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Membership Application and Consent Form The Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP)is a not-for-profit company registered in the UK. The aims of the NSWPare to: • Provide practical information and opportunities for information sharing among organisations and projects, which provide services to men, transgenders and women who work in the sex industry. • Raiseawarenessof the health and welfare needs of sex workers. • Advocate at regional and global level for policies and action, which further the human rights of sex workers. • Develop and maintain links between service providers, sex worker organisations and relevant international institutions and agencies. • Facilitate opportunities for the voices of sex workers to be heard in relevant international forums. [name of organisation] wishes to apply for membership of the Global Network of Sex Work Projects Limited subject to the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company. The person authorised to make this application on behalf of [name of organisation] is [name of individual] . [name of individual] confirms that [name of organisation] agreeswith the aims of the NSWPand confirms its commitment to NSWP’score values: • Acceptance of sex work as work • Opposition of criminalisation of sex work • Supporting self-organising and self-determination of sex workers [name of organisation] agrees • to be bound by the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the NSWP • to comply with NSWPmembers code of conduct, and other rules and procedures for ethical conduct, confidentiality and transparency • to contribute up to one British pound to payment of any debts the NSWPhas in the event of it being wound up Pleaseenter our organisation in the Register of Members as a full member with voting rights (sex worker- led organisations only ) a supporter without voting rights a member of the following region: Africa Latin America

Asia/Pacific North America

Europe Global

We agree, under the provisions of the Companies Act 2006, to NSWP'srequest to send or supply documents or information to us, as a member of NSWP,in electronic form and/or on the NSWPwebsite. Our email addressis: [email address] secretariat@nswp.org | +44131 553 2555 | www.nswp.org NSWP| 72 Newhaven Road | Edinburgh EH6 5QG| Scotland UK NSWPis a private not-for-profit limited company. Company Number SC349355

Yours faithfully,       Signature: ....................................................................... (authorised individual) Date: [dd-mm-yyyy] On Behalf of [name of organisation] Return signed hard copies with organisational contact details and profile by post to NSWP,72 Newhaven Road, Edinburgh EH65QG,Scotland UK, or scan or take a photo of the signed copies and send by email to membership@nswp.org


Organisational Contact Details for NSWP membership records Organisation: [name of organisation] Address: [address] City: [city/town] Postcode: [postcode] State/region: [state/region] Country: [country] Telephone: [telephone number] Email: [organisational email address] Website: [website address] Main contact person: [name] Email: [contact person email address] Telephone: [telephone number]

Second contact person: [name] Email: [contact person email address] Telephone: [telephone number]

Third contact person: [name] Email: [contact person email address] Telephone: [telephone number]


Members Organisational Profile Organisation : [name of organisation] City : [city/town] Country: [country] Website : [website address] Email : [organisational email address] If your organisation is accepted as a member or supporter of NSWPyou can chooseto have your organisational profile on the public or the members only section of the NSWPwebsite. Pleasekeep in mind that any information on the internet, even when password protected, may be accessedby hackers. Do not give information that might harm your organisation if it becomespublic. We wish our profile to be on the public NSWPwebsite We wish our profile to be on the members only section of the NSWPwebsite Who do you work with? (Maximum 50 words) [describe who you work with - female, male and transgender sex workers, clients, managers, partners and children of sex workers?]

How are sex workers involved in your organisation? (Maximum 50 words) [describe how sex workers are involved in your organisation]

Which of NSWP priority areas does your organisation work on? Opposethe criminalisation and other legal oppression of sex work and support its recognition as work Critique the trafficking paradigm that conflates representations of sex work, migration, and mobility Advocate for universal accessto health services, including primary health care, HIV and sexual and reproductive health services Speak out about violence against sex workers, including violence from police, institutions, clients, and intimate partners, while challenging the myth that sex work is inherently violence against women Opposehuman rights abuses,including coercive programming, mandatory testing, raids and forced rehabilitation Challenge stigma and discrimination against sex workers, their families and partners, and others involved in sex work Advocate for the economic empowerment and social inclusion of sex workers as sex workers

What are the two main challenge that the sex workers you work with face? (Maximum 100 words) [describe the main challenge sex workers face in your area]


Describe other areas of your work (Maximum 50 words) [describe other areas of your organisations work that you want included in your profile]


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