferson · Fridays 8:30 am-noon and 1-4 pm swim at Schulenburg Pool Wausau City Tennis Camp · Mon.-Fri. 6/10-8/9, Oak Island Park Courts, Wausau. Week-long, half-day camps taught in separate age groups. Ages 5-6: $25 residents, $30 non-resident; ages 7-17: $45.50/ $59. Details at 715-261-1550, Beginner/Intermediate, ages 5-6: 11 am-noon Beginner ages 7-17: 8:15 am-noon; 9 am-noon; or 1-4 pm Intermediate, ages 7-17: 9 am-noon, or 1-4 pm Advanced, ages 7-17: 9 am-noon, 12:45-4:30 pm

Wausau Children’s Museum, Wausau Center Mall. Open Tues.-Fri. 10 am-2 pm; Sat. 10 am-5 pm; Sun. 1-5 pm. $3 children 1-13, free 0-12 months and parents or caregivers. Boys & Girls Club of the Wausau Area · Summer programs run June 11-Aug 21 at the Wausau site on Second. St., Wausau. For grades 4-12. Free breakfast at 7:30 am, free lunch at noon. Swimming, games, art projects, more. Trips to Action City in Eau Claire 8/8, to Mt. Olypmus 7/30, and to Green Bay 6/21. Summer hours 6:45 am-5:30 pm. DC Everest Middle School, Weston June 17-July 19 (closed July 1-5), open Mon.-Fri. 11:30 am-5:30 pm. For DCE students grades 4-8. 715-845-2582. Marathon Area Swim Association Friday Fun Nights · Thru Sept. Foam toys & rafts available to play and swim with. 5:30-7:30 pm. 715-443-3772 Chess & Art · Fridays, Achieve Center, Wausau. Chess club for ages 7+ coached by Chess Master, 4 pm. Art Club for children and families, 4 pm. 715-845-4900 Marathon Co. Libraries Summer Story Times · Recurring, weekly programs June-August. Wausau programs will not meet thru 6/7 or 8/5–9/2. 715-261-7220 • Family Story Time · 30-min. of stories, songs for all ages with guardian. Sat. 10:30 am Wausau; Tues. 10:30 am Rothschild & Hatley, 10 am Athens; Wed. 10:15 am Stratford; Thurs. 10:30 am Marathon City • Play & Learn Story Time · 60-90-min. of story, song, activities for all ages, with Family Resource Center. Tues. 10:30 am Athens,; Wed. 10 am Mosinee, 10:45 am Stratford; Thurs. 10 am Hatley, 10 am Edgar; Fri. 9:30 am Wausau • Preschool Story Time · Wed. & Thursdays Wausau. 30-min. stories, songs, rhymes. 10:30 am • Tales for Tots · Tues. 7/2, Wausau. For ages 2–3 with adult. Books, songs, fingerplay. 10 & 10:30 am • Book Babies · Mondays, Wausau. 20-min. “lap sit” for babies to 2 years with adult with books, songs, developmental activities. 10 am. Play & Learn Playgroups · thru August. Relax with others who have young children for learning activities. For both parents & kids. Sessions 90 min. 715-848-1457. Mondays G.D. Jones School, Wausau, 9 am Tuesdays Athens Community Hall, 10:30 am · Machmueller Park, Weston. 10 am Wednesdays Mosinee Library, 10 am · Stratford Public Library 10:15 am Thursdays Edgar Oak St. Park, 10 am · Hatley Library 10 am Fridays Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. 9:30 am · 1st & 3rd Fridays Marathon City Village Hall 10 am Central Wis. Children’s Museum · 1100 Main St. Downtown Stevens Point. Hands-on exhibits & activities. $5 children & adults (1 & under free). Tues.–Fri. 9 am–4 pm; Thurs. 9 am-8 pm; Sat. 10 am–4 pm; Sun. noon–4 pm. 715-344-2003,


Weird Science Comedy Show · Wed. 6/12. Crazy experiments with fire, smoke and flying cheese curds. Edgar High at 10:30 am; Mosinee library at 2 pm, 715-693-2144 Youth Group Recreational Piano 1 · Wednesdays 6/12-7/31, Wausau Conservatory of Music. 5-5:45 pm. $149. Register: Healthy Family Night · Thurs. 6/13, Central Wisconsin Children’s Museum, Stevens Point. Healthy meal with activity and program. 5-8 pm. Free. Youth Summer Gardening · Thurs. 6/13, UW-Extension Marathon Co., Wausau. All ages enjoy exploration of gardening. 5:30-6:30 pm. Nature Nuts · Thurs. 6/13, River Bend Trail, Merrill. Ages 4-6 hike Thrivent Trail, look for animal tracks and birds with crafts. Wear tennis shoes. 9:30-10:15 am. $5. Pre-registration required: 715-536-7313 Story Time in the Garden · Thurs. 6/13, Yawkey House Gardens, Wausau. Vintage picture books, old-fashioned games and take home a coloring page. Rain location: Woodson History Center. 1:30 pm. 715-842-5750 Minecraft · Thursdays 6/13-27, TB Scott Library, Merrill. Grades 3+ explore new worlds. 3:15 pm. 715-536-7191 UWSP Swimming Start & Turn Camp · Thurs.-Sun. 6/13-16, UWStevens Point. Ages 8-18 focus on technique, conditioning, race strategy, teamwork. $405. Register: Movies in the Park: Megamind · Fri. 6/14, Pfiffner Pioneer Park, Stevens Point. Movie at dusk. Free. Summer Kickoff Weekend · Fri. 6/14 & Sun. 6/16. Wausau. Food vendors both days. Fri. at Marathon Park: Family crafts, bounce house, face painting, more, 5-9 pm; outdoor movie Mary Poppins Returns at dusk. Kids fun races at 6 pm, register on site Sun. at 400 Block: Father’s Day Classic Car Show with Miss High Octane Pinup Contest, music by Carmen Lee & The Tomorrow River Two. 10 am-3 pm. Free. Paws in the Park · Sat.-Sun. 6/15-16, Torpy Park, Minocqua. Dog agility demo, pet expo and Dock Dogs of Wisconsin. 9 am-4 pm. Schedule, details at Zoofest · Sat. 6/15, Wildwood Park & Zoo, Marshfield. Hay rides, bounce house, face painting and more. 11 am-2 pm. Cost TBD. 715-384-4642 Colossal Fossils Open · Sat. 6/15, Colossal Fossils Wausau Center Mall. Collection of fossils including T. Rex, wooly mammoths, saber-tooth tigers and more with hands-on activities. 10 am-3 pm. $6, $5 senior or military., 715-303-9407 Rock The Dock · Sat. 6/15, Pfiffner Park Band Shell, Stevens Point. Live music, dunk tank, sack races, kids inflatables and more. Raises funds to build a dock. 3-10 pm. On Facebook Splash Into Safety Day · Sat. 6/15, Memorial Pool, Wausau. Family water safety fair, children receive free life jacket. Parents must accompany kids. 10 am-noon. Pre-registration required: 715-847-2380 UWSP Boys Basketball Instructional Camp · Sun.-Tues. 6/1618, UW-Stevens Point. Offensive and defensive skill sessions, team play, more. For grades 5-10. Sun. 2-9:30 pm; Mon. 9 am-9:30 pm; Tues. 9 am-4 pm. $245 residents, $210 commuter. Register: IT Camp: Video Game Programming · Sun.-Fri. 6/16-21, UW-Stevens Point. Grades 9-12 learn coding basics to create video game, stories, characters. $650 resident, $500 commuter. Details and register: Log Rolling Class · Sundays 6/16-8/11 (no class 7/14), Aspirus YMCA, Weston. Ages 6-16 improve balance, agility, concentration. Advanced at 11 am; beginner at noon. $61, or $38 members. Garden Exploration Open House · Sun. 6/16, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Create nature adventure. Borrow books, nets, magnifying glasses and more. 1-4 pm. $2, free accompany adults. UWSP Swimming Elite Axis Stroke Camp · Sun.-Thurs. 6/16-20, UW-Stevens Point. Ages 10-18 focus on technique, conditioning, race strategy. $507.50 resident, $437.50 commuter. Register:

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kids calendar from 29

COLLEGE FOR KIDS {entering GRADES K-6} June 10 - 14

SUMMER YOUTH 20 APP ATTACK 8 - 9:45 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. - noon



COLLEGE FOR KI SUMMER YOUTH {entering 2019GRADES K June 10 - 14 8 a.m. – Noon Ages 8–14

June 10 – 14

COLLEGE 8 – FOR 9:45 KIDS a.m. and 10:15 a

Take your computer skills to the next level! Learn the first steps into the world of mobile app design and customize your own game app!

{entering GRADES K-6} June 10 – 14

GIRL POWER CAMP - Big LifeLife Journal. GIRL POWER CAMP Big Journal. 8 – 9:45 a.m. and 10:15 June 17 - 21 {Girls entering GRADESa.m. 6-8}– noon

June 17 - 21 entering GRADES 6-8} 9 a.m. - 4 {Girls p.m. Monday - Thursday

GIRL POWER9 a.m. Journal. - 1 p.m. Friday 9CAMP a.m. - -4Big p.m.Life Monday - Thursday is collaborating with 9 a.m. - 1GRADES p.m. Friday June 17 -Girl 21Power {Girls entering 6-8} Sheroes organization!

Power isyour collaborating with Shereos organization! unlock unique gifts 9 a.m. Come - 4Girlp.m. Monday - Thursday Come unlock your unique gifts and transform your world! and transform world! 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.your Friday

Girl Power is collaborating with Shereos organization! Come unlock your unique gifts and transform your world!



- 12 {entering GRADES 4-6} JulyJuly 8 - 128 {entering GRADES 4-6} 15 - 15 19 {entering GRADES - 19 {entering GRADES 7-9} July 8 - July 12July {entering GRADES 4-6}7-9}

9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 4GRADES p.m. Monday - Thursday July 15 - 19 {entering 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Friday 7-9} 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday - Thursday

Come to reenact The Rescue of Sirius Black and 9 a.m. -(week 1 p.m. Come to reenact The Rescue of Sirius Black and Buckbeak (week Buckbeak 1) orFriday the Battle of Hogwarts (week 2)the in aBattle dizzying acting extravaganza! 1) or of Hogwarts (week 2) in a dizzying acting Come to reenact The Rescue of Sirius Black and Buckbeak (week Student teams will use cooperation andcooperation creativity and creativity to extravaganza! Student teams will use 1) or the Battle of Hogwarts (week 2) in a dizzying acting to put multi-location performance. Witsto put on on thisthis multi-location performance. Wits and wands required! extravaganza! Student teams will use cooperation and creativity and wands required! In addition: all the usual In addition: all the usual shenanigans - Harry Potter trivia, writing, put on this multi-location performance. Wits and wands required! shenanigans - Harry trivia, writing, art art contests, and daily Quidditch! In addition: all the usual shenanigans -Potter Harry Potter trivia, writing, contests, and Quidditch! daily Quidditch! art contests, and daily

Get your Summer Programs Brochures at School, Librar

Get your Summer Programs Brochures at School, Library or online: online:

April 8 • 715-261-6294 Enrollment Enrollment begins April begins 8 • 715-261-6294 715-261-6294 2019 CITY PAGES SUMMER FUN BOOK



Camps & Lessons MIDDLE LEVEL BAND CAMP (Entering grades 7-9)

June 10-14 • M 6-8 pm T- F 1-5 pm CHAMBER ORCHESTRA CAMP (Entering grades 6-12)

June 16-21 • M-F 12:30-4:30 pm KIDS ON KEYS: INTRO TO PIANO (Ages 5-7)

June 17-20 • M-Th 10-10:45 am BUCKET DRUMMING CAMP (Entering grades 4-8)

June 24-28 • M-F 9-10:15 am CENTRAL WI PERSCUSSION ENSEMBLE (Entering grades 9-12) June 24-28 • M-F 10:30 am-Noon MUSIC CADETS (Ages 4-7)

July 8-12 • M-F 9-11:30 am ROCK CAMP (Entering grades 6-12) July 15-19 • M-F 1-4 pm SUMMER CHORAL FEST (Entering grades 2-8)

July 22-26 • M-F 8 am-1 pm MUSICAL THEATRE VOCAL CAMP FOR TWEENS (Entering grades 5-8) July 29-August 2 • M-F 9 am-12:30 pm MUSICAL THEATRE VOICE CAMP (Entering grades 9-12)

August 5-9 • M 8 am-1pm, T-F 9 am-1 pm MUSIC EXPLORERS CAMP (Ages 2-3) August 12-6 • M-F 10-10:45 am

REGISTER AT: 404 Seymour St., Wausau

715.845.6279 ext. 102 32


kids calendar from 31

Chamber Orchestra Camp · Sun.-Fri. 6/16-21, Wausau Conservatory of Music. For grades 6-12. Sun. 4-6 pm; Mon.Fri. 12:30-4:30 pm. $150. Register: UWSP Swimming Race Strategy Sprint Camp · Sun.-Thurs. 6/16-20, UW-Stevens Point. Ages 10-18 focus on technique, conditioning, race strategy. $507.50 resident, $437.50 commuter. Register: Camp COFAC · Sun.-Fri. 6/16-21, UW-Stevens Point. Grades 9-12 or graduating seniors learn new techniques in art & design, music or video production. Commuter $500; residential $650. Register by 6/1 at UWSP Wrestling Summer Training Camp · Sun.-Thurs. 6/16-20, UWStevens Point. Grades 6-12 learn techniques and training practices. Sun. noon-10:30 pm; Mon.-Wed. 6:45 am-9 pm; Thurs. 7 am-2 pm. $350 resident, $275 commuter. Register: Journey to the Stars · Mon. 6/17, UW-Stevens Point Blocher Planetarium. Take a look at our understanding of the universe. 7:30 pm. Free. Family Storytime · Mon. 6/17, TB Scott Library, Merrill. Stories and songs geared toward ages 3-5. 10 am. 715-536-7191 Co-ed Kinder Gymnastics Camp · Mon.-Tues. 6/17-18, Woodson YMCA, Wausau. Ages 4-6 work on basic skills and fundamentals. 1-3 pm. $65, or $57 members. 715-845-2177 Introduction to Dragon Boat Paddling · Mon. 6/17, Torpy Park, Minocqua. Basic paddling skills, commands, history, more ages for 15+. Nicolet College’s Outdoor Adventure Series. 5-7 pm. $20. Register: Girl Power Camp: Big Life Journal · Mon.-Fri. 6/17-21, UWSPWausau. Grades 6-8 cultivate drive, decision-making and skills to take control of their lives. Mon.-Thurs. 9 am-4 pm; Fri. 9 am-1 pm. $249. Wausau East Youth Football Camp · Mon.-Wed. 6/17-19, Wausau East. Grades 4-8 improve fundamentals and team development. 1:30-3:30 pm. $40. 715-261-0650 ARTventure Camp: At The Circus · Mon.-Fri. 6/17-21, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. See “On-Going” section of Kids Calendar. Morning, afternoon, or all-day. $115 half day, $200 full day. Register:, 715-842-4545 Summer Swim Lessons: Night Sessions · Mon.-Wed. 6/17-8/7, Marathon Area Swim Association. Preschool classes Mon.Wed. & Progressive class Mon. & Wed. Details and schedule at Summer Camp in the Gardens: Bug Olympics · Mon.-Fri. 6/1721, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Grades pre-K-1 learn about the amazing abilities bugs have. 8 am-noon. $100 members, $120 non-members. Register: Kids on Keys · Mon.-Thurs. 6/17-20 & 6/24-27, Wausau Conservatory of Music. For ages 5-7. 10-10:45 am. $139. Register: Wausau West Cross Country Youth Running Camp · Mon.Thurs. 6/17-20, Wausau West Outdoor Track. Grades 4-9 learn proper techniques with age-appropriate training and more. 3:30-5 pm. $25. 715-261-0850 ext. 34197, Boys Warrior Hoops Camp · Mon.-Thurs. 6/17-20 & 7/15-18, Wausau West Fieldhouse. Fundamental skills with stations, contests, games. Grades 6-8 at 11 am-1 pm; grades 3-5 at 1:30-3:30 pm; grades K-2 at 4-5 pm (6/17-20 only). $65 grades 3-8; $25 grades K-2. Swimming Lesson Session 1 · Mon.-Fri. 6/17-28, Weston Aquatic Center. For ages 5+. 10-10:45 am. $25 residents, $30 non-residents. Register: Wausau West Youth Wrestling Summer Camp · Tues.-Thurs. 6/18-20, Wausau West. For wrestlers in grades K-8. 1:30-3 pm. $30. under E-Flyers Zoozort · Tues. 6/18, TB Scott Library, Merrill. Learn about amazing animals with wildlife educator Noelle Tarrant. 10 am & 1 pm. Free, but because of limited space requires advance tickets, available at the library. 715-536-7191 Tots in the Gardens · Tues. 6/18, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Ages 3-5 adventure with nature using alphabet as guide with crafts, activity, snacks. 10 am. $4, or $2 members, accompanying adults free. 715-261-6309

Ukulele and music is one of many courses offered during College for Kids June 10-14 at UWSP-Wausau.

Moon and Stars Story Time · Tues. 6/18, Marathon Co. Library, Athens. Celebrate the sky. 10 am. 715-257-7292 T-Ball · Tuesdays 6/18-7/9, Lions Park, Merrill. Ages 5-6 introduced to baseball and softball. Bring glove, water bottle and helmet. 10-11 am. $20 by 5/31, $30 after. Register by 6/7: 715-536-7313 Toddler Tuesday: Flora Fun · Tues. 6/18, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Ages 18 mos.-4 years and accompanying adults share hands-on art projects inspired by art on view. 10:30 am-noon. 715-845-7010 Jim Lenz’s Comedy Science Show · Tues. 6/18, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. Comedy, drama, audience participation, science. 10:30 am & 2 pm. 715-261-7200 Planetary Pasta Rovers · Tues. 6/18 & Fri. 6/21, Marathon Co. Libraries. Create rover using different pastas Tues.: Marathon City 11 am, 715-443-2775; Stratford 1:30 pm, 715-687-4420 · Fri. Rothschild 11 am, 715-359-6208 PAWS to Read · Tues. 6/18 & Thurs. 6/20, Marathon Co. Library. Children improve literacy skills by reading to wellbehaved therapy dogs. Tues.: Rothschild, 6 pm; Thurs.: Wausau, 1 pm. 715-261-7200 Shiver Me Timbers II: Music and Mayhem · Wed. 6/19, Normal Park, Merrill. Pirate activities with giant pirate ship and slide, inflatables, games, face painting and more followed by Merrill City Band concert. Wear pirate costume. 4-8 pm. Rain date: 6/26. Contact Miller & Mike · Wed. 6/19. Explore the cosmos of comedy with former Ringling Bros. circus clowns. Marathon Elementary 10 am, 715-443-2538; Mosinee Library 2 pm, 715-693-2441 Starter T-Ball · Wednesdays 6/19-7/10, Lions Park, Merrill. Ages 3-4 introduced to baseball and softball. Bring glove, water bottle and helmet. 10-11 am. $20 by 5/31, $30 after. Register by 6/7: 715-536-7313 UWSP Girls Basketball Camp · Wed-Fri. 6/19-21, UW-Stevens Point. Offensive and defensive skill development for grades 5-8. Wed. 12:45 am-9 pm; Thurs. 7 am-9 pm; Fri. 7 am-1 pm. $240 resident, $205 commuter. Wild Wednesdays: Remarkable Reptiles · Wed. 6/19, Wildwood Zoo, Marshfield. 45-minute education program, rain or shine. 11 am & 1 pm. Free. 715-384-4642, EMMET Makerspace · Thurs.-Fri. 6/20-21, Marathon Co. Library, Marathon. Experiment with STEM and CT technologies with mobile makerspace. 2 pm. Registration required: 715-443-2775 Bike Rodeo · Thurs. 6/20, Hatley Elementary School. Wear helmet and bring bike to learn about safety. Presented by Marathon Co. Family Resource Center. 1-2:30 pm. Registration required: 715-848-1457

Marketplace Thursdays: Substyle · Thurs. 6/20, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly musical entertainment by local band during lunch hour in conjunction with market that runs 9 am-2 pm. Rockin’ Round the Universe with Randy Peterson · Thurs. 6/20, Marathon Co. Library, Rothschild. Performance by family entertainer/musician. 11 am & 1:30 pm. 715-359-6208 Movies Under the Stars · Fri. 6/21, Towering Pines Park, Kronenwetter. Movie title TBD. Bring a blanket or lawn chair. Concessions available. Movie at dusk. The Wonders of Willow & Basketry: Bonnie Gale Artist Residency · Fri.-Sun. 6/21-23, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Artist and landscape designer returns after constructing Living Willow Dreams in the Sculpture Garden. 715-845-7010 Polish Bread Baskets · Fri. Teens and adults weave willow rods into bread baskets. 10 am-4:30 pm. $55 members, $70 non-members. Registration required: 715-845-7010 Willow Dreams · Sat. Bonnie presents images and stories documenting her career, dreams of future work. 1-2 pm. Garden Sphere Weaving · Sat. Teens and adults create random-weave garden sphere. 2:30-6 pm. $45 members, $60 non-members. Registration required: 715-845-7010 Pea Cage Trellis · Sun. Teens and adults create a pea cage trellis for climbing plants. 10 am-4:30 pm. $75 members, $90 non-members. Registration required: 715-845-7010 Barn Dance · Fri. 6/21, Willow Springs Garden, Wausau. Dinner, live music, dancing benefits Lincoln Co. Humane Society. 6-10 pm. $25, $40 couple, $10 kids 11 and under. 715-536-1171 Critters & Campfire Mother/Son Campout · Fri.-Sat. 6/21-22, Camp Sturtevant, Wausau. Moms and sons ages 5+ enjoy camp activities, field games, night-time glow stick hike and camping. $45 parent-child, $14 additional child, $55/$20 after 6/15. UWSP Sky Jumpers and Pole Vaulting Camp · Sat.-Tues. 6/22-25, UW-Stevens Point. Pole vaulting, gymnastics, rope vaulting, skill progression, drills, more. For boys & girls ages 12+. $405 commuters, $520 residents. Register: Garden Exploration Open House · Sun. 6/23, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Use supplies to create your own nature adventure. Borrow books, nets, magnifying glasses and more. 1-4 pm. $2, free accompany adults. Frozen Jr. · Sun.-Tues. 6/23-25, Grand Theater, Wausau. Central Wis. Children’s Theatre presents the musical based on the animated movie about Elsa, Anna and magical land of Arendelle. Times and tickets TBD. UWSP Boys Basketball Offensive Skills Camp · Sun.-Tues. 6/2325, UW-Stevens Point. Ball handling development, shooting techniques, more. For grades 5-12. Sun. 2-9:30 pm; Mon. 9 am-9:30 pm; Tues. 9 am-4 pm. $245 residents, $210 commuter. Register: Winged Wonders · Sun. 6/23, Mead Wildlife, Milladore. Learning activities, presentation on the endangered Karner Blue butterfly at 12:30 pm, interactive displays, activities, crafts, scavenger hunt. Noon-2 pm. Free. Wausau West Girls Basketball Camp · Mon.-Tues. 6/24-25, Wausau West High School. Open to all area players. Grades 7-9 at 8:30 am-12:30 pm; grades 3-4 at 1-3 pm; grades 5-6 at 3-5 pm. $40 grades 3-6 or $80 grades 7-9. Register: Bad Astronomy: Myths and Misconceptions · Mon. 6/24 & Wed. 6/26, UW-Stevens Point Blocher Planetarium. Debunk and tackle pseudoscience head-on. 7:30 pm. Free. IT Camp: Video Game Programming · Mon.-Fri. 6/24-28, UW-Stevens Point. Grades 5-8 learn basics of coding to create video game, stories, characters. $175. Register: Bucket Drumming Camp · Mon.-Fri. 6/24-28, Wausau Conservatory of Music. For grades 4-8. 10:30 am-noon. $99. Register: Central Wis. Percussion Ensemble · Mon.-Fri. 6/24-28, DC Everest Senior High, Schofield. Wausau Conservatory of Music program for grades 9-12. Noon-2 pm. $49. Register: Miller & Mike · Mon. 6/24, TB Scott Library, Merrill. Former Ringling Bros. circus clowns present comedy and juggling show. 10 am & 1 pm. Free, but because of limited space requires advance tickets, available at the library. 715-536-7191

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SUMMER EXPERIENCE MORE • Supportive Staff • Extended Drop-off & Check-out • Lunch & Busing Included • Outdoor Adventure!


3-16 Lessons learned and friendships forged at Camp Sturtevant will last a lifetime!

Registration packets at the Y. Scholarships available! Learn More: 715-849-2267 2019 CITY PAGES SUMMER FUN BOOK



kids calendar from 33

Summer Camp in the Gardens: Critter Scene Investigation · Mon.-Fri. 6/24-28, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Grades 2-4 solve critter mysteries. 8 am-noon. $100 members, or $120. Register: UWSP Soccer Elite Day Camp · Mon.-Tues. 6/24-25, UW-Stevens Point. Offensive and defensive techniques for boys and girls U10U18. $175 both sessions, $100 one session. Mon. 8:15 am-4 pm; Tues. 9 am-4 pm. Register: ARTventure Camp: Art Rocks! · Mon.-Fri. 6/24-28, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. See “On-Going” section of Kids Calendar. Morning, afternoon, or all-day. $115 half day, $200 full day. Register:, 715-842-4545 Toddler Dance Party · Mon. 6/24, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. Stories, music, props. 11 am. 715-261-7200 Wausau West Youth Football Camp · Mon.-Fri. 6/24-28, Wausau West High. For grades 3-8. Mon.-Thurs. 1:30-4 pm; Fri. 9-11:30 am. $50. 715-891-5952, 715-571-7934 Magic Bob Presents: Lost in Space · Tues.-Thurs. 6/25-27, Marathon Co. Libraries. A story-telling magic show about a special wormhole, aliens and more. Tues.: Wausau 10:30 am and 2 pm; Wed.: Edgar High at 10:30 am; Mosinee 2 pm; Thurs.: Marathon City 10 am; Athens at 2 pm. 715-261-7200 Sluggerball · Tuesdays 6/25-8/6 (except 7/2), Thom Field, Wausau. Boys and girls 4K to 7 years learn to catch, throw and bat. T-ball and coach pitch. 5:30 pm. $58, or $43 members. Planets, Stars and Beyond! · Tues. 6/25, Marathon Co. Library, Rothschild. Story time about traveling to the planets and stars. 10:30 am. 715-359-6208 Family Fitness Fest · Tues. 6/25, 400 Block, downtown Wausau. Details TBD. Sponsored by Greenheck Fieldhouse and DC Everest. 1-4 pm. 715-359-6563 ext 2. Into the Woods · Thurs.-Sat. 6/27-29, UWSP-Wausau Veninga Theater. Musical fantasy presented by local Out of the Woods Theatre. Thurs. 6:30 pm; Fri.-Sat. 7 pm; Sat. 1 pm. Tickets $14$22 advance, $16-$24 at door.

PAWS to Read · Tues. 6/25 & Thurs. 6/27, Marathon Co. Library. Children improve literacy skills by reading to wellbehaved therapy dogs. Tues.: Rothschild, 6 pm; Thurs.: Wausau, 1 pm. 715-261-7200 Galactic Catastrophe Escape Room · Tues. 6/25, TB Scott Library, Merrill. Grades 3-8 work in small groups to escape using ingenuity and hidden clues. 1-4 pm. Sign up in advance for time slot: 715-536-7191 Tots in the Gardens · Tues. 6/25, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Ages 3-5 adventure with nature using alphabet as guide with crafts, activity, snacks. 10 am. $4, or $2 members, accompanying adults free. 715-261-6309 Art Time for Tots: Leaves & Tulips & Blooms, Oh My! · Wed.Thurs. 6/26-27, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Ages 18 mos.-4 years and accompanying adults share movement, stories, music and hands-on art project. 9:30-10:30 am or 11 am-noon. Registration required: 715-845-7010 Wild Wednesdays: Animal House Pets · Wed. 6/26, Wildwood Zoo, Marshfield. 45-minute educational program, held rain or shine. 11 am & 1 pm. Free. 715-384-4642, UWSP Girls Basketball Camp · Wed-Fri. 6/26-28, UW-Stevens Point. Skill development for grades 9-12. Wed. 12:45 am9 pm; Thurs. 7 am-9 pm; Fri. 7 am-1 pm. $240 resident, $205 commuter. Register: A Journey through the Heavens, The Legends of the Stars · Wed. 6/26, Lions Park, Spencer. Learn about summer constellations and stories of their origins. Marathon Co. Public Library program. 10 am. 715-659-5423 Weird Science Comedy Show · Wed. 6/26, Marathon Co. Library. Crazy experiments with fire, smoke and flying cheese curds. Hatley at 10:30 am, 715-446-3537; Stratford at 1:30 pm, 715-687-4420 Wausau West Girls Basketball Camp · Wed.-Fri. 6/26-28, Wausau West. Grades K-9 develop basketball skills. Grades K-4: 1-3 pm; grades 5-9: 3-5 pm, except Fri., 1-4 pm.

Weird Science Comedy Show, at Marathon Co. Public Library locations in June




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UWSP Boys Basketball Shooting Camp · Wed.-Thurs. 6/26-27, UW-Stevens Point. Proper footwork and shot mechanics. For grades 5-12. 8:30 am-4:30 pm. $150. Register: MCPL DIY: Galaxy in a Bottle · Wed. 6/26, Marathon Co. Library, Marathon City. Kids/teens combine art and science to make mini galaxy. 12–2 pm. Register: 715-443-2775 DIY Stress Balls · Wed. 6/26, Marathon Co. Library, Rothschild. For stress relief. 2:30 pm. 715-359-6208 Art 4 You: Leaves & Tulips & Blooms, Oh My! · Thurs. 6/27, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. 4-year-olds share movement, stories, music and hands-on art project. 1-2 pm. Registration required: 715-845-7010 Marketplace Thursdays: Emily Metz · Thurs. 6/27, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly musical entertainment over lunch hour, with market 9 am-2 pm. Art Kids: Ink Blot Iris Painting · Thurs. 6/27, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Ages 5-12 create floral paintings. 4:30-6 pm. Registration required: 715-845-7010 Art Babies: Bloom & Grow · Fri. 6/28, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Ages birth-18 mos. share music, stories, multisensory play. 10:30-11:15 am. Register: 715-845-7010 Outer Space Sand Art · Fri. 6/28, Marathon Co. Library, Hatley. Use sand to color outer space-themed pictures, decorative bottles or keychain. Drop-in 1–4 pm. 715-446-3537 Cinema in the Cemetery: The Wizard of Oz · Fri. 6/28, Restlawn Memorial Park, Wausau. 7:30 pm. Free, donations accepted. 715-675-3309 Shakespeare in the State Park: Romeo & Juliet · Fri. 6/28, Rib Mountain State Park. Traveling troupe Summit Players perform a short, fun Shakespeare show and conduct 45-minute workshop for children. Workshop 5:30 pm; show 7 pm. Free, park sticker for park admission. 715-842-2522 Vintage Board Game Night · Fri. 6/28, Woodson History Center, Wausau. 100+ games, play one provided, or bring own to share. Popcorn provided. 7-10 pm. Free. 715-842-5750,

Family Game Day · Sat. 6/29, Marathon Co. Library, Rothschild. Board & card games. Drop-in 11:30 am–1:30 pm. 715-359-6208 Event in Bevent · Sat.-Sun. 6/29-30, St. Ladislaus Parish, Bevent. Bounce house, raffle, games, bingo, family-style chicken dinner, more. Free admission. 715-446-3060 Sat. Polka Mass with Maroszek Brothers at 4 pm, Cynor Classics Polka Band at 5 pm, Jerry Schmitt Band at 8:30 pm; Sun. Polka Mass with Smokey Express at 10:10 am, Curt Pliskie & the Polka Spirits at 11 am, Tony Blazonczyk’s New Phaze and New Polish Sounds Alternating at 2 pm. Independence Day Festival & Car Show · Sun. 6/30, Willow Springs, Wausau. Annual patriotic family event with horse drawn wagon rides, petting zoo, car show, craft booths, blacksmith demo, live music, fireworks, more. 10 am-10 pm. Garden Exploration Open House · Sun. 6/30, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Use supplies to create your own nature adventure. Borrow books, nets, magnifying glasses and more. 1-4 pm. $2, free accompany adults.


Exceptional Child Night · Mon. 7/1, Central Wis. Children’s Museum, Stevens Point. Museum open for families that have children with exceptional needs, including autism. 5-7 pm. Free. Endless Horizon · Mon. 7/1 & Wed. 7/3, UW-Stevens Point Blocher Planetarium. Explore scientific discoveries, advances in science theory, technology breakthroughs, concept of the universe. 7:30 pm. Free. Swimming Lessons Session II · Mon.-Fri. 7/1-19 (no lessons 7/4), at Kaiser, Memorial or Schulenburg Pools, Wausau. Provided by Marathon Co. Parks. 10:10 or 11:05 am. $39 residents, $47.50 non-residents. Classtimes vary by level. Register 715-261-1550 or

Family Tennis Lessons Session II · Mon., Tues. & Thurs. 7/1-18 (no class 7/4), Oak Island Park, Wausau. 2-4 family members ages 5+ with at least one adult learn & play together. 6-7:15 pm. $70 resident up to 4 people, $14 additional child, $91/$17 non-resident. 715-261-1550 Summer Camp in the Gardens: Nature Diva · Mon.-Wed. 7/13, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Grades 5-6 do yoga, make soaps, bug repellent, scrubs, teas. 8 am-noon. $75, or $60 members. Register: Exploring Space with a Rover · Mon. 7/1, Marathon Co. Library, Mosinee. See what it’s like to be Mission Control and explore space. 3–4 pm. Register: 715-693-2144 Youth Summer Gardening · Tues. 7/2, UW-Extension Marathon Co., Wausau. All ages enjoy exploration of gardening. 5:306:30 pm. The Northwoods Encore · Tues. 7/2, DC Everest Stiehm Stadium, Weston. Drum Corps International tour returns with this huge drum & bugle show, performed by several of the best ensembles in the Midwest and across the U.S. 7 pm. Tickets start at $10., and on Facebook PAWS to Read · Tues. 7/2, Marathon Co. Library, Rothschild. Children improve literacy skills by reading to well-behaved therapy dogs. 6 pm. 715-359-6208 Tots in the Gardens · Tues. 7/2, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Ages 3-5 adventure with nature using alphabet as guide with crafts, activity, snacks. 10 am. $4, or $2 members, accompanying adults free. 715-261-6309 Firework Paintings · Wed. 7/3, Marathon Co. Library, Mosinee. Make paintings resembling fireworks for the Fourth of July. 9:30 am. 715-693-2144 Wausau Area 4th of July Celebration · Wed.-Sun. 7/3-7, Marathon Park. Carnival rides, live music in beer tent Wed.Sat. at 7 pm; Thurs. fireworks at dust. Festival hours: Wed. & Fri. 4-11:30 pm; Thurs. & Sat. noon-11:30 pm; Sun. noon-6:30 pm. Free admission.

continues on 36


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kids calendar from 35


Marathon County Historical Society



Summit Players return to Rib Mountain Friday, June 28

~ FOR KIDS & FAMILIES ~ JUNE 1 American Girl Garden Party

JUNE 13, JULY 11, AUG. 8 Story Time in the Garden

AUGUST 15 Kids History Day

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Celebrate the USA Story Time · Wed. 7/3, Marathon Co. Library, Hatley. Patriotic story time and craft event. 11 am. 715-446-3537 Riverfront Rendezvous · Thurs.-Sat. 7/4-6, Pfiffner Park, Stevens Point. Music festival with carp fishing contest, kids activities, fireworks, parade and more. Thurs.: The Dirty Martinis, Emma Hern, Delta Rae, Conscious Pilot, First Avenue and Desperate Ottos. Fri.: Michigan Rattlers, Cracker, Old Soul Society, Barbaro. Sat.: Brett Westgrove, Mojoe and Flipside, Samantha Fish, Porky’s Groove Machine, Funkyard Dealers. Schedule and details: Red, White & Boom 4th of July Festival · Thurs. 7/4, Athletic Park, Wausau. Music from Spicy Tie Band, yard games, inflatables, fireworks. 6:30 pm. $5. July 4th Festival & Parade · Thurs. 7/4, River Park, Mosinee. Live music, children’s activities, food, beverages, vendors, 6 pm parade, fireworks at dusk. 4-11 pm. Free. Firecracker 5K Run/Walk · River Park, Mosinee. Chip timed event. 9 am. $25, $30 after 6/21. Outside the Lines: A Family Coloring Party · Sat. 7/6, Marathon Co. Library, Hatley. Drop-in coloring projects for children and adults. 10 am.–2 pm 715-446-3537 Art Park Open Studio · Sat. 7/6, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. All ages create hydrangea paintings. 1-3 pm. 715-845-7010 Colossal Fossils Open · Sat. 7/6, Colossal Fossils Wausau Center Mall. Collection of fossils including T. Rex, wooly mammoths, saber-tooth tigers and more with hands-on activities. 10 am3 pm. $6, $5 senior or military., 715-303-9407 UWSP Volleyball Hitter-Setter-Libero Camp · Sun.-Tues. 7/7-9, UW-Stevens Point. Grades 7-12 improve skills in specific position. Sun. 4-8 pm; Mon. 9:30 am-8 pm; Tues. 9:30 am-noon. $290 overnight, $265 commuter by 6/24, $315/$290 after. Register: Snakes of Wisconsin! · Sun. 7/7, Rib Mountain State Park Friends Gathering Space, Wausau. Meet snake species. Presented by Friends of Rib Mountain. 5-6 pm. 715-842-2522 Kids From Wisconsin: The Beat Goes On · Sun. 7/7, Merrill High School. Featuring music and artists that have stood the test of time. 6:30 pm. Tickets: UWSP Pointers Running Camp · Sun.-Thurs. 7/7-11, UW-Stevens Point. Psychology, diet, tactics, goal setting, weight training and more for grades 7-12. $350. Register: Garden Exploration Open House · Sun. 7/7, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Create your own nature adventure. Borrow books, nets, magnifying glasses and more. 1-4 pm. $2, free accompany adults. Animal Art · Mondays 7/8-15, Smith Center, Merrill. Ages 4-6 make animals using imagination & recyclables. 9:3010:30 am. $10. Pre-registration required: 715-536-7313

Family Storytime · Mon. 7/8, TB Scott Library, Merrill. Stories and songs geared toward ages 3-5. 10 am. 715-536-7191 Music Cadets · Mon.-Fri. 7/8-12, Wausau Conservatory of Music. Ages 4-7 experiment with instruments, do crafts. 9-11:30 am. $99. Register: ARTventure Camp: Across the Galaxy · Mon.-Fri. 7/8-12, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. See “On-Going” section of Kids Calendar. Morning, afternoon, or all-day. $115 half day, $200 full day. Register:, 715-842-4545 Starry Watercolor Mini Paintings · Mon. 7/8, Marathon Co. Library, Mosinee. All ages paint with watercolors, salt and star stickers. 2–3 pm. Register: 715-693-2144 Dawn of Astronomy · Mon. 7/8 & Wed. 7/10, UW-Stevens Point Blocher Planetarium. Learn how the ancients, through their astronomical observations, measured time and determined direction. 7:30 pm. Free. Summer Camp in the Gardens: Water World · Mon.-Fri. 7/812, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Grades pre-K-1 get hands wet and find out what calls the pond home. 8 am-noon. $120, or $100 members. Register: Tail Waggin’ Tutors · Mondays 7/8-29, TB Scott Library, Merrill. Bring book to read to therapy dog. 11 am. Pre-registration required: 715-536-7191 Summer Swim Lessons: Morning Sessions · Mon.-Fri. 7/8-19, Marathon Area Swim Association. Preschool and Progressive classes offered. Details at Wizarding Academy · Mon.-Fri. 7/8-12, UWSP-Wausau. Grades 4-6 get Hogwarts letter, get sorted into house, play Quidditch and more. Mon.-Thurs. 9 am-4:30 pm; Fri. 9 am-1 pm. $249. Register by 7/1: UWSP Boys Basketball Youth Day Camp · Mon.-Thurs. 7/8-11, UW-Stevens Point. Basic offensive and defensive fundamentals. For grades 3-6. 8:30 am-3:30 pm or 8:30-11:30 am or 12:303:30 pm. $120 half day, $240 all day. Register: Swimming Lesson Session 2 · Mon.-Fri. 7/8-19, Weston Aquatic Center. For ages 5+. 10-10:45 am. $25 residents, $30 non-residents. Register: “I Survived” Mini Camp · Mondays 7/8-22, Marathon Co. Library, Rothschild. Survival presentations, activities inspired by the books. 10:30-11:30 am. 715-359-6208 Toddler Dance Party · Mon. 7/8, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. Stories, music, props. 11 am. 715-261-7200 PAWS to Read · Tues. 7/9 & Thurs. 7/11, Marathon Co. Library. Children improve literacy skills by reading to well-behaved therapy dogs. Tues.: Rothschild, 6 pm; Thurs.: Wausau, 1 pm. 715-261-7200 Miller & Mike · Tues.-Wed. 7/9-10, Marathon Co. Libraries. Explore cosmos of comedy with former Ringling Bros. circus clowns. Tues.: Wausau 10:30 am and 2 pm; Wed.: Hatley at 10:30 am, Stratford at 1:30 pm. 715-261-7200

Youth Ceramics with Mary Thao · Tuesdays 7/9-30, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Ages 5-12 develop motor skills, learn techniques. 4-6 pm. $140. Register: Tots in the Gardens · Tues. 7/9, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Ages 3-5 adventure with nature using alphabet as guide with crafts, activity, snacks. 10 am. $4, or $2 members, accompanying adults free. 715-261-6309 UWSP Volleyball Pointers All-Skills Academy · Tues.-Thurs. 7/9-11, UW-Stevens Point. Grades 5-12 develop skills in all aspects of the game. Tues. 1:30-8 pm; Wed.-Thurs. 2-8 pm. $90 per day or $245 all days by 6/24, $275 after. Register: Space Camp · Tuesdays 7/9-23, TB Scott Library, Merrill. Grades 3+ engage in outer space games, experiments and crafts. 1 pm. Pre-register: 715-536-7191 Cultivating Creativity · Tues.-Fri. 7/9-12, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Children explore plants as sources of inspiration and experiment with natural dyes to form floral designs on fabric. 9 am-noon. Tues.-Wed. for ages 5-8; Thurs.-Fri. ages 9-12. $35, or $25 members. Registration required: 715-845-7010 Wild Wednesdays: Zoozort · Wed. 7/10, Wildwood Zoo, Marshfield. 45-minute program, held rain or shine. 11 am & 1 pm. Free. 715-384-4642, Tom Pease · Wed. 7/10. Performance by famed children’s musician. Edgar High at 10:30 am; Marathon Co. Library, Athens at 2 pm. 715-257-7292 UWSP Volleyball Servers Camp · Wed.-Fri. 7/10-12, UW-Stevens Point. Grades 5-12 develop serving skills. 9-11:30 am. $50 a day, $130 for three. Register: Great Scott Magic · Wed. 7/10, TB Scott Library, Merrill. Spacethemed magic and comedy show with audience participation. 10 am. Free, but because of limited space requires advance tickets, available at the library. 715-536-7191 Kids Needle Arts: Hacky Sacks! · Wed. 7/10, Marathon Co. Library, Marathon. Learn to crochet hacky sacks, then try them out. Drop in 2-5 pm. 715-443-2775 Marketplace Thursdays: Abby & Luke · Thurs. 7/11, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly musical entertainment over lunch hour with market 9 am-2 pm. Little Naturalist Storytime: Frogs & Toads · Thurs. 7/11, Mead Education and Visitor Center, Milladore. Interactive storytime with crafts and outdoor hike. Bring a lunch. 10 am-noon. Free. 715-457-6771 ext. 2 Nature Nuts · Thurs. 7/11, Riverside Park, Merrill. Walk trail collecting and gathering wonders of nature, then create masterpiece. Wear tennis shoes. 9:30-10:15 am. $5. Preregistration required: 715-536-7313 Balloon & Rib Fest · Thurs.-Sun. 7/11-14, Wausau Downtown Airport. Hot air balloons, rib vendors, kites, animals, bounce houses, fireworks, more. Thurs.-Fri. 5-11 pm; Sat. 6 am11 pm; Sun. 6-11 am. Balloon Chase Run · Sat. 7/13, Wausau Downtown Airport. 5K run or walk on the runway, after morning balloon launch. 7:30 am. $25 in advance, $30 at door. Register:, Jim Lenz’s Comedy Science Show · Thurs. 7/11, Marathon Co. Library, Rothschild. Comedy, drama, audience participation, science. 11 am & 1:30 pm. 715-359-6208 MCPL DIY: CD Etching · Thurs. 7/11, Marathon Co. Library, Hatley. Etch designs into CD. Drop in 1–4 pm. 715-446-3537 Chalk Art · Thurs.-Fri. 7/11-12, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. Create your own art in advance of ChalkFest. Drop in Thurs. 3–7 pm, Fri. 11 am–3 pm. 715-261-7200 Slime Lab · Thurs. 7/11, Marathon Co. Library, Athens. Grades K-5 make slime. 3–5 pm. 715-257-7292 Story Time in the Garden · Thurs. 7/11, Yawkey House Gardens, Wausau. Vintage picture books, old-fashioned games, take home coloring page. Rain location: Woodson History Center. 1:30 pm. 715-842-5750 Launch into Space! · Thursdays 7/11-25, TB Scott Library, Merrill. Grades 3-5 explore universe through STEAM activities, games, crafts, more. 1 pm. Registtration preferred: 715-536-7191

continues on 38


SUMMER CAMP ifleed institute of math and2019 science LLC JUNE 11 - AUG 22 • AGES 4 - 14 The FIRST STEAM program in Marathon county! 9AM-12PM OR 1PM - 4PM We provide experiential learning in a social environment. 1720 Merrill Ave, Suite 101 Wausau, WI 54401 715.600.1851 Follow us on

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BIRTHDAY PARTIES IN THE GARDENS | MAY-AUGUST Make your child’s birthday party unique and fun! The Monk Botanical Gardens offers garden themed birthday parties for ages 3-12. Have a tea party in our tree house, tie dye with plants or try your hand at bug olympics. We have a program to suit all interests!




kids calendar from 37

Healthy Family Night · Thurs. 7/11, Central Wisconsin Children’s Museum, Stevens Point. Healthy meal with activity and program for entire family. 5-8 pm. Free. ADHD Summer Camp · Fridays 7/12–8/16, Achieve Center, Wausau. Improve impulse control, self-calming techniques, organization, time management and more. 9-11 am for ages 8-11; 1-3 pm ages 12-16. Details and register: 715-845-4900 Chalkfest · Sat.-Sun. 7/13-14, 400 Block, Wausau. Downtown turns into colorful display of chalk drawings. Come watch as artists create. Sat. 8 am-8 pm; Sun. 8 am-4 pm. Register and details: Garden Exploration Open House · Sun. 7/14, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Use supplies to create your own nature adventure. Borrow books, nets, magnifying glasses and more. 1-4 pm. $2, free accompany adults. UWSP Volleyball Summer Boys and Girls Pointer Pups · Mon.Tues. 7/15-16, UW-Stevens Point. Boys and girls grades K-8 develop skills. 9:30 am-3:30 pm. $165 by 7/1, $195 after. Register: Unidentified Flying Objects in Wis. · Mon. 7/15, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. All ages hear about UFO sightings in Wisconsin, by author Chad Lewis. 6–7:30 pm. 715-261-7230 The Stargazer · Mon. 7/15 & Wed. 7/17, UW-Stevens Point Blocher Planetarium. Explore nature of the stars and stellar life cycles using principles of gravity, properties of light, more. 7:30 pm. Free. Junior Olympic & Recreational Gymnastics Camp · Mon.-Fri. 7/15-19, Woodson YMCA, Wausau. Girls ages 5+ learn body technique & skill progression. 1-4 pm. $177, or $159 members. Rock Camp · Mon.-Fri. 7/15-19, Wausau Conservatory of Music. For grades 6-12. 1-4 pm. $150. Register: Youth Summer Gardening · Mon. 7/15, UW-Extension Marathon Co., Wausau. All ages enjoy exploration of gardening. 5:30-6:30 pm. Dinosaurs, Great and Small · Mon. 7/15, TB Scott Library, Merrill. Colossal Fossils discusses dinosaurs of all sizes, their anatomy and physiology and how they evolved, with touchable fossil specimens. 10 am & 1 pm. Free, but because of limited space requires advance tickets, available at the library. 715-536-7191 ARTventure Camp: World of Tim Burton · Mon.-Fri. 7/15-19, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. See “On-Going” section of Kids Calendar. Morning, afternoon, or all-day. $115 half day, $200 full day. Register:, 715-842-4545 Wizarding Academy · Mon.-Fri. 7/15-19, UWSP-Wausau. Grades 7-9 get Hogwarts letter, get sorted into house, play Quidditch and more. Mon.–Thurs. 9 am–4:30 pm; Fri. 9 am–1 pm. $249. Register by 7/1: Summer Camp in the Gardens: Building With Nature · Mon.Fri. 7/15-19, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Grades 5-6 explore different ways animals build. 8 am-noon. $100 members, $120 non-members. Register: Tots in the Gardens · Tues. 7/16, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Ages 3-5 adventure with nature using alphabet as guide with crafts, activity, snacks. 10 am. $4, or $2 members, accompanying adults free. 715-261-6309 Extra Terrific Toddler Tuesday: Summertime Salute · Tues. 7/16, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Ages 18 mos.-4 and accompany adult sample art-making stations and family yoga (weather permitting). 10:30 am-noon. 715-845-7010 Groovy Space Story Time · Tues. 7/16, Marathon Co. Library, Athens. Space stories, songs and crafts. 10 am. 715-257-7292 Planetary Pasta Rovers · Tues. 7/16, Marathon Co. Library, Hatley. Create rover using different kinds of pasta and glue. 11:30 am. 715-446-3537 Saved by the Bell · Tues. 7/16, Athens Community Hall. Hands-on school readiness activities for ages 3+. Presented by Marathon Co. Family Resource Center. 10:30-noon. Registration required: 715-848-1457 PAWS to Read · Tues. 7/16 & Thurs. 7/18, Marathon Co. Library. Children improve literacy skills by reading to wellbehaved therapy dogs. Tues.: Rothschild, 6 pm; Thurs.: Wausau, 1 pm. 715-261-7200



Hear from Wausau’s own Mammoth Hunter, July 23–24

Rockin’ Round the Universe with Randy Peterson · Tues.-Wed. 7/16-17. Blast off with this family entertainer/musician. Tues.: Marathon Co. Library, Wausau at 10:30 am & 2 pm; Wed.: Marathon Elementary at 10 am, Hatley Library 2 pm. 715-261-7200 Fire Safety at the Library · Wed. 7/17, Mosinee Library. Learn about fire safety with stories, Q&A with firefighters, crafts and more. Presented by Marathon Co. Family Resource Center. 10-11:30 am. Registration required: 715-848-1457 Learn Pickleball Clinic · Wed. 7/17, YMCA Aspirus Branch, Weston. Ages 10+ learn basics from certified instructor. Equipment provided. 5-7 pm. Free members, $10 nonmembers. Fire Safety Story Time · Wed. 7/17, Marathon Co. Library, Mosinee. Story with Mosinee Fire Chief to learn about fire fighters and safety. 10 am. 715-693-2144 Wild Wednesdays: Northwood Wildlife Center · Wed. 7/17, Wildwood Zoo, Marshfield. 45-minute program, rain or shine. 11 am & 1 pm. Free. 715-384-4642, Shake Your Sillies Out · Wednesdays 7/17-31, Smith Center, Merrill. Ages 4-6 sing, play rhythm instruments and move and groove to the beat. 9:30-10:30 am. $6. Pre-registration required: 715-536-7313 Peanut Butter Picnic · Wed. 7/17, TB Scott Library, Merrill. Ages 2-5 enjoy interactive stories and songs with picnic lunch. 11 am. Pre-registration required: 715-536-7191 UWSP Volleyball Positions Clinic · Wed. 7/17, UW-Stevens Point. Grades 7-12 improve skills in specific position. 9:30 am. $95 by 7/1, $115 after. 9:30 am-4:30 pm. Register:

Miller & Mike · Thurs. 7/18, Marathon Co. Library, Rothschild. Cosmos of comedy with former Ringling Bros clowns. 11 am & 1:30 pm. 715-359-6208 Movies Under the Stars · Thurs. 7/18, Norm Memorial Park, Kronenwetter. Movie title TBD. Bring blanket, lawn chair. Concessions available. Movie at dusk. Little Naturalist Storytime: Wild Turkeys · Thurs. 7/18, Mead Education and Visitor Center, Milladore. Interactive storytime, crafts, outdoor hike. Bring a lunch. 10 am-noon. Free. 715-457-6771 ext. 2 Marketplace Thursdays: Jumpalicious · Thurs. 7/18, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Jump rope kids activitiy over lunch hour, with market that runs 9 am-2 pm. Apollo 11 Lunar Landing Celebration · Thurs. 7/18, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. All ages view coverage of the event for 50th anniversary. 6:30-8 pm. 715-261-7230 Lake DuBay Lions Summerfest · Fri.-Sat. 7/19-20, Lake DuBay Lions Park, Knowlton. Food, beverages, games, live music. Details TBD. Weston Aquatic Center Teen Swim & Dance Night · Fri. 7/19, Weston Aquatic Center. Music, food specials, and prize giveaways. Details TBD. Penguin Project: Disney’s Beauty and the Beast Jr. · Fri.-Sun. 7/19-21, Grand Theater, Wausau. Central Wis Children’s Theatre presents special program by, and for, kids with special needs. Classic story of Belle and the Beast, who is really a young prince under the spell of an enchantress. Fri.-Sat. 7 pm; Sun. 2 pm. Ticket costs TBD.

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Former Ringling Bros. circus clowns Miller & Mike perform nine shows June–July



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kids calendar from 38

Life’s a Picnic · Fri. 7/19, Doepke Park, Rib Mountain. Running, climbing, playground and more. Presented by Marathon Co. Family Resource Center. 9:30-11 am. Rain date: 7/26. Registration required: 715-848-1457 Constellation Banner · Fri. 7/19, Marathon Co. Library, Rothschild. Teens make stellar piece of art with paint markers, glitter, gems. 2–3 pm. Register: 715-359-6208 Warbird Rendezvous · Sat. 7/20, Central Wis. Airport, Mosinee. Warbirds from Oshkosh EAA fly-in to display airplanes. 8 am-1 pm. On Facebook Community Scavenger Hunt · Sat. 7/20, Good News Project, Wausau. Teams of 4 follow clues around town collecting items, snapping photos and completing physical challenges for a chance to win fun prizes. 1-4 pm. Adult team $75 by 6/1, $80 after; family team $60 by 6/1, $65 after. Register by 7/12: Colossal Fossils Open · Sat. 7/20, Colossal Fossils Wausau Center Mall. Collection of fossils including T. Rex, wooly mammoths, saber-tooth tigers and more with hands-on activities. 10 am-3 pm. $6, $5 senior or military., 715-303-9407 UWSP Boys Basketball Instructional Camp · Sun.-Tues. 7/2123, UW-Stevens Point. Offensive and defensive skill sessions, team play, more. For grades 5-10. Sun. 2-9:30 pm; Mon. 9 am-9:30 pm; Tues. 9 am-4 pm. $245 residents, $210 commuter. Register: Garden Exploration Open House · Sun. 7/21, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Use supplies to create your own nature adventure. Borrow books, nets, magnifying glasses and more. 1-4 pm. $2, free accompany adults. Summer Swim Lessons: Morning Sessions · Mon.-Fri. 7/228/2, Marathon Area Swim Association. Preschool and progressive classes. Details and schedule at UWSP Dance Camp Intensive · Mon.-Sat. 7/22-27, UW-Stevens Point. High school students & accelerated 7th & 8th graders test limits and improve their skills. 10 am-3:30 pm. $150. Register: ARTventure Camp: Under the Sea · Mon.-Fri. 7/22-26, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. See “On-Going” section of Kids Calendar. Morning, afternoon, or all-day. $115 half day, $200 full day. Register:, 715-842-4545

Summer Camp in the Gardens: Pollen Nation · Mon.-Fri. 7/22-26, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Grades 2-4 design and plant a small pollinator garden. 8 am-noon. $120, or $100 members. Register: Galaxies · Mon. 7/22, UW-Stevens Point Blocher Planetarium. Journey through Milky Way and beyond to explore the universe. 7:30 pm. Free. Family Storytime · Mon. 7/22, TB Scott Library, Merrill. Stories and songs geared toward ages 3-5. 10 am. 715-536-7191 Mushy, Gushy, Sticky-icky Smelly Fun · Mondays 7/22–8/5, Smith Center, Merrill. Ages 2-4 explore their senses. 9:30-10:15 am. $10. Pre-register: 715-536-7313 Summer Choral Fest · Mon.-Fri. 7/22-26, Wausau Conservatory of Music. For grades 2-8. 8 am-1 pm. $150. Register: Toddler Dance Party · Mon. 7/22, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. Stories, music, props. 11 am. 715-261-7200 Read with a Friend Day · Mon. 7/22, Marathon Co. Library, Marathon. Read with a friend at the library or make new friends. 2 pm. 715-443-2775 IT Summer Camp · Mon.-Thurs. 7/22-25, Northcentral Tech College, Wausau. Grades 7-12 learn fundamentals of usercentered design process and how to design an app. 9:30 am-noon. $25. Register: Handspring and Walkover Skills Gymnastics Camp · Mon.-Thurs. 7/22-25, Woodson YMCA, Wausau. Ages 6+ focus on progressions leading up to front and back handsprings and walkovers. 1-3 pm. $113 members, $123 non-members. Family Tennis Lessons Session III · Mon., Tues. & Thurs. 7/228/8, Oak Island Courts, Wausau. 2- 4 family members ages 5+ with at least one adult learn and play together. 6-7:15 pm. $70 resident for up to 4 people, $14 additional child, $91/$17 non-resident. 715-261-1550 Swimming Lessons Session III · Mon.-Fri. 7/22-8/9, Kaiser, Memorial or Schulenburg Pools, Wausau. Provided by Marathon Co. Parks. 10:10 or 11:05 am. $39 residents, $47.50 non-residents. Classtimes vary by level. Register: 715-261-1550 or Bike to Pools Days · Tues.-Thurs. 7/23-25, Wausau Pools. Ride bike to pool between 1–2:30 pm and get in for free. Tues.: Kaiser; Wed:. Memorial; Thurs.: Schulenburg. Rain dates: 7/30-8/1. 715-261-1550

Star Search · Tues. 7/23, Marathon Co. Library, Stratford. Hear ancient stories about star patterns. 1:30 pm. 715-687-4420 PAWS to Read · Tues. 7/23 & Thurs. 7/25, Marathon Co. Library. Children improve literacy skills by reading to well-behaved therapy dogs. Tues.: Rothschild, 6 pm; Thurs.: Wausau, 1 pm. 715-261-7200 Colossal Fossils Presents: The Mammoth Hunter · Tues.-Wed. 7/23-24. Touch mammoth tusks, bear skulls, and more as Sean the Mammoth Hunter talks about life in the Ice Age. Tues.: Marathon Co. Library, Wausau at 10:30 & 2 pm; Wed.: Marathon Co. Library, Athens at 10 am, Edgar High at 2 pm. 715-261-7200 Tots in the Gardens · Tues. 7/23, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Ages 3-5 adventure with nature using alphabet as guide with crafts, activity, snacks. 10 am. $4, or $2 members, accompanying adults free. 715-261-6309 WIAA Sports Physicals · Tues. 7/23, Bone & Joint Center, Rib Mountain. Athletes under 18 must have parental consent. No appt. necessary, first come first serve. 6-8 pm. 715-432-6462 Art Time for Tots: Garden Dwellers · Wed.-Thurs. 7/24-25, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Ages 18 mos.-4 years visit sculpture garden inhabitants and share story, movement, music and hands-on art making. 9:30-10:30 am or 11 am-noon. Registration required: 715-845-7010 Wild Wednesdays: Raptor Education Group · Wed. 7/24, Wildwood Zoo, Marshfield. 45-minute program, held rain or shine. 11 am & 1 pm. Free. 715-384-4642, UWSP Boys Basketball Shooting Camp · Wed.-Thurs. 7/24-25, UW-Stevens Point. Footwork, shot mechanics. For grades 5-12. 8:30 am-4:30 pm. $150. Register: Create Your Own Sun Catcher · Wed. 7/24, Marathon Co. Library, Marathon City. Drop-in 11 am–2 pm. 715-443-2775 Planetary Pasta Rovers · Wed. 7/24, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. Create planetary pasta rover using different types of pasta. 1 & 6 pm. 715-261-7200 Treasuring Memories · Wed. 7/24, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Children, teens and families coping with death of a loved one create memorial art for a garden, walkway or special place. Bring small mementos to incorporate into project. 1-3 pm. Registration required: 715-845-7010 Marketplace Thursdays · Thurs. 7/25, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly entertainment (TBA) over lunch hour with market that runs 9 am-2 pm. MCPL DIY: Paper Beads · Thurs. 7/25, Marathon Co. Library Athens. All ages make paper beads. 6 pm. 715-257-7292 Art 4 You: Garden Dwellers · Thurs. 7/25, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. 4-year-olds visit sculpture garden inhabitants and share story, movement, music and hands-on art making. 1-2 pm. Registration required: 715-845-7010 Little Naturalist Storytime: Dragonflies · Thurs. 7/25, Mead Education and Visitor Center, Milladore. Interactive storytime with crafts and outdoor hike. Bring a lunch. 10 am-noon. Free. 715-457-6771 ext. 2 UWSP Soccer Overnight Camp · Fri.-Sun. 7/26-28, UW-Stevens Point. Boys and girls ages 8-13 provided with foundation of soccer skills with small sided games and competitive matches. Noon Fri.-noon Sun. $300. Register: Vintage Board Game Night · Fri. 7/26, Woodson History Center, Wausau. 100+ games or bring own to share. Popcorn provided. 7-10 pm. Free. 715-842-5750, Art Babies: Budding Explorers · Fri. 7/26, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Ages birth-18 mos. enjoy sensory fun, social interaction. 10:30-11:15 am. Register: 715-845-7010 Movies in the Park: Aladdin · Fri. 7/26, Pfiffner Pioneer Park, Stevens Point. Movie at dusk. Free. Family Game Day · Sat. 7/27, Marathon Co. Library, Rothschild. Board & card games. Drop-in 11:30 am–1:30 pm. 715-359-6208 Hmong Wausau Festival · Sat.-Sun. 7/27-28, Eastbay Sports Complex, Wausau. Sports, games for kids, vendors, dance, singing, competitions, more. Details TBA. On Facebook Celebrate Plover · Sat. 7/27, Lake Pacawa Park, Plover. Live music, kids activities, market place, outdoor business expo, water fights, fireworks. Begins 9 am. Bridge Community Clinic Family Festival · Sat. 7/27, Bridge Community Clinic, Wausau. Activities for the whole family while learning healthy habits, connecting with resources, and more. 10 am-2 pm. 715-848-4884

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SUMMER CALENDAR for Kaiser, Memorial and Schulenburg Pools JUNE 8 • Opening Day Free Attendance All Pools JUNE 9 • FREE SUNDAYS Rotating Sundays • Memorial JUNE 10 • Closed for the day Last Day of School • All Pools JUNE 15 • Splash into Safety Memorial Pool Call 715 847-2380 JUNE 22 • Open House Party* Free Attendance All Pools AUGUST 6 • Library Day Free w/Library Card • All Pools August TBA Salute to Summer Free Admissions • All Pools Follow Wausau and Marathon County Parks, Recreation and Forestry on Facebook.

More Special Events to come! Call the Office at 715 261-1550 for details. *Sponsored by Marshfield Clinic and Security Health Plan



kids calendar from 41

Garden Exploration Open House · Sun. 7/28, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Use supplies to create your own nature adventure. Borrow books, nets, magnifying glasses and more. 1-4 pm. $2, free accompany adults. Pizza for the Family: From Plant to Plate · Sun. 7/28, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Children 4-10 and families make pizza with Polito’s Dan Sosnowski. 2-4 pm. $20 family, $5 additional over 5 people. Register: UWSP Boys Basketball Offensive Skills Camp · Sun.-Tues. 7/2830, UW-Stevens Point. Ball handling development, shooting techniques, more. For grades 5-12. Sun. 2-9:30 pm; Mon. 9 am-9:30 pm; Tues. 9 am-4 pm. $245 residents, $210 commuter. Register: Escape From the Deathday Dungeon: A Harry Potter Escape Room Experience · Mon.-Thurs. 7/29-8/1, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. Ages 8+ solve puzzles to escape. Reserve time after 7/1: 715-261-7230 Family Storytime · Mon. 7/29, TB Scott Library, Merrill. Stories and songs geared toward ages 3-5. 10 am. 715-536-7191 ARTventure Camp: Prehistoria · Mon.-Fri. 7/29-8/2, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. See “On-Going” section of Kids Calendar. Morning, afternoon, or all-day. $115 half day, $200 full day. Register:, 715-842-4545 Baby Sign Language · Mon. 7/29, Family Resources Children’s Hospital of Wis., Wausau. Learn communication for babies as young as 6 months. Bring your baby. 9-10:30 am. Register: 715-848-1457 Summer Camp in the Gardens: Secret Gardens · Mon.-Fri. 7/29-8/2, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Grades pre-K-1 work as a group to build fairy and gnome worlds. 8 am-noon. $120, or $100 members. Register: Musical Theatre VOCAL Camp for Tweens · Mon.-Fri. 7/29-8/2, Wausau Conservatory of Music. For grades 5-8. 9 am12:30 pm. $150. Register: Swimming Lesson Session 3 · Mon.-Fri. 7/29-8/9, Weston Aquatic Center. For ages 5+. 10-10:45 am. $25 residents, $30 non-residents. Register: Beam/ Bars Skills Gymnastics Camp · Mon.-Thurs. 7/29-8/1, Woodson YMCA, Wausau. Ages 6+ focus on walkovers, handsprings, cartwheels on balance beam, and more. 1-3 pm. $123, or $113 members. Planetary Crafts · Tues. 7/30, TB Scott Library, Merrill. Grades 4+ make space-related crafts. 1 pm. Pre-registration preferred: 715-536-7191 Tots in the Gardens · Tues. 7/30, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Ages 3-5 adventure with nature using alphabet as guide with crafts, activity, snacks. 10 am. $4, or $2 members, accompanying adults free. 715-261-6309 Wisconsin Valley Fair · Tues.-Sun. 7/30-8/4, Marathon Park, Wausau. Entertainment, carnival rides, animals, exhibits and food, Grandstand entertainment: Tues.: Boogie and the YoYo’z; Wed.: Rodney Atkins; Thurs.: Daughtry; Fri. Andy Grammer; Sat. Rodeo. Daily gate admission $9, $6 before noon, 10 and under free. PAWS to Read · Tues. 7/30, Marathon Co. Library, Rothschild. Children improve literacy skills by reading to well-behaved therapy dogs. 6 pm. 715-359-6208 Ollivander’s Wand Shop · Wed. 7/31, Marathon Co. Library, Mosinee. Celebrate Harry Potter’s birthday by making magic wand. 3 pm. 715-693-2144 UWSP Volleyball Elite/ Prospect Camp · Wed.-Fri. 7/31-8/2, UW-Stevens Point. Grades 9-12 and incoming UWSP students develop all volleyball skills in a competitive atmosphere. Wed. 1-8 pm; Thurs. 9:30 am-8 pm; Fri. 9 am-1 pm. $325 overnight, $275 commuter by 7/1, $355/$305 after. Register: Saved by the Bell · Wed. 7/31, Mosinee Library. Hands-on school readiness activities for ages 3+. Presented by Marathon Co. Family Resource Center. 10-11:30 am. Registration required: 715-848-1457 Wild Wednesdays: FFA Llamas · Wed. 7/31, Wildwood Zoo, Marshfield. 45-minute educational program, held rain or shine. 11 am & 1 pm. Free. 715-384-4642,

The Center for the Visual Arts’ weekly camp runs through August.


Kindness Rocks! · Thurs. 8/1, Marathon Co. Library, Athens. Paint rocks with inspirational words, phrases or images. 4 pm. 715-257-7292 Marketplace Thursdays: Raise Great Kids Day · Thurs. 8/1, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Variety of activities and crafts over lunch hour, with market 9 am-2 pm. Botanical Art: Wendy Brockman Artist Residency · Thurs.-Sun. 8/1-4, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Minnesota-based artist shares expertise and enthusiasm for botanical art. 715-845-7010 Art 101: Guest Artist Gallery Walk · Thurs. Join Wendy for insights into the artworks, aesthetics, and subjects featured in America’s Flora. 5:30-6:30 pm Hands-on Art · Thurs. Drop in to create art using animal & plant stencils to illustrate personalized monogram. 5:30-7 pm Botanical Sketchbook Journals · Fri.-Sat. Teens and adults combine botanical drawings and typography to create sketchbook journals. 10 am-4 pm. $85 members, $100 non-members. Registration required: 715-845-7010 Artist Demonstration · Sun. Ask questions and observe as Wendy develops watercolor botanical painting. 1-2 pm. Shakespeare in the Gardens · Thurs.-Sat. 8/1-3, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Wausau-based Out of the Woods Theatre presents Midsummer Night’s Dream. 6:30 pm. $20 adult, or $18 members; children $15/$12 · Children’s Matinee on Sat. with magical activities before & after show. 1:30 pm. $8, or $5 members, free 3 & under. Little Naturalist Storytime: Elk · Thurs. 8/1, Mead Education and Visitor Center, Milladore. Interactive storytime with crafts and outdoor hike. Bring a lunch. 10 am-noon. Free. 715-457-6771 ext. 2 Woodson YMCA Triathlon · Sat. 8/3, Sunnyvale Park, Wausau. Timed race, long & short courses can be completed as 2-3 person relay. 7:30 am-noon. Register: • Long course: 1000 yard swim, 27 mile bike, 6.2 mile run (ages 16+) • Short course: 400 yard swim, 17 mile bike, 3.1 mile run (ages 14+) • Mini: 200 yard swim, 9.2 mile bike, 2 mile run (ages 12+) Colossal Fossils Open · Sat. 8/3, Colossal Fossils Wausau Center Mall. Collection of fossils including T. Rex, wooly mammoths, saber-tooth tigers and more with hands-on activities. 10 am-3 pm. $6, $5 senior or military., 715-303-9407 Art Park Open Studio · Sat. 8/3, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. All ages create illustrated initials with letter stencils and animal and plant motifs. 1-3 pm. 715-845-7010

Outside the Lines: A Family Coloring Party · Sat. 8/3, Marathon Co. Library, Hatley. Drop-in coloring projects for children and adults. 10 am–2 pm. 715-446-3537 UWSP Soccer ID Clinic · Sat. 8/3, UW-Stevens Point. High School Players showcase abilities in training and games. 9:30 am-4 pm. $120. Register: Exceptional Child Night · Mon. 8/5, Central Wisconsin Children’s Museum, Stevens Point. Museum open for families that have children with exceptional needs, including autism. 5-7 pm. Free. Junior Olympic and Recreational Gymnastics Camp · Mon.-Fri. 8/5-9, Woodson YMCA, Wausau. Girls ages 5+ learn proper body technique & skill progression. 1-4 pm. $159 members, $177 non-members. ARTventure Camp: Urban Art · Mon.-Fri. 8/5-9, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Morning 9 am-noon, afternoon 12:30-3:30 pm or all day 9 am-3:30 pm. $115 half day, $200 full day. Register: Summer Swim Lessons: Morning Sessions · Mon.-Fri. 8/5-16, Marathon Area Swim Association. Preschool and Progressive classes. Details and schedule: Musical Theatre VOICE Camp · Mon.-Fri. 8/5-9, Wausau Conservatory of Music. For grades 9-12. Mon. 8 am-1 pm; Tues-Fri. 9 am-1 pm. $150. Register: A Universe of Stories: Writing Your Own Story · Mon. 8/5, Marathon Co. Library, Marathon City. Teens and adults learn what it takes to write autobiography or memoir. 3 pm. 715-443-2775 Free Family Pool Day · Tues. 8/6, Wausau Outdoor Pools. Children and families swim for free by showing library card. One card per family. 1 pm. 715-261-1550 Eat Your Veggies Story Time · Tues. 8/6, Marathon Co. Library, Athens. Tales, songs and games celebrating vegetables. 10 am. 715-257-7292 Fruit and Vegetable Printing · Tues. 8/6, Marathon Co. Library, Athens. Fun and easy craft encourages kids to eat fruits and veggies. 10:30–11:30 am. 715-257-7292

Dinosaur Camp · Tues.-Thurs. 8/13-15, Colossal Fossils, Wausau. Grades 4-6

ST. LADISLAUS PARISH Jct. of Hwys 153 & Y Music • Food • Refreshments • Games Bounce House • Cherry Tree • Cash Raffles Mini Raffles • ATV Raffle 2 Wooden Rocking Chairs Raffle • Country Store Bingo Sunday at 1pm & Much More! ST. LADISLAUS PARISH • JCT OF HWYS 153 & Y

(grounds open at 5pm)

4pm • Polka Mass w/ Maroszek Bros


5pm - 8:30pm • Cynor Classics Polka Band 8:30pm - 12am • The Jerry Schmitt Band 10:10am • Polka Mass w/ Smokey Express 10:30am - 1:30pm • Family-Style Chicken Dinner Adults - $12, Youth (6–12) - $6, 5 & Under FREE Carry outs - $13

1pm • Bingo


11am - 2pm • Curt Pliske & the Polka Spirits 2pm - 7pm • Alternating: Tony Blazonczyk’s New Phaze New Polish Sounds

Register in advance for Treetop Explorer, Thursday, Aug. 15 and Sept. 26

Saved by the Bell · Tues. 8/6, Family Resource Center Children’s Hospital of Wis., Wausau. School readiness activities for ages 3+. 4-6 pm. Register: 715-848-1457 Youth Ceramics with Mary Thao · Tuesdays 8/6-27, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Ages 5-12 learn techniques and try new ideas. 4-6 pm. $140. Register: Kids in Motion · Tuesdays 8/6-20, Lions Park, Merrill. Ages 4-6 enjoy a different sport each week. 10-10:30 am. $10. Preregistration required: 715-536-7313 Tots in the Gardens · Tues. 8/6, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Ages 3-5 adventure with nature using alphabet as guide with crafts, activity, snacks. 10 am. $4, or $2 members, accompanying adults free. 715-261-6309 Wild Wednesdays: Marshfield Police K9 Unit · Wed. 8/7, Wildwood Zoo, Marshfield. 45-minute program, held rain or shine. 11 am & 1 pm. Free. 715-384-4642, DIY Galaxy Jars and Slime · Wed. 8/7, Marathon Co. Library, Hatley. For tweens, teens. 1 pm. 715-446-3537 Model United Nations Summer Camp · Wed.-Fri. 8/7-9, UWStevens Point. Grades 7-12 take role of a diplomatic representative while learning about international issues & relations. 8 am-4:30 pm. $165. Register: Astronaut Training · Wed. 8/7, Marathon Co. Library, Edgar. Learn what it takes to be an astronaut. 2 pm. 715-352-3155 Youth Summer Gardening · Thurs. 8/8, UW-Extension Marathon Co., Wausau. All ages enjoy exploration of gardening. 5:30-6:30 pm. Marketplace Thursdays · Thurs. 8/8, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly entertainment during lunch hour, with market 9 am-2 pm. Performer TBA. Central Wis. Military Show · Fri.-Sat. 8/9-10, Motorama Auto Museum, Aniwa. Vehicles, swap meet, vintage guns, re-enactments, raffles, food, camping, kid’s games, pin up contest, more. 8 am. $10, free 12 and under.

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kids calendar from 43

Shine Like the Sun Story Time · Thurs. 8/8, Marathon Co. Library, Marathon. Hear stories about the sun with easy science experiment. 10:30 am. 715-443-2775 Stuffed Animal Sleepover · Thurs. 8/8, Marathon Co. Library, Mosinee. Bring stuffed animal for sleepover with story time at 6 pm. Pickup at noon Fri. 715-693-2144 Healthy Family Night · Thurs. 8/8, Central Wisconsin Children’s Museum, Stevens Point. Healthy meal with program for entire family. 5-8 pm. Free. Nature Nuts · Thurs. 8/8, MARC Trails, Merrill. Hike with craft and a treat. Wear hiking shoes and bring a water bottle. 9:30-10:15 am. $5. Pre-register: 715-536-7313 Story Time in the Garden · Thurs. 8/8, Yawkey House Gardens, Wausau. Vintage picture books, old-fashioned games and take home a coloring page. Rain location: Woodson History Center. 1:30 pm. 715-842-5750 Cinema in the Cemetery: Mrs. Doubtfire · Fri. 8/9, Restlawn Memorial Park, Wausau. 7:30 pm. Free, donations accepted. 715-675-3309 Movies Under the Stars: TBD · Fri. 8/9, Friendship Park, Kronenwetter. Bring a blanket or lawn chair. Concessions available. Movie at dusk. Log Jam Festival · Fri.-Sun. 8/9-11, River Park, Mosinee. Step back in time to celebrate the diverse cultural life of early Wisconsin River settlers. Features historic encampment area, family activities, artisans, local food, live music and more. Details TBD. Free admission. Galaxy Bottle Charm Necklace · Fri. 8/9, Marathon Co. Library, Rothschild. Capture a galaxy in a bottle during craft program. 2 pm. 715-359-6208 Weekend Wonders Family Program · Sun. 8/11, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Play, learn, and explore as a family with new topic each month including gardening, wildlife, bugs, birds, native plants, more. 2 pm. Free members, $2 per child, accompanying adults free. 715-261-6309 Music Explorers Camp · Mon.-Fri. 8/12-16, Wausau Conservatory of Music. For ages 18 mos.-3 1/2 years. 10-10:45 am. $99. Register: Vacation Bible School · Mon.-Thurs. 8/12-15, St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, Wausau. 8 am-4 pm for ages 2-10. Fri. field trip 4-7 pm. Pre-registration required: 715-842-3733 ARTventure Camp: Inspired by Nature · Mon.-Fri. 8/12-16, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Morning 9 am-noon, afternoon 12:30-3:30 pm or all day 9 am-3:30 pm. $115 half day, $200 full day. Register: Newspaper Structures · Mon. 8/12, Marathon Co. Library, Hatley. Build creative structures. Noon. 715-446-3537 Dinosaur Camp · Tues.-Thurs. 8/13-15, Colossal Fossils, Wausau. Grades 4-6 learn about killer carnivores analyze amazing specimens, go behind the scenes, more. 9:30 amnoon. $150. Limited space, register: Tots in the Gardens · Tues. 8/13, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Ages 3-5 adventure with nature using alphabet as guide with crafts, activity, snacks. 10 am. $4, or $2 members, accompanying adults free. 715-261-6309 Wild Wednesdays: Animal Quest · Wed. 8/14, Wildwood Zoo, Marshfield. 45-minute educational program, held rain or shine. 11 am & 1 pm. Free. 715-384-4642, Treetop Explorer · Thurs. 8/15, Marathon Park, Wausau. Reserved climb run by certified arborists to get bird’s-eye view of the city. For ages 7+. 12:30-2:30 pm. $37 for 4-5 climbs. Registration required: 715-261-1550 Kids History Day · Thurs. 8/15, Woodson History Center. Ages 8+ explore history, handle artifacts, play games, make vintage craft and more. 10 am-2 pm. Register by 8/13: 715-842-5750 Marketplace Thursdays · Thurs. 8/15, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly entertainment during lunch hour with market 9 am-2 pm. Performer TBA. Drive-in Movie and Family Pajama Party · Thurs. 8/15, Marathon Park Big Kitchen, Wausau. Bounce house and carnival games 7-8:30 pm, followed by family friendly movie at 8:30 pm. Wind location: Marathon Park Multi-Purpose Buildings. Free. 715-261-1550



Learn archery and more at Sports Heritage Day Saturday, Aug. 24

Movies in the Park: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs · Fri. 8/16, Pacawa Park, Plover. Movie at dusk. Free. Colossal Fossils Open · Sat. 8/17, Colossal Fossils Wausau Center Mall. Collection of fossils including T. Rex, wooly mammoths, saber-tooth tigers and more with hands-on activities. 10 am-3 pm. $6, $5 senior or military., 715-303-9407 Minocqua Dragon Boat Festival · Sat. 8/17, Torpy Park, Minocqua. Boat races, children’s activities, food, beer, marketplace, more. 8:30 am. ARTventure Camp: A Plethora of Portraits · Mon.-Fri. 8/19-23, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Morning 9 am-noon, afternoon 12:30-3:30 pm or all day 9 am-3:30 pm. $115 half day, $200 full day. Register: Boys Only Gymnastics Camp · Mon.-Wed. 8/19-21, Woodson YMCA, Wausau. Ages 5-12 learn vault, high bar, floor exercise, rings and parallel bars. 1-3:30 pm. $107 members, $121 nonmembers. Create a Paper Airplane · Mon. 8/19, Marathon Co. Library, Hatley. Make airplanes in honor of National Aviation Day. 10 am. 715-446-3537 Celebrate National Aviation Day · Mon. 8/19, Marathon Co. Library, Mosinee. Make paper airplanes, straw rockets and straw planes. 3–4 pm. 715-693-2144 MCPL DIY: Galaxy in a Bottle · Tues. 8/20, Marathon Co. Library, Mosinee. Kids, tweens and teens combine art and science to make mini galaxy. 3–4 pm. Register: 715-693-2144 Tots in the Gardens · Tues. 8/20, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Ages 3-5 adventure with nature using alphabet as guide with crafts, activity, snacks. 10 am. $4, or $2 members, accompanying adults free. 715-261-6309 Toddler Tuesday: A is for Aardvark · Tues. 8/20, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Ages 18 mos.-4 and adult explore alphabet through art making. 10:30 am-noon. 715-845-7010 Central Wisconsin State Fair · Tues.-Sun. 8/20-25, Fair Grounds, Marshfield. Carnival rides, dairy farms, live music, more. Grandstand Entertainment: Tues: Vic Ferrari, Thurs. The Kentucky Headhunters; Fri. Smash Mouth; Sat. All Star Monster Truck Show; Sun. Demo Derby. Day passes $10 adult, $5 child. Details:

Art Time for Tots: B is for Bullfrog · Wed.-Thurs. 8/21-22, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Ages 18 mos.-4 and accompany adults share movement, stories, music and the alphabet. 9:3010:30 am or 11 am-noon. Registration required: 715-845-7010 Boys & Girls Club Summer Farewell BBQ · Wed. 8/21, Boys & Girls Club, Wausau. Bring family for variety show, games, food, more. 5:30-7 pm. Marketplace Thursdays · Thurs. 8/22, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly entertainment during lunch hour with market 9 am-2 pm. Performer TBA. Art 4 You: B is for Bullfrog · Thurs. 8/22, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. 4-year-olds share movement, stories, music, alphabet. 1-2 pm. Register: 715-845-7010 Art Babies: C is for Cardinal · Fri. 8/23, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Ages birth-18 mos. discover the alphabet. 10:30-11:15 am. Registration required: 715-845-7010 Vintage Board Game Night · Fri. 8/23, Woodson History Center, Wausau. 100+ games or bring own to share. Popcorn provided. 7-10 pm. Free. 715-842-5750, Sporting Heritage Youth Day · Sat. 8/24, Wausau School Forest. Ages 8-16 and adult learn about the outdoors with activities including shooting, archery, fishing, hunting, trapping, edible plants and more. 8:30 am-4:30 pm. Free. Register by 8/15: Irishfest Central Wis. · Sat. 8/24, Kennedy Park, Weston. Celebrates music, dance and food of Ireland with fireworks, morning bike ride and Rugby Match. Entertainment provided by Rince na Chroi School of Irish Dance, Two Tap Trio, Reilly and Wild Colonial Bhoys. Free admission. Dog-Gone Real Pool Party · Sun. 8/25, Memorial Pool, Wausau. Dogs have pool party when swim season is over. No dogs under 10 pounds, must have proof of current vaccinations. One dog per adult, dog must be leashed until it enters pool fence. For ages 13+. 12:45-2:45 pm or 3-5 pm. $10. 715-261-1550 Cupcake Factory Craft · Mon. 8/26, Marathon Co. Library, Mosinee. Sweet craft. Noon. 715-693-2144

ARTventure Camp: Elements of Art · Mon.-Fri. 8/26-30, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Morning 9 am-noon, afternoon 12:30-3:30 pm or all day 9 am-3:30 pm. $115 half day, $200 full day. Register: Tots in the Gardens · Tues. 8/27, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Ages 3-5 adventure with nature using alphabet as guide with crafts, activity, snacks. 10 am. $4, or $2 members, accompanying adults free. 715-261-6309 Marketplace Thursdays · Thurs. 8/29, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly entertainment during lunch hour with market 9 am-2 pm. Performer TBA. You’ve Got Mail · Thurs. 8/29, Hatley Library. Crafting, learn about addresses, stamps, sorting mail, more. Bring 35 cents for stamp. Presented by Marathon Co. Family Resource Center. 10-11:30 am. Registration required: 715-848-1457 LincCon · Fri.-Sun. 8/30-9/1, Les & Jim’s Lincoln Lanes, Merrill. Comic book themed gaming event with retro and current games with vendors and more. Fri. 10 am-1 am; Sat. 10 am2 am; Sun. 10 am-10 pm.


Exceptional Child Night · Mon. 9/2, Central Wisconsin Children’s Museum, Stevens Point. Museum open for families that have children with exceptional needs, including autism. 5-7 pm. Free. Marketplace Thursdays · Thurs. 9/5, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly entertainment during lunch hour with market 9 am-2 pm. Performer TBA. UWSP Soccer ID Clinic · Sat. 9/7, UW-Stevens Point. High school players showcase abilities in training and games. 9:30 am-4 pm. $120. Register: Outside the Lines: A Family Coloring Party · Sat. 9/7, Marathon Co. Library, Hatley. Drop-in coloring projects for children and adults. 10 am–2 pm. 715-446-3537 Weekend Wonders Family Program · Sun. 9/8, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Play, learn, and explore as a family in the Gardens with a new topic each month including gardening, wildlife, bugs, birds, native plants, and more. 2 pm. Free members, $2 per child, accompanying adults free. 715-261-6309 Youth Ceramics with Mary Thao · Tuesdays 9/10-10/1, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Ages 5-12 learn techniques, more. 4-6 pm. $140. Register: Tots in the Gardens · Tues. 9/10, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Ages 3-5 adventure with nature using alphabet, with crafts, activity, snacks. Runs second and fourth Tuesdays. 10 am. $4, or $2 members, accompanying adults free. 715-261-6309 Marketplace Thursdays · Thurs. 9/12, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly entertainment during lunch hour with market 9 am-2 pm. Performer TBA. Marketplace Thursdays · Thurs. 9/19, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly entertainment during lunch hour with market 9 am-2 pm. Performer TBA. Babblers Bike Fest · Fri.-Sat. 9/20-21, Stevens Point. Familyfriendly fest with vendor fair, presentations, bike demos, kids’ bike decorated & parade, music, games and more. CommUNITY Fest · Sat. 9/21, Marathon Park Expo Building, Wausau. Family friendly activities with food sculptures. 9 amnoon. Treetop Explorer · Thurs. 9/26, Marathon Park, Wausau. Reserved climb run by certified arborists to get bird’s-eye view of the city. For ages 7+. 4-6 pm. $37 for 4-5 climbs. Registration required: 715-261-1550

continues on 46


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GREAT FUTURES START . Caroline S. Mark Boys & Girls Club

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DC Everest Middle School

9302 Schofield Ave., Weston Open Monday - Friday, 11:30 am - 5:30 pm Lunch at noon June 18th - July 20th CLOSED the week of July 4th Youth grades 4 - 8 attending summer school Membership fee is $20 or $45 for a family of 3 or more. Valid through December 31. Applications are available on our website,, or at the Club. Please call 715-845-2582 for more information.

Lunch will be served every day from noon to 1:30pm for FREE to all youth in the community at the Caroline S. Mark Boys & Girls Club in Wausau. 2019 CITY PAGES SUMMER FUN BOOK



kids calendar from 45

Summer Camps

Long-term, overnight and away options Chism Trail Ranch, Merrill

Register, details at, 715-432-7444 Summer Horsemanship Camps · Ages 6-16 of all experience levels taught safety and responsibility by grooming, feeding, saddling and more. Four sessions, Mon.-Thurs. 6/9-13, 6/2327, 7/7-11, 7/28-8/1. Half day: Mon.-Thurs. 9 am-noon, $375; All day Mon.-Thurs. 9 am-5:30 pm, $550; Overnight Sun. 7 pm-Thurs. 5:30 pm, $650.

Greenheck Fieldhouse Camp

6:30 am-6 pm Mon.-Fri. No camp 7/4-5 or 8/30. Details, register: or 715-359-6563 ext. 4 or 5 · Twin Oaks Camp: Natural Wonders · 8/12-16. Backyard camping for 8-12, $205 · Leadership Camp: The Places We Will Go · 7/29-8/2. Ages 11-13 explore nature, outdoor living, leadership and teambuilding with bus trips to areas in Central Wis., $205 · Adventure Camp · For ages 5-12, $184/week. · 6/10-14 School’s Out For Summer · 6/17-21 Artful Antics · 6/24-28 Color War · 7/1-3 Christmas in July (no camp 7/4-5) · 7/8-12 Symphony Of Senses · 7/15-19 Goin’ Racin’ · 7/22-26 Aqua Adventure · 7/29-8/2 Mad Scientists · 8/5-9 Animal Planet · 8/12-16 Movin’ And Groovin’ · 8/19-23 Full STEAM Ahead · 8/26-30 Anything Goes… · After Summer School Camp · Mon.-Fri. 6/17-21, 6/24-28, 7/8-12, 7/15-19. Half days. $105 per week, $420 all four · Little Adventures Preschool Camp · Same weeks as adventure camp. For ages 4-5 who have not attended Kindergarten, $184 (except 7/1-5 & 8/26-30, $147) · Adventure Sports Camp · Guided by DCE Coaches and staff. For ages 8-12. $205. 6/10-14 and 8/12-16 Golf · 6/24-28 All Ball Sports · 7/8-12 Fun and Fitness · 7/22-26 Flag Football · 7/29-8/2 Wide World of Sports

Wausau Area YMCA Camps

Open for drop-off at 6:30 am with check-out extended to 6 pm. Details, registration at Woodson YMCA Day Camps · Aspirus Branch Day Camp Pavilion or at Camp Sturtevant. Each week has a special theme. Kinder cubs for ages 3-6, Pioneers for ages 5-6, Trailblazers ages 7-8, Pathfinders for ages 9-13. Full day $188 members, $218 non-members, half day (for ages 3-6) $106/ $121; part time (3 days or less) $128/ $158. Golf Camp · Mon.–Fri. 8/19–23, Camp Sturtevant, is a special sport focus for ages 8–12, with full days at local golf courses but also camp fun such as swimming, gaga, crafts, etc. Afternoon Camp · Camp Sturtevant. For campers ages 5-13 enrolled in Wausau or DC Everest district summer school classes. Campers integrated into age groups for afternoon activities. $90 members, $105 general Aspirus YMCA Ranch Camps · Run Mon.-Fri., Weston branch. Ages 8-16 learn horse activities such as grooming, feeding, tack, plus crafts, swimming, field games. $249 / $279: Wranglers in Training · 6/24-28. For beginning rider. Daily rides, horse behavior, walking and trotting. Wranglers in Training · 7/8-12. For beginners and more experienced riders. Daily rides, horse behavior, trotting Wranglers · 7/15-19. Learn patterns and games on horseback that enhance riding skills Western Week · 7/22-26. Learn about living in the wild west: making butter, BB guns, lasso Rodeo Camp · 7/29-8/2. Barrel racing, pole bending, goat tying, how to rope. Real rodeo demo Trail Riders · 8/5-9. Ride horses around YMCA grounds. Must have prior experience or attended at least one week of camp Horsemanship Camp · 8/12-16. Prep a horse for show, insight into what judges look for in riders. Just Horsing Around · 8/19-23. Riders reflects on their summer of riding



YMCA Camp Sturtevant

YMCA Explorers Camp · Mon.-Fri. 6/17-21, 7/8-12, 7/22-26, 8/5-9, Camp Sturtevant, Wausau. Ages 10-14 kayak Eau Claire River, hike Rib Mountain, and more. Attend camp normally Mon.-Tues., stay overnight Wed.-Thurs. and return home Fri. $221, $199, $179. Resident Camp Jorn · Sun.-Sat. 8/11-17, Manitowish Waters. For ages 8-16. Tubing, swimming, kayaking, games, campfire, more. $493, $426, $361. Optional bus transport. YMCA Leadership Camp · Ages 11-16 adventure with 3- or 4-day trips throughout Wis./Upper Peninsula. Days not on trail spent at Camp Sturtevant, Wausau. $241, $219, $199: 6/24-28 Paddle, Fish & Camp: Canoe trip in the Sylvania Wilderness · 7/15-19 Extreme Teen: Zip lining, paint ball and more in Minocqua · 7/29-8/2 Copper Falls: Explore waterfalls and canyons · 8/19-23 Slippin’ & Sliddin’: Play in the dells and hike at Devil’s Lake

Stevens Point Area YMCA Camps

Details, registration at, unless otherwise indicated. Glacier Hollow is located 14 miles east of Stevens Point on Lake Elaine. Glacier Hollow Resident Camps · Traditional camp activities, group games and campfires. · Sun.-Wed. 6/23-26 Beginning Adventurers, for ages 7-10. $405, $350, $270 · Sun.-Fri. 6/23-28 Fishin’-Huntin’-Campin’, for ages 8-14. $530, $480, $410 · Sun.-Fri. 7/7-12 Camp Wise Spirits for girls ages 8-14. $530, $480, $410 · Sun.-Fri. 7/14-19 The Adventure, for ages 8-13. $560. $500, $430 · Sun.-Sat. 8/4-10 Timbertop Camp, for ages 8-13. $575, $505, $435 · Sun.-Fri. 8/11-16 Splash & Sport, for ages 8-13. $530, $480, $410 Adventure Trips · Teens experience wilderness. · Sun.-Fri. 6/16-21 Devil’s Lake Canoe-Climb-Hike, for ages 12-16. $600, $550, $475 · Sun.-Fri. 7/21-26 Flambeau Canoe Trip, for ages 13-17. $545, $490, $420 · Sun.-Fri. 7/28-8/2 Porcupine Mtn. Backpacking, ages 13-17. $555, $500, $430

Leaders In Training · For ages 12-14 develop leadership skills to support Y staff and interact with children in Day camps. Requires commitment of 2-5 days per week for 6-11 weeks. · Training Camp Mon.-Fri. 6/10-14. $415, $345, $285 · Day Camp Program Mon.-Fri. 6/17-30. $20 a day or $80 a week for members, $25/$100 non-members Counselor In Training · For ages 15-17 work with children alongside YMCA staff. Must pass Training Camp · Sun.-Fri. 6/16-21. $540, $490, $430. Camp Program · Sun.-Sat. 6/2330. Day or Resident Camp Programs, no fee. Glacier Hollow Day Camps · For ages 7-12. Bus transportation from Stevens Point YWCA. $177/week members, $195 general. Mon.-Fri. 9 am-4:30 pm each week starting June 7, thru week of Aug. 26 (no camp 7/4) Great Escape Day Camp · YMCA, Stevens Point. Ages 5-10 enjoy activities with theme of the week. 3 days: $114 members, $129 non-members, 4 days: $140/ $156, 5 days $160/ $175. Runs Mon.-Fri. 9 am-4:30 pm each week starting June 7, thru week of Aug. 26

UWSP Central Wis. Environmental Station Camps

Located near Amherst Junction on Sunset Lake, unless otherwise noted. Register:, 715-346-2937 Everything Under the Sun · Sun.-Fri. 6/16-21. Ages 9-11: traditional camp activities. $400, $440 w/horseback ride. Outdoor Skills · Sun.-Fri. 6/23-28. Ages 10-12 build talents in nature, test physical and mental abilities at fun-filled, adventurous outdoor activities. $400 Earth Explorers · Sun.-Wed. 6/30-7/3. Ages 7-9 enjoy swimming, boating, campfires and more. $300 Sky’s the Limit · Sun.-Fri. 7/7-12. Ages 11-13: activities focused on skill development and fun with overnight camping. $400 Outdoor Leaders · Sun.-Fri. 7/7-12. Ages 16-18 gain skills and experience through field trips, guest speakers, engaging activities. $375 Outdoor Odyssey · Sun.-Fri. 7/14-19. Ages 12-14: high ropes course, climbing wall, hiking and tube floating trip. $450 Everything Under the Sun · Sun.-Fri. 8/4-9. Ages 9-11 try variety of traditional camp activities. $440 Elements · Sun.-Thurs. 8/11-15. Ages 9-12 explore daily themes of earth, sun, water and wind through hands-on creative, artistic and musical activities. $350 ■

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Places and events all about them

Weston Dog Park Adjacent to Kellyland Park, north of Schofield Ave., off Fuller Street at 6100 Rogan Lane • 40 fenced acres, mowed paths ideal for both master and friend. Pet watering station, agility course, dog training and exercise area and waste bag dispensers. Dogs must be leashed going to and from the park, but off-leash within this and any dog park. Clean up messes. Dogs must be licensed, vaccinated, have identification tags. No dogs under 4 months, aggressive, ill or in heat. Open daily 6 am–11 pm. 715-359-9988. Kronenwetter Bark Park 2350 Sunny Meadow Dr., within Friendship Park • Dogs must be licensed, vaccinated and good-tempered. Fenced, no separate small dog area. Bring water and clean up after your dog. Open daily 7 am–10 pm. 715-693-4200. Marathon Park On Stewart Avenue, Wausau. Inside the fenced arena between the basketball courts and Multi-Purpose Building No. 1 • Offleash dog exercise area. Owners must stay inside fence with their pet and clean up. The nearest faucet is in the ice arena, so bring water and a dish. Doesn’t attract a steady crowd, so plan a doggy date with a friend. Open daily sunrise to 11 pm, closed during Horse Shows and during Wis. Valley Fair. 715-261-1550.



Wausau parks off-leash time In three city parks dogs may roam off-leash during designated times within certain areas, which are not fenced, but well-marked. No aggressive dogs. Clean up after your dog. Must be leashed outside marked areas: Memorial Park 6–9 am daily; small peninsula near the boat launch Oak Island Park 6–9 am and 6–9 pm daily; south end near skate park, between walkway and river Riverside Park 6–9 am and 6–9 pm daily; on Picnic Island Town of Rib Mountain Sandy’s Bark Park 2202 Oriole Lane, Wausau. Dogs must be licensed, vaccinated and neutered/spayed. No more than three dogs per person. 4 acres of field, granite path and wetland with fenced perimeter for off-leash play. Features water filler and dog waste stations. Clean up after your dog. Open dawn to dusk. Point Dog Park 601 Mason St., Stevens Point. Dogs must be licensed, vaccinated, healthy. About 30 acres, with fenced area. Waste bag dispensers, garbage containers, benches. Dogs must be accompanied by a person age 14+ and must be leashed outside fenced area. Open daily 6 am–11 pm. 715-341-1136,

Standing Rocks Park dog exercise area East of Stevens Point 7 miles, between Custer Road and Bear Lake Road • Large fenced-in area with mowed trails. $4 per dog daily, $30 season; $65 season for three dogs. 715-346-1433, Merrill Dog Park In the Merrill Area Recreation Complex, 1100 Marc Dr. • New 2.5-acre off-leash area, with separate spaces for small and large dogs. Limit three dogs per person. Dogs must be leashed when entering and exiting facility. Fill holes created by dogs. No food or glass. No aggressive, sick or unlicensed dogs. $2 donation. Open daily dawn–dusk. 715-536-7313. Paws ‘N Play Dog Park Corner of Peach Ave and 21st St., Marshfield • Several acres at the fairground. No aggressive dogs or dogs in heat. Must be licensed, immunized and kept on a leash until in park. Pick up all waste, fill any holes created by dog. No human food or glass, no puppies under 4 months or children under 8 years. Donations welcome. Open every day, except during fair. 715-897-1123 and on Facebook


Summer Look Other doggy doings Run for Their Lives 5K · Sat. 6/1, Immanuel Baptist Church, Wausau. Chip timed, family and dog friendly 5K with kids activities. Register: Critters and Blues · Sat. 6/1, Central Wis. Convention & Expo Center, Rothschild. Full day of events for Rescue, Adopt, Donate (RAD) Wisconsin. Pooch Parade noon-5 pm features family fun with photo booth, K-9 demo, games, activities, pet costume contest. Register pet by 2:30 pm, all dogs must be on leash and have current rabies tag. Evening party begins 5 pm with live music from Don Haney, Bobby Blue Tortured Soul and Marty Frei; raffle, cash bar, food. Free admission to all events. Walk for Wags · Sun. 6/9, Pfiffner Pioneer Park, Stevens Point. 1.5 mile walk with dogs with pet fashion contest, games, vendors, music and more. Dogs must be on a leash and current on vaccinations. 10:30 am registration, 11 am walk. $50. Register: Wild Wednesdays: Clark Co. Humane Society · Wed. 6/12, Wildwood Zoo, Marshfield. 45-minute educational program, held rain or shine. 11 am & 1 pm. Free. 715-384-4642, Paws in the Park · Sat.-Sun. 6/15-16, Torpy Park, Minocqua. Dog agility demo, pet expo and Dock Dogs of Wisconsin. 9 am-4 pm. Schedule, details at Wild Wednesdays: Animal House Pets · Wed. 6/26, Wildwood Zoo, Marshfield. 45-minute educational program, held rain or shine. 11 am & 1 pm. Free. 715-384-4642, Tail Waggin’ Tutors · Mondays 7/8-29, TB Scott Library, Merrill. Bring book to read to therapy dog. 11 am. Pre-register: 715-536-7191 Wild Wednesdays: Marshfield PD K9 Unit · Wed. 8/7, Wildwood Zoo, Marshfield. 45-minute educational program, held rain or shine. 11 am & 1 pm. Free. 715-384-4642, Dog-Gone Real Pool Party · Sun. 8/25, Memorial Pool, Wausau. Dogs have pool party when swim season is over. No dogs under 10 pounds, must have proof of current vaccinations. One dog per adult, dog must be leashed until it enters pool fence. For ages 13+. 12:45-2:45 pm or 3-5 pm. $10. 715-261-1550 PAWS to Read · Marathon Co. Public Libraries. Kids practice reading to a therapy dog. Rothschild · Tuesdays 6 pm on 6/11, 6/18, 6/25, 7/2, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30. 715-359-6208 Wausau · Thursdays 1 pm on 6/13, 6/20, 6/27, 7/11, 7/18, 7/25. 715-261-7200 ■




Tuesday - Saturday call for hours 325 N. Third St, Wausau 715.848.0467

Mon-Wed 10-6 620 N. 3rd St. Thurs-Fri 10-7 Downtown Sat 10-6 Wausau

• Award-Winning Smoked Meats • Wisconsin Cheese Assortments • • Custom Party Trays • Custom Gift Boxes & Baskets • Gift Cards • $5.00 off purchase of $50.00 orvailid more, valid only at Nueske’s Company Store $5.00 off purchase of $50.00 or more, only at Nueske’s CompanyStore, Expires 9/2/19 Company Store ~ 1390 E. Grand Ave., Wittenberg, WI 54499 (715) 253-4059 ~ Mail Order: (800) 392-2266 ~



TENNIS COURTS W ausau area

Alexander Airport Park 625 Lakeview Dr., near Wausau Municipal Airport, in city’s southeast side • 2 courts, lighted, painted for pickleball Forest Park 3100 Ninth St., Wausau’s northeast side • 2 courts, unlighted, painted for pickleball Marathon Park 1201 Stewart Ave., Wausau, near the fairgrounds • 2 courts, lighted, 3 separate pickleball courts Memorial Park 505 Memorial Park Rd., off Sturgeon Eddy Road, southeast side of Wausau • 2 courts, lighted, painted for pickleball Oak Island 500 River Dr., Wausau, just north of E. Thomas St., near downtown • 6 courts, lighted Pleasant View 1221 Sumner St., east of 10th St. on Wausau’s east side • 2 courts, lighted Riverview Park By Riverview Elementary School, Wausau’s northeast side • 2 courts, unlighted Schulenburg Park 533 Summit Dr., Wausau’s northwest side • 2 courts, unlighted 3M Park 405 Park Blvd., off S. Third Ave., on Wausau’s near west side • 2 courts, unlighted, painted for pickleball Wausau East High School 2607 N. 18th St., across from school entrance • 14 courts, unlighted Wausau West High School 1200 W. Wausau Ave. • 10 courts, unlighted South Mountain Elementary 5400 Bittersweet Rd., Rib Mountain • 2 courts Liberty Park 6206 Lakeshore Dr., Rib Mountain. Hwy. N to Morning Glory Dr., to Lilac Lane and Lakeshore Dr. • 2 courts, unlighted Rib Mountain Elementary 2701 Robin Lane • 2 courts, lighted George Street Park East of Bus. Hwy. 51, in Rothschild, at Military Road and George St.• 1 court, unlighted D.C. Everest Jr. High 1000 Machmueller St., Schofield • 6 courts, unlighted D.C. Everest Sr. High 6500 Alderson St., Weston • 8 courts, lighted Greenheck Field House (indoor) 6400 Alderson St., Weston • 2 courts can be set up by reservation at 715-359-6563 Spring Street Park Schofield • 2 courts, unlighted, painted for pickleball Friendship Park 2350 Sunny Meadow Dr., Kronenwetter • 2 courts, unlighted Sunset Park 2390 Terrabonne Dr., Kronenwetter • 2 courts, unlighted

M errill

Merrill Senior High School 1201 N. Sales St. • 8 courts, lighted Ott’s Park 501 N. Foster St., at the end of Foster St. on Wisconsin River • 2 courts, unlighted Note: Stange Park no longer has tennis courts



T ennis lessons at O ak I sland P ark Offered by Wausau Parks Dept. for youth & family, with instruction for beginner through advanced levels. Rain site: Oak Island Shelter. Players furnish their own racquet, water bottle and daily snack. Register online or at the office, 212 River Dr. 715-261-1550, Youth Tennis Camps run Mon.–Fri. in weekly sessions June 10–Aug. 9 (no camp 7/4). Ages 5–6 $25 residents, $30 non-residents; ages 7–17 $45.50 / $59. Lessons divided by age groups: Beginners age 5–6: 11 am–noon. Sessions week of June 10, June 17, June 24, July 8, July 15, July 22, July 29 Beginners age 7–17: 9 am–noon or 1–4 pm. Sessions week of June 10, June 24, July 1 (8:15 am–noon), July 15, July 22, Aug. 5 Intermediate age 5–6: 11 am–noon. Sessions week of June 24, July 8, July 15, July 22, July 29 Intermediate age 7–17: 9 am–noon or 1–4 pm. Sessions week of June 17, July 8, July 29 Advanced age 7–17: 9 am–noon. Sessions week of July 1 (12:45–4:30 pm), July 29 Family Tennis Lessons Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:00–7:15 pm. For ages 5+, any family combination of children and adults (minimum 2, max 4) for one price per session. Additional per extra child. Residents $70, non-residents $91 for 2–4 people (must include 1 adult). Additional children $14/$17. Session I June 10-27 • Session II July 1-18 (no class 7/4) • Session III July 22–Aug. 8

S tevens P oint area

Ben Franklin Jr. High School 2000 Polk St., Stevens Point. Corner of Water and Polk streets • 6 courts, unlighted Goerke Park 1.5 miles west of Hwy. 10 exit, Stevens Point • 6 courts, lighted, one painted for pickleball Mead Park Corner of W. Clark (Hwy. 66) and W. Whitney, Stevens Point • 2 courts, lighted, painted for pickleball SentryWorld Sports Center 601 N. Michigan Ave., Stevens Point • 6 indoor courts open to the public. Daily 9 am–5 pm. Pricing, details at, 715-345-1600 Stevens Point Area Senior High 1201 N. Point Dr. • 8 courts, unlighted Easlan-Weslan Park Between Post Rd. and Hoover Ave., Plover • 1 court, unlighted Little Plover River Park 1501 Hoover Park (off Hoover Ave.), Plover • 2 courts, lighted Woyak Sports Complex, Plover 2381 Cedar Dr., behind Boys & Girls Club • 2 courts, lighted. 715-345-5257 UW-Stevens Point 2100 Main St. • 8 unlighted outdoor courts in DeBot Tennis Center on Reserve St. • 4 outdoor courts in Allen Center Courts on Illinois Ave. • 4 indoor courts in the Multi-Activity Center, limited hours, $5 day pass required. 715-346-4494 ■

New Owners • New Management • Newly Renovated

Ready for a simplified, active lifestyle? Sell your home… own your life! Island Place is an active, mature, apartment community, nestled between two of Wausau’s most beautiful parks, on the banks of the Wisconsin River. Located directly on the miles-long, picturesque River Walk, and just blocks from the heart of Historic Downtown Wausau, this is premier living at its best! On-Site Movie Theater, Aveda Salon, Massage Therapy, Library, 2 Fitness Centers, Fellowship Center, Large Community Kitchen and Gathering Space, Wii Sports Lounge, Fitness & Yoga Classes, Community Sun Rooms, Picnic Tables and Outdoor Furniture in our beautiful River-view Courtyard, Pet Walk, Resident Storage, and Indoor Parking Garage! New frost-free refrigerator, smooth-top electric range, self-cleaning oven, dishwasher, disposal, washer & dryer, and a roomy balcony! Our beautiful, newly renovated, ‘55 & Wiser’ community is waiting for you!

Island Place Apartments

400 River Drive • Wausau, WI 54403 715-848-1369



GOLF COURSES It’s not just about the game. Many sport historic clubhouses and restaurants full of Wisconsin character. Explore among these courses within about an hour’s drive of Wausau.


Bass Lake Country Club W10650 Bass Lake Road, Deerbrook. North of Antigo 18 miles, off Hwy. 45 • 715-623-6196, • Driving range, pro shop, restaurants. Par 71 Bull’s Eye Country Club (private) 2800 Ridgewood Trail, Wisconsin Rapids • 715-423-2230 or 715-423-2225, • Pro shop, banquet hall. Par 72 Eagle River Golf Course 457 E. McKinley St., Eagle River. Hwy. 45, past bridge • 715-479-8111, • Driving range, pro shop, PGA pro, restaurant. Par 71 Foxfire Golf Club 201 Foxfire Drive, Waupaca • 715-256-9000, • Pro shop, indoor golf simulator, restaurant. Par 70 Glacier Wood Golf Club 604 Water St., Iola 715-445-3831, • Driving range, pro shop, restaurant. Par 71 Greenwood Hills Country Club (private) 2002 Poplar Lane, Wausau • 715-849-1772 course, 715-848-2204 clubhouse, • Pro shop, PGA pro, pool, fitness area, restaurant & bar, event and banquet space. Par 72 Indianhead Golf Course 966 Indianhead Drive, Mosinee. Hwy. 153 west, toward Industrial Park • 715-693-6066, • Driving range, pro shop, PGA pro, restaurant, banquet facilities. Par 72 Inshalla Country Club N11060 Clear Lake Road, 2 miles north of Tomahawk off Hwy U 715-453-3130, • Driving range, pro shop, restaurant and banquet hall. Par 70



Lake Arrowhead Golf Club 1195 Apache Lane, Nekoosa • 715-325-2929, • Golf pro, pro shop, driving ranges, two 18-hole courses in lake setting. Par 72 Marshfield Country Club 11426 Wren Road, 2 miles west of Marshfield on Hwy. H • 715-384-4409, • Driving range, restaurant. Par 70 Merrill Golf Club 1604 O’Day St., Merrill 715-536-2529, • PGA on staff, pro shop, banquet facility. Par 72 Minocqua Country Club (private) 9299 Country Club Road, Minocqua • 715-356-5216, • Pro shop, PGA on staff, restaurant. Par 72 Nicolet Country Club 5245 Fairway Court. West of Laona 1 mile on Hwy. 8 • 715-674-4780, • Driving range, pro shop, bar & grill. Par 67 Northwood Golf Course 3131 Golf Course Road. 2 miles west of Rhinelander on Hwy. 8 • 715-282-6565, • Driving range, pro shop, restaurant. Par 72 Pine Hills Golf Course N9499 Pine Hills Drive, Gresham • 715-787-3778, • Driving range, restaurant, event space. Par 72 Pine Valley 301 136th Ave., Marathon. Take CTH O exit off Hwy. 29 • 715-443-2848, • Driving range, Pro shop, bar, snack bar. Par 71 Pinewood Country Club 9000 Pinewood Valley Road, 20 miles north of Tomahawk, in Harshaw • 715-282-5500, • Driving range, pro shop, PGA pro on staff. Par 72 Ridges Golf Course 2311 Griffith Ave., Wisconsin Rapids • 715-424-3204, • Driving range, pro shop, banquet facility. Par 72

RiverEdge Golf Club 10191 Mill Creek Dr., Marshfield • 715-676-3900, • Driving range, pro shop. Par 72 Sand Valley Golf Resort 1697 Leopole Way, Nekoosa • 888-651-5539, Two 18-hole courses (par 72 & 73) and 17-hole short course (par 51). Pro Shop, restaurant, bar. St. Germain Golf Club 9041 Hwy. 70, 3 miles west of St. Germain • 715-542-2614, • Driving range, PGA pro, pro shop, snack shop. Par 72 SentryWorld Golf Course 601 North Michigan Ave., Stevens Point • 715-345-1600, • PGA on staff, driving range, pro shop, restaurants, year-round indoor practice facility. Par 72 Stevens Point Country Club (private) 1628 Country Club Dr., Stevens Point • 715-345-8900, • Driving range, swimming pool, tennis/pickleball courts, pro shop, PGA on staff restaurant and banquet facilities. Par 72 Timber Ridge Golf Club 10030 Timber Ridge Road. Just west of Hwy. 51, 4 miles south of Minocqua 715-356-9502, • Driving range, PGA pro, pro shop, restaurant. Par 72 Trapp River 243124 Hwy. WW, 10 minutes north of Wausau • 715-675-3044 • Driving range, PGA pro, pro shop. Par 72 Trout Lake Golf Club 3800 Hwy. 51, Arbor Vitae 715-385-2189, • Driving range, pro shop, PGA pro. Par 72 Wausau Country Club (private) 208 Country Club Road, Schofield •, 715-359-6161 • PGA pro, driving range, pro shop, pool, restaurant, and banquet facilities. Par 71 Wisconsin River Golf Club 705 W. River Dr., Stevens Point • 715-344-9152, Driving range, pro shop, restaurant. Par 72

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Dining Roo

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Tribute Golf Course 1001 Golf Club Road, Wausau 715-675-3663, • Bunkers restaurant on site. Par 34 Big Sand Lake Golf Course 4710 Big Sand Lake Club Road, Phelps • 715-545-2484, • Restaurant. Par 36 Big Stone Golf Course 847 Golf Course Loop Road, Three Lakes. Hwy. 45 north to Hwy. 32, then east • 715-546-2100, Pro shop, snack bar. Par 35 Black River Golf Club W5205 Hwy. O, Medford 715-748-5520, • Driving range, bar. Par 35 Club X to C W890 Hwy. C, Gleason 715-536-1546, • Pro shop, restaurant & bar. Par 33 Crane Meadows Golf Course 8103 Zinser St., Weston • 715-355-1264, • Par 36 Edgewater Country Club N10369 Echo Valley Road, Tomahawk. Exit 231 off Hwy. 51, 1 mile east • 715-453-3320, Driving range, pro shop, restaurant. Par 36 Hidden Waters Golf Course E4480 Hwy. 22-54, Waupaca • 715-258-5054, • Driving range, banquet hall. Par 36 Homestead Golf Course 3372 Hwy. 73 N., Wisconsin Rapids • 715-423-7577 • Pro shop, bar. Par 34 Lake Forest Golf Course 3801 Eagle Waters Road, Eagle River •, 715-479-4211 • Pro shop, fitness center with indoor pool, sauna, massage and tennis. Par 36 Maple Hills Golf Club N6621 Cardinal Lane, East of Wittenberg, exit 198 off Hwy. 29 715-253-2448, Restaurant & bar. Par 36 19th Hole Golf Course 9067 Hwy. 70 West, 3 miles west of St. Germain • 715-542-4042, • Charming, small course with bar & grill, games room, 18-hole mini golf. Par 27 Quig’s Maplewood Golf Course Downtown Pickerel. Northeast of Antigo take Hwy. A, then north on Hwy. 55 • 715-484-4653, • Driving range, pro shop, bar & grill. Par 36 Plum Lake Golf Club 3160 Clubhouse Road, Sayner • 715-542-2598, • Pro shop, driving range, historic clubhouse. Par 36 Rib Mountain Golf Course 3607 N. Mountain Road • 715-845-5570 • Restaurant and bar at Carmelo’s. Par 32 Riverview Golf Course W11817 Highland Road, west of Antigo 4 miles on Hwy. 64 • 715-623-2663, • Along Eau Claire River, practice facility, pro shop, snack bar. Par 36 Rhinelander Country Club (private) 1699 Eagle St., Rhinelander • 715-365-3200, • Golf pro, pro shop, restaurant. Par 36 Tee-Hi Golf Club 580 Tee-Hi Place, Medford • 715-748-3990, • Pro shop, snack shop. Par 31 Tri-City Golf Course 3000 Golf Course Road, Wisconsin Rapids • 715-423-1380, Driving range, pro shop, bar & grill. Par 34 ■

Ser vin g


The Rib Mountain Golf Course

tly Nigh als i Spec

10-Time Passes

115 regular $ 95 jr. & sr.


Located in the Clubhouse at the Rib Mountain Golf Course

Open Year Round Mon.- Sun. 4:30 pm to Close Closed Holidays

3607 N. Mountain Rd.

(715) 845-5570

At the foot of Granite Peak’s Ski Area

Labor Temple Grand Hall Rent our Grand Hall

Features an all natural hard wood floor to accommodate 400 Guests, seat 375


Also Available to rent

No specials Saturday

Two additional rooms Available any day & time of week



318 S. 3rd Avenue, Wausau, WI 54401 715-848-3320 2019 CITY PAGES SUMMER FUN BOOK



3 nights& R


at Balloon

KeeP uP-to-Date




iB fest


summer events schedule


June 14, Oak Island: Outdoor movie, crafts, kids fun run, games and more! June 16, 400 Block: Classic Car Show: 80+ classic cars line downtown w/ live music. Food vendors, pin-up contest and more!


BALLOON & RIB FEST: July 11-14

Everyone’s favorite weekend! Airport: Features 3 nights of fireworks, 20 hot air balloons, ribs, kids games, live music and more!

BALLOON CHASE 5K RUN/WALK: July 13, 7:30AM Register by June 30 @ • $25

Airport: Hot air balloons launch between 6–6:30am and the run “chases” them through the flat, scenic Southeast neighborhood. All participants receive a goodie bag, t-shirt, and pancake breakfast.

CHALKFEST: July 13-14

400 Block: Artists transform the sidewalks into works of art! Featuring live music & food vendors. Sign up early!


Fern Island. FREE Shuttle! Featuring Walter Trout, Robben Ford, Lil’ Ed and the Blues Imperials and more! Tickets selling fast!


Wednesdays: June 5 - August 21

400 Block: Bring your blankets and chairs but leave the dog at home. Ten nights of a variety of music and great times. Concerts run 6-8 pm. A Wausau tradition! (No concert July 4th)


Thursdays, June 20-September 19

400 Block: Local farmers, makers, cooks and artists have fresh produce and unique gifts available every Thursday from 9 am-2 pm Live music every noon hour and GREAT food trucks!

BEER & BACON FEST: September 21

Fern Island: Featuring over 150 craft beers and 10+ bacon vendors, this is a dream festival come true! Tickets include beer, bacon and commemorative mug. Spicy Tie Band will play the event! $30 until July 1, $35 until event, $40 at the gate. SEE MORE DETAILS ONLINE! WANT TO VOLUNTEER? CLICK “GET INVOLVED” FOR MORE INFO!



Water down

The drawdown of the Wisconsin River and the Eau Claire River flowage will affect your summer fun by Pat Peckham

A view of the Wisconsin River along Wausau’s riverfront, during the early stages of the drawdown in May, looking toward the footbridge going to Barker-Stewart Island.

The Wisconsin River is some-

thing many people see every day while crossing a bridge. It’s always there. But now it isn’t all there. A 14-foot drawdown upstream of the downtown Wausau hydroelectric dam, the first in 21 years, has shrunk what is essentially a lake along the city’s riverfront down to a narrower river. This drawdown, which began in late May, will affect water levels from downtown Wausau all the way upstream—in lesser degrees as you go—to around Brokaw for the rest of 2019. It has prompted the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to prohibit fishing on this 6-mile stretch of the Wisconsin River. It caused the cancellation of whitewater paddling events on the east channel below the dam. And as of late May, Divepoint Scuba Paddle expects to hire half the amount of seasonal help for their outfitter shop



at 106 E. Wausau Ave., a popular place for renting and launching kayaks, canoes and paddleboards. Owner Carrie Butt expects a dramatically different summer. As the drawdown was starting, she said, “Until the water is down, we are not really sure what is going to happen. We are not sure if we will be able to walk across the riverbed to the main channel.” They’ll still sell and rent paddlecraft, but expect fewer launches directly from their store to the nearby shore. The affected stretch of river still is usable for recreation in most places for non-motorized use of the waterway — paddling kayaks, canoes or stand-up paddleboards. But getting to the water will be glitchy, depending on the newly exposed riverbed. And motorboats need to use caution. Several usual launching spots are now left high and dry:

• The floating piers/launches along Wausau’s new riverfront are not available • The handicapped-accessible kayak launch near Bridge Street will not be installed • The boat launch in Gilbert Park on N. Sixth Street is closed during the drawdown • The boat launch at Schofield Park, on the west shore on E. Randolph Street, is also closed • The unimproved but well-used access point in Brokaw may not be usable.

One big annual tradition in Wausau simply won’t happen at all: There will be no paddling events—neither competitions nor recreational use—at Whitewater Park, located along the River’s Edge Trail, near the library. The dam’s gate that sends water to the course will be “eight feet in the air,” says Brian Scholz, an organizer of the slalom and freestyle events there. The Wausau Kayak and Canoe Corporation plans to use this dry continues on 60



EL MEZCAL Restaurant

Daily Lunch Specials • Desserts • Margaritas

3100 Rib Mountain Dr., Wausau • 715-845-9100 AUTHENTIC MEXICAN FOOD • DINE IN OR CARRY OUT * Served with rice & beans



*Shrimp Fajitas ........................................ $16.99 Shrimp Quesadilla ..................................... 10.99 Shrimp Nachos .......................................... 10.99 *Shrimp Chimichanga ............................... 10.99 Shrimp Taco Salad ..................................... 10.99 *Filete De Pescado ..................................... 10.99 Tilapia filet seasoned and grilled, served with onions, tomatoes, bell peppers and tortillas. Filete Empanizado (Fish Fry) ..................... 10.69 Haddock deep fried with rice or fries & salad. Shrimp Cocktail ......................................... 13.99 Tacos De Pescado ...................................... 10.69 *Shrimp Burrito.......................................... 10.99 Shrimp Enchiladas..................................... 10.99 Camarones Ala Diabla (Hot or Mild) .......... 13.99 Shrimp sauteed in butter then boiled in authentic Mexican salsa. Served with rice, guacamole, onions, tomatoes and tortillas. Camarones Asados .................................... 13.99 Grilled shrimp served with rice, mixed vegetables and three corn or flour tortillas.

Guacamole Dip........................................... $2.99 Cheese Dip ................................................... 2.99 Bean Dip ....................................................... 3.99 Nachos with Cheese .................................... 4.29 Nachos with Beans ...................................... 5.29 Nachos with Beef......................................... 6.99 Nachos with Beef or Chicken ...................... 6.79 Quesadilla (cheese only) ................................ 3.29 Quesadilla (chicken or beef) ........................... 4.99 Quesadilla (grilled chicken or steak) ............... 6.25 Tossed Salad ................................................ 2.99 Cheese Fries................................................. 4.99

A LA CARTE ORDERS Chimichanga .............................................. $4.99 Burrito (beef or chicken)................................. 3.99 Burrito (bean) ................................................ 3.29 Tostada (beef) ............................................... 3.50 Chili Relleno ................................................. 3.99 Enchilada (beef, chicken or cheese)................ 2.59 Taco (beef or chicken) .................................... 1.89 Tamale .......................................................... 3.29

SIDE ORDERS Tortillas (corn or flour).................................... $.89 Mexican Rice ............................................... 2.99 Mexican Rice with cheese dip .................... 4.99 Refried Beans............................................... 2.99 Sour Cream .................................................. $.99 Pico de Gallo ................................................ $.99 French Fries ................................................. 2.29 Shredded Cheese ......................................... 1.79 Jalapeños..................................................... $.99 *Fajitas Especial El Mezcal - Chorizo, shrimp, chicken and beef strips. Served with sauteed onions, bell peppers, tomatoes and topped with lettuce, guacamole, sour cream, pico de gallo, corn or flour tortilla. One Person $16.99 Two Persons $30.99 *Fajitas - Strips of marinated chicken breast or beef steak strips served with sauteed onions, bell peppers, tomatoes and garnished with lettuce, guacamole, sour cream, pico de gallo, corn or flour tortillas. One Person $15.99 Two Persons $27.99 *Fajitas Jalisco - Marinated tender strips of beef, chicken and shrimp. Served with sauteed onions, bell peppers, tomatoes and garnished with lettuce, guacamole, sour cream, pico de gallo, corn or flour tortillas. One Person $16.99 Two Persons $29.99


12 oz. Ribeye Steak ................................... 18.99 Served with rice and fries or beans and a side salad. Beef Steak Monterrey ................................ 19.99 12 oz. ribeye and melted cheese. Served with rice and mixed vegetables. *Steak Mexicano........................................ 20.99 12 oz. ribeye steak topped with grilled onions, tomatoes, bell peppers and tortillas. *Beef Steak Ranchero ............................... 19.99 12 oz. ribeye with red sauce on top and tortillas. *Carne Asada ............................................. 13.99 Boneless steak and grilled onions, with tomatoes, guacamole, pico de gallo and tortillas. Tacos Carne Asada .................................... 10.99 Three flour tortillas stuffed with sliced steak with a side of pico de gallo, refried beans and green salsa.

VEGETARIAN COMBINATIONS A. One chili rellano, one cheese enchilada and refried beans ............................................. 8.59 B. Two bean burritos with rice ....................... 8.29 C. One bean burrito, one cheese enchilada, one bean tostada ............................................. 8.29 D. One bean burrito, one quesadilla and one chili relleno ......................................... 8.59 E. Two chili relleno, rice and beans................ 8.59 F. Vegetarian fajita, bell peppers, onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, rice, beans, guacamole, sour cream, pico de gallo, lettuce and tortillas .............. 9.99 G. Bean Chimichanga .................................... 8.59 Flour tortilla stuffed with beans, deep fried and topped with cheese sauce, lettuce, sour cream, guacamole and pico de gallo. Served with Mexican rice. H. Vegetarian Nachos .................................... 8.59 Homemade nachos with shredded cheese and cheese sauce, beans, lettuce, sour cream, guacamole, pico de gallo and fresh salsa.

*El Zarape ................................................ $12.99 Marinated beef, chicken & chorizo with grilled bell peppers, onions. Topped with shredded cheese, cheese sauce on pablano peppers. Served with tortillas. *Jimador Beef or Chicken ......................... 11.29 Marinated strips of beef or chicken with cheese dip. *Chili Colorado ........................................... 11.29 Beef or pork chunks with red chili sauce & tortillas. *Chili Verde ................................................ 11.29 Pork or beef chunks with green sauce & tortillas. *Carnitas .................................................... 11.29 Pork tips with lettuce, guacamole and pico de gallo with tortillas. *Special Dinner (a little of everything) ..... 12.59 Chalupa, taco, chili relleno, tamale, enchilada. *Chimichanga .............................................. 8.59 Flour tortilla stuffed with beef or chicken, deep fried, topped with cheese sauce, lettuce, sour cream, guacamole, and pico de gallo. Enchiladas Supremas .................................. 9.99 Four rolled corn tortillas, one beef, one chicken, one cheese and one bean, topped with enchilada sauce, cheese, lettuce, tomato and sour cream. Enchiladas Rancheras ................................. 9.99 Three cheese enchiladas topped with pork, cooked with tomatoes, onions, bell peppers and enchilada sauce, served with lettuce, guacamole, sour cream and tomato. Burrito California ......................................... 9.99 Flour tortilla filled with steak or chicken and rice and beans. Served with lettuce, sour cream, guacamole and green sauce on the side. Burrito Special ............................................. 7.55 One beef burrito with sauce topped with cheese, lettuce and sour cream. Burritos Deluxe ............................................ 9.55 Two flour tortillas wrapped around beans and breast of chicken, topped with cheese, lettuce, tomato, special sauce and sour cream. *Burrito El Mezcal ........................................ 9.99 Flour tortilla filled with seasoned ground beef and beans or chicken topped with lettuce, tomato, sour cream & cheese. Substitute steak for additional $1.00 Burritos Mexicanos...................................... 9.99 Two flour tortillas stuffed with pork, cooked with tomatoes, onions and bell peppers, topped with cheese sauce, lettuce, tomatoes and guacamole. Taquitos Mexicanos ..................................... 9.99 Four rolled corn tortillas stuffed with beef or chicken, served with lettuce, guacamole salad and sour cream. Guadalajara.................................................. 9.99 One chicken burrito, one chicken enchilada, topped with lettuce, sour cream, pico de gallo, cheese and guacamole. Pollo Monterrey.......................................... 10.99 Grilled chicken breast with melted cheese, served with rice and mixed vegetables and tortillas. Pollo Loco................................................... 10.99 Charbroiled chicken breast with red sauce, served with rice, guacamole, salad and tortillas. *Pollo Empanizado..................................... 10.99 Fried chicken breast. Served with tossed salad. Choice of salad dressings and tortillas. *Pollo El Camino ........................................ 10.99 Charbroiled chicken breast, bacon and cheese sauce. Served with tortillas. Grilled Chicken Salad .................................. 8.99 A chicken breast served with lettuce, onion, bell pepper and choice of dressing.

Taco Salad.................................................. $9.69 Crispy flour tortilla shell with beef or chicken, cheese, lettuce, tomato, guacamole and sour cream. Taco Salad Fajitas ...................................... 10.29 A crisp flour tortilla shell with strips of chicken breast or beef served with sauteed onions, tomatoes, bell peppers with lettuce, guacamole and sour cream. Nachos El Mezcal....................................... 10.99 Homemade nachos covered with marinated steak, grilled chicken and beans with melted cheese and cheese sauce, lettuce, tomato, sour cream and guacamole. Nachos Supreme.......................................... 9.69 Cheese nachos topped with beef, chopped chicken and beans covered with lettuce, tomatoes and sour cream. Quesadilla Rellena ....................................... 8.99 A flour tortilla grilled and stuffed with cheese, chopped beef and refried beans, served with lettuce, guacamole and sour cream. Quesadilla Verde or Colorado ...................... 8.99 Beef, pork or chicken quesadilla with green or red sauce, lettuce, guacamole, tomato and sour cream. Quesadilla Fajita .......................................... 9.69 Grilled beef or chicken with tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, lettuce, sour cream and guacamole.


(No Substitutions for Dinners) Choice of fillings: seasoned ground beef or chicken. Items 1-10 are $9.69 1. One taco, two enchiladas and Mexican rice. 2. Two tacos, one enchilada with chili con queso on top with cheese & beef. 3. Three beef enchiladas, Mexican rice and refried beans. 4. One beef enchilada, two tacos, Mexican rice and refried beans. 5. Three beef tacos, Mexican rice and refried beans. 6. One burrito, one taco and two enchiladas. 7. One burrito, one enchilada, Mexican rice and refried beans. 8. One chili relleno, one beef burrito & one enchilada. 9. One taco, one burrito and one chili relleno. 10. One taco, one beef burrito, Mexican rice and refried beans.

HOUSE SANDWICHES - All served with fries Ranchero Chicken Burger ........................... 9.99 Char-broiled chicken breast topped with bacon, lettuce, tomatoes, ranch dressing and white American cheese. Served w/ fries. Aguilas Sandwich ........................................ 9.99 6 oz. Ribeye steak cooked the way you like with mushrooms, onions and American cheese on a french roll. Served with fries. El Mezcal Bacon Cheeseburger................... 9.99 1/3 pound burger with bacon, lettuce, tomatoes, mayonnaise, mustard, white American cheese & pickles. SPECIAL CHILDREN’S MENU AVAILABLE (Served to children under 12)

Substitutes & add-ons subject to extra charge

Sunday 11-9 pm, Monday-Thursday 11-9:30 pm, Friday & Saturday 11-10 pm

Marshfield / 715-384-6532 Merrill / 715-722-0676 Minocqua / 715-356-7975 Wausau / 715-845-9100 WI Rapids / 715-423-9060

$5 OFF Your Order of $25 or More

Wausau El Mezcal Location ONLY Cannot Be Combined w/ Other Offers



During the drawdown, the DNR is concerned about over-fishing of musky, walleye (pictured), perch, bass and even suckers. t feature

story from 58

time to work on the course. The group recently raised $187,000 in the hope of improving the course to attract more top-level competitors. Scholz says care goes into the design because freestylers want things like standing waves for tricks, while slalom racers want fast routes. He says 2020 should have a normal number of events, including a paddling clinic and competitions like a triathlon that will consist of kayaking, bicycling and running. All of this is happening (or rather not happening) so that Wisconsin Public Service can do maintenance on the hydroelectric power plant that produces 5.4 megawatts of electricity. The project includes divers to work underwater and nine barges to work from. What’s

needed, according to WPS spokesperson Kelly Zagrzebski, are three new spillway gates, repairs to the concrete, a new gate heater for winter operations, and an upgrade to the electrical system. Zagrzebski says multiple state and federal permissions were involved to so drastically alter the river between May and as late as December. The main agencies: the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, which governs hydroelectric dams; and the Army Corps of Engineers, which has authority over navigable waterways. WPS also worked with the state DNR on environment and wildlife concerns.

The drawdown itself could have begun May 1 if spring had been normal, but late snowfalls and rains created a much larger runoff. Then, WPS was told to wait nearly a week longer until DNR wildlife managers were satisfied turtles living along the river had come out of hibernation. WPS was also required to hire a consultant who, as the river levels drop, will patrol shorelines and connected backwaters to rescue fish stranded in isolated pools and stranded mussels. That wildlife vulnerability is why fishing is prohibited this year between the Wausau dam and Brokaw. Tim Parks, DNR fisheries biologist based in the Rib Mountain office,

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says the fishing “moratorium” along six miles of river aims to avoid over-fishing. With all the aquatic life crowded into a smaller body of water, it’s easy fishing, and anglers might take too many. And that would affect fish population for years to come. Parks figures as water levels drop near the dam, some fish will move upstream. He doesn’t know how far they’ll move, so he asked members of a local fishing club for their thoughts. Jeff Micholic of Weston, president of Bill’s Musky Club, says, “We kind of agreed with Tim. We really care about this. Our musky fishing is a passion for us and these fish live 25 to 30 years.” Micholic watched what happened a few years ago during the drawdown for repairs of the Eau Claire River dam in Schofield. “People were lining the banks there and they stripped the resource.” The musky club ended up planting $5,000 worth of panfish in the flowage above the dam to help restore the fishery.

Parks is concerned about more than musky in the Wisconsin River. There are notable smallmouth bass populations, and since the late 1990s the DNR has spent a lot of money reintroducing sturgeon. Parks is trying to protect walleye and perch, too. “I just hope that nothing really impacts these fish. We want to have a fishery next year.” He’s even looking out for white suckers, because they’re a good forage species for musky. A prediction from Micholic: “The fishing on Lake Wausau might get better this summer.” He theorizes that during the drawdown—when more water is sent downstream —lots of fish will have gone over or through the dam, improving prospects for anglers there. Zagrzebski says water levels in Lake Wausau will be normal. Flows coming from Merrill will still be filling the lake, so boating and other uses won’t change.

Eau Claire River drawdown above Schofield dam

To perform work on Schofield city public utilities, the Eau Claire River will be drawn down about five feet above the Brooks and Ross Dam at Grand Avenue. Though far less dramatic than the 14-foot drawdown of the Wisconsin River in Wausau, this project will render that part of the Eau Claire mostly unusable for recreation from June 10 through September. The Schofield boat landing above the dam is closed this summer. And the owner of Riverside Kayak Rental on Grand Avenue predicts they won’t rent or launch from its site. The flowage there is shallow under normal conditions, and likely will be inaccessible during the drawdown. Areas farther upstream on the Eau Claire, by around Camp Phillips Road (Hwy. X) in Weston and beyond, probably won’t see much of a difference in the water level. In short, if you’re taking a kayak/canoe trip down the river (heading west) starting along Weston’s Eau Claire River trail, don’t plan on paddling all the way to the Schofield dam. You’ll probably want to take out at Yellowbanks Park. ■



BOAT LANDINGS With so many miles of shoreline in central

Wisconsin, this is not an all-inclusive list. Many localities and private businesses maintain small, lesser-known access points. Most launches listed here are suitable for motorboats, but a few are limited to canoes, kayaks and paddleboards only, as noted.

NOTE! Some waterways around Wausau will look different in 2019, as a result of the Wisconsin River drawdown between Wausau and Brokaw, for maintenance on the hydroelectric dam near downtown Wausau. The river will drop about 14 feet below normal until the end of the year. This will close fishing in some areas and render some boat landings unusable. The handicap accessible kayak launch and the floating piers at Riverlife will not be installed this summer. Unrelated but also happening this summer is a 5-foot drawdown of the Eau Claire River flowage above the Schofield Dam, for work on public utilities. See p. 58 for other details about these river drawdowns.


Gilbert Park * (Wisconsin River) N. Sixth Street, Wausau. Wausau Canoe/Kayak Launch * (Wisconsin River) On the River’s Edge Trail, just north of the Bridge Street bridge. Access from E. Wausau Avenue to N. River Drive. A handicapped-accessible launch for all ages and abilities. Schofield Park * (Wisconsin River) E. Randolph Street, Wausau, near Marathon Electric. Oak Island (Wisconsin River, below Wausau dam) River Drive, just north of Thomas Street, near downtown Wausau. There is also a small kayak slip along the Rivers Edge Trail, between this park and the whitewater course just upstream. Memorial Park (Lake Wausau) South of Grand Avenue, off Sturgeon Eddy, Wausau. D.C. Everest Park (Lake Wausau) South end of Third Avenue, Wausau. Nueske’s at Gulliver’s Landing (Lake Wausau), also easy access to Big Rib River. In front of the restaurant, on the west side of the 17th Ave./ Hwy. N bridge. Rookery Park (Lake Wausau) On the opposite side of the bridge as Gulliver’s.

Wisconsin River and Flowages

Bluegill Bay (Lake Wausau) East on Cloverland Lane, Rib Mountain.

Some launches (*) will not be usable this summer because of river drawdowns

Schofield Dam Upper * (Eau Claire River) Just off Grand Avenue. Boat landing above dam.

Listed from north to south (downstream)

Wisconsin River Forest Unit, north of Brokaw (Wisconsin River) Unimproved landing just east of Hwy. W, on end of Pine Bluff Road.

Schofield Dam Lower (Eau Claire River), Just off Grand Avenue. The boat landing below the dam, accessing Lake Wausau, is open.

Brokaw (Wisconsin River) Unimproved but well used by paddlers and anglers. In the middle of Brokaw, take Fourth Street and follow the rough road down to the river. *Note: This access point might also be affected by the 2019 river drawdown

Rookery View Park (Wisconsin River) Wausau, at the 17th Ave./Hwy. N Bridge. Carry in canoe and kayak access.



Kort Street (Wisconsin River) End of Kort Street, a few blocks down from St. Therese Church, and just upstream from the Rothschild Pavilion.

Domtar Company (Wisconsin River) End of Sunrise Drive, Rib Mountain. Entry just below the dam. Half Moon Lake (Wisconsin River flowage). Near Pinewood Supper Club and Moonlight Landing restaurants, off Hwy. KK, Town of Mosinee. Mosinee River Park (Wisconsin River Mosinee flowage). Just off Main Street near downtown. Canoe Portage Park (Wisconsin River), Mosinee, off River Road on east side of river. Chuck’s Boat Landing, Mosinee (Wisconsin River, below Mosinee dam). End of Fremont St, off Third Street. Big Eau Pleine Park Off Hwy. 153, 10 miles southwest of Mosinee • Three boat landings on this peninsula, each at the end of the roads going through the large park. Big Eau Pleine Reservoir Two landings just off Hwy. O, on either side of the bridge. A Lower Reservoir landing gives access to the Wisconsin River and Lake Dubay area below the dam, on Dam Road.

Eau Claire River and nearby lakes Eau Claire River Conservancy Wausau, at the end of E. Kent Street near Eastbay Sports Complex fields. Canoe/kayak access on river/flowage, on undeveloped city-owned land. Weston Eau Claire River Trail Canoe/kayak access at several points, but the main, most developed launch is at the Ross Avenue bridge. Other rough access points include at Hwy. J just north of Schofield Avenue (behind middle school), on Ringle Avenue just east of Weston, and on Club House Road (north of Ringle Avenue). Mission Lake Park South of Hatley off Hwy. Y Pike Lake South of Hatley off Hwy. Y, east on Mission Lake Road.


Map of all county boat landings (and other recreational opportunities) available by calling 715-539-1034, or go to, under Forestry, Land & Parks department. Merrill Parks and Recreation office at 715-536-7313, Tug Lake 8 miles north of Merrill on Hwy. K to Tug Lake Road, then west 1/2 mile. Camp New Wood County Park 8 miles northwest of Merrill on Hwy. 107 along Wisconsin River. Council Grounds State Park (Wisconsin River) Two landings, one above the dam on Lake Alexander flowage (take Forest Drive), the other below the dam near trails and campground area. Find the park off Hwy. 107, 2 miles northwest of Merrill. Lake Alexander (Wisconsin River flowage above dam) North of Merrill. Western shore on Sunset Drive, north of Hwy. 64. Otter Lake About 15 miles northeast of Merrill, take Hwy. S east off Hwy. 51, then to Stevenson Road, follow signs. Non-motorized boats only. Ott’s Park Located on west side of Merrill on Wisconsin River on north end of Foster Street. Prairie Trails Park Located near corner of Hwy G and K along Prairie River with 2 canoe landings. Riverside Park Located in Merrill off S. Center Ave. along Wisconsin River.


Stevens Point Parks and Rec. Dept. at 715-346-1531 and Portage County at 715-346-1433 Bukolt Park North of downtown Stevens Point, on Bukolt Avenue. Pfiffner Pioneer Park Downtown Stevens Point, on Crosby Avenue. Lake Dubay landing River Lane, just west of Hwy. 34. Lake Dubay Park CTH E, Off Hwy. 34, between Wausau and Stevens Point. Lake Emily Hwy. 10 east, 1 mile west of Amherst Junction. Collins (Lake) Park Hwy. 66 east of Stevens Point 16 miles, right on CTH I for 1 mile, left into the park. Jordan Park (Plover River, Jordan Pond) Hwy. 66 northeast of Stevens Point 6 miles. Left on Hwy. Y, then first left. Lake Helen Park 3.5 miles east of Rosholt on Lake Helen Road. Sunset Lake Park Sunset Lake Road, about 15 miles east of Stevens Point. Hwy. 10 to Hwy. 161, north on Hwy. A, then east (right) on MM. ■

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800-398-2667 • Rib Mountain • Rothschild • Wausau • Weston 2019 CITY PAGES SUMMER FUN BOOK


PUBLIC CAMPGROUNDS Details of nearby sites, plus general information on state and national

forest camping nearby. For private campgrounds, check the chamber of commerce in the area that piques your interest.


The Wausau/Marathon Co. Park Dept. accepts campsite reservations for Big Eau Pleine Park, Dells of the Eau Claire Park and Marathon Park. Some sites may be reserved, others on a first come, first served basis • Check-in/check-out at 3 pm • Reservations: Weekdays 9 am–4:30 pm call 715-261-1566, or visit 212 River Dr., Wausau; or online at • Visitors may not bring firewood into parks, forests or campgrounds. Firewood available at sites for $6 per bundle, or gathered on-site. Dells of the Eau Claire Park East of Wausau 15 miles (take Hwy. 52 or Hwy. Z) on Hwy. Y • Sites: 28 total, 16 with electricity (family campground) • Fees: $20 w/electricity, $17 without • Group camping (no electricity) $115 for 1–25 people, $160 for 26+ • Located near scenic Eau Claire River Dells, Ice Age Trail and beach area Big Eau Pleine Park Southwest of Wausau 18 miles (or 10 miles southwest of Mosinee). Take Hwy. 153 west about 5 miles out of Mosinee to Eau Pleine Park Road, turn south, go about 3.5 miles • Sites: 106 total • Fees: $20 w/electricity, $17 without; lake view sites $22 for west unit w/electricity, $19 south unit without. Sanitary dump $6 per use • Group rates: $130 for 1–25 people, $180 for 26+ • Miles of walking, biking and horseback trails, disc golf, beach & boat landing, handicap site available. Majority undeveloped Marathon Park Stewart Avenue, Wausau • Sites: 28 total, 24 w/electricity • Fees: $25 w/electricity, $20 without. Sanitary dump $7 per use • Near downtown, electricity, showers, grills, playgrounds and Marathon Junction Concession. No campfires allowed Marathon County Forests camping in undesignated recreation areas allowed on individual permit basis for $15, which is valid for up to 14 consecutive nights of camping. For permit contact Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Administrative Office at 715-261-1550.

NORTHERN HIGHLAND AMERICAN LEGION STATE FOREST White sand beaches, fishing lakes, quiet lakes, bike trails and hundreds of family-friendly camping sites just north of Minocqua in this 232,000-acre system. General information: Maps, info, reservations:



LINCOLN COUNTY For maps, reservations and more information, contact the Lincoln Co. Forestry Dept. at 715-539-1034 or, under Forestry, Land & Parks department. Do not bring in firewood from more than 10 miles from the campground. Otter Lake Southeast of Tomahawk. Take Hwy. 51 15 miles past Merrill, then Hwy. S east 4 miles to Stevenson, follow signs • Sites: 25 rustic campsites. First come, first served • Fees: $15/night • Beach, nature trail around lake, boat landing (non-motorized only), picnic area, toilets Camp New Wood County Park On Wisconsin River. Take Hwy. 107 northwest of Merrill 10 miles • Sites: 7 primitive, non-reservable • Fees: $15/night • Entrance to Ice Age Trail, water pump, playground, primitive bathrooms, boat landing, two shelters Lincoln County Forest System covers more than 100,000 acres. Camping is not allowed at High Lake, Fox Lake, Morraine Lake, Henson Lake, Kordick Lake • Fees: Free for no more than 14 days. Call to let them know you’re there, as some places are remote • Camping, mountain biking, hiking, fishing. Maps available Underdown Recreation Area In the southern part of the Harrison Hills Forest Unit, 13 miles north of Merrill. Take Hwy. K north of Merrill to H, then east to Copper Lake Road • Sites: 11 rustic campsites large enough to accommodate trucks with horse trailers • Fees: $5 daily user, or summer/fall season passes $15 at the Forestry office. No pass required for children under 16. Camping $15 per night • On the Ice Age Trail with several kettle lakes, boat landing, lots of trails for horseback, mountain bike & hiking trails, toilets and water pump Council Grounds State Park Hwy. 107, 2 miles northwest of Merrill • Sites: 52 family sites • Fee: $7.75 reservation fee. Camping costs start at $15 nightly for state residents, $20 out-ofstate. State park vehicle sticker required: $28 annually (in-state), $8 daily • Showers, flush toilets, boat landing and hiking area on scenic shores of Wisconsin River. Outdoor group camp available on three sites that can accommodate 32 people. Minimum stay of two nights. Same day and advance reservations. 715-536-8773, or


Campgrounds have on-site firewood and ice. Daily fee includes $6 charge for electricity. For more information, contact the Portage Co. Park Dept., 715-346-1433. Online reservations at Collins (Lake) Park Rosholt. Take Hwy. 66 east of Stevens Point 16 miles, right on Hwy. I. Go 1 mile, left into park • Sites: 27 • Fees: $8 reservation fee, $24 daily • Beach, boat ramp, toilets, showers, playground, handicap site available Dubay Park Northwest of Stevens Point 13 miles, off Hwy. 10 • Sites: 31 • Fees: $8 reservation fee, $24 daily • Beach, boat ramp, playground, picnic lodge, baseball field, toilets, showers, handicap site available Jordan Park Hwy. 66 northeast of Stevens Point 6 miles. Left on Hwy. Y, then first left • Sites: 22 improved sites, 3 walk-in sites • Fees: $8 reservation fee, $24 daily • Three canoe/walk-in sites (no electric), toilets, showers, beach, playground, baseball field and trail, handicap site available Lake Emily Park Amherst Junction. Hwy. 10 about 8 miles east of Stevens Point, right on Lake Drive • Sites: 66 • Fees: $8 reservation fee; camping fee $24 • Beach, boat ramp, toilets, showers, playground, baseball field, handicap site available Hartman Creek State Park On Hwy. 54, 20 miles southeast of Stevens Point • Sites: 103 • Fees: $7.75 reservation fee. Camping starts at $18 nightly for state residents, $23 out-of-state. Vehicle sticker required: $28 annually (in-state), $8 daily • Showers, flush toilets, hiking, horse riding and biking trails (including 8 miles of singletrack). Seven lakes, sandy swimming beach, picnic areas, nature center. Teepee rental available., or


Many areas are within 90-minute drive of Wausau. The sprawling Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest in Wisconsin has more than 900 sites across 47 campgrounds, plus hundreds of other individual sites. Good details on campsites and specific areas at Click on “Recreation” for a listing of sites and their surroundings, divided by district. There are directions and helpful descriptions of the campsites, but first-time visitors need a map. For other information and to order maps, contact the U.S. Forest Service’s Rhinelander office at 500 Hanson Lake Road, Rhinelander. 715-362-1300. ■

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Happy Trails For hiking, biking, or just dorking around in the wild, central Wisconsin has miles of paths for any fitness level. Here are some of our favorites, plus some updates on what’s new this year. Find fun new attractions along the River Edge Parkway this summer.

River Edge Parkway, Wausau Do you even remember what Wausau’s waterfront trail was like a few years ago? This paved path for bikes and feet now stretches unbroken from Oak Island Park, north past downtown, through the beautiful new waterfront Riverlife Park, and up well past Bridge Street. New this year: It’s not exactly a trail thing, but rather big attractions along the way: Riverlife Park will open a concession building operated by Briq’s Soft Serve, and some big bodacious playground equipment such as a skycabin, walk and slide and climbing sphere near and under the Bridge Street. Construction on these new features began in 2018, and will continue until about midsummer this year before everything is ready to use, according to the Parks Department.



Cedar Creek Trail, Rothschild

Cedar Creek Trail, Rib Mountain

Easily the most scenic and pleasant ride in the area, this winding trail offers close views of the Wisconsin River. Pedal through forests, meadows and a red covered railroad bridge perfect for pictures. Tips: The best place to start is behind Stoney Creek Inn, or at the bike/ped bridge that crosses the Wisconsin River. The path starts and ends at Military Road, two blocks from the River Street Park. There, you’ll also find the bridge crossing the river. Park at the River Street Park next to the bridge, or in the south end of the Cedar Creek Mall parking lot. Not tired yet? Head on to the next trail on our list.

When you reach the west end of the Wisconsin River bike/ped bridge, you’re entering Rib Mountain, and will take a ride over Hwy. 29 on Sunrise Drive. Tips: Sunrise Drive becomes Lakeshore Drive, which then becomes Lilac Avenue, where you’ll find a striped shoulder for bikes. If you want to avoid being so close to the noisy highway, wind through the neighborhood’s tree-lined residential streets. Treat yourself to a job well done at Briq’s Soft Serve, or continue on residential streets to Bluegill Bay Park for a picnic. continues on 68


IRONBULL.ORG Helping to reinvent Wausau as the Xtreme Sports Capital of the USA with our government, business, foundations and civic leaders. We are building on a history of outdoor sporting activities that traces its roots back to 1937 with the opening of the ski hill on Rib Mountain. Today venues include Granite Peak, the Whitewater Park, 9-Mile Forest, Ringle Bike Trails, and Mountain Biking on Sylvan Hill.

2019-2020 Xtreme Races & Events

OUR Mission

Ultra Marathon October 5th 2019

IRONBULL Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation that hosts extreme endurance, running, paddling, biking, adventure, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing races. Central Wisconsin is home to a young and growing community of extreme sports enthusiasts, where active and healthy living is an integral part of who they are and competition is a way of life.

Red Granite Grinder Bike Race October 19th 2019

Our Goals 1. Be at the leading edge of promoting and supporting emerging extreme sports.

2. Invest in sporting venues and facilities that promote the extreme element of a sport.

3. Support clubs and organizations that promote activities associated with extreme sports, whether the activities are based in or outdoors.

4. Coordinate with other organizations to create a calendar of sporting events in Central Wisconsin that leverage existing and future recreational assets in the area.

Xtreme Winter Triathlon January 26th 2020 Rib Mountain Adventure Challenge May 23rd 2020 IRONBULL Paddle June 20th 2020 Xtreme Summer Triathlon July 30th to August 2nd 2020

5. Races act as a lifestyle magnet for millennials to live and work in Central Wisconsin.

Ultra Marathon October 3rd 2020

6. Rebrand Wausau as the

Iron Endurance Bike Race October 17th 2020

Xtreme Sports Capital of the USA.


Xtreme Weekends Each IRONBULL race incorporates Xtreme Weekend events from a oneof-a-kind health & wellness festival, to 1k baby IRONBULL runs, to a Xtreme Playground on the 400 Block, to music venues. The city will become a destination from recreational to elite race participants to spectators from across the Midwest.




from 66

CWOCC / GARY BARDEN Sylvan Hill Park

Sylvan Hill Park Mountain Bike Course, Wausau Strong riders will find plenty of challenges here. The trails attract riders of all ages, from men in their 60s who meet up for morning rides, to teens and everything in between at this downhill bike trail in an urban park. The park makes do with a 150-foot elevation drop, packing four trails of various difficulty into a small area. The course isn’t for the faint of heart. You need a sturdy bike built to handle rocks and jumps. Make sure the brakes work, wear a helmet, and be prepared to fly at speeds of 25 mph through the woods—and that’s the easy loop! The four trails progress in difficulty levels: beginner, intermediate, advanced and expert. The green beginner trail is a long loop around the perimeter. The three shorter but more difficult runs are generally steeper with “filter” features at the top so riders can gauge their comfort level of the trail features. Be ready for tabletop jumps for catching air, large turns you can build speed on, and rock features you can roll over. Once you reach the bottom (near the park’s chalet on Sylvan Street), get your lungs ready for the climb back to the top, located at the end of Coates Lane behind Horace Mann Middle School, off Sell Street. At this top trailhead you can practice in the skills area, which includes some rock features and wooden bridges, and a pump track with rollers and curves. New this summer: The Central Wisconsin Offroad Cycling Coalition is the group that made the Sylvan Hill Park course happen. They didn’t stop there in their mission to create more trails. Their newest, nearly completed project that’s open this season: the Ringle trails, located near the Marathon County landfill property outside of Hatley. There will be (when completed this fall) 11 miles of easy to intermediate level riding, most of it created by professional builder FlowTrack Mountain Bike Trails. Access the trailhead off Hwy. 29, at the big sign for the landfill.

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Eau Claire River Trail, Weston Explore some of the area’s most beautiful woods, river shoreline, wildflower meadows and small boardwalk bridges over streams and river channels. Because the paths are mostly flat with gentle slopes, this is a good choice for families. Two blocks away, on Ryan Street, you’ll connect with the Mountain Bay Trail. Tips: Best parking is on Ryan Street, just north of Schofield Avenue. There’s also limited parking at the east end of Thomas Avenue for access to the mid-point of this trail.

Green Circle Trail, Stevens Point You can make an entire day of exploring on this 26-mile urban, yet scenic hiking and biking trail that loops around the city and past several parks, nature areas, rivers, and the charming outdoor sculpture garden. The main loop is divided into 15 sections (Plover River Trail, Iverson Park Trail, University Trail at Schmeeckle Reserve, etc.) It’s mostly dedicated, off-road paths, but there are points where you’ll take a sidewalk or shoulder of a street, especially when connecting with other segments. Tips: Find easy to read maps at The main trailhead with information daily 8 am–5 pm is found at Schmeeckle Reserve, on North Point Drive just east of Sentry Insurance. Find the Sculpture Park—you won’t regret it—at Zenoff Park.

In parks and forests

Several of these are lesser-known parks and pathways—break out of your comfort zone! Some areas are fairly remote, so pack enough water and a fully charged cell phone for safety.

Otter Lake Lincoln County, east of Tomahawk. About 15 miles north of Merrill, take Hwy. S east off Hwy. 51, then to Stevenson Road, follow signs • This part of the county’s forest system is found in the Harrison Hills area. The lake itself is beautifully clear with a beach perfect for swimming, plenty of natural trails and rustic camping nearby.

The Ice Age Trail This 1,000-mile footpath highlights the glacial remnants in Wisconsin as it winds through some of the state’s most beautiful natural areas. Within a few miles of parking in most segments, you’ll comes across pristine forest streams and lakes, meadows and historic sites. Entirely within the state, this jewel is one of only eleven National Scenic Trails nationwide. Most segments have two or three roadside parking areas, so you can choose what parts to hike for shorter excursions. Biking is NOT permitted. Go to for current information, online informational maps, and to order a detailed printed map, which is a must for long hikes, especially in Lincoln County where the trail winds through remote forests.

Big Eau Pleine Park West of Mosinee, 18 miles southwest of Wausau. Hwy. 153 west from Mosinee to Eau Pleine Park Road. Turn south and go 3.5 miles • A developed wilderness trail system provides nine miles of shoreline and forest access paths on this peninsula in the river. Good family hiking and biking, as the trails take you through a couple of picnic and beach areas. Wilderness, kind of, but not remote, with a main road that goes straight through the middle of the park. Plenty of space for a full day’s outing.

Dells of the Eau Claire Eastern Marathon County, 15 miles east of Wausau on Hwy. Y • There’s a sandy beach for swimming in a calm spot of the Eau Claire River, a path that takes you down next to the rocky rapids and then to the dramatic dells. But don’t stop there. Twenty-four trail segments span the 190-acre park. The Ice Age Trail enters the park from the southwest corner and leaves the north side at CTH Y.

Nine Mile Recreation Area Town of Rib Mountain, Marathon County. Hwy. 51 to Hwy. N, west on N to Red Bud Road • Though best known for its cross-country skiing, the forest trails also make for excellent hiking and great mountain biking through nearly 5,000 acres of woods and wetlands and even over a few streams. The best “deep woods” experience this close to the Wausau metro area. ■



must list

The big, note worthy events you simply must not miss. Many of them are annual summer traditions. So get out and frolic, people. You’ve got a lot of fun to soak up in the next three months. BRASS DIFFERENTIAL | JUNE 12

Concerts on the Square


Wednesday nights are full of good vibes, a happy picnicking crowd, and great live music for all ages. It’s quintessential summer in Wausau. This year you get more, as the annual series kicks off on the first Wednesday in June—that’s two weeks earlier than usual—with 12 shows instead of 10. It’s the longestrunning outdoor concerts series in the area, started by City Pages in 1993 (in Stewart Park, before there was a square) and happening every year since. Haul your dinner, blanket and chairs to the square and kick back. You’ll bask in the glow of several perennial favorites, and feel something fresh with several bands making their Concerts on the Square debut. Music run 6–8 pm rain or shine, though may move indoors in extreme weather, if possible. No pets and no smoking within the square. Buffet tables prohibited because of space limitations. Check Wausau Events’ or City Pages Facebook pages for day-of updates. 715-297-9531,



■ JUNE 5 | Charles Walker Band You will definitely get your groove on with these guys, who return for their fourth Concert on the Square appearance since 2014. Based in Milwaukee, they play a blend of neo-funk and soul with poppy melodies. They’ve been compared to Prince and Bruno Mars, because their energy and sound is so infectious, especially from the awesome vocalist Porsche Carmon. ◄ JUNE 12 | Brass Differential Brace yourself for a big, big New Orleans brass-style evening with this band from Green Bay. Their horn-centered sound sets them apart, especially with their use of the large sousaphone. Their repertoire also includes funk, hip-hop and soul. ■ JUNE 19 | Unity You get all the feels, and maybe taken to church, from this wildly popular, rockin’ reggae rock band from the Fox Valley. There’s good reason Unity is a Concert on the Square regular. With positive party vibes, the band plays old roots and reggae favorites along with original music. ■ JUNE 26 | The Dang-It’s This Madison-based group wins over audiences with their blend of classics, standards, off-the-beaten path treasures, covers and originals. You’ll love their diverse style and broad repertoire including honky tonk, Western swing, Americana, bluegrass, blues and more.

CHICKEN WIRE EMPIRE | JULY 31 ■ JULY 31 | Chicken Wire Empire The earthy tunes from this group feel like home. Formed in Milwaukee in 2014, this 5-piece bluegrass band blends contemporary tunes with traditional bluegrass, creating a soulful sound full of harmonies and foot stomping fun. ◄ AUG. 7 | The Last Bees From Milwaukee, this fabulously retro rock band (previously The Ian Ash Band) plays low-fi pop inspired by the sound of the Beatles, Buddy Holly and others of that early rock era. The melodies are sweet, with a vocal and instrumental edge. This is seriously good ol’ new stuff. ■ AUG. 14 | Tallymoore Breathing new life into Irish folk favorites, this Milwaukee band returns to the square to perform a range of Irish and Scottish folk tunes, ballads, reels and classic pub songs, with some sounds of country, bluegrass, and Americana.

KARI LYNCH BAND | JULY 17 ■ JULY 3 | Julyda It’s cello driven pop rock! This creative husband-wife duo of Julida and Sean Alter from Minneapolis intertwine layered guitar with the deep powerful cello and sweet vocals, and it is absolutely charming.

▼ AUG. 21 | Brett Newski & The No Tomorrow Proud to be the first band ever kicked out of Wal-Mart for playing an illegal show, this Milwaukee-based “dork rock” band plays a fresh, alternative pop style full of catchy melodies, personality and fun.

■ JULY 10 | Johnny & the MoTones Local music hero John Altenburgh’s shakin’, swingin’ bluesy rock returns, hot on the heels of their new album that rocked the charts. Their annual performances on the square tend to attract the biggest crowd of the season. Watch for special guest musicians adding to the fabulous fun. ▲ JULY 17 | Kari Lynch Band Country, Americana and twangy rock. This high-energy Nashville-based group plays across the U.S., and has opened for popular country artists including Miranda Lambert, Little Big Town, and more. ■ JULY 24 | Copper Box Party on with this favorite Wisconsin band—another Concert on the Square regular—playing Americana, rock, a bit of zydeco and maybe a polka or two, all delivered with that signature gleeful style.

BRETT NEWSKI & THE NO TOMORROW | AUGUST 21 continues on 72 u



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Monk Gardens foodie fun Monk Botanical Gardens in Wausau is seriously ramping up this summer, with intriguing food, drink and gardening events, most held around the outdoor kitchen pavilion. Sure, these programs are educational, but they’re also great fun hanging around the fabulous scenery with friends and family. For details, to register and other info, visit

■ Kick-Off Event

■ Booze & Botany

Register and details at Workshop schedule: 10:00 am | Invasive Species ID and Control 11:00 am | Gardening with Pollinators in Mind 12:00 pm | Kids Planting 1:00 pm | Pruning 101

■ Pizza for the Family: From Plant to Plate

SUNDAY JUNE 2 | Start the season with activities for all ages and interests, including workshops, garden tours, a flea market and vegetables and herb plants for sale. 10 am-2 pm. Free admission. Workshop prices: Free for members, otherwise $10 adult, $5 child.

■ Garden Gabs: A Lecture Series

Meet in the garden pavilion for this new summer lecture series that brings in experts to speak about all things plant related. All classes Tuesdays, 6-7 pm. $2 members, $4 non-members, cash only. No registration required. JUNE 4 | From Sap to Syrup and Everything In-between JUNE 11 | Foraging Wild Mushrooms in Central Wisconsin JUNE 18 | Coffee: From the Origin to the Cup JUNE 25 | Using and Infusing Plants in Skincare JULY 2 | Adaptive Gardening JULY 9 | Insects in the Garden: Common, Cool, and Creepy JULY 16 | Growing Backyard Berries JULY 23 | Illuminated Sculptures JULY 30 | Front Yard Foraging AUG. 6 | Natural Solutions for Healthy, Empowered Living AUG. 13 | Slow Food

THURSDAY JULY 18 | Last year’s inaugural event was a sell out, so sign up early to join the finest Wausau mixologists and learn to use fruits and herbs from your garden to create craft cocktails. This event really is a party, with brick oven pizza baked on-site, a silent auction and live music by the acoustic duo Open Tab. 6-10 pm. Tickets on sale June 1.

SUNDAY JULY 28 | Gather to make pizza as a family using ingredients from the kitchen garden. It’s a hands-on event with Polito’s General Manager Dan Sosnowski. Kids will stretch dough, make the sauce, choose the topping and then bake it in the brick oven. Intended for families with children 4-10 years old. 2-4 pm. $20 per family of 5 or less, $5 per additional person.

■ Dirt to Pot Cooking Series

Local chefs show how to grow, harvest and prepare meals. This year the series highlights international dishes. All classes Mondays 6-8 pm. Members $25 per class, $40 for two, $100 for five; general $35/$60/$150. AUG. 5 | Luis Melendez of La Taquiera shows how to make guacamole and ceviche AUG. 12 | Eric Corbine of WOW prepares Puerto Rican rice and pigeon peas. AUG. 19 | Chumpot Ratanawong of Hanuman Express makes Green Papaya Salad AUG. 26 | David Lorio of Thrive makes Jambalaya Pasta SEPT. 9 | Nate Bychinski from Red Eye Brewing demonstrates in-season cooking with a Spanish dish SEPT. 16 | Paj Ntshua Nplaom of The Roses makes Hmong eggrolls

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Energy Fair


“Good energy” abounds, in every sense. This huge event attracts 10,000+ people from all over the world actually to learn the latest about clean energy, sustainability, and new technologies. And it’s huge fun, with multiple stages, 200+ workshops, 200+ exhibitors, lively entertainment, great food, and local beer. Organized by the Midwest Renewable Energy Association, this event is celebrating 30 years this June, making it the longest-running event of its kind in the nation.

■ FRIDAY HIGHLIGHTS 9:15 am | Solar Roots: The Pioneers of PV documentary screening 1:00 pm | Keynote speaker Bethany Mclean, journalist and author 2:30 pm | The Chord Trackers playing bluegrass and country favorites 4:30 pm | Art Stevenson & High Water playing bluegrass 6:30 pm | Baba Ghanooj hosts an open mic 9:00 pm | People Brothers Band playing rhythm and soul ■ SATURDAY HIGHLIGHTS 10:00 am | Chef & Cooking Demonstrations 1:00 pm | Keynote speaker Naomi Oreskes, geologist and Earth historian 3:00 pm | Stanton West playing folk 5:00 pm | Keynote speaker Rosa Clemente, journalist, producer 5:30 pm | Genevieve Heyward plays indie-pop and folk 9:30 pm | Anna Jo Banjo hosts an open mic ■ SUNDAY HIGHLIGHTS Noon | Keynote speaker Curt Meine, conservation biologist, historian and writer 1:30 pm |The Outskirts playing bluegrass, folk and country 2:30 pm | Dead Horses playing indie folk ■ FAIR ADMISSION: Adults $15 day, $35 weekend; youth & seniors $10 day, $20 weekend. Free ages 12 and under. Fair hours Fri.-Sat. 9 am-11 pm; Sun. 9 am-4 pm. Parking on site, or use shuttle buses that run hourly from five locations in Stevens Point. More details and full schedule at

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Outdoor movies It’s a thing this year, with three series and one big pajama party with carnival-like attractions. The allure isn’t about the movie title, it’s about sharing the experience under the stars in the open air.

■ Cinema at the Cemetery

Don’t worry, people won’t gather on top of grave sites. The area where the movie are shown is undeveloped and not planned for burial land. Bring chairs and blankets for this relaxing summer evening. Movies start at 7:30 pm. 715-675-3309: FRIDAY JUNE 28 | The Wizard of Oz FRIDAY AUG 9 | Mrs. Doubtfire

■ Movies Under the Stars

Organized by the Village of Kronenwetter at three different locations. Movies are determined by a poll, so check Facebook to cast your vote. Bring a blanket or lawn chair. Concessions available. Movie at dusk. Details at FRIDAY JUNE 21 | Towering Pines Park THURSDAY JULY 18 | Norm Memorial Park FRIDAY AUG 9 | Friendship Park

■ Movies in the Park

Stevens Point YMCA took over this outdoor movies series this year, now offering one showing in Plover. Movies at dusk. Check out Facebook for details: FRIDAY JUNE 14 | Megamind at Pfiffner Park in Stevens Point FRIDAY JULY 26 | Aladdin at Pfiffner Park in Stevens Point FRIDAY AUG 16 | Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs at Lake Pacawa, Plover

■ Drive-in Movie and Family Pajama Party

THURSDAY AUG 15 | Marathon Park Big Kitchen. This annual event by the Wausau/ Marathon Co. Parks Dept. always draws a crowd, with a bounce house and carnival games 7-8:30 pm, followed by family friendly movie TBD at 8:30 pm. Wind location: Marathon Park Multi-Purpose Buildings. Free. 715-261-1550. continues on 76


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The Friday night party is an awesome start to

summer for kids. While it’s mainly for families, even adults will enjoy bringing chairs and blankets down to the park to watch Mary Poppins Returns under the moon. On Sunday for Father’s Day, the Classic Car Show downtown has 80+ cars on display from yesteryear to now. The retro theme is unmistakable, with live music from Carmen Lee playing rockabilly like nobody’s business, and the Miss High Octane family-friendly show where ladies costume up in 1940s–50s “pinup girls” style. Other info at or call 715-297-9531.

■ FRIDAY AT MARATHON PARK Events 5–9 pm except where noted • Music, photo booth, balloon twisting by Mischief & Magic • STEM mobile, Spudmobile • Interactive exhibits, life-size fiberglass milking cow • Bounce house, face painting, crafts, handson experiments • Food vendors on-site • Kid’s Fun Run race 6 pm. Several lengths and age categories for kids 3–13+, from a 200-yard dash to half-mile. Free this year, register on-site • Mary Poppins Returns outdoor movie starts at dusk (around 8 pm) ■ SUNDAY ON THE 400 BLOCK • Classic car show and food vendors 10 am–3 pm • Music by Carmen Lee and Tomorrow River 10:30 am–noon • Miss High Octane pin up contest at 1 pm










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Marketplace Thursdays JUNE 20–SEPT. 19| 400 BLOCK, DOWNTOWN WAUSAU

Central Wisconsin is home to many farmers, jewelry producers, soap creators, cooks and artists, and this weekly market (9 am-2 pm) highlights all their work. It’s a perfect excuse to spend an extended midday break outdoors. If you didn’t pack a lunch, the market has you covered with food trucks and other ready-to-eat items in addition to fresh produce. This year, the fun includes the Lunch Bomb 11 am1 pm, when downtown eateries feature a special lunch menu at a reduced price right on the square. Every week brings live entertainment, from kid shows and family fun to local singer-songwriters. No matter which week you go, the action aims to make your day brighter. Entertainment schedule still in the works, check JUNE 20 | Substyle JUNE 27 | Emily Metz JULY 11 | Abby & Luke

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It always falls around the Fourth of July, but this year, the three-day festival along the Wisconsin River starts on the holiday. It’s one the biggest free music events in the area. Yes there’s nonstop live music, but it’s also a family-favorite tradition with tons of food and all-ages fun, including a carp fishing competition, the Timberwolves Lumberjack Show, and Mischief & Magic providing balloon twisting, face painting and magic shows. The regional and national bands range from blues and folk to rock and country. On Saturday night the sky lights up with fireworks over the water.



■ THURSDAY HIGHLIGHTS 12:00 pm | Main Street Parade 1:00 pm | Trivia Contest at the Pfiffner Building 1:30 pm | Mischief and Magic at the South Tent 1:30 pm | The Dirty Martinis playing rockabilly at the Main Stage 2:00 pm | Timberwolves Lumberjack Show at the Family Zone 4:30 pm | First Avenue playing acoustic variety at the Pfiffner Building 5:00 pm | Timberwolves Lumberjack Show at the Family Zone 7:00 pm | Conscious Pilot playing rock at the North Tent 7:00 pm | Emma Hern playing folk rock at the Main Stage 7:30 pm | Desperate Ottos playing country and rock at the Pfiffner Building 7:30 pm | Timberwolves Lumberjack Show at the Family Zone 9:00 pm | Delta Rae playing roots and rock at the Main Stage ■ FRIDAY 5:00 pm | Timberwolves Lumberjack Show at the Family Zone 7:00 pm | Michigan Rattlers playing folk and rock at the Main Stage 7:00 pm | Old Soul Society playing roots and rock at the North Tent 7:00 pm | Barbaro playing bluegrass at the Pfiffner Building 7:30 pm | Timberwolves Lumberjack Show at the Family Zone 9:00 pm | Cracker playing alternative rock at the Main Stage ■ SATURDAY 9:00 am | Horseshoe Tournament at Mead Park 1:00 pm | Kids Day with games and prizes in the South tent 1:00 pm | Poetry Slam at the Pfiffner Building 1:00 pm | Brett Westgrove playing country at the Main Stage 2:00 pm | Timberwolves Lumberjack Show at the Family Zone 5:00 pm | Timberwolves Lumberjack Show at the Family Zone 5:30 pm | Funkyard Dealers playing funk at the Pfiffner Building 6:15 pm | Mojoe and Flipside playing rhythm and blues at the Main Stage 7:00 pm | Porky’s Groove Machine playing funky jams at the North Tent 7:30 pm | Timberwolves Lumberjack Show at the Family Zone 8:15 pm | Samantha Fish playing blues at the Main Stage 9:15 pm | Lighted Boat Parade at Bukolt Park Dusk | Fireworks launched from Mead Park OTHER DETAILS Food tents open Thurs. & Sat. noon-10 pm & Fri. 5-10 pm. Free admission. Full schedule and details at, 715-346-1569.



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Fourth of July Celebrations

from 78

The holiday falls on Thursday this year, which for most people means a nice, long weekend. Around Wausau there are three big events celebrating Independence Day 2019. Of course, these aren’t the only special festivities around the holiday. Community parades, fireworks and music happen everywhere throughout the week. But when you want to go big or all-day-long, check out these fests.


Independence Day Festival & Car Show SUNDAY JUNE 30 WILLOW SPRINGS GARDEN NORTH OF WAUSAU This is an absolutely charming, entertaining, patriotic family event in the country. The car show features motorcycles, vintage snowmobiles, boats, race cars, hot rods and antique tractors. It’s full of family fun with horse drawn wagon rides, kid’s games, tractor parade, craft booths, blacksmith demo, live music, food, and historic reenactors. Bring a lawn chair or blanket to watch the awesome fireworks at dusk. 8 am –10 pm. Free admission. 715-675-1171,, and on Facebook.

Wausau Area Fourth of July Festival WED.-SUN. JULY 3-7 MARATHON PARK, WAUSAU The annual carnival-like event and fireworks return to the Marathon Park fairgrounds with rides, food, live music in the beer tent, and all sorts of family-friendly fun. Many details TBD, but here’s some info nailed down as of this publication: • Live music in the beer tent Wed.-Sat. at 7 pm • Daily carnival rides • Thurs. fireworks at dusk (weather date on Fri.) • Nick’s Kid’s show, multiple times daily • Demo Derby Sat. 2 pm in the Grandstand • Lawnmower Races on Thurs. or Sun. at 1 pm in the Grandstand • General festival hours Wed. & Fri. 4-11:30pm; Thurs. & Sat. noon-11:30 pm; Sun. noon6:30 pm. Free admission, $10 button for grandstand events. Details and updates

Red, White & Boom THURSDAY JULY 4 ATHLETIC PARK, WAUSAU While the Wisconsin Woodchucks baseball team is away on the road, what can you do with the big stadium and adjacent park? Host an evening Fourth of July celebration, that’s what. Now in its third year, the Woodchucks organization will open its gates at 6:30 pm for people to come in and enjoy yard games, inflatables and face painting, and live music by Spicy Tie Band starting at 7 pm. Food and drink will be available for purchase, so no carry-ins. The “spectacular” fireworks show begins at around 9:50 pm. And yes, watching fireworks up close in the stadium is notably awesome. $5 admission., 715-845-5055.

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Balloon and Rib Fest


We call it Wausau’s Big Weekend for good reason. It’s one of the area’s most popular events: hot air balloons, rib vendors, food trucks, live music, and three nights of the largest fireworks show in the region. Attention foodies: Wausau’s own Urban Street Bistro will be among the seven ribbers this year! This four-day feast for the senses also offers a fabulous (and affordable) family area with bouncy rides and animal attractions. Bring a chair or blanket if you’re staying a while, especially into the night when most everyone finds a patch of grass to watch the fire-roaring balloon glows on the grounds, followed by the fantastic fireworks. On Saturday take the quick shuttle bus to downtown for the artful color explosion of Chalkfest on the 400 Block.

■ THURSDAY Ribs and other food served ($) 5–9 pm Petting zoo, camel & pony rides ($) 5–9 pm Kids rides & games ($) 5–9 pm Balloon set up/launch 6:30 pm Live music starts 6 pm, Reverend Raven (blues) 7:30–10:45 pm Beer garden ($) 5–10 pm Balloon glow 8:30 pm Fireworks 9:45 pm ■ FRIDAY Ribs and other food served ($) 5–9 pm Petting zoo, camel & pony rides ($) 5–9 pm Kids rides & games ($) 5–9 pm Beer garden ($) 5–10 pm Balloon set up/launch 6:30 pm Live music starts 6 pm, Eddie Butts (R&B, jazz, pop) 7:15–10:45 pm Balloon glow 8:30 pm Fireworks 9:45 pm NEED-TO-KNOW DETAILS The airport is located on the city’s south side, west of Grand Avenue on Lakeview Drive. Visit for parking options and map of entrances. Festival entrances at Elmwood Blvd. and Emerson St. Balloon events are weather dependent. Rain or even moderate wind can cancel a launch or glow. But a breezy day is good business for the kite displays on Saturday. See the Wausau Events Facebook page for updates. Admission is free but there is a fee for some attractions, like games, food and rides. No carry-ins. Food and drink are sold on-site. You can bring your own chairs and blankets and choose a spot to watch the balloon glows, launches and fireworks. Balloon Chase Run The Runway 5K Run/Walk at 7:30 am Saturday is scheduled to begin after the morning balloon launch at 6:00 am. Registration $25 advance, $30 day-of, and includes pancake breakfast afterward. This year, the route goes throughout the airport grounds so runners can view hot air balloon and airplanes up close. See to register. These fireworks are one of the biggest displays in the area. If you don’t make it to the airport grounds for a premium, close-up view, stake out a spot somewhere nearby, on or across Lake Wausau. For real-time updates and more info, go to or check their Facebook page. Shuttle buses pick up and drop off right at the gate. They run every 20 minutes between the airport and downtown Wausau Thurs.-Fri. 5–11 pm, and Sat. 11 am–11 pm, making several stops along the way, mostly on Grand Avenue. This service is a great way to shuttle between the airport and Chalkfest on Saturday, and helps alleviate traffic in the residential neighborhood around the airport. Parking is cramped, so these buses are the way to go. They run late enough to accommodate people staying for the fireworks. For a map of the bus stops, see



■ SATURDAY Balloon set up/launch 6–6:30 am Kiwanis pancake breakfast ($) 6–10:30 am Balloon Chase 5K run/walk 7:30 am Kite Club performance 11 am–3 pm Children’s activities 11 am- 8 pm EAA airplanes displayed 11 am–4 pm Ribs and other food served ($) 11 am–11 pm Kids rides & games ($) 11 am–9 pm Petting zoo, pony rides ($) 11 am–9 pm Beer garden ($) 11 am–11 pm Live music 2–3:30 pm and 4–6 pm Camel rides ($) 5–9 pm Meet the pilots 5 pm Live music: Conscious Pilot (psychedelic rock) 5:15–6:45 pm; Separate Ways (Journey tribute) 7:30–10:45 pm Balloon set up/launch 6:30 pm Balloon glow 8:30 pm Fireworks 9:45 pm ■ SUNDAY Balloon set up/launch 6–6:30 am Kiwanis pancake breakfast 6–10:30 am

Chalkfest SAT–SUN, JULY 13–14 | 400 BLOCK, WAUSAU

Since 2004, this annual event has turned the sidewalk into a canvas. Hundreds of artists paint the pavement in colorful designs. It’s a marvel to watch these hard-working artists, many covered in chalk, as they create their pieces, from cartoon homages to awe-inspiring masterpieces. Take your time strolling around, and return to see the finished products.

Romantic touch to warm weather adventures ■ SATURDAY Artist check-in 8–11 am Artists work 8 am–8 pm Kids project 9 am–5 pm ■ SUNDAY Artists work 8 am–4 pm Kids project 10 am–4 pm Reception and awards at the Center for the Visual Arts 4 pm Other details: In case of rain, plastic sheeting is available. The event will be canceled, with no refunds, in case of severe weather.

Artist registration (min. age 12): $22, includes box of 48 pastels. Additional materials on sale during the event. No oil pastels allowed. Registration and important details at The kids project is for ages 11 & under. No registration necessary. $3 includes chalk and the use of a small chalkboard; $10 option includes set of pastels and sheet of paper to take home. Artist help: Learn techniques for creating a chalk masterpiece during a class on the 400 block in front of the Center for the Visual Arts on Wed. July 10 at 1 pm and 3 pm. Registration required at

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Washington Square, Downtown Wausau





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Moon Dance Music Festival


This is one of the biggest bluegrass/Americana fests in the region. Founded in 2013 by grassroots music advocates, this event was held for four years in Fremont, Wis., but organizers last year moved it north to Gleason, about 20 miles northeast of Merrill. Bluegrass, folk and Americana acts — including some central Wisconsin favorites— from all over the Midwest perform on two stages for three nights. It’s high-energy, earthy vibes with camping, vendors, food and more. And yes, the fest happens around the full moon of July 16, meaning a big moon will be in the sky after around 11:00 pm that weekend. ▼ JON STICKLEY TRIO

$130 for a 3-day pass; $110 for 2-day pass, $80 Saturday only. Free kids 12 and under. All tickets include rough camping. Details and tickets at

■ THURSDAY 3:00 pm | The Outskirts 4:30 pm | 2nd Strings 6:15 pm | Saw Bill Trio 8:00 pm | Soul Symmetry 10:00 pm | The Ditchrunners Midnight | Ifdakar



■ FRIDAY 12:00 pm | Billy Bronsted & the Loot 1:45 pm | Chicken Wire Empire 3:30 pm | Michael Cleveland & Flamekeeper 5:15 pm | Whitewater Ramble 7:00 pm | Feed The Dog 8:45 pm | Jon Stickley Trio 10:30 pm | Useful Jenkins 12:30 am | The Monsters of Grass

■ SATURDAY 12:00 pm | Still Shine 1:45 pm | The Liver Killers 3:30 pm | Sloppy Joe 5:15 pm | Kitchen Dwellers 7:00 pm | The Travelin’ McCourys 8:30 pm | The Grateful Ball 11:30 pm | The Marcus King Band 1:15 am | Acoustikar


This is one of the largest, longest-running county fairs in Wisconsin. It began in 1868 as an agricultural showcase, with part of the opening ceremony spoken in German (!). That ag focus continues to this day—the draft horse show and farm animals are still a big draw—but it’s also six full days of fun for all ages with carnival rides, dangerously delicious fair food, and national music acts. New this year as a grandstand show: a rodeo! FAIR ADMISSION Open Tues. noon-10 pm, Wed.-Sun. 8 am-10 pm. $6 before noon, $9 after, free 10 and under.


■ GRANDSTAND ENTERTAINMENT Concerts start at 7:30 pm, except Boogie and the Yo-Yo’z at 7 pm. Gates open 3:30 pm to set up lawn chairs, blankets. General admission seating free (except Sunday’s Demo Derby) with gate admission to the fair, or buy reserved tickets: $25 advance or $30 at the fair for Rodney Atkins, Daughtry and Andy Grammer. Call 715-261-1539, or go to ■ TUESDAY | Boogie and the Yo-Yo’z With a three-piece horn section, this Appleton-based band plays a variety of genres, ranging from pop, to country, to rock. You’ll love their high-energy party sound.

AUGUST 24, 2019


■ WEDNESDAY | Rodney Atkins He’s had an over two-decade long career in country music, with six number one hits and five studio albums. His deep, twangy voice is unmistakable and you’ll instantly recognize hits like “Take a Back Road” and “Farmer’s Daughter.” ■ THURSDAY | Daughtry He rose to prominence on the fifth season of American Idol after placing fourth. Along with his rock band, he’s released five albums and hit songs such as “Home”, “It’s Not Over” and “Over You”. ◄ FRIDAY | Andy Grammer This multi-platinum selling pop artist performs upbeat, positive songs that brings a smile to anyone’s face, with hits like “Keep Your Head Up,” “Fine By Me,” and his 2014 smash hit “Honey, I’m Good.”


■ SATURDAY | Rodeo New! It’s good cowboy fun with roping, barrel racing, steer racing, bronc riding and bull riding.

Visit us online for more event details!

■ SUNDAY | Draft Horse Show (10:30 am), and Demo Derby (5:00 pm)


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from 85

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This 13th annual extravaganza celebrates local heritage, with lumberjack and frontier history, demonstrations, great food, and impressive live music, all along the banks of the Wisconsin River. History reenactors and the Living History Encampment create the atmosphere of life in the 1700s and 1800s. These 50+ groups demonstrate blacksmithing, paddle-making, weaving, cooking over a fire, candle-making and more. You’ll have a chance to ride a 28-foot Voyageur Canoe, a replica of the watercraft used on the Wisconsin and Fox Rivers. LogJam has been ramping up its live music, and now brings both local and nationally touring Americana and bluegrass bands, including Saturday headliners, Dead Horses from Milwaukee. And a latenight bonus: An extra concert at the new Mosinee Brewing Co., just two blocks from River Park. Many details, such has hours and schedule of activities, are still being worked out. See for updates and a detailed schedule as it gets set. Admission is free. ■ FRIDAY LIVE MUSIC Main Stage at River Park 6:30 pm | Billy Bronsted 9:00 pm | Feed The Dog Mosinee Brewing Co. 11:00 pm | Kevin Troestler & Logan Dier

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■ SATURDAY LIVE MUSIC Main Stage at River Park 2:30 pm | Noah John & Ringing Iron 4:30 pm | Barbaro 6:30 pm | Cicada Rhythm 9:00 pm | Dead Horses Mosinee Brewing Co. 11:00 pm | Lou Shields continues on 88


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Big Bull Falls Blues Fest


This high-volume, high-energy affair has anchored Wausau summers for decades. The iconic event also happens to be the longest-running blues festival in the state, and still runs hot, attracting a huge crowd year after year. Each act brings their own style—ranging from roots, to gospel, to rock. Music plays under the large tent, while the park is filled with food and drink vendors. Bring a chair, hang around the whole time, or come and go. ▲ ALBERT CASTIGLIA ■ FRIDAY 5 pm | Big Al Dorn is a harmonica and guitar player from Milwaukee playing Chicago Blues fused with elements of swing and boogie. 7 pm | Lindsay Beaver leaves a lasting impression with her soulful vocals and rockin’ drumming. From Nova Scotia, the classically trained vocalist and jazz-trained drummer performs blues, jazz and R&B with a punk rock energy. 9 pm | Albert Castiglia performs contemporary blues with a hard-edged, rocking country sound. The extraordinary guitarist based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida connects with audiences through his soulful lyrics.




■ SATURDAY 1 pm | Kevin Burt this singer and songwriter from Iowa performs roots-driven blues full of soulful and expressive vocals. 3 pm | Nikki Hill blends elements of R&B, blues, gospel and rock with a rich and sultry voice. From New Orleans, Hill performs with an attitude and charisma that enchants any audience. 5 pm | Blues Beatles add a bluesy twist to the songs of the Beatles. The Brazilian-based band combines blues and soul groove along with instrumental solos and improvisation, making their live performances fiery and fun. 7 pm | Sugaray Rayford is a force of nature with his larger-thanlife vocals. From Texas, his sound blends elements of gospel, funk, soul and jazz. He’s a powerful performer with an infectious, happy vibe. 9 pm | Southern Hospitality performs original and dynamic Americana, Southern soul, blues and rock, and keyboard wizard Victor Wainwright grounds it all with jazzy, funky grooves. ■ NEED TO KNOW General admission tickets $50 two-day ($55 at the gate); $15 Fri. only; $45/$50 Sat. only; $130 VIP tickets, but get these usually sell out fast. Tickets at All ages, but must show ID for beer bracelet. No carry-ins allowed, except a cooler of ice. Bring your own lawn chair and a blanket. No smoking under tents, no firearms/weapons or pets. Music plays rain or shine, except in severe weather. Shuttles run every 30 minutes between Blues Fest and stops at seven local hotels and Marathon Park. Shuttles run Fri. 3:30-11:30 pm; Sat. 11:30 am-11:30 pm.

Edgar Antique Steam & Gas Engine Show FRI–SUN, AUG 23-25 | KURT UMNUS FARM, EDGAR

You don’t have to be a tractor enthusiast to appreciate the “wow” factor of all those steel wheels and steam power on display. Ten of thousands of people visit for three days of old-time experiences: antique machinery, a sawmill, working demos daily, and historical re-creations of an old gas station and blacksmith shop. The spark show Saturday night is like mini fireworks. A huge flea market runs daily, food and beverages available on site, camping available. DETAILS: Flea market open 8 am–5 pm; demonstrations start daily at 9 am; Tractor parade Sun. 1 pm • Admission $10 adult daily, $25 weekend, free under 12. Gates open daily at 6 am. Food and drink vendors serve all day, including breakfast. No pets, no alcohol carry-ins • Located 16 miles west of Wausau off Hwy. N, at 223755 Steam Hill Dr. ■ FRIDAY LIVE MUSIC Strat Cats 2-6 pm Richie Yurkovich 6-10 pm Dam Country 7-11:30 pm ■ SATURDAY LIVE MUSIC Rick-n-Dick 2-6 pm Jerry Schneider 2-6 pm Hocus Pocus 6-10 pm Jerry Schmitt Band 7-11:30 pm

■ SUNDAY LIVE MUSIC WDEZ Polka Show with Jeff Heinz 7-11 am Church service with Second Edition 9 am Quarry Road Band 11 am-1 pm and after parade Betty Yetto Dutchmen 2-6 pm ■

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715.845.5123 • 2019 CITY PAGES SUMMER FUN BOOK


Summer Fun calendar Outdoor music. Performing arts. Big festivals. Nature programs. Here’s all the good stuff happening around Wausau and central Wisconsin, through mid-September.

• Walks, runs, group hikes and bike races p. 106 • Art exhibits p. 103 • See City Pages’ Big Guide every Thursday for updates and other events

ONGOING Stevens Point City Band Concerts · Wednesdays 6/5-8/7, Pfiffner Pioneer Park Bandshell, Stevens Point. Rain location: St. Paul Lutheran Church & School. 7 pm. 715-345-0061 Central Wis. Water Ski Show (Water Walkers) · Sundays & Thursdays thru Aug 25; Sat. 7/6, Mon. 9/2. Water ski tricks, human pyramid, with costumed skiers performing to music. Free, bring lawn chairs. Sundays & Mon. 9/2 at Lake Wausau at D.C. Everest Park, 6 pm (9/2 at 5:30 pm) · Thursdays at Lake Dubay at South Bay Beach Park, 6:30 pm · Sat 7/6 Mayflower Lake, Birnamwood, 6 pm. Wausau Garden Clinic & Information · Wednesdays thru Sept., UW-Extension Marathon Co., Wausau. Insect and disease samples brought and volunteers identify issues. 10 am-2 pm · Daily Gardening Phone Service available for questions about gardening, flowering, lawns, trees and insects. 715-261-1237 or 1-800-234-1471, Yoga in the Gardens · Thursdays & Sundays 6/6-8/29, Monk Botanical Gardens, Wausau. Practice yoga with Jean Miller on Thurs. and the Wausau Area Yoga Assoc. Sundays. 6-7 pm. Thurs. $5; Sun. $10 donation. Central Wis. Off Road Cycling Coalition Weekly Group Rides · Thursdays 6/6-8/29, Nine Mile County Forest. Explore 9-mile single track with experienced riders. Check Facebook for regular updates. Helmets required. 6 pm. Monk Gardens Tours · Saturdays 6/1-8/31, Monk Botanical Gardens, Wausau. Learn history of gardens at 10 am tour or themed tours at 1 pm that explore a specific feature. $2 or free for members. Marshfield Civic Band · Fri. 5/31 & Wednesdays 6/19-7/31, Columbia Park, Marshfield at 7:30 pm (unless noted) · 7/10 at Everett Roehl Library at 7 pm · 7/31 at Oak Avenue Community Center at 7 pm. Free.

JUNE Dawn of the Space Age · Fridays thru 6/7, Wausau West High Planetarium. Award-winning film in full-dome about humanity’s first steps off Earth. 6 pm. $5. Reserve: Golden Sands Home Builders Association Parade of Homes · Fri.-Mon. 5/31-6/3. Plover and Stevens Point area. See region’s finest homes on display, learn about area builders. Fri. & Mon. 4-8 pm; Sat.-Sun. 11 am-6 pm. $10 adults, $5 ages 16 & under, free infants. Details: Seeing the Light: Photography Retreat · Fri.-Sat. 5/31-6/1, St. Anthony Spirituality Center, Marathon. Learn to see through a camera. 5 pm Fri. thru 3 pm Sat. $105. Register: Concerts in the Clouds, atop Rib Mountain Saturdays June 22, July 20, and Aug. 10



Holy Name SummerFun · Fri.-Sun. 5/31-6/2, Holy Name of Jesus Parish, Wausau. Food, games, bingo, raffle, country store. Live music: Fri.: Hyde 7-11 pm; Sat. Frontier 7-11 pm; Sun. New Generations noon-4 pm. Fest runs Fri. 4-11 pm; Sat. 3-11 pm; Sun. 11 am-4:30 pm. 715-842-4543 Wis. Woodchucks · Sat.-Sun. 6/1-2, Athletic Park, Wausau. Vs. Madison Mallards. Sat. 6:35 pm; Sun. 3:05 pm. $8 general admission. Adult Prom · Sat. 6/1, Central Wis. Convention & Expo Center, Rothschild. Music, dancing, photo both, raffles and more for ages 21+. Fundraiser for New Life Pet Adoption and The Fix Is In. $25. 8 pm-midnight. Fruit Tree Planting · Sat. 6/1, Wausau Community Garden on Third St. Help plant apple, cherry and plum trees with Greater Wausau Christian Services. 9 am-1 pm. 715-842-5635 Critters and Blues · Sat. 6/1, Central Wis. Convention & Expo Center, Rothschild. Full day of events for Rescue, Adopt, Donate (RAD) Wisconsin. Pooch Parade noon-5 pm features family fun with photo booth, K-9 demo, games, activities, pet costume contest. Register pet by 2:30 pm, all dogs must be on leash and have current rabies tag. Evening party 5-11 pm with live music from Don Haney, Bobby Blue Tortured Soul and Marty Frei; raffle, cash bar, food. Free admission to all events. Colossal Fossils Open · Sat. 6/1, Colossal Fossils Wausau Center Mall. Collection of fossils including T. Rex, mammoths, sabertooth tigers and more with hands-on activities. 10 am-3 pm. $6, $5 senior or military. Badger State Games: Chess · Sat.-Sun. 6/1-2, Dale’s Weston Lanes. Tournament format. Rounds Sat.-Sun. 10 am, 2:30 pm; Sat. 7:30 pm. Details: Outdoor Music: Big Road Band · Sat. 6/1, Great Dane, Wausau. Classic rock, funk, blues. 6 pm (if rain indoors 9 pm). 715-845-3000 June Bloom Arts & Crafts Festival · Sat. 6/1, Torpy Park, Minocqua. 50+ vendors sell variety of unique handcrafted items with live music, food. 9 am-3 pm. Wisconsin Free Fun Weekend · Sat.-Sun. 6/1-2. Free admission to state parks and forests, fishing, ATV passes. Introduction to Fly Fishing · Sat. 6/1, Nicolet College, Rhinelander. Learn terminology, equipment, flies, techniques, casts. Part of Nicolet College’s Outdoor Adventure Series. 9 am. $35. Register; Art Park Open Studio · Sat. 6/1, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. All ages create woven text collages using discarded book pages. 1-3 pm. 715-845-7010 History Speaks: Guilt, Survivorship, and the Trauma of War · Sat. 6/1, Woodson History Center, Wausau. Presented by Mort McBain. 2 pm. 715-842-5750 Monk Botanical Gardens Season Kick-Off Event · Sun. 6/2, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Plant sale, flea market, activities for all ages with workshops and garden tours. 10 am-2 pm. Free admission; workshops: $10 adult non-member, $5 child non-member; free members. Milwaukee Handbell Ensemble · Sun. 6/2, Zion Lutheran Church, Wausau. Family-friendly concert of sacred and secular music. 3 pm. 715-848-7286 Marathon Co. June Dairy Breakfast · Sun. 6/2, Northcentral Tech College Ag Center, Wausau. Breakfast, 5K run & walk, children’s activity area, farm tour and more. 8 am-12:30 pm. $8 adults, $3 children, free 5 and under. Tuck Pence · Sun. 6/2, Rock Island, Merrill. Acoustic variety. 2 pm. 715-536-8560 Expressions Ballroom Dance Club Dance · Sun. 6/2, Lisa’s Lakeside Ballroom, Wausau. Ballroom, Latin and Swing dancing to music by club DJ. Casual attire. 2-4:30 pm. $5 members, $8 non-members. 715-551-5280 Wausau Holi Festival · Sun. 6/2, Camp Sturtevant, Wausau. Celebrate Indian Hindu festival with games, food, dance and fun. Presented by the Indian Society of Central Wis. 11 am4 pm. $10, free 4 and under. On Facebook, 715-212-4312

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calendar from 91

Sky Quest · Mon. 6/3 & Wed. 6/5, UW-Stevens Point Blocher Planetarium. Follow young woman on her personal quest to find a special place in the night sky. 7:30 pm. Free. Hosta of the Year · Mon. 6/3, UW-Extension Marathon Co., Wausau. Learn why a cultivator is named Hosta of the Year. Presented by Master Gardener Volunteers. 6-7:15 pm. $5. Register: You’re Not Alone Documentary · Tues. 6/4, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. See documentary following four young Wisconsinites navigating mental health challenges, followed by conversation with filmmakers and local mental health professionals. 6-8 pm. Free. Register: Polio: Scourge of the 1950s · Tues. 6/4, Marathon Co. Library, Spencer. Rick Lohr shares personal story of how polio impacted his family within context of the disease and vaccines in Marathon Co. 9 am. 715-659-3996 Beginning Wheel With Max Reinhardt · Tuesdays 6/4-7/9, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Learn to center clay, create volume and build simple bowl and mug forms, more. Tuesdays: Beginning; Wednesdays: Beginning to Intermediate. 6:30-9 pm. $160. Register: Garden Gab: From Sap to Syrup & Everything In Between · Tues. 6/4, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Explore the science behind making maple syrup, how sap flows, more. 6 pm. $2 members, $5 non-members. Wausau Area Builders Association Parade of Homes · Tues.-Sun. 6/4-9. Tour newly built homes in Wausau area. Tues.-Wed. 5-9 pm; Thurs.-Fri. noon-9 pm; Sat.-Sun. 11 am5 pm. $10 tickets available at any home. Map and details: Wis. Woodchucks · Tues. 6/4, Athletic Park, Wausau. Vs. Wis. Rapids Rafters. 6:35 pm. $8 general. Concerts on the Square: Charles Walker Band · Wed. 6/5, 400 Block, downtown Wausau. Neo-funk, blues, soul. Concerts play rain or shine. Bring a picnic, blanket, lawn chair. No buffet tables, no pets, no smoking. Free. 6-8 pm. RSVP Community Coffee Hour · Wed. 6/5, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Tour, learn about Monk Gardens, volunteer opportunities, more 9:30-10:30 am. Register: 715-298-5721 Art 101: Collection Conversation · Thurs. 6/6, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Curator of collection Jane Weinke clarifies acquisition process and shares history of works in A Collection Medley. 5:30-6:30 pm. 715-845-7010 Sculpture Garden Yoga · Thurs. 6/6, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Refresh mind & body, bring mat or blanket. Weather permitting. 5:30-6:30 pm. Register: Impressions of Point 2 · Thurs. 6/6, Central Rivers Farmshed, Stevens Point. Create community art for Stevens Point Sculpture Park with materials provided. 5:30-8 pm. Hands-on Art · Thurs. 6/6, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Create collaged artworks using vintage papers and magazine cutouts. 5:30-7 pm. 715-845-7010 Levitt Amp Concert Series: The O’My’s · Thurs. 6/6, Pfiffner Park, Stevens Point. R&B-infused hip-hop. 6 pm. Free. Night Out at the Woodson · Thurs. 6/6, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Museum stays open until 7:30 pm to view art, sample audio tour and more. 715-845-7010 State Park Speedway · Thurs. 6/6, State Park Speedway, Wausau. Wis. Challenge Series & Support Divisions. 4:30 fan gates open, 7 pm racing begins. River Pro Rodeo · Fri.-Sun. 6/7-9, Merrill Festival Grounds. Tractor pull Sat. morning, rodeo performances Fri.-Sat. 7 pm & Sun. 1 pm. Food & vendors open Fri. afternoon, Sat. at noon. Sun. family day. Advance tickets $12 adults, $10 ages 6-10, free age 5 & under, $17/$12 at gate. Family pack $40 advance only. Weston Aquatic Center Opens · Fri. 6/7, Weston Aquatic Center. Open Mon.-Sat. 11 am-7:45 pm; Sun. 1-7:45 pm. $4 adults, youth, $2 seniors, $2 after 6 pm. Outdoor Music: Abby & Luke · Fri. 6/7, Great Dane, Wausau. Country. 6 pm (if rain indoors 9 pm). 715-845-3000



River Pro Rodeo in Merrill June 7-9

Fishing from a Pedal Kayak · Fri. 6/7, Brandy Boat Landing, Arbor Vitae. Maneuvering, modern rigging, casting techniques, more. Part of Nicolet College’s Outdoor Adventure Series. 1-4 pm. $30. Register: Downtown Friday Night: Gnarcissus and Crimson Ember · Fri. 6/7, Wenzel Family Plaza, Marshfield. Rock. 7-10 pm. $5 donation. On Facebook How Free Do You Want to Be: Twelve-Step Serenity Retreat · Fri.-Sun. 6/7-9, St. Anthony Spirituality Center, Marathon. Keys to release yourself from the prisons of your own making. 5 pm Fri.-noon Sun. $190. Register: Advanced Fly Fishing · Sat. 6/8, Nicolet College, Rhinelander. Euqipment, different line tapers, more. Part of Nicolet College’s Outdoor Adventure Series. 2-5 pm. $32. Register: Wausau Outdoor Pools Open · Sat. 6/8. Open daily 1-7:50 pm. $3 adult, $2 seniors, youth, free under 1. 715-261-1550 Badger State Games: Archery · Sat.-Sun. 6/8-9, Rib Mountain Bowmen, Merrill. Multiple age divisions for children, adult and seniors. Details: Splash Pad Opens · Sat. 6/8, Marathon Park, Wausau. For ages 10 & under accompanied by adult. Open noon-6 pm. $1, free infants under 1 with paying adult. 715-261-1550 Knitting in the Gardens · Sat. 6/8, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Explore world of knitting. Limited supplies available to new knitters for demo. 10 am-1 pm. 715-843-7875 Botanical Art Worldwide: Global Initiative Insights · Sat. 6/8, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Learn about coordinated, international effort to raise appreciation of world’s plant diversity, by guest Carol Woodin. 1-2 pm. 715-845-7010 Nature, Salvage & Recycle: Using Raw Materials as Art Supplies Workshop with Dean Habegger · Sat. 6/8, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Find and prep traditional media and natural elements to use in nature-inspired artwork. Morning session 10 am-1 pm, $110; Full day 10 am-4 pm, $160. Register:

Learn to Shoot Trap and Sporting Clays · Sat. 6/8, Harshaw Sport Club. Dial in your aim and improve shotgun skills. Part of Nicolet College’s Outdoor Adventure Series. 9 am-noon. $50. Register: Heywood Banks · Sat. 6/8, Nicolet College, Rhinelander. Hilarious songwriter, comic, singer, poet and musician presents observations of life with quirky songs. 7:30 pm. $18. Tickets:, 715-365-4646 Badger State Games: Swimming · Sat.-Sun. 6/8-9, Woodson YMCA, Weston. For men and women. River West Community Lunch · Sat. 6/8, corner of First Ave. & Stewart Ave., Wausau. Food, live music, yard games. Noon4 pm. $15 all you can eat salad and pizza lunch. Details and tickets: Outdoor Music: The 3’s and 7’s · Sat. 6/8, Great Dane, Wausau. Classic rock. 6 pm; inside 9 pm if rain. 715-845-3000 Uff Da Palooza Roller Derby · Sat.-Sun. 6/8-9, Marathon Park, Wausau. Tournament hosted by Mid-State Sister of Skate. Games begin 9 am daily. Free admission. Wis. Woodchucks · Sat. 6/8, Athletic Park, Wausau. Vs. Green Bay Booyah. 6:35 pm. $8 general. Wittenberg Community Days · Sat.-Sun. 6/8-9, Washington Park, Wittenberg. Wagon rides, live music, parade, bouncy activities, fireworks, more. Presented by Wittenberg Area Chamber of Commerce. Fri. 11 am; Sat. 10 am. 715-881-2111 Weston Car & Motorcycle Show · Sun. 6/9, Weston Lanes. 17 different classes with food, beverages, D.A.R.E. go karts, more. 9 am-3 pm. Sam Mueller · Sun. 6/9, Rock Island, Merrill. Variety, pop, Americana. 2 pm. 715-536-8560 Summer Serenade: 50 Years of Woodstock 1969 · Sun. 6/9, Rothschild Pavilion. Fundraising dinner and evening of music for Wausau Lyric Choir. 5:30 pm. $60 per person, $420 table of 8. Tickets:

Chasing the Ghost Particle · Mon. 6/10 & Wed. 6/12, UW-Stevens Point Blocher Planetarium. Learn how scientists are using tiny and elusive particles to explore insides of stars & planets. 7:30 pm. Free. Wis. Woodchucks · Mon.-Wed. 6/10-12, Athletic Park, Wausau. Mon.: vs. Fond du Lac Dock Spiders; Tues.: vs. Wis. Rapids Rafters; Wed.: vs. Green Bay Booyah. 6:35 pm. $8 general admission. Gardening with Kids · Mon. 6/10, Marathon Co. Library, Marathon. Learn to park child’s interest in horticulture. 4-5:30 pm. 715-446-2775 Music Appreciation Class: Great Classical Soloists · Mondays 6/10-24, Wausau Conservatory of Music. Taught by Jacob Roseman. 6:30-8 pm. $49. Register: Garden Gab: Foraging Wild Mushrooms In Central Wis. · Tues. 6/11, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Learn to identify ten mushrooms and when and where to find them. 6 pm. $2 members, $5 non-members. Second Tuesday Concert Series: Sloppy Joe· Tues. 6/11, Walls of Wittenberg Art Park. Bring chairs and picnic. Rain location: WOWSPACE. 6 pm. Free. Primitive Fire Starting · Wed. 6/12, Nicolet College, Rhinelander. Preparing best tinder, proper technique and more. Part of Nicolet College’s Outdoor Adventure Series. 6-8 pm. $30. Register: Sustainable Lifestyles: Progress, Not Perfection! · Wed. 6/12, CREATE Portage Co., Stevens Point. Learn what you can do to be more sustainable. 6:30 pm. Share Your Voice Wausau · Wed. 6/12, Marathon Co. Historical Society, Wausau. Share thoughts and ideas with the Wis. Historical Society as they seek to create a modern, state-ofthe-art history museum that connects and tells the story of all Wisconsinites. 6 pm. Ice Cream Social · Wed. 6/12, Willow Springs Garden, Wausau. Ice cream with strawberries, cheese samples, honor the farming industry. 6-8 pm. Concerts on the Square: Brass Differential · Wed. 6/12, 400 Block, downtown Wausau. New Orleans brass band. Concerts play rain or shine. Bring a picnic, blanket, lawn chair. No buffet tables, no pets. Free. 6-8 pm. Wausau Concert Band · Thurs. 6/13, Marathon Park Band Shell, Wausau. Rain location: Bull Falls. 7 pm. On Facebook Patio Music: Bourbon House · Thurs. 6/13, The Bar, Rothschild. Acoustic. 6 pm. 715-355-7001 State Park Speedway · Thurs. 6/13, State Park Speedway, Wausau. SLM & Support Divisions. 4:30 fan gates open, 7 pm racing begins. Otherwise · Thurs. 6/13, Q&Z Expo Center, Ringle. Hard rock, alternative. 6 pm. $12. Tickets: Treble Makers · Thurs. 6/13, Nicolet College, Rhinelander. Talented local vocalists. 7:30 pm. $10. Tickets:, 715-365-4646 Levitt Amp Concert Series: Brazilian 2Wins · Thurs. 6/13, Pfiffner Park, Stevens Point. Classical meets pop. 6 pm. Free. Wausau Community Theatre: Mamma Mia! · Thurs.-Sat. 6/1315, Grand Theater, Wausau. Musical about woman’s search for birth father, to songs of ABBA. Thurs. 6:30 pm; Fri.-Sat. 7:30 pm; Sat. 2 pm. $22 adults, $18 seniors, $14 youth in advance. ($3 more at door)., 715-842-0988 Group Recreational Piano I · Thursdays 6/13-8/1, Wausau Conservatory of Music. 6-6:45 pm. Register: Adult Group Recreational Piano · Thursdays 6/13-8/1, Wausau Conservatory of Music. 1-1:45 pm or 2-2:45 pm. $169. Register: Spark! · Thurs. 6/13, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Those with memory loss with companion view art sparking conversation followed by hands-on art activity. 10:30 am-noon. Registration required: 715-845-7010 I Remember When Club · Thurs. 6/13, Woodson History Center, Wausau. Write family stories to share with children and grandchildren. 10:30 am.

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GREAT Cheers to Summer!




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calendar from 93

Handbuilding With Pam Zahn · Thursdays 6/13-7/18, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Techniques including pinch, coil, slab, sculpting. 5:30-8:30 pm. $160. Register: Spirituality of the Senses · Fri.-Sat. 6/14-15, St. Anthony Spirituality Center, Marathon. Refine your ordinary senses to perceive in deeper, more subtle ways. 5 pm Fri. thru 5 pm Sat. $90. Register: Try-It! Night with Jackie Krigbaum · Fri. 6/14, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Evening of fun and creativity in the ceramic studio. Clay and tools provided. 6:30-9 pm. $55. Register: Copper Box · Fri. 6/14, Bull Falls Brewery, Wausau. Accordion driven rock, zydeco, Americana. 6 pm. 715-842-2337 Patio Music: Austin Skalecki · Fri. 6/14, The Bar, Rothschild. Acoustic. 6 pm. 715-355-7001 Outdoor Music: Chris Bertrand · Fri. 6/14, Great Dane, Wausau. Folk, variety. 6 pm; inside 9 pm if rain. 715-845-3000 St. Anne Fest · Fri.–Sun. 6/14-16, Church of St. Anne, Wausau. Food, family fun, bingo. Open Fri. 4-11 pm, Sat. 11:30 am11 pm, Sun. 11:30 am-5 pm. Live music: Fri. 7 pm Branded; Sat. 12 pm Battle of the Bands, 7 pm String Cheese; Sun. 12 pm Old time Brass, Neal Zucker & The Music Connection, alternating thru 5 pm. Downtown Fri. Night: Brad Janssen · Fri. 6/14, Wenzel Family Plaza, Marshfield. Country. 7 pm. $5 donation. On Facebook Queen Nation · Fri. 6/14, Lake of the Torches, Lac Du Flambeau. Tribute to the music of Queen. 7 pm. $20. Community Garage Sale Weekend · Fri.-Sun. 6/14-16, Kronenwetter. Garage sale map and details at Movies in the Park: Megamind · Fri. 6/14, Pfiffner Pioneer Park, Stevens Point. Movie at dusk. Free. Summer Kickoff Weekend · Fri. 6/14 and Sun. 6/16. Wausau. Food vendors both days. Fri. at Marathon Park: Family crafts, bounce house, face painting and more 5-9 pm; outdoor movie Mary Poppins Returns at dusk. Kids fun races at 6 pm, register on site. Sun. at 400 Block: Father’s Day Classic Car Show with Miss High Octane Pinup Contest, music by Carmen Lee & The Tomorrow River Two. 10 am-3 pm Bob Milne: Ragtime Piano · Sat. 6/15, Campanile Center, Minocqua. Ragtime and Boogie-Woogie. 7 pm. $22. Tool Time: Liquid Glass Acrylic Pour Sampler With Val Berkely · Sat. 6/15, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Create agatelike pattern. 10:30 am-noon. $45. Register: Badger State Games: Bowling · Sat. 6/15, Coral Lanes, Rothschild. Divisions for youth and adults. 10 am. Schedule and details: Tractor and Truck Pull · Sat. 6/15, Lions Park, Gleason. Competition where trucks and tractors pull heavy sled. 11 am. Free admission. 715-873-4131 Outdoor Music: Dale Reichert & The Resonators · Sat 6/15, Great Dane, Wausau. Bluegrass. 6 pm, inside 9 pm if rain. 715-845-3000 Ian Alexy and the Deserters · Sat. 6/15, Rock Island, Merrill. Americana, rock, folk. 7 pm. 715-536-8560 Paws in the Park · Sat.-Sun. 6/15-16, Torpy Park, Minocqua. Dog agility demo, pet expo and Dock Dogs of Wisconsin. 9 am-4 pm. Schedule, details at Tool Time: Oil + Cold Wax Workshop With Val Berkely · Sat. 6/15, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. 1-3 pm. $45. Register: Rock The Dock · Sat. 6/15, Pfiffner Park Band Shell, Stevens Point. Live music, dunk tank, sack races, kids inflatables and more. Raises funds to build a dock. 3-10 pm. On Facebook WPR Listener Appreciation Event · Sat. 6/15, Sawmill Brewing Co., Merrill. Mingle with “The Morning Show” host Kate Archer Kent and other WPR staffers with food trucks, outdoor games and live music. 4-7 pm. Register:



Badger State Games: Track & Field, Trap Shooting, Martial Arts · Sat. 6/15. Track & Field at DC Everest Junior High, Weston. Youth & adult divisions with several age brackets. Trap Shooting at Marathon Trap & Sportman Club, with adult, junior and senior age divisions. Martial Arts at Wausau Center Mall, several age and belt brackets. Details: Badger State Games: USA Lou Marth June Bug Classic Girls Fast Pitch Softball Tournament · Fri.-Sun. 6/15-17, Sunny Vale Softball Complex, Wausau. Several age divisions. Details: Colossal Fossils Open · Sat. 6/15, Colossal Fossils Wausau Center Mall. Collection of fossils including T. Rex, wooly mammoths, saber-tooth tigers and more with hands-on activities. 10 am-3 pm. $6, $5 senior or military., 715-303-9407 History Speaks: Music Makers of Marathon Co. · Sat. 6/15, Woodson History Center, Wausau. With Ben Clark. 2 pm. Free. 715-842-5750 Phyl Wickham · Sun. 6/16, Rock Island, Merrill. bluegrass, Americana, variety. 2 pm. 715-536-8560 Medicine Drum Making Workshop · Sun. 6/16, Wausau Wellness Center. Learn to craft ceremonial hand drum. 1 pm. $195. Space limited, register: 715-360-0076 Handbuilding With Pam Zahn · Mondays 6/17-7/22, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Techniques including pinch, coil, slab, sculpting. 5:30-8:30 pm. $160. Register: Introduction to Dragon Boat Paddling · Mon. 6/17, Torpy Park, Minocqua. Basic paddling skills, commands, history, more ages for 15+. Nicolet College’s Outdoor Adventure Series. 5-7 pm. $20. Register: Hobbies and Crafts Night · Mon. 6/17, Marathon Co. Library, Hatley. Creating, socializing. 3 pm. 715-446-3537 Journey to the Stars · Mon. 6/17, UW-Stevens Point Blocher Planetarium. Take a look at our understanding of the Universe. 7:30 pm. Free. Wis. Woodchucks · Mon.-Tues. 6/17-18, Athletic Park, Wausau. Mon. vs. Green Bay Booyah; Tues. vs. Madison Mallards. 6:35 pm. $8 general admission. Rent Smart · Tues. 6/18, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. Education for those looking to acquire and maintain rental housing. Presented by Get Smart Wausau Coalition. 6-7 pm. Register: 715-847-4140 Garden Gab: Coffee: From the Origin to the Cupb · Tues. 6/18, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Learn where coffee grows and how it is processed. 6 pm. $5, or $2 members. US China Trade Tensions: What’s at Stake for Central Wisconsin’s Agriculture? · Tues. 6/18, UW Center for Civic Engagement, Wausau. Panel of national experts on agriculture and China’s economy, along with members of state ag businesses, discuss US-China trade relations, impact on local economy and more. 7-8:30 pm. Free. Growing Fun and Unusual Edibles · Tues. 6/18, Hsu Growing Supply, Wausau. Learn about all the crazy things you never imagined you can eat. 6-7:30 pm. 715-675-5856 Making A Plan: Budgeting · Wed. 6/19, Barrington Head Start Center, Wausau. Set goals. Presented by Get Smart Wausau Coalition. 9:30-10:30 am. Register: 715-847-4140 Disc Golf for Beginners · Wednesdays 6/19-7/10, Sandy Point Resort, Lac du Flambeau. Overview of equipment, rules, techniques and more. Part of Nicolet College’s Outdoor Adventure Series. 5-8 pm. $75, $30 for discs. Register: Aromatherapy and Essential Oils Discussion Group · Wed. 6/19, Marathon Co. Library, Hatley. Learn about aroma therapy, essential oils and natural or homemade health products. 4 pm. 715-446-3537 Art 101: Collection Conversation · Wed. 6/19, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Curator of collection Jane Weinke clarifies acquisition process and shares history of works in A Collection Medley. 12:15-1 pm. 715-845-7010 Using Credit Wisely · Wed. 6/19, Barrington Head Start Center, Wausau. Tips to improve credit score, protect and rebuild credit report. Presented by Get Smart Wausau Coalition. 10:30-11:30 am. Register: 715-847-4140

Jazz on the River returns on Sundays July 7-Aug. 25 Concerts on the Square: Unity · Wed. 6/19, 400 Block, downtown Wausau. Reggae, blues, funk. Concerts play rain or shine. Bring a picnic, blanket, lawn chair. No buffet tables, no pets. Free. 6-8 pm. Shiver Me Timbers II: Music and Mayhem · Wed. 6/19, Normal Park, Merrill. Pirate activities with giant pirate ship and slide, inflatables, games, face painting and more followed by Merrill City Band concert. Wear pirate costume. 4-8 pm. Rain date: 6/26. Patio Music: Bob Allen · Thurs. 6/20, The Bar, Rothschild. Acoustic. 6 pm. 715-355-7001 Slow Food Marathon County + Monk Botanical Gardens Summer Solstice Dinner · Thurs. 6/20, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Seasonal farm-to-table food prepared by local chefs from Urban Street Bistro, Red Eye Brewing, Sconni’s, and Old Reliable Food Service. 6-9 pm. $40. On Facebook Levitt Amp Concert Series: The Crane Wives · Thurs. 6/20, Pfiffner Park, Stevens Point. Indie folk and pop. 6 pm. Free. Wis. Woodchucks · Thurs.-Fri. 6/20-21, Athletic Park, Wausau. Vs. Lakeshore Chinooks. 6:35 pm. $8 general. State Park Speedway · Thurs. 6/20, State Park Speedway, Wausau. Flip Merwin Memorial with SLM, Support Divisions & Bandos. 4:30 fan gates open, 7 pm racing begins. CWSOlstice · Thurs. 6/20, Stevens Point Mathias Mitchell Public Square. Attendees plan dinner, beverages and decorations then dine together amidst luminaries and lights. Wear white. Tables, chairs and table coverings and live music provided. 6-9 pm. $25 per person. Marketplace Thursdays: Substyle · Thurs. 6/20, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly musical entertainment by local band during lunch hour in conjunction with market that runs 9 am-2 pm. Wausau Concert Band · Thurs. 6/20, Marathon Park Band Shell, Wausau. Rain location: Bull Falls. 7 pm. On Facebook

Downtown Friday Night: Singer Songwriter Showcase · Fri. 6/21, Wenzel Family Plaza, Marshfield. Christy Anna, Jim Guenther, Benjamin Chitek and Maisie Cramer. 7-10 pm. $5 donation. On Facebook The Drovers · Fri. 6/21, Bull Falls Brewery, Wausau. Classic country in the biergarten. 6 pm. 715-842-2337 Movies Under the Stars: TBD · Fri. 6/21, Towering Pines Park, Kronenwetter. Bring a blanket or lawn chair. Concessions available. Movie at dusk. 10th Anniversary Show · Fri.-Sun. 6/21-23, Gallery Q, Stevens Point. Pop-up show with past and present artists with Creation Story of the Gallery Q on Sat. 12:30-3:30 pm. Gallery open: Fri.-Sat. 10 am-5 pm; Sun. 11 am-3 pm. Knock MS Out of the Park · Fri.-Sun. 6/21-23, Marathon Legion Park. Baseball tournament with raffles, food, Sun. car show and live music: Fri. Jerry Schmitt Trio, 6 pm; Sat. The Bad Downs, 6 pm; Sun. Hocus Pocus Polka 11 am. On Facebook Outdoor Music: Bradley Sperger · Fri. 6/21, Great Dane, Wausau. Variety. 6 pm (if rain indoors 9 pm). 715-845-3000 Barn Dance · Fri. 6/21, Willow Springs Garden, Wausau. Dinner, live music, dancing benefits Lincoln Co. Humane Society. 6-10 pm. $25, $40 per couple, $10 kids 11 & under. 715-536-1171 Energy Fair · Fri.-Sun. 6/21-23, Midwest Renewable Energy Assoc., Custer. 200+ workshops, 200+ exhibitors, speakers, live music, kids activities, more. Fri.-Sat. 9 am-11 pm; Sun. 9 am-4 pm. Day passes: $15 adult, $10 seniors & youth; weekend pass: $35/$20, free 12 and under., 715-592-6595 The Wonders of Willow & Basketry: Bonnie Gale Artist Residency · Fri.-Sun. 6/21-23, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Artist/ landscape designer returns after constructing Living Willow Dreams in museum’s Sculpture Garden: Polish Bread Baskets · Fri. Teens and adults weave willow rods into bread baskets. 10 am-4:30 pm. $55 members, $70 non-members. Registration required: 715-845-7010 Willow Dreams · Sat. Bonnie presents images and stories documenting her career, dreams of future work. 1-2 pm. Garden Sphere Weaving · Sat. Teens and adults create random-weave garden sphere. 2:30-6 pm. $45 members, $60 non-members. Registration required: 715-845-7010 Pea Cage Trellis · Sun. Teens and adults create a pea cage trellis for climbing plants. 10 am-4:30 pm. $75 members, $90 non-members. Registration required: 715-845-7010 Island Yoga · Sat. 6/22, Big Island on Lake Julia, Rhinelander. Paddle to island followed by yoga session. Part of Nicolet College’s Outdoor Adventure Series. Noon-3 pm. $20, $35 with rental. Register: Outdoor Music: Howard “Guitar” Luedtke and Blue Max Band · Sat. 6/22, Great Dane, Wausau. Rock, blues. 6 pm; inside 9 pm if rain. 715-845-3000 Trigger Trippers · Sat. 6/22, Rock Island, Merrill. Country, rock. 7 pm. 715-536-8560 Bikes and Brunch · Sat. 6/22, Agra Pavilion, Merrill. Proceeds support the River Bend Trail. Yoga with 5 or 12 mile bike ride with brunch items served. 9 am-noon. $15 a person, $30 family of 4, $5 additional child. 715-539-1360 The High 48’s and The Steam Machine · Sat. 6/22, Whitewater Music Hall, Wausau. Bluegrass. 6-10 pm. $12. Concert in the Clouds: Harmonious Wail · Sat. 6/22, Rib Mountain. Gypsy jazz. 6-8 pm. Free, park sticker required for vehicle entrance. Badger State Games: Wrestling · Sat. 6/22, Wausau West High School. Boys and girls divisions. Details: Frozen Jr. · Sun.-Tues. 6/23-25, Grand Theater, Wausau. Musical by Central Wis. Children’s Theatre brings Elsa, Anna and magical land of Arendelle to life. Details TBD. Brian McLaughlin · Sun. 6/23, Rock Island, Merrill. Acoustic. 2 pm. 715-536-8560 Wis. Woodchucks · Sun. 6/23, Athletic Park, Wausau. Vs. Madison Mallards. 3:05 pm. $8 general. Bad Astronomy: Myths and Misconceptions · Mon. 6/24 & Wed. 6/26, UW-Stevens Point Blocher Planetarium. Debunk and tackle pseudoscience head-on. 7:30 pm. Free.

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calendar from 95

Downtown Employee Appreciation Week · Mon.-Fri. 6/24-28, Wausau River District. Free activities created by and for downtown employees. Details TBD. Wis. Woodchucks · Tues.-Wed. 6/25-26, Athletic Park, Wausau. Vs. Lakeshore Chinooks. 6:35 pm. $8 general. Garden Gab: Using and Infusing Plants in Skincare · Tues. 6/25, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Learn about low-maintenance herbs and their beneficial applications for skin. 6 pm. $2 members, $5 non-members. Loon Paddle: Iconic Birds of the North · Tues. 6/25, TurtleFlambeau Flowage, Lac Du Flambeau. Learn about loon behavior and habitat. Part of Nicolet College’s Outdoor Adventure Series. 9 am-4 pm. $70, $85 with rental. Register: Merrill City Band Concert · Wed. 6/26, Normal Park Gazebo, Merrill. With kiddie parade, raffle. 7-8 pm. Concerts on the Square: The Dang-It’s · Wed. 6/26, 400 Block, downtown Wausau. Classic country, Western swing, Americana. Bring a picnic, blanket, lawn chair. No buffet tables, no pets, no smoking. Free. 6-8 pm. Into the Woods · Thurs.-Sat. 6/27-29, UWSP-Wausau Veninga Theater. Musical fantasy presented by Out of the Woods Theatre. Thurs. 6:30 pm; Fri.-Sat. 7 pm; Sat. 1 pm. $14-22 advance, $16-$24 at door. Patio Music: Travis Lee · Thurs. 6/27, The Bar, Rothschild. Acoustic. 6 pm. 715-355-7001 Levitt Amp Concert Series: Gilligan Moss · Thurs. 6/27, Pfiffner Park, Stevens Point. Dance pop. 6 pm. Free. Wausau Concert Band · Thurs. 6/27, Grand Theater, Wausau. 125th anniversary concert. 7 pm. On Facebook Marketplace Thursdays: Emily Metz · Thurs. 6/27, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly musical entertainment by local artists during lunch hour in conjunction with market that runs 9 am-2 pm.

State Park Speedway · Thurs. 6/27, State Park Speedway, Wausau. Wausau Noon Optimists Kids Night with CWRA & Support Divisions. 4:30 fan gates open, 7 pm racing begins. Wis. Woodchucks · Thurs.-Fri. 6/27-28, Athletic Park, Wausau. Vs. Wis. Rapids Rafters. 6:35 pm. $8 general. Downtown Fri. Night: Cody James and Aaron Lee Kaplan · Fri. 6/28, Wenzel Family Plaza, Marshfield. Blues. 7-10 pm. $5 donation. On Facebook Northern Roundup · Fri.-Sat. 6/28-29, MC Festival Grounds, Gleason. Cars, camping, sock hop, minibike races, pinup contest, vendors, live music. $20. Details: CWOCC Women’s Mountain Bike Weekend · Fri.-Sun. 6/28-30, Nine Mile Forest, Wausau. Women-only weekend of skills, drills, and trail rides to improve mountain biking experience led by certified coaches. $195. Cinema in the Cemetery: The Wizard of Oz · Fri. 6/28, Restlawn Memorial Park, Wausau. Outdoor movie on area that will not become burial grounds. 7:30 pm. Free, donations accepted. 715-675-3309 Vintage Board Game Night · Fri. 6/28, Woodson History Center, Wausau. 100+ games, play one provided, or bring own to share. Popcorn provided. 7-10 pm. Free. 715-842-5750, Shakespeare in the State Park: Romeo & Juliet · Fri. 6/28, Rib Mountain State Park. Summit Players perform show and conduct workshop for children. Workshop 5:30 pm; show 7 pm. Free, state sticker required for park. 715-842-2522 Plants for Pollinators: Creating a Pollinator’s Paradise · Fri. 6/28, Schmeeckle Reserve, Stevens Point. Learn to attract bees and other pollinators, how to alter garden to attract them and more during hands-on workshop. 9 am-noon. $30. Register:

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Badger State Games: Golf · Sat. 6/29, Trapp River Golf Course, Wausau. Adult, senior and junior competitions. Details at Mid-State Sisters of Skate · Sat. 6/29, Marathon Park, Wausau. Stevens Point. Vs. Team unicorn. Home Composting Event · Sat. 6/29, Weston Farmer’s Market, Wausau. Learn to compost or learn new tips with Marathon Co. Solid Waste Dept. and Recycling Connections Corporation. 9 am-noon. Free. Vic Ferrari Band · Sat. 6/29, North Star Casino, Bowler. Classic rock. Classic rock & variety show covering multiple genres. 8 pm. Free. Event in Bevent · Sat.-Sun. 6/29-30, St. Ladislaus Parish, Bevent. Bounce house, raffle, games, bingo, family-style chicken dinner, more. Free admission. 715-446-3060 Sat. Polka Mass with Maroszek Brothers 4 pm, Cynor Classics Polka Band at 5 pm, The Jerry Schmitt Band at 8:30 pm; Sun. Polka Mass with Smokey Express 10:10 am, Curt Pliskie & the Polka Spirits 11 am, Tony Blazonczyk’s New Phaze and New Polish Sounds Alternating at 2 pm. Outdoor Music: Bernie Thompson · Sat. 6/29, Great Dane, Wausau. Singer, songwriter. 6 pm, inside 9 pm if rain. 715-845-3000 Broken Arrow Band · Sat. 6/29, Rock Island, Merrill. Country, classic rock. 7 pm. 715-536-8560 Scott Bixby · Sun. 6/30, Rock Island, Merrill. One man polka band. 2 pm. 715-536-8560 Independence Day Festival & Car Show · Sun. 6/30, Willow Springs, Wausau. Annual patriotic family event with horse drawn wagon rides, petting zoo, car show, craft booths, blacksmith demo, live music, fireworks, more. 8 am-10 pm.


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JULY Endless Horizon · Mon. 7/1 & Wed. 7/3, UW-Stevens Point Blocher Planetarium. Explore scientific discoveries, advances in science theory, technology breakthroughs, and the concept of the universe. 7:30 pm. Free. Music Appreciation Class: The Art of Musical Perception · Mondays 7/1-15, Wausau Conservatory of Music. 6:30-8 pm. Register: Garden Gab: Adaptive Gardening · Tues. 7/2, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Learn about utilizing adaptive tools. 6 pm. $2 members, $5 non-members. The Northwoods Encore Drum & Bugle Show · Tues. 7/2, DC Everest Stiehm Stadium, Weston. Performances by several of the best ensembles in Midwest and across the U.S. 7 pm. Tickets start at $10. Wis. Woodchucks · Tues. 7/2, Athletic Park, Wausau. Vs. Fond du Lac Dock Spiders. 6:35 pm. $8 general. Wausau Area 4th of July Celebration · Wed.-Sun. 7/3-7, Marathon Park. Carnival rides, kid shows, live music in beer tent Wed.-Sat. at 7 pm; Thurs. fireworks at dust. Festival hours: Wed. & Fri. 4-11:30 pm; Thurs. & Sat. noon-11:30 pm; Sun. noon-6:30 pm. Free admission. Details and updates: State Park Speedway · Wed. 7/3, State Park Speedway, Wausau. SLM & Support Divisions with fireworks. 4:30 fan gates open, 7 pm racing begins. Concerts on the Square: Julyda · Wed. 7/3, 400 Block, downtown Wausau. Cello driven pop and rock. Bring picnic, blanket, lawn chair. No buffet tables, no pets, no smoking. Free. 6-8 pm. Doug Kroening & Vada’s RockHouse · Wed. 7/3, Rock Island, Merrill. Doug Kroening 4 pm; Vada’s RockHouse 8:30 pm. Rock, variety. 715-536-8560

Drum and bugle corps from around the U.S. perform for the Northwoods Encore July 2

continues on 98


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calendar from 97

Merrill City Band Concert · Wed. 7/3, Normal Park Gazebo, Merrill. Joint concert with 132nd Army National Guard. Rain location Merrill High School. 7-8 pm. Irene Keenan Jr. · Thurs. 7/4, Rock Island, Merrill. Acoustic variety. 2 pm. 715-536-8560 Minocqua July 4th Celebration · Thurs. 7/4, Downtown Minocqua. Kiddie parade at 3:45, followed by parade, Min-Aqua Bats show 7 pm followed by fireworks. Free. Wausau Concert Band · Thurs. 7/4, Marathon Park Stage, Wausau. Rain location: Bull Falls. 7 pm. On Facebook Red, White & Boom 4th of July Festival · Thurs. 7/4, Athletic Park, Wausau. Music from Spicy Tie Band, yard games, inflatables, fireworks. 6:30 pm. $5. July 4th Festival & Parade · Thurs. 7/4, River Park, Mosinee. Live music, children’s activities, food, beverages, vendors, 6 pm parade, fireworks at dusk. 4-11 pm. Free. Firecracker 5K Run/Walk · River Park, Mosinee. Chip timed event. 9 am. $25, $30 after 6/21. Marketplace Thursdays · Thurs. 7/4, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly entertainment during lunch hour in conjunction with market that runs 9 am-2 pm. Performer TBA. Riverfront Rendezvous · Thurs.-Sat. 7/4-6, Pfiffner Park, Stevens Point. Music festival with fishing contest, kids activities, fireworks, parade and more. Music highlights: Thurs.: The Dirty Martinis, Emma Hern, Delta Rae, Conscious Pilot, First Avenue and Desperate Ottos. Fri.: Michigan Rattlers, Cracker, Old Soul Society, Barbaro. Sat.: Brett Westgrove, Mojoe and Flipside, Samantha Fish, Porky’s Groove Machine, Funkyard Dealers. Schedule and details: Outdoor Music: Doug Kroening · Fri. 7/5, Great Dane, Wausau. Acoustic variety. 6 pm (if rain indoors 9 pm). 715-845-3000 Downtown Fri. Night: The Shotgun Gerdy Gang · Fri. 7/5, Wenzel Family Plaza, Marshfield. Bluegrass boogie. 7-10 pm. $5 donation. On Facebook Them Coulee Boys with Russell Pederson · Fri. 7/5, Whitewater Music Hall, Wausau. Modern folk rock. 6-10 pm. $15. Wis. Woodchucks · Fri. 7/5, Athletic Park, Wausau. Vs. Madison Mallards. 6:35 pm. $8 general. Colossal Fossils Open · Sat. 7/6, Colossal Fossils Wausau Center Mall. Fossils including T. Rex, wooly mammoths, saber-tooth tigers and more with hands-on activities. 10 am-3 pm. $6, $5 senior or military. Badger State Games: Gravel Bike Racing · Sat. 7/6, Z’s Fork Horners, Gleason. Details: Art Park Open Studio · Sat. 7/6, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. All ages create hydrangea paintings. 1-3 pm. 715-845-7010 Outdoor Music: Dead Pedals · Sat. 7/6, Great Dane, Wausau. Rock. 6 pm, inside 9 pm if rain. 715-845-3000 The Lizardz · Sat. 7/6, Rock Island, Merrill. Rock. 7 pm. 715-536-8560 Snake Discovery · Sun. 7/7, Rib Mountain State Park Friends Gathering Space, Wausau. Meet snake species that call Wis. home. 5-6 pm. Free, park sticker required for vehicle. 715-842-2522 Tuck Pence · Sun. 7/7, Rock Island, Merrill. Acoustic variety. 2 pm. 715-536-8560 Jazz on the River: Band TBD · Sun. 7/7, Kickbusch Plaza on river behind library, Wausau. Outdoor jazz concert, lawn chairs and picnic dinners encouraged. Rain location: Daly’s. 5-7 pm. Kids From Wisconsin: The Beat Goes On · Sun. 7/7, Merrill High School. Featuring music and artists that have stood the test of time. 6:30 pm. Tickets: Dawn of Astronomy · Mon. 7/8 & Wed. 7/10, UW-Stevens Point Blocher Planetarium. Learn how the ancients, through their astronomical observations, measured time and determined direction. 7:30 pm. Free. Wis. Woodchucks · Mon.-Wed. 7/8-10, Athletic Park, Wausau. Mon. vs. Fond du Lac Dock Spiders; Tues.-Wed. vs. Lakeshore Chinooks. 6:35 pm. $8 general admission.



Nooky Jones performs for Stevens Point’s Levitt Amp Concert Series July 11

Starry Watercolor Mini Paintings · Mon. 7/8, Marathon Co. Library, Mosinee. All ages paint with watercolors, salt and star stickers. 3 pm. 715-693-2144 Garden Gab: Insects – Common, Cool and Creepy · Tues. 7/9, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Learn and bring questions. 6 pm. $2 members, $5 general. Second Tuesday Concert Series: Quarry Road Band · Tues. 7/9, Walls of Wittenberg Art Park. Bring chairs and picnic. 6 pm. Free. Rain location: WOWSpace. Merrill City Band Concert · Wed. 7/10, Normal Park Gazebo, Merrill. With kiddie parade, raffle. 7 pm. Concerts on the Square: Johnny & the MoTones · Wed. 7/10, 400 Block, downtown Wausau. Bluesy rock. Bring a picnic, blanket, lawn chair. No buffet tables, no pets, no smoking. Free. 6-8 pm. Make Your Own Broom with Broom Corn · Thurs. 7/11, Hsu Growing Supply, Wausau. History of brooms and make your own. 5-7 pm. $10. 715-675-5856 Hodag Country Fest · Thurs.-Sun. 7/11-14, Festival Grounds, Rhinelander. Thurs.: Roots & Boots, Aaron Watson, The Northern Lights, Brett Westgrove · Fri.: Old Dominion, LOCASH, Michael Ray · Sat.: Lady Antebellum, Gary Allan, Shenandoah, Lindsay Ell, Brandon Lay · Sun. Neal McCoy, LANCO, The Marshall Tucker Band, Terri Clark, Jake Rose. Gate prices: 1-Day $75, 2-Day $140, 9-Day $150, child daily $30, child 9-day $70. Date Night by Kayak, Canoe · Thurs. 7/11, Sara Park, Tomahawk. Paddle island-studded waters, stop for dinner. Part of Nicolet College’s Outdoor Adventure Series. 5-9 pm. $45 includes dinner, $60 with rental. Register: Marketplace Thursdays: Abby & Luke · Thurs. 7/11, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly musical entertainment by local band during lunch hour in conjunction with market that runs 9 am-2 pm. Balloon & Rib Fest · Thurs.-Sun. 7/11-14, Wausau Downtown Airport. Hot air balloons, rib vendors, kites, animals, bounce houses, fireworks, more. Thurs.-Fri. 5-11 pm; Sat. 6 am11 pm; Sun. 6-11 am. Balloon Chase Run The Runway · Sat. 7/13, Wausau Downtown Airport. 5K run or walk through airport grounds after morning ballon launch. 7:30 am. $25 in advance, $30 at door. Register:,

Gazebo Nights at Normal Park: Doug Kroening · Thurs. 7/11, Normal Park, Merrill. Acoustic variety. 6-8 pm. On Facebook The Last Revel with The Outskirts · Thurs. 7/11, Whitewater Music Hall, Wausau. Americana, folk, old time string-band and rock. 6-11 pm. $15. Tickets: Levitt Amp Concert Series: Nooky Jones · Thurs. 7/11, Pfiffner Park, Stevens Point. Jazz, funk with lush horn arrangements. 6 pm. Free. Wausau Concert Band · Thurs. 7/11, Marathon Park Band Shell, Wausau. Rain location: Bull Falls. 7 pm. On Facebook Annie · Fri.-Sat. 7/12-13, SPASH Theater, Stevens Point. Musical about orphan presented by Playhouse Theater Group. Details TBD. North Central Wis. Master Gardeners Garden Walk · Fri.-Sat. 7/12-13, DC Everest Area. Tour five outstanding private gardens. Fri. 1-7 pm; Sat. 9 am-3 pm. $10. Details: Outdoor Music: Bradley Sperger · Fri. 7/12, Great Dane, Wausau. Variety. 6 pm, inside 9 pm if rain. 715-845-3000 Echoes of Ella & Etta · Sat. 7/13, Campanile Center, Minocqua. Vocalist Erin Krebs and her sextet perform songs made famous by Ella Fitzgerald and Etta James. 7 pm. $22. Chalkfest · Sat.-Sun. 7/13-14, 400 Block, Wausau. Downtown turns into colorful display of chalk drawings. Come watch as artists create. Sat. 8 am-8 pm; Sun. 8 am-4 pm. Register and details: The Influence Band · Sat. 7/13, Rock Island, Merrill. Classic rock, variety. 7 pm. 715-536-8560 Quarry Road · Sat. 7/13, Great Dane, Wausau. Variety. 6 pm (if rain indoors 9 pm). 715-845-3000 Kiwanis Island Art Walk · Sat. 7/13, Torpy Park, Minocqua. 100+ vendors display their work, food, refreshments, picnic tables, live music by Gregg Thomas. 9 am-3 pm. Jazz on the River: Band TBD · Sun. 7/14, Kickbusch Plaza on river behind library, Wausau. Outdoor jazz concert, lawn chairs and picnic dinners encouraged. Rain location: Daly’s. 5-7 pm. Mark Healey · Sun. 7/14, Rock Island, Merrill. Classic rock, variety. 2 pm. 715-536-8560 The Stargazer · Mon. 7/15 & Wed. 7/17, UW-Stevens Point Blocher Planetarium. Explore nature of stars, principles of gravity, properties of light, more. 7:30 pm. Free.

Unidentified Flying Objects in Wis. · Mon. 7/15, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. All ages hear about UFO sightings in Wis. 6 pm. 715-261-7230 Introduction to Dragon Boat Paddling · Mon. 7/15, Torpy Park, Minocqua. Basic paddling skills, commands, history, more for ages 15+. Nicolet College’s Outdoor Adventure Series. 5-7 pm. $20. Register: Wheel With Max Reinhardt · Tuesdays 7/16-8/13 or Wednesdays 7/17-8/14, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Learn to center clay, build bowl and mug forms, more. Tuesdays: Beginning; Wednesdays: Beginning to Intermediate. 6:30-9 pm. $160. Register: Garden Gab: Growing Backyard Berries · Tues. 7/16, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Requirements for several varieties. 6 pm. $2 members, $5 non-members. Outdoor Music: Incorruptibles · Fri. 7/16, Great Dane, Wausau. Rock, blues. 6 pm, inside 9 pm if rain. 715-845-3000 Concerts on the Square: Kari Lynch · Wed. 7/17, 400 Block, downtown Wausau. Traditional country, Americana. Bring picnic, blanket, lawn chair. No buffet tables, no pets, no smoking. Free. 6-8 pm. Precious Metal Clay Jewelry with Mara Mullen-Reinhardt · Wed. 7/17-24, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Learn metal clay basics through the creation of sterling silver charms. 6-8 pm. $110. Register: Making A Plan: Budgeting · Wed. 7/17, Marathon Co. Public Library, Wausau. Goal setting, budgeting. Presented by Get Smart Wausau Coalition. 6-7 pm. Register: 715-847-4140 Art 101: Botanical Art Gallery Walk · Wed. 7/17, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Join museum educator Lisa Hoffman to learn about botanical art. 12:15-1 pm. 715-845-7010 Using Credit Wisely · Wed. 7/17, Marathon Co. Public Library, Wausau. Tips to improve credit score, protect and rebuild credit report. Presented by Get Smart Wausau Coalition. 7:15-8:15 pm. Register: 715-847-4140 Learn Pickleball Clinic · Wed. 7/17, YMCA Aspirus Branch, Weston. Ages 10+ learn basics from certified instructor. Equipment provided. 5-7 pm. Free members, $10 non-members. Aromatherapy and Essential Oils Discussion Group · Wed. 7/17, Marathon Co. Library, Hatley. Learn about aromatherapy, essential oils and natural or homemade health products. 4 pm. 715-446-3537 Natural Dyeing for Beginners · Thurs. 7/18, Marathon Co. Library, Athens. Learn to use vegetables to dye a variety of fibers. 2-4 pm. 715-257-7292 Apollo 11 Lunar Landing Celebration · Thurs. 7/18, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. All ages view coverage of the event for 50th anniversary. 6:30-8 pm. 715-261-7230 Moon Dance Music Festival · Thurs.-Sat. 7/18-20, MC Festival Grounds, Gleason. Bluegrass, folk, American music. $130 for 3-day pass; $110 for 2-day pass, $80 Sat. only. Tickets include rough camping. Details: Thurs.: Ifdakar, The Ditchrunners, Soul Symmetry, Saw Bill Trio, 2nd String, The Outskirts; Fri.: Michael Cleaveland & Flamekeeper, Useful Jenkins, Jon Stickley Trio, Feed the Dog, Monsters of Grass, Whitewater Ramble, Chicken Wire Empire, Billy Bronsted & the Loot; Sat.: The Marcus King Band, Travelin’ McCourys, The Grateful Ball, Kitchen Dwellers, Sloppy Joe, The Liver Killers, Still Shine, Acoustikar. Levitt Amp Concert Series: Dos Santos · Thurs. 7/18, Pfiffner Park, Stevens Point. Afrobeat, cumbia and Latin funk. 6 pm. Free. The Flow Tribe · Thurs. 7/18, Whitewater Music Hall, Wausau. Funk, rock, psychedelic & blues from New Orleans-based sixpiece. 7:30-10:30 pm. $10. On Facebook Movies Under the Stars: TBD · Thurs. 7/18, Norm Memorial Park, Kronenwetter. Bring blanket, lawn chair. Concessions available. Movie at dusk. Wis. Woodchucks · Thurs.-Fri. 7/18-19, Athletic Park, Wausau. Vs. Traverse City Baseball. 6:35 pm. $8 general. Booze & Botany · Thurs. 7/18, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Craft cocktail demonstrations, live music by Open Tab brick oven pizzas. 6-10 pm. Tickets on sale 6/1:

State Park Speedway · Thurs. 7/18, State Park Speedway, Wausau. CWRA & Support Divisions and Fr. Grubba Book Tour. Gates open 4:30 pm, racing begins 7 pm. Marketplace Thursdays: Jumpalicious · Thurs. 7/18, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Jump rope kids activitiy during lunch hour in conjunction with market that runs 9 am-2 pm. Wausau Concert Band · Thurs. 7/18, Marathon Park Band Shell, Wausau. Rain location: Bull Falls. 7 pm. On Facebook South Beach Up North · Chamber music featuring classics & lively folk by Florida ensemble and guest musicians. Thurs. 7/18, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Wausau. The Diversity of the String Quartet/Quintet. 7:30 pm Sat. 7/20, First Universalist Unitarian Church, Wausau. Casual picnic concert with Mozart on the Move featuring local high school quartet. 6 pm. $10. Thurs. 7/25, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. The Schumanns. 7:30 pm. Fri. 7/26, St. Matthias Episcopal Church, Minocqua. The Schumanns. 7:00 pm. Gazebo Nights at Normal Park: The Lizardz · Thurs. 7/18, Normal Park, Merrill. Rock. 6-8 pm. On Facebook Spamalot · Thurs.-Sun. 7/18-21. Musical ripped off from the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Presented by Mosinee Community Theatre. Details TBD. Penguin Project: Disney’s Beauty and the Beast Jr. · Fri.-Sun. 7/19-21, Grand Theater, Wausau. Central Wis. Children’s Theatre presents special program for children with special needs. Classic story of Belle and the Beast. Fri.-Sat. 7 pm; Sun. 2 pm. Ticket costs TBD. Downtown Friday Night: Singer Songwriter Showcase · Fri. 7/19, Wenzel Family Plaza, Marshfield. Jayne Dreams, Jennings Buri Music, Caleb Delaney, Jedimiz. 7-10 pm. $5 donation. On Facebook Phantom Gallery Party 7: Morph · Fri. 7/19, Steves Point-area location TBA. Celebrate artists who reimagine, transform, and morph mediums. Food, drinks, music and dynamic art. 69 pm. $35 in advance, $40 at door. Lake DuBay Lions Summerfest · Fri.-Sat. 7/19-20, Lake DuBay Lions Park, Knowlton. Food, beverages, games, live music, bingo and more. Fri. Dukes 7-11 pm, Sat. Spicy Tie Band 711 pm. Children’s petting zoo Sat. 3-6 pm. Fest runs Fri. 5 pmmidnight; Sat. 8 am-midnight. Free admission. Gem and Mineral Show · Fri.-Sat. 7/19-20, Lakeland Union High School, Minocqua. Minerals, fossils, gemstones, specimens, jewelry, demonstrations, silent auction, door prizes, more. Presented by the Lakeland Gem and Mineral Club. Fri. 10 am-6 pm; Sat. 9 am- 5 pm. Free admission. Try-It! Night with Jackie Krigbaum · Fri. 7/19, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Evening of fun and creativity in the ceramic studio. Clay and tools provided. 6:30-9 pm. $55. Register: Personality Style: How it Shapes Our Interactions With Others · Sat.-Sun. 7/20-21, St. Anthony Spirituality Center, Marathon. Learn about communication, what personality traits and characteristics make for good leadership. 8 am Sat.-1:30 pm Sun. $110. Register: Colossal Fossils Open · Sat. 7/20, Colossal Fossils Wausau Center Mall. T. Rex, wooly mammoths, saber-tooth tigers and more with hands-on activities. 10 am-3 pm. $6, $5 senior or military., 715-303-9407 Warbird Rendezvous · Sat. 7/20, Central Wis. Airport, Mosinee. Warbirds from Oshkosh EAA fly-in to display airplanes. 8 am1 pm. On Facebook Community Scavenger Hunt · Sat. 7/20, Good News Project, Wausau. Teams of 4 follow clues around town, collect items, take photos, complete physical challenges for a chance to win prizes. 1-4 pm. Adult team $75 by 6/1, $80 after, family team $60/$65 after. Register by 7/12: Mud Boys · Sat. 7/20, Lions Park, Gleason. Watch as trucks race through mud pit. Noon. Free admission. 715-873-4131

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calendar from 99

Hand Picked · Sat. 7/20, Rock Island, Merrill. Bluegrass. 7 pm. 715-536-8560 Outdoor Music: Brian Bethke · Sat. 7/20, Great Dane, Wausau. Acoustic variety. 6 pm, inside 9 pm if rain. 715-845-3000 Concert in the Clouds: New Orleans Hot House Jazz Band · Sat. 7/20, Rib Mountain. 6-8 pm. Free, park sticker required for vehicles. Mid-State Sisters of Skate · Sat. 7/20, Arnott Lions Park, Plover. Vs. Aurora 88s and Cedar Rapids Rollergirls. Brian McLaughlin · Sun. 7/21, Rock Island, Merrill. Variety. 2 pm. 715-536-8560 Jazz on the River: Band TBD · Sun. 7/21, Kickbusch Plaza on river behind library, Wausau. Outdoor jazz concert, lawn chairs and picnic dinners encouraged. Rain location: Daly’s. 5-7 pm. Wis. Woodchucks · Sun.-Mon. 7/21-22, Athletic Park, Wausau. Sun. vs. Wis. Rapids Rafters at 3 :05 pm; Mon. vs. Fond du Lac Dock Spiders at 6:35 pm. $8 general admission. Galaxies · Mon. 7/22, UW-Stevens Point Blocher Planetarium. Journey through Milky Way and beyond to explore the universe. 7:30 pm. Free. Garden Gab: Illuminating Sculptures · Tues. 7/23, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Paul Klein demonstrates paper-making. 6 pm. $2 members, $5 general. Disc Golf for Beginners · Wednesdays 7/24-8/14, Sandy Point Resort, Lac du Flambeau. Part of Nicolet College’s Outdoor Adventure Series. 5-8 pm. $75, $30 for discs. Register: Concerts on the Square: Copper Box · Wed. 7/24, 400 Block, downtown Wausau. Americana, folk, rock. Bring picnic, blanket, lawn chair. No buffet tables, no pets, no smoking. Free. 6-8 pm. Treasuring Memories · Wed. 7/24, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Children, teens and families coping with death of a loved one create memorial art for a garden, walkway or special place. Bring small mementos to incorporate into project. 1-3 pm. Registration required: 715-845-7010 Merrill City Band Concert · Wed. 7/24, Normal Park Gazebo, Merrill. With kiddie parade, raffle. 7-8 pm. Wis. Woodchucks · Wed. 7/24, Athletic Park, Wausau. Vs. Wis. Rapids Rafters. 11:35 am. $8 general. Marketplace Thursdays · Thurs. 7/25, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly entertainment during lunch hour in conjunction with market that runs 9 am-2 pm. Performer TBA. Wayne Newton · Thurs. 7/25, Lake of the Torches, Lac Du Flambeau. Details TBD. Summer Twister · Thurs.-Sat. 7/25-27, Wildlife Campground, Birnamwood. For ages 21+. Sat. Veteran Ceremony, fireworks, more. Live music: Thurs. Backbone, Branded; Fri. Black Water Gin, Cherry Pie; Sat. 2am, The Solution, Geneva. Details, schedule, tickets: Wausau Concert Band · Thurs. 7/25, Marathon Park Band Shell, Wausau. Rain location: Bull Falls. 7 pm. On Facebook Gazebo Nights at Normal Park: Whitehouse Players · Thurs. 7/25, Normal Park, Merrill. Classic rock, country, variety. 6-8 pm. On Facebook Wis. Woodchucks · Thurs.-Fri. 7/25-26, Athletic Park, Wausau. Vs. Fond du Lac Dock Spiders. 6:35 pm. $8 general. Levitt Amp Concert Series: Gangstagrass · Thurs. 7/25, Pfiffner Park, Stevens Point. Bluegrass and hip-hop. 6 pm. Free. River Valley Jazz Festival · Fri.-Sun 7/26-28, Bull Falls Brewery and venues throughout downtown Wausau. Concert lineup TBD. Presented by The River Valley Jazz Society. Downtown Friday Night: Toy Guns, The Gaston Curse, 20 Watt Tombstone · Fri. 7/26, Wenzel Family Plaza, Marshfield. Rock. 7-10 pm. $5 donation. On Facebook Outdoor Music: Aaron Williams & the HooDoo · Fri. 7/26, Great Dane, Wausau. Rock, blues. 6 pm, inside 9 pm if rain. 715-845-3000



Hmong Wausau Festival, July 27-28 at the Eastbay Sports Complex in Wausau

Freak Show: Hellzapoppin · Fri. 7/26, Q&Z Expo Center, Ringle. Authentic circus sideshows with performances using the human anatomy and deathy defy stunts. 7 pm. $15. State Park Speedway: Detjens Memorial Weekend · Fri.-Sat. 7/26-27, State Park Speedway, Wausau. Fri. Big 8, Bandos & some Support Divisions; Sat. SLM (4 Tire), Bandos & some Support Divisions. Fri. 4:30 pm fan gates open, 7 pm racing begins; Sat. 3:30pm/6 pm. Movies in the Park: Aladdin · Fri. 7/26, Pfiffner Pioneer Park, Stevens Point. Movie at dusk. Free. Northwoods Art Tour · Fri.-Sun. 7/26-28, Homes in Vilas, Oneida, Iron, Langlade & Lincoln Counties. Self-guided tours of studios and galleries, includes paintings, pottery, photographs, furniture, wood carvings, jewelry, more. 10 am-5 pm., 715-385-3334 Badger State Games: Flag Football & Volleyball · Sat.-Sun. 7/27-28, Eastbay Sports Complex, Wausau. Details at Hmong Wausau Festival · Sat.-Sun. 7/27-28, Eastbay Sports Complex, Wausau. Sports, games for kids, food, dance, pageant competitions, more. Details TBD. On Facebook Paddle Pub Crawl IV · Sat. 7/27, Eagles Club, Wausau. Day long paddle, stop at several sand bars along the way ending at Trails End Bar in Stettin. 10 am-8 pm. On Facebook Celebrate Plover · Sat. 7/27, Lake Pacawa Park, Plover. Kids activities, market place, outdoor business expo, water fights, fireworks, live entertainment by Dance Dynamics, The Drovers, Pat Keller and Grand Union. 9 am-midnight. The Mavericks & Los Lobos · Sat. 7/27, North Star Casino, Bowler. Tex-Mex, country, variety. 8 pm. Tickets start at $50. Outdoor Music: The Bear Creek Band · Sat. 7/27, Great Dane, Wausau. Variety. 6 pm, inside 9 pm if rain. 715-845-3000 Big Road Band · Sat. 7/27, Rock Island, Merrill. Rock, funk, blues. 7 pm. 715-536-8560 Jazz on the River: Band TBD · Sun. 7/28, Kickbusch Plaza on river behind library, Wausau. Outdoor jazz concert, lawn chairs and picnic dinners encouraged. Rain location: Daly’s. 5-7 pm. Scott Kirby · Sun. 7/28, Rock Island, Merrill. Acoustic variety. 2 pm. 715-536-8560 Wis. Woodchucks · Sun. 7/28, Athletic Park, Wausau. Vs. Green Bay Booyah. 3:05 pm. $8 general.

Wisconsin Valley Fair · Tues.-Sun. 7/30-8/4, Marathon Park, Wausau. Entertainment, carnival rides, animals, exhibits and food. Open Tues. 12-10 pm, Wed.-Sun. 8 am-10 pm. Most Grandstand shows free with fair admission: Tues.: Boogies and the Yo-Yo’z; Wed.: Rodney Atkins; Thurs.: Daughtry; Fri. Andy Grammer; Sat. Rodeo; Sun.: Demo Derby ($). Fair admission $9, $6 before noon, ages 10 and under free. Details: Garden Gab: Front Yard Foraging · Tues. 7/30, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Learn about edible plants growing in your yard. 6 pm. $2 members, $5 non-members. Wis. Woodchucks · Tues. 7/30, Athletic Park, Wausau. Vs. Madison Mallards. 6:35 pm. $8 general. Merrill City Band Concert · Wed. 7/31, Normal Park Gazebo, Merrill. With kiddie parade, raffle. 7-8 pm. Seth Glier · Wed. 7/31, Wildwood, Marshfield. Grammy nominated soul singer. 7:30 pm. $19 general, $24 reserved table. Concerts on the Square: Chicken Wire Empire · Wed. 7/31, 400 Block, downtown Wausau. Contemporary bluegrass. Bring a picnic, blanket, lawn chair. No buffet tables, no pets, no smoking. Free. 6-8 pm.

AUGUST Shakespeare in the Gardens · Thurs.-Sat. 8/1-3, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Out of the Woods Theatre presents Midsummer Night’s Dream. 6:30 pm. $18 adult members, $20 adult non-members; children $12/$15 Children’s Matinee on Sat. with magical activities before & after show. 1:30 pm. $5 members, $8 non-members, free 3 & under. Wausau Concert Band · Thurs. 8/1, Rothschild Pavilion. 7 pm. On Facebook Sculpture Garden Yoga · Thurs. 8/1, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Bring a mat or blanket. Weather-permitting. 5:30-6:30 pm. Register: Handbuilding With Pam Zahn · Thursday 8/1-9/5, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Techniques including pinch, coil, slab and sculpting. 5:30-8:30 pm. $160. Register:

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calendar from 100

Central Wisconsin Military Show, at the Motorama Auto Museum in Aniwa Aug. 9-10

Botanical Art: Wendy Brockman Artist Residency · Thurs.-Sun. 8/1-4, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Minnesota-based artist shares enthusiasm for botanical art. 715-845-7010 Art 101: Guest Artist Gallery Walk · Thurs. Join Wendy for insights into the artworks, aesthetics, and subjects featured in America’s Flora. 5:30-6:30 pm Hands-on Art · Thurs. Drop in illustrate personalized using animal & plant stencils. 5:30-7 pm Botanical Sketchbook Journals · Fri.-Sat. Teens and adults combine botanical drawings and typography to create sketchbook journals. 10 am-4 pm. $85 members, $100 nonmembers. Registration required: 715-845-7010 Artist Demonstration · Sun. Ask questions and observe as Wendy develops watercolor botanical painting. 1-2 pm. Wis. Woodchucks · Thurs. 8/1, Athletic Park, Wausau. Vs. Green Bay Booyah. 6:35 pm. $8 general. Marketplace Thursdays: Raise Great Kids Day · Thurs. 8/1, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Variety of activities and crafts during lunch hour in conjunction with market that runs 9 am-2 pm. Performer TBA. Night Out at the Woodson · Thurs. 8/1, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Museum stays open until 7:30 pm to view art, sample audio tour and more. 715-845-7010 Friends of the MCPL Book Sale · Thurs.-Sun. 8/1-4, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. Books, audiobooks, movies, games, art, more. Thurs. members only preview 5-8 pm; Fri.-Sat. 9:30 am4:30 pm; Sun. $6 bag sale 1-4:30 pm. 715-261-7200 Levitt Amp Concert Series: The Talbott Brothers · Thurs. 8/1, Pfiffner Park, Stevens Point. Folk pop. 6 pm. Free. Gazebo Nights at Normal Park: The Jay Stulo Band · Thurs. 8/1, Normal Park, Merrill. Blues, variety. 6-8 pm. On Facebook Outdoor Music: Bernie Thompson · Fri. 8/2, Great Dane, Wausau. Singer, songwriter. 6 pm, inside 9 pm if rain. 715-845-3000 Downtown Fri. Night: Modern Throwback and The Hartless · Fri. 8/2, Wenzel Family Plaza, Marshfield. Rock. 7-10 pm. $5 donation. On Facebook



Beginning Stand Up Paddleboarding · Sat. 8/3, Crystal Lake Beach, Sayner. Entry-level introduction, proper stance for balance, more. Part of Nicolet College’s Outdoor Adventure Series. 10 am-noon. $25, or $65 with board rental. Register: Art Park Open Studio · Sat. 8/3, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. All ages create illustrated initial with letter stencils and animal and plant motifs. 1-3 pm. 715-845-7010 State Park Speedway · Sat. 8/3, State Park Speedway, Wausau. TUNDRA Series & TUNDRA Support Divisions. 3:30 fan gates open, 6 pm racing begins. Badger State Games: Youth Rugby · Sat. 8/3, Eastbay Sports Complex, Wausau. By age divisions. Details: Gladiolus Show · Sat.-Sun. 8/3-4, Marathon Park East Gate Hall Wausau. In conjunction with Wis. Valley Fair. 715-359-4537 Colossal Fossils Open · Sat. 8/3, Colossal Fossils Wausau Center Mall. T. Rex, mammoths, saber-tooth tigers and more with hands-on activities. 10 am-3 pm. $6, $5 senior or military. The 3’s and 7’s · Sat. 8/3, Rock Island, Merrill. Classic rock, variety. 7 pm. 715-536-8560 Outdoor Music: The Influence Band · Sat. 8/3, Great Dane, Wausau. Classic rock, variety. 6 pm, inside 9 pm if rain. 715-845-3000 Jazz on the River: Band TBD · Sun. 8/4, Kickbusch Plaza on river behind library, Wausau. Outdoor jazz concert, lawn chairs, picnics encouraged. 5-7 pm. Rain location: Daly’s. Virginia Steel · Sun. 8/4, Rock Island, Merrill. Variety. 2 pm. 715-536-8560 Wis. Woodchucks · Mon. 8/5 & Wed. 8/7, Athletic Park, Wausau. Vs. Kalamazoo Growlers. 6:35 pm. $8 general admission. Handbuilding With Pam Zahn · Mondays 8/5-9/16, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Techniques including pinch, coil, slab and sculpting. 5:30-8:30 pm. $160. Register:

Universe of Stories: Writing Your Own Story · Mon. 8/5, Marathon Co. Library, Marathon City. Teens and adults see what it takes to write an autobiography or memoir. 3 pm. 715-443-2775 Unique Landscapes: Hiking Pat Shay State Natural Area · Mon. 8/5, Pat Shay State Natural Area, Three Lakes. Eightmile hike, talk about unique ecology of the area. Part of Nicolet College’s Outdoor Adventure Series. 9 am-3 pm. $55. Register: Dirt to Pot Cooking Series: Guacamole and Ceviche · Mon. 8/5, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Presented by Luis Melendez from La Taqueria. 6-8 pm. $25 members per class, $35 non-members. Aurora Borealis Chorus Featuring Rodrick Dixon & Alfreda Burke · Tues. 8/6, Campanile Center, Minocqua. Celebration of all things singing. 7 pm. $22. Garden Gab: Natural Solutions for Healthy, Empowered Living · Tues. 8/6, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Learn about essential oils, their healing properties & aromatic benefits. 6 pm. $2 members, $5 non-members. A Journey Through Adoption: A Story of Hope & Faith · Tues. 8/6, Marathon Co. Library, Spencer. Author and father Adam Schnabel talks about process and the ups and downs of adopting his child. 9 am. 715-659-3996 Plant Diseases · Wed. 8/7, Marathon Co. Library, Marathon. Learn what affects your trees, plants. 5:30 pm. 715-443-2775 Concerts on the Square: The Last Bees · Wed. 8/7, 400 Block, downtown Wausau. Pop, rock. Bring a picnic, blanket, lawn chair. No buffet tables, no pets, no smoking. Free. 6-8 pm. Merrill City Band Concert · Wed. 8/7, Centoaph Park, Merrill. Concessions begin at 4:30 pm with concert at 6 pm, with raffles and kiddie parade. Ole & Lena at the State Fair · Thurs.-Fri. 8/8-9, Campanile Center, Minocqua. Musical comedy. 7 pm. $22.

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J u n e 8 – A u g u s t 2 5 , 2 019

Tuesday - Friday 9 am - 4 pm First Thursday of each month 9 am - 7:30 pm Saturday - Sunday Noon - 5 pm Closed Monday and holidays, including July 4

Always FREE Admission

© Linda Powers, Showy Lady’s Slipper, 2017, watercolor on vellum Botanical Art Worldwide: America’s Flora was curated by the American Society of Botanical Artists and the United States Botanic Garden.







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Motorama Auto Museum, Aniwa · 400+ race cars, army trucks, motorcycles, thru Oct. Tues.-Sat. 9 am-5 pm. $10 adults, kids free. 715-449-2141, Colossal Fossils, Wausau Center Mall · Open Saturdays 6/1, 6/15, 7/6, 7/20, 8/3, 8/17, A world of wooly mammoths, dinosaurs and Wisconsin jellyfish with hands-on tours, interactive exhibits. 10 am-3 pm. $6, $5 senior or military, $20 family pass., 715-303-9407 319 Gallery, Wausau · Fine art and hand-crafted creations by local artists and former Talent Shop artisans. Open Mon.-Sat. 11 am-3 pm. 715-574-8179 Spring Show · thru June 4, Reaching New Heights Gallery, Marshfield Clinic Weston. Variety of media. Gallery hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 am-4:30 pm. 715-393-1000 Uniquely Wisconsin · thru June 23, Riverfront Arts Center, Stevens Point. Juried photo exhibit. Gallery hours: Tues.-Fri. 11 am-5 pm; Sat.-Sun. 11 am-3 pm. The Creative Process · thru June 27, Q Artists Cooperative, Stevens Point. Dan Sivek & friends tell stories behind their art. Hours: Tues.-Sat. 10 am-5 pm; Sun. 11 am-3 pm. 715-345-28 Culture & Agriculture · thru July 26, New Visions Gallery, Marshfield. Juried art with agricultural theme. Gallery hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 am-4 pm. Centered · July 2-Aug. 30, Q Artists Cooperative, Stevens Point. Featuring artists Lynn Kirby and Sandi Ticknor. Gallery hours: Tues.-Sat. 10 am-5 pm; Sun. 11 am-3 pm. 715-345-2888 Visions · July 12-Aug. 18, Riverfront Arts Center, Stevens Point. Juried exhibit with open medium and open theme. Gallery hours: Tues.-Fri. 11 am-5 pm; Sat.-Sun. 11 am3 pm. Pigskin Peanuts · Aug. 12-Oct. 18, New Visions Gallery, Marshfield. Traveling exhibit curated of Charles Schulz’s football-themed Sunday comics and 3D pieces inspired by his work. Gallery hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 am-4 pm. Companionship: A Focus on Pets · Sept. 3-Oct. 31, Q Artists Cooperative, Stevens Point. Featuring Jessie Fritsch. Hours: Tues.-Sat. 10 am-5 pm; Sun. 11 am-3 pm. 715-345-2888 The Blues Effect · Sept. 6-Oct 13, Riverfront Arts Center, Stevens Point. Juried monochrome exhibit with open medium. Gallery hours: Tues.-Fri. 11 am-5 pm; Sat.-Sun. 11 am3 pm.




Woodson Art Museum, Wausau · Free admission. Gallery hours Tues.–Fri. 9 am–4 pm, Sat.–Sun. noon–5 pm; open until 7:30 first Thursday of each month. 715-845-7010, Regal Bearing: Bird Portraiture · thru Aug 11. Birds in a variety of formats from the Museum’s collection. Sharing the Shoreline · thru Aug 18. Discover beauty of shorebirds through sculptures and works on paper. Cut Up/Cut Out · thru June 2. Contemporary take on the ancient, yet ever-evolving, art of cutting paper. Botanical Art Worldwide: America’s Flora · June 8-Aug 25. Artworks of America’s native plants curated by the American Society of Botanical Artists Flora, Fauna, Font: Illustrating the Alphabet · June 8-Aug 25. Kandis Vermeer Phillips’ illuminated alphabet showcases letters intertwined with plants, mammals, and insects Birds in Art · Sept. 7-Dec. 1. Breathtaking depictions of birds by some of the world’s most talented artists. Wausau Museum of Contemporary Art · Gallery hours: Tues.Sat. noon-5 pm. 715-298-4470, WMOCA International Biennial Portrait Competition· thru June 29. Best portrait painters from around the world. Painting the Figure Now · July 9-Sept. 28. Art that investigates the many ways we see the human figure today Merrill History & Cultural Center · Gallery hours Mon.-Fri. 9 am-1 pm (open until 3 pm Wed); Sat. 10 am-1 pm. A History of Page Milk & Local Dairies on view thru Dec. 715-536-5652, Woodson History Center, Wausau · Tues.–Fri. 9 am–4:30 pm, Sat.–Sun. 1–4:30 pm. Rural Electrification: Outlet for Change shows changes that came in the early 1900s Milking Time: Evolution of Dairy Industry in Marathon Co Wisconsin Remembers: A Face for Every Name · thru June 2, traveling exhibit honors people listed on Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington DC and at Highground in Neillsville. Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau · Free. Gallery hours Tues.–Fri. 10 am–5 pm; Sat. noon–4 pm. 715-842-4545, Abandon Wisconsin · thru July 13. Six photographers document forgotten and abandoned places 7th Congressional District Art Competition · thru July 13. Opening gala 5/31 Artwork of Mary Catherine Solber · thru July 27 Roots: Taking Seed · July 19-Sept 14. Opening gala 7/26 CVA Student & Volunteer Exhibit · July 19-Sept 14. Opening gala 7/26 Artwork of Denise Prensnell · Aug. 2-Oct. 12

700 North 12th Street Wausau, WI 54403-5007 715.845.7010 /


“Salvator Mundi” by Justyna Kisielewicz, part of the WMOCA Portrait Competition exhibit, on view through June 29









Red Hot Chilli Pipers, Aug. 15 at the Campanile Center in Minocqua t

calendar from 102

Levitt Amp Concert Series: Incendio · Thurs. 8/8, Pfiffner Park, Stevens Point. Latin meets Middle Eastern meets Celtic. 6 pm. Free. Fireside Collective · Thurs. 8/8, Whitewater Music Hall, Wausau. Progressive folk. 8-11 pm. Ticket cost TBD. On Facebook State Park Speedway · Thurs. 8/8, State Park Speedway, Wausau. CWRA, Midwest Truck Series & Support Divisions. 4:30 fan gates open, 7 pm racing begins. Wis. Woodchucks · Thurs.-Sat. 8/8-10, Athletic Park, Wausau. Thurs.-Fri. Vs. Kenosha Kingfish; Sat. vs. Green Bay Booya. 6:35 pm. $8 general admission. Marketplace Thursdays · Thurs. 8/8, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly entertainment during lunch hour in conjunction with market that runs 9 am-2 pm. Performer TBA. After Loon Delight · Thurs. 8/8, Torpy Park, Minocqua. 100+ exhibitors, handcrafted items. 9 am-4 pm. Justin Hayward · Thurs. 8/8, Grand Theater, Wausau. Lead guitarist and composer for the Moody Blues. 7:30 pm. Tickets start at $50. Gazebo Nights at Normal Park: Red Higgins, Lisa Marie and Freedom Train · Thurs. 8/8, Normal Park, Merrill. Classic hits. 6-8 pm. On Facebook Wausau Concert Band · Thurs. 8/8, Marathon Park Band Shell, Wausau. Rain location: Bull Falls. 7 pm. On Facebook Try-It! Night with Jackie Krigbaum · Fri. 8/9, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Evening of fun and creativity in the ceramic studio. Clay and tools provided. 6:30-9 pm. $55. Register:



Central Wis. Military Show · Fri.-Sat. 8/9-10, Motorama Auto Museum, Aniwa. Vehicles, swap meet, vintage guns, re-enactments, raffles, food, camping, kid’s games, pin up contest, live music, more. 8 am. $10, free 12 and under. Natural Dyeing For Beginners Workshop With Jen Triolo · Fri. 8/9, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Basics of natural dyes while focusing on how to mix and blend colors. 11 am-1 pm. $60. Register: Paddle Quest: Rise of the Heroes · Fri.-Sun. 8/9-11, Con & Bob’s Lakeside Bar, Stevens Point. Paddling team based adventure race with game competition, puzzles, navigation and trash collection. Details and register: Outdoor Music: Abby & Luke · Fri. 8/9, Great Dane, Wausau. Country. 6 pm, inside 9 pm if rain. 715-845-3000 Cinema in the Cemetery: Mrs. Doubtfire · Fri. 8/9, Restlawn Memorial Park, Wausau. Outdoor movie on area that will not become burial grounds. 7:30 pm. Free, donations accepted. 715-675-3309 Movies Under the Stars: TBD · Fri. 8/9, Friendship Park, Kronenwetter. Bring a blanket or lawn chair. Concessions available. Movie at dusk. Log Jam Festival · Fri.-Sun. 8/9-11, River Park, Mosinee. Step back in time to celebrate the life of early Wisconsin River settlers. Features historic encampment area, family activities, artisans, local food. More details TBD. Live music Fri.: Feed The Dog, Billy Bronsted & the Loot, Kevin Troestler & Logan Dier; Sat.: Dead Horses, Cicada Rhythm, Barbaro, Noah John & Ringing Iron. Free admission. Downtown Fri. Night: Funkyard Dealer · Fri. 8/9, Wenzel Family Plaza, Marshfield. Boogie. 7-10 pm. $5 donation. On Facebook

On the Hunt for Wild Mushrooms · Sat. 8/10, Nicolet College, Rhinelander. Collect, learn biology and more. Part of Nicolet College’s Outdoor Adventure Series. 9 am-1 pm. $25. Register: Concert in the Clouds: Becky Schlegel with Joe Cruz · Sat. 8/10, Rib Mountain. Singer, songwriter. 6-8 pm. Free, park sticker required for vehicle entry. Outdoor Music: Gerard Fischer · Sat. 8/10, Great Dane, Wausau. Variety. 6 pm, inside 9 pm if rain. 715-845-3000 Jazz on the River: Band TBD · Sun. 8/11, Kickbusch Plaza on river behind library, Wausau. Outdoor jazz concert, lawn chairs and picnic dinners encouraged. Rain location: Daly’s. 5-7 pm. Tuck Pence · Sun. 8/11, Rock Island, Merrill. Variety. 2 pm. 715-536-8560 Dirt to Pot Cooking Series: Arroz con Gandules · Mon. 8/12, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Presented by chef Eric Corbine from WOW. 6-8 pm. $25 members per class, $35 non-members. Garden Gab: Slow Food · Tues. 8/13, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Food preservation with a focus on drying and fermentation. 6 pm. $2 members, $5 non-members. Second Tuesday Concert Series: The Drovers · Tues. 8/13, Walls of Wittenberg Art Park. Bring chairs and picnic. Rain location: WOWSpace. 6 pm. Free. MCPL & POV Movie Night: Farmsteaders · Tues. 8/13, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. Special documentary screening about one family’s journey to resurrect a dairy farm in rural America. 6:30 pm. 715-261-7200 Mobile Skills Crew Trailbuild · Tues.-Sun. 8/13-18, Ice Age Trail Segment, Ringle. No previous experience necessary to create new miles on the trail. 8 am-5 pm. Details and register:, 800-227-0046 Concerts on the Square: Tallymoore · Wed. 8/14, 400 Block, downtown Wausau. Irish folk. Bring a picnic, blanket, lawn chair. No buffet tables, no pets, no smoking. Free. 6-8 pm. Red Hot Chilli Pipers · Thurs. 8/15, Campanile Center, Minocqua. Bagpipes perform fusion of traditional Scottish music and rock anthems. 7 pm. $35 or $49 premium. Howie Mandel · Thurs. 8/15, Lake of the Torches, Lac Du Flambeau. Details TBD. State Park Speedway · Thurs. 8/15, State Park Speedway, Wausau. SLM, Support Divisions & Bandoleros and corn night. 4:30 fan gates open, 7 pm racing begins. Marketplace Thursdays · Thurs. 8/15, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly entertainment during lunch hour in conjunction with market that runs 9 am-2 pm. Performer TBA. Centennial Celebration · Fri.-Sun. 8/16-18, St. Anthony Spirituality Center, Marathon. Self-guided tours, archive display, silent auction, lectures, concerts and more. Fri. 6:30 pm-Sun. 6:30 pm. Details and schedule at Northwoods Film Festival · Fri.-Sat. 8/16-17, Lakeland Cinema 6, Woodruff. Showcases latest and groundbreaking work in independent cinema for Northern Wis. Details TBD. Tickets on sale in July. Check for updates: Disco Cures Cancer · Fri. 8/16, Central Wis. Convention & Expo Center, Rothschild. The popular party by WIFC is back! Dance the night away in disco attire to supports American Cancer Society. 7 pm. $15 advance, $20 at door. Movies in the Park: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs · Fri. 8/16, Pacawa Park, Plover. Movie at dusk. Free. Outdoor Music: Bradley Sperger · Fri. 8/16, Great Dane, Wausau. Variety. 6 pm (if rain indoors 9 pm). 715-845-3000 Downtown Friday Night: Singer Songwriter Showcase · Fri. 8/16, Wenzel Family Plaza, Marshfield. Mackenzie Moore, Maisie Cramer, Aaron Lee Kaplan, Rusalka the Sulky Mermaid. 7-10 pm. $5 donation. On Facebook Elvis, Elvis, Elvis!· Fri. 8/16, North Star Casino, Bowler. Tribute to the king. 8 pm. Tickets start at $20.

Big Bull Falls Blues Fest · Fri.-Sat. 8/16-17, Fern Island Park, Wausau. Blues music, food, fun and beverages. Lineup: Fri. Big Al Dorn (5 pm), Lindsay Beaver (7 pm), Albert Castiglia (9 pm) · Sat. Kevin Burt (1 pm), Nikki Hill (3 pm), Blues Beatles (5 pm), Sugaray Rayford (7 pm), Southern Hospitality (9 pm). 2-day tickets $50 advance, $55 at door; Sat. only $45 in advance, $50 at door; Fri. only $15. Full line-up at Colossal Fossils Open · Sat. 8/17, Colossal Fossils Wausau Center Mall. T. Rex, wooly mammoths, saber-tooth tigers and more with hands-on activities. 10 am-3 pm. $6, $5 senior or military., 715-303-9407 Minocqua Dragon Boat Festival · Sat. 8/17, Torpy Park, Minocqua. Boat races, children’s activities, food, beer, marketplace, more. 8 am. Antique Tractor Show & Truck Pull · Sat. 8/17, Lions Park, Gleason. Competition where trucks and tractors pull heavy sled. 11 am. Free admission. 715-873-4131 Outdoor Music: Broken Arrow Band · Sat 8/17, Great Dane, Wausau. Country rock. 6 pm, inside 9 pm if rain. 715-845-3000 Badger State Games: Bike Polo · Sat.-Sun. 8/17-18, Streets of Wausau, Marathon & Riverside Parks. 3v3 games of 12 minutes. Register by 7/15: Jazz on the River: Band TBD · Sun. 8/18, Kickbusch Plaza on river behind library, Wausau. Outdoor jazz concert, lawn chairs and picnic dinners encouraged. Rain location: Daly’s. 5-7 pm. StripT · Sun. 8/18, Rock Island, Merrill. Acoustic. 2 pm. 715-536-8560 Dirt to Pot Cooking Series: Green Papaya Salad · Mon. 8/19, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Presented by chef Chumpot Ratanawong from Hanuman Express. 6-8 pm. $25 members per class, $35 non-members. Badger State Games: Skateboarding · Sun. 8/18, Third St., downtown Wausau. Co-ed competitions. 3-6 pm. Details:

Central Wisconsin State Fair · Tues.-Sun. 8/20-25, Fair Grounds, Marshfield. Carnival rides, dairy farms, live music, more. Grandstand Entertainment: Tues: Vic Ferrari, Thurs. The Kentucky Headhunters; Fri. Smash Mouth; Sat. All Star Monster Truck Show; Sun. Demo Derby. Day passes $10 adult, $5 child. Details: Unique Landscapes: Hiking Plum Lake Hemlocks State Natural Area and the Trampers Trail · Tues. 8/20, Plum Lake State Natural Area, Sayner. Hike narrow trail along Star Lake, discuss unique natural features. Part of Nicolet College’s Outdoor Adventure Series. 9 am-3 pm. $50. Register: Rent Smart · Tues. 8/20, Marathon Co. Library, Wausau. For those looking to acquire and maintain rental housing. Presented by Get Smart Wausau Coalition. 6-7 pm. Register: 715-847-4140 Aromatherapy and Essential Oils Discussion Group · Wed. 8/21, Marathon Co. Library, Hatley. Learn about aromatherapy, essential oils and natural or homemade health products. 4 pm. 715-446-3537 Art 101: Master Gardener Garden Walk · Wed. 8/21, Woodson Art Museum, Wausau. Join Master Gardeners for plant-life insights while strolling museum grounds. 12:15-1 pm. 715-845-7010 Making A Plan: Budgeting · Wed. 8/21, Barrington Head Start Center, Wausau. Goal setting, budgeting to help make a plan. Presented by Get Smart Wausau Coalition. 9:30-10:30 am. Register: 715-847-4140 Concerts on the Square: Brett Newski & The No Tomorrow · Wed. 8/21, 400 Block, downtown Wausau. Alt, folk, rock. Bring a picnic, blanket, lawn chair. No buffet tables, no pets, no smoking. Free. 6-8 pm. Marketplace Thursdays · Thurs. 8/22, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly entertainment during lunch hour in conjunction with market that runs 9 am-2 pm. Performer TBA.

State Park Speedway: Lodi Memorial · Thurs. 8/22, State Park Speedway, Wausau. SLM, Support Divisions & Bandolero Championships. 4:30 fan gates open, 7 pm racing begins. Gazebo Nights at Normal Park: Dave Steffen Band · Thurs. 8/22, Normal Park, Merrill. Classic rock, blues. 6-8 pm. On Facebook Bluegrass In The Pines · Thurs.-Sat. 8/22-24, Rosholt Fair Park. Non-stop festival with bands from around Wisconsin and the U.S., includes Art Stevenson & High Water, Sloppy Joe, Silver River Band, Noah John & Ringing Iron, more. Thurs. 8 pm; Fri.-Sat. noon-midnight. Thurs.: $10; Fri. & Sat. $20. Details: Black Flag, The Lincutters · Thurs. 8/22, Q&Z Expo Center, Ringle. Punk. 6 pm. $30. Tickets: Outdoor Music: Dave Steffen Band · Fri. 8/23, Great Dane, Wausau. Classic rock. 6 pm, inside 9 pm if rain. 715-845-3000 Downtown Friday Night: First Avenue and Joe G · Fri. 8/23, Wenzel Family Plaza, Marshfield. Acoustic. 7-10 pm. $5 donation. On Facebook WPR’s Old Time Radio Drama Live: There’s Always a Women · Fri. 8/23, Campanile Center, Minocqua. New show features an intrepid detective who gets her way despite all the men who underestimate her. 7 pm. $15 general, $50 premium. Tickets: Edgar Steam Show · Fri.-Sun. 8/23-25, W4255 Hilldale Drive, Edgar. Live music, flea market, demos, Sat. night shark show, Sun. parade, gas tractors, blacksmith shop, sawmill threshing machines, and much more. Gates open 6 am daily. $10 adult daily, $25 weekend pass, free 12 and under. Details and schedule:

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Affordable senior housing options at Forest Park Village in Wausau. Forest Park Village One or two bedroom apartments for independent seniors. Choose the services you want or need. Ask about Independent Plus. The Gardens One of the area’s only certified Resident Care Apartment Complexes (RCAC). More comprehensive care 24 hours a day. Stone Crest Residence This unique Community-Based Residential Facilities (CBRF), focuses on memory care services for those with mid-level or advanced Alzheimer’s and/or dementia.

For individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or other age-related conditions. Open Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Half or full-day rates available. Adult Day Center

For a tour, contact Amy Forst, Director of Operations, 715.845.1214 2019 CITY PAGES SUMMER FUN BOOK






Walk Wisconsin · Sat. 6/1, Pfiffner Park, Stevens Point. Walk a full, 1/2- or 1/4-marathon with entertainment at finish line from 2-6 pm. Check in Fri. 4-8 pm & Sat. 6:30 am-12:30 pm. $40. Run for Their Lives 5K · Sat. 6/1, Immanuel Baptist Church, Wausau. Family and dog friendly 5K and kids activities. 7:30 am registration; 9 am race. $33. Register: Wildflower Walk · Sun. 6/2, Dells of the Eau Claire main parking lot. Nature walk along ice age trail, admire native wildflowers. 1 pm. Friends of Rib Mountain Hike · Sat. 6/8, Rib Mountain, Wausau. Meet at trailhead near concessions building. Distance and route determined by attendees. 10 am. Free, park sticker required for entrance. Hike-A-Thon · Sat. 6/8, Plover River Segment of Ice Age Trail County Hwy. HH, Aniwa. Celebrate National Trails Day and explore Ice Age Trail with 2.6 or 5.7 mile hikes. 9 am-noon. Suggested donation $20 person, $30 family. Walk for Wags · Sun. 6/9, Pfiffner Pioneer Park, Stevens Point. 1.5 mile walk with dogs with pet fashion contest, games, vendors, music and more. Dogs must be on a leash and current on vaccinations. Held rain or shine. 10:30 am registration, 11 am walk. $50. Register: Forrest’s Run · Sat. 6/15, Weston Lanes. 2 or 5 mile run/ walk or team competition. Supports Forrest Goetsch Charities. 9 am race starts. $35. Register: CWOCC Women’s Mountain Bike Weekend · Fri.-Sun. 6/28-30, Nine Mile Forest, Wausau. Women’s only weekend of skills, drills, and trail rides to improve mountain biking experience. Fri. 4 pm optional group ride, 5 pm registration; Sat.-Sun. 8 am. $195. Details and schedule: Minocqua Island Swim Challenge · Sat. 6/29, Torpy Park, Minocqua. One mile out and back open water race. 8:30 am. Register: Firecracker 5K · Thurs. 7/4, River Park, Mosinee. Chipped timed event. 8 am registration, 9 am race. $25, $30 after 6/21. Register: Pow Wow Days 5K & 10K Runs · Thurs. 7/4, Memorial Park, Tomahawk. View banks of the Wis. River, finish on east side of city. 5K and 10K start 8:30 am, fun run starts 9:30 am. $30 for 5K or 10K by 6/26, $35 after. $15/$20 1 mile fun run. Register at Balloon Chase Run the Runway 5K Run/Walk · Sat. 7/13, Wausau Downtown Airport. Hot air balloon set up and launched with 5K run or walk throughout the airport grounds to view balloon and airplanes up close. 7:3011 am. $25, $30 after 7/11. Register:, Point Duathlon · Sat. 7/13 UW-Stevens Point Allen Center Park Lot Q. Two mile run, 16.5 mile bike, and two mile run to the finish. 8:30 am. $35 individual, $25 per person for relay team by 7/1, $40/$30 after, $45/$35 day of. Register: Friends of Rib Mountain Hike · Sat. 7/13, Rib Mountain, Wausau. Meet at trailhead near concessions building. Distance and route determined by attendees. 10 am. Free, park sticker required for entrance. Hope on the 400 Bock: Relay for Life · Fri. 7/19, 400 Block, Wausau. Team fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. Live music by Abby & Luke and MCT: Symphonic Rock Band, food vendors, games, drawings and more. 6-10 pm. Details and register: Bear Cupboard Run · Sat. 7/20, Torpy Park, Minocqua. Half marathon, 5K walk and 1K Cubby Run. Half marathon: $50 by 7/6, $60 after, 7:30 am race · 5K $25 by 7/6, $30 after, 8 am race · Cubby Run $10, 7:45 am. Wausau 24 · Sat.-Sun. 7/27-28, Nine Mile Forest, Wausau. Half Marathon or 10K trail run and mountain biking events. Details and schedule:

Walk for Wags, June 9 at Pioneer Park, Stevens Point

Black Squirrel Scurry Triathlon · Sat. 7/27, Prairie Trails Park, Merrill. 2 mile paddle down Prairie River, 17.5 mile bike on River Bend Trail, 5K run through Merrill Area Rec Complex and Council Grounds State Park or 1 mile fun run. 8:30 am. Register and details: Fun Run for St. Jude · Sat. 7/27, Doepke Park, Rib Mountain. Chip timed 5K and walk and 1K kids inflatable fun run benefits St. Jude Children’s Hospital. 8:30 am. Details and Register: Woodson YMCA Triathlon · Sat. 8/3, Sunny Vale Park, Wausau. Timed race, long and short courses can be completed as 2-3 person relay. 7:30 am-noon. Register: Long course 1000 yard swim, 27 mile bike, 6.2 mile run (ages 16+) · Short course 400 yard swim, 17 mile bike, 3.1 mile run (ages 14+) · Mini: 200 yard swim, 9.2 mile bike, 2 mile run (ages 12+) Relay for Life · Fri. 8/9, Merrill Festival Grounds. Team fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. 5 pm. Details and register: Minocqua Triathlon · Sat. 8/10, Clear Lake Picnic Area, Woodruff. Olympic Distance (1500m swim, 40k bike, 10k run) or Sprint (500m swim, 20k ride, 5k run) individual or relay team. 8 am first wave. $75 single advance, $85 after 7/15. Relay team $125/$140. Register: Friends of Rib Mountain Hike · Sat. 8/10, Rib Mountain, Wausau. Meet at trailhead near concessions building. Distance and route determined by attendees. 10 am. Free, park sticker required for entrance.

Susan G. Koman Race More than Pink Walk (formerly Race for the Cure) · Sun. 8/11, 400 Block, downtown Wausau. Walk supports fight against breast cancer with ceremony. 7:30 am registration, 9 am walk starts. Hustle S’more for Lions Camp · Sat. 8/17, Wisconsin Lions Camp, Rosholt. 5K run or walk, 10K run or 15-mile bike ride, 1 mile donut dash. Supports camp programs for Wis. youth and adults with disabilities. Bike 9 am · 10K 9:30 am · 5K 9:45 am · donut dash 10 am. Donut dash $10, 5K, 10K and 15K bike ride $25 ages 13 and under, $30 ages 14+. Ted’s Trek: 5K Glow Run/Walk · Fri. 8/23, Weston Lanes. Evening 5K run/walk and kids run/walk promotes organ donation. Music by Brad Emmanuel 7-10 pm. Run/walk events 8:30-11 pm. $30 5K, $15 kids run. Register:, Wausau Marathon · Sat. 8/24, Marathon Park, Wausau. Full or half marathon or marathon relay. Marathon: $85 by 7/30, $95 by 8/11 or $100 by 8/21; half marathon: $70/$80/$85; relay: $160/$180/$240. Details and register: Run For the Fallen · Sat. 9/7, Towering Pines Park, Kronenwetter. 5K run/walk, 10K run, 1 mile kid’s run, and 1 mile firefighter challenge. Honors first responders of 9/11. 5K: 10 am. $30 by 9/3, $35 day of; 10K: 9:30 am. $35/$40; 1 Mile Firefighter Challenge: 11:15 am. $25/$30; 1 Mile Kids Run: 9 am. Free. Friends of Rib Mountain Hike · Sat. 9/14, Rib Mountain, Wausau. Meet at trailhead near concessions building. Distance and route determined by attendees. 10 am. Free, park sticker required for entrance.


calendar from 105 WIFC

FREE Classes & Support Groups Mental Health & Advocacy Resources & Workshops



Disco Cures Cancer, Friday, Aug. 16

NA MI.NORTHWOODS@GM AIL .COM BOW Workshop · Fri.-Sun. 8/23-25, Treehaven, Tomahawk. Many workshops over the weekend for Becoming an Outdoor Woman include fishing, shooting, paddling, hiking, archery, Dutch oven cooking, fire-making, wild edibles, hammock camping, more. $399 includes lodging, meals, workshops. Details at Introduction to Slacklining · Fri. 8/23, Almon Park on Buck Lake, Rhinelander. Information, tips and advice for slacklining. Part of Nicolet College’s Outdoor Adventure Series. 5 pm. $20. Register: Retreat for those Left Behind: Suicide · Fri.-Sun. 8/23-25, St. Anthony Spirituality Center, Marathon. Details TBD. Register: Creative Expressions of Spirituality · Fri.-Sun. 8/23-25, St. Anthony Spirituality Center, Marathon. Details TBD. Register: Continuing The Journey: Widowhood Retreat · Sat. 8/24, St. Anthony Spirituality Center, Marathon. Details TBD. Register: Badger State Games: Trail Racing · Sat. 8/24, Underdown Trails, Gleason. Variety of distances including 50K, marathon, half marathon and 10K. Details: Irishfest Central Wis. · Sat. 8/24, Kennedy Park, Weston. Celebrates music, dance and food of Ireland with fireworks, morning bike ride and Rugby Match. Kid activities 2-6 pm, music and dancing 3-11 pm, fireworks at dusk. Entertainment by Rince na Chroi School of Irish Dance, Two Tap Trio, Reilly and Wild Colonial Bhoys. Free admission. Details at Dave Steffen Band · Sat. 8/24, Rock Island, Merrill. Rock, blues. 7 pm. 715-536-8560 Outdoor Music: 49 Deluxe · Sat. 8/24, Great Dane, Wausau. Classic rock, country. variety. 6 pm, inside 9 pm if rain. 715-845-3000 Dog-Gone Real Pool Party · Sun. 8/25, Memorial Pool, Wausau. Dogs (10+ lbs) have pool party when swim season is over. Dogs must have proof of current vaccinations. One dog per adult, dog must be leashed until it enters pool fence. For ages 13+. 12:45-2:45 pm or 3-5 pm. $10. 715-261-1550

Scott Kirby · Sun. 8/25, Rock Island, Merrill. Acoustic variety. 2 pm. 715-536-8560 Jazz on the River: Band TBD · Sun. 8/25, Kickbusch Plaza on river behind library, Wausau. Outdoor jazz concert, lawn chairs and picnic dinners encouraged. Rain location: Daly’s. 5-7 pm. Dirt to Pot Cooking Series: Jambalaya Pasta · Mon. 8/26, Monk Gardens, Wausau. By David Thorio from Thrive. 6-8 pm. $25 members, $35 non-members. Gazebo Nights at Normal Park: Copper Box · Thurs. 8/29, Normal Park, Merrill. Zydeco, country, classic rock, polka. 6-8 pm. On Facebook State Park Speedway: Fighting Cancer Full Throttle Championship Night · Thurs. 8/29, State Park Speedway, Wausau. SLM & Support Divisions. 4:30 fan gates open, 7 pm racing begins. Marketplace Thursdays · Thurs. 8/29, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly entertainment during lunch hour in conjunction with market that runs 9 am-2 pm. Performer TBA. Jackpine Jamboree · Thurs.-Mon. 8/29-9/1, Wildlife C ampground, Birnamwood. Bluegrass fest with music from Sloppy Joe, Tuck Pence, Yankee Coalition and two nights of Horseshoes & Hand Grenades. Details TBD. LincCon · Fri.-Sun. 8/30-9/1, Les & Jim’s Lincoln Lanes, Merrill. Comic book themed gaming event with retro and current games, vendors and more. Fri. 10 am-1 am; Sat. 10 am-2 am; Sun. 10 am-10 pm. Outdoor Music: First Ave · Fri. 8/30, Great Dane, Wausau. Acoustic variety. 6 pm, inside 9 pm if rain. 715-845-3000 Tool Time: Liquid Glass Acrylic Pour Sampler With Val Berkely · Sat. 8/31, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. Create agatelike pattern. 10:30 am-noon. $45. Register: Tool Time: Oil + Cold Wax Workshop With Val Berkely · Sat. 8/31, Center for the Visual Arts, Wausau. 1-3 pm. $45. Register: Outdoor Music: Doug Kroening · Sat. 8/31, Great Dane, Wausau. Acoustic variety. 6 pm, inside 9 pm if rain. 715-845-3000

continues on 108


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calendar from 107

SEPTEMBER Wine & Barley and Rib Festival · Sun. 9/1, Willow Springs, Wausau. Wine samples, local cheeses, wine education, crafts, vineyard tour, beer, ribs, live music. 10 am-6 pm. Winchester · Sun. 9/1, Rock Island, Merrill. Acoustic. 2 pm. 715-536-8560 Outdoor Music: Copper Box · Sun. 9/1, Great Dane, Wausau. Americana rock. 6 pm, inside 9 pm if rain. 715-845-3000 Tractor Pull · Mon. 9/2, Willow Springs, Wausau. Watch pulls with a kids play area. Food and beverages available. Bring lawn chairs. 9 am-6 pm. Mark Wayne · Mon. 9/2, Rock Island, Merrill. Acoustic country, rock, variety. 2 pm. 715-536-8560 Marketplace Thursdays · Thurs. 9/5, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly entertainment during lunch hour in conjunction with market that runs 9 am-2 pm. Performer TBA. Art Lives Here · Thurs.-Sun. 9/5-8, downtown’s Wausau River District. Watch as dozens of artists work to create murals during street art competition. Downtown Fri. Night: DJ Troy Purkis · Fri. 9/6, Wenzel Family Plaza, Marshfield. 7-10 pm. $5 donation. On Facebook Wild Game Cooking · Sat. 9/7, Nicolet College, Rhinelander. Make dishes with everything from grouse to dove & pheasant to venison. Nicolet College’s Outdoor Adventure Series. Noon-3 pm. $40. Register: How to Find and Hunt Grouse · Sat. 9/7, Nicolet College, Rhinelander. Best places to find grouse, what to look for in habitat, safety and more. Part of Nicolet College’s Outdoor Adventure Series. 9-11 am. $20. Register: Wausau Concert Band · Sat. 9/7, 400 block, downtown Wausau. 10 am. On Facebook Tractor and Truck Pull · Sat. 9/7, Lions Park, Gleason. Competition where trucks and tractors pull heavy sled. 11 am. Free admission. 715-873-4131 Artrageous Weekend · Sat.-Sun. 9/7-8. Wausau. City-wide festival at four locations. Free shuttles to all: Art in the Park at Marathon Park. Features affordable arts & crafts from over 120 exhibitors. Art demos, food, kids activities and more. Sat. 9 am-5 pm; Sun. 9 am-4 pm. Festival of Arts, downtown Wausau. Fine art from 120+ juried artists, food vendors, music, children’s activities. Sat. 10 am-5 pm; Sun. 10 am-4 pm. Center for the Visual Arts, view fine art exhibits, visit gift shop. Sat. 10 am-5 pm; Sun. 10 am-4 pm. Birds in Art at the Woodson Art Museum. Opening weekend of this acclaimed annual exhibit of art from all over the world. Meet, greet & enjoy demos from artists. Sat. 9 am-5 pm; Sun. 10 am-5 pm. Art World · Sat.-Sun. 9/7-8, Marathon Park, Wausau. Four building with hundreds of arts and craft vendors. Sat. 9 am5 pm; Sun. 9 am-4 pm. Dirt to Pot Cooking Series: In Season Cooking · Mon. 9/9, Monk Gardens, Wausau. A Spanish dish presented by Nate Bychinski from Red Eye Brewing Co. 6-8 pm. $25 members per class, $35 non-members. Marketplace Thursdays · Thurs. 9/12, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly entertainment during lunch hour in conjunction with market that runs 9 am-2 pm. Performer TBA. Stayin’ Alive: The World’s #1 Tribute to The Bee Gees · Fri. 9/13, Grand Theater, Wausau. Songs and sights of a full Bee Gees playlist. 7:30 pm. Tickets start at $25.



Rince na Chroi School of Irish Dance, Irishfest Central Wisconsin Aug. 24

Downtown Fri. Night: Soul Whiskey and Christy Anna · Fri. 9/13, Wenzel Family Plaza, Marshfield. Country. 7-10 pm. $5 donation. On Facebook Dirt to Pot Cooking Series: Hmong Eggrolls · Mon. 9/16, Monk Gardens, Wausau. Presented by Paj Ntshua Nplaom. 6-8 pm. $25 members per class, $35 non-members. Prepping the Garden for Winter · Tues. 9/17, Marathon Co. Library, Mosinee. Steps to get garden ready for cold winter months. 12:30 pm. 715-693-2144 Making A Plan: Budgeting · Wed. 9/18, Barrington Head Start Center, Wausau. Goal setting, budgeting to help make a plan. Presented by Get Smart Wausau Coalition. 9:30-10:30 am. Register: 715-847-4140 Aromatherapy and Essential Oils Discussion Group · Wed. 9/18, Marathon Co. Library, Hatley. Learn about aromatherapy, essential oils and natural or homemade health products. 4 pm. 715-446-3537 Using Credit Wisely · Wed. 9/18, Barrington Head Start Center, Wausau. Tips to improve credit score, protect and rebuild credit report. Presented by Get Smart Wausau Coalition. R10:30-11:30 am. Register: 715-847-4140 Marketplace Thursdays · Thurs. 9/19, 400 block, downtown Wausau. Family friendly entertainment during lunch hour in conjunction with market that runs 9 am-2 pm. Performer TBA. Downtown Fri. Night: Singer Songwriter Showcase · Fri. 9/20, Wenzel Family Plaza, Marshfield. Doug Kroening, Dustin Reuter, Caleb Delaney, Johnny Durango. 7-10 pm. $5 donation. On Facebook Babblers Bike Fest · Fri.-Sat. 9/20-21, Stevens Point. Familyfriendly fest with vendor fair, , bike demos, kids’ bike decorated parade, music, games and more. Details and schedule: State Park Speedway · Sat. 9/21, State Park Speedway, Wausau. Eve of Devastation. 3:30 fan gates open, 6 pm racing begins.

Grand Prix of Wisconsin North American Championship · Sat.-Sun. 9/21-22, Bluegill Bay Park, Rib Mountain. See tunnel hull catamaran powerboat races, the fastest, most agile boats in the world. Noon-5 pm. Free admission. Beer & Bacon Fest · Sat. 9/21, Fern Island Park, Wausau. Beer and bacon vendors, with live musc. Must be 21+. 1-4:30 pm. $30 by 7/10, $35 by 9/22 or $40 at gate. History Speaks: Women Leaders of Marathon Co. · Sat. 9/21, Woodson History Center, Wausau. With Christine Kadonsky. 2 pm. 715-842-5750 Impressions of Point · Sat. 9/21, Stevens Point Sculpture Park. Unveiling of new sculptures with refreshments and music. 5-7 pm. Free. Voices From the Past: A Discovery Walk through Pine Grove Cemetery · Sun. 9/22, Pine Grove Cemetery, Wausau. Costumed re-enactors tell stories from local history. Tours start at 11 am with last tour leaving at 2 pm. 715-842-5750 Project North Festival · Thurs.-Sat. 9/26-28, downtown Rhinelander. Multi-stage festival with downtown art walk and Fri.-Sat. sustainability fair. Presented by Rhinelander Area Chamber of Commerce, ArtStart Rhinelander, WXPR Public Radio, and Nicolet College. Music: Thurs: Kind Country, Dig Deep; Fri. Shook Twins, Reina Del Cid, Armchair Boogie, Radio Church, Wurk; Sat. Bad Bad Hats, McNasty Brass Band, Humbird, Purple Funk Metropolis, Wurk. Details at Downtown Friday Night: Clinton Miller and Tedmund Merwin · Fri. 9/27, Wenzel Family Plaza, Marshfield. Acoustic. 7-10 pm. $5 donation. On Facebook Exhibitour · Sat. 9/28, Third St., downtown Wausau. Local art, music, businesses and wine. 5:30-8 pm. Ticket cost TBD. ■









Brass Differential




Charles Walker Band NEO-FUNK AND BLUES



Johnny & the MoTones BLUESY ROOTS ROCK

Kari Lynch



The Last Bees LOW-FI POP


The Dang-It’s








Copper Box


Chicken Wire Empire






Brett Newski & The No Tomorrow




Tundraland • Findorff • Habush, Habush & Rottier • Eye Clinic of WI • 3M • Kocourek • Associated Bank Midwest Communications • Linetec • Gander Outdoors



STAFF Publisher & Editor Tammy Stezenski, Reporter B.C. Kowalski, Sales & Marketing Manager Anna Moua, General Manager/Big Guide Kayla Zastrow, Production Coordinator & Layout Designer Alex Eichten, Advertising Graphic Artist Colette Fritz, Classified Executive Linda Weltzen, Advertising Executives Lisa Lanier, Jake Mizgalski, Letters to the Editor We want to know what you think! Email to or mail to: City Pages, P.O. Box 942 Wausau, WI 54402-0942 Include your name, address and phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity or length.



BOOK 2019

City Pages is a locally owned and operated independent weekly, published Thursdays, serving the Central Wisconsin area. The publication City Pages is the property of City Pages, Inc. and is available free for its intended use — to read. Tampering with the publication for any other purpose is not permitted. ©2018 City Pages, Inc. All rights reserved.

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AD DIRECTORY Entertainment / Education

Shopping / Grocery

Blades & Boards....................................................... 40 Center for the Visual Arts......................................... 29 Central Wisconsin Children’s Theatre...............43 & 45 Concerts on the Square.......................................... 109 Drum & Bugle........................................................... 34 Event in Bevent – St. Ladislaus................................. 43 Ho-Chunk Gaming Wittenberg............................... 101 IFLEED Institute of Math & Science.......................... 37 IronBull..................................................................... 67 Lake of the Torches Resort Casino............................ 61 Madeline Island Chamber........................................ 19 Marathon County Historical Society ........................ 36 MC Parks – Wausau Pools........................................ 42 Monk Botanical Gardens.......................................... 37 Montessori School of Wausau.................................. 30 Northwoods Zip Line............................................... 47 Northwoods Art Tour................................................ 69 PAF............................................................................ 86 Rothschild / Schofield Aquatic Center...................... 24 UWSP – Wausau Continuing Ed................................ 31 Wausau/Central Wisconsin CVB............................... 85 Wausau Conservatory of Music................................ 32 Wausau Events.................................................56 & 57 Wausau Urban Community Gardens.......................... 6 Weston Aquatic Center............................................ 35 Willow Springs Garden............................................. 41 Woodson Art Museum........................................... 103 YMCA Wausau.......................................................... 33

Campbell Haines....................................................... 93 Crossroads County Market....................................... 65 Downtown Grocery …............................................... 11 Evolutions in Design................................................. 77 Hemp Etc.................................................................. 73 Isaac’s Fine Apparel & Accessories........................... 83 Merle Norman.......................................................... 91 Mike’s Berries............................................................. 9 Nicole’s Boutique...................................................... 51 Nueske’s Applewood Smoked Meats....................... 51 Pearl Luvs Earl.......................................................... 99 Rose & Bubba’s......................................................... 11 St. Vincent De Paul …................................................ 25 Sunset Hollow Ranch................................................ 17 Sweets on 3rd........................................................... 45 Townline Market....................................................... 13 Wausau Farmers Market.......................................... 13 Weston Farmers Market........................................... 11 Wausau River District.......................................48 & 49 Your CBD Store......................................................... 68 Zillman’s Meat Market.............................................. 89

Restaurants / Coffee Shops / Bars Basil.......................................................................... 91 Becca’s...................................................................... 84 Carmelo’s.................................................................. 55 City Grill.................................................................... 79 Downtown Grocery.................................................. 11 Eagle’s Nest Restaurant............................................ 24 El Mezcal Restaurant................................................ 59 Jalapeno’s Mexican Restaurante.............................. 86 Loading Zone Restaurant.......................................... 96 Loppnow’s Bar........................................................ 107 Malarkey’s Pub......................................................... 93 Homestead Inn......................................................... 95 Mosinee Brewing Company..................................... 81 Nueskes at Gulliver’s Landing................................... 23 Peking Restaurant..................................................... 15 Patina....................................................................... 26 Pho Zone.................................................................. 27 Red Eye Brewing....................................................... 26 Sconni’s Alehouse & Eatery...................................... 74 Sweets on 3rd … ...................................................... 45 Townies Grill … ........................................................ 93 Tri-City Family Restaurant....................................... 103 Wausau Labor Temple (LT Club)............................... 55

Services Amaximmo Real Estate............................................. 21 Aspirus........................................................................ 2 Boys & Girls Club …................................................... 45 Brickner’s of Wausau................................................ 60 Bridge Community Health Clinic............................... 40 Campbell Haines....................................................... 93 Central Wisconsin Airport.......................................... 3 Cheryl’s Framing & Gallery...................................... 51 Coldwell Banker Action Realty.................................. 39 CoVantage Credit Union........................................... 63 CS Health for Life ….................................................. 79 Dayspring Health Spa............................................... 91 ENT & Allergy Associates.......................................... 29 Exit Midstate Realty.................................................. 76 Eye Clinic of Wisconsin............................................. 23 Fabiano Brothers...................................................... 27 H & R Block............................................................... 73 Homme Homes / Forest Park Village...................... 105 Hot Waters Spa......................................................... 73 Hsu’s Growing Supply................................................. 9 Inspired by Design.................................................... 75 Island Place Apartments........................................... 53 Jefferson Street Inn.................................................. 87 Jennison Travel........................................................... 9 NAMI Northwoods................................................. 107 North Central Healthcare......................................... 41 Olson Tire & Auto Service........................................... 4 ReviDESIGN............................................................. 112 Rondele Ranch.......................................................... 20 Sport & Spine Physical Therapy.................................. 5 St. Paul’s United Church of Christ............................. 97 St Vincent de Paul ................................................... 25 Travel Leaders........................................................... 17 Utech’s Berries......................................................... 13 Verve Salon/Spa....................................................... 73 Wausau Comprehensive Treatment Ctr................. 111 Wooster’s Garage..................................................... 20

Wausau Comprehensive Treatment Center Opiod Use Disorder Program

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210 Washington Street, Wausau, WI 54403


“I don’t care who you are or what you’ve done, anyone who chooses recovery over addiction is a warrior in my book” - Anonymous 2019 CITY PAGES SUMMER FUN BOOK


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